v. back to school blues
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It was only the first day of school and Evangeline was already fed up. She was awoken extremely early by one Hermione Granger. The girl had been waking up earlier than necessary for the past four years, accidentally waking up her roommates in the process. You would think that Evangeline would be used to it, or that Hermione would have learned to be quieter in the morning.
Evangeline trudged through the castle as she made her way to her Defense Against The Dark Arts class. This was the only class that she was always excited to attend. However today, she was too tired to be excited. The feeling of a person ramming into her shoulder jolted her more awake. Her eyes immediately narrowed into a glare as she turned to see who had bumped into her.
Her eyes landed on one of the Weasley twins, the other nowhere in sight. "Watch where you're going," she snarled. "Calm down, it was an accident," he replied, an annoying smile on his face. "Yeah, no need to get your knickers in a twist," a voice said from behind her. She turned her head to see the other Weasley twin beginning to walk toward them.
"Well are you going to apologize?" She asked him and he shrugged. "I could," he began. "But he wouldn't mean it," the other one finished for him. Evangeline rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She turned back around and began walking to her class. "That's it? No snappy retort?" One of them called. "No dashing insult?" The other asked. She ignored their calls and continued on her way.
"Aw, you're no fun," one of them shouted. Evangeline entered the classroom and looked around. There were students all over, talking and laughing. She saw Barry goofing off with his friends and Gemma looking irritated as one of her friends babbled to her about some nonsense. Evangeline scanned the classroom for an empty seat and found one in the back. She quickly made her way to it and sat down in the chair. The chatter in the classroom grew louder and Evangeline sighed in annoyance, plugging her ears.
The chair next to her was pulled out and someone sat down. Evangeline didn't bother to look and see who it was because she honestly didn't care. "What? No hello?" She heard from next to her. Evangeline recognized the voice and rolled her eyes. "Is there a reason that you're sitting next to me?" She asked. "There are no other seats," he said. Evangeline looked around the room and saw multiple empty seats still available.
"You're a liar, Malfoy," she said. Draco smirked, "Maybe I just wanted to sit next to you." She still didn't look at him. "So that you can bug my life," she stated rather than asked. "You make it so easy to do," he answered. She finally turned to face him a glare settled on her features. "You are the epitome of irritating, did you know that?" She asked. "You're not still mad about last year are you?" He questioned, eyebrows raised.
"Me? Mad? I was never mad, Malfoy. Because to be mad, that would mean that I care, which I don't," she said with a shrug. "Really? Could've fooled me," he muttered. She ignored him, her eyes fluttering up to see a paper bird flying across the classroom. Her classmates took turns hitting and flinging things at it, all having a blast. When the bird suddenly erupted into flames, Evangeline's eyebrows raised.
She turned around in her seat and faced the back of the room, seeing Professor Umbridge, all dressed in pink with her wand out and pointed to where the bird once was. She lowered her wand and smiled. "Good morning, children," she said before beginning to walk to the front, everyone's eyes following her form. "Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations," she continued, using her wand to write the words on the board. "O-W-Ls. More commonly known as, OWLs. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe," she said.
The woman pointed her wand at the stacks of books behind her on the desk. The books levitated off of the desk and began distributing themselves to all of the students. Evangeline picked up the book as it landed on her desk, reading the cover. Dark Arts Defense: Basics for Beginners. Her nose scrunched up and she looked at Malfoy who was equally as confused.
"Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on, you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved, course of defensive magic," Umbridge continued. Evangeline raised her hand. "Yes?" Professor Umbridge said. "What's with the book? We're not beginners," she said. "What you have been learning in this class has not been up to par with the Ministry's expectations. This book will get you all on the right track— Yes?" Umbridge said.
Hermione's hand went down. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells," she noted. "Using spells?" Umbridge questioned before giggling. Evangeline almost cringed at the sound. "Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom," she told the Granger girl. "We're not gonna use magic?" Ronald Weasley asked. "You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," Umbridge explained, looking around the classroom.
"What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free," Harry pointed out. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class," Umbridge said, not even sparing him a glance. Evangeline scoffed, "Weasley didn't raise his hand before speaking." All eyes turned to her and she narrowed her own. "What? Am I lying?" She questioned. Everyone turned their attention back to Umbridge as she spoke again, except for Ronald, who was still eyeing Evangeline.
She curled her lip in mild disgust and narrowed her eyes, shaking her head in a way to question why he was still looking at her. The redhead turned away. "It is the view of the Ministry, that a theoretical
knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which, after all, is
what school is all about," the woman in pink said. "And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked.
"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children, like yourself?" Professor Umbridge said. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort," Harry answered. Malfoy shifted in his seat as quiet whispers were heard throughout the classroom. Evangeline was watching Harry with an eyebrow raised, surprised by his boldness. The room grew very quiet, no one really knowing what to do.
Professor Umbridge looked like she was about to explode. A fake reassuring smile made its way onto her lips as she began walking between a row of desks. "Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told, that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie," Umbridge told the class. Evangeline wanted to laugh at how stupid this woman was. "It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him," Harry defended.
"Detention, Mr. Potter," Umbridge exclaimed. "So, according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accords?" Harry questioned loudly. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge replied. "It was murder. Voldemort killed him. You must know that," Harry said. "Enough!" Professor Umbridge shrieked. Evangeline pursed her lips, placing her elbow on the desk and leaning her head into her palm
"Enough. See me later, Mr. Potter. In my office," she said, releasing a breath followed by a little giggle. Once again, Evangeline's lip curled in disgust. "Now, open your books to chapter one and begin reading and taking notes," she continued walking back to the table at the front of the room.
The remainder of Evangeline's day was uneventful. She went to the rest of her classes and had lunch. When dinner rolled around, she sat with Vivian, who had apologized for the carriage incident. And though Evangeline accepted her sister's apology, she knew deep down that her sister thought that she deserved it. And maybe she did.
Evangeline walked through the Gryffindor common room on her way to her dorm. The room was full of people, some of them tasting some weird candies that the Weasley twins had made and others were doing homework or studying. "Well if it isn't the Slytherin in Gryffindor's clothes," a voice said as she walked past a group of kids. The nickname made her stop walking. She absolutely despised it when people called her that. She turned around to where she heard the voice come from.
The Weasley twins were standing a few feet in front of her, matching smiles on their faces. "Don't call me that," she snapped. The two brushed her off and held up different things in their hands. "Care to try one of our newest creations?" One asked. "Any one of them can get you out of class before you can say puke," the other added. Evangeline's eyes narrowed at them.
"No I don't want to try your stupid creation you annoying little cockroaches! What I want, is to go to my room and not be bothered by the likes of you people who have never understood the simple fact that I don't like any of you and that's never going to change. And I'd greatly appreciate if all of you would leave me the bloody hell alone and stop talking to me and about me," she practically shouted. By the end of her rant, she was addressing the entire Gryffindor house.
The eyes of all the students in the common room were on her form. However one glance in their direction sent them all back to minding their own business. All except for Harry, Hermione, Ronald, Cleo, Fred, and George, who were all staring at her intently. The four on the couch held varying expressions on their faces. Fred and George, however, were amused.
"Calm down, snakey," one said. " A simple 'no' would've sufficed," added the other. Evangeline's breathing picked up as her anger began to rise so she abruptly turned on her heel and marched to the stairs, quickly ascending them without a single glance back. The common room was quiet as everyone stared after her. "What are you all staring at? Worry about yourselves," Cleo said.
Their attentions turned back to their own tasks and Cleo leaned back into the couch. "How can you two stand to live in the same room as her?" Ron asked Cleo and Hermione. "She's not that bad," Hermione answered quietly. Ron scoffed, "You're joking right? Did you not see what I just saw?" Cleo sat up, "Well, your brothers probably provoked her. They should know better than to do that."
"Don't pretend that she wouldn't react that way, or in a similar manner, on a daily basis," Ron replied. Hermione looked down at her book and Cleo pursed her lips. "She's not that bad," Hermione repeated. Ron rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say Hermione. Has she ever actually been nice to either of you?"
"Well, once in second year, Blaise Zabini tripped me and she helped me up," Cleo announced. "What did she do after that?" Harry asked curiously. Cleo avoided their eyes, "She said that I should learn to pay more attention because his foot was very visible and there was no reason that I should've tripped." Ron rolled his eyes and Harry sent her a small smile. "She was half nice," Cleo said.
"That girl is a nightmare," Ron said. "You don't even know her," Hermione pointed out. "And thank Merlin for that," Ron muttered.
Woo, an update! I meant to update a few days ago but I forgot. Better late than never though. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you thought of it! I might double update today so be on the lookout for the next chapter. Until then, peace out.
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