There laid Taemin in a pool of blood struggling to breathe. He was shot on his neck. Taehyung flinched when he heard the bullet. He sat their blankly for a second but then his eyes went to the body of dying Taemin. There was too much going on. He wasn't able to process.
Jhope: Are you okay, boss?!
He came running towards Taehyung and quickly untied him. Taehyung was staring at him who just saved his life like he did something very wrong. Jhope glanced at Y/n aka Lia's body lying on the floor. He sighed heavily and looked back at Taehyung.
Jhope: How did all this happen? And how did you end up here?
Taehyung stared at Y/n's lifeless body while tears streamed down his eyes without a pause.
Jhope: I should have had checked her background before appointing her.
Taehyung: I love her, hope.
Jhope was stunned when he called him that. He never called him with nicknames before cause he thought those were too childish.
Taehyung: I want her back. Please...
He begged while staring at her body.
Taehyung: I don't care about her betrayal. I can't live without her, hope. Pls do something. Tell her to wake up. TELL HER TO WAKE UP FOR ME!!! NOW!!!
He sobbed vulnerably as Jhope felt pity. He wanted to do something for his boss.
Jhope: Okay I'll try.
He said as he bent down and faced her body towards his. He placed his plans on her chest and started giving her cpr. Taehyung eagerly waited for the results. But got nothing.
Jhope pressed his palms against her chest repeatedly but it wasn't working.
Taehyung: WAKE UP Y/N!!!! You can't leave me like this. Wake up! WAKE UP I SAID!!!
Jhope got startled when Y/n coughed. His enlarged eyes looked at her face as she fluttered her eyes open. She looked around and her eyes fell on Taehyung and Jhope. She sat up straight as Taehyung froze at his spot. He crouched down slowly and touched her face. She looked at him confused.
Taehyung: Y-You're alive?!
Taehyung broke into a smile and pulled her in his embrace. While on the other hand, Jhope looked at her with a horrified expression. It was impossible. Unknowingly a tear drop fell from his eyes.
He watched his boss, the person he idolized the most, hugging a porcelain doll like he's holding onto his dear life. He walked towards Taehyung with small slow steps. He didn't want to scare him. Standing infront of him he kept his hand on his shoulder making Taehyung look at him.
Taehyung: See, hope. I told you she'll wake up once I tell her to. Thanks to you for helping her wake up.
He said with a smile and went back to talking with the doll.
He couldn't see his boss in that state so he came out of his room where he bumped into the doctor.
Doctor: Oh! You're here! You're probably...Jung Hoseok?! If I'm not wrong.
Jhope: Y-Yes I am.
Doctor: Come with me.
He walked towards his chamber followed by Jhope.
Doctor: Okay so. Mr. Kim Taehyung is your?
Jhope: Uhh friend.
Doctor: Okay. So the thing is, he has lost his mental stability because of...sudden shock or trauma.
Jhope gulped down a hard lump in his throat.
Doctor: But the weird thing is. He has created a scenario in his mind which goes through his mind everyday after a certain time.
Jhope frowned as the doctor cleared his throat and explained further.
Doctor: As I know, he was kidnapped and his girlfriend was killed infront of him.
Jhope nodded.
Doctor: And he was found in the dark bunker by some local kids.
Jhope nodded again.
Doctor: But the killer didn't kill him because he saw his symptoms.
Jhope: Symptoms?!
Doctor: Yes. After his girlfriend was killed he faced a sudden shock which affected his mind. His mind was ready to take it in so it made a scenario which was more easy to handle for his brain. He thought that after his girlfriend was killed, you came in and killed his girlfriend's killer. You saved him and gave cpr to his girlfriend. And he thinks that's why his girlfriend is alive right now. In that doll.
Jhope listened to everything very carefully.
Jhope: But why did Taemin leave like that? He wanted to kill boss right?
He mumbled while thinking hard when something clicked him. His eyes slowly enlarged ready to pop out and tiny sweat droplets formed on his forehead.
Jhope: The kids only found Taehyung. Then....where did Lia's body go?
-Oficially signing off-
[Author's note]
I didn't know what else to write lol. This was the most interesting idea I had for the epilogue. Hope this is satisfactory :)
I really don't get ideas nowadays idk why. But yeah....I actually had this epilogue in my mind forever now but I was kinda anxious about publishing it. Anyways, I hope you like it. Thank you so much for loving this book. It means alot<3
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