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Daniel groaned as the sunlight from outside poured into his room. The young Byers disliked the mornings. Which made sense since he was always late for class. Daniel Byers was Will Byers twin brother, but very few people seemed to remember that. They didn't look similar especially since Daniel had been lucky with puberty, while Will was still a little behind.
The youngest Byers always looked up to Daniel since out of the three Byers Brothers, he was the only one that wasn't considered a freak. In fact, he was the most popular guy at school. But even though he was popular, he didn't have a good group of friends, or one good friend. Sure, he had plenty friends at school, but no one he could really talk to, so he was usually alone.
But he had a special bond with his twin brother. Yeah, they were almost noting alike, but they understood each other and could just talk with one another.
The three brothers had had a hard childhood. Their dad was an asshole, and only seemed to sort of like Daniel. But thankfully, their mother, Joyce, kicked him out and he was never a problem for the boys again.
But the small family of four loved each other and had a strong, unbreakable bond. And they all knew that no matter what happened, it would never split them apart.
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"Where the hell are they?"
Daniel rubbed his eyes tiredly as he walked into the kitchen. He noticed his mom was searching the house frantically for something.
"Jonathan?," Joyce yelled. The oldest Byers looked at their mom and signaled towards the couch.
"Check the couch!" He yelled. Joyce quickly walked over and searched through the couch.
"I did-," she paused as she held up her keys, "got them". Daniel let out a small laugh as he walked over and said good morning to Jonathan.
"Good morning, Danny," Joyce said as she gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, "morning mom"
"Ok, boys, I will see you tonight," Joyce said grabbing her stuff and patting Jonathan's shoulder. Danny stood next to them as he patiently waited for his breakfast. Joyce stopped suddenly as if she forgot something.
"Where's Will?"
"Oh, I didn't get him up yet. He's probably still sleeping," Jonathan said as he served Daniel some scrambled eggs. Joyce signed and threw her arms in the air.
"Jonathan, you have to make sure he's up!," she rushed towards Will's room. Jonathan looked at her helplessly, "mom, I'm making breakfast,"
Daniel nodded as he ate his breakfast, "yeah mom, he's busy", but Joyce didn't listen and just kept scolding Jonathan.
"I told you a thousand times," was the last thing the two boys heard as Joyce walked back into the hallway. Daniel turned to Jonathan with a look of sympathy.
"Don't worry, she's just got a lot on her plate. Will and I are thankful for you keeping things together when moms at work," Daniel smiled at Jonathan and the older brother smiled back.
"Thanks, Danny"
Silence fell over the two brothers as Jonathan finished breakfast, but the silence was quickly interrupted by Joyce rushing back into the kitchen, a worried look on her face.
"He came home last night, right?" Joyce asked. Danny furrowed his eyebrows confused. Why would Will not be in his room?
"He's not in his room?" Jonathan asked thinking the same thing as Danny.
"Did he come home or not?" Joyce asked impatiently. Jonathan looked at his mom embarrassed. "I don't know"
"You don't know?" Joyce asked slightly mad.
"No, I got home late. I was working," Jonathan admitted as he looked down at the table. Daniel looked between the two awkwardly as they talked over his head.
"You we're working?" Joyce asked in disbelief.
"Eric asked if I could cover. I said yeah. I just thought we could use the extra cash," Jonathan said looking up at Joyce.
"Jonathan, we've talked about this," Joyce said while Jonathan looked back down.
"I know, I know," Joyce cut him off, "you can't take shifts when I'm working. You have to make sure you're here to take care of Danny and Will".
"Mom, it's not a big deal," Jonathan said looking at Danny for some help. Danny looked at his mom seriously.
"Yeah, mom. Jonathan knew we needed the extra money, so he took another shift just to help. Plus, Will was at the Wheelers' all day. Maybe he slept over?" Daniel explained. He was glad that his mom hadn't asked where he had been last night because he hadn't come up with a believable lie yet.
Joyce walked over to the phone muttering about how disappointed she was at Jonathan. She waited for someone at the Wheeler residence to pick up. Joyce nervously played with the wire of the phone before Karen Wheeler picked up.
"Hi, Karen. It's Joyce," she paused before speaking again, "was that Will i heard back there?...Will didn't spend the night?" Joyce looked over at her two sons. Danny and Jonathan looked at each other worried. Where else could he be?
"Um, you know what? I think he just left early for...for school. Yeah, I'll make sure Daniel finds him when Jonathan drops him off. Thank you so much. Bye," Joyce hung up and looked over at Danny and Jonathan, concern and fear written all over her face.
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"Liv, you dipshit! Wake up!"
Liv Harrington groaned as she pulled her pillow over her head, "shut up, Steve!"
Olivia Harrington was the youngest out of the two Harrington siblings. Her life wasn't perfect like many people thought it was. Her older brother, Steve, was an asshole to her and at school. Back when they were younger they had a very close sibling bond, but as soon as Steve used hair spray for the first time and started high school, he burned that relationship to the ground.
To make matters worse, her parents were also shit. Her dad was almost never home since he was always working, but when he was it was living hell for the young Harrington. Her dad was an asshole and he was always drunk meaning that he took a lot of his anger out on the poor girl, while her mom watched from a distance high out of her mind.
Most nights she spent at her friend, Leo Davis', house. The two had been best friends since they were born, and as they got older Leo felt the need to protect his friend. The two were also popular at school. Liv being the queen of Hawkins Middle School. Although she knew the popularity she faced was mostly because of her last name.
Unlike Daniel Byers, she had one good friend, and that was Leo. The two friends both had a lot of people at school that they got along with, but in they end they only had each other.
Liv slowly started to fall back asleep as she laid comfortably in her bed, but her peace didn't last long.
Steve crept up the stairs quietly with a cup of water in his hand. He had a devious smirk on his face as he slowly opened Liv's door and walked towards her. He waited a second before he dumped the cold water on her face.
Liv gasped and sat up quickly. It took her a minute to realize what had happened. She slowly looked up at Steve with a glare.
"What the hell, Steve?!" She wiped her face and looked at her now soaking wet bed, "now I have to wash my damn sheets!"
"I told you to wake up and you didn't listen to me," Steve shrugged clearly not caring about what he had done. Liv looked at him incredulously.
"So you thought poring water on me would be a good idea?!" Liv yelled getting out of her bed and grabbing her clothes.
"We'll you're up now, aren't you?" Steve said as he left her room. Liv rolled her eyes and shut her door.
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Danny locked his bike in place before he grabbed his bag and started walking towards the school. He was lost in thought. The entire morning he couldn't stop thinking about Will. Where was he? Is he ok? Were just some of the questions that swarmed his mind.
Danny pulled open the door of the school and immediately, he was met with the smell of unhygienic teens and classrooms. He was about to head to his locker when he remembered what his mom had told him. He quickly turned around and rushed outside to see if he could find Will's group of friends. He looked around for a minute before he heard the annoying voice of Troy, the school bully.
"Do the arm thing, freak," Troy taunted. Danny watched from a distance as he saw one of Will's friends, who he recognized as Dustin Henderson, bend his arms in a weird way. Danny winced slightly not have expecting Dustin to do that.
Troy and the other kid that Danny had no idea who he was, groaned dramatically. Danny rolled his eyes at their behavior.
"God, it gets me every time," Troy shoved Mike and Lucas as he and his boyfriend walked away. Danny slowly walked up to them. He waved awkwardly, not really knowing how to ask the three boys if they knew where his brother was.
"Uh, hey, guys..." Danny puts his hands in his pockets, "how've you been?"
"Are you ok, dude?" Mike asked looking at Danny weirdly. Danny scratched his neck awkwardly, blushing in embarrassment.
"Uh, yeah, I just wanted to ask you guys if you knew where Will was. He wasn't home this morning," the three boys looked at Danny like he was crazy.
"What do you mean he wasn't home?" Dustin asked.
"Well he wasn't in his bed like he should've been this morning...he wasn't home at all I don't know how your confused," Danny spoke quickly. He could feel the anxiety forming in his chest. What if Will really was missing?
"He left my house when everyone else did," Mike explained and Dustin nodded speaking after Mike, "yeah I saw him go in the direction of your house. I doubt he got lost on his way home". Daniel nodded slowly. He had a bad feeling about this whole situation, but he decided to act as if it were nothing.
"Uh, yeah, he probably just went in early or something. I have a class with him, so I'll just check if he's there. Uh, thanks though," Daniel walked off before the boys could say anything. Will has to be at school.
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Danny had hurriedly rushed to the class he had with Will, but to his dismay, he wasn't there. Danny sat down at his desk which was placed next to the two other most popular kids at Hawkins Middle School: Olivia Harrington and Leo Davis. Even thought the three were very popular, they didn't really talk to each other. Once in a while they would say hi to each other in the hallways, but that was it.
Daniel sat at his desk anxiously waiting for the day to be over. He zoned out biting his nails, a nervous habit he had picked up. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize the young Harrington girl trying to get his attention.
"Danny? Danny!" She shoved him slightly, finally getting his attention. Danny gasped as he looked at the girl. She stared at him confused, yet concerned. Liv had picked up that something was wrong with Danny. She just didn't know what.
"I said are you okay? Your acting a little weird today," Liv said softly. She sent him a small smile and Daniel sighed.
"My brother, he's- he's missing," Danny said quietly so no one else would hear. Liv's eyes widened at the news.
"He's what?" She asked in disbelief.
"He's missing. He wasn't at home this morning and he's not here right now," Danny explained, "you didn't see him today by any chance, did you?" Liv shook her head, "no I'm sorry".
As she said this her friend, Leo, walked over to them and sat down at his desk which was right in front of Liv's. He turned around to join the conversation, "Hey, Byers".
"Hey, Davis," Danny nodded at him before leaning forward, "Have you seen Will at all today?" Leo raised an eyebrow at Danny.
"No. Why do you ask? Besides, your his brother, you should know" Leo answered as he pulled out his textbook.
"He's missing," Danny and Liv spoke at the same time. They shared a quick glance with each other before turning back to Leo.
"Oh, that sucks. Sorry, Byers," Leo looked at Danny with sympathy. Before anyone out of the three could keep talking, the teacher walked in.
Leo looked back at the two and smirked, "the bitch is here".
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Liv sat at her desk barely paying attention to the lesson. She kept looking over at Danny only to notice that he was on edge. She felt bad for him despite them not really being friends. She ripped a piece of paper out of her notebook and wrote a quick note.
Stop biting your nails. Your gonna hurt yourself.
She crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it on his desk. She watched out of the corner of her eyes as Danny opened the note and read it. He blushed slightly and quickly wrote back:
Sorry, Harrington. Didn't know you cared about people.
He threw the paper back at her and when she read it she looked at him offended. The two went on passing notes for the rest of the class.
What do you mean I don't care about people?
I just thought that you Harrington's don't know how to feel emotions. I mean no offense, but your brother's a douche.
Oh trust me, I know. He woke me up this morning by pouring a glass of water on my head.
Danny let out a small laugh as he looks over at Liv, "really?" He mouths with a smile on his face. Liv smiled knowing that she got him to laugh. She nods, "yup".
The two smile at each other before they both turn back to the lesson. Danny's smile didn't leave his face until the end of class when reality hit him like a falling brick.
His twin brother was still missing.
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Once Danny had gotten back home nothing had gotten any better. Chief Jim Hopper and the rest of his team came to the Byer's house with Will's bike. After that everyone had a feeling that whatever happened to Will, it was really bad.
It was now night and it was raining, hard. It seemed like the sky was crying. Danny thought of it like that, so he would feel less embarrassed when a tear would escape his eye.
Danny sat on the couch with Joyce and Jonathan, his mother in the middle. They were looking through photos Jonathan had taken over the years as they looked for one to use on Will's missing poster.
Joyce picked up a handful of photos and looked at Jonathan amazed, "You took these? These are great," she smiled at her oldest son. Joyce paused a moment and looked at both Jonathan and Danny.
"I know I haven't been there for two lately. I've been...working so hard and I...I just feel bad. I don't even...I barely know what's going on with you guys. All right? I am sorry about that," she smiled at the two. Danny looked over at Jonathan when he heard his older brother let out a small sob. He frowned as tears welled up in his own eyes. Seeing his big brother cry was never easy for Daniel or Will, but since he knew it was about Will it made it even harder.
Joyce looked over at Danny and noticed the young boys' watery eyes. She pulled them both closer to her, "hey, what's wrong?"
Jonathan shrugged and tried to act as if it were nothing, but clearly he failed because Joyce kept asking him what what was wrong.
"Tell me. Tell me," Jonathan finally broke.
"It's just...I should've been there for him," Jonathan sobbed. Daniel felt a pit of guilt in his stomach as well. Last night, he had gone to a "small party" with some of the older kids at his school. He didn't want to stay home all by himself since he knew Will had his long campaign and Jonathan would be working. And by the time he came home he just went straight to his room and didn't even bother to check if everything was ok.
"No. Oh, no. You can't do that to yourself. This was not your fault. Do you hear me? He is...close. I know it. I-," she put an arm to her chest, "I feel it in my heart. You just have to...you have to trust me on this, okay?" Joyce hugged her two boys. She let out a teary laugh as she leaned over and picked up a photo of Will. In the photo he stood smiling in a red shirt.
"Oh, look at this one," the three of them laughed as they saw Will's big, bright smile.
"I mean, that's it, right?" Joyce smiled as she looked at her two sons for approval. They both nodded, "yeah".
Danny and Jonathan leaned their heads on their mothers shoulder as they looked at the photo. The silence was ruined by the phone ringing. Joyce stood up quickly and practically ran to get the phone.
"Hello? Hello? Lonnie?," Joyce asked trying to hear what was happening one the other end of the phone. Danny and Jonathan looked at each other, "Dad?"
"Hopper? Who is this?" The two boys got up and walked over to Joyce. She turned around with a scared look on her face before she called out the one name that everyone had been saying.
Danny practically jumped up and down with nerves. Could it be his brother? Would his worrying finally stop? Would he get his brother back?
"It's Will?" Jonathan asked stepping closer to Joyce. Suddenly, Joyce's face became frightened. She gripped the phone tighter as she began to yell again.
"Who is this? What have you done to my boy? Give me back my son!" The phone exploded and Joyce let out a yell, dropping the phone.
Jonathan rushed towards the phone, while Danny ran towards his mom. He grabbed her shoulders and tried to get her to tell her what happened.
"Mom, who was it? Who was it, Mom?" Joyce could only mutter words Danny couldn't comprehend as she broke down sobbing.
"Look at me, Mom. Was it Will?" Joyce let out a horse "yes".
"What did he say?" Danny kept a firm grip on her as Joyce looked at the phone crying.
"He just breathed. He just breathed," Joyce grabbed the phone trying to see if it would work, but Danny pulled her back.
"And was someone else there? Mom, who was there? Who was it?" Danny asked, his eyes wide with fear. He hated seeing his mom like this. It made him sick to his stomach, but he kept a strong attitude because he knew he couldn't breakdown with his mom a mess.
"It was him. I know it was his breathing. I know it was his breathing," Joyce sobbed as she held onto Danny. They both fell to the ground as Danny kept a hold on Joyce.
Danny only let one tear fall that night when he held his mother. And he wouldn't let anymore escape, until Will was home, safe and sound.
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Authors Note β
First chapter of Unplanned Love! I hope you liked it!
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Thank you guys for reading! It means so much to me
Ily guys <3
~ Amelie β°
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