"SHOULD we get the medium or the large fries?", hoshimi asked.
whenever they got portions, small was never an option. shigaraki just shrugged as he didn't really care, since he knew he'd help her finish it anyways.
tomi was sitting in his infant car seat as usual while his "parents" got some in-and-out.
hoshimi ended up getting the large fries while shigaraki and tomi found a table to sit at. by now, both hoshimi and shigaraki were used to the staring, as carrying an infant car seat isn't exactly discreet.
"I got the food!!", hoshimi happily said as she brought over a tray filled with food and drinks.
"thanks", shigaraki said. he finally got to pay this time and he was damn happy about it.
just as shigaraki was about to take a bite of his delicious burger, someone stopped him.
"oh my god tomura!! is that you?!", someone asked.
hoshimi looked up from her fries to see a blonde girl with blue eyes, smiling.
shigaraki had to do a double take, as he didn't exactly remember who the girl was.
"umm...and you are?", hoshimi asked, saving shigaraki's trashy memory.
"oh, nice to mee you! I'm yuki mei, shigaraki's childhood friend. I moved away when we were 12 to america, but now I'm back", explained the girl.
"nice to meet you! I'm aizawa hoshimi", hoshimi introduced.
"is it okay if I join y'all? I'm not interrupting anything am I?", the girl politely asked.
"oh no no!! go ahead", hoshimi smiled, while continuing to eat her fries.
yuki sat beside shigaraki, making him rethink what just happened.
"how've you been tomura? it's been long hasn't it. what've you been up to?", the girl excitedly asked.
yuki was like a puppy. it was like she hung onto every work shigaraki said, which wasn't much.
"fine, and yeah. I've been taking care of a fake baby", shigaraki said, looking at tomi.
hoshimi excused herself for a second so that she could use the restroom. she looked in the mirror, questioning why she felt uneasy about the girl.
shaking the negative thoughts away, she exited the bathroom. hoshimi was smiling before she saw the girl hugging shigaraki's arm and taking a picture.
yuki seemed to have caught a glimpse and smiled wider. "say cheeseeee~".
hoshimi returned back to her seat, putting on a fake smile. for some reason, her mood seemed a bit sour. once she finished eating, she stood up.
"anyways, see you later shigaraki! I'm gonna go first. have fun, you two", hoshimi said as she took tomi and left them.
shigaraki raised an eyebrow. usually hoshimi finished all her fries before going. he wondered if something was wrong.
"anyways! we need to catch up and stuff!! are you free this weekend?", yuki asked.
"umm", shigaraki thought for a moment. "I'm actually going to lunch with hoshimi".
it's their third week spending time together, and it already became a habit for shigaraki to eat lunch everyday with the girl.
"ooohhh!! can I join?? I'm sure she won't mind", yuki smiled.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hoshimi sighed as she saw shigaraki's text about yuki joining them on their lunch on saturday.
"something wrong?", ashido asked as she was folding her laundry.
"not really....".
"gurl, spill the fucking tea", ashido said.
"fineeee. I don't really know but like this girl, yuki mei, just showed up out of nowhere—"
"is she stealing yo manz?"
"w-what??", hoshimi turned her head to look at ashido.
"I asked if that bitch is trying to steal your manz", ashido repeated.
"what manz??"
"oh my god. obviously shigaraki! who the fuck else?", ashido said, like it was the most obvious thing ever.
it wasn't like her and toga have been shipping them together since they first heard about them being partners for the child project.
"h-he's not my manz or whatever!!", hoshimi blushed as she curled up into a little ball on her bed.
"sureeeee. anyways, you feeling jealous?"
hoshimi thought for a moment. "well...nooo. I just didn't like seeing her hug his arm....".
ashido gave hoshimi a 'are you for real?' look.
"girl, you're jealous. just admit it".
"I'm not!!"
"uh-huh. wait until the girl starts moving in on your territory. you're gonna be soooo salty!!", ashido joked.
"am not!!", hoshimi pouted, protesting.
"also, did you hear from your dad that there's going to be 11 new students next semester?"
"11?? why so many?"
"I heard that they're a group that's been together since middle school. they're all very loyal to the leader of the group", asido informed.
"really?? what are they majoring in?"
"I think 8 of them are majoring in wildlife biology, and 3 are majoring in the medical field like you!"
"I suppose that's cool", hoshimi said, not really caring.
"oh come on hoshi!! what if they're cute guys??"
"mina, aren't you like a thing with eijiro or something?", hoshimi questioned, scrolling through instagram.
"listen. sometimes, a girl's gotta keep her options open okay?", ashido sassed back.
hoshimi just chuckled.
"oh! by the way, denki's making a film for his project and he was wondering if you could help", mina said, sitting on hoshimi's bed.
hoshimi sat up. "sure, what role am I playing this time?"
"uhhh, he said something about superpowers called quirks? pretty funny right?"
"could you imagine?", hoshimi laughed.
"he said he wanted you to be the director this time, since you have good directing skills", ashido said.
"what's the plot?", hoshimi asked, somewhat interested. kaminari's had hoshimi and the rest of their friends play in a lot of his films, but never before has he had her as the director.
"I think it's revolving around izuku this time. like he won't have a superpower, but he suddenly gets one somehow. and we're all high school students", ashido said, from the top of her head.
"sounds interesting I guess. is this one of the big projects?", hoshimi asked.
"ehh, he said he only had to make a trailer. he's going to be acting in this one too", ashido said.
"welp, guess I'll help".
"oh! and he wanted you to invite shigaraki, dabi, and himiko too".
"what? why, what role are they playing?"
"the villains".
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