lxxi. farewell, hogwarts
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June 15, 1999
"Ginny, it's time to go. It's graduation day." Hermione giggled at the sight of her roommate sprawled in bed. Ginny asked Hermione to wake her up in time for their graduation, but the task was harder than she expected for Ginny slept like a log. Then, she thought of something that made her grin. "Ginny, if you don't get up right now, I'll tell Jem who broke her knitting needles last month and the month after that. The Hufflepuff Common Room is just β"
"I'M UP, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING!" Ginny yelled and got out of bed immediately, running to the bathrooms and making Hermione laugh.
It was her final day as a Hogwarts student, and it was unfamiliar and strange at first to Hermione to be at the school after everything that happened. She didn't have Harry and Ron with her, she could talk easily to anyone regardless of house, and her life wasn't really in trouble anymore! Aside from that, she had attained her N.E.W.T.s and finished at the top of her class, not that anyone doubted she would. She successfully pitched a project to the Ministry regarding S.P.E.W., and she was going to start work in a month at a high position in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.
She also set time aside for her friends. She didn't miss a meeting unless she was really busy. She would often go to Hog's Head to meet up with Aberforth and Ariana during the weekends, and she would be with her parents and Fawkes during the holidays. So, yeah, life was doing good for Hermione. She could honestly say she was happy right now. She was incomplete but happy. It had been a year since Deanna was gone, and she still missed her. She still loved her, a second chance at love not really an option for her, but she was living like Deanna wanted. She was keeping her promise to Deanna to live her life, and she must say it was one of the best decisions she made in her life.
Hermione took one last look at the room that was her home, everything was packed and clean. The room was ready for the next students to stay. With only her wand and a book in hand, Hermione knocked on the bathroom door to let Ginny know she was going. "Gin, I'm going."
"Yeah, see you. Thanks for waking me up." Ginny shouted out from inside.
Hermione shook her head with a smile before she finally left, going down the stairs and passing by the Common Room where she spent a great deal of her time in Hogwarts. Oh, the plans and stories she, Harry and Ron made while they were there. Then, she went out of the entrance and smiled at the Fat Lady, remembering how the portrait caught Deanna kissing her on the cheek back in their fifth year. Oh, she missed those days.
"Hello, dear lady." Hermione greeted her with a smile.
"Graduating, are you, dear?" The Fat Lady asked, and when Hermione nodded, a warm smile formed on the portrait's lips. "Well, I wish you luck in the next chapters of your life."
"Thank you." Hermione sent her one last smile before she continued on her way down the stairs and towards the one place she frequented more than the library this year. A place Hermione considered her sanctuary here in Hogwarts. Hermione tickled the pear, and her smile grew when she saw the little house-elves staring back at her. "Hello."
"Lady Granger!" The house-elves greeted her with smiles and happy faces, making Hermione beam at them when she saw they were wearing the sweaters she knitted and charmed with warming spells. It was a good thing to see that they were making progress with making lives better for the house-elves. She never thought she'd see the day that they would warm up to her, but Deanna and her persistence softened up their hearts and let them know Hermione was sincere in helping them.
"Will you be eating here, Miss Granger?" Dobby asked.
"If you guys don't mind. I'd like to read a book too. It's peaceful here." Hermione grinned when they agreed excitedly and sat down at the couch where she and Deanna once sat at while talking about their future with their 3 children as they sat by the fire.
"Thank you, Dobby." Hermione sent a smile at the house-elf who placed a plate of bacon, eggs and bread in front of Hermione. He beamed before leaving the Gryffindor alone to read Beauty and the Beast as she ate.
As much as she wanted to join everyone else in the Great Hall for their last meal, she was fine here. She enjoyed being with the house-elves who thankfully enjoyed her company too. Also, this place... This place was the only place in the world where she could think of Deanna without wanting to cry or without feeling sad. She was just at peace, thinking of Deanna and the memories they made here together.
When Hermione finished her book and her food, she checked the time and knew she had to go soon. The ceremony was starting soon, and she spent more time than she thought she would at the kitchens. Hermione stood up and smiled at the house-elves. "I think I need to go. You guys, take care of yourselves, okay? I'll see you soon."
"See you, Miss Hermione."
"Congratulations, Lady Granger."
The house-elves simultaneously greeted and bowed to her, they owed a lot to Hermione who just sent them a smile and bowed her head in return. The Muggleborn remembered what Deanna said about the house-elves. Keep it slow, and that was what she did. She slowly gained the house-elves' trust by changing the way she approached them. She became gentle and subtle instead of forcing them to open their eyes like she did before. That's why they were warm to her now.
"Thank you." Hermione smiled at them before she continued on her way out. She needed to go to the Black Lake for the ceremony. However, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed Pansy Parkinson at the entrance. The Slytherin looked as if she was waiting for someone. "Pansy?"
Pansy turned around at the call of her name, and a small smile came onto her face to see Hermione. "Yes, Granger?"
The two of them were civil (they just didn't want to admit that they were actually friends). It was funny to see how the two girls who once were both romantically attracted to Deanna were now two girls who looked out for each other.
"Are you here for Astoria?"
"Yeah, Daph went to get her stuff before we go and wait for her in Hogwarts Express."
"Err, I see..." Hermione awkwardly looked down before smiling and lifting her head when she remembered something. "Oh, congratulations by the way! I heard you and Daphne got engaged."
That made a soft smile come on Pansy's face, Hermione surprised at the sight she never thought she would see. "Thank you. I can't believe we're getting married in November. We'll be sending out invitations in August, but you'll come, right? No negotiations."
Hermione's eyes softened, touched at how she wanted Hermione to come to her wedding before she nodded. "I'd love to, Pansy. Thank you... and I'm happy for you two."
"Well, I'm happy for you too... Hermione." Pansy smiled and held her hand out which made Hermione laugh before she shook Pansy's hand. Perhaps this was now their affirmation that they were progressing from being civil to being friends. Then, they heard the sound of the horns, signaling the ceremony was starting soon. "You should go. We'll see you around."
"Thanks, Pansy, I'll see you guys around." Hermione sent a sincere smile at the Slytherin before she turned to leave. There were many people getting married around them, and of course, she was genuinely happy for them. She wasn't bitter anymore like she used to be when she saw a couple. It lightened her heart to know that the world was filled with love. Like the world Deanna had always wanted.
Soon, Hermione arrived at the Black Lake and sent smiles at the Nosebusters and the other students she came across before she went to her spot at the front as the top student of their year. This was it... She was really ending her Hogwarts journey today. More students came and some even came to her to have some small talk.
Seeing that everyone settled down and was now there, Headmistress Minerva McGonagall went in front of the boats and started her speech, a proud smile on her face for this batch of students that had gone through so much.
"7 to 8 years ago, you were wee wizards and witches with no idea of the direction your life was going to take." Minerva smiled at each and every one of them. It made Hermione smile when she saw the Headmistress's smile grow as Minerva's eyes fell on her. "Now, your 7 years in Hogwarts has concluded, and despite how you've all gone through so much in the past few years, I am proud to say that you have all grown to be the wizards and witches of our age. You will only go further from here and do the things you want to do in this life."
"However, even as you grow older, remember. From then until now, you will be Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs. Help will always be given to Hogwarts to those who deserve it. The doors of Hogwarts will always be open to you."
They could've sworn they saw tears in her eyes... A lot of the students were in tears too. It was not easy for them to say goodbye to Hogwarts that was their home for the past 7 years. Hogwarts was always open to them, they had no doubt about that, but it was time for them to go and take their next steps towards the future and their lives beyond Hogwarts.
Hermione had a sad smile on her face. After this, she was now officially an adult. She could no longer stay in the comfort of Hogwarts. But it also meant a new beginning for them all. It was the beginning of a new journey and it also meant it was her time to change the world. She was going to be a Ministry official and help Muggleborns, house-elves and all wizards and witches. She was going to reach her dream.
Minerva cleared her throat and looked at them with a happy smile once more. "Go forth, students of Hogwarts, wizards and witches... As you ride these boats that brought you here, you will soon ride new waves that may bring you challenges and happiness. Do not fear, and just ride them. Do as you've always done. You will do well... So, now, let us all stand and sing for one more time. Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, led by Peeves, Myrtle and the House Ghosts!"
Everyone stood up and smiled at Minerva while the ghosts and Peeves came from behind her with smiles on their faces. They would miss their students.
Sir Nicholas cleared his throat and signaled to his fellow ghosts. "Ready? One, two... one, two, three go..."
Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please,
Whether we be old and bald,
Or young with scabby knees,
Our heads could do with filling,
With some interesting stuff,
For now they're bare and full of air,
Dead flies and bits of fluff,
So teach us things worth knowing,
Bring back what we've forgot,
Just do your best, we'll do the rest,
And learn until our brains all rot.
They sang it in a mix of cheerful voices, grumbles, wailings and cackles, and all the students sang with them with some having tears run down their faces and others huge smiles. Hermione was one of those who smiled widely for the song let her feel once more the spirit of Hogwarts. She may not be able to come here much, but she knew the comfort Hogwarts brought her will be with her even after graduation.
As the song ended, Minerva stepped aside and motioned to the boats. "Thank you, Class of 1999. Move forward and keep the spirit of Hogwarts in you even as you go on your paths."
Hermione smiled at everyone before she moved first, going to the professors who were waiting to shake the students' hands at the side. She would miss the Professors dearly for all they had done for her. She shook hands with all of them, thanking them for everything.
"Oh, we will be anticipating what you will do in the world, Miss Granger." Pomona smiled and squeezed her hands. "You've done amazing."
"Thank you, Professor." Hermione sent a smile at Pomona before she went to Minerva who she shook hands with. "It's been a pleasure to study under your guidance, Professor McGonagall. Thank you for everything."
"The pleasure is mine, Miss Granger. I am sure you will do great things." Minerva patted her on the shoulder before letting her go to the last professor who was more like a friend to Hermione.
"Hagrid, thank you for everything. I couldn't have done it without you." Hermione hugged their half-giant friend who had tears in his eyes at the thought that the last member of the Golden Trio was finally graduating today. They grew up so fast.
"Oh, we're all so proud of you, Hermione." Hagrid lifted the Muggleborn who let out a laugh at the sudden action. "Dee is so proud of you."
"Thank you, Hagrid." Hermione's eyes softened at the mention of her lover and she squeezed Hagrid's hands one more time. "I'll see you later, thank you."
Hermione moved to board a boat with a smile on her face. She hoped she would be great as everyone hoped she would, she hoped she would make them all proud, and most of all, she hoped Deanna would be happy and proud to see her like this.
As the boat she was in was soon filled with other students and moved, Hermione took one last look at Hogwarts and smiled. The place where she and Deanna had so many moments together, where they got together and where they finally parted. Hogwarts was a place of good and bad memories for her, but the good always outweighed the bad. Deanna always outweighed all the pain, and that was enough to leave a smile on Hermione's face the entire time, from when she got off the boats to her last journey in the Hogwarts Express.
As they arrived at Platform 9 ΒΎ, the Muggleborn took her luggage and looked at the compartment one last time with a wistful smile. Hogwarts where she had the best and worst moments of her life, her journey has now ended. With one last grin, Hermione went out while holding her luggage. Goodbye, Hogwarts. Hello to the future.
"Here, love!"
Hermione smiled when she heard their calls for her. They were all there. Her parents, the Edmontons, the Knights, Augusta Longbottom, Xenophilius Lovegood, Sirius, Remus and Teddy Lupin-Black and a pregnant Ria and Tonks, the Weasleys, Harry and Ron. To her surprise, even Aberforth was there. The smile grew on Hermione's face as she went to meet them. Deanna left her, but she left her with tons of people who would love and be there for her through everything. That was enough for her.
'I'm living now, love, and I'm keeping the promises I made. I hope you are proud and will continue to be proud of me. Even if I tell you to rest, you still wouldn't. So, stay with me, Deanna... until the day we meet again.'
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"There is nothing we can do..."
"So, are we just going to let her be? After everything?"
"You don't β "
"Five years is enough. She has suffered too much already! Isn't it time for her to finally love again?"
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In a place of snow, the girl was walking endlessly, waiting for the day she could finally meet her lover again. She did not have an idea of the passage of time. She had no idea of what happened in the world although everyone thought she was watching over them. There was nothing in sight but snow where she was.
This was the consequence of her choice of not accepting the deities' offer of having a peaceful life in the afterlife. For love, she chose to remain in the eternal cold, neither dead nor alive. She had no need for food and water. Those things were useless where she was. The only things that bothered her there were the cold and exhaustion. She was shivering and freezing. She couldn't even move a step without feeling pain all over her body. Giving up was not an option no matter how much she was tempted to take its offer. She made a promise, she was going to keep it even if it meant being a human popsicle.
She persisted, the pendant in her hand being the strength and warmth that kept her going all this time. The only thing that was driving her to continue on this hopeless and impossible journey was the thought of meeting her lover again. One day. For the phoenix who hated the cold, the pendant from her lover kept her fire going. Despite the many times her knees gave out and her exhaustion took over her, she would get up the next day and walk again.
But no matter how strong her will and heart were, the body will always have its limits. Especially for someone who was neither dead nor alive. And for the nth time, she fell onto the snow, shivering and shaking from being too long in the cold. She felt her eyelids getting heavy and fought back the urge to sleep. No, no, no. She can't.
In the entire time she was there, she never surrendered to sleep or exhaustion. She would only sleep of her own accord, not because she couldn't anymore. Her hand clutching the pendant tightly, she tried to get up again, but she found herself unable to move. No, she had a promise to keep. She needed to see Hermione again. But no matter how hard she tried, her body had reached its limit and this was it for her...
Tears escaped her eyes for the first time since she had come to this place. In the entire time she had been there, it was the first time she felt despaired. This was the first time she felt like giving up. Even if she didn't want to, her body was saying another story. It felt like the entire world was against her and Hermione's love. But she couldn't blame anyone because she chose this. She chose to come here to meet Hermione again one day. But she lost that chance. She lost the battle.
'I'm sorry, love. I tried, but I can't keep my promise.'
Deanna Dumbledore's eyes finally closed and she surrendered herself to the exhaustion. One last tear fell from her eye for the thought that this was the end and she was never going to see Hermione again. Deanna had one last thought in mind before finally letting herself rest.
'I love you, Hermione Granger.'
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