Elizabeth Was in her room, Sitting on the edge of her bed, Drawing Some butterflies and Bunnies, Rapidly tapping her foot, When she Heard A knock on her door, "Come on in!" She Shouted, As she continued to Draw, The door opened, Elizabeth looked up From her notepad to look at her Visitor, "Hello, Mal" She gave her A brief smile before continuing her Drawing, There was A brief Silence, "I can't Believe im Saying this." Mal broke the Silence, walking over to Elizabeth and taking A seat next to her on the bed, "But, You didn't show up to class, Are you okay, Liz?" She asked looking At her drawing before looking At her, Elizabeth looked Back At Mal, Thinking of an answer,
"Y-yeah" She answered, "I think.." Elizabeth said Seeming unsure of herself, "Well, if im being honest" She paused for A second going back to her drawing, "Im Actually quite unsure of myself..."
"Todays just one of those days where i feel Topsy-turvy, and All Bleh..!" Her shoulders slumped, "hm..Well you should slow down" Mal spoke up, "I Have absolutely no clue what you mean" Elizabeth tilted her head slightly, "ive known you for years, You've always done thing after thing, on the rare occasion, You're thinking nonstop" Mal grabbed the notebook and pencil out of Elizabeths grasp, setting it on her nightstand,
"I Do not" she crossed her arms, "Elizabeth, i can literally see the gears turning your head." Mal said resting her hand on Elizabeths thigh to stop it from shaking, "I have no clue whats effecting you this badly, And you don't have to tell me, but, you need A break." Mal stood up from The bed, "Im gonna give the cookies to Ben, You should get some rest, the Tourney game isn't for A few hours" And then Mal left, Elizabeth Lied down, curling up in bed, "Well A little bit of A break couldn't hurt.." She thought to herself before drifting off to sleep,
Hi!, im sorry it's been so long since ive last updated with A proper Chapter I've had A slight case of writers block recently with this chapter, But my friend gave me the idea to Do some chapters with the other Vks And Elizabeth, So have some fluff (i think?) With Mal and Lizzie, mkay!, see you next time!<3
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