Hopes Discovery
The next day was an interesting morning, and especially with all the tension that was brought up once their daughter figured out the truth. The family would glance at each other, but no words would be spoken, and no matter who spoke Hope would ignore them finishing up her breakfast.
"Hope I'm sorry." Hayley said watching her daughter roll her eyes.
"I'm finished eating Aunt freya! I'll be in my room if you need me." Hope said looking specifically at freya and keelin as she got up to wash her plate, and headed to her room.
"Ouch" Freya said smugly.
"Be quiet Freya" Klaus sneered back as freya let a chuckle out.
"No you know it hurts having your own daughter hate you at this very moment, and not admitting it is just decreasing your ego. brother." Freya said grabbing her wife's hand walking out the dining table.
"It's okay Nik... Hope will come around eventually." Rebekah said sending her brother a sympathetic look.
"Exactly Klaus! She's our daughter, and loves us." Hayley said as she left the table with Rebekah tagging along.
Hope had been in her room painting for the last hour, and noticed she was running on low paint, and went off to find more paint for the portrait she's been painting so far, and is actually liking it despite the others she's made countless times. This portrait just held more emotion to it.
She had opened her fathers art room looking around for a couple minutes, and she finally had opened a cabinet that held the paint bottles making her smile as she then look at a piece of paper stashed inside.
"What is this?" Hope mumbled pulling out the paper that looked more so like a grimoire. She looked around making sure no one see's her opening the piece of paper with a language she couldn't seem to understand.
Noaptea va cădea, iar viața de vrăjitoare va fi scoasă la lumină.
Ea va fi pacea și salvarea lui.
El va fi fericirea ei, și protectorul ei.
Se vor găsi mereu unul pe celălalt.
Cu cele două suflete ale lor fiind legate împreună pentru eternitate.
El o va iubi, iar ea îl va iubi pe el.
Hope had only understand a couple words in that whole section 'prophecy', 'soulmate, 'love'. She quickly pulled her phone out taking photos of the paper sending it to her uncle Elijah, and hoping maybe he'd understand this language, and what the prophecy has stated.
She hadn't realized someone entering until they called her name scaring her as she dropped her phone, and paper. She turned around looking at her father who had raised eyebrows.
"What does this paper say?" Hope questioned her father knowing he wouldn't give her a proper answer. She watched him tense up looking at the paper.
"Nothing important Hope. I need you downstairs for some assistance on a witch friend who's coming." Klaus said approaching his daughter snatching the paper away from her.
"With what? You can't just expect me to agree" Hope replied back.
"Hope just do as I say!" Klaus said once more pinching the bridge of his nose as Hope sighed walking out the room heading downstairs.
The time Hope had arrived downstairs her phone buzzed, and noticed it was a message from her Uncle Elijah who simply replied, 'Valerie and I are in a coven as of right now, and I'll do my best to check on this later.' She read making her sighed in defeat.
"You called for a witches assistance Mikaelson Family? I thought we dropped the family drama in New Orleans." The witch said entering the living room making Hope raise her eyebrows in confusion on who this lady is.
"Genevieve so glad you could make it"
Romanian- Noaptea va cădea, iar viața de vrăjitoare va fi scoasă la lumină.
Ea va fi pacea și salvarea lui.
El va fi fericirea ei, și protectorul ei.
Se vor găsi mereu unul pe celălalt.
Cu cele două suflete ale lor fiind legate împreună pentru eternitate.
El o va iubi, iar ea îl va iubi pe el.
English- The night will fall, and the life of witch will be brought into light.
She'll be his peace, and salvation.
He'll be her happiness, and protector.
They'll always find each other.
With Their two souls being bonded together for Eternity.
He'll love her, and she'll love him
This may not be a good prophecy, but I think it's cool oh whatever. I googled translated the thing into Romanian so please don't yell at me if something isn't spelled right lol.
Is there more to Thena and Kol being soulmates? Yes I just can't have the information all out in once.
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