CHP 51
He somehow controlled his tears and went towards them, he was about to say something when bon suddenly hugged him tightly and cried out. It was obvious that ani wasn't angry on bon for hugging raj as he knows that he is her brother.
where as raj was confuse, his heart was telling that bon knew about everything but his brain said something else.
bon broke the hug and asked while sobbing
"da...where were you haan? what took you so much time to find your sister haan?"
he looked at her shockingly and then at ani.
" know about it?" he asked while his eyes were filling with tears
bon nods
"da..."bon said while they hugged again, it was a brothery hug
he kissed her head and broke the hug.
"how did you got to know about it?" he asked confusingly
"pati babu told me about it and as soon as I got to know that you are my brother, we came here to meet you. You already knew that I am your sister then why you didn't came to meet me haan?" bon asked with teary eyes
He looked at anirudh and then at bondita.
"I am sorry bondita... I wanted to tell you but the situation didn't allow me to" Raj said
"Oh really then when I hugged behaved like you didn't knew about me" she complaint like a baby
"That's because I thought that you didn't knew about my identity and came here as a Roy Chowdhury's bahu" he said
" are too bad, I won't talk to you" she said looking away
Raj chuckled at her and said
"I am sorry... won't you forgive your brother" he asked with puppy eyes
Bon looked at him for a second
"Don't try to behave like a lost puppy, I am gussa with you" she said while he pouted in sadly
Bon chuckled at him
"So finally the brother sister duo are together" Rekha said happily
While everyone sat in couch, chatting with each other.
Raj's pov:
I am happy that I got my sister back but I am still scared about anirudh. I am really confuse about him, sometime he genuinely cares for bondita...sometime he behaves like a maniac around her.
No matter if you really love her anirudh, I will still not allow her to stay with you. You killed so many people and you deserve the punishment for it.
Raj's pov end:
$Well today I got double happiness" bon said excitingly
"Double" Ani asked confusingly
"Look first I got my brother after so many years and second happiness is that soon I am going to become a pisima" she said excitingly
While everyone smiled at her
"Well it's going to be night, why don't you both stay here for today. Please don't say no" Rekha requested
Bon looked at Ani with puppy eyes
"Fine we will stay here for tonight" he said happily
Rekha showed them their room and left. As soon as they entered the room, she hugged him tightly.
"Thank you so much pati babu for everything" bon said
"Well just a thank you won't work baby" he said with a flirty voice
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