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"What—" Jean breathed out, his emotions being completely blinded by anger. "What do you mean we're not going to go looking for her?" His fingers curled up into a fist as the veins in his arms became more prominent.
Everyone else in the room stared at him in shock. Not the Captain though, not even the Commander. They couldn't let your absence keep them from moving forward. Simply because you were considered a sacrifice to humanity and that was that. The two couldn't say they didn't care about you but as soldiers they couldn't postpone their lives for you.
Eren reached his hand out to his arm but Jean reacted rather harshly. He slapped his hand away and excuses himself from the meeting.
"Eren" Mikasa placed her hand on his shoulder and sighed, "He's obviously very emotional right now. I think Jean just needs some time to think."
"Mikasa's right," Levi added and heaved a heavy sigh "That idiot isn't mature enough to understand that in order to move forward we need these sacrifices, I know Y/N thought this was the best way to save you all. To sacrifice herself so you all could make it back safely without anymore casualties."
Bits of sunlight passed through the white curtains. It's been a couple weeks since you've been under bed rest and the headache that's been nagging at you had finally gone away. You sat in front of the vanity mirror and began running your fingers through your H/C strands of hair.
Pieck hadn't visited you for a couple days now. It was getting boring being cooped up in this room. Reiner hasn't even visited her since last week. The only person who she had seen each day was the male nurse.
He was a boy who was about 5'9, just a bit older than you. The boy had dark raven hair and wore circular glasses. His name was William. Just William. He was instructed to come and visit you each day and change the bandage around your wound.
"God.." You spoke to yourself in the mirror, running a finger down your cheek. "What a long dreadful morning."
There was nothing for you to do. You could only make paper airplanes out of the extra daily check-up forums you were given. William would always chastise you for doing so.
You moved over towards the window and propped your elbow up on the ledge. To pass the time you began watching people walk up and down the streets, trying to guess their personalities. 4 children had caught your attention. One with very dark hair, the other one was a brunette, and the last two were blondes.
One of them in particular caught your eye. The brunette. The one with huge brown eyes that carried so much spirit in them. She looked competitive, not to mention tough.
You noticed that each of the children had yellow bands around their arms. They must've been part of a special group.
You were immediately drawn back when the blond boy had looked up at you. He waved at you with a small smile on his face. The edges of your lips tugged upwards, curving a small smile.
"I see you lack entertainment again." William pushed a medical cart into the room. He approached you by the window and kneeled down in front of you. Slightly rolling up your long tan skirt. "As I expected," A smile of relief painted over his face. "Your wound has significantly gotten better Miss Ivanov."
You rolled your eyes, proceeding to look out the window. This time your attention was drawn to the clouds. "I would have hoped so. You've been coming in to treat my wounds every day."
"Mr Braun wouldn't be very happy if I didn't." He sighed and unraveled the used bandage around your thigh. "Besides this is my job, to take care of people. You happen to be a patient I'm quite fond of Miss Ivanov."
His complement had made you lose your focus on the cloud you were observing. You looked at him at him from the corner of your eye. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"
"Just by looking into your eyes, it's obvious you have a story to tell. You just can't remember it yet."
"That's a pretty odd excuse for you to be fond of me." You huffed.
William chuckled and shrugged. "Don't take it the wrong way but I'm not trying to hint anything or spark up any romance with my patient. I'm just curious about what your story."
He tossed the old bandage aside and picked out a new wrap from the medical cart he brought in with him. It was the same routine every morning, getting your bandage exchanged by the same person.
You didn't mind though. As long as you saw another person each day you were fine. Did Reiner pick him out specifically? Even if he didn't, you were grateful for his presence.
Suddenly a quiet knock echoed through the empty room. Both you and William turned towards the door.
Reiner walked into the room with a paper bag in his arms. "Hey Y/N sorry I haven't been able to see you these past couple of days. My schedule has been so– hectic.."
His voice trailed off at the sight of William wrapping your thigh. He raised his eyebrows as a light blush appeared on his face.
"Good morning Mr Braun." William bowed his head.
"You're the nurse that's been taking care of her?" The fact that it was a male nurse made Reiner uncomfortable.
He nodded and pushed up his glasses. "That's correct sir."
"Hey Reiner." You lifted your hand up and waved at him with a kind smile on your face.
Reiner cleared his throat and placed his hand on his nape. "Hey Y/N. Pieck told me to bring over some clothes for you."
"Oh great. These clothes that were provided for me runs a bit tight, hopefully the ones you brought are a little bigger." You leaned back in your chair. "William could you be any slower?"
William furrowed his eyebrows. He gave her a small glare "Would you rather have me be reckless and increase your chances on getting an infection?" Your silence answered his question. "That's what I thought."
After another ten minutes William had finally finished his daily examination. He weighed you, measured your height, checked your blood pressure, and all the other typical things patients would get at a doctor examination.
"Well Miss Ivanov, I'll see you again tomorrow." He packed all his medical supplies into a bag and placed it on top of the cart. "See you another time perhaps Mr Braun?"
Reiner nodded. "Yeah."
With that he made his way out of the room and closed the door behind him. You crawled onto your bed and peered into the paper bag that was overflowing with clothes.
"You can take them out you know.."
Reiner began taking out each article of clothing one by one. He laid them out across her bed, presenting each article of clothing.
You placed your hand on his arm and laughed. "I can move my arms too you know. You don't have to be so nice to me Reiner."
"This is making up for my past mistakes..." He muttered under his breath.
You perked your head up and tilted your head "Did you say something?"
"It's nothing." Reiner replied with nonchalance in his voice.
You gasped with joy at one particular shirt that had caught your eye. It was a polyester long sleeved white button up with a rose embroidered onto one of the cuffs.
Reiner's eyes lit up at your reaction to the embroidery. He had it done by his mother the day before because your favorite flower happened to be roses. No matter what color they were.
"I'm glad you like it..." He smiled.
"Pieck did such an excellent job at picking this out!"
Reiner's expression darkened. Oblivious as always. He enveloped your hand in his and looked into your eyes. "That was actually from me Y/N."
Your lips parted slightly. "This is beautiful Reiner.. the embroidery is gorgeous. Thank you."
"I just had a feeling you'd like it. It's a relief I was right." Reiner gently rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand.
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