Logan- Nasa
((Warnings: human au, ((a different one I have not canon in my human au fanfic.)) Angsty, some cursing at the end, I'm not a Nasa expert, even though I LOVE space, I'm not as SmArt aS oThEr pEopLe- I was really excited to write this, I hope I did okay. Enjoy!))
(Third) POV:
Logan sighs, the heavy space suit covering his body as he looks up at his space shuttle.
His glanced down at his helmet in his hands, his heart pounding in his chest from the adrenaline he knew he was about to have once he enters the space craft.
The only thing left to do before he went off into space, was to say his goodbyes to his significant other. (Y/n).
(Y/n) also worked at Nasa, although their job was a little different than Logan's, while Logan was an actual astronaut. (Y/n) was only a techy. They worked in the technical department, usually talking to the astronauts as they entered outside of the earths atmosphere.
(Y/n) walked up beside Logan, him not noticing their presence as he contemplated on whether or not he should go. He could duck out if he needed to, but that would put all of this hard work and effort the other workers put into this, to waste.
The fact that Logan's lover was standing beside went by unnoticed, that is until (Y/n) cleared their throat.
Logan turned his head and looked down at (Y/n), causing them to look up at the tall man beside them.
Logan smiled at the sight of his partner, his heart started to calm down as he took in every detail of (Y/n's) structure.
"Are you nervous?" (Y/n) asked him, before looking up at the space shuttle they stood infront of.
"A little. Even though this is not my first time in space." Logan stated, not daring to look away from (Y/n) as he admired the look that adorned their face.
"Even if you have been in space before, there is nothing wrong with being nervous. I'd like to think everytime you go off into the unknown of the universe, it would feel like the first time all over again." (Y/n) replied, staring at the metal frame of the ship, sighing a bit as they too were a bit nervous about Logan going off into space.
They had a bad feeling about him leaving, but they didn't want to worry Logan, he loved his job. And the look of pure bliss and happiness that Logan had on when he was in space, as he flew among the stars, was something (Y/n) didn't want to take away from him.
"I suppose you are correct. It's the same nervous feeling I've had when I first went into space, the same with the excitement I have as well." Logan said, following (Y/n's) gaze up to the space craft, glancing down at them a few times.
(Y/n) nodded, opening their mouth to say something before being interupted.
"Logan, it's time to leave." Said one of their coworkers, behind the both of them.
Logan and (Y/n) turned around to see them as Logan nodded, sighing.
"I will be there in a minute." Logan stated, watching as the their colleague nodded and walked off.
Logan turned to look at (Y/n) glancing down at his suit before looking back up at (Y/n). "Well? How do I look?"
"Sharp." (Y/n) said, smiling as they stopped infront of Logan, a few inches away from him. They smoothed out his suit before looking up a him. "And like an astronaut." They said laughing a bit.
Logan chuckled, smiling down at (Y/n) before leaning in a bit. "Listen.. if.. if something happens-"
"No- I don't want to hear that.. Nothing will happen Logan. You're going to come back, I know you will." (Y/n) said, not looking Logan in the eyes, as Logan wrapped his arms around them.
Logan nodded, he knew that (Y/n) didn't like talking about 'what if' so he kept quiet.
"I know." He responded, placing a hand under (Y/n's) chin, lifting their head up so he could look at them. "I love you."
(Y/n) smiled, looking up into Logan's dark blue orbs, as he stared down at them, his eyes holding admiration and love that he only let (Y/n) see. "I love you too."
Logan pressed his lips against theirs, the love and passion in it was enough to let (Y/n) know he meant his words, and he would always come back to them. No matter what.
Logan pulled away with a sigh. "I need to get going." He said, stepping away from (Y/n) as they nodded.
"Alright, I know.." They stated, putting an arm up underneath Logan's, placing it on his back as they both started walking, before Logan had to go in a different direction.
He boarded the space craft as (Y/n) walked into the tech room, many other co-workers sitting down infront of their computers, already typing away as they prepared for launch.
(Y/n) let out a shaky exhale, the anxiousness that coursed through them as they sat down infront of their own computer, their job being a little more difficult than the others.
They watched through the cams as Logan had already boarded the ship and was ready for the launch of the space craft.
"And starting the countdown from Ten-"
Logan looked up into the camera, as if looking directly as (Y/n), a small smile was barely noticeable on his face, it wouldn't have been seen if (Y/n) didn't pay close attention.
(Y/n) stared at the screen, as their other colleagues were typing away on their keyboards, the soft taps of the keys being heard as well as the loud space craft started to shake, preparing for lift off.
The fire underneath the space craft igniting as the smoke flew out from underneath the ship, (Y/n) could have swore they could smell the aroma of the foggy mist that came from the metal ship.
(Y/n) stared at the screen, seeing Logan begin to sweat from the adrenaline, Logan's heart pounded against his chest as he wiped the perspiration off of his forehead, letting out an exhale in an attempt to calm himself.
The air craft shook violently, As Logan gulped, his adam's apple bobbing as he controlled his breathing, the anxiety getting to him as he shook along with the ship.
(Y/n) watched him intently, their heart twisting a but from the sight of Logan being nervous, the wished they could be there to comfort him, but alas they couldn't. They were not an astronaut, and Logan was.
Other co-workers begun to glance up from their keyboards, watching the scene of the ship as the smoke faded.
(Y/n) clenched their fist, softly tapping their foot against the floor nervously, sometimes hitting their desk with their knee, causing it to shake slightly.
The vibrations from the space ship was felt even from far away. (Y/n) bit their lip as they prepared for what was sto come, the gut feeling they had from earlier starting to come back.
(Y/n) held in their breath as the feeling creeped up from the pit of their stomach, their heart twisting as they knew it was too late to tell Logan to stop the launch.
The space craft shot up into the air at an insane speed, the only thing (Y/n) could see now was Logan as the ship slowly faded from view.
The ship had left the earth's atmosphere in what seemed like a matter of seconds, the stars being visable to Logan now.
The space shuttle stopped shaking as Logan looked at the stars with such joy and amazement.
He loved looking at the stars, even from when he was a kid, he loved to look at the stars, he always felt like they were calling for him. Like that was what he was meant to do.
A big smile rested in his face as he gazed at the stars, being so close to them gave him the feeling of pure Happiness, the bliss of being among the stars was breathtaking.
This put a whole new meaning to reach for the stars.
(Y/n) smiled at the look on Logan's face, joy residing in their heart from seeing Logan happy.
Although, both of their happiness was cut short as the ship started to shake rapidly.
"Uh- (Y/n), We have a problem-" a co-worker said, their eyes widening from the shock.
"What??" (Y/n) exclaimed, quickly standing up and speeding their way over to their co-worker.
Logan's smile quickly faded away as he spoke into the coms. "Uh- What's happening here?"
"There is something wrong with the shuttle- a malfunction- I-" (Y/n) stated, telling Logan as small alarms popped up from different computers in the room.
(Y/n's) heart dropped, the feeling of fear coming over them as their heart pounded against their chest, it feeling as if it would burst.
"A Mal-" There was static, the coms were starting to fail. "-Unction? What-" More static. "-Ind of malfunction??"
"The space shuttle is starting to shut down!" One colleagues stated.
"I- Logan-"
"...I heard, (Y/n)-" The com started to have even more static, as the cam started to lag, it finally shutting off.
(Y/n's) eyes started to fill with tears, their heart twisting and turning, their stomach doing flips as they began to feel nauseous.
"Logan! The- I-" (Y/n) didn't know what to say, the only thing they depended on now was the sound of Logan's voice.
"(Y/n) listen to me-" he started, the static acting up again. "I love you- so very much-" He stated.
"Say it bac-" again, Static. "-Lease."
"I- I love you too-" (Y/n) said, tears slipping down their face as their brain started to grow foggy, they didn't know what to do, or what to say.
"Good-" Logan said, his sigh being heard through the com. "I- love you-" static. "Goodbye-"
That was she last thing he said, before the com shut off completely.
Bonus/ Alternate ending:
(Y/n) started to sob, none of their colleagues knowing what to do, as they clenched onto their shirt. The tears running down their face with ease.
Thy couldn't believe it, Logan, the love of their life, was gone.
(Y/n) looked up at one of their Co-workers, said person leaning down to look at their computer.
"We've got something-"
(Y/n) sniffled, wiping their nose as they looked at the screen curiously, knitting their eyebrows in confusion.
"He's alive- he landed in the ocean- somewhere near here, in the pacific-"
"He-He's- He's alive-?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, running over the the computer, slightly pushing their colleague, unintentionally as they stated at the screen.
A small simple red dot was seen on the screen, signaling Logan was alive and safe.
(Y/n) let out a cry of relief as they stated at the screen, their co-worker talking with someone on the phone.
"They've got him, he's on his way back-"
. . . . . .
(Y/n) waited for Logan's return, tapping their foot rapidly on the floor, the sound of the door opening snapped them out of their thoughts.
Tht looked up to see logans face, him still in his suit, his hair messy and raggedy, he held his helmet on his hip as he walked into he room smiling as their co-workers started clapping at his return.
Put the clapping stopped abruptly when they saw (Y/n) stomping towards him, trudging their way over to him, he looked them expecting a kiss. And not what he received.
They stepped up to him and slapped him right across the face, earning many gasps to come from the other people in the room.
"You bastard-!!" They screamed, balling their hands up into fists and hitting Logan, his cowering from the action.
"Ow- Shit- (Y/n) stop- What the hell-?!" Logan exclaimed, knitting his brows in question as he dropped his helmet and lifted his arms to shelter his face from (Y/n's) angry punches.
"Goodbye?? You knew you would be okay and you tell me 'Goodbye'?!?!!?" (Y/n) shouted, tears started to form in their red, puffy eyes as Logan glanced at them, his heart twisting with guilt as (Y/n's) hits on him started to grow weaker.
"I-I'm Sorry- I only turned off the coms so I could get into the escape pod-" He responded, grabbing their wrists to stop them from hitting him.
"Yo-You scared me, you brilliant idiot-" They sniffled, huffing as they ripped their wrists out of Logan's grasp.
"I'm sorr-"
Logan was cut off by (Y/n) grabbing onto his face and yanking him into a kiss, one of which he returned quite quickly.
(Y/n) pulled away after a while, Logan holding onto their cheeks and wiping away their tears with his thumbs.
"I love you, you silly space man.."
"I love you too."
(Word count in total: 2210 )
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