xxii. the salvation's sacrifice
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Jemina, Fred, Ria and Remus were laughing loudly with each other at a story Remus told about one of his stunts with the Marauders back in Hogwarts, making the hair of the Slytherins who bullied younger Gryffindors turn red and gold.
They were sitting in the Great Hall, surrounded by all the others who died. They were patiently waiting for someone to come and tell them what was going to happen. As they've said, the only good thing that their deaths brought was that they'd be able to meet with the people they've lost. Jemina did miss her family, and she wanted to talk to them and hug them again. While they were waiting, they just talked and shared laughs and smiles in their conversations.
"Hey, I wonder if we'll be able to meet Death." Fred suddenly said. "I'd like to ask him if he's up for a wrestling match."
"Well, you're already dead so be my guest." Ria answered with a chuckle, making them all laugh once more. Then, they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps becoming louder, surprising them. Did another one die?
"Maybe, Death heard you, Fred." Jemina said in a tone of amusement. Their group of four burst into laughter once more when the door finally opened, making their eyes widen to see Deanna Dumbledore there with a wide grin on her face.
"It's a pleasure to see you all again." Deanna waved cheerfully at them.
"What are you doing here?"
"What the hell happened?"
Those who have died, including Fred, Remus and Ria, shouted and asked, wondering why Deanna was there. Her eyes filling with tears, Jemina stood at the back with a sad smile on her face. She knew what had happened, why Deanna was here. She saved the Wizarding World... and she died to do that.
"Calm down, all of you." Deanna kept on grinning at them, making them calm down with their questions. Deanna looked at them one by one proudly before her eyes met Jemina's, and a soft smile came on her face. Jemina wondered how Deanna could still smile when she just died, but then again, this was Deanna Dumbledore โ the most complicated and selfless person Jemina ever met.
"To answer your questions, yes, I died."
Protests and shouts started once more, but when Deanna raised their hand, they kept silent and let her speak. "It has been my destiny, even before I was born, to die. Tom Riddle would not perish from this world if I was still in it, and I have accepted it long ago. I am alright. It's alright..."
Jemina's eyes softened at what Deanna said. In the end, Deanna was still putting everyone else before herself.
"Now, I'd like to thank you all for fighting so bravely and even sacrificing your lives for the greater good." Deanna's eyes twinkled with joy as she stared at all of them whose worried faces now lightened at Deanna's words. "I'm sorry for the suffering you have gone through. We've won the battle, be proud of yourselves... and continue living on."
Jemina became confused at what she meant, and everyone else was too. How would they continue living on when they were already dead?
The Dumbledore grinned widely in response, looking back at the dark and cloaked figure who suddenly appeared at the doors of the Great Hall. "That good man over there and the deities have decided to give you all a second chance at life because of the courageous battle you have fought."
Everyone stared at her for a moment in disbelief, so they looked to Death who stood there at the doors. He stared at Deanna Dumbledore's back, pondering over her peculiarities before he nodded and pointed to the door. "As you walk through this door, you'll find yourselves back in the world."
Cheers and yells of joy erupted from the crowd because they could live again. They had already accepted the fact that they would not be able to see their loved ones again, but the deities saw their spirit and decided to give them a second chance.
But one couldn't be happy, the tears fell without her notice. Jemina wasn't stupid. She knew Deanna's fate, and she knew it was the reason they were being given a second chance. Her fists clenched in anger for the tragic reality. She should be happy she would get to live again and be with Ginny but Deanna... Deanna had to sacrifice her life and happiness for the happiness and lives of everyone.
"You're lying." Jemina suddenly spoke up, catching everyone's attention and making the cheers die down. She walked to Deanna and stopped when she was right in front of the Dumbledore, tears streaming down her cheeks. "We're getting to live again because of your sacrifice, right?"
"I'm right, am I not?" Jemina turned to Death who stared at her for a moment before nodding. The smiles fell off everyone's faces at that. It was Deanna's death that would cause them to live... But they thought she would come back with them. Why were the deities so cruel to Deanna? Jemina looked at Deanna, her body shaking in sadness for the phoenix who was too kind. "Deanna, why? Why didn't you just say that?"
Deanna only kept the smile on her face before she placed her hands on Jemina's shoulders and squeezed them comfortingly. "It doesn't matter if you get to live because of me. You all deserve this second chance at life because of how you fought. The deities would have acknowledged that even without my death. Live your lives and continue standing up for what is right. Take this second chance and live well. Just... live."
Jemina didn't hold herself back anymore and hugged Deanna tight, her fellow Hufflepuff hugging her back right away. Jemina let herself cry to her heart's content. They and everyone else would get to live but only because Deanna died. She knew there was nothing else they could do because it was done. Deanna already sacrificed herself for them so Jemina could only hug her and give comfort to Deanna who lost too much for the greater good. She could only continue living her life and continue standing up for what is right, always reminding herself it was Deanna who gave her that second chance.
The badger soon pulled away from her fellow badger. She patted Jemina on the back before addressing everyone. "It's time. Go back to where you belong. Do not cry anymore and smile as you go back and meet your loved ones. Greet them with a smile, and live happily with them."
Jemina stepped aside to give the others space with Deanna while Death opened the door, back to the world of the living. They stepped forward and went to Deanna before going through the door and back to their loved ones. Some shook her hand and thanked her while the others hugged her and cried.
Deanna continued smiling at each of them, telling them they've done well, and soon, only Jemina, Remus, Ria and Fred were left. The four stood in front of the Dumbledore, still crying for her sacrifice. How could they not cry when they knew of what she had to do for them and for the world?
Fred stepped up first and hugged Deanna tightly through his sobs. "Thank you, Deanna... I won't waste this second chance."
"Just name one of your products after me, will you? That would be enough." Deanna said in a joking manner, and she grinned when she got a chuckle out of Fred. "I told you to make people laugh. But when you're feeling down, let yourself cry, alright? You don't have to be happy all the time."
"Thank you. Goodbye, Deanna." Fred pulled away with a teary grin before he too passed through the door.
Remus calmly stepped towards her and gave her a tight but brief hug, but the tears were continuously streaming down his face. He only said a few words yet they expressed everything he needed to tell her. "Thank you. I promise I will continue fighting for what is right. Thank you."
"Thank you, Remus." Deanna smiled at the werewolf. "I'm sorry Teddy won't be able to have a godmother, but at least, he would have his two fathers and a godfather. Can you get him a present for me, and tell him it's from his lovely godmother?"
Remus smiled through his tears and nodded. "I will, Deanna. I will tell him about his lovely godmother who loved him so much she saved his parents. Thank you."
She watched him pass through the door before looking back to see Ria who smiled softly at her. "You have saved me in more ways than one, Deanna. When you urged me to get back together with Dora, when you comforted her when we were apart and now that you died to save me. Thank you for everything, Deanna. Words can't express my gratitude to you."
"Well, just let go of your fears and let yourself be happy with Tonks." Deanna told the Muggleborn who had always held herself back. "Seeing you two happy would make me happy as well."
Ria wrapped her arms gently around the girl and squeezed her, telling her for the last time thank you before she stepped back. "Farewell, Deanna. I hope you can be happy too."
With that, Ria Docherty-Tonks went back as well. The only ones left in the room then were Deanna, Jemina and Death.
Deanna's eyes softened at the crying girl, and she stepped closer to Jemina and embraced her warmly, hoping that she could provide a little comfort to her. Jemina hugged her back despite her heart aching so much for her. She was desperately holding on to Deanna, not wanting to let go of the girl. She did not want to leave Deanna alone.
"I-I already knew you were going to d-die, but it doesn't hurt any less." Jemina confessed through her tears. "How am I supposed to go on, knowing you would be left here alone? Knowing you needed to die for us? We have to go on and continue living, but you would have to stay here. You were supposed to live your life too. C-Can't I just stay here with you?"
"They say the people we love who have passed on are in each of those stars, twinkling and smiling down at us." Deanna repeated the words Jemina had told her before and blinked back her tears. "When you miss me, look up at the stars. I am there, twinkling and smiling down at you."
"I didn't want to die too..." Deanna admitted the words she never said out loud. "But knowing I saved the world made it all worth it. I also got to experience love with someone as wonderful as Hermione. So, I don't have any regrets, and I don't want you to have any too. My time is done, but your life has just started. Ginny is waiting for you. Go back to her and take her out on a date. Just let yourselves be love in with each other, you both deserve it. I will be fine here, Jem. I will be..."
Jemina nodded against Deanna's shoulder before pulling back. She didn't want to, but this was it for them. It was time for her to go back to her lion, her Ginny who was waiting. She needed to take her out on a proper date. So, Jemina stared into Deanna's eyes, saying goodbye for the last time. "I love you so much, Dee. Thank you for everything. I'm going to live for you. We will be there for Hermione, I promise."
"I love you too, Jem. Thank you for everything."
The two smiled at each other, the farewells being exchanged in silenced. Jemina let go of Deanna's hand with one final squeeze before she moved towards the door. She nodded to Death and glanced back at Deanna with a smile before she finally crossed, going back to her love.
As soon as she went through the doors, warmth came over her entire body, and she closed her eyes to bask in it... The warmth caused by Deanna Dumbledore's sacrifice. Then, a tear fell from Jemina's eye at the pain of Deanna's death. If only Deanna had a second chance to live like they did. Even if she still wanted to live, Deanna chose to sacrifice herself. For the world, for love and for the greater good...
Then, she let a smile come on her face. Ginny must have been in so much pain in the past few hours, seeing her brother and her lover's cold bodies. But the wait... The long wait was now over for both of them. It was time for Jemina to finally take her out on a proper date now that everything was done. That was the first thing Jemina was going to do as soon as she came back.
With her last promise to Deanna echoing in her mind, Jemina finally opened her eyes, and a bittersweet smile came on her face when she saw the familiar ceiling of the Great Hall over her. She was back, and Deanna was dead.
Jemina sat up slowly and saw that everyone that had died were now awake. She smiled at Fred then Remus and Ria before she stood up, surprised when she saw that her injuries were gone. The scars she had before the Battle of Hogwarts remained, but the injuries she sustained from the battle were all gone.
The Nightingale looked around and saw it was the same for everyone. Even Lavender who said she was killed by Greyback was touching her face in awe and shock, bursting into tears when she found her face was fine. Jemina was reminded of Deanna's sacrifice once more. She really became the world's salvation in so many ways.
"Hey, Jem?" Fred's voice made her look up and she saw the Weasley grinning at her. "Ready to see my sister again?"
Jemina grinned widely at that, and she patted Fred on the shoulder before she started running towards the doors to the Great Hall, surprising the others before they too followed after her, smiles on their faces at the thought of seeing their loved ones again. Jemina pushed open the doors to the Great Hall, and Madame Pomfrey who was at the very back turned around and saw her and the rest of their deceased alive.
"M-Miss Nightingale." Madame Pomfrey stuttered out in a loud voice. Ginny's ears perked up at the sound of her lover's name, and she turned around in confusion with everyone else to see what was happening. She was not expecting to see what she saw. Right there were Jemina, Fred, Remus, Ria and all those who had died... Well, they were supposed to be dead, but they were there, standing and smiling as if they didn't die a few hours ago.
"Jem... Fred." Ginny whispered in disbelief, tears filling her eyes. Was she seeing things? Was she dreaming? She was certain Jemina and Fred were dead. She saw their cold bodies on the ground and felt their coldness a while ago. It couldn't be possible.
"What โ "
Yells in disbelief and shock were heard from the crowd. Some were crying already because they thought this was all just a hallucination or their dead returned back as ghosts.
"We're back." Jemina said in a soft voice, finally reassuring all their doubts and suspicions. While the others reunited with their loved ones around them, Sirius with Remus, Tonks with Ria and Fred with the Weasleys, she smiled at all of them before letting her eyes roam around.
Her smile grew wider when her green eyes met those brown ones she loved so dearly. Without wasting another moment, Jemina started walking towards Ginny. She missed her so much and she wanted only to have the redhead back in her arms and let her feel how much she loved her.
Seeing Jemina walk towards her woke Ginny up from her notion that she was just dreaming. Jemina was really here right in front of her, walking towards her. Her heart filled with longing and joy right then. Jemina was back. Ginny's tears fell from her eyes as she ran towards her badger. She ran and hugged Jemina tight, not wanting to let her go ever again. Jemina's tears also fell from her eyes at the contact before she hugged Ginny back.
This embrace was more than just a simple hug. It was the proof that they were back in each other's arms, that this wasn't just an illusion... It was the embrace that let each other know how much they loved one another, how much they missed each other. It was the embrace that let them know they were staying here for each other until the very end. The wait was over. It was time for them to love each other without restrictions and fear.
"H-How? I-I thought I would never see you again." Ginny stuttered out through her tears. Everything felt so surreal, but it was real. Jemina was here. "I-I thought you were d-dead."
Jemina pulled back and smiled softly at Ginny, wiping away the taller girl's tears as she thought of Deanna once more. She would never stop thanking her. "Y-Yeah. We did die. I thought too I would have to wait for you there in the afterlife. But Deanna saved us. She gave us another chance to live again. Because of her, I can be here in front of and tell you... I love you, Gin."
Ginny stared at her with all the love and admiration she could muster before she pulled Jemina in for a brief yet sweet kiss. She couldn't help but giggle at the frozen Jemina Nightingale who was caught unprepared for that kiss. "I love you too, Jem."
Jemina finally snapped out of her shock and smiled softly at Ginny. "Then, will you go out with me then? For a date and officially, as my girlfriend?"
The Weasley's grin grew more if that was even possible before she wrapped her arms around Jemina's neck and peppered kisses all over her lover โ she would never get tired of saying that โ her lover's face, making the Hufflepuff laugh softly. "Yes, yes, yes, Jem!"
Jemina grinned at Ginny and caressed her girlfriend โ that sounded so good โ her girlfriend's cheek. "Although I never doubted it, you were right. The wait was worth it. You are worth waiting for, no matter how long, Ginny."
"And you are worth fighting for, Jem. Thank you for always being patient with me." Ginny hugged her once more, gentle smiles on both of their faces. What they thought was the end of their story turned out to be just the start. And no matter what happened, no matter what they faced, they were certain of two things. One, they would always love each other, unconditionally. Two, they would always fight and wait for each other. No matter what.
Then, Jemina suddenly caught sight of the crying Hermione who was hugging Fawkes, the phoenix wrapping his wings around the Granger. Her heart ached again as she remembered Deanna. She promised Deanna they would be there for Hermione, but she wondered... how could they even console her pained soul when the only one who could do that was gone? She suddenly felt guilty for being insensitive. It must have hurt her to see everyone else with their loved ones while she was the only one grieving for her own.
Ginny noticed the slumping of Jemina's shoulders. She was about to ask what was wrong when she looked at Jemina was staring at. Ginny's eyes softened to see Hermione there, weeping with Fawkes. To be honest, she didn't know what anyone could say or do to comfort Hermione. But everyone understood she needed her time and space alone so none of them went to her to try and tell her to move from her position. They just let her grieve. She didn't have the chance to do so a while ago because of how everything happened so quickly... Hermione needed this.
"I promised Deanna we'll be there for Hermione, but..." Jemina asked in a sad voice. "Do you think we can help her? She'll be okay somehow... right?"
"I don't know." Ginny let out a sigh and squeezed Jemina's hand comfortingly. Ginny had so many things to thank Deanna for, and she regretted not being able to show that to the Dumbledore when she was still alive. She wished she could have told Deanna how kind she was and how thankful Ginny was to her. However, she could only say that now to the wind and hope her feelings would reach Deanna.
"But as our gratitude to Deanna and as Hermione's friends, let's just be there for her. That's the best thing we can do, right?" Ginny smiled at Jemina who smiled back at her and nodded. That was right. For Deanna and Hermione, the two people who lost the most in this war, they would be there for Hermione and live their lives to the fullest. This was their second chance. They should not waste it and let Deanna's death go in vain. They would ensure that won't happen.
"Hey, Gin, aren't you going to say hello to me?" Fred's pouty voice made them look back to see Fred and the rest of the Weasleys.
Ginny grinned at her brother before she hugged him tightly. "Welcome back, Fred."
Jemina watched with a soft smile as the Weasleys joined the hug. She was reminded of her own family who she didn't get to meet. As much as she missed them, she still had a lot to do in this world. They'd have to meet at a later date, and Jemina hoped they were proud and happy for what she had done. She finally avenged them. It was now over.
"Jemina, thank you." George came all of a sudden to Jemina and wrapped her in a tight hug. "You saved my life."
The Hufflepuff was surprised for a little bit before she hugged him back with a smile. She needed no words to let him know that she would do so gladly if it meant she could save another life. Then, George pulled back with tears in his eyes and chuckled at this brave girl who he owed his life to. "Oh right. Did you know my sister was trying to make a letter to romantically ask you to be her girlfriend?"
Jemina couldn't help but laugh when she noticed Ginny's cheeks turn as red as her hair. "No, I didn't. A love letter, huh?"
"Stop it." Ginny mumbled and nudged her girlfriend playfully before holding her hand. This time, Jemina was the one blushing when Ginny faced her family with a proud grin. "Mum, Dad, my brothers and Fleur. This is Jemina Nightingale, my girlfriend. Jem, these are my Mum, Dad, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Percy, Fred and George and Ron. They're my family."
While Ginny's brothers and Arthur shook hands with Jemina and thanked her, Jemina smiled at them warmly and said it was nice to meet them. She was glad to see their family complete again. Fleur gave Jemina kisses on both cheeks as the traditional greeting in France and smiled at her, thanking her for what she did. Jemina blushed at the suddenness of her actions but smiled back, saying she was glad they were all fine.
"Oh, dear. Thank you for everything you've done for us." Molly rushed forward to give Jemina a tight hug, surprising the girl for the 3rd time with the Weasleys' warm and welcoming hugs. "It's nice to finally meet the girl who makes our Ginny so happy. Thank you so much for everything, Jemina."
"Thank you for giving birth to Ginny and raising a woman as wonderful as her, Mrs. Weasley." Jemina responded in a soft voice, smiling at the matriarch of the Weasley family. "And she's the one who makes me happy. She's given me reason to hold on and fight despite everything. Thank you for that."
"Oh, dear." Molly hugged the Hufflepuff even tighter, deeply touched at her words. Jemina's eyes found Ginny's, and the two of them grinned at each other. Finally, Jemina got to meet the Weasleys, and Ginny knew that their family gained another member in Jemina Nightingale. She could not be any happier to know that.
"So, when's the wedding?" Charlie asked when Molly finally pulled away from Jemina, making both Jemina and Ginny blush as the rest of the Weasleys laughed at how flustered they were.
"We just got together today. Give us at least a few months." Ginny complained to her family, pouting at Jemina who had a small smile on her face. "You are willing to marry me in a few months, right?"
"I can marry you even right now." Jemina responded unexpectedly, making the Weasleys roar in laughter while Ginny blushed even more and slapped her chuckling girlfriend on the arm.
"You're getting too close to Fred and George." Ginny let out a sigh, but she too was smiling and laughing at Jemina's antics. It was nice to see the mischievous side of her girlfriend too.
The loud yell of Eleanor caught their attention as she, Neville, Noah and Luna ran towards Jemina and hugged her tightly. A groan came from Jemina at the impact, but she smiled proudly nonetheless and hugged her friends back. They had all done so well from September when they had to fight for Hogwarts alone until now that they finally won the Battle of Hogwarts. This wouldn't have been possible without the fight they put up.
Her eyes also caught sight of Pansy, Daphne, Theo and Blaise and to her surprise, Draco and Narcissa Malfoy. The four Slytherins she befriended grinned and waved at her, and Jemina smiled back at them. She was glad to see them. They wouldn't have won this war if it weren't for the unity of Hogwarts. Pansy, Daphne, Theo and Blaise were the ones who made it possible.
"I am never letting you do anything dangerous again, young woman." Noah sighed while shaking his head.
"Who said you could go die on your own?" Eleanor suddenly slapped Jemina on the shoulder, making the other Muggleborn roll her eyes at her friend's dramatics. "The next time you do that, Jemina Nightingale, I will go to Death myself and wrestle with him to bring him back."
"Did you meet Death, Jemina?" Luna asked all of a sudden. Everyone then turned to her, taken aback at her sudden question.
"Not the time, love." Neville whispered to Luna, making Jemina grin at the endearment. So, the two were finally together.
"Okay, long." Luna responded in a cheerful tone.
They all raised their eyebrows at Neville and mouthed simultaneously, "Long?"
"Love, Lovegood. Long, Longbottom." Neville explained in a nonchalant tone, and they could only grin, knowing that he was just as baffled as them, but he still agreed with the endearment because that was how much he loved Luna.
"But to answer your question, Luna, yeah, we did see him but only briefly." Jemina still answered the question with a smile. "I'll tell you more about it soon, okay?"
"Great." Luna's eyes twinkled at the thought before smiling at all her friends. "I know we don't have a nose to bust anymore โ "
"We never had one to bust in the first place." Ginny remarked in a snarky tone, making everyone laugh at the comment.
"But you people better keep in touch." Luna glared at them with a warning gaze, but they weren't intimidated at all because of the smile on Luna's face. "We're still the Nosebusters after all."
The six students from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw grinned at each other before nodding. That was given already. The bond they made with each other was too strong for them to even think of breaking it. They wrapped their arms around each other and formed a circle, chanting their name for one more time but definitely not the last.
"Let's go, Nosebusters!"
They laughed once more and grinned, proud to call themselves that after everything they've gone through in the past year. Now that all evil was gone, they could finally go back to their lives as normal high school students. But this time, they knew there were no more threats to their lives. They could finally breathe without worries.
The war and the chaos finally ended. It signified a lot of things. For some, new beginnings and stronger relationships. For others, a new direction in their lives. However, for a few, it also signified loss and loneliness. One thing was for sure though. For all of them there, it signified the arrival of a new age in the Wizarding World. It was the age of peace and harmony in their World. They would let all the future wizards and witches know that it was all because of Deanna Dumbledore.
Ginny and Jemina smiled at each other, exchanging messages with those smiles.
'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
Now that it was all over, there came a new chapter in their lives that would start with each other and that they knew would end with each other. It was a chapter for their scarred and bruised souls to finally heal... and to finally go out on dates, freely say "I love you" to each other, and have the relationship they both waited for.
The fight was over. For Jemina and Ginny, it was time to love and heal with each other.
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