"The rover's almost charged. We need to pack up. We'll be home soon."
Harley picked her head up at the sound of Bellamy talking from where she was at the back of the rover. He was ducked out of her view, checking the battery level so they could start moving. She had woken up minutes ago back on land along with the others, only to find out Clarke was given the Flame which was a clear message from Luna. To try any further was a waste of time. They were on their own now, in a war they couldn't possibly survive without a nightblood. Harley was exhausted at the thought. She wanted to know when they'd be done with this. It seemed like days ago they were peacefully at Arkadia, but it all changed in seconds.
"Then what?" Clarke questions Bellamy from where she had been aimlessly pacing back and forth. "Run away?"
Sighing, Bellamy shut the door and hopped off. "We're not running away, Clarke," he answered. "We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat - "
"There is no other way!" Clarke interrupted, exclaiming. "We need to find a nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop ALIE." She emphasized her words, sounding a mix of frustration and determination.
"You said Ontari slaughtered them all," Harley spoke up, more tired than anxious. It wasn't an option anymore, but Clarke was holding her ground stubbornly.
From where Jasper was sitting on the rover's top, he adds on to Harley's reminder. "What do you expect us to do, Clarke?" He asked her. "Walk into random villages asking for their nightbloods?"
Stopping her pacing, Clarke ground her heels into the mud and kept her hands in tight fists at her sides before declaring; "If that's what it takes."
Appearing from the back of the rover, Octavia hopped out and slammed the door shut behind her, passing Harley, before shooting a glare to Clarke. "No, Clarke," she protested the stubborn leader. "If ALIE can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere." Her stare darkened. "I won't help you destroy another innocent grounder village." Harley winced at the coldness in Octavia's voice, remembering what happened at Tondc. It wasn't the first time she had been hurt in a fight, but a permanent reminder of a white scar on her arm would forever be there.
"If we don't find a nightblood, there won't be any grounder villages or a home for us to go back to," Clarke fires back stubbornly, taking a step to Octavia with an equally frigid glare.
Sensing the drift between Clarke and Octavia, Bellamy breaks through to them both by pointing out; "That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are okay."
"He's right, Clarke. We have to regroup," Harley pipes in when seeing the agitated look on her face. It seemed like they were completely out of solutions, and it was best they let their friends know what's happening. Clarke knew they were right, and she had lost. Tight lipped, she nodded before stamping away until she was past the trees and into the woods.
"She'll be fine," Jasper says reassuringly to a worried Bellamy who gazed after Clarke. "Just let her cool off."
"What do we do until then?" Harley said, raising a hand. "Pack?"
"Nope." Octavia picked up a canvas bag and tossed it forward. Harley made a noise of surprise before catching it in her bent arms with a grunt at the new weight. "Load," Octavia finished, correcting, slinging a larger bag's strap on her shoulder and joining her in the back.
A small smile crossed Harley's face. Octavia opened the back door for her, allowing her to shove the bag flung to her in the opening. She sandwiched it in between what had to be weapons that Bellamy supplied until it was steady in place. As Octavia crouched, opening her bag and beginning to shove smaller bags of rations into the big space, Bellamy suddenly snatched his pistol and stepped out of the rover, heading in the direction Clarke had went.
"Where are you going?" Jasper called out.
"After Clarke," Bellamy responded without turning around. "She shouldn't be alone." He finally disappeared in the trees, in search of Clarke, leaving the three alone.
Knowingly, Harley stared at the back of Bellamy's head until he had fully departed from her view. She wasn't surprised he was the one to join Clarke, as he had always been attached to her as far back as she could remember. Octavia clearing her throat caught Harley's attention quickly, and she turned her head to face the crouched girl, eyebrows raised. "They'll be back soon," Octavia informed her, avoiding her eyesight, like more words were on the tip of her tongue.
"And you?" Harley prompted her. "Will you be alright?"
Octavia's hands, which were continuing to stuff the large bag, stopped. The action caught Harley off guard as she pressed her back to the rover. She seemed like she was only packing to be kept busy and keep her mind off their circumstances. Her jaw was sharp as she tilted her head back, making green eyes meet blue. "I'm fine." Octavia breathed out slowly, calmer and less tense when their gazes met.
With a sigh, Harley tore the stare away to spare a quick glance at the ocean. She isn't sure how long its been since they were forced to leave the one safe place on Earth. "We aren't at Luna's rig anymore," she said softly. "I wanted to make sure you still feel safe." Harley ignored the short snort coming from Jasper, knowing feeling secure in the middle of a war they couldn't win wasn't naturally possible.
"I do." Octavia proved Jasper's thoughts wrong. "I will until the day I lose you."
Harley could assure Octavia she'd never loose her. That there would never be a day they'd be apart without reason, but she knew, even death couldn't separate the pair. In day one she knew they were better together, but now, she knew it was in different means. Instead, Harley chose to smile wide and exclaim teasingly. "You like me!"
The air around Octavia cleared and she snorted, fighting back an equal smile. "Do not."
"Do too!"
A voice Harley wasn't expecting interrupted, so knowingly it made her head snap at the newfound words from Jasper who had been eavesdropping. "About time." He added a slightly dramatic groan.
Mouth falling open, Harley tried to find some words to counter with, forgetting her and Octavia shooting playful jabs at one another, but was stopped by a much newer sight. Bellamy and Clarke are there, but they aren't alone. The stranger they are dragging in between them, arms slung over their shoulders, had Octavia clenching her jaw and ripping out her sword from her sheath while positioning herself in a fighting stand.
The closer their leaders get, the easier Harley can make out the new member. The figure is clearly a man by the way he's shaped, with very bulky muscles despite being limp hidden under thick armor with fur. His face was barely audible, with pieces of light brown long hair hanging low, but faded white scars crossed his forehead and cheeks. She only didn't feel threatened because he wasn't awake. Harley recognized him as a grounder, but she still didn't understand. "Who is that?" She questioned.
Being much larger than both Clarke and Bellamy, the grounder was too much for them both, and with a grunt he was thrown to the ground a foot away from the rover. Harley could see him much clearer now, the cloudy scowl on his features remaining despite being knocked unconscious from what she guessed was caused by the bleeding on his arm. "This is Roan," Clarke introduced with a gesture. "The King of Azgeda." The clan name had a dark glare cross Octavia's face as she lowered her sword.
"Okay," Jasper said slowly. "So, what is he doing here?"
"We're going to make sure he doesn't bleed to death," Clarke replied, much more relaxed than she was before storming away. "And then, he's going to help us put the Flame in Ontari's head."
The bay door opening was the loudest but best noise Harley had heard since waking up by the ocean. She breathed in relief, knowing now her friends were alright. The ride back to Arkadia was a bit awkward and tense when Roan woke up, to discover he was not only shot but gagged and tightly bound. For the most part, Harley did her best to avoid his eyes. She tried to think that at least now, they had a plan. Octavia was the only one who kept a sharp stare at him, like he'd somehow strike at any given moment. But Roan remained calm, much to everyone's surprise.
As Bellamy stopped the rover with a sharp jolt, Monty was the first to rush over when the door swung open. "Glad you made it back," he greeted, but staring at Jasper.
Harley could tell none of them had seen Roan yet, who was besides Clarke. She winced at the thought while Octavia opened their side door, hopping out after her just when Raven approached with a relieved expression. "We were getting worried," she informed them, before realizing they were missing one important person. "Where's Luna?"
"Luna said no," Octavia answered stiffly.
Finally, the new guest they weren't expecting was pulled out by Bellamy. The group circling the rover were shocked at the sight, but only Raven demanded. "Who the hell is this?"
"He's Ice Nation," Bryan says before anyone could, his tone low.
"King of the Ice Nation, actually," Clarke corrected. "And he's our way into Polis."
A heavy silence falls over them as the ones they reunited with narrow their eyes at Roan wearily. Harley fought the urge to speak and make it worse, letting Bellamy break the silence by shoving the grounder forward. Roan stumbled, being bound and barely able to catch himself. "This way, your Highness," he said sarcastically before gesturing to Miller and Bryan. "You two, on me. We'll take him to lockup."
The two followed Bellamy and Roan away without a complaint, guns cocked and on guard. Raven turned to Clarke, her eyebrows furrowed as if she managed to piece together. "You want to use him to get to Ontari." Harley hadn't been surprised, knowing the mechanic was too smart to not be able to. Clarke nodded.
"What happened to his arm?" Harper asked curiously.
"Bellamy shot him," Jasper replied to her, taking Harper by surprise.
"Not well," Harley piped in, shutting the rover door that had been left open. "He hasn't bled to death!"
Still, Monty was the one to scoff. "Good luck getting him to cooperate," he spoke to Clarke a bit harshly. Harley frowned at the reaction, her eyes following him as he strides away without another look, though, she had to agree. There could have been other peaceful solutions to find out whether or not Roan was chipped.
Affected by Monty's backlash, Clarke swallowed thickly before directing the rest. "We need the rover loaded with more supplies." It was more of a gentle request than a demand, but she left soon after, leaving them alone. Harley assumed she was going to talk to both Roan and Bellamy, possibly apologize for the gunshot before asking for help, but she looked on the brighter side. This was all going to be over soon.
It was the only way Harley could keep going, loading the rover with more and more supplies until she knew for sure they were more prepared for this war to end. She was handing Harper the last medical supply bag when Roan returned, Octavia by his side. He was more cleaner than before, Harley noticed, with his armor back on, weapons tucked away and the injury too hidden to be clear, especially under his muscles. She could also see how ready he looked, more prepared for this fight than she was.
"Hey," Octavia called out upon catching Harley in her view. She turned as Miller approached, loading the rover with knockout gas from Mount Weather. She saw a weapon outstretched in her direction, being given by Octavia. "Shock baton," she explained. "I know you don't want to use your gun. It's the next best thing." Seeing Harley's hesitation, she smiled. "You know. Just incase."
"Thank you." Harley accepted the weapon, grateful despite the weight.
Clearing her throat to catch their attention, Raven plopped a machine that was identical to the one Sinclair built for her into Bellamy's arms. "Because she's chipped, you'll have to EMP her like you did me before you give her the Flame," she explained, referring to Ontari. Bellamy nodded, carefully loading the machine in the rover as well.
"I thought Jaha destroyed all the wristbands," Jasper cut in with confusion.
"So did he. Then I came home." Raven grinned confidently. "There's only enough usable parts to rebuild one, so use it wisely," she warned Clarke. "Made a few improvements, too."
However, Clarke looked more worried than assured. "None of which is gonna matter if you can't get us access to ALIE's code," she retorted.
"Have some faith, now," Harley commented, her head peeking over the open door of the rover.
Raven nodded. "You worry about the nightblood, I'll worry about ALIE," she said, this time having Clarke visibly calm down.
"How can you access code that doesn't exist here anymore?" Jasper questioned, more curious than confused.
Smiling, as confident as Raven but with a softness, Monty answered first. "We've got a plan," he stated.
"What are we waiting for?" Octavia called out to the rest of them, tapping the side of the rover.
Agreeing with his sister, Bellamy waved his hand. "Let's move out!" He ordered the group leaving.
Before they left, it felt right to say a proper good-bye to the ones they were being separated from. Harley smiled widely, shutting the rover door and joining as Clarke embraced Monty. "Be safe," the blonde whispered, hugging him tightly before moving on to his best friend.
"May we meet again." Harley hugged Monty after Clarke first, squeezing him tightly as he did the same, mumbling a soft good-bye to her. Jasper, who she figured was staying, was next. She hugged him as equally tight, smiling when he gladly returned it. Raven winced when Harley threw her arms over her shoulder afterwards, not expecting the tight squeeze but she loosened up and hugged her back with one arm.
As Harley sat in the back of the rover, she peered through the slates and sent one last wistful look to her friends watching them drive away with one last thought. That, for once, they can win this war and finish a life without violence in which more people would have to die.
The tunnels in Polis are darker than Harley expected. The place, which was once beautiful, was now a city of blood and screams of pain. She could hear the echoes as she ran, following the beam of flashlights being held by the ones in lead. Without it, she was sure the tunnels would be pitch black. Clarke was just outside the upcoming windows, being led into the city by Roan, pretending to be a prisoner to get close enough to a chipped Ontari. Everyone seemed to be on guard, looking around as they raced forward as if they expected a chipped person to pop out. Strangely enough, there was none.
"This is it," Bellamy announces, breaking the tense silence between the group of five. Harley picks her head up to see a line of a few grated windows, a sunlight pouring through. "Get these grates open."
The bags being held are dropped to the ground with a few heavy thuds, loud enough to catch attention if there was anyone around. Harley rushed to assist Miller while his boyfriend unpacked a bag, digging her fingers into the grates of the window. With gritted teeth, watching as he dug a tool under to pry it, and a final tug, it popped free along with the other two to allow them access.
As Miller quietly placed it down, Harley peered curiously through the hole, seeing a large group of people stepping aside to make room for Roan and Clarke. Her eyes widened, recognizing them through the blur of people. Clarke was gagged, her hands bound with a rope that Roan dragged. It looked real, but Harley was glad to see them. "Bellamy," she whispered, catching the older male's attention from where he was loading a gun. "They're here."
With a short nod of acknowledgement, Bellamy urged the others. "Let's get ready."
A sigh comes from Bryan as he pulls out bullets to load his gun. "Are we ever gonna be done fighting?" Harley looked over her shoulder, seeing that he was speaking to Miller with a sorrowful expression.
"Hell yes." Miller smiled before speaking thoughtfully. "We're gonna build a house on a lake... And you're gonna plant corn..." He trailed off with a short snort of amusement.
The despair on Bryan's face was replaced with a fondness that made Harley smile. "And raise chickens," he added.
"Yeah... And grow old," Miller finished wistfully.
Harley pulls her gaze away despite the warm feeling in her chest. She remembered a period of her life when a bond like there's was between Clover and her, which seemed so long ago. She did miss it; missed the first girl she ever loved and would give anything to have her back, but this was where they were. Harley turned her head to see Octavia holding sad, dark features but when she met her stare it turned into a soft one.
They were only broken by Bellamy making orders after peering through the scope of his firearm. "Eleven o'clock," he informed the armed ones. "Roan will signal when he sees Ontari. We wait until she's standing in front of them, and then we launch the gas," he continued.
"They're gonna be holding their breaths," Bryan said as he opened another bag and pulling out the containers full of gas. "So we got to move fast."
"Anyone who gets in our way, we use nonlethal force," Bellamy commanded after. "These people are not the enemy. They're being controlled," he reminded them. 'The only thing we're here to kill is ALIE. Is that clear?"
Harley nodded. "Very."
"Clear," Octavia spoke, unsheathing her sword.
"Clear," Miller adds after her, holding his gun upwards.
Bellamy looked through his scope again, mumbling; "Good", just as Roan approached.
As Clarke is led down a path made for them, Roan make his arrival to Polis well known with a demanding call. Even Harley could hear him from where she was. "I am Roan, King of Azgeda. And I have what the commander seeks!" His hand lifts, and although Harley can't see well, she knows he's holding the Flame.
The people kneeling eyes snap open and they rise, sights stuck on the Flame but with completely blank expressions. Harley was expecting a bit more of a reaction, and she frowns at the feeling that this was wrong. They were circling around Roan and Clarke now, but Bellamy had no longer been paying attention to them. Instead, he focused on the new member joining them. He speaks in complete shock. "It's Jaha."
"What?!" Harley tries to exclaim quietly, but her eyes dart to where Jaha was before widening in surprise. He looked the same from before, clean despite the blood in the city, posture held straight as he calmly walked forward.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Octavia hissed in distaste.
"Do you see Ontari?" Miller questioned Bellamy from where he looked through his own scope.
Bellamy shook his head. "No. Hold."
The one they were surprised to see was talking in greeting to Roan and Clarke, too quiet for any of them to hear. But the pair were reacting differently than expected, almost frightened by what was being told, like... They knew they were caught.
"Something's wrong," Bellamy says, stiffening in alarm as he tried to understand. A second later, Roan is pulling his sword out and pressing the blade to Clarke's throat, dragging her backward and shouting at both Jaha and the people becoming closer.
"Do it!" Bellamy shouts to Bryan, uncaring if he was heard. "Do it now!"
Before Bryan's hand can even brush the cans, a pair of hands seize Harley's shoulders followed by a herd of shouts; "On your knees! Drop your weapons!" She shrieks in surprise, being yanked away from the window to see her friends ending up in the same state from different chipped guards of Arkadia pouring in on them. Harley is pushed downward, falling on her knees harshly against the stone ground. A guard crouches in front of her, a blank look as he binds her wrists together in front of her.
Head snapping up, Harley looks to the far away window, her mind whirring in both fear and panic, knowing they weren't the only ones in trouble. She's pulled to her feet anyways, dragged back until she's kneeling once more in between Bryan and Miller. It's then that the guards who caught them began demanding; "What's the passphrase?"
A guard steps to Miller with a cold stare, looking down, waiting for an answer. "I don't know," Miller finally responds in anger.
Before Harley can blink, the guard rears a clenched fist back before bringing it forward and striking Miller in the face. Bryan cries his name as she lurches forward, desperate. "Don't!" She pleaded, despite knowing it was useless. "None of us know! Only Clarke does!"
As if Harley hadn't spoken, the guard narrows his eyes to Miller. "What's the passphrase?" He repeats lowly.
"She's telling the truth," Bellamy cuts in, begging. "We don't know."
A guard on the other side of the one who had hit Miller tilted his head, as if listening to someone else before finally telling the other in lead. "Let's go," he ordered. "She wants Bellamy."
Harley's heart jumps as Bellamy is pulled up by two guards without a struggle. Octavia, however, tries to jump forward and stop them. "Where are you taking him?!" She shouted. The butt of a gun is swung downward, straight into her gut, and she shouts in pain as Harley gasps her name, seeing her in agony.
Craning his neck to send them one last look, Bellamy continued to plead with them despite being dragged away. "Leave her alone!" Octavia struggles to rise, staring back at her brother in broken dismay. "O, it's okay," he weakly assures her as he's pulled away further. "O, it's okay!"
"You know, if I were you, I'd hit the deck," a voice drawls out at the end of the tunnel.
Every thought of panic for Bellamy, Clarke, and themselves flies out of Harley's mind as she shoots her head up at the familiarity. She can't see him, but she would know that voice anywhere - even here, in war. Harley's mouth drops open, but no sound comes out, too stunned to move, even when Bellamy shouts; "Everyone hit the ground!"
"Harley!" The call rings in Harley's ears, sounding a mile away before a heavy weight is thrown onto her back, sending her sprawling to the ground. She gasped as her chest is hit painfully, ducking her head as gunfire erupts above them. Bodies fall besides the one's ducked, before everything becomes still.
The pressure on Harley's back is lifted, that she noticed was Octavia, looking back at her worriedly. Instead of gazing back, her stare is fixated on the male who just saved them all as she tries to weakly stand. He looked almost the same, a bit older with pricks of facial hair, dirty brown hair in dreads pulled back, and the same smug grin wiped on his face that Harley remembered.
A strangled cry of a name comes from Harley's mouth. "John?"
Murphy's grin widened. "Fancy seeing you here."
On her feet, Harley takes slow steps, hesitantly, like she'd think Murphy would disappear again. He's smiling, more tenderly this time from her presence as he closes the space between them while flicking a knife out and bringing the blade down to cut the rope on her wrists. The second her bounds are gone, Harley lurches forward, ramming herself into his chest and throwing her arms around him.
Tears that Harley didn't know were there streamed down, dotting Murphy's shirt while he hugs her back, just as tight. Locking her wrist in a grip behind his neck, she speaks in a choked up whisper. "I thought you were dead."
Sighing, one of Murphy's hands cradled the back of Harley's head. "Thought so too," he mumbled. "Though, it never sticks."
Harley could have hit him, but the short laugh that comes out is wet as she grips him tighter. She'd have to let go in a minute, knowing where exactly they were, but with her brother now here, she trusted that this would finally end well.
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