iii. the corridor of encounters
AURORA HAD NOT BEEN THE only one to notice the Marauders leaving the Great Hall. Lily had noticed the four boy leaving and had chosen to follow them in hopes to stop them from whatever they were planning. So with that, she had made an excuse to her two friends, leaving them with no clue to where she was going.
As she slipped out of the Great Hall, their footsteps had echoed through the hallway, giving her a sign as to which way they had gone. Cautiously, Lily followed them, making sure to put a bit of space between them so that she wouldn't alert them of her presence.
For a while, this chase had continued. With the four boys going left and right, down, Lily had almost tired herself out as she persistently followed them. When they had finally stopped at a door, the redhead had to catch her breath as she had not realized how long she had been running through the halls.
She had been confused as she realized where they had stopped, what exactly did they want in the Potions classroom? Shaking her head from the questioning thoughts, Lily stood with more confidence and a stern posture, ready to tell the boys off for whatever they were doing.
Just as she was about to make her presence shown, a hand had grabbed her forearm and tugged her behind the wall. She felt a body press on her back, the unfamiliar feeling giving her goosebumps. The person had covered her mouth with their hand, hoping to silence the protests that never came out of her lips.
The redhead could hear the boys' hushed whispers as they made their way into the classroom. Lily had struggled in the person's grip, trying to get away from them in order to put a stop to whatever they were doing. Once the sound of the door closing reached her ears, the stranger grabbed ahold of her wrist and dragged her away from the Potions Classroom.
Lily could now see the back of the stranger's silhouette, that happened to be a woman's body. She could see the messy bun the girl's hair was in and her rather broad shoulders for a girl. She realized this girl had been the one she had bumped into during her trip to Diagon Alley, and the new Ravenclaw Prefect.
Why was she pulling her away from the Marauders? Shouldn't she be joining her in telling them off? Maybe take some house points from them?
Questions plagued her mind as Lily continued to let the girl drag her to wherever she was heading. The redhead hadn't noticed they had stopped walking until she had bumped into the brunette's shoulder. A small squeak escaped her lips as Lily rubbed her forehead, she was just about to ask the brunette why she had stopped but was silenced when she saw the look the other girl was giving her.
Her face held a blank look, clearly not amused with whatever the redhead was doing earlier. Lily was confused at that thought however, as she had not understood why the brunette had even dragged her away in the first place.
"What were you doing in the Dungeons, Miss Evans?"
That had caught the redhead by surprise. This was the first time she had heard the brunette's voice, her voice was rich with authority and held a certain softness to it that Lily had not expected.
Having been surprised by the brunette's question, the redhead had been rendered speechless. The Ravenclaw Prefect looked at her with a stern look, waiting for the other girl to reply to her question.
Momentarily remembering that she was right infront of the brunette, Lily shook her head from the thoughts of the girl's lovely voice and her daydreams of what the girl's laugh would sound like.
"I unm... I was just-"
Oh Helga, why was she suddenly so nervous? She was speaking to a fellow Prefect and a girl. Wel a rather gorgeous girl if you asked her.
Standing up straighter, Lily had tried to seem more confident. But she had faltered when she realized how tall the brunette was. Her eyes only met the girl's soft-looking lips. The redhead gulped visibly, overwhelmed with how fast her heart had beated as she continued to stare at the girl's lips.
The brunette looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, tilting her head slightly to the side. After a few minutes of this, the Ravenclaw Prefect grew tired of the unresponsive redhead infront of her. And she had checked her watch, dinner was about to end.
The brunette sighed, already walking away from the redhead who had started to realize that she was leaving.
"W-wait! I haven't asked for your name..."
The brunette didn't respond to the girl, walking away from her until Lily saw her turn a corner.
author's note:
i'm so sorry if this is such a short chapter hahah. the next one will be longer i promise.
- kelpbrain
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