"It's late. You should go to bed," Jon said, hovering above her. She was laying on the couch, putting the last touches on an essay she needed turned into three days ago.
She sighed and closed her laptop, her phone read 1:00 AM. The warmth of the fireplace had fizzled out not long ago, leading everyone to go to their rooms and the comfort of their beds.
Alysanne was busy with her essay, so she had hardly noticed the departure of everyone. But Jon stayed, watching her aggressively type and scroll through her phone looking for a trusty website.
"Why didn't you go to bed with the rest of them?" she asked.
"Wasn't tired," he shrugged. Even a five year old could tell that was a lie.
"Mhm," she countered, trudging up the steps. He kicked her heels with his foot, encouraging her to go faster. She just halted on the steps, refusing to go now.
"Come on," he urged, grabbing the top of her arm. He drug her up the stairs, his grip firm on her arm.
"Thanks for the bruise," she grumbled, opening her bedroom door.
"Night, Aly," he said kindly, pressing his lips to the side of her head.
"Night," she responded, flustered. She quickly closed the door behind her. She grabbed a tank top and pajama pants from her bag, quickly slipping into them and under her blankets. She turned on Law and Order to go to bed, falling asleep thinking of Jon.
The morning came bright, as did a carpet of fresh snow on the ground. The windowpane was frosty as she stared out of it, the snow beautiful on the trees and it was almost breathtaking.
She groaned as she stretched all the muscles in her body, her arms and back popping. She tiptoed to the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth and washed her face.
The door burst open and a sleepy faced Jon walked in. "Um, can I help you?" she asked, setting down her bottle of moisturizer.
He looked at her in her tank, thinking she looked more stunning than the bright blanket of snow. "Nah," he yawned, grabbing his toothbrush from its holder. She had forgotten her toothpaste and had to use his, the tube ending up on her side of the double vanity.
He reached behind her to grab it, his fingertips brushing along her bare skin where her top didn't come down all the way. She had almost gotten used to his light touches, but goosebumps still rose on her arms, her hair pricking up.
He thoroughly brushed his teeth as she rubbed her moisturizer and serums into her skin. He picked up one of the bottles, setting it down when he didn't care enough to read it anymore.
"Here, it'll do wonders for your skin," she said, squirting a dollop of it into her hand and rubbing them together. She smeared it on his face until it was all absorbed.
"How does it feel?" she asked.
"Refreshing," he responded.
"You should invest," Alysanne suggested.
"I'll just use yours," he replied, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it in the hamper.
Alys quickly walked out and to her room to get dressed. She wore grey sweatpants and an orange sweatshirt with Sunspear Academy written in red letters across the front. She put on white socks to keep her feet warm.
The smell of a delicious breakfast wafted up the staircase. "Morning," Sansa chirped as she walked into the kitchen. The family was crowded around the island, munching on a spread of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Catelyn always outdid herself.
"Hungry?" Jon asked.
Alys nodded her head as she yawned. Jon picked up a plate and started to put food on it and Alysanne tried to take it back but he pulled it away from her and smiled. "Thanks," Aly said, rolling her eyes
He nodded in response and took a bite of his food, pulling her down into the seat next to him. He didn't say anything to her as they ate, just listening to the chatter in the background. Bran watching something on his phone, Sansa on her computer, Arya and Rickon arguing.
Jon took her plate when she was done and put it into the sink. "So..." Sansa said, resting her elbows on the kitchen island. "I see you and Jon have been spending a lot of time together."
"I don't know what you mean," Alys responded, flickering her eyes to Jon to make sure he wasn't listening.
"You two seem to always be together," Sansa said, cocking her head to the side.
"If you mean in the common living area, then I guess." Aly shook her head at her friend's antics.
She noticed Jon behind her, especially when Sansa's eyes changed their course and she started smiling. He dangled his keys in front of her, "Wanna go on a drive?" he asked.
She looked over her shoulder and up at him, not answering. "It's pretty out right now, you know you don't want to miss it," he urged, pulling her from the chair.
Sansa pushed her towards the door, smiling at her cousin. Whatever Sansa was plotting, she needed to stop. It was freezing cold and the snow was so bright she felt she might go blind.
"Damn," she muttered, rubbing her hands together when they got into his car. It was meticulously clean, no trash or loose items scattered on the floor. It smelled clean, no doubt thanks to the tree air freshener dangling from the mirror.
"What?" he asked, the engine turning over and cool air blasting over them.
"It's so cold," she grumbled, taking her shoes off and sitting crisscrossed in the leather seat. He reached into the back seat, pulling out a thick coat and resting it on her lap. "Thanks," she smiled, wrapping it around her shoulders. It smelled exactly like him, all woodsy and comforting.
He draped his arm over the back of her seat and twisted his body to look out the back mirror in order to successfully pull the car out. Once they were safely out of the driveway, he changed the station to Christmas music, but the good songs, not the shitty ones they were listening to earlier.
Snow flakes were melting in his hair and looked like tiny pearls tucked away in the curls. They cruised smoothly down the tree lined road, the branches almost touching the ground in some spots.
"So, is Alys short for something?" he questioned, looking at her.
"It's short for Alysanne, but no one calls me that. Everyone calls me Alys, except my mom, she calls me Annie," Alys laughed. "Well, and you called me Aly the other day."
"Did you like it?"
"I did, actually," she smiled, looking down at her hands.
"Ever been this far north before?" he asked, resting his hand on her knee in a slick gesture. She looked at his hand and then back to him, but his eyes were on the road. Surprisingly, she didn't mind too much.
"Nope. The farthest north I've ever gone is White Harbor," she answered.
"You're from King's Landing, right?" he asked, turning his head briefly to hers.
Her phone pinged. It was Sansa. 'How's it going?' it read. She typed her answer quickly, a brief 'Good. We're talking ab school rn.'
"Yep, born and raised," she responded.
"Don't have too much fun," Sansa texted back. She disliked her message.
"Why did you decide to go to White Harbor, then?" he asked.
"It's a good school. Why did you decide to go to Castle Black?" she retorted.
"It's the number one ranked all boys school. Plus, it's prestigious," he answered proudly.
"...It's the only all boys school," she laughed in response.
"No, there's a bunch in Essos," he argued.
"And yet, there's no all girl school," Aly said.
"Wrong, Vinetown Academy is all girls," he responded.
"And like fifty girls go there. There's no decent all girl schools. No like that would be fun anyways, I need some variety. How were you not... you know?" she asked, turning her head abruptly towards him.
He smiled. "I've never... you know... before."
Alysanne was flabbergasted to say the least. "No way. I don't believe you. Someone like you just cannot not have women climbing all over you."
"Someone like me?" he chuckled, looking at her.
Well, if she was going to get to the point and not tap dance around it, now's the time. "You know, hot and shit."
"Well that was blunt," he exhaled. "And you have?"
She looked at her hands. "With one guy," she admitted.
He noticed the change in her countenance. "And you're not with him anymore?"
"Nope. He said he found someone else and moved to Oldtown."
"You deserve better than that colossal prick," he said, reaching across her to open her door. She hadn't even noticed that they were back at Winterfell.
"Well, thanks for the drive," she said, stepping from the warmth into the bitter cold. She pulled Jon's jacket tight around her, inhaling his scent.
Her phone vibrated in her pocket, it was her father. "Hey, dad!" she greeted, pressing the phone against her ear.
"Hey, Alys. So, since you aren't going to Casterly Rock or coming to Highgarden, what are your plans? You should've come, Loras is here," her father's gruff voice spoke loudly.
"Dad, you know we broke up," she whispered.
"Oh, that's right," he chuckled uncomfortably. Jon looked at her, hearing what she said. He felt really bad for her. "Maybe it's better you didn't come."
"Yeah. Anyways, Sansa invited me to Winterfell with her, so that's where I'm at," she responded.
"Ole Ned Stark's dull place?" he asked, surprised she was there of all places.
"Gods, let me talk to the old fucker," her father laughed. Aly walked into the kitchen where Ned was helping Catelyn with dinner.
"My father wants to talk to you," she said, handing the phone to him.
He nodded and took the phone from her, immediately greeting in a boisterous voice. Alysanne smiled as she buried her head in her arm, looking at Jon over the top of her sleeve. He was watching her, a smile of his own playing on his lips.
"Gods, I've never seen them together, and now I don't know if I ever want to," Alysanne giggled.
"Agreed," Jon responded, grabbing her hand in his. He opened her palm and twisted a ring around her finger.
It was an emerald ring. "My mother gave it to me a few years ago. It was hers, and her mother's before her. I was pleasantly shocked that she didn't give it to my sister."
"You have a sister?" he asked, done messing with the ring but still held onto her hand.
"Yeah. She's sixteen and attends Sunspear Academy, hence where I got this sweatshirt. She's staying down there with her boyfriend, tanning on the warm, Dornish beaches," Alysanne responded longingly.
"Winter in the North is prettier than winter in Dorne," he reassured her, leaning close to her face.
"Nice coat," Sansa said slyly, chuckling when she saw them holding hands.
Alys was then hyper aware of the smell radiating off the coat. "Here," Ned said, handing her the phone. Her father had hung up, seemingly forgetting to say goodbye to his daughter. He was growing a little forgetful.
"Let me see that, just really quick," Jon asked, holding out his hand.
Alysanne handed him her phone, realizing she had developed a trust for him. She watched him put his number in there, and saved his contact as 'Jon Snow'. He texted himself and handed her phone back. He saved her own contact as she smiled to herself. He saved her name as Aly.
"Aly?" she laughed, her eyes crinkling up in the corners.
"Yep. Don't think anyone's called you that before," he responded, putting his phone in his pocket.
"No, they haven't. I like it, it's cute," she smiled. Her cheeks were highlighted pink with a blush.
"That enchanted, are you?" he teased, nudging her shoulder.
"Um. I don't know what you mean," she blushed, turning her head away from him.
Catelyn called everyone to the table, the air filling with the savory aroma of roast. Alysanne sat down next to Jon, much to his delight. He, of course, piled her plate with the food; roast with gravy, potatoes, carrots, and onions; salad with berries, slivered almonds, loads of other things, and a vinaigrette dressing; and rolls and butternut squash.
It was all exceptional, per usual, and dessert was even better, chocolate pie and the best cookies she'd ever had. She was so full, and therefore, she was sleepy. She helped Catelyn carry the dishes into the kitchen, but then flopped on the couch.
Sansa had turned on some Christmas movie, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, to be exact. Eventually, the whole family flocked into the living room to watch. Robb and his wife Talisa were all cuddled up on the couch.
Jon, of course, plopped down right next to her and slickly wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She laughed quietly. She was quite tired and rested her head against his shoulder and he traced patterns on her arm with his thumb. It was so soothing she eventually fell asleep.
She was jarred awake by sudden movements and whispers. She opened her eyes and Jon was carrying her up the stairs. A credits song was playing on the T.V.
"I can walk," Aly grumbled.
"I know you can. But I prefer to carry you," he chuckled.
She rolled her eyes, but she rested her head against his chest. He nudged the door open and threw her on the bed, only he didn't leave. She wanted to change into shorts.
"Well, if you're not gonna leave, can you close your eyes so I can change?"
He rolled his eyes this time and closed them. She changed into fuzzy shorts. She climbed under the comforter and turned on the T.V.
"Since you slept through the first movie, wanna watch a second?" he asked, pulling back the blanket on the other side of the bed.
She blushed as she cuddled up close to him. He took the remote and chose a movie called Krampus. "Something scary?" she groaned and he laughed.
The movie was terrifying, but she enjoyed it. Jon enjoyed her clinging to him through the whole thing.
"Night, Aly," he whispered, kissing her cheek as he got up from the bed. Her cheeks blushed a deep crimson, but he couldn't see it in the darkness of the room.
When he closed the door, she allowed a giddy smile and buried her head in her pillow.
2.4k words
happy belated new year! starting the year right with jon and alys flirt fest :)
love you all! stay safe and warm <3
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