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"Hey, Y/N-sama!" You look down at F/N, who is clutching onto your arm, but her eyes are focused on the other team that Karasuno is currently playing against. "That tall guy on Nekoma... he's new, right?"
You nod, watching as he blocks Hinata and smirks. "Yes. I know him. His name is Lev."
"Woah! How do you know him??"
You turn your head away, looking down to the floor. "I'm... acquaintances with his sister because she works for my parents as a model. We see each other sometimes, and she often brings him along. He's... nice."
"Oh my gosh, that's the girl you have a schoolgirl crush on!" She smiled widely, giggles escaping her lips. "Do they look alike?" You nod. "Hmm... I see it, now! He's pretty cute," she hummed thoughtfully. "And tall!"
Karausno had taken a break, as soon as Lev blocked a ball that was supposed to fool him. They looked distressed.
"Hinata looks so intense..." F/N's teeth chattered, and she slumped down so her shoulders touched her ears. "Ugh... I can't believe this is the same guy in class with me."
"He likes this sport, I guess." You thrummed your fingers against the clothing of your skirt and pressed your lips together in a thin line. "But Nekoma is still better."
"So we need to get better than them!"
You give her a look, "Well, obviously. That's what we're doing."
"Are you seriously being sarcastic with me?!"
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Asahi and Hinata both went for the same ball but ended up colliding with each other, the first year falling to the ground.
"I'M SORRY!" The ginger bowed to the ground, tears appearing in his eyes.
"HINATA, GET IT TOGETHER!" Kageyama yelled, sneering at him.
F/N snorted obnoxiously loudly, gathering attention. "Are you serious?! That was totally for Asahi! Why did Shoyo go for it?"
You notice how they made eye contact and looked like rivals for a split second. "He took that ball that was meant for the ace."
"Well, duh, but why?—"
"He's trying to evolve."
F/N's face fell, and she scrunched up her nose, squinting at the ginger. "Ugh, seriously? So... he's trying to take Asahi's spot? No way that'll happen! I mean... Asahi-san has way more experience!"
"I don't know what is causing him to do this, but it might make a problem out of nothing." You sigh. pinching the bridge of your nose and focusing your eyes down. "Then it'll be hard to actually... uh... evolve."
"I don't get all these weird metaphors. Talk normally, Y/N-sama." F/N's face went blank, as you just stared at her with just as much emptiness.
"You, know, Kageyama. From now on, for those quick attacks... I'll keep my eyes wide open." Hinata stared into Kageyama's eyes, face unmoving as the setter stared at him in genuine disbelief. He made a disgusted face, which caused Hinata to seethe, "We can't keep doing this. It isn't working anymore, so I—"
"You learned to do the normal quick attack because it was all you could handle." His voice wasn't condescending, or rude, but regular. It wasn't like Kageyama was trying to degrade Hinata... but rather, he was just saying exactly what he was thinking. "I don't know what you're thinking about right now, but we can talk about it after the game."
He turned away. "Because if you're saying you're going to do that during this game... I'm not going to set to someone I know will miss."
Hinata's brown eyes narrowed into a glare as Kageyama walked away.
F/N stared in pure shock. "Wh—WHAT?! What the hell?! What just happened?!" Her eyes kept darting between the two first years, her expression growing more and more concerned as she kept looking.
"They're having a dispute," you frowned, biting down on the inside of your cheek. "Hinata wants to grow alone, but Kageyama just wants to do what he knows will work. They have a huge difference of opinion."
"But don't they all look kind of.. off?" F/N tilted her head up at you and clutched her hands in front of her. "I mean... just look at them. They all look scared."
"I guess. Maybe it's just nerves from Hinata crashing into Asahi, though."
"Maybe..." F/N trailed off, puffing out her cheeks and watching as the whistle blew and Karasuno lost, doing flying laps on their stomach.
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"Oh hey! It's Koutarou!" F/N pointed smiling widely. Despite their brief meeting only a day before, it seemed that F/N liked him, even if he was, quote, a super dumb volleyball freak, end quote. "Hey! Kou!!!"
His golden eyes gleamed in her direction, and he winked at her, waving as soon as he had set foot back on the ground from a spike. "Little chick!"
"Aha, I don't know what that means!" She smiled and laughed, making you sweatdrop and look away.
She held up her camera and snapped a photo, taking it out of the device and waving it around. F/N held it up to you and grinned. "Doesn't it look super cool?"
You nodded, which made her eyes sparkle and her cheeks flush red.
HInata was subbed out this time, and watching from the sidelines.
"He looks really—what's the opposite of content?"
"Agitated?" You finished for her, and she nodded vigorously.
"Yeah! He looks super agitated..." She placed a finger on her chin and tilted her head, pouting. "I wonder why."
"Probably from yesterday," You look away, to the open window. It was a pretty nice day outside. You wonder why they weren't playing outside.
"Oh, right! They went outside together and it seemed pretty heated. I wonder what happened out there..." She murmured, trailing off.
You didn't respond, too lost in your thoughts. For the rest of the time, you stayed silent and watched how they played.
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"Woah! Is that your car," Asahi asked, looking at it in shock. You nodded. "It's totally..." He paused, face going pale. "Scratched up..."
"Way worse than scratched!" F/N shivered, throwing herself in the backseat and groaning. "Please don't drive so recklessly this time, Y/N-sama! I have a long life ahead of me... and I don't want to get into a car crash and die at 16!"
"I can't promise anything." You deadpan, watching as Sugawara, who had appeared next to his spiker friend, grew more and more concerned. "Road rage is a very influential feeling. I am not myself when I road rage."
You inspect your car a little more as F/N wails, crying into her hands. Maybe I should do a bit more practice driving...
You know that voice... and so does F/N. She jumped out of the backseat and pointed, "Bedhead!"
"Okay, damn. I didn't even do anything this time," Kuroo held his hands up in defence, with an offended look as he stared at the small girl.
"This time," Yaku snorted as he walked past.
"Hello." You greeted him, which made a smile form on his face.
"This is your car, huh? You know, you coming fashionably late was pretty surprising." A smirk now was in place of that smile, his lowering his head down slightly to make eye contact with you. "I mean... Is the Y/N starting to slack off? You nearly scared me. Thought you weren't going to show."
"You were scared I wasn't going to show up?" You raised an eyebrow, looking at him, confused.
"Yeah. I mean, I already told Bokuto about us—"
"Okay, you're going a bit far there!" F/N stood in front of you, glaring with puffed-out cheeks. "You know, you're way too cocky to think that there will ever be an us between you and MY Y/N-sama!"
"Uhuh," he rolled his eyes and smiled at her, promptly ignoring her as he looked back up to you. "You know, there's going to be another training camp in two weeks. It's a week long. You'll be there, yeah?"
"Probably," you tilt your head down in thought, placing a hand on your hip. "I don't have anything going on..."
"Good. Cause we should go out," he leaned back on his heel. "You haven't forgotten that last time we met, right? I'll totally get Kenma to come along too."
"Oh..." You did forget. "Okay. I don't mind."
He grinned a cat-like grin. "Good. It's a date."
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is. See ya." He waved goodbye, but not before ruffling the hair of F/N, who started growling at him. "See you, tiny."
You see Lev waving goodbye at you too, as you get into your car, F/N following suit. You wave back, and his face flushed up.
"Ugh! I freaking hate him!" She glared at Kuroo's retreating figure, fuming. "I'll knock him down one of these days... and then he'll finally stop hitting on you!"
"There's another training camp, and it's a week long." You hum, looking back at the bus that Karasuno took. "We should go."
"Well, obviously!" She grinned. "We can't miss out on it! It'll be super fun!"
You nod, and your lips twitch up. F/N looked at you in wonder as you turned your head away and smiled. "You're right."
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