003; A 7.1 Quake!?
9-1-1 Season 2
Episode 2 - 7.1
Adalynn adjusts her bag on her shoulder as she walks beside Christopher, squinting slightly from the sun beaming down and hitting her eyes. Her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.
"Hey dad?" Christopher's voice pulls the girl out of her thoughts as she looks down at the boy. "Yeah?" Eddie answers and he looks at his son.
"Do you think dogs know they're dogs?" Christopher questioned causing a small upside down smile to form on Adalynn's face.
Eddie's brows furrow as he glances at Adalynn before he asks the boy "What do you mean?"
"You know, like, I'm a person and a dog is a dog" Christopher explains while Eddie crouches down in front of him "but do dogs just think we're bigger, less hairier, smarter dogs that walk funny?"
Adalynn chuckles lightly "Thank god for you, kid" Eddie says with a smile. Adalynn glances over her shoulder as the school bell ringing fills her ears.
"alright, you better hustle up" Eddie pulls Chris in for a hug "Love you" Christopher mumbles
Eddie pulls away from the hug as he smiles at him "Love you too, son. Go to school, buddy"
Christopher goes to start walking towards the school but Adalynn's voice gains his attention "hey, now, where do you think you're going without giving me a hug?"
Adalynn crouches down with a smile on her face, hugging the boy tightly, her hand on the back of his head before standing up once again "Love you, buddy"
"love you too" Christopher replies as he heads towards the school doors.
Adalynn looks to Eddie before wrapping her arm over his shoulder "Don't worry, he'll be okay, He's a Diaz after all" she gives her brother a reassuring smile as they walk towards Eddie's truck.
Adalynn's face contorts as she shuts her locker looking at the man beside her "What kind of stupid ass nickname is that?"
Buck's mouth falls open slightly in slight offense "come on, it's not that bad!"
Adalynn snorts as she holds her hand up "Please, I'd rather the nickname G.I than that"
"G.I could totally be your nickname" Buck retorts causing Adalynn to roll her eyes "I was proving a point, Buck"
she quickly spins on her heels "Do not call me G.I!" she shoves her finger in his chest, a serious look covering her face.
Buck laughs as he holds his hands up in mock surrender "Okay, okay-"
the pairs conversation is cut short as the ground begins to shake underneath them, Adalynn holding her arms out to steady herself whil the glass shatters in the locker room, Adalynn covering her head with her arms.
Buck's arm wrapped around Adalynn as the two duck down onto the ground while the glass beside them shatters.
Buck glances up as he helps Adalynn to her feet "Go, Go!" Adalynn stumbles out of the locker room Buck following beside her still using his arm to cover the girl.
"Anyone else back there?" Bobby questions, "No" Adalynn shouts back her hand landing against the ambulance to help keep her steady until finally the shaking settles down, Adalynn taking a breath.
"You alright?" Adalynn's gaze shifts to Buck as she gives him a tight lipped smile with a nod "Yeah, you?"
Buck nods in return "Yeah, I think so"
Adalynn's attention shifts away from Buck's gaze as she scratches her brow before walking past Bobby and towards Eddie "hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah" Eddie answers as he looks over his sister, she places her hands on her hips "I'm fine"
It didn't take long for that all too familiar bell ring to fill Adalynn's ears, her attention turning to Bobby as he spoke "Alright, let's move"
Adalynn swiftly makes her way towards the firetruck as she pulled on her gear before climbing inside along with everyone else, it didn't take long before they were on the road and heading where they do their job, to help people.
Adalynn looks out the window as they drive by collapsed buildings, her leg bouncing anxiously as she chewed on the inside of her cheek before looking to Eddie "Have you got anything yet?"
Adalynn wouldn't have even cared if she got hurt as long as she knew that Christopher was alright she could focus better and she knew Eddie would feel the same way but he was better at focusing on the task at hand than she ever was.
Eddie shakes his head as he looks at his phone "No"
Adalynn took a deep breath, Her eyes meeting Bucks own that were filled with confusion and worry "Everything okay?" he questions.
Eddie glances to the man "yeah. There's no service" he sighs "texts won't even go through"
Those words only grew Bucks curiosity "who are you trying to get ahold of?"
Eddie looks at him before he hesitantly states "My son. I'm trying to reach my son"
"Woah, you got a kid?" Buck's voice filled with shock as Eddie nods "Christopher, He's seven" he holds his phone out showing Buck a picture of him with a toothy grin.
"And super adorable. I uh, I love kids" Adalynn smiles at Bucks statement as she pipes in "Well, you'd love him. He's the sweetest kid you'll ever meet"
Adalynn looks to Eddie as he speaks "I love this one. I'm all he's got. his mother's not in the picture"
"he's at school?" Buck asks causing Eddie to nod "yeah"
Buck looks between the distraught Diaz's before he speaks "hey, I'm sure he's fine"
the firetruck slowly comes to a stop, Adalynn's eyes widen as she steps out of the vehicle and looks at the tilted structure- more like about to fall structure "Holy shit" she utters under her breath.
"You guys ever deal with anything like this before?" Eddie questions his eyes still on the building "no" Bobby answers, his own gaze not leaving it either.
Adalynn takes a deep breath "Well, there's a first for everything" her gaze shifts to a man and a woman who were fighting back the police escorts as they shouted.
"You have to let me back in there, My baby's in there!" the woman shouts.
"Please! our daughter's still inside, she's eight years old!" the man pleaded while fighting against the police
Adalynn's heart breaks for the pair, she couldn't even understand what they were going through.
"They seriously think that's gonna hold it up?" Buck's voice pulls Adalynn out of her thoughts, her eye falling onto the supports they were placing and based on the size of them Adalynn wouldn't be surprised if the building broke them like a twig.
"lets go find the incident commander" Bobby announces and begins to walk.
Adalynn took a deep breath as she finally tears her eyes away from the tilted building and follows after Bobby and the others.
"Captain, Chief William's, incident commander" She shakes Bobby's hand.
Bobby nods "Captain Bobby Nash, how can we help?"
Chief nods as she begins to walk "Hotel manager said they were between checkout and check-in when the quake hit, so they were light on guests. we've made contact with most of those, Multiple evac operations in progress. All but twelve of the sixty-eight staff have been accounted for it's been pretty chaotic"
Adalynn's gaze shifts all over the place from the injured people to the crumbling building, and back to the chief as she spoke.
"That family back there said their little girl was still missing" Hen states to the Chief, mentioning the upset couple earleir.
"As long as it's still safe to do so, we'll be looking for any survivors" Chief William explains.
Bobby nods before he asks "What do your engineers say?"
She takes a breath "looks like we had a brittle failure in the prestressed concrete section of the building's underground parking garage, causing it to pancake at an angle" she turns pointing to the building "Right now, the reinforced steel is the only thing keeping it from completely collapsing. One good aftershock-"
"And the whole thing could come down" Bobby finishes.
"The high rise is supposed to be the safest place to be when an earthquake hits" Buck comments, spitting out a fact at random.
Adalynn took a breath eyeing the building "Well, not for this place"
"Especially not when you're built right on top of a fault line" Chief Williams states, she turns to the firefighters "This quake was a 7.1"
Hens brows raise "Northridge was just 6.7"
"7.1" Chimneys voice gains Adalynn's attention "That makes the largest SoCal in twenty years, the last one was in Joshua Tree"
"How many crews do you have in there?" Bobby asks, pulling the conversation away from the larger quakes that had hit.
"Not enough" Chief Williams answers "We've put in a request for heavy rescue 3, but they're on their way to a freeway collapse. We can use every hand we can get"
Bobby says a thank you to the woman before she gets pulled away elsewhere. Adalynn lets out a breath looking at the building, This was no kind of Texas earthquake at least none that she's seen or experienced herself.
Bobby looks at his team "Okay listen up" Adalynn's gaze shifts to the man "Here's how you make it to the end of the day. You don't worry about the things that you can't do anything about, You focus on one task at a time. I can't order you guys to go inside that building, and I'm not gonna judge you if you decide not to"
Chimney glances to his friend "Hen you got a kid, so"
Hen scoffs lightly "Yeah, And I hope if someone whose job it was to save him had the chance, they'd do it, no matter what"
Adalynn smiled lightly at Bobby "Wouldn't exactly be living up to our job if we backed out in a time of need. We're supposed to help people, that's what we do"
"Where do you want us?" Eddie questions.
"Hey" Adalynn turned to see a police officer "You guys will want to see this"
Adalynn's brows knit together as she follows the man, she stops behind a few firefighters looking straight up, the girl following their gaze, Her eyes widening ever so slightly at the sight of a man pressed right up against a window from one of the floors close to the top of the building.
"We could set up a bag street-side incase that window gives out" Chimney suggests.
"Nobody works under that side of the building" Bobby states "Somebody's gonna have to get him from the inside"
"Buck" Eddie spoke "Would you say that's the eleventh floor?"
Buck nods as he agrees with the man "I would"
Adalynn eyes the building as she looks at them "We might be able to take the ladder to the fourth floor and make our way up from there" she points at the building while explaining her idea.
"Yeah, cut the distance in half" Buck adds.
Eddie nods. Once Bobby gave the go ahead Buck makes his way towards the truck and Adalynn went to follow but was stopped by her brother.
She looks at him with furrowed brows "You sure you're ready for this?"
Adalynn snorts waving him off dismissively "Please, I've been a firefighter longer than you" She follows after Buck while Eddie just shakes his head.
. . .
Adalynn takes a breath, shaking out the nerves before she makes her way up the ladder on the truck, following behind the two men.
Eddie reaches the window as he smashes it using his Halligan, clearing the edges of glass.
While Eddie did so Buck spoke "After Northridge, FEMA spent 200 million dollars retrofitting every school in the LAUSD. Ceiling tiles, Lighting fixtures" he paused "Eddie, your kid is in the safest place he can be"
"Thought that was a high rise" Eddie spoke glancing over his shoulder.
Adalynn chuckled lightly as Eddie climbed through the window, then Buck, And finally Adalynn made her way in. Everything was tilted the floor wasn't level debris was everywhere. The three making their way up the stairs- well sometimes the wall following the stairs.
Adalynn's hands gripped the railing tightly to keep her from falling back as she climbed the stairs. She tilts her head "This is me reconsidering to take up jogging again" she utters looking up the flight of stairs.
Buck chuckles lightly, glancing at the woman.
Eddie shines is light upwards "It's only six flights, not exactly mount Everest"
Adalynn scoffed "besides the looming threat this building could give out, unlike mount Everest"
Buck nods in agreement "Yeah, Mount Everest can't tip over and crush you like a bug"
Adalynn presses her lips together "you're almost making me feel bad for all the mosquitoes I've killed"
The building creaked loudly before Adalynn was shot to the side, her grip on the railing tightening as she tries to keep herself steady while Buck rams into the wall.
"You good, Buck?" Eddie asks looking over his shoulder at him.
Buck takes a breath and nods, giving a slight thumbs up "Yeah"
"Let's keep going" Eddie said as he went back to climbing the stairs.
Finally they reached the stairwell doors to the floor they needed to be on. The build becoming more tilted Adalynn used the wall for support and placing her hand on Buck's shoulder.
Buck took a breath "Okay, on three. One, Two, Three" Buck made his way out of the doorway trying to keep steady as he hits the wall. Adalynn went next herself hitting the wall grimacing slightly before she pushed herself up so her feet were now on the wall she previously hit.
Eddie followed the two. "Hello! LAFD!" Adalynn called out her hand on the floor
"Help! In Here!" A woman's voice filled Adalynn's ears.
Eddie points "This one right here"
Buck uses the saw to un-budge the door before he nods towards Adalynn. She raises her Halligan before slamming it into the door, the door flying open.
"Hello, LAFD" Eddie spoke
"We're in here!" The woman shouted back. Buck began to lower himself slowly into the room before sliding slightly, his hands grasping onto a door handle before he let go and used the bar table in the room to support himself.
"Thank god" Ali breathed out "Please, please, get me out of here"
"Ma'am" Adalynn spoke "Just sit tight, stay as calm as possible and we'll come and get you in a moment"
"Uh, No Offense" the man pressed up against the glass gains her attention "but I think this might be a situation where women and children first do not apply!"
"Did you just say no offense?" Ali exclaims "Everything about you is offensive!"
"First date?" Buck questions as Adalynn makes her way down towards him, she slides down landing beside him as he takes her arms to make sure she's steady.
She gives him a curt nod before handing him the rope. Ali scoffs "Yeah, God, he wishes. Amazingly, that sweaty, fat, pock-marked pig is married with five kids, didn't stop him from asking me to shower with him"
Adalynn chuckles ever so slightly at the woman's insults. "man have you not watched the news at all over the past year?" Buck questions as he secures Eddie's rope before nodding "All right, you're good"
"Seriously, catch up with the times" Eddie adds as he slowly makes his way down towards the man while Buck held on to his rope.
"Alright, fine! So I'm a dinosaur. A forgotten relic of a forgotten age. For gods sake, just get me out of here!!" The man shouts.
"Sir, I would recommended staying calm and not moving much" Adalynn advised, for all the man knew the windows glass would give out at any given moment.
"I'm gonna throw you a rope, okay?" Buck says to the woman as she answers with an okay while Buck explains what he wants her to do "I'm gonna need you to try and secure yourself"
Buck tossed to rope towards her, Adalynn held her hands out "Here, I'll get her just make sure you don't drop my brother"
Buck gives her a look and she just winks at him before he handed her the rope "Okay do you really think making jokes is a good time-"
"Don't move!" Eddie's shout causes Adalynn to turn her attention to him "Don't breath" Eddie orders.
the man looks around "Hurry! Hurry it's starting to crack!" his voice filled with fear.
Alright, I'm gonna come around to you. You need to stay totally still sir" Eddie began to climb his way around "Don't even talk"
"Oh god" he utters "Please don't let this be the end"
"Okay, I'm going to tie this webbing around you and we're going to get you away from the glass" Eddie informs the man.
Adalynn nods to Ali as she began to pull the girl up. Adalynn froze in her movements as the building began to shake rapidly.
"Aftershock, Aftershock!" Buck hollers. Adalynn wrapped the rope around her one hand as she steady herself with her now free one.
"Hold on!" Adalynn hollers to the frantic woman.
"Don't!" Eddie hollered as he reached towards the man but the glass finally gave out as he fell, all the way to the ground.
Adalynn's rope begins to go slack as Ali screams the rope coming untied from around Ali's waste as she begins to fall.
"Eddie!" Buck shouts, Eddie glances over his shoulder as he just misses her, he rushes towards the window grabbing her arm just in time.
the two dangling out the window.
Words; 2720
A/N:Not much changes were made to this chapter but I hope you all enjoyed thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting!! it truly makes my day!
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