Dukani- Therapy.
((Warnings: slight angst, mentions of verbal abuse and therapy. Requested by: asagothe_fander I hope you like this, I tried. Enjoy.))
(Third.) POV:
Remus walks into the office, he usually do at this day in the week.
He always had an appointment with Emile, Due to the others insisting he needed therapy.
Though Emile thought he needed therapy for something completely different than how he acts and thinks. He thought he needed therapy because of his Depression.
Remus sighed, not bothering to knock as he walks into Emile's office, trudging his way over to the couch before plopping down on it.
"Ah Remus, you do how do?" Emile said, smiling widely as he quoted his signature line.
Remus; Who was used to Emile and they way he addressed things, responded. "Great. Just great." He groaned, exasperatedly and sarcastically.
"Oh my. By that tone, I'm assuming your day hasn't been very ideal-?" Emile replies, knitting his eyebrows in slight worry.
Remus turned his head to look at Emile. He laid on his back, on the slick leather couch, his feet propped up on the arm of the recliner.
"You think-?" He said, exhaling in exhaustion. Though his exhaustion wasn't from physical activity.
"Well, do you want to talk about it? I mean. You are here for a reason." Emile said, leaning forward in his chair.
Remus looked at the ceiling and sighed, his hands resting on his chest as he tapped his foot on thin air.
"Well.. I just.. don't feel.. wanted." He said, after a few minutes of contemplation. He knew he shouldn't get all worked up, but he couldn't help the small twist of pain in his chest.
"Oh?" Emile mumbled, raising a brow in question as he waited for an answer.
"Its just.. Everyone tells me to.. 'Go to therapy, you need it. Dont say that. That's terrible. Shut up. Don't talk. Irrelevant. Don't be so morbid. That's disgusting. Keep quiet. Don't say anything. WhYre you like this-'" Remus quoted, his voice cracking as he spoke, he brought his knees closer to him for some sort of comfort.
He gulped, trying not to think of all the things the others tell him, trying not to think of how they don't seem to need nor want him.
He shut his eyes tightly, trying not to let the tears fall as he felt the lump in his throat start to come up. Surprising him as he made a sound that was close to somewhat of a whimper.
"Oh, darling.." Emile mumbled, standing up and setting down his clipboard before walking up to Remus, getting on his knees infront of the couch.
He placed a hand on Remus's shoulder, making Remus flinch slightly, before he looked at Emile.
"I'm here for you, I want you. Don't think of what the others think, only think of what you, yourself thinks. If you acting the way you do, thinking the way you do, makes you happy. Then no one else's opinion matters." Emile told him.
With that, Remus sat up, before launching himself towards Emile, capturing him in a hug.
"I'm not just your therapist, Remus... I'll always be here for you." Emile said, smiling as Remus chuckled, smiling back at him with a toothy grin.
Remus wiped his own eyes, smiling as he looked at Emile. "Thank you, Emile."
"You're welcome Remus, now why don't you come with me and I'll buy you lunch?" Emile suggested, receiving a nod in response.
Emile's face then turned serious.
"And then afterwards I need to have a talk with the others."
(Word count in total: 600.)
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