Little Things ~ S•Rogers
After coming out of the ice, Steve never imagined he would fall in love again. Had accepted the cruel facts that he would be left to live the rest of his life alone, missing the small part of his soul that had died alongside Peggy. But the moment he met y/n; he felt the same tingle in his chest as when he first saw the Carter girl, and he knew he had found his best girl once again.
But even though he felt so deeply for y/n, he feared what she would say if he told her. Sure, they were together, and things were going well, but what if he had fallen too fast? If she got scared from his confession and ran away like dreaded?
So, before he managed to gain the courage to say the three words, he found a way to show y/n just how dear she was to him through little things. Small gestures that eased her into the oblivion of love that Steve had already plummeted deep into, let her become used to the airy feeling in her mind and thumping in her chest rather than have it hit her like a tidal wave the way it had to Steve.
One of his favorite things to do was dance, to feel the music within his bones and twirl to the melodies. To forget the world for a moment as he held her in his arms, swaying softly to the symphonies. Feel as she lay her head on his chest, her arms twisting around his waist as they allowed everything around them to disappear. The ground below could have been crumbling, the promise of death slowly approaching, but if it meant he got to dance with y/n he wouldn't care.
Steve had just returned from one of the worst missions he had been on in a while, the gruesome images of screaming casualties, maniacal laughter before the piercing sound of a detonator clicking followed by a ground shaking explosion. Each sound, sight, smell replaying in his head as he dragged his aching limbs through the compound. The tight cerulean fabric of his suit clung awkwardly to his exhausted body, feeling far too tight as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. His golden hair fell in front of his face, whipping the scarlet stained ivory of his skin.
Steve was desperate to reach his room, to wrap his arms around y/n and just forget everything for a moment. That's what happened each time he held her, each dark thought that had previously been plaguing his mind long forgotten as he inhaled the sweet scent of her perfume, felt the vibration that came from her mindless humming as she drew random shapes on his back.
The door to his room silently slid open as he approached, letting the exhausted man through without any hassle. Steve furrowed his brows as he suddenly realized there was music playing, soft symphonies that soothed the pain as it soared through his head. He smiled widely when he saw y/n standing beside the record player, inspecting each vinyl that Steve had collected over the years.
Sure, he could have used one of Tony's advanced speakers and had his favourite song play at the blink of an eye. But there was something about the record player he loved, it made him think of the good times. Before the war, before hydra. He felt like the skinny kid from Brooklyn again as he watched the record spin, hear the soft crackle of the aged speaker as it played melancholy melodies. When he was listening to music, he wasn't Captain America, he wasn't the war hero Steve Rogers that held the weight of the world upon his shoulders. He was simply a boy, a lovesick puppy dog. He would listen to the chords and imagine dancing with y/n, blushing as he dreamed of her clinging to his shoulders as he spun her, to kiss her as the song reached its crescendo.
"Hey there, mister" her honey sweet voice called, dragging him from his childish fantasies. He subconsciously smiled at hearing her speak, his once tense muscles already relaxing as she lulled and soothed him with something as simple as her words. Steve ran a hand through his rugged hair, ignoring the girlish fluttering in his stomach as he admired y/n, the way her h/c hair flowed in the gentle breeze as she approached. How her petal soft skin felt as she interlaced her smaller hands with his, igniting a flame within him and ridding his once tired eyes of any previous exhaustion.
"Hello, darling" He spoke in a cool, relaxed tone, masking the nerves he felt as she stood in front of him. Steve smirked mischievously when she blushed a wild scarlet at the nickname, feeling her hand tighten its grip on his as a subtle shiver made its way down her spine. Y/n's left arm slipped around his waist as she peered up at him, giggling airily when he pouted slightly and creased his brows once again at her actions.
"What are you doing?" He questioned softly, blushing a pale rose at her gaze as it admired his features. Y/n gently grabbed his right hand and placed it on her waist, smirking as Steve's pale cheeks flashed a vibrant vermillion at the contact. He may have been confident in battle but when it came to y/n he was left a stuttering and stammering mess.
"Tony told me how bad this mission was, and I know how dancing makes you happy, so we're dancing" Steve grinned at her, quickly grasping her hand and making her spin swiftly, her hair spinning as she twirled. Just as quickly as she had left, y/n was back in Steve's arms. He cradled her tightly as he begun to sway, smiling adoringly down at the giggling girl, watching with a loving gaze as she placed her head on his chest.
Y/n loved to listen to his heartbeat when they danced, it grounded her when she begun to feel lightheaded due to Steve's touch. Both were madly in love, so ridiculously infatuated with the other but not quite ready to confess quite yet. So instead, they would hide their blushing faces, pretend not to become dizzy by their touch and act as if they weren't made for one another until one of them finally gave in.
Another little thing he always did, a simple act that reminded y/n just how often she appeared in his mind, in his thoughts, how her face always shone upon his inward eye. He could be walking around the compound, wether he be discussing an upcoming mission or doing something as menial as washing dishes. Steve would just suddenly feel the need to be near her, to touch her, even for a split second.
So, he would drop each and everything he was holding and find his way to her. No matter what she was doing, he would wrap her in his arms and kiss her forehead before letting her go and allowing them both to continue on with their days.
The first time it happened y/n was beyond confused, nerves pulling at her thoughts, maybe he was scared, or was he saying goodbye? But later that night Steve had reassured her he had just felt the overwhelming urge to just feel her in his arms for a moment.
After a while it became normal, like when Natasha and y/n were discussing their latest mission. Things they did wrong, things that went well, planning their next moves. Both unaware of a clingy Steve Rogers slipping through the door and approaching them both.
Their conversation didn't even stop as his arms slid around y/n's waist, nose burrowing into her hair as he pressed feather light kisses along her hairline. Natasha wasn't even phased as she watched the pair, all too used to their antics, and for once finding it sweet and endearing instead of disruptive as she so often did.
"You okay?" Y/n whispered in his ear, feeling his arms tighten as her lips brushed his cheek. Steve nodded and littered her forehead with kisses before whispering softly, his voice to light and wistful compared to his usual dominating and baritone voice.
"Mhm, just love you" and with that he gave her one last squeeze before returning to Captain America and walking out the room with a slight spring in his step, still feeling airy from her touch. Nat chuckled as Steve walked away, amused at how bashful the big bad Steve Rogers was when it came to y/n.
Steve always struggled with love, never deeming himself worthy. But through the little things, he showed y/n that he had started to realise he was worthy of affection, especially if it meant he got to spend one more night in her arms.
Yeahhh it's terrible but it's been in my drafts for months and I just gave up so here you go! I swear there is more coming soon!
Anyways don't forget to vote, comment and request!
Good Morning, Afternoon and Night- Mae xoxo
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