USJ Part 2~Chapter 6
(Thank you for 2k! You're all so nice, and uh... I'm really sorry this took so long to write, and that it's a little bit choppy. I hope you enjoy!)
(Y/n)'s Pov
I balled up my fists and gritted my teeth, and glared hard as the mist man from earlier appear. I almost lurched at him, but after some consideration, I stayed put. I listened carefully as the two people conversated. These dumbasses really just told us their names, I-
So... Kurogiri and Tomura Shigaraki, huh? My train of thought was broken as Shigaraki leaped towards us, reaching towards Tsu. I quickly pushed her out of the way, and he grabbed onto my shoulder instead. I braced for the pain, but it never came.
"You really are so cool... Eraserhead" Shigaraki said, and turned towards Aizawa-Sensei to see that he was using his quirk, despite his injured state.
Midoriya was quick as he lined up to punch Shigaraki, and throw him away from us. He yelled his usual quote and swung his fist, but as the smoke cleared, Shigaraki was intact. The Nomu had jumped in the way, blocking Midoriya's attack completely.
Shigaraki questioned Midoriya's strength as the Nomu raised his hand up to crush him. At the same time, Shigaraki spread his hands to try and hurt Tsuyu and Mineta. Thinking that Midoriya's could handle himself for a minute, I rushed towards Shigaraki and threw water at him, knocking him over.
A loud bang could be heard in the distance as dust rose. And out of the cloud, emerged a pissed off All Might. "Have no fear students... I am here" he said loudly, so that the whole USJ could hear him. Mineta screamed in glee as a slight smile came to my face, but it didn't last too long, as I knew the fight wasn't nearly done.
Happiness spread over the students that had heard like wild fire. People were crying and smiling all over the place. "I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong here when 13 didn't answer my calls. So I hurried over, running into young Iida along the way. He told me about the villainy at work here" All Might explained, gritting his teeth.
He assured us again that we would be safe as the lowlife villains got nervous. And just like that, he swooped in and defeated all of the puny ones, gently picking up Aizawa-Sensei in his arms. He apologized as he finally made his way towards us, dashing to rush us to the side as well.
"Everybody back to the entrance, and take Aizawa with you, he doesn't have much time" All Might commanded, and we all nodded in agreement. I got a blob of water from the lake and made a rectangular shape, telling Midoriya and Tsu to float him a top of it. Once Aizawa-Sensei was stable, we started heading towards everyone else at the entrance.
We had a jogging pace, and listened as All Might beat at the Nomu. I looked backwards at the fight as Mineta and Tsu talked about him, nervousness laced on my face. Just at first glance the Nomu looked like a tough villain, and as I watched, something happened.
As All Might tried slamming the Nomu down, Kurogiri opened up a portal, so that instead of the Nomu crashing onto the ground, his head peaked out another portal. The vile creature dug into All Might's side, blood leaking through his white dress shirt. He struggled in the Nomu's arms, yelling at the villains. I looked at Midoriya and saw what he was about to do, so I did it for him.
"I can't do this anymore. Tsu~Chan, Mineta~Kun, make sure Aizawa-Sensei gets safely to the entrance on the water, ok? Midoriya~Kun, let's go" I said, and started running towards All Might, Midoriya following behind me. The two young heroes yelled in protest but it fell silent in my ears.
Midoriya reached out to All Might, but I saw that Kurogiri had seen us. I propelled myself into the air with some water, barely missing Kurogiri as he appeared in front of Midoriya. I was about to shoot the green haired boy away, but Bakugou came bursting in.
"Get the hell out of my way, Deku!" he yelled, exploding Kurogiri in his misty ass face. I grinned widely as I landed onto the ground. Ice covered the right side of the Nomu, and it reached to his arm. That gave All Might the opportunity to leap out of his arms, clutching his side. Kirishima also jumped in and tried attacking Shigaraki, but missed. I almost intervened to help Kiri, but Shigaraki didn't attack him.
I look back at Bakugou to see that he had gotten Kurogiri, and exploded his body as he struggled. Shigaraki got furious and sent the Nomu after Bakugou to retrieve Kurogiri. The monster lurched fast towards the blonde student, but I threw him out of the way with some water.
Unfortunately, the Nomu grabbed Kurogiri, and All Might got hurt, but at least Bakugou was alright. I rubbed my head in pain as I got lightheaded, stumbling a bit. "Woah, (Y/n)~Chan, are you ok?!" Kirishima asked, coming over to my side. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" I say, shaking off the dizziness. I could tell he glared at the bruises once again, but thankfully ignored it.
Shigaraki stared spewing off all this nonsense, though some of it I did understand. All Might just called him crazy and held up his fists. The other boys took battle stances, but I kept my head down as I already knew what All Might was gonna say. Like I predicted, he told us to stay back, and to not put ourselves in danger.
I was about to protest but All Might rushed at the Nomu, causing us all to get blown back. My body flew threw the air, but strong arms caught me before I hit the ground. I smiled up at the unknown person and blushed as I realized it was Kirishima.
"Thanks, Kiri~Kun" I said, patting his chest, a single that he could put me down. He set me down on my feet and gave me a quick grin, but we both remembered what was still going on.
We watched intensely as All Might fought hard, and repeatedly punched the Nomu, trying to over throw his shock absorption. And why don't you look at that! He punched the Nomu right out of the USJ, shaking the whole building. Screams of joy were heard everywhere as All Might smiled, but the mood dropped as everyone realized that Shigaraki was still a threat.
All Might looked to be at his limit, and Midoriya looked terrified. The others watched as the weaker villians got back up, preparing to fight. I was about to join them, but Midoriya jumped in to defend All Might as Shigaraki leaped towards the symbol of peace. "Midoriya~Kun, get back here!-"
Out of nowhere, shots were fired into Shigaraki, and I froze. Everything went silent as a familiar voice sounded in the distance. It was Nezu! The students cheered one last time, crying out to their teachers.
Everyone, expect you, was too blinding by relief to notice that something was crawling back into the USJ, and it wasn't happy...
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