21: new year, new couple
was done and over with, it didn't mean basketball season was. to end the season off strong, the players still had to train hard to ensure that they won the games after the huge victory.
"yeesh! your dad sure doesn't go easy on anyone, huh?", mahito playfully complained, as megumi just shrugged.
"it'd be embarrassing if we lost to the other schools even though we were the winners of the winter cup", the dark-haired first-year stated.
before mahito could bother megumi any more, the two had noticed both of their managers walking home with the itadori twins. though it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, what made it strange was the fact that the two blondes carried a backpack that seemed to hold more than just their school supplies.
"hm, odd...", mahito commented.
"what?", megumi curiously asked.
"those four seem a little suspicious", the blue-haired third-year pointed out, as he could hear sukuna question chiyo about why she had to bring so many things over.
"what about them? they seem fine to me", megumi yawned, while kenjaku had playfully slapped the back of mahito's head as a greeting.
"HEY! what was that for?!"
"time to go home, dumbass. quit bothering fushiguro and let's go".
mahito clicked his tongue with annoyance, as he lowly plotted his revenge on his stepbrother.
"anyways, have a nice rest of your day, fushiguro. see you monday", kenjaku waved, as megumi had reciprocated the action.
his gaze had then drifted towards the twins and the team's managers, now interested.
"whatcha staring at? want a girlfriend too?", tōji teased, as his hand ruffled megumi's hair.
the teenager shoved away his father's arm, as he just frowned.
"as if", he scoffed.
"thank you so much for having us over for new year's eve!", chiyo and ozawa bowed in sync.
kaori internally squealed, as she hastily invited the two girls in, for their parents had agreed to let them sleep over at the itadori residence.
well, to be fair, chiyo had just left it at friends — not specifying who the so-called friends were.
and plus, her mother was just happy that her daughter had friends to hangout with.
"I've already set up the guest room for you both to share. why don't you two go settle down, take a shower, and then join us for dinner? I'm almost done cooking", the twins' mother suggested.
both managers nodded, as they had left to go do as told. meanwhile, kaori had snatched the collars of her two sons, glaring at them.
"you both listen here. no entering their rooms without permission or knocking first. do not go bother them after curfew. don't do what your father or I wouldn't do, got it?"
"yes ma'a—"
"are we talking about what you and the old geezer wouldn't do now? or what you both wouldn't do—"
"don't try to be a smartass, sukuna. I'm serious", kaori interrupted.
rolling his eyes, he hummed.
"relax. we would never do anything to harm them", he grumbled.
"good", the dark-haired woman smiled, "now you both go shower too. ugh, it's a miracle that they could bare your stenches".
"I don't smell THAT bad!", yūji huffed.
"yeah okay. tell that to your shoes that I need to have dry cleaned since they stink up the whole house if I don't".
yūji's mouth dropped with disbelief, while sukuna had left to go shower first.
he wondered if chiyo would be wearing her teddy bear pjs like that one time.
unconsciously cracking a slight smile, the older itadori had smacked his own face so that his expression returned back to normal.
"focus", he told his own reflection, "the fuck is wrong with you?"
"uhh, the fact that you're talking to a mirror?", yūji suddenly chimed in, letting out a snort, as sukuna was this close to putting his twin in a chokehold.
"you're lucky we have guests at our house", sukuna muttered, as yūji had started to undress.
"what're you doing?", the older twin snarled.
"taking my clothes off to shower?"
"I was here first", sukuna stated.
"and you're being too slow. yūko-chan's waiting for me", yūji rebutted.
"and chiyo isn't waiting for me? get out", sukuna demanded.
"hell no! I already took off my shirt!"
"then put it back on, dumbass! I'm showering first!", sukuna declared, as he too had shed off his shirt, causing the two to have a who's faster competition.
in the end, sukuna managed to shower first. however, yūji made sure to hide his brother's clothes, so that he'd have to go back to his room and find some.
"tch, fucking bastard", sukuna cursed beneath his breath, as he stormed through the hallway towards his room with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
chiyo, who was sent upstairs to go fetch the boys, was met with a sukuna who's wet hair had droplets rolling down his back and chest.
it wasn't like she hadn't seen him this exposed at the beach before, but that was at the beach. this was in the comfort of his own home.
"I like your pjs", sukuna blurted out, as his gaze was fixated on the second-year's pink bunny sleepwear. and the fact that she still wore the necklace he had gifted her even to sleep, made it all the bit better.
"t-thanks, umm...mrs. itadori just wanted me to check if you both were ready. but since you guys aren't, I'll just go—"
"actually, can you help me?", sukuna asked.
"drying my hair. yūji's using the bathroom right now, so I don't have a hairdryer".
chiyo was certain that the boy was capable of drying his own hair, but nevertheless agreed to help.
"great. stay there. I'm going to put on some clothes first".
upon slamming his bedroom door shut, chiyo covered her beet red face with shame.
"dear tengen, please don't tempt me like this", chiyo whispered to herself, as the door had immediately swung back open.
"come in", sukuna invited.
chiyo embraced the fact that she was once again in sukuna's room, where she did not fail to notice the bulletin board filled with everything she had ever given to the boy.
handing chiyo his towel, the first-year had taken a seat on his mat beside the bed, back facing the second-year.
without conversing much, chiyo had draped the dark towel over sukuna's head, gently ruffling it, until it was somewhat dry.
handing the girl a brush, chiyo soothingly detangled the boy's pink hair. her fingers unintentionally combing through it as well.
'so soft'.
driven by her curiosity, the girl couldn't help but lean a little closer to take a waft of the enticing shampoo that sukuna used.
however, what she didn't expect was for sukuna to turn his head around, for he noticed that the girl had stopped moving.
the two widened their eyes at the sudden closeness, as the last time they've been in this position, was christmas eve.
sukuna's pointer finger twitched, as this time, he really didn't want to hold back.
as his hand smoothly glided up chiyo's neck, cupping her face, he had leaned in closer.
their lips were just about to touch before yūji had bursted through the door, announcing that dinner was ready.
"ah, shit", the younger itadori awkwardly smiled, as he quickly ran off, before sukuna could catch him and choke him to death.
"u-umm...w-we should probably go", chiyo softly mumbled, standing up to leave and urging sukuna to do the same.
the latter just nodded, as he punched his nearby pillow once chiyo was gone.
"yūji...you brat!"
after a lovely dinner served by kaori, the twins had stolen some of the fireworks their father had bought for new years.
originally, the managers were hesitant on sneaking out with the twins. however, after some friendly coaxing, they had finally agreed to breaking the rules for the first time.
"are you sure your parents won't find out? I'd hate for our impression to be ruined...", ozawa muttered, tightening her scarf around her neck, for it was still cold out.
"they seem to love you both even more than us. it'll be fine", sukuna waved off.
the managers had then shared a concerning glance, before arriving with the itadori twins back at school.
climbing over the school gates was one thing, but mounting the ladder on the side of the school to reach the roof of the school was another.
"ah, I think I accidentally left the matches in the bag down at the ground", ozawa commented.
"I can go get it", chiyo offered.
"I'll set up the fireworks first then", yūji offered, while sukuna had descended down the ladder to help the second-year.
as chiyo had grabbed the bag and was about to ascend back up the ladder, sukuna had stopped her.
"something wrong?"
"shh, listen", sukuna shushed, holding chiyo's waist, so that the two of them could eavesdrop on the other two that were still at the rooftop.
once yūji had successfully finished setting up the fireworks, ozawa had timidly called out for the boy.
"what's up, yūko-chan?"
"u-umm...I-I wish to tell you something!", the blonde first-year squeaked out.
yūji scratched the back of his head as he nodded, encouraging his team manager to continue.
"yeah? is something the matter?"
chiyo's breath hitched, as she knew exactly where this was going. sukuna seemed to as well, for the latter had checked the time.
'one minute before new years'.
"a-ano...", ozawa deeply breathed in and out as she fiddled with her fingers and stared at the ground.
"you....?", yūji repeated.
"I LIKE YOU!", the blushing girl eventually admitted, letting steam evaporate from her head, as her face was cherry red.
chiyo's jaw dropped, as she didn't know that ozawa had planned on confessing tonight.
'I thought we were confession buddies!!'
"hm, brave", sukuna commented, flickering his gaze towards chiyo, who just adverted the pressuring stare.
yūji's petite smile eventually blossomed into a large grin, for he's been waiting for his secret admirer to show themselves.
"I LIKE YOU TOO, YŪKO-CHAN! I'm glad that it was you who confessed!", the younger itadori responded, relieving ozawa of her stress.
"r-really?! you're not just saying that because I suddenly became skinny and—"
"I liked you back then as well, when you still had short black hair and was just a little plumper. I liked the way you elegantly ate and wrote", yūji honestly admitted.
ozawa covered the lower half of her face in disbelief, as she was instantly embraced by her crush.
"so, would you like to be my girlfriend then, yūko-chan?", yūji happily muttered.
"yes", the girl answered, relishing in the warmth of her new boyfriend, as sukuna and chiyo — mostly just the latter — quietly celebrated with muffled claps.
"ah, I'm so envious...", sukuna casually mumbled, causing chiyo's lips to twitch.
"I-I'm sure that you'll get a girlfriend like yūji-kun soon enough...", the second-year awkwardly chuckled.
"indeed I will", the boy cockily responded.
he's the type of boy that'll love you no matter your sexuality, religion, race, size, & etc.
credits: @ITADORISARANGHE || twitter
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