-๐๐๐ฎ ๐ผ๐ง๐ ๐๐ค๐ช ๐๐๐ง๐?
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'Why Are You Here?'
Is a question many of us are often asked, or ask ourselves in our lifetime. Why am I here, do I want to do this? Whiz through our heads, questioning our very foundations, our livelihood, every decision we have ever made. But at this current moment, it was being asked to a twelve year old boy, who was briefly distracted by the light of the sun.ย
"Are you here to play football, or what?!" the voice of the boys friend called out to the distracted twelve year old, breaking him from his trance. ย "Go long Y/N!" he added, looking down at the ball with surprise at his own actions ย reeling his arm back and ready to throw.ย
Y/N ran through the green field, just as his friend threw the ball Y/N tracked it with his eyes, determining just where the ball was going to land. "I got it!" he cheered out, grasping the ball with both hands and sprinting forward.ย
"And I got you Y/N" the voice of Pete Ross called out, slowly gaining speed not he boy coming up on his side. "My team wins, and I get your dessert for a week!" he shouted with glee.
"Your team loses, and you do my chores for a week!" ย Y/N shouted, adapting to side step Pete who was coming right for him.ย
"Tell your mom to pack some of her apple pie for me" Pete smiled, readying his shoulder and getting ready to barge into Y/Ns shoulder. No one saw what happened next, they were either not looking, or it happened so fast they couldn't perceive it. But as Y/N and Pete collided and tumbled to the floor, a loud:
Was heard, causing nearby Clark Kent to look away from his book towards the game. Pete let out a loud scream, drawing the attention of the other kids.ย
Y/N looked down, terrified, Pete's arm was broken. It was a clean break, both bones snapped like they were twigs. The boys all gathered round, all seeing the immense pain Pete was in. Y/N looked down at his own arm, seeing the football in his hand, completely crushed.ย
An ambulance quickly arrived on the scene, Pete was ushered away by his parents and the paramedics. Y/Ns father, Jerry, quickly arrived on the scene, and gave his son a disappointed look. Y/N got into the the pick up truck, and the two drove in mostly silence, Y/N looking down in sadness while Jerry kept looking forward.
"You told me you were going to the library to study after school" Jerry spoke out, his voice holding a sense of disappointment.ย
Y/N looked up from the floor to look at his father, and then down to the floor. "I'm sorry dad" was all he spoke, then Jerry took a turn down a dirt road, towards the large and crowded junkyard they called a home.ย
"Don't be sorry Y/N" Pete spoke out, his voice almost filled with happiness despite the fact his arm was broken and held together in a thick white cast. It was adorned with different coloured autoharps and hearts from girls from across the school. Even now, there were two girls next to Pete, both holding pens and signing their names across the cast. "This, is the greatest day of my life" he said with glee.
Y/N was quickly pushed aside as more girls crowded around Pete, causing him to spill his books and pencils to the ground as Pete and his entourage advanced down the hallway. The boy fell to his knees, quickly trying to gather his belongings and scramble to put them together.ย
"Need some help?" the voice of Lana Lang asked, the red headed classmate of Y/N crouched down as he almost scooted back in fear.ย
"No thanks" he mumbled back.ย
"I called yesterday. I left a message with your mom" Lana tried to say as Y/N arose to his feet checking that all his stuff was here.ย
"Sorry Lana, I didn't feel like talking to anyone" Y/N answered back, looking barley able to keep eye contact with her.ย
"Not even me or Clark?" she replied.ย
Before they could continue the conversation, Pete cut out over them. "Hey Lana! Wanna sign?" he asked still smiling as another girl signed said cast. The hallway was so crowded, so noisy.ย
"I'll wait until the pep squad disperses for pom-pom practice" she retorted, gaining glares from the rest of the girls in the hall.ย
"How about you Y/N?" Pete called out, lifting a pen up for him to see. "The doc says good vibes from friends make it heal faster" he teased, tilting the pen back and fourth. But Y/N couldn't focus, his eyes seemed to phase in and out with reality. The colours around him vanished, replaced with rough sketches of everything around them. "And what better friend do I have than you?"
The audio and noise around Y/N vanished, he blinked rapidly was the boys perception changed. Around, the skin of the fellow students vanished, all Y/N could see was their skeletons, organs, nervous system, all of which sent shockwaves of fear and panic through Y/N. The walls and lockers vanished, Y/N felt as if the school itself were invisible replaced by skeletons, flesh and the pipes and support structures.ย
He could see everything, he looked to Pete, seeing the breakage in his bones with the metal plates and crews sealing them together. The sight, for such a boy so young was horrific. Overwhelming, his eyes widening in fear and shock.ย
"Y/N? Are you going to sign it or what?" Pete asked, seeing his classmate looked slightly uneasy. His face contorting and reeling back, going pale from the fear at what he was seeing. "You don't look so good, you feeling okay?" Pete asked, taking a step forward but this caused Y/N to take a step back.ย
Out of pure fear and shock, Y/N ran down the hall, keeping his head low. Barging passed Lana causing her to look at him.ย
'Not again' Y/N thought to himself as he turned a corner. 'Not again' that phrase, it seemed to be the only thing he'd say to himself.ย
"Where are you going?" Pete called out seeing the classmate turn a corner. "Hey, you still owe me your mom's apple pie!"ย
Y/N held his head,down slumping down underneath a red banner with yellow writing. Why? Why was this happening? Was this puberty? Why was he so different? These thoughts raced through his head, his mind moving a million miles per second. His breathing getting so tight snd sharp.ย
"You're not okay, are you?" the gentle voice of Lana asked, holding her book and sitting down next to her fiend. Doing whatever she could to let the young man know he wasn't alone at this moment because sometimes that's all what people needed.ย
"I don't-" Y/N tried to say, looking down at his hands with fear, thy were shaking, he didn't know why but he was so afraid. "I saw it Lana" he breathed out, his head looking up the ceiling. "I saw right through Pete's cast, I broke his arm, it's all my fault" he blamed himself, he remembered everything like a video playing through his head. That crack, followed by those screams, it was painful to listen to, over, and over, and over again.ย
"It's not your fault, you were playing football" Lana tried to reply.ย
"I shouldn't have, my dad told me not to" he continued to blame himself. "And even though he didn't say it, he knows it's my fault too" that look he had from ma and pa when they finally got home, that look of disappointment.ย
"Well for what it's worth, I don't think Pete minds" Lana joked, he got all the attention with that thing.ย
"You weren't there Lana, you didn't hear his bone snap" Y/N replied with dread, looking down at the cold floor. "You didn't hear him scream" he added, his voice cold.ย
"It's not your fault" a third voice cut in, the duo looked up to see the third part of their little trio. Clark Kent, with his nerdy looking glasses and a stack of books. "This stuff, kinda just happens" he added, sitting to the other side of Y/N.ย
"Well it tends to happen around me the most" Y/N sulked sighing, curling his knees up and dropping his head in-between them. Both Clark and Lana looked at one another.ย
"You remember......." Clark began, doing his best to make his best friend feel better. "....what you said the first time we found out how strong you were....?"
ย Flashback
It was a balmy afternoon, the kind that seemed perfect for childhood adventures. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over sprawling mazes of rusting cars, beams, and machinery that made up the L/N family scrapyard. Y/N adjusted his hat. He counted out loud shielding his eyes.ย
"Twenty-eight... twenty-nine... thirty! Ready or not, here I come!"
He grinned. The clink of metal in the distance gave away Lana's position almost immediately. He darted toward the sound quickly, Lana was always a bad hider.ย
"Gotcha!" Y/N declared, tagging her shoulder with a laugh.
Lana groaned, throwing up her hands in defeat. "Alright, alright! I'm out. But good luck finding Clark. He's practically invisible."
"We'll see about that," Y/N replied, scanning the area. His eyes swept over the piles of junk towering above him, and his smile faded slightly.
Clark always chose the hardest spots to hide.
Y/N climbed onto a rusted platform for a better vantage point, his boots scraping against the metal. He squinted, then caught a flash of movement in the distance. His eyes locked onto a battered old sedan wedged at the bottom of a precarious pile of scrap.
"Found you, Clark!" Y/N shouted.
From his hiding spot, Clark's head popped up through the open window of the car. His expression was a mix of surprise and determination as he scrambled out of the vehicle. "Not yet, you haven't!" he yelled, breaking into a run.
Y/N leapt from the platform and gave chase, smiling the whole way. But as Clark darted away, his foot accidentally clipped a rusted metal beam at the base of the pile.
A low groan rumbled through the air as the entire stack began to shift.
"Clark!" Y/N shouted, panic surging as the teetering pile of cars and machinery began to collapse.
Clark froze, his eyes wide with terror as a rusted sedan tipped forward, its shadow growing as it plummeted toward him. Y/N's legs moved before his brain could catch up, adrenaline propelling him forward.
The world seemed to slow. One moment, Clark was about to be crushed. The next, Y/N was there, standing between his best friend and the falling car. Without thinking, he threw his hands up.
The sedan stopped inches from Clark's head, suspended in the air. Y/N's hands gripped the metal frame, his fingers digging into the rusted surface as if it were made of clay. He stood frozen for a moment, heart pounding in his ears, staring at the car balanced above him.
"Y/N?" Clark's voice wavered, more a whisper than a question.
Reality snapped back into focus. Y/N set the car down gently, his hands trembling as he released the warped metal. Two deep impressions marked where his palms had pressed into the frame, bending it like it was nothing. He looked at his hands, breathing quickly with fear, trembling.ย
Lana appeared seconds later, panting and wide-eyed. "What just happened? Y/N, how did youโ"
Y/N stepped back, staring at his hands as if they belonged to someone else. "I... I don't know."
Clark's gaze shifted from the car to Y/N, awe etched into his face. He took a cautious step forward, placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "You saved me," he said softly, his voice steady despite the tremor of shock beneath it. "You're..."
Y/N swallowed hard, his breath still ragged. "What?"
Clark managed a small, incredulous smile;ย
"You're stronger than steel"
"What you can do, it's so cool Y/N" Clark nudged playfully.ย
"Not anymore" he sighed. "I hurt Pete, I him badly" he said, there was a small tear welling up in his left eye. "I'm afraid to touch anyone, to do anything".ย
Clark looked away, not knowing exactly what to say or do. But Lana, ever the one caring one, gently moved her pale hand to Y/Ns S/C one. She had a smile on her face, a smile that caused Y/N to look at wondering exactly what she was doing. "Don't ever be afraid of that Y/N" she said, ever slightly moving her head to his. Y/N, did the same, their faces closing in on one another. Perhaps, in another life, another world, what was about to happen, might have happened, but this is not that world. As Y/N moving his face closer, had butterflies in his stomach, butterflies, which turned into heat, a burning heat resting right behind his eyes as they began to burn bright red.ย
"Is it-" Y/N stammered, standing up holding his head. "It's really hot-" he tried to stay as both Clark and Lana looked at him with great concern.ย
Just as they were about to stand up and help their friend. Y/N screamed out. Two shining beams of pure blinding heat projected from Y/Ns eyes, two slim rays that sliced through the banner above them and burnt through some of the structure of the school. Both Lana and Clark looked at Y/N with fear, fear for their friend as the beams stopped projecting, the smoke of the burning banner instantly triggered the fire alarm to go off. With that, the sprinklers followed.ย
The trio of friends were left in the hallway, slowly getting soaked by the sprinklers, Y/N looking at his hands, and his friends at him.ย
"This wasn't an electrical fire, someone did this" the fire chief explained as the teachers finished their head counts of the students with parents coming to collect their children. "Someone is responsible"
"I'd say someone's irresponsible" Principle Reynolds snarled.ย
"Y/N" a voice called out, the soaked trio looked to see his father, Jerry L/N rolling up in his red pick up truck. "Let's go home" he said, the two friends looking at Y/N with some concern.ย
"But Pa I-"ย
"Right, Now!" his father cut him off with a stern expression.
Y/N could only wave by to his friends, getting into the red pick up with it screeching away.ย
"I wasn't doing anything wrong I swear" Y/N tried to explain, waving his arms around as his father tried to look at his son while also keeping his eyes on the road travelling down the dirt paths.
"I know" was all he could respond with.ย
"I was just.......me Lana and Clark were talking and I....." Y/n was struggling to find his worse, how does one describe what happened. "And then Lana and I, we....."
"You what?" his dad asked.ย
"It.....it came right out of my eyes dad" Y/N said, looking down at the pick ups floor and breathing through his nose. "This.....this bright burning heat" he sighed, then looking into the cars mirror to view his own expression. "What's wrong with me?" he asked his dad, and also himself. Jerry could only look down at his son, with a solemn look.ย
"Nothing's wrong with you" the voice of Joanne L/N tried to cheer up her son, ruffling up his hair as he sat down at the kitchen table. "You're special" she smiled. "You're the most special boy in the whole wide world" looking down as he tried too eat his food smiling.
"You said that before all this started mom" Y/N roughly replied as he shook her hand off his hair.ย
"Well I meant it then too" she smiled, trying to make her little man just feel better, as all mothers would.ย
Jerry on the other hand, looked at his son. He saw it, how this was eating him inside, how keeping this secret from him was tearing him apart. "I think it's past time Joanne" he said out loud, causing her to almost drop the plates she was carrying as her whole body stiffened and Y/N looked up in confusion. "Well past time".ย
"Past time for what?" their son asked, confused to whatever this conversation was.ย
"Nothing Y/N" Joanne said, trying desperately to change the subject.
"He almost set the school on fire Joanne" Jerry stated, putting a hand on her should as his wife looked down towards the full sink. Knowing this day would eventually come, dreading it, but not now, she just wanted more time.ย
"No" she whispered, barely being heard by her husband. "It'll change everything in this house" she sighed, her hands leaving the sink.ย
"He needs to know" Jerry emphasised, Joanne looked down. Her body shook for a moment, and she nodded back, giving in. Y/N needed to know, even they didn't want him too.ย
"I need to know what?" was all he could ask.ย
"Why are ย we going out to the salvage yard?" he asked as he was being lead outside, his mom while his dad lead the way. Through the maze of discarded metal, cars, household appliances and whatever else to a small corner of the yard. One Y/N had never paid any mind to because it looked exactly like everywhere else. The parents breath getting caught in their throats as they knew his entire world was about to change. "Mom?" he asked trying to get an answer out of them.ย
"The day you were stronger than a car, wasn't the first day we knew you were different" Jerry explained, moving round to the rear of a car and beginning to push it out the way. "And it wasn't the day you blew more than your candles either" he added, casting his mind back to that day. When instead of innocently blowing out the candles, a small iceberg was created on the kitchen table.ย
"You're talking about my last birthday" Y/N said out loud, thinking back to that day. When these strange things began two manifest around him.ย
"April 18th isn't your birthday Y/N" Jerry replied, fully pushing the car out of the way revealing something quite large hidden with a big sheet. Whatever it was, it was nestled in there, surrounded on all sides by rusting cars. "It's the day we found this, the day our prayers were answered" he finished, pulling the large cloth off revealing something, extraordinary. A large metal craft, not of this planet. Its structure, patterns, the way the metal weaved around itself, it looked unlike anything had seen before. ย
"What is that?" was all the boy could ask as his eyes widened in confusion, taking a step forward. Joanne meanwhile covered her mouth, unable to string together words.ย
"As bear we we've been able to tell, it's a rocket" was all Jerry could respond with as he wrapped the cloth up and threw it to one side.ย
"Where-" Y/N asked, his hand coming dangerously close to coming in contact with the alien metal. "Where did it come from?" was all the boy could ask, a million thoughts and questions racing through his head at once.ย
"It came from the sky Y/N" Jerry explained as his eyes tracked his sons every movement, trying to gaze what his reaction is. Y/N was afraid, but he was slowly, piecing it all together. "It landed right in front of us after having dinner at the Kents, Clark was just born and we prayed every night that God would bless us with own angel, and you came to us" Y/N looked back to his father, his mouth slightly hung open. "You came from this" and Y/Ns eyes sparked with fear.ย
Just as Y/N was about to ask more questions, the craft surged to life as his hand made contact with the alien grey metal. White and blue energies surged within like lighting bolts, the internal systems roared to life. A part of the craft unlocked and a panel moved downwards, revealing the interior cockpit with some red and blue rags within that used to house baby Y/N. The blue and white energies soon gathered together, swirling around one another and joining together. The energies gave shape to two beings, one male, one female. Dressed in strange clothing that looked like out of a sci fi movie. It was some of kind robes, but on their chests was a symbol, what looked to be triangle of sorts, then inside of it, what could only be described as the letter, S.ย
These two figures looked at Y/N, and the male figure began to speak in some form of alien language. He couldn't understand a word, but after a few word, the male figure spoke again, but this time in perfect English.ย
"Greetings, Seg Vex, I am Daron Vex, I am your father" the figure now identified as Daron spoke smiling gently. Then looked to the woman next to him, "This is Lyta, this is your mother" it spoke.ย
Portrayed by Erica Durance and Tom Wellingย
Edits Made By Me lol
"Mom?" Y/N asked, turning around to look what who he at thought was his mother. Holding her face that was now drenched in tears.ย
"You were not born on Earth Seg Vex, you were on a planet far from here, the planet Krypton" the alien known as Daron vex spoke again, startling the family of three as Y/N took a step back. "A world of great scientific achievement, and adventure, but also a world of great tragedy. Krypton was a victim of its unequal society, and its unstable Red Sun, but ultimately, our fate was sealed because of the failures of the High Council, and we couldn't save Krypton Seg Vex" the figure spoke again, although a hologram, its eyes narrowed with a sense of sadness. "But I will save you. This Sunstone crystal, from the House Bec, contains everything I can give you, after my death" Daron explained as from the ship, a long pointy blue crystal floated out hovered above the five humanoid figure. It was joint by many smaller crystals.ย
"You were sent here with a reason Seg Vex" the voice of the woman, Lyta Vex spoke upย
"You will be protected on this New World, by the abilities its environment will provide you" Daron Vex explained as he brought the hologram of his wife into him for a small hug. "And you will be free to move among the people of Earth, but never forget, although you look like one of them...." the next words sent shockwaves down Y/Ns whole being, filling with a panicked rage and hatred. "....You are not one of them" the hologram spoke, and instantly Y/Ns lit up once again with an intense burn.ย
"NO!" he shouted, the beams of heat firing from his eyes once again. Making contact with the sunstone and its surrounding crystals, but the crystals did not melt, did not explode. They simply absorbed the heat of the rays and continued to float in the air as if nothing had happened.ย
"Chief among our protective abilities, is your enhanced strength, fuelled by the yellow rays of Earth's sun-" ย before Lyta Vex could be allowed to continue Y/N surged forward with a fist at the ready.ย
"SHUT UP!" he called out, burying his fist into the spacecraft, not even causing a dent. But the blow did indeed switch of the holograms, as the blue and white energies swirled away with Daron and Lyta Vex with them. "THIS ISN'T TRUE!" the boy screamed, running out of the metal hole away from he thought were his parents.ย
"Y/N please" Jerry called out raising his hand.
"It can't be..." Y/N whispered to himself as his legs took him away from the scrapyard. He just kept running, past the yard, past the bus stop, into the neighbouring corn fields of the Kent Farm tears spewing from his eyes as Y/N allowed his legs to carry far from that dreadful space craft. The corn obscured his vision, and eventually Y/N tripped over something, causing him to crash to the dirt below.ย
"Y/N?" the voice of his dad called, pushing the corn away to get to his son. "I know this is scary" he tried to say, trying to offering his son any form of comfort he could.ย
"Why?" the boy asked, looking up at his father as the tears continued to flow. "Why did you show me that?"
"I didn't expect...." Jerry tried to say but words failed him. "I only wanted to show you the ship, I thought you deserved to know. I thought it might help you understand".ย
"I-I don't wanna to be someone else" the boy tried to respond wiping his face."I don't want to be different" he tried to say, Jerry could only tear up himself, it was a sight no father wanted to see. "Who am I?" he asked.ย
"Y/N" all Jerry spoke, crouching down and bringing his son into a hug so tight any other boy would have trouble breathing. "You are my son" he spoke, offering words of comfort to the scared young child.ย
On the other end of Smallville however, one father and son were having a very different confrontation. One that also involved a son running from his father, but for all the wrong reasons.ย
"You get back here, I'm not finished with you!" a drunken bearded man called out, lifting a whiskey bottle over his head watching his teenage son run over the hull.ย
"L-leave him alone dad!" a young girl cried from inside the house.ย
The man simply spat on the ground, seeing the figure of his son vanish into the darkness. "He has to come home sooner or later" he drunkly exclaimed as he turned to move back inside the old falling apart house. "He has nowhere else to go" he growled.ย
The ginger haired teenager continued to run, as far away from that hellhole as he could. But, his right foot caught against something, a rock buried in the ground. This caused the teenager to stumble along the ground and crash into the dirt. He turned around, spotting the rock he had tripped on.ย
The rock, was glowing, it had a distinct un-earthly green glow, emanating like radioactive waste. The teenager moved to inspect the rock, dusting around the surrounding dirt and stones. He finally managed to pick the glowing rock up, and bring it closer to his face, the jade glow reflecting in his eyes.ย
"Fascinating" the voice of Alexander Luthor said to himself.ย
It had been a few days since Y/N had learned his true origins, and while things had returned to some form of normalcy, Y/N still hadn't completely accepted everything. And how he was looking himself in the mirror, adjusting his new round circular glasses that were way too big for him.ย
"How long do I have to wear these stupid things?" he asked his parents, Jerry was in the truck waiting while his mother handed him his backpack.
"We don't want anymore fires do we?" Jerry smiled, hoping to brightened the mood. ย "YOu're going to wear em until you get a handle of that fire vision of yours".
"How are glasses gonna help Pa?"ย
"When those beams from your eyes hit the crystals from that rocket, they didn't explode, without even getting hot" Joanne explained as Y/N slumped his backpack over his shoulders. "I used two of the crystals that broke off for the lenses" she said, playfully pulling on her son's cheek.ย
"So if your eyes light up, the glasses should keep them in check" Jerry smiled, pushing the key in and the engine purring to life.ย
"How did you say your 'fire vision' happened again?"
"Uh ummmm" Y/N thought back. "Don't remember all that much" he mumbled opening the door. "But you couldn't have made the lenses any smaller ma?"
"I could only work with what I had, besides, you'll match Clark" she smiled. "They look good on you Y/N, they make you look smart" she waved as the truck slowly began to pull away.ย
"Don't get mad if I lose them on purpose" the boy mumbled to himself.ย
"Have a good day" Joanne waved, watching the truck drive off away from the junkyard.ย
"I've got like, really bad allergies" explained, pushing the glasses on his face asa ย group of boys stood in front of him. Questioning him on his recent absences.ย
"You had a stomach bug yesterday because of some bad eggs" the boy in the sports varsity jacket quoted. "And a dentist appointment before that.....and what's with those glasses?" he asked. "They're like, way too big" he laughed. "You know what I think? I think you're afraid of getting like Pete here" he laughed, smacking Pete on the back causing him to jump in pain as his arm was still in a cast.ย
"Come on Y/N, I'll be the coach, and you can take my place, be the quarterback" Pete tried to urge taking Y/N onto the football field. "You always wanted to".
"I..." Y/N breathed in, he couldn't have a normal life, not when he was this....freak. "I just can't okay" he said, shrugging Petes arm off him and walking away, watching as the boys all began to gather round and laugh. A life Y/N, just couldn't have.ย
"Bad eggs? Pollen?" Clark asked as he Lana approached Y/N.ย
"Those are the best excuses you could come up with?" Lana finished.
"I've never really been good at lying" Y/N mumbled, watching as the football was kicked high in the air.ย
"Well you better start practicing" Lana shot back. "Come on, I've got to help my aunt set up her floral booth, and Clark's parents have got their produce booth for the county fair" she smiled at the two.ย
As the three walked, Y/N couldn't help but try out some excuses on the duo, just so he could fake being normal. Feel as if he has some control over his life. "What about, my mom just brought me the short and I can get it dirty?"
"That's pretty much asking for trouble, remember when I got that Captain Midnight shirt? Took about 2 weeks for it to get clean" Clark responded, laughing.ย
"I have an ear infection? It's making me dizzy?" he asked again.ย
"I think it's pretty hopeless" was all Lana could say.ย
At county fair, with what seemed like much of Smallville turned up. The Kents were selling their leftover produce from last harvest, Lana's aunt was making happy couples day with roses. But even as the dark clouds above began to roll in, there was someone who was still getting his own booth together.ย
"Are you smart?" a teenager called out to the wandering Y/N who looked over confused.ย
"Excuse me?" he asked the voice, as the person was ducked behind a shelf of books.ย
"Glasses mean one of two things" the voice began. "Either you're genetically inferior, or you read a lot" he summarised.ย
"Well, I do like reading" Y/N answered back to the strange voice.ย
"You'd be the only other in a town that values the weight of a pig than the works of Nikola Tesla" the voice replied.ย
"Didn't he invent the radio?"
The voice finally had a face, as a ginger haired face looked from behind the book case, slightly surprised that this boy knew that. He was slightly older than Y/N, by only a few years. "Yes, yes he did" the teenager said. "My name is Lex Luthor" he introduced himself proudly, dressed in a blazer, tie, and jumper. Well over dressed for a town county fair.ย
"I'm uh, Y/N L/N" he replied. Y/N then inspected the amount of books at the booth, all different covers and colours, covering many different corners of the umbrella that was science. "Are these all your books?"
"They are"
"Why are you selling them?" he asked, picking one green covered book up.ย
"I've memorised the few that are actually useful, and disproved the rest" Lex smiled smugly, pulling out more from boxes and lining them up. "Plus i need money to get out of this blasted town" he sneered.ย
"Are we alone?" Y/N said, reading out the title of the book he was holding.ย
"Doctor Edrel's theories are rudimentary but written with a certain......cretinous flair" Lex laughed as he went to pull up something from the back of his booth, his prized possession. "But he does raise a question everyone should seriously ask themselves Y/N..." Lex then pulled a glass jar, and the material inside gave an ominous green glow. "Do you believe in extra terrestrials?"holding up the jade rock he had found days prior.ย
The moment Y/N's eyes locked onto the jagged, glinting rock, an unfamiliar and terrible weakness washed over him. It wasn't immediate, but a creeping sensation that felt like betrayal from within. The veins on his face filling with a deathly green glow. His muscles, once brimming with strength, faltered as if drained by an invisible siphon. His legs buckled, trembling beneath him, no longer the unshakable pillars they had always been. He staggered, barely able to keep upright, his vision swimming
"Careful you idiot!" Lex called out, seeing Y/n waving back and forth. And at the same time the dark clouds above began to CRACK with lightning, Y/N fell forward, crashing through the table causing the jar containing the rock to shatter as books fell to the ground.ย
"You clumsy idiot!" Lex swore, seeing Y/N slowly regained his strength as the rock had been moved away from him. "Look at what you did!" just as Lex went to pick up the green rock, he found part of the glass shards on it, cutting open pat of the inside of his hand.ย
"I'm sorry I-" Y/N tried to say, rain began to pour down as the further he got away from that blasted rock, the more he could himself in control of his own body.ย
"Y/N?" Lana called out, seeing her friend sway from side to side like he were drunk.ย
But before he could answer, the storm that had slowly rolled in, showed its true face. The rain was followed by heavy winds, causing many booths to of flying away. The fair was filled with screams and shocks gasps, as the storm had now quickly evolved, a hurricane was rolling through Smallville without warning.ย
Many people began to run for their lives, Lex among them clutching his precious rock as though it were the only thing that mattered. Clark wasn't so lucky. Separated from Jonathan and Martha, the young Kent stumbled to the ground, trampled by the chaos of people fleeing with neither care nor mercy.
"Clark, come on!" Lana's voice cut through the roar of the storm, strained and desperate. The rain pounded relentlessly, turning the dirt beneath them into a treacherous sea of mud. Every step was a battle as they struggled to move, the rising hurricane winds clawing at them. Lana slipped, crying out as she fell, her hands clawing futilely at the slippery grass. The vortex's pull grew stronger, dragging both her and Clark closer to its wrath.
Amid the chaos, as others fled in terror, one figure moved against the tide. Y/N ran toward the eye of the storm, his heart pounding but his resolve unshaken.
"GUYS!" Y/N's shout was barely audible over the howling wind. His eyes locked on Clark and Lana as they were lifted from the ground, their screams swallowed by the deafening roar.
"No..." Y/N whispered, fear tightening his chest. Without a second thought, he pushed his body harder, faster, his feet seeming to blur as they defied the mud and the gale. He leapt into the air, the impossible becoming real as he shot upward, gravity no longer holding sway over him.
A wooden beam hurtled toward him, a missile of debris from the storm's fury. Y/N swatted it aside as if it were nothing, his focus singular. He reached out, one arm circling Lana's waist as her screams turned to gasps of astonishment, the other gripping Clark's shoulders as the boy shielded his face with his hands.
"Y/N, what are you doing?!" Lana's voice trembled, half in terror, half in awe.
"I DON'T KNOW!" Y/N yelled back, the wind snatching his words as he fought to guide them away from the storm's heart. With sheer determination and a strength he didn't yet understand, he pulled them free from the storm's grip.
The trio tumbled from the sky, Y/N positioning himself beneath his friends as they fell. The impact was brutal, branches snapping and dirt spraying as they crashed through the trees near Kent Farms. Y/N absorbed the worst of it, his body shielding Lana and Clark from the full force of their descent. They finally came to rest in the shallows of a nearby river, the cold water shocking them back to their senses.
Clark lay unconscious, his chest rising and falling in steady breaths. Lana coughed, water streaming down her face as she pulled herself to her knees, staring at Y/N with wide, disbelieving eyes.
"Lana are you, are you?" before Y/N could get his answer, in an act of thanks, Lana grabbed his face, and pressed her lips to his in an innocent kiss. Y/Ns eyes flared up bright red, but the glasses, that had stayed on his face the entire time, absorbed the heat.ย
"You really did it son? You flew? Jerry L/N asked his excited son as the family of three were now gathered in the kitchen. Y/N was still dirty, his clothes a mess, but he hadn't stopped smiling.ย
"I did it dad, I really flew, up, up, and away!" he cheered. "It was incredible!" he continued, with a smile so infectious his parents also had it on their faces. "And I saved Clark, and Lana, and she was so happy and......" his face began to heat up. "The uh, the glasses, they work by the way" he stammered, causing Joanne to raise an eyebrow.ย
"Well the fair is cancelled for weekend but at least no one got hurt" Jerry smiled.ย
"I......." Y/N said, his voice getting slightly quiet as his parents noticed the sudden change in tone. "I know what I wanna do with my life" he let out.ย
"Well don't keep us waiting Mr Superhero, what is it?" Joanne asked, leaning against the kitchen counter arms crossed.ย
Y/N swallowed hard, but finally managed to find his voice, and spoke the words that would define his life;
"I Wanna Help People"ย
This caught Jerry and Joanne off guard, but their smiles resumed. It didn't matter where Y/N really came from, they had taught him the values that mattered. And that's all parents can do.ย
Author's Noteย
And there we go, first chapter done ย and dusted I hope you enjoyed. Thought this would be a good way to welcome in the New Year, especially now since I can say, SUPERMAN COMES OUT THIS YEAR. So excited for it, we haven't had a solo live action Superman movie in over a decade. Plus Superman is my favourite hero so wanted to make it the first chapter of the year.ย
So yeah, somethings have been changed around. Clark isn't Kryptonian, I know some people thought he would be, I don't know if anyone has seen that one episode of Smallville when Clark goes to an alt dimension and Jon and Martha do still have a kid named Clark so meh, thought it would be fun. No House El? That will be explained soon don't worry, all the Kryptonian names used are taken from the tv show Krypton, I do highly suggest watching it because it is so freaking good. Just using the names, not the same characters.ย
If anyone noticed, this story will be partly an adaptation of the Superman Secret Origin comic, one of my faves. So gonna be pulling a lot from that.ย
What was your favourite part of the chapter?
Please check out my other stories
Hope You Enjoyed
Have a Nice Morning/Day/Evening/Night
See You Next Time
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