𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒖
When you got back to school, Aizawa announced that Class 3A would be re-doing the one-on-one fights from earlier in the year with All Might as part of an evaluation assessment to see how much you'd improved.
Your opponent had been Bakugo, and he had basically ripped you to shreds. That's not to say you didn't fuck him up, because you did. However, the majority of the brawl was spent getting hammered over and over.
You had to get stronger. And who better to do training with than the hero known for her strength and muscle?
"What happened to not wanting to look like Michael B Jordan?" Mirko teased, flexing her wrists.
"That was me in the past." you laughed, "I still don't, but a little abs won't hurt."
The rabbit girl flashed a determined grin.
"You better get ready to train."
It was safe to say that you had severely underestimated Mirko's gym regime. It was hard, and mentally challenging as well. But, after a few weeks you started to see some actual progress.
One sunny Saturday, you and Mirko were sparring when you heard the familiar voices of two boys in your class.
"Shit." your eyes widened, "Why are they here?"
One of Mirko's ears flopped quizzically to the side as she raised an eyebrow.
Gradually, the masculine voices became louder and louder until Bakugo and Kirishima entered the room you were in.
"Y/N!?" Kirishima asked in disbelief before grinning, "I didn't know you went here!"
"Yeah, I'm just with my cousin." you said awkwardly, not daring to look at the blonde because of how fast your heart was beating.
The older girl waved at the two boys before telling you she'd leave you guys to do your own thing. After you protested, she went on to say she had to go early anyway.
"I love your work!" Kirishima shouted after her.
Now it was just the three of you.
Bakugo hadn't said a word, and you were beginning to wander if he was feeling alright. He had this irritable expression on his face and seemed to be looking anywhere but you, his cheeks tinted pink.
"Are you up for a spar?" Kirishima asked brightly to diffuse the tension.
"Sure." you grinned. You were curious to see if you would be able to fight him, strong as he was.
You and the redhead both turned to Bakugo, surprised at his sudden outburst.
"Since you're so desperate to win just fight me instead." he muttered, "You need to be humbled anyway."
You raised an eyebrow, "Do you even know how to spar?"
"Do YoU eVeN kNoW hOw tO sPaR?" he mimicked in a mocking tone.
"Oh, nice." you rolled your eyes, "Real mature, Katsuki."
"Just shut up and start."
You both took one step away from each other as Kirishima leant against the wall to provide a count-down.
"3, 2, 1, start!"
Bakugo ducked as you swung at his face, using the moment to take advantage of your position.
He grabbed your wrist before you could pull back and spun it around behind you, twisting your arm and making you shout in pain.
He opened his mouth to speak, also shouting in pain as your foot stomped onto his, your heel digging into the top of his foot.
Bakugo let you go, quickly sidestepping out of the way as you threw one punch after the other.
"Come on, you can do better than that." he taunted.
You panted, missing another punch as you felt your energy start to deplete. You had been training for hours before this interaction, and were quite ready to go home.
Bakugo raised an eyebrow when you gradually slowed down, standing still as your breaths began to come at a regular pace.
"Is that really all you got?"
"Everything- everything is just a competition for you..." you trailed off as you looked up at him, "Isn't it?"
His eyes widened, "Isn't it for you, too?"
You both gazed at each other, your hearts racing.
"I hate you." you muttered, making Bakugo's breath hitch.
"I hate you too."
As soon as the words rolled off his tongue you felt your cheeks heat up and immediately began to panic. You liked him. You liked him, and it scared you.
"I need to go back to the dorms." you mumbled as you stumbled towards your gym bag, "Bye!" you waved as you speeded out, mostly to Kirishima.
When you finally arrived back safely in your room, you heard a sharp knock that made you nearly jump out of your skin.
"Who is it?" you called, standing up and walking to your door.
"It's us."
You sighed and opened the door to Momo, Jirou, and Toru with a blank expression on your face.
"I thought you weren't talking to me." you raised your eyebrows.
"We want to talk about what you did. And we want you to apologize," Momo continued, "Because we want you to continue being our best friend."
"Go on." you motioned, "Tell me what I did that made you so upset."
"Oh, I dunno, maybe when you left us for a guy!" Jirou said disappointedly, "Don't you remember how excited we were for all of us to go on that Paris trip, only for you to bail on us?"
"For real. You've been spending so much time with Kirishima and the Bakusquad lately that you haven't even talked to us. I appreciate he's your friend too but that doesn't mean you completely cut us off!" Toru complained.
"Okay. I'm sorry."
"I said I'm sorry." you shrugged, "Anything else?"
The three of them stood in silence for a few seconds.
"Oh." Momo spoke, "Okay. Uh- well then."
They were really expecting to argue with you.
"Yeah." Jirou said bluntly, before turning and leading Momo and Toru back to where they came from.
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