𝒗𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈
Last night you had a dream that you and Bakugo started dating.
Now he was pissing you off.
And you weren't the type to let it slide.
"Did you know that your friend Kaminari joined a K-Pop club at UA?" you asked in an annoying tone, hoping to get on his nerves.
He was unfazed.
"In fact," you continued, "He's the president."
Still nothing.
But you were determined to get a rise out of him.
You walked up behind him and leaned into his ear, smirking.
"Do you know BTS?"
Bakugo gritted his teeth and turned his head to look at you.
"Does it stand for beat the shit out of you?"
You grinned triumphantly.
"Kinky," said Mina, sliding in between the two of you, "Katsuki- can I copy off your maths homework?"
The smile immediately left your face as you scowled and walked off.
You loved Mina, but seriously, what was she playing at?
This was your time to wind up Bakugo, and she was ruining it.
You stopped in your tracks.
"I... care about having time with Bakugo?" you processed in your head, "And I'm jealous of Mina..."
A sick feeling took over you as your stomach twisted uncomfortably. What was this feeling? Contempt? No, hatred.
"Everyone to your desks, now!" Iida said sharply.
"But you're the only one standing..."
Iida slumped back to his chair, hanging his head.
"Hey, hello class!" Vlad King smiled, making everyone perk up.
Iida frowned. "Sir, I think you're in the wrong classroom."
"No, Iida, I'm not." Vlad King sighed, "Aizawa and I are switching classes for a few days. Principal Nezu thought it would be a good idea to switch it up. And then he laughed... not sure what that meant."
"So does that mean Aizawa-Sensei is with 1B right now?" Midoriya asked in disbelief.
"Yes, Midoriya, that is correct."
Bakugo laughed, to which Vlad King responded with a look of fear.
"Okay..." he said slowly, "Well on Mondays I usually bring my class donuts. So here you go, help yourself."
The whole class erupted into a crying fit.
"That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for us!" Kaminari sobbed.
Vlad King looked around the room in concern, "What is it usually like for you guys?"
You all exchanged looks, refusing to say anything.
The next day, you walked back into homeroom to see Vlad King in Aizawa's place again.
"Okay," he clapped his hands, "So today I brought someone to help me with class. Recovery Girl."
"Hey guys." she smiled awkwardly.
"Hi Recovery Girl!" Midoriya waved.
"You don't get to talk to me."
The green-haired teenager blinked.
"Sir, I don't think I understand," said Momo, "Why is she here?"
"Glad you asked." Vlad King grinned, "So after just one day with your class, I've noticed some very clear signs of PTSD- particularly the Work Study students. So Recovery Girl is here to provide some counseling."
"Man, what are you talking about?" Kirishima laughed, "We don't have no PTSD- What was that noise!?"
"I dropped my pencil." Mina raised an eyebrow.
Kirishima sighed in relief, "Oh. Okay."
"Yeah, see that? That is not normal," said Vlad King.
"Bullshit!" Bakugo called, "Erasor says trauma is the key to having a fucking backbone. That's why Class B is so fucking weak."
"They're emotionally healthy! You guys are mildly depressed- and Aizawa is negligent." Recovery Girl deadpanned.
"Time for PE!" said Vlad King, "We're just gonna go on a fifteen-minute run. Nothing crazy."
"Okay... Then what?" you asked.
Vlad King looked taken aback.
"Uh, well I guess we could pay a game or something. Like Capture The Flag or Kickball."
Bakugo sneered, "Weak!"
"Shut up." said Iida, "Okay Sir. What do we do after that?"
"I don't know. Stretch or something. What do you guys normally do?" Vlad King asked in bewilderment.
You all exchanged looks, refusing to say anything.
But you got on with the run regardless.
"And... time!" Vlad King called.
"Good job everyone!" Iida panted.
Kirishima coughed, "Yeah. I think that's the fastest we've ever done any training exercise."
"Fastest you've done?" Vlad King raised an eyebrow, "You just set a school record!"
Jirou frowned, "For real. Even Kaminari finished on time."
"What do you mean 'even Kaminari'?" the blonde asked, stung.
Bakugo rolled his eyes, "This exercise is fucking weak. Of course it's gonna be easier if most of the fucking obstacles are gone."
"There are no other obstacles," said Vlad.
"This is a very straightforward mock rescue mission." Vlad furrowed his brows, "What other obstacles are you talking about?"
You all exchanged looks, refusing to say anything.
"And breathe," Vlad King smiled, "You gotta relax all the muscles in your body."
Everyone was sitting on the ground meditating with their eyes closed.
"This is so fucking stupid!" Bakugo groaned.
"My head feels so light." you heard Kaminari say.
"That's because there's nothing in it, Duracell."
"Shut up!" Iida snapped.
Midoriya sighed, "I needed this so bad."
"I'll bet." Vlad nodded, "Mental Health is important. Whatever is outside this classroom, it can wait."
"When are we gonna start blowing shit up!" Bakugo shouted.
"Bakugo, this is meditation-"
"I don't give a fuck! I'm tired of all this weak shit!"
The day after that, Vlad King was still in your classroom.
"I'm sure you've probably heard by now," he said resentfully, "Class 3B got attacked by the League of Villains. Apparently the League saw Aizawa with them and assumed it was you."
Bakugo laughed loudly.
"That's not funny!" Iida said seriously.
"We also heard Aizawa had to go to the hospital due to injuries sustained while protecting Class 3B. But he is awake, and he texted me 'I'm fine, thanks for asking. Maybe if your kids weren't so fucking useless, I wouldn't have had to put the entire team on my fucking back and save their soft behinds.' "
You and Bakugo snorted, but then looked at each other and rolled your eyes.
"But yeah," Vlad continued, "I'm still your teacher. Class 3B is probably gonna have to get a sub until Aizawa gets better."
And then the next day, he was still there.
"Alright guys, good morning. Grab a donut and we'll get started with class."
"Am I the only one who's loving this teacher swap?" Toru asked.
"Oh." said Kaminari, "You mean Aizawa not scaring the shit out of us every day? Yeah, I'd say it's going good. We've got fucking donuts!"
"Well, every teacher has their strengths and weaknesses," Momo stated, "But yeah this is pretty nice."
"Yeah! Until recently I had no idea that not being stressed was an option." Midoriya smiled weakly.
"I heard Aizawa throws grenades at them every morning," you added.
"Damn," Kirishima frowned, "He only does that like twice a week with us."
"After this week I've gathered that Class 3A is the jumpiest, most traumatized group of seventeen-year-olds I've ever seen. It's like teaching a class of war veterans. All of you need therapy. Especially L/N and Bakugo. What is your guys' deal?" Vlad raised an eyebrow.
The two of you made eye contact, smirking slightly.
"But anyways, you have a small test tomorrow, so make sure to revise!"
"Y/N, do you wanna study with us?" Kaminari winked.
You remembered the last time you had been invited over to study with the Bakusquad.
Kirishima looked up, "Yo Bakubro, mind helping me with-"
"Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle Bell Rock!" Kaminari belted the lyrics as Sero taped up a notebook that was torn apart by Bakugo.
Mina, on the phone, "Oh my gosh yeah we should totally hang out tomorrow!"
And you in the middle just trying to study in peace.
"Hard pass." you smiled.
"Okay guys, it's test day! You ready?" Vlad asked.
"Yep." Kirishima said, not sounding ready at all.
"Alright everyone, roll out!" Iida ordered.
"Hold up- where are you guys going?"
"You said it's test day. We're going to where the first half of the test it." Midoriya pouted.
"I have the test." Vlad King frowned, "Right here."
"What?" said Bakugo, "There's no actual test?"
"By now I'm so afraid to ask, but what the hell do you guys usually do for a test?"
You all exchanged looks, refusing to say anything.
After that, Vlad King asked Aizawa for a joint exercise with Class B, to which he surprisingly agreed.
"Look man," TetsuTetsu said quietly, "I don't know what has to be done, but we want our teacher back!"
"Uh, sorry?" Kirishima grinned awkwardly, "I mean we're having a pretty good time."
"Yeah, no shit!" Kendo snapped, "You're not getting grenades thrown at you every day!"
"I mean, in all fairness, that's a regular day for us. And Vlad King's curriculum is so... relaxing. No wonder you guys are so chill." Iida tilted his head.
"Yeah, and no wonder you guys are so fucking manic!" Sen Kaibara said angrily, "How do you handle Aizawa every fucking day!"
"Well well well," Kaminari smirked, "Are you saying you can't handle it?"
Monoma sobbed, "Come on, dude. I am too young- and too beautiful- for all this stress!"
"Bet from now on you're gonna think twice about talking shit. Isn't that right?" you raised an eyebrow.
Monoma nodded, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Heyo!" Aizawa called from where he was standing with Vlad.
"Oh, he got the rocket launcher," Todoroki said calmly.
"WHAT!?" Class B screeched.
"Oh my god!" Monoma wailed, "Daddy, help us!"
There were three more days of the teacher swap left, and Vlad King had gone to check up on his class, so Aizawa figured he should do the same.
"Having fun at your extended Chucky Cheese visit?" he asked passive-aggressively.
"Well actually Sir," Iida began, "It's been a very educational experi-"
"Spare me the niceties." Aizawa waved his hand resentfully, "You guys already look weaker. Even Kaminari looks a little more spaced out."
"Rude." Kaminari muttered.
"Have fun while it lasts!" he sighed before leaving.
"Alright, let's get started on our palates." Vlad King smiled, holding a cup of coffee.
"Sir!" Midoriya put up his hand, "How much longer do you think this teacher swap is gonna last?"
"I honestly couldn't tell you." Vlad sighed, "If I had to give my best guess, probably whenever Principal Nezu stops dying of laughter."
"Oh shit. That could be a while," said Jirou.
"What? You guys want this to end?" Kaminari asked in shock, "This has been heaven! You guys got something against getting eight hours of sleep and not being tortured?"
Bakugo groaned, "Yes! I feel like I'm back in Kindergarten. All this fucking relaxation is getting on my motherfucking nerves!"
Vlad hummed, "That's because you guys are addicted to trauma. I hope you all learn to relax a little after this experience."
"Yeah," Todoroki agreed, "But what exactly do you suppose Class 3B is learning?"
"I really don't want to talk about that."
"You know," Kirishima said thoughtfully, "Ever since we've had Vlad, I'm so much more well-rested."
"Same." Midoriya agreed.
"Do we have to go back to Aizawa?" Kaminari whined, "I kinda like not having a lot expected of me."
"We know." Iida said curtly, "But unfortunately all good things must come to an end."
"Good things?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow, "You mean this Cupcake Camp? I say we leave Dunce Face in 3B. Trade him out for TetsuTetsu."
"I'm glad you think so highly of me, but yes this will end eventually," said Vlad King.
"Isn't today Tuesday?" Momo asked, "You know what Aizawa does on Tuesdays..."
"Oh yeah," you cringed, "We probably should've warned them."
Vlad closed his eyes, "Do I even wanna know? What the hell does he do on Tuesdays!?"
"He comes into our dorms at 2:30 A.M and makes us jog for ten miles. Says it's a great way to start the morning."
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