xxxv. dinner party
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Evangeline was sat at Professor Slughorn's supper table. There were plenty of other students as well like Hermione, Harry, Neville, Blaise Zabini, Cormac, the Carrow twins, and many other students. They had just finished eating supper and were now on to dessert. The topics of conversation were not interesting to Evangeline and she sighed out of boredom.
Don't get her wrong, she was honored to have been chosen for Slughorn's elite group of students. However, she could think of a number of things that she would rather be doing than being at this supper party. "So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your uncle Tiberius these days?" Professor Slughorn asked. "Yes, sir, in fact I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays," Cormac answered.
Evangeline rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her dessert. The man hadn't asked for all of that. Cormac was just trying to brag. "Oh, well, be sure to give them both my best," Slughorn replied before turning to another student. "And what about your uncle, Belby? For those of you
who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented
the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?" Slughorn asked.
Marcus, who was devouring his dessert, didn't look up from it as he answered. "I don't know. He and my dad don't get along. 'Prolly cause my dad says potions are rubbish. His only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day," he said. Blaise, who was sat next to the boy, looked at him in disgust and Evangeline snickered quietly. Out of all the Slytherin that she knew, aside for Vivian of course, Blaise was the only one who didn't annoy her.
He sent her a friendly smile from across the table. Professor Slughorn turned to Hermione next. "And what about you, Miss Granger, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?" He asked. "My parents are dentists. They attend to people's teeth," Hermione answered. "Fascinating. And is that considered
a dangerous profession?" He asked.
"No," she answered, looking around the room. "Although, one boy, Robby Fenwich, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches," Hermione said, laughing both awkwardly and nervously. Evangeline smiled at her as the others around the table just stared at her. Professor Slughorn turned to Evangeline next, preparing to ask her a question when the door opened.
Ginny walked into the room, very late. Saved by the Ginny. "Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, come in," Slughorn said. "Look, her eyes. They've been fighting again. Her and Dean," Hermione whispered to Evangeline and Harry. Evangeline sighed, she would need to have a talk with the girl about their relationship. "Sorry, I'm not usually late," Ginny apologized. Harry abruptly stood from his seat as Ginny went to sit down.
Evangeline eyed him for his weird behavior and he slowly sat down. "No matter, just in time for dessert. That is if Belby has left you any," Slughorn replied before chuckling. Evangeline smiled a fake smile and took another bite of her dessert. Cormac was now lustfully eyeing both Evangeline and Hermione. Evangeline sent him a disgusted look.
Professor Slughorn turned back to Evangeline after that. "And what about you, Miss Caspian? I've seen the newspapers with information regarding your uncle. How are you holding up?" He asked. He seemed genuinely concerned about her wellbeing. She swallowed. "I'm fine. My sister and I have been staying with some old family friends and we're moving on from all of this," she answered.
The man nodded, "That's good. And do you know the fate of your uncle? What's going to happen to him?" Evangeline could feel her anger rising and she tried to keep it from spilling over. "In all honesty, sir, I don't really care what happens to him. He's a horrible man who has done horrible things. Whatever becomes of him, he deserves it and a lot worse," Evangeline answered honestly.
The room grew quiet. Many of the students were looking at Evangeline in shock. She didn't know what they expected her to say. She was not going to lie or sugarcoat anything. If she had been one hundred percent honest, she would have said that she hoped that he died. That was the truth but also too morbid to bring up at the table so she kept that bit to herself. She cleared her throat and picked up her spoon, gathering some more of the dessert on it and shoving it into her mouth.
The rest of the supper party went on normally. When it was over, Evangeline was one of the first people out the door, wanting to get out of that tense and awkward environment. She made her way to her dorm and immediately got ready for bed when she got there. She just wanted to sleep off the night's events.
Ron was pacing back and forth. Evangeline could feel the nerves radiating off of his body. She was sat in his and Harry's room and he was ranting to her about the Quidditch match coming up in a few days time. Harry was off somewhere with Cleo, discussing some last minute game strategies. Hermione was in the library with Aldon, the two doing homework.
Evangeline was quite proud of the Granger girl, who had been the one to initiate the homework session with the boy. It wasn't much, but it was something. The two would get together eventually, she could feel it. Ron nervously ran his hands through his hair as he continued to pace. "What if I miss blocking every shot? What if the Quaffle knocks me off my broom?" He was asking. Evangeline shrugged, "Well then you better learn how to stay balanced before the match."
Ron turned to look at her, a glare settled on his features. "This isn't funny," he said. "I'm not laughing," she retorted. He sighed and went back to pacing the room. "Ronald, stop pacing," she commanded. "I can't. I'm too nervous and pacing helps me calm down," he replied. "Really? Because you don't seem very calm to me," she replied.
He ignored her and continued walking back and forth. She sighed, standing up from his bed and walking over to him. She took both of his hands in her own, which caused him to stop moving and look at her. "Listen, Weasley. I don't know why you're worrying but you need to cut it out," she began. He stared at her through widened eyes.
"Look, you have no reason to doubt your skills or abilities. There's a reason that you're Keeper and not someone else. You're talented and you did amazing at tryouts. You can and will be able to stop the Quaffle from going into the goal. You can do anything. You just gotta believe in yourself because I believe in you," she said.
He sighed and looked down but she took his face in her hands, turning it up so that he was looking at her again. "I mean it, Ronald. I believe in you and I know that you'll do great. And even if you don't, I'll still be proud of you," she said. Ron smiled at her and she released his face. "I like when you call me Ronald," he said. She was briefly taken aback before she rolled her eyes.
"You do now?" She said, waking back to his bed and taking a seat. "Yeah, it, it feels intimate," he replied. Immediately Evangeline burst out into laughter at his choice of words. "Intimate? But Hermione calls you Ronald sometimes," she said. Ron's face heated up in embarrassment, silently cursing himself for using the word. "Yeah, I know. It's just, when you do it, it feels right," he clarified.
Evangeline smiled fondly at him before patting the spot next to her on the bed. Ron came and sat down next to her and the two laid backwards onto the bed. "I like when you call me Angel," she whispered to him. He turned his head to look at her. "I know, you've told me that before," he whispered back.
"Well I'm telling you again," she replied. It was silent for a few minutes. "Angel?" Ron whispered. Evangeline hummed. "Did you mean what you said? Do you really believe in me?" He asked quietly. Evangeline sat up on her elbows and looked down at him. "I meant every word," she answered and he smiled, nodding his head.
She laid back down next to him and the two continued to look up at the ceiling.
Hermione was upset and she wouldn't tell her roommates why. Instead, she opted to sulk on her bed. Evangeline glared hard at the girl who avoided her eye. "I'm not gonna let you sleep until you tell me what's wrong," she said. Hermione sighed for the umpteenth time that evening.
"Come on, Hermione. Talk to us," Cleo said. Hermione sighed again and turned to them. "You're gonna think it's stupid," she said. "No we won't," her two roommates replied. Hermione bit her lip before finally speaking. "It's just, I see you and Ron and he makes you happy. I've never seen you so happy in all the years that I've known you. I just can't help but wonder if I'll ever be that happy. If I'll ever find a guy who'll look at me the way Ron looks at you," she blurted.
"And I know. I know I don't need a man or anything but, I can't help but want one sometimes, you know?" She continued. Evangeline's eyebrows furrowed. "Did something happen with Aldon?" She questioned. Hermione shook her head, "No. Nothing happened. Nothing at all." Evangeline pursed her lips and went to sit next to the girl on her bed. "Hermione, you are going to find someone who is perfect for you. I know it. And if that's not Aldon then it's his loss. But when you do find Mr. Right, I'll be here to listen to you gush all about him, whenever you need to. Except when I'm trying to sleep. In that case, I'll need you to shut up," she said.
Hermione scoffed out a laugh. "I will not gush," she said indignantly. Evangeline and Cleo gave her disbelieving looks. "I won't," Hermione said. "Sure, Hermione. You'd probably be gushing now if you finally got the guts to tell Aldon that you fancy him," Cleo said. "Did it ever occur to you that I don't fancy Aldon?" Hermione asked.
"So oblivious," Evangeline said quietly. "Just like you were when you had feelings for Ron," Cleo retorted. Evangeline pushed her shoulder and walked to her bed, getting underneath her covers. Cleo went to do the same. "Aldon and I are just friends," Hermione said. "Sure, Hermione," Evangeline said. "Good night," Cleo added.
The lights were turned off and the three girls went to sleep.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Be sure to vote. DO NOT COMMENT FOR ME TO UPDATE!
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