They were both not really exhausted unlike they get after any other party they had been to.Party was not that great like always except the food, it was the best part of it, and to their liking this party didn't lasted too long.They reached their apartment, she pressed in the key into the apartment door and opened it.She entered the apartment dropping the keys in the key holder. He followed behind her and closed the door.The room was lightened with the dim lamp light giving it a golden red hue. Before she can put on other lights he hugged her from behind, nuzzling his face in her neck.
"Uh huh don't turn them on.."he whispered slowly, his breathe tingling on her neck giving her goosebumps all over.
He squeezed her lightly under his hold and kissed her neck softly inhaling her sweet vanilla scent.
She turned around facing him. He cupped her left cheek softly, looking at her in the eyes. Their eyes sparkled a little in the dim light of the lamp, full of love and lust.
She slowly brought her hands up on his nape and then into his hair, grabbing them gently. His breathe hitched, heart beating faster. She was nothing different. Both felt the nervousness and tension in the air mingled with their love for eachother. He slowly brought her face closed to his, their legs trembling out of nervousness but looking into each other's eyes gave them strength. After moving a little close, when he didn't move back she finally connected their lips, moving them slowly. He closed his eyes melting himself in the soft touch, she followed along.
Their chest burning with a weird sensation. Their lips moving along a lil faster, making them want more.
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