πͺππππππ 14-π«ππππππ πΊππππππππππ
I'm sorry Β for updating very little as of late. I've been extremely busy, and don't have as much time to write chapters as I did last year. With classes back to back and taking honors, I've been exhausted. I'll try my best to update more often, but I can't promise anything. :( But to make up for lost time, I will be uploading a Halloween special before the month ends! Anyway, thank you for reading and continually supporting my writing. Until next time! <3
Total Word Count: 2229
!π»πΎ!: πΉπππππππ π
"Now we reached the end
I ran a marathon
The road had many bends
But we knew that all along
I think it made me stronger
But I would rather not
Betray myself, just to keep your love at any cost."
"With every careless action you let me slip away
If you just bought me flowers, maybe I would've stayed
You didn't think I was serious, I guess you felt so safe
If you just bought me flowers, maybe I would've stayed."
"Flowers"- MARINA
Did all of those years mean nothing?
The hours spent with you, minutes steadily ticking away, time I could have spent with other people, who would have stayed.
Did you even have a second thought?
You abandoned me after all of those years together, after everything we had been through.
Why was I the only one who tried to pick up the broken shards of what was left of our relationship?
Even after the fights and tears, with one-sided forgiveness, I still came back, because you were all I had.
Though the seasons change, I know you never will.
You'll never find it in yourself to become a better person, and to make up for your past mistakes.
All that's left for you is hatred.
Yet, the love I had for you will never leave, no matter how bad I want it to be. Buried, but still there, frozen over with the resentment and envy in my heart.
Seeing you laughing, happy with people who aren't me. Knowing how you'll probably leave them too.
I gave you my heart, but you'll never hand it back whole. Despite how you promised you would.
But no matter what, I'll never shed another tear for you.Β
You, Anne, and the Plantars are currently taking a ride on Bessie.
"Ah, a leisurely outing with Bessie. Why, we could really go anywhere. Do anything."
"Ooh, ooh! Can we get Swamp Slushies? They have new flavors."
Hop-Pop laughs, "Nope."
"Can we go off-road?" Polly pulls on Hop Pop's eyelids, "Do some crazy stunts?"
"Double no."
Anne looks up, grinning as if she had just had the best idea ever. "Ooh, ooh! Can I drive?"
"Aw, come on, Hop Pop- Wait, really?"
"Absolutely. I've been trying to teach this guy for years." He points to Sprig.
"It's true."
"All right! Give me those reins. I'm ready to drive."
[At the Plantar Farm, Hop-Pop drops a big book on a tree stump.]
"Not before reading this, you ain't."
Your eyes almost pop out from the sheer size of the book.
"This is Bessie's History. Before touching a snail's reins, you gotta know them. Feel their heartbeat next to yours and become one."
"Hop Pop, it's just a vehicle. We had a family car back home. It's no biggie."
Hop-Pop tosses the heavy book into Anne's arms, "Don't care. You can't drive Bessie, unless you read this cover to cover. And that's final."
"Are there pictures?"
"There are diagrams."
"Sheesh. Dramatic much? Now if you'll excuse me, Polly's due for a wash." He picks up a dirty Polly from a mud puddle.
"No, no. Wait. No! I'll just get dirty again. You can't stop me! I learned this from watching you, Anne!"
Anne rolls her eyes in annoyance, "Ugh. I'll be old before I finish reading this thing."
"Yeah, page five is as far as I got. Too much description, not enough plot."
"This is ridiculous. I don't need history." She puts the book in Bessie's bag and jumps onto her. "I need experience. Hey. What do you say we take a harmless test-drive? Prove to Hop Pop we're fast learners?" You start to take her hand but stop.
"Hmm. Do you get the feeling this is one of those decisions we'll look back on and say, "We probably shouldn't have done that?"
"βͺWe'll get Swamp Slushies while we're out. βͺ"
You give her a skeptical look, but Sprig immediately hops onto Bessie, so you reluctantly get on as well.
"That's what I like to see. Hyah!" Bessie starts to move fast as Anne and Sprig whoop with joy, and you enjoy the nice breeze flowing through your hair.
Mrs. Croaker is then seen riding her ladybug.
"Huh? What in tarnation?" She sees dust coming her way. Bessie rides past her very fast, causing her ladybug to spin out of control. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"
"Out of the way, slowpoke!"
"Hooligans! Ruffians! Swamp suckers!"
You were shaken out of your daydreams. "Whoa. What was that?"
"I've always wanted to try road rage."
Anne butts in, "And the verdict?"
"Live your truth! Yeah!"
You all laugh.
"You were right. We didn't need to read some silly book. You drive just fine."
"Just fine? Pshh. Boy, I'm a natural." Anne gasps, "Ooh, ooh! Wanna take this baby off-road?"
You give Anne a nervous look but don't say anything.
The three of you laugh as you speed off-road.
"So, off-roading. Fun. But how about we go back to on-roading?"
"Good old reliable on-roading, yes, please."
"All right, Bessie. Let's move." She whips Bessie, but she doesn't move. "One more time. Let's move." Bessie still doesn't move. "Um, Bessie?"
Bessie sputters.
"You all right, girl?"
"Hey, what's going on here? Does it need fuel in the tank or something? Is the oil low? Come get the tasty fuel, Bessie."
"Ew, Anne. These leaves are tastier. Here, Bessie. I got dem good leaves, girl."
You facepalm, as you had predicted something bad was going to happen from the beginning.
"Hmm. Maybe we can push her? Give her a jump-start? I'm sure that's a thing."
Even with the three of you pushing, Bessie still wouldn't budge.
"Okay. She is way too heavy." Anne pants, "Also, I'm crazy out of shape."
You gave her a skeptical look. 'Not from what I've seen... or felt..'
"What are we gonna do? We're stuck."
"We have no choice. (Y/N) and I will stay here with Bessie while you hitch a ride back to the farm and... go get Hop-Pop."
"Good idea. It's the right thing to do, even if we get an earful. Back in a flash." Sprig then uses his tongue to grab a tree branch and jump from tree to tree.
Around ten minutes pass as you and Anne sit waiting for help, already bored.
"Ah, this is so boring. Wish I had something to read."
You nodded in agreement while scanning your surroundings. Suddenly, your eyes stopped on the humongous book Hop-Pop had given you.
Using your shoulder you nudged Anne and pointed at the book. "What about the book Hop-pop gave us?"
Anne gives you a skeptical look. "Fine. But just to pass the time," she coughs, "Okay, let's see here. 'It was an especially cold morning the day Bessie was brought into this world.'"
"The leaves had just changed color, and now I shall describe those leaves to you in great detail--"
She slams the book shut.
"Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope."
You groan and bury your face in your hands.
'This is going to be a long day.'
"Aha! Over here, over here. I need a ride."
Sprig waves down the person approaching, dust flying up from the movement of the tires.
"Oh, thank you so much for stopping. I, uhβ"
"Bless my socks. If it isn't Sprig Plantar."
Sprig chuckles, "Yep. Hey, uh, sorry about earlier. Got a little carried away."
"Oh, pishposh. Sadie Croaker never holds a grudge, honey."
"Well, that's lucky. Will you give me a lift back home? It's urgent."
"Oh, absolutely."
"Thanks, Mrs. Croaker."
"Oh, my pleasure, honey. Well, go on and get comfy. Watch out for ol' Archie, though. His venom can cause paralysis. Now hold on to your eyebrows. 'Cause here we go!" She whips her ladybug and whoops with joy.
"Whoo!" The ladybug moves very slowly. "Can't this thing go any faster?!"
(Hop-Pop is narrating)
"And it was at that moment I realized Bessie was no ordinary snail, but a kind, clear soul who would help others at a drop of a hat. I raised my bid to 400 copper pieces, winning the auction, and in the process, saving Bessie from the nefarious Jim Snapes."
"Yes! In your face, Snapes."
"Man. This is actually pretty good." You laugh at her reaction and lean back against her.
Anne blushes and turns her head the other way, taking some leaves and chewing on them.
"And I need to stop eating leaves."
[Meanwhile, Sprig is holding Archie while humming.]
"Come on, come on."
"You know what would make this ride go a lot quicker?"
"What? Anything. What?"
"A song!" She sings, "βͺ Ninety-nine jugs Of juice on the wall βͺ βͺ Ninety-nine jugs of juice βͺ βͺ Take one down, pass it around βͺ"
[Back with you and Anne, you're still reading Bessie's History.]
(Hop-pop is still narrating)
"The snow swirled around us and I knew we were doomed. I could feel the strength leaving my body bit by bit. The sweet embrace of eternity crept closer and closer. Suddenly I heard a sound pulling me back," "Bessie... Bessie was singing!" The both of you start sobbing.
You sniffle, "You go, girl."
Anne hugs Bessie's shell and her tears run down it. "You noble, noble creature. Man. This is messing me up." She sniffles, "Now let's see. Where were we?"
"The reason Bessie had hidden in her shell was now very clear to me. A predator was close. And not just any predator. A natural enemy of snails."
You and Anne continue reading until rustling comes from behind some of these trees.
Many spikey creatures come out from behind the greenery, and you gasp scooting even closer, if possible, toward Anne.
"Uh... Hello? Uh, anything in here about this predator? Oh, there we go," Anne signals for Bessie to flee, and Bessie starts moving away from the creatures.
"Cone on, come on. Yes!"
"Aw, it's actually pretty cute." The animals snarl and speed up, as you silently curse.
Anne continues skimming the pages for information. "When Bessie senses danger, you gotta sit on her shell and yell at the top of your lungs, 'Bessie, things are getting messy!'"
You cheer. "Yes! Eat our dust, hedgehogs."
"If you still haven't escaped, give Bessie some berries from the secret compartment in the front of her shell."
"Whoa, this is gross. Let's do this thing, Bessie." Anne reaches under Bessie's shell and grabs the berries, feeding them to her.
Bessie purrs and speeds away from the animals until she gets a safe distance away.
"Way to go, Bessie! You are the queen of the road."
"All right, let's go home." Bessie starts moving again.
[Back on Mrs. Croaker's ladybug, Sprig is lying down, fed up with the song she is singing.]
"βͺ Take one down Pass it around βͺ βͺ No more jugs of juice On the wall βͺ"
Mrs. Croaker finally finishes the song and Sprig sighs in relief. "Glad that's finally over."
"One more time!"
Sprig covers his face with Archie and screams.
You and Anne keep up next to Mrs. Croakers ladybug. "Hey, kid, need a lift?"
Sprig jumps up, "Anne! (Y/N)! Thank goodness. Okay, bye, Mrs. Croaker. Thank you." He hops off the ladybug and onto Bessie.
"Bye, darlin'. Next time, try to keep that road rage in check." She laughs, "Yee-haw!" Mrs. Croaker whips her ladybug and it takes off at high speed as she cackles.
"Pretty sure I just got played."
You grin, "That woman is everything I want to be."
It's dark when the three of you return to the Plantar farm.
"We made it. And it looks like Hop Pop's still washing Polly."
Polly, still dirty, bounces around the house.
"You'll never take me alive!"
"Dang it, Polly. You're getting filth everywhere!"
You and Sprig went to the front door but stopped when you noticed Anne wasn't following you.
"Hey. You coming?"
"I think I'm going to spend a little more time with ol' Bessie here."
Sprig shrugs, "Suit yourself."
The door closes, and Anne begins to read the book where she left off.
"Now where were we?"
Hop-Pop snores as he sleeps, but jolts awake when his door is thrown open.
"What the hey?"
"Good morning, Hopadiah."
"I did it. I read the whole thing. In one night."
"Impressive. Kinda scary. But impressive," Hop-pop gulps.
"I was wrong about Bessie. She's not just a vehicle. She's a noble, beautiful creature."
He smiles, "And now that you've read this, all you need is experience."
Anne becomes silenced, before laughing in a deranged manner, as she walks out of Hop-Pop's room.
"I don't feel safe."
You were sitting up reading one of the books from your bag, as your sleep schedule had been messed up the moment you arrived in Amphibia.
As the door to the basement opened, you looked up and smiled, only to become puzzled at her dishevelled appearance.
Before you could say anything, she launched herself into your lap and made herself comfortable.
You snickered, "Oh wow, the book was that great, huh?"
She grumbled and you stopped your teasing.
Softly, you ran a hand through her curly hair, lightly using your nails to massage her scalp.
Anne melted under your touch, and you smiled warmly.
'How sweet.'
Eventually, you could hear small snores, signalling that she was asleep.
'I'll make a mental note to let her sleep in late.'
Setting your book down, careful not to wake Anne, you laid back and closed your eyes, drifting to sleep too.
"I see a stranger in your eyes, where I once saw a soulmate."
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β -Unknown
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