Remus- I'll Be Good. (Part Two)
((Warnings: Mentions of blood, Lack of sleep, Guilt, Crying, Lack of food, Glass, Burns, Wounds, Alcohol, bad writing, Angst and I think that's it, Tell me if there is more. Enjoy!))
(Third) POV:
Remus stops, staring at the door in disbelief as the blood from his open wound trails down his fingers and drops to the floor.
The small taps of the dripping blood and the heavy knocks were the only thing Remus could hear, the only thing that he seemed to focus on.
The knocking grew louder and more consistent, as the voice rung out, that snapped Remus out of his trance.
"Remus??! Are you in there?? Are you okay?? What's happening??"
There was no doubt in his mind, that the voice he had heard so many times before, belonged to the one person he adored most.
"...(Y/n)..." His words seemed more like a sigh, and exhale. A small whisper of disbelief and grief.
"Remus! Please open the door!!" They shouted, pounding on the door, and twisting the knob to try and open it themself only to find that it was locked.
Remus blinked looking at the door as he found himself walking towards it, without thinking, he unlocked and opened it, twisting the door knob, the small sting of pain in his wounded hand as it pressed against the cold metal, his blood smearing onto it as he opened the door.
The sight of (Y/n's) form was enough to almost make him burst into another fit of tears.
Their whole arm was bandaged, and that was the only thing Remus was able to see at the moment, the remembrance of how he was the cause of the wound.
He let go of the door quickly and backed up two steps away from them, his hands sticking close to his chest as he was afraid of getting near them, the fear of hurting them even further lingering in his mind.
"Remus.. oh Remus.. what.. what's happened to you.." They mumbled, stepping in the door way, taking notice of the room, the glass shattered across the floor, the mirror broken and barely standing, the boxes that seemed to be thrown in the corner and most importantly, the disheveled look of Remus.
He didn't look like his normal self, he looked worse. His hand was cut open, the blood still fresh and running down his fingers, his shirt was messy with sweat, blood and dirt, the fabric clinging to his skin. His hair was messy, seeming like he ran his hands through it in distress, and his eyes were red, puffy and filled with tears as the wet trails of them stained his cheeks.
"No- No- (Y/n)-- why're you Here-?? You- you shouldn't be Here- i-" Remus mumbled his mind flooded with the memories and the regret of what had happened.
"Remus- You've been locked up here for weeks! Have- have you eaten-?? Remus- you're hand- We need to get you to a hospital-" (Y/n) mumbled, stepping towards him, only to be shocked at how he stumbled back, the alcohol and the fear of harming them again causing him to do so.
"N-No-! No- I- just leave- leave-!" He shouted, some how being able to bypass the glass shards on his floor as he stepped back with every step (Y/n) took towards him.
(Y/n) blinked, the shock and worry overtaking then at how Remus was acting and how he looked. He didn't look like himself at all, nor acting like himself. He was jittery, scared and remorseful. And that twisted their heart just thinking about it.
"Remus- we need to get you to the hospital, your hand is bleeding and it looks like you haven't slept nor eaten in days-" (Y/n) said softly, hoping their softer approach would calm him and convince him to come with them as they couldn't help but stare at his sliced hand and disheveled features.
"N-no- y-you- no-! You have to leave- i- I'm - I'm unpredictable- i- I might- I - I might hurt you more- your- your arm- i- no! Leave!" He shouted, not being able to Avert his eyes from (Y/n's) bandaged arm, his mind wandering to how bad the burns may be underneath the white cloth. The burns he caused.
"No, Remus, it isn't your fault, you're not going to hurt me. It's okay- just come here, please.." (Y/n) said, letting out a breathy exhale as they stepped towards him yet again.
Remus's back hit the wall, as (Y/n's) shoes crunched onto the scattered glass of the broken bottles. He slid down the wall, covering his face with his hands as he sobbed.
(Y/n) stayed silent, afraid that the slightest noise would scare Remus. They crouched down in front of him, their brows arched in concern, worry and sadness. They hesitantly placed their hand on Remus's trembling shoulders, noticing him flinch at the touch, yet relax at the contact.
"...Remus- it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. You won't hurt me or anyone.." They mumbled, their body swaying backwards as Remus tackled them in a hug, him crying into their chest.
Normally Remus wouldn't have listened to the comforting words, he would've still believed that he was the cause of the fire. But, it coming from (Y/n) seemed to give him relief, the person he loved most, the person who was always there for him.
(Y/n) wrapped their arms around him, lifting his face to look up at them as his chin rested on their chest. His eyes avoiding contact still.
"Remus. Look at me." They said, wiping his tears with their thumbs, seeing the hesitation in his eyes as they slowly looked into theirs. They smiled at him, before kissing his forehead, still wiping the tears from his face, hearing the small whisper of words Remus mumbled.
"...Thank you.. for everything.."
((Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been inactive recently due to family problems, I don't know when I'll be more active but I'll try my best to be, I hope you enjoyed this.))
((Word count in total: 1025 )
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