𝟎𝟔𝟎 Further Derailment
What's Next?
a/n : the last episode of season 3!!! prepare yourselves...
The entire team dropped everything and rushed to the hospital.
Some were already at the hospital visiting Athena and Wren. But when they heard about Emery's dad they all had the same thought.
Which room was he in?
Emery was grabbing a cup of coffee when she heard hurried footsteps rushing towards her. She turns her head to see the group running towards her. Emery's eyes widen, "Oh..."
"Emerson!" Eddie inhales a deep breath. "We heard about your dad."
Emery presses her lips together. "Yeah, I called you guys." She then smiles. "Well, I didn't call Wren and Athena. Because they should be in bed."
"Screw that." Wren uses her roller to walk closer to Emery. "How is he?"
Emery's hand's begin to shake. "Well, that intuition of yours is right." Her eyes blur with tears. "I should've got back to him sooner."
Wren shakes her head. "You were being a good friend." She grabs her hand. "Do not blame yourself."
The brunette frowns, "And don't blame me either."
Emery lets out a soft laugh. "Yeah, I'll try not to." She wipes her eyes. "If you guys want to go in and...say goodbye." Emery's eyes fill with tears.
"Is your...mom here?" Buck asks. He knew how much Elijah wanted to see his wife before he died.
Emery softly scoffs. "No, no..." she wipes her eyes. "She's not coming. It doesn't matter we don't need her."
"But, what about your dad?—"
"I tried, guys." Emery snaps. "I called her and told her that dad wasn't going to make it and I told her that the last thing he asked for was the family he had left to be together for his last night and she..." her voice shakes. "She told me to lose her number."
"So, screw her." Emery shrugs. "If she wants to hold that burden of not saying goodbye to the love of her life before he dies—then she can choke on that guilt." She sniffles. "Now, can we focus on something more important?" Emery grabs her clipboard and points at each one of her family.
"I put you all on the list for when and how long you visit. Unless my dad says otherwise, of course." Emery then shifts to the officers. "But obviously, I'm going to add you guys to the list. Maybe I should make a new one—"
Emery stops and looks at Hen. Her expression was unreadable, but that quickly changed when she saw the sadness clouding Hen's expression. "It's okay."
Emery could feel her breathing uncontrollably heavy. Normally, Emery would brush everyone off with an "I'm fine". But this time she decided against it. If they all encouraged it, why should she try so hard to hide her grief?
There was a rising sense of hopelessness that began to paint across her face. The group was worried about the unshed tears in Emery's shaky eyes, but there as also a breath of relief that she was revealing her true emotions. A small desperate breath escapes her lips and she looks down at her clipboard.
"I thought I was ready for this." Emery admits. "But I'm not. I'm really not and now my mom doesn't even want to come—the one thing my dad asked for!" She inhales a breath and covers her mouth.
"How could she not want to say goodbye?"
Silence surrounds the group as they watch Emery's tears run down her face.
"Well...your mom's always been kind of a bitch."
Emery stops and looks at Wren.
"Oh my god, Wren..." Chimney's jaw slacks.
"What the fuck?" Eddie sighs, almost like he isn't surprised by her response.
Emery doesn't say anything she just continues to stare at Wren, who was staring right back at her. Wren and Emery knew the same thought that popped into each other's heads. Wren knew how Emery was going to react, she was just waiting.
Emery's dimples deepened and a stifled laugh escapes her lips. She covers her mouth and looks away from the group. Wren triumphantly smiles. Everyone exchanges a look as Emery continues to laugh.
Emery pulls her hand off her mouth. "My mom is kind of a bitch."
Wren holds her hands up. "I'm just gonna say it would've been really embarrassing if you didn't laugh."
Emery wipes the tears in her eyes. "You guys are the best."
"You know..."
Emery keeps her dad's hand in hers. She shifts her eyes to her father and he looks at her. "I have to many regrets."
"Well, you shouldn't." Emery says. "You shouldn't hold any of that in when you go."
Elijah's eyes grow teary which causes a lump to form in his throat. "I should've fought for you more."
"I know you've said that you forgive me. But, I will never forgive myself for what I allowed you to go through." Elijah's breath trembles.
Emery's eyes started to burn and her face grew hot. "Well, I want you to know that you have made up for it." She softly smiles. "You didn't leave."
"But now, I am leaving." Elijah's voice shakes. "I'm leaving you."
Emery lets out a soft breath. "I'm gonna be okay." She shakes her head. "You shouldn't worry about that on your last day. Just rest."
"I'll have...plenty of time to rest." Elijah groans. "Right now, I just want you to know that I'm proud of you."
"And I want you to live your life—be happy." Elijah manages a weak smile. "Lord knows, you deserve it."
"Don't be afraid to go after what and who you want."
Emery wipes her eyes. She then watches her dad raise a brow and she deadpans. "Please tell me you're not taking about Buck?"
"Of course, I'm talking about Buck." Elija laughs and Emery joins him.
"Dad, I don't want go talk about my possible love life on your deathbed." Emery groans and rubs her eyes.
"Okay, well, we don't have to talk about him." Elijah pats her hand. "But, a grandbaby named Eli would be some cute shit."
"Baby Eli." Emery frowns with a small smile on her lips. "That is pretty cute." She agrees. Emery's face then gets hot from the sudden thoughts.
"Buck and I aren't having babies and we're not gonna start dating." Emery shakes her head.
"It's just good to see you distracted for a bit." Elijah lightly squeezes her hand.
And in that squeeze Emery could feel her father's strength slipping away.
Emery was sitting in the waiting room with everyone else when Eddie and Christopher went into Elijah's room. She was sitting with an untouched coffee in her hands. Athena and Wren were sitting on both sides of the girl, but Bobby and Buck were nowhere in sight.
Bobby came around the corner—catching Athena and Wren'a attention. There was a look of worry across his face which caused Athena's back to straighten. Athena lightly nudges Wren and she looks over at her. The woman motions her head over to Emery, who was looking at the wall. Wren slightly opens her mouth, understand what Athena was trying to say.
"Hey, Em?"
The girl softly hums and looks at her friend. The brunette looks down at the watch. "It looks to me like Eddie and Christopher had more than 15 minutes to talk to your dad."
Emery pulls her brows together. "What?"
"Yeah! Yeah! They're sooo taking their time." Wren nods.
Emery looks down at her watch. "Well, thats not okay." She shakes her head. "We're on a schedule."
She stands up. "I'll be right back." Emery softly murmurs to herself and rushes to her father's room.
Wren stands up and walks over to the married couple. "What's going on?"
"We can't find Buck."
The brunette blinks. "Did you call him?"
"Yeah, he's not answering his phone."
"Okay, well then where the hell is Buck?" Wren asks.
"He didn't leave, did he?" Athena questions.
"No." Bobby shakes his head. "Buck wouldn't do that to Emery."
"Do what to me?"
The three turn to Emery, who was standing with Eddie and Christopher. "Uh..."
"My dad wanted extra time with them." Emery folds her arms. "What's going on?"
Atjena holds up her hands. "Okay, listen, sweetheart—"
"Buck left!"
"Wren." Bobby seethes.
Wren covers her mouth. "I'm sorry—im sorry."
Emery looks at each of them. "What do you mean left?"
"We can't find him." Athena says.
"Well, maybe he went with Hen and Chim to get food."
"We got the food!"
The group all turns to Hen and Chimney, they both had triumphant smiles as they walked down the hall with bags of burgers and fries. Their smiles slowly dropped and their walks slowed as they saw the looks across everyone's faces.
"What's happening?"
"We can't find Buck."
"Well, did you—"
"He didn't answer."
"Is he talking to Elijah?" Hen asks.
"Christopher and I just came from his room." Eddie says. "He wasn't in there."
"He just left?"
Everyone looks at Emery. Her brows were pulled together and she was biting the inside of her cheek. Emery was trying to make sense of this. There had to be an explanation.
"He wouldn't do that."
"He wouldn't." Emery repeats with a stronger tone.
She looks behind everyone and her face relaxes. Buck was making his way down the ball with his hands in his pockets and a nervous look across his face. Emery lets out a breath of relief. "You're still here."
Everyone turns to Buck and he sheepishly smiles.
Emery pulls her brows together from the person beside him. "Mom?"
"Oh shit..." Wren grabs Hen's arm.
Amara nervously grips her purse and walks over to Emery. "Let's give them a few minutes." Bobby pronounces.
Everyone except Buck leaves the mom and daughter.
Emery keeps her expression blank but her eyes were hard. "Nice of you to finally show."
"Emerson, I'm sorry." Amara chokes out. "What I said to you..." she inhales a shaky breath. "I was scared—"
"Yeah? Well, I've been scared too." Emery scoffs. "This whole time—since the first day dad told us about his cancer being back, I've been terrified."
"We could've been scared together, mom." Emery huffs. "And you just..." she shakes her head and looks away. Emery's eyes connect with Buck's and she pulls her brows together from the still nervous expression. Without sparing her mother a glance, she spoke. "He's in room 207."
Amara rolls her lips into her mouth. She casts her eyes to the ground and enters her dad's hospital room. She keeps her eyes on Buck's an unreadable expression across it. That causes Buck to tense. She stalks over to him and Buck slightly opens his mouth.
"You called my mom?"
"Uh, yes, I did—but just let me explain—"
Emery wraps her arms around Buck's neck, hugging him tightly. Buck freezes for a moment, stunned. Emery softly sniffles and Buck touches her back.
"Thank you." Emery whispers. "Thank you so much."
She pulls her arms away from him and she wipes at her nose. "I just...thank you."
Buck's phone rings and Emery grabs her phone that rang as well. They both look at their phones to see emergency messages about a train derailment. Buck curses, "Em, I've got to go."
Emery nods her head. "I know and it's okay." She exhales. "You've already done so much for me—for us today. Thank you."
Buck and Emery keep their eyes on each others until they hear rushed footsteps.
The group of firefighters comes back over to Emery and Buck. "Emery, I'm so sorry—"
"I just saw the message." Emery holds up her phone. "It's okay. We should—"
"No. You're not coming." Bobby says. "You need to stay here with your dad."
Emery inhales a breath. Normally, she would fight Bobby on this. She would tell him that she needed to be there. But right now, she knew where she needed to be. Emery always ran away when things got scary. But this time, she wasn't running. She wouldn't.
"Thank you, Bobby." Emery looks at everyone. "Be safe. Please."
"Can Christopher stay with you guys?" Eddie asks. "Just until Carla picks him up."
Emery playfully rolls her eyes. "Do you even have to ask?" She loos at Christopher and points at Eddie with a scoff. "This guy, am I right?"
Christopher giggles which causes Emery to smile. She looks at Eddie, "I won't let him leave my sight."
Eddie mouths a "thank you". Emery waves at the team as they all hurry out of the hospital. She looks at Athena and Wren. "You guys should get back to your rooms."
Emery touches the top of Christopher's head. "I will be okay. I promise."
Before Athena or Wren could protest, and knowing the two would—Emery taps a passing Nurse; who halts. "Excuse me. These two are patients that they're trying to escape."
Simultaneously, the officer's mouths drop open.
"Oh, no she didn't—"
"Oh, yes she did." Wren cocks her head to the side.
"Yeah, you're the officers who put the realtor guy away, right?"
Emery nods her head and Christopher laughs.
"Take them away!" Christopher points at them. Emery then points at them as well. "Back to your rooms you go!"
"All right, you two. Let's get you back to your rooms."
"Emerson Bailey Sharpe." Wren points at the girl. "I'll get you for this."
"And I'll help her." Athena squints her eyes.
"Sorry, can't hear you over all this hospital noise." Emery points at her ears. "Talk to you later."
The two officers disappear dow the hall. Emery then holds her hand out to Christopher. "Nice job, dude."
"You too." Christopher high fives her.
Emery inhales and looks back at the door to her father's room. "Wanna go in?"
"Do you?" Christopher asks. "We can wait out here if you want."
Emery softly smiles, "Thanks for the offer, but...I should be in there with them." She looks at Christopher. "Don't worry, Carla will be here soon."
"Well, no offense, but I hope not." Christopher looks up at Emery. "I don't want to leave you alone."
Emery's eyes fill with tears. "Oh..." she crouches in front of him. "I won't be alone. I'll have my mom."
"You guys don't get along."
The girl laughs, caught off guard. "You've got a point but she and I do have something's in common." She bites the inside of her cheek. "It'll make it a bit more comforting having her by my side."
Christopher wraps his arms around her. "You're really strong, Emery."
A tear runs down her face and she touches the back of his head. "Yeah, well I've learned from the best..."
She sniffles. "That's you by the way."
Emery laughs.
Emery enters her father's room to see her mom grabbing Elijah's hand with her forehead presses against his chest. She lifts her head and meets Emery's gaze.
"Uh, Carla just picked up Christopher." She presses her lips into a small line. "I just..." Emery's eyes trail over to her father and her eyes fill with tears. "How's he doing?"
"He's not talking." Amara softly speaks, her eyes wet.
Emery's heartbeat begins to pound through her ears. She slowly nods her head. With fear in each step, she walks around the end and sits on the other side of her dad's bedside. Emery gently grabs his free hand. "Hey, dad..." Emery speaks. "I know you and I have been preparing for this as much as we could. But...it doesn't make this any less harder." Her voice shakes. "And I want you to know that it's okay."
"I am going to be okay." Emery kisses the back of his hand. "Mom's going to be okay."
"You can go now."
Amara lets out a choked sob. Emery keeps her eyes on her father's paling face. She lifts a trembling hand and touches the top of his head. "Thank you for the last years. And thank you for looking at the stars with me."
"I will keep looking at those stars for you and Maya." A tear rolls down her cheek and her lips quiver. "I love you so much, dad."
Emery lifts her eyes to her father's hand and it twitches around hers—almost like a goodbye. The girl could feel it like a strong wave. She could sense it approaching, so she held her breath.
And just like that, the steady beeping began to flatline. Both women sat there with their hands still in his hands, not daring to let go. A nurse walks into the room and turns off the monitor, allowing the women to drown in the silence. She silently leaves, leaving the two alone. As soon as the door closed, Amara lets out an anguished wail and she lays her head against her husband's hand.
Emery exhales a breath and a choked sob leaves her throat. She then covers her mouth and inhales a shaky breath before exhaling another sob. Emery tilts her head to the ceiling and she begged to be able to see the stars in that moment.
She just wanted to see her father once again.
"Cap, I got a passenger pinned up here. Looks like the support beam from the observation deck broke through the floor. Need you to send up the jaws, okay?"
"Copy that. Coming right up." Bobby says. He turns to Hen and Chimney. "We need jaws and the ram."
"On it, cap." Chimney nods. "These are the last of the walking wounded from the bottom of this car. What's the word from up top?"
"Two dead. One trapped so far."
"Captain Nash," A captain from another fire station walks over to Bobby. "search dog detail just landed. Can you spare a couple medics?"
"All right, Hen, Chim, go with them." Bobby directs.
Hen and Chimney exchange a look. "Are you sure, Cap?"
The train begins to shift which echoes a low and terrifying creak, catching everyone's attention.
"We need all the paramedics we have on the ground."
"What about up there?" Hen inquires.
Bobby opens his mouth to answer.
"I can go!"
The three instantly recognized the voice. But she wasn't supposed to be here right now. Bobby shifts his eyes to the girl that was running over to them.
The girl lets out a sharp breath and sucks in a quick one. "Sir, I'm here now and I can help." Emery's eyes trail up to the train. "Are Eddie and Buck already up there?"
"Yes, but Em, you're not supposed to be here. Your father—"
"All hands on deck, that's what was said." Emery quickly cuts in. "I am okay to help."
Emery hasn't been a firefighter in almost 7 months. She's only been with Hen and Chimney as a paramedic. Emery had told Bobby herself she wasn't ready and she didn't want to be a firefighter anymore. But the strong undefeated look in her eyes told Bobby that she was ready.
And that look was enough to reassure the captain.
Bobby walks past Hen and Chimney and stands in front of the girl. Emery tilts her chin up and keeps her eyes trained on Bobby's. "You go up there with me and we help get them all out, safely."
Emery nods her head. "Yes, sir." She turns away from him and starts toward the train.
A hand grasps her arm and Emery turns to Hen and Chimney. Hen had a soft yet worried look across her face. "Em—"
"I've gotta go." Emery touches Hen's hand she then lightly squeezes it. "I'll talk to you guys after this, all right?" She gives Hen and Chimney a soft smile and jogs toward the train.
"I will keep my eyes on her." Bobby promises.
Hen swallows and nods her head. Bobby then jogs after Emery, leaving Hen and Chimney still worried for the girl.
Eddie and Buck watch as Bobby and Emery climb over to them.
"No, no, no—you shouldn't be here—"
"It's okay." Emery huffs.
"Your dad?" Eddie questions.
Emery inhales, "It's okay, you guys." She holds up the jaws of life. "Can we focus?"
"Em's right." Bobby says. "What do we got?"
Emery hands Buck the jaws and he keeps his eyes on her unreadable face.
"He's got a collapsed lung from the blunt force." Eddie informs them. "O2 levels are dropping. I can relieve the pressure but we gotta move this beam off him."
"Still too heavy." Buck says. "It's not gonna budge."
"We brought the ram." Emery speaks. "Let's try that."
Bobby nods his head. He grabs the hydraulic ram from the side and hands it over to Buck. As Buck pries the beam up, a scream comes from the other side of it. Emery's eyes widen, "Wait, wait!" She quickly moves to the other side of the beam and sees a woman underneath it. "We got somebody else!"
Buck quickly stops the ram and sets it down. Emery adjusts her helmet, "Hi." She gives the woman a gentle smile. "What's your name?"
"Hi, Georgia. My name's Emerson, Emery, or Em. It really doesn't matter." Emery chuckles. "How are you doing?"
"My side really hurts." Georgia groans.
Emery nods her head, "Okay, I'm just gonna take a look." She shines her light on Georgia's side and slightly lifts her shirt. The bone of Georgia's leg was popped out. "Oh...okay." She softly exhales. Emery turns to the three men. "Force of the crash pushed her leg up into her torso."
Emery gently grips her leg, "Okay, Georgia? This is gonna hurt a little bit. I'm sorry in advance." She slowly slips off the woman's boot and she screams. Emery gently feels Georgia's foot. "There's still a pulse in her foot. Blood's still pumping to it."
Bobby examines everything. "Em, come over here."
Emery nods her head, she looks at Georgia and grabs her hand. "I'll be right back, okay?"
Georgia lets out a pain filled gasp, "O-Okay."
Emery follows the three men to the back of the train.
"What's going on?"
"They're both trapped by the same beam." Bobby states. "We take the pressure off of him and we're squeezing her."
Bobby looks at Eddie and Emery. "Which one has the better shot?"
Emery and Eddie look at each other.
"I didn't check his injury, but it seems like their injuries are different." The woman states.
"We have to assume the risk is the same, though." Eddie adds.
Buck shifts his gaze from each of them, shocked by the ease of this conversation. "What are we saying? We gotta pick who we save?"
"I'm saying I don't think we can save 'em both."
Buck's jaw clenches and Emery opens her mouth.
"Em, why don't you go help Georgia. Give her something for her pain? Eddie, same thing with Sam."
Emery nods her head, "On it, cap." She walks back over to Georgia. "Hey, Georgia. I'm gonna give you something for the pain, all right?"
Georgia could barely speak from her pain, all she could do was nod. Emery slips the needle into one of Georgia's veins and begins to push the fluid into her. "All right, in about 2 minutes you'll only be feeling a slight ache."
"Can you stay with me until th-then?" Georgia whimpers.
Emery keeps her eyes on the scared woman's. "Of course." She grabs hold of Georgia's hand and waits with her.
After Georgia's pain eased, Bobby called the firefighters back together to share his decision. "Okay, I'm calling it. Start with the girl, we get her out."
"No, no, no." Buck immediately interjects. "It's gonna crush Sam's other lung. He's gonna die."
"I am aware of that." Bobby calmly speaks. "But protocol dictates that we save whomever has the better chance. Eddie and Emery are saying that's the girl."
Buck immediately looks the to two.
"Buck, her vitals are stronger." Emery says. "Eddie and I switched off and to make sure we both were sure and we are."
"He's starting to decompensate." Eddie adds. "If we have to choose—"
"We do." Bobby says. "We can't move that steel beam."
The train shifts more aggressively, causing everyone to lose balance. Emery grips the back of one of the seats to keep her balance. "Guys." Her tone was warning them that they had to speed this up.
"Okay. Okay, you're right." Buck quickly speaks. "The beam is steel. But the skin on this thing, the skin is stainless. That's much thinner."
"I could go outside, I could cut a piece out, pull the girl through." Buck suggests. "And that will buy us enough room to save Sam."
"This car is ready to fall any second." Emery states. "It hasn't been secured yet."
"Em is right. That's why we're working on the inside." Bobby says. "If this thing topples, we can ride it down but if you're on the outside."
"Yeah, I know." Buck says.
"I will be crushed by 100 tons of train car and I know that is a lot heavier than a fire truck. But Bobby—"
"Buck, stop." Eddie blurts out. "I know you made a promise."
Emery and Bobby had the same reaction. It was one of the most strict rules of the job. Never make promises.
"What promise?"
"T-To his fiancée." Buck answers. "I promised I would bring him back to her."
Emery massages her brow bone. "Buck..."
"To Abby." Eddie scoffs. Emery frowns and pulls her brows together. "His fiancée's Abby."
"Abby? Like your..." Emery looks over Buck's shoulder, making sure Sam wasn't listening. "your ex Abby?"
Buck timidly nods his head.
"That's even worse, Buck." Emery sighs. She walks past him to check Sam's vitals while Eddie checks on Georgia's.
"It's not just about her." Buck admits. "Okay, he is a father. He has two daughters."
"Stop. You're too close to this." Bobby says. "This is too risky."
"Well, I am willing to take the risk—"
"It's not yours to take!" Bobby snaps.
Emery and Eddie exchange a look from the sudden change in tone.
"You can't just rush into any dangerous situation and assume it's gonna be okay." Bobby's tone was sharp. "Cause sometimes it's not and I am tired of being on the wrong side of those hospital doors."
Emery swallows the lump on her throat and she shakes her head. She couldn't believe this was the conversation right now.
"Bobby." Buck finally snaps. "I am not Athena."
"What did you just say to me?"
"Enough." Eddie seethes.
"Are you guys kidding me?" Emery scoffs. "Can you focus?!"
"We don't have time for this." Eddie adds.
"Captain, listen," Emery speaks. "I understand if you don't want to take the risk. And I understand if you do. But if this decision you're making is based off what happened to Athena then Buck is right. He's not her. His job is to take risks."
"And Buck," she turns to the boy. "If your decision to take this risk is only based on Abby—"
"It's not." Buck says. He then looks back at Bobby with an apologetic expression. "Bobby, I can do this."
Bobby takes a moment to think. "All right, let's get you another line to make sure you're secure."
Buck nods his head and lets out a soft "thank you"
Eddie clasps Emery's shoulder. She turns to him and sees the look of pride across his face. "Welcome back, Firefighter Sharpe."
Emery's chest fills with a sense belonging. She belonged as a firefighter. She's missed it so much. "It's good to be back."
Buck's stubbornness never fails.
They were able to get Sam and Georgia out. Emery gave Georgia a wave as she was rolled into the ambulance. As the doors closed, she hit the truck two times and watched as it drove away. Emery found herself wrapping her arms around her waist, despite it being hot.
"So...you made it." Buck walks over to her.
Emery nods her head, "Yeah. Seems like I chose right to come to work tonight." She motions her head to Buck's ex-girlfriend. "Abby."
Buck inhales a soft breath, "Yeah, Abby." He blinks and looks at the side of Emery's face. She was quiet than usual. Like she was overwhelmed with emotion. And her shoulder's were slacked—as if she were exhausted. It caused Buck's stomach to turn. Something's wrong.
"Em...what happened?"
Emery swallows the lump in her throat. She finally turns to Buck and now he understood why she wasn't looking at him. Because her eyes said everything he had to know. The way her eyes were red and her lashes were wet. The sad smile on her lips.
Buck's heart drops deep into his stomach. "When did it happen?"
"3 hours ago."
Buck takes a small step towards her.
"Em, you didn't have to come tonight."
"All hands on deck." Emery states with a small shrug. "That's what the message said...and I need something normal."
"My mom fell asleep as soon as we got back to my place." Emery looks back at Abby talking with her fiancé and kids. "Me, not so much."
"I couldn't stop thinking about that message. All hands on deck." Emery scratches the side of her neck.
"So, you and your mom..."
"I told her we could start over." Emery sighs. "I know my dad never said it. But I know he wanted me and my mom to be there for each other after he died."
"She told me she was sorry and she wanted to change, so..." Emery presses her lips together. "...I want us to grieve together."
"That's kind of you." Buck says.
Emery chuckles, "I know." She raises her brows. Her eyes sadden and her smile lessens. "Please don't tell anyone." Her voice was now a weak whisper. "I'm going to, but right now with all this going on—"
"I won't tell anyone. I promise."
Emery gives him a small sad smile and looks at the train. Buck keeps his eyes on the side of Emery's face. "I know you're not okay." He softly speaks. "But do you think you're going to be okay?"
Emery takes a moment to think. This was her father. It was almost two years ago she reconnected with him. She didn't have a lot of time with him, but she was grateful for the time she did have. And she was grateful that she and her dad talked about what life would be like without him. How much of a toll it would take on her.
Emery was just grateful.
"Yeah," She turns and meets his eyes. Emery pulls her brows together and a small smile forms on her lips. Buck noticed her own shock by her answer. "yeah, I'll be okay."
"Doctor's get offended by the word 'miracle'."
Michael laughs. "Yeah. I'm sure my doctor isn't too thrilled by that word either."
Emery holds up her hands. "You know...I'm just wondering why you didn't tell me sooner." She swirls her glass of water.
Michael looks to the side. "I just didn't want to burned you with that news after Elijah."
Emery cocks her head to the side. "Michael. Your tumor shrunk." She throws an arm over his shoulder. "You're going to be okay. Do not and I repeat—do not—keep amazing news like that to yourself on my account."
Emery then shakes him a bit. "If anything, I'm happy as hell for you!" She takes her arm off of him and he laughs. "Now, can I have some of this cake?"
"Uh, May's gonna cut it."
"Why? It's not her birthday." Emery holds her hands up.
"No, but it's my graduation party."
Emery turns to the girl. She opens her mouth, "Well, my dad's funeral was 2 days ago, so..." Emery points at the cake. "...cut the cake so I can eat some now?"
"Did you already have real food?"
Emery sputters her lips. "Oh, I am a grown woman—"
"A grown woman who eats nothing but olives and snacks." Michael folds his arms. "So, did you eat?"
Emery's mouth to hangs open and she looks at May who was also folding her arms. "Oh, you're kidding!"
"This family doesn't joke." May shrugs.
Emery points between the father and daughter. "Oh, this is messed up. I just wanted some cake, but I get it—I get it. You want me to suffer a little before."
Michael shrugs a shoulder, "Just a little."
Emery throws her head back and laughs. She waves a hand and grabs a plate and puts some food on it.
Emery rolls her lips into her mouth from the voice. She turns and meets Buck's eyes. "So..." her voice was in a teasing low tone. Emery softly giggles. "You find what you were searching for?"
Buck blinks. "What?"
"With Abby? Did get your answers?"
Buck keeps his eyes on Emery his face getting hot. He realized when on that bench with Abby that he didn't love her. He knew what love was and that was from Emerson. The girl, he not too long ago, despised. A shy smile forms on his lips. "Yeah—yeah, I did."
Emery hums. "Good. That's awesome."
"What about you? With your mom?"
Emery giggles and puts some ribs on her plate. "Oh, she is gone,"
Emery nods her head, "Yeah, man." She takes a bite out if a carrot and turns to Buck. "When I came back home from the train rescue, she was gone."
"No letter—"
"Absolutely vanished."
Buck lets out a breath of disappointment. His guilt then rises. Why the hell did he bother asking her to come to the hospital? "Em, I am so sorry. I should've never asked her to come to the hospital."
"You were able to give my dad his last wish." Emery softly smiles. "I won't forget that."
Emery pulls her timid eyes away from bus. "Besides, I'm not sorry, so why should you be?" She then shrugs. "I told my mom she and I could start over. And I meant that. But I also meant that for everything else in my life."
"I'm going back to work as a firefighter and paramedic." Emery smiles. "I'm turning a new leaf for the better. And I am not looking back." She holds her plate full of ribs on her plate. "To new beginnings."
Buck keeps his eyes on Emery's hopeful ones. It made his heart beat even faster than before from seeing the smile on her lips. She was excited for her future. And Buck couldn't wait to see what that future holds for her.
Buck reflects a smile back to Emery and holds his plate up, that was full of olives. Emery's eyes light up and she grabs a handful of olives and stuffs them in her mouth. Buck suddenly lets out a heartfelt laugh that causes her heart to flutter.
"To new beginnings."
author's note.
STFUUUUUU season three is done!!!!!
This season was. A. Roller. COASTERRRRRR
But don't worry. Only clear skies ahead...for the time being hehe
words : 5886
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