this is basically filler before the next training camp bc like. the episode before the training camp is just about kageyama and hinata doing they own thing so she'll do her own thing too lol
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
You clutch onto the straps of your bag and look around, walking around the area of the Miyagi prefecture which was mainly where Shiratorizawa students resided. You saw a few already, as it was before school, hanging out with their friends around a small town area with shops and a mall.
The guy that F/N had shown you on that dating site earlier actually turned out to be a nice guy, and you two actually started chatting a bit and decided to meet up.
"No, F/N. It is not a date. No, F/N. We won't fall in love. No, F/N. I won't move to Shiratorizawa."
You remember telling her a few dozen times, even though she was the one who encouraged you to quote, unquote, go out, with this guy.
You take out a small compact mirror and check your makeup. It looked fine, and you knew that, but you felt a twinge of nervousness as the minutes went by and you couldn't find him. You walked into the small mall and started looking around there.
"Maybe he just wanted to go to school." You mused aloud, under your breath. Most students were gone by now, and they did live at the school in dorms.
"Uh- hey!" A deep, male voice rang out, and instinctively, you turned around. There he was- the guy in the photos jogging up to you.
The photos did not lie; he was, in fact, 5'10, and was, in fact, pretty cute.
He walked up to you, a calm smile on his face as he looked you up and down. You hoped your pictures did not lie as well, because that would be embarrassing. F/N insisted that she only take the best photos of you, and took a good 2 days trying to get them with your knowledge.
"You're L/N Y/N, right?" He grinned a boyish grin, leaning back on his heel. He was wearing a dark leather jacket and white undershirt, with baggy jean pants and a silver necklace. You also noticed he had piercings along the *side of his ear. Just by looking at him, he looked like a rockstar of some kind.
"Yes. You're Semi Eita?"
"That's me."
You both broke eye contact, and it grew silent for a second. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked back at you. "Right... So, you wanna walk around?"
"Sure." You nod and start walking beside him. "You go to Shiratorizawa?"
"Yeah. Sorry if going all the way out here from Karasuno was a bother." He laughed nervously, and you just shook your head and tried your best to smile to try and ease the nerves, but it seemed to do the opposite.
"No, it was fine."
He sweatdropped, unaware that the strange expression you were making was supposed to be a forced smile, she looks... mad.
You notice the distraught expression on his face and clear your throat. Maybe I should change the topic. "So, you play volleyball, right?"
"Yeah... I... uh- play volleyball." Semi stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants and dragged his feet a little as he walked. "I actually got a sports scholarship from middle school. I'm a setter. Are you into volleyball?"
"A sport's scholarship is pretty impressive. I don't play, but I know a bit about it." You look up at him, lips twitching up. "I'm a journalist, so... I accompany my school's team wherever they go. I'm pretty sure they're going to a training camp in a few days, so I'm going to be going with them."
"Oh, cool, a training camp." He looked more visibly relaxed now and didn't even glance away to break the eye contact with you. "Where are you guys going?"
"Oh woah!" His eyes widened. "That's pretty far. My team has a training camp, too, but it's just around here. What schools?"
"Hm..." You place a finger on your chin and tilt your head away in thought. "I think... Nekoma, and... Fukurodani...? And a few others."
"Nekoma is pretty good. We went to nationals with them one time," he let out a sigh. "Their defence is solid, but we didn't get to play them cuz we lost."
"That's sad." You shake your head and readjust the straps of your bag. "Your team won the interhigh preliminaries, right? That was pretty impressive, against Seijoh. They're good."
"Oh, for sure," he smiled lazily, closing his eyes. "But Seijoh always loses to us. It's not really even that surprising anymore."
"You sound pretty cocky." Your tone is more playful, and you purposely make it sound this way.
"Don't blame me. We have a national-level ace on our team- of course, I'm cocky." He laughed a deep sound that rang through your ears. It sounded nice. "Oh yeah, you know Ushiwaka, right? He's mentioned you before."
"Really?" You're genuinely surprised at this. You didn't think he would bring you up. "I sometimes talk to him whenever I go to Shiratorizawa for a meeting or anything. It's easy to talk to him."
"Huh, seriously?" He raised an eyebrow and smirked playfully. "Don't tell him, but he's kind of like talking to a brick wall. How do you do it?"
You suddenly feel like you're being teased. You feel heat gather to the tips of your ears, and subconsciously readjust your hair to cover them. "I... Just talk to him. I don't really have a strategy to keep a conversation going with him."
"Fair enough." He shrugged. You two had been walking together for this entire time and had now ended up in the food court. There was mostly fast food and only a few drink shops that sold bubble tea. "Are you hungry? I could go for something to eat."
You weren't that hungry but wouldn't mind eating something. "A little bit. What do you want to eat?"
"Hmm.." He looked around and inspected the shops, but then looked back at you and smiled. "I don't mind. You can choose."
You saw a shop that sold food you liked. You pointed at it. "How about that one? That food is pretty good."
"Sure." He nodded, and you both walked over to that shop. You waited in line together, talking about useless things, before he was ordering for you. "What do you want?"
You point to an item on the menu, and he orders two of them. Waiting in the queue for your food to be cooked, made you think about this whole day.
You skipped school, met up with a boy, talked about useless things, and are now getting food together. This really does sound like...
You cover your mouth and your eyes widen. A date!
He grabbed the two items and thanked the server, walking to the table you were already sitting at. You noticed how, instead of sitting across from you, he took a seat directly next to you.
Is this a date?! Couples do this, right?
You tried your hardest to remember what F/N told you couples do. She said... that the guy usually pays for the girl...
"Thank you," you nodded, closing your eyes. "I'll pay you back."
"Don't worry," he smiled a charming grin. He shuffled a bit closer, which made a ringing sound through your head. "It's okay."
The guy did pay!
You bit down on the food, chewing indiscriminately while looking away. Okay... She also said that... usually... he'll try to know more about you... and will try to make body contact.
Semi swallowed a bite he was chewing, looking at your face that was lost in thought. "Hey?" He laughed lowly, before placing a hand on your shoulder, which made you snap out of your trance and look at him in shock.
"Sorry. You just looked dazed."
"Oh- uh..." Since when did you stutter? You feel your cheeks heat up and you grind your teeth. "It's okay. I was just thinking about something."
"No problem. Sorry if I'm prying, but I'd like to know more about you." He chuckled nervously, eyes cast downwards and bangs falling over his forehead. You jolt back, he is trying to know more about me! "What are your hobbies?"
Your stomach twists in a way you haven't felt before... in a way that was only similar to... when you were around Lev's older sister. "I... enjoy writing... and journaling. It's fun."
"Huh, really? You should write my essays for me, then," he joked, and you found yourself smiling too. Instead of being shocked like everyone else was when you smiled... he only smiled back, chuckling.
"Not a chance," you shocked yourself with your own joke. "What about you?"
"Oh well... I mean, you know I like volleyball, but I also like music. Like... listening to it, and playing instruments."
"What do you play?"
He hummed, a hand on his chin as he thought, "Electric guitar, bass, piano... and violin."
"That's impressive." Your praise was genuine.
His cheeks tinted pink and he looked away, laughing lowly. "Not really. I mean, I used to hate the piano lessons I did as a kid, but I guess I just started to like them at some point."
"I'd love to hear you play, sometime." You feel your stomach do that familiar twisting, and the words fall out of your mouth before you even register what you are saying. "Maybe... after next week?"
He grinned, showing off his pearly white teeth. "I'd like that."
You both toss away the wrapping of your food and start walking away. "It's pretty late," you point out, looking out the window to see the sun starting to set. You almost feel a sense of... disappointment. "I should be going soon."
He presses his lips together in a thin line, looking at you with his dark eyes, and you could almost say he looked disappointed too. "Yeah. My coach might actually kill me if I don't show up to practice. If he finds my dorm empty... I'm done for."
You laugh lightly at this, a sound that surprises you. "Your coach must be strict."
"Don't even get me started on that..." He let out a heavy breath, and before you knew it, you were both at the entrance from where you arrived.
You both walked out of the mall and to your bus stop. You look up at him, noticing how his hair swooped. It looked nice. "Thank you for walking me back."
"No problem. Thanks for not judging my outfit," he grinned.
"Your outfit isn't bad," you look away, fiddling with your bag straps. "It... looks nice. It suits you."
"My friend doesn't think so," he lamented, rolling his head back with a groan. "He says I look lame. He tried to pick out my outfit for today, but I think his style is even worse."
You smile gently, and your eyes squint upwards. "Thanks for... today."
He nodded, also smiling gently. "Yeah. Thanks for today, too. So... after next week... you wanna...?"
He seemed to be flustered trying to ask you, so you just laugh (a schoolgirl giggle, which is incredibly out of character for you), and nod, taking your hand in his. "Yeah. I'd... like that."
He looked down at you, surprised by the hand contact, but his expression relaxed and he smirked. "I know women don't really like being told this... but you should smile more. Your smile is... really pretty. It suits you."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you can't help the smile that stretches across your lips. "Right. Okay. I'll try."
He nodded back, and you stared into each other's eyes. Just now, you realise how close your faces are. You don't dare break the eye contact, staring softly and you don't notice how you wet your lips, or how he licked his.
But you suddenly jump back when a dog started barking at you, a lady pulling on the leash that was supposed to hold it back. "I'm so sorry!" She apologised, telling off her dog as she dragged it away.
"It's okay," your smile fell, and you only nodded and bowed slightly at her. You take a step back from Semi, and he visibly deflated, sighing. "Um... So, I'll see you... later."
"Yeah. See you, Y/N."
He waved as he walked away, and you took a seat at your bus stop, clutching your bag on your lap as you mentally replayed what went on throughout today. You... were so close to...
You shake your head, burying it into your bag, which in turn, messes up your makeup. You grumble, patting your face and breathing out heavily through your nose.
Today... might have been a date. It might have been something you didn't expect...
But you couldn't say that you didn't enjoy it.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"You WHAAAT?!" F/N cried out, tears appearing in the corner of her eyes. "You nearly... K-KISSED?!"
"It's not that surprising." You deadpanned, looking to the side, away from your distraught friend.
"YES IT IS??? Y/N-sama... you're finally going to get a boyfriend!" She covered her mouth, sobs escaping her lips dramatically. "I mean, he is totally hot and you two look really good together and he sounded super nice to you today and...!!"
She paused, wiping her eyes. "Wait... why am I upset about this? Maybe... he is the only guy who actually deserves you, Y/N-sama..."
F/N sighed, deflating. "I can't find anything to even be mad about... he can even play 4 instruments! And he got a sports scholarship!"
"It's not like we're dating. It's just a natural thing for an adolescent to be interested in somebody romantically." You feel your cheeks heat up, and you shuffle your feet across the ground.
"You're embarrassed now?! Oh my gosh, you really do like him! But you've only known him for a day?! Is he really that likeable?!"
"Be quiet!" You hiss at her, folding your arms under your chest and glaring at the ground.
"You've grown up so fast!"
"I said to be quiet!"
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"Semi had a date with a girl!" A bowlcutted brat pointed at him in shock, as the boy in question walked into the gym, putting on his sports shoes.
"Be quiet!" The setter hissed, glaring. "If coach finds out I ditched school today, he'll make me do a hundred laps!"
"You deserve it!" Tendou cried out, holding his chest dramatically. "I mean- you've betrayed the rest of us, Semi-semi! You..."
He paused dramatically, crocodile tears appearing in the corner of his eyes. "You have a girlfriend!"
Semi's face grew red, and he glared daggers at the redhead, "Can you shut up? She's not my girlfriend. You're the one who made me get that stupid app, anyways."
"It doesn't matter if he has a girlfriend." Shirabu rolled his eyes, throwing up a set for Ushijima.
"Don't be so salty, Shiraboo! You'll have a girl interested in you someday!"
Shirabu froze up, face red and also glaring daggers at Tendou. "I... I have plenty of girls interested in me!"
"It's okay to be in denial," The redhead lowered his head and closed his eyes.
"Oh right. Ushijima, the girl I went with today... It was the girl you talk about." Semi looked at the third year and noticed how he froze up.
"Yeah, Y/N?"
"You are on a first-name basis." Ushijima pointed out.
"... Yeah?" Semi chuckled awkwardly.
The captain paused, turning away from Semi. "You two are not dating."
It sounded like more of a question, so Semi answered, "Yeah. We're not."
Ushijima nodded. His expression did not change, but his shoulders fell slightly. "Okay. You should start to practice now. Coach is in a bad mood."
"Really? Why?"
The captain stared at the third-year setter blankly. "Because when he looked for you in your dorm, you weren't there."
Semi's eyes widened, and he cursed aloud, "Oh... SHIT!-"
"SEMI! ONE. HUNDRED. LAPS." The demon coach yelled, walking into the door with a furious expression. "Ditching school to go on a date is absolutely unacceptable!"
"Good luck!" Goshiki smiled, waving as Eita sighed loudly, groaning as he slipped on his shoes, and ran out of the gym, running around it.
Even if he now had to do one hundred laps to make up for the date you had today...
He thinks, a smile forming on his face.
It was totally worth it.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
*the helix.
note: I'm not sure if it is canon bc i haven't read the manga yet and obviously you can't wear piercings or any type of jewellery in sports, but helix piercings really suit him.
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