"Where are the soon to be married couple?
"Open the door guys! We wanna see the bridegroom and the bride!"
The bridegroom and the bride what???!
You came back to the living room after mom completely cleaned up your wound, wrapping it up with some cotton and tape.
It wasn't really deep, but she was soo persistent on doing the complete first aid and soo you didn't talk back and allowed her to do whatever she wanted to do.
After that was done, both of you came out of the room to find an angry looking Namjoon and a guilt-filled Mr. Kim.
You stood confused until, you went and held Namjoon's hands and he turned to you, hugging you the next moment, his back facing his dad and you facing Mr. Kim's face.
You immediately wanted to get out of Namjoon's grasp as you didn't want to show your 'romance' in front of people. Well, at least not in front of his dad for sure.
But Mr.Kim's expressions were what was a bit surprising to you.
He was smiling looking at the two of you. A genuine smile. A heartfelt smile.
An approving smile.
You smiled back while he lifted his hand, pointing towards a particular spot with another hand and mouthed 'Are you okay, Byeol?' full of concern.
You then in turn showed him a thumbs up with both your hands while he nodded his head and left the place.
And that's exactly when you realized that Namjoon's dad was actually really sweet.
While on the other side, Namjoon still hadn't released you from the hug.
He was someone who was strong and never completely broke down, whatever the issue was.
But this time, there were tears in his eyes.
"Joon...what happ- you crying?!" You asked but both you and he knew the reason behind those few tears.
He didn't like that you were hurt before a while. But more than that, the fact that you had got a call from Ryan was almost traumatic for him.
But what was even more difficult for both of you was that neither of you wanted to talk about the topic as you knew that it would completely spoil the current happiness.
Both of you stood silent. Nothing was moving around for both of you and you were seeing each other's eyes, deeper than the oceans, holding each other.
"Baby..let's..let's just sleep. Come." Namjoon said, taking your hands when two voices stopped you both.
"Ahh, I don't think that's gonna happen.." Mom said as you narrowed your eyebrows.
"Namjoon go to your room. Byeol come with me. I'll show you your room." Mom said approaching you.
Wait whattt?!?
"Mom, stop..what are you doing?" Namjoon asked holding your hands, protectively.
"Both of you are sleeping in separate rooms. That's it. Simple." Mr. Kim said, while mom was giving out her smirks.
"We got complaints from six boys in Seoul saying that you both shd'nt be left alone, especially in a room together. We need sleep my dear son. So.."
"THIS IS NOT FAIR MOM AND DAD! NONO" Namjoon said carrying you the next moment.
"Now put her down and go to your room. Do whatever you want after Marriage Or else I won't even leave you to go near her. What is better?" Namjoon's dad asked as he now saw you with puppy eyes.
Awwwww. Jooonieeeee...
But what you had failed to hear the word Marriage.
"Yaa, anyways both are gonna be together, forever. She isn't flying anywhere else. What is your issue now? Just leave her."
'That's exactly the issue here' both of you thought and left the place after looking at each other for one last time.
It's been more than an hour since we were asked to go to bed, and I've only been turning left and right, moving here and there.
I wanna see Joooonn.
I know I know.
By now I'm sure that I'm totally whipped or more like crazy for him.
I mean common. Who wouldn't be?
Its Kim Namjoon folks.
But I just can't understand one thing. Why hasn't he taken a step to meet meee. It's his house. He could easily come to this room!!
Is he seriously sleeping? For real?
Aah, this man. I can't believe that it's only me who is rambling here?
Well, chuck him Byeol. If he is not bothered that you can be unbothered too.
I then quickly got up, removing the wrinkles from my silk pyjama set, which I guess I shouldn't have worn considering the people in the house due to it being too short..(well I can't help it. I miscalculated that I would be sleeping with Joon and not the pillows.) and started walking straight towards the kitchen. Some water wouldn't harm.
I walked slowly in an attempt not to stumble over anything or to wake up the others and finally entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, searching for some cold water.
"Ah, there you are!" I said bending down to pick up the bottle when I felt someone's presence behind my back.
It was clear that 'someone' was coming closer and closer and I felt a hand on my shoulder.
It's him.
It has to be him.
"So it took you soo long to see me dad-" I said turning towards the other side to be only faced by..
"Oh my god! Mom?!?" I almost shouted dropping the bottle to my feet, and my hands on my chest.
"I'm sorry dear..did I scare you?" She said chucking.
"Yes! You did! What are you even doing at this time? You should be sleeping by now.." I said as she held my hand.
"Well, I can say that too!" She said, as I looked down.
"Umm, Byeol..I know this is a not the right time, but can I talk to you?"
"Sure, Mom..what is it?" I asked as we both stood against the kitchen counter, facing each other.
"Namjoonie, was always realy serious. Very serious till the level that he hardly started opening up for a lot of things.." she started making me worried.
"After a level his world was only BTS, his music, the members and BTS. I'm not complaining, as he got what he wanted and I got six other sons.. but at a point, he just stopped caring about things which concerned us very badly..
I was longing that he should start to think about him and his personal life more, and I was very much concerned, till the level that his father came to a conclusion that he would never open his eyes to other things or even get married.
His future almost became a question mark, until the moment he told me about you exactly two years ago.
After love yourself album got released, the members had a big break and Namjoonje had come home. He was really happy..ofcourse the album had become a big hit, but there was something else too.
Usually, there wouldn't be a day without loud music playing in this house. He plays all sorts of music and listens to them, but from one point I started hearing only one woman's voice." She kept saying as my brain was processing all that she was saying.
"I still clearly remember. We watched a live telecast of a music award show in which you performed and even received awards. There wasn't a second moment when he removed his eyes from the television and not only that but all those days he was hearing only to your voice and that's exactly when I realized that Namjoonie was lovestruck."
"Now that he has brought you as his love, I feel really very happy to see that he has someone with him and to lead his life, and bring in kids in the future."
No way. This is too much to take in.
"Now dear, everything lies in your hands and I would be really happy to pass on the responsibility to take care of him.
He really loves you and I know that you love him even more."
Well, that's actually true.
"It is really very evident in both your eyes. Bless you, both. and always know that we are here for you both no matter what!" She said kissing my forehead and turned to leave the kitchen when she looked at me one last time.
"Yes mom?"
"We were just kidding actually. I know that both you and him want to sleep together only. Now run to his room and..have fun!" She said laughing and left at once.
I ask all mighty that every single person should get a mom like her.
As she left the place, I stood there comprehending all that mom had just spoken to me. She loves him. She loves me. Every word that she said were something which my mom would have also told me if she was alive. But nevertheless, I have her.
They think that I and Joon are together..which is correct in some way I guess but there was something that struck me badly.
Namjoon had been crushing over me for two long years?
That was something least expected. Very honestly.
But again, as she said..there wasn't any chance for dating and all..or more like for even the both of us to meet in the first place.
But even if we had met, would things have been different?
Oh my..my brain is just over-functioning now.
But in conclusion, my feelings towards him is only increasing massively.
Which is not good in any way.
Now I don't know why, but I feet like running off and shouting to the whole world what he means to me.
Nevertheless, even if mom hadn't told me all this, I would have obviously taken care of him.
He is the only major happiness in my life right now and who would dare to lose Kim Namjoon?
But, she was talking about big things like marriage...kids..
Woah, intense topic. Isn't?
I just dont-
"There you are baby.." I was startled all of a sudden when I heard Joon. He came inside the kitchen, winking and showing off his dimples.
But, Hold on!
It is Joon only and..he is half-naked.
Oh please. Kill me already.
Joon and I, both half-naked..in the dark.
This could be dangerous.
Why the hell does he need to be this hot? I just simply don't understand at all!
"I was coming to your room only. I was just waiting for mom and dad to sleep off..if that's what you were wondering." he said.
My unblinking stare is fined on him, while he turns from the refrigerator, with a bowl of fruits in his hands.
I'm just terribly failing at removing my eyes from his chest. And his shoulders. And his muscles. And his...fuck..
His V line that goes way down there.
Yes, there.
"Missed Daddy?" He asked setting his bowl down while leaning back on the counter facing me.
Now Byeol, Remember your challenge. Do not fall for his moves. Yes, he is being this sex god, flexing his body, but don't ever give in. And most importantly, don't call him daddy.
"No Joon..Not even a bit.." I said rolling my eyes at him just to make it show as if I'm standing here without being affected by his charms.
His reaction to it was clear that he wasn't satisfied with my answer and it somewhat is making me nervous.
"You're teasing me. Aren't you Babygirl?" He asked taking one small step forward while my heart started thumping again.
The way he called me 'babygirl' was extremely seducing and..
Well, I guess its time to play house of cards now.
I am not giving in!
"What do you mean Joonie? I didn't do anything?" I said noticing his eyes which were moving up and down on my bare legs to my thin spaghetti strap top.
"Ah, good acting. So you're still gonna keep up the challenge of do-not-call-Joon-a-daddy or what? Because babygirl, I can challenge you back that you will be terribly failing at it within minutes from now."
Fuck. Why does he sound soo hot?
He still hasn't touched me but I already feel that I am..
I am wet.
"I a-am not acting here and Like seriously, do you know how it is to get all heated up for a sexy mood and to be suddenly dropped out of it Joon? That's what you did to me and yeah I'm am up with my challenge. " I said crossing my hands over my chest, avoiding his eyes.
"Sure." was all that he said as he plucked a grape from the bowl and offered to me.
Well, offering as in, with his habit of feeding me most of the time continued here too, but this was being heated here.
His fingertips against my lips.
"S-So yes, as I was saying...I'm not falling for this.." I said as he came even more forward, his hands on either side of the counter, locking me inside..which ultimately made get a clear view of his skin making me want to lick every bit.
Yes, he looks soo delicious.
"And..now?" He said his hands going up and down my hands, making goosebumps appear on my skin.
"Even now?" I nodded left and right as I held his hands.
"Then I guess that ill have to get you to myself in the middle of the night and by feeding you something.." he smirked as he now held a piece of tangerine to my lips.
I took a bit of it while he finished the rest.
I fact that he was tasting my lips and tongue on his, was starting to drive me crazy and he was clearly enjoying the moment, his face only an inch away from mine.
"Why are you doing this now Joon...?"
"I need you. I need you in all ways.."
Thats it.
I guess I am shameless the way I am. I don't think I'm gonna put up my arrogance here anymore.
Especially after he said something like that.
He then picked another piece of the orange shoving it inside as I kissed his tips the way, I wanted to kiss him. I didn't stop there as I let my tongue play along with his fingers, while he bit his lip seductively.
"Ah, crossing your limit, is it? Weren't you gonna run away..baby?"
"I'm still here. Aren't?" I said gliding my hands over his bare chest, feeling him completely.
"You are.."
And the next thing I know is that he picked up a small piece of grape, and instead if feeding me he took it inside his mouth as my eyes were stuck on him, while I opened my mouth slowly.
He held my jaw with a force and dragged the grape over my lips , making them wet with juice and my tongue involuntary darts out to taste but I failed as his lips crashed mine.
His kiss was really hot and hungry and I closed my eyes letting myself sink into what was happening.
His hands then gripped my shoulders, slowly playing with the straps of my top.
I was melting under his grasp, tasting him the way I want him and letting him taste me the way he wants me.
I let out a loud moan which indeed makes Joon smirk wide. He then pushed his hands down, grasping my ass and lifted me up placing me on the counter.
The fact that he fit just perfectly between my thighs was making me groan even more to which he responded by kissing me even deeper, by getting all access to the insides of my mouth.
And yes, we are in a position where I can feel all of him.
And he's hard.
I locked my legs around his waist as he grinds into my core and at the moment I was simply more than just wet.
The way all of his strokes were matching with his hip rolls were making me dizzy. Literally.
There are only two thin layers separating us and if we push them aside, he'd be inside me.
And honestly, I want that to happen more than anything.
His fingers then grazed the cami straps awhile he pulled away, as we took deep breaths.
"I really love the camisole that you're wearing.." he said with an evil smirk.
"But right now I might be the bad guy for wanting to remove it off..babygirl.."
"No one is stopping you..Daddy.."
That's all I said when I felt his lips again as it now attacked my neck, licking and biting, his tongue and lips working magic.
And yes, like every other fanfiction..this was the moment when he found my sweet spot in my neck, his mouth torching, making me moan out loud.
I'm soo badly lost in him, that I hardly noticed him peeling off my straps off my shoulder until the cold air hit my nipples.
"You are soo beautiful babygirl.."
He said gliding his hands all over my body until he placed his palms on my breasts.
I inhaled sharply while his gaze changed as if he was seeing something new.
He started kneading them, his head lowering as he then took in one of my boobs into his mouth without hesitation while he didn't fail to give attention to the other making me moan more and more.
But he didn't stop there but started leaving love bites on my skin there..my cleavage and on them too. The pleasure was too much.
"We should probably stop now..baby..before we can't stop ourselves anymore.." he said taking a small step back panting heavily, placing my cami stops back on my shoulders.
And that's exactly when I realized where we were.
We were literally in the kitchen where mom makes food. Oh my.
But noo..I don't want to stop Joon!
"Y-You're probably right.." I said as he was still standing in between my legs.
"I know what you're thinking baby. I have no issues in fucking you right here right now. But you won't be able to take a single step off the bed, let alone walk tomorrow. You should be ready to give answers to mom and dad. And I sure will make you moan louder till the level that the people in the adjacent houses would also hear your amazing voice and come to a conclusion that I'm a beast. Or maybe even molesting you."
Woah. It's the best that he stopped right here.
Why didn't I even think about that?
Its Namjoon that we are talking about.
The pervert. The daddy.
He then lifted me off the counter and started walking towards his room while I locked my waist around his waist, with my hands around his neck typically like a koala while he whispered something making me squirm right under him.
"But only I will know how much of a dirty slut you are..for me...for daddy..isn't it babygirl?"
Fuck. I have a dirty talk kink indeed.
I woke up to the aroma of coffee hitting my nostrils, while I turned to the other side, my eyes still closed, only to find an empty bed and that's when I sat up on the bed.
Did she leave the bed already?
This might sound cliche but I wanted to wake up looking at her.
I don't know how many days and nights were left for me to spend and to give in my every blood and muscle to her.
I want to be there for her and I will be.
Throwing off the comforters aside, I quickly got inside the shower and got down to the living room only to notice something which was a bit surprising to see, but I was rather happy. Really.
"Im sure they are gonna win. I'm soo sure. You really are gonna end up cleaning the backyard with me." Dad shouted in full force looking at Y/N, who was freshly dressed and was seating with high desperation.
"No chance sir. You just see it's going to be the other way round!!" She said holding dad's hands.
Is this all for real?
"Mom! What's happening?" I asked as mom was cleaning some shelves, occasionally laughing at the two of them in front of the tv, while I sat down on in a chair near her.
"Oh, you've woken up Namjoonah! Well, don't even get started, it's been more than an hour both are seated in front of the television watching the baseball match. It's South Korea versus Byeols place..so yeah!" She said placing her hands on my shoulders as I was smiling looking at the scene.
"Oh, I'm loving this.." I said looking back at her.
"Its more than that for me. Even before the match, they were talking about politics, everyday life and a lot of other topics. They are just sticking together now. I'm not complaining a bit. I really love her and I know that even he adores her now.." mom said with slight tears in her eyes as I hugged her.
"I'm really happy for you Namjonah..just take care of her and love her like its the last."
"Of course mom! You need not even tell me!" I said standing up, in a plan to join them.
"Well, but there might be something else that I definitely will have to tell you.." mom started stopping me while I grabbed an oreo biscuit.
"Stop bitting her. Will you?" And that's it. I chocked on my own Saliva and continued to staree at her as if pretending to think what she was exactly talking about.
"Mom..I you- umm, How-"
"What? you really thought I would not know? I was passing by the door of your room today morning when she came out of the room yawning. I saw here face to face and my eyes obviously went to her neck. Lord Namjoonah..the moment she saw me, she just ran down the stairs to her room. Like soo quickly." Mom said which only made me smirk.
I love her and loving her includes her skin too.
My god. That milky skin.
"Mom, this is a bit awkward but it's totally fine. She is mine and you need not worry.." I said looking at Y/N who was now looking at us, her eyes narrowing.
"But that doesn't mean you physically mark her like that! She loves you!!" Mom said as I turned facing Y/N.
"Okay then, if that's your concern, just see what happens now. I will tell her something and she will smile and blush widely. Challenge mom?" I asked her to which she accepted rolling her eyes.
"Y/N! Look at me.." I shouted looking at her in English, making her turn towards me the next second, her face clearly confused.
"Ah, Joon why you talking in English now? All of a sudden?" She asked me back in English itself, looking at the Television and dad back and forth while I noticed my mom focusing on Y/N'S facial expressions while I knew that she wouldn't understand a single word that we were uttering.
"Baby, I wanna fuck you..now!" I said as her face turned red instantly.
She blushed. Check.
"Wait. Joon are you in your senses?! Mom and dad are right here...and- wait is that why you are taking in English?" She shouted back covering her face.
"I think I'm gonna rephrase that. I wanna make love to you Y/N..I've waited for long..I don't think ill be able to stop myself..not anymore.." I said meaning every word that came out of my mouth while she wasn't able to look at me into my eyes, and..
she was smiling in return. Check.
Both of us were in the exact opposite side of the big living room, currently talking about sex.
Amazing isn't it?
"Wait, that even means I get to mark you and your body however I like. Right?"
"You are making me shy, but yes. I love it. Never stop doing that for god sake."
"Baby, do me a favor and say that in Korean please?"
"Umm, yeah so I love it. Just don't stop doing that..at any cause.." she said and turned again towards my dad as he was pointing the television and started talking to her, whole I now turned to my now astonished mom who was looking at me speechless.
"What a great son I have given birth to huh? You are..amazing I guess."
"There is a reason why ARMYs call me the president mom...I'm amazing indeed..."
Its been more than two hours but both Y/N and dad haven't moved from the couch.
The second match was almost on the verge of getting over. One goal, and it will come to an end.
Mom and I joined their couch and the worst part is that I wasn't getting Y/N'S attention at all.
While Y/N and dad's excitement the match was overflowing, I decided to text the guys.
I should know if things are going according to the plan.
Wait what!?
To my surprise, I already had texts from them.
Jin Hyung
Namjoonah I
don't wanna
disturb you,
But just to
let you know,
me, Hobi &
Jimin are already
here as planned.
You are in Busan
already? That's
amazing hyung!
What about
The others?
Tae, Jungkook &
Yoongi will be
here by max tomo..
What hyung?!
He is just
Worked up..he
is being all nervous.
Thinking about
how Byeol might
react to it..
I understand
hyung..but that's
the main thing
right..that's what
I want..I need to
Make her happy..
Over there mainly..
Yeah, and
speaking of which..
You better spend
good time with her
When you can Joonah..
This is the right
And just coz of
that even none of us
are disturbing
either of you..
I know hyung..
I know..
Yeah okay so
I'll ttyl! All
Our staffs have also
Started arriving..
Yes. How else do
You think we can
peacefully spend
our time together
ere? We need them.
Hyung..take care;)
"NOOO WAYYY!!!" Y/N shouted making me jerk back. Looks like the team for whom she was supporting lost the match.
"Yes way, my dear!! I told you that they will only be winning! And they won!! You never listened to me.." dad said, getting up from the couch leaving a very pouty Y/N to whine.
"It's not fair! I'm not gonna accept it, dad! I can-"
Thats it. The room completely became silent as all of us were looking at Y/N with smiles on our faces.
She addressed dad as 'dad'!
Just as mom was about to say something, Y/N immediately stood up, her heads down..
"I umm.. I didn't mean to.. I ..I am sorry sir! It just came in a flow.." She said as she began walking towards the other side when dad stopped her.
"Actually Byeol..there is nothing to be sorry about. At all. You know what? This is what actually made my day. I'm truly happy. Get practised to call me that way..you have anyways become a part of this family because of Namjoon.." dad said as mom held my hands almost jumping on the seat with happiness while Y/N stood astonished.
"I'm just waiting for the time when you'll officially step inside this house with Namjoon.."
Once all the talks were over, both I and Y/N decide to take a small nap as she had woken up really early and I wanted to accompany her because. Why not?
Cuddling won't hurt.
After entering the room, I removed my shirt throwing it away and sat on the bed, patting the side of the bed, motioning for Y/N to come.
But what she did made my heart flutter more.
She directly came and layed down on her stomach on top of me. Her entire weight and torso on mine, her head on my chest.
I started caressing her hair slowly as she closed her eyes and slept while I kissed her forehead and continued to Pat her back.
I woke up to the sound of a lot of people cheering, running, talking and moving around.
I narrowed my eyes, still half asleep not understanding what was happening around.
I sat up on the bed, removing Joon's hands from my body when I heard a group of people banging the room's door.
"Where are the soon to be married couple?" I heard one of them shout and-
Wait what?!
Did I hear right? Or are my ears becoming dumb?!
Without knowing what to do while the noise outside was increasing every minute, I woke up Joon.
"Joon..JOON!! WAKE UP!!" I whisper shouted shaking him vigorously as he sat up almost immediately.
"What? WHAT Y/N?!" He asked as I pointed towards the door when-
"Open the door guys! We wanna see the bridegroom and the bride!"
Both of us looked at each other as if we heard something impossible. I was almost shocked when Joon got up from the bed quickly, pulling the discarded shirt over his head and slightly opened the door to be welcomed by his mom.
You continued to sit on the bed, covering your legs with the quilt wondering what all the chaos was all about while Namjoon spoke to his mom who was a bit tensed.
"Mom whats happen- wait is that uncle Jung hoon..aunt Cho Hee..my cousin Jae- what.. why are are all here? What is happening mom?!" Namjoon asked looking at all that was happening in the living room.
"Namjoon leave this. Now quickly go and ask Byeol to dress up and both of you come down. There are a lot of people waiting to see you both.." you heard mom say as you went and stood beside Namjoon, holding his hands.
"Actually both of you..I may or may not have told one of Namjoon's aunts..that he has came home.."
"Okay fine. I told then that you've cone home..with a girl, Byeol and they...ah, they might have misunderstood something.." mom said making you both narrow your eyebrows.
"What is it mom?" You asked looking at her with concern while Namjoon scoffed looking at me.
"I think I exactly know what it is." He said looking straight at mom or more like staring.
"They..they think that you both are getting married..soon...so, please! Get ready and come!!" Mom said and left the place at once leaving you dumbfounded.
You quickly got ready compiling whatever mom had said and wore a really pretty floral print flowy dress, leaving your hair down with light make up.
You saw Namjoon at the door wearing a white shirt, tucking it in while he saw you with both his hands in his jeans pocket and that's exactly where you melted for him, yet again.
"Ready?" He asked, taking your hands in his, intertwining your fingers as you nodded, hitting down the stairs, while he didn't miss the chance to kiss you cheeks in every chance possible.
But deep inside you were Hella nervous and didn't know how to behave or what to do at all.
As you got down you noticed that there were almost more than 20 people who got silent as soon as they saw you both.
"Ah, there they are!" Dad said pointing at you both.
It was exactly like a movie scene where there is a kingdom and the king finally introduces his son and his daughter in law who would have been a princess of another kingdom, to all other kings and queens from all over the world.
They all smiled looking at you and started talking to you one by one.
"Baby, its fine. You can do it. Just casually talk to them. Don't bother much.." he said as you nodded, smiling.
"Woah! Namjoonah! It's been soo long and you come to visit your parents and that too with a girl??!" Okay here goes nothing.
Your and Namjoon's hands were still in each others while you tried to pull away but he rather wanted hold onto you, feeling you for every second possible.
"Ahh, yes aunt. This is Y- ah, Byeol." Namjoon said pointing towards you as you realized that this was just the beginning.
And it went like,
"How old are you dear?"
"You finally had time to visit Ilsan Namjoonah?"
"I can't believe this is happening..you are all grown up?"
"Ah, you aren't fully Korean.. Byeol?"
"You are really pretty my dear!"
"Why did you have to find someone out if Korea Namjoon?!"
"God bless you both!"
"Wow, the world wide artists..finally have time now..and are together"
"Just be careful..so that nothing bad happens you know.."
"Think twice before doing anything!"
"Dear, whatever Namjoon does as a girl you need to adjust and be flexible to it.."
"Make sure you cook proper food for him!"
"Namjoon she looks soo cute"
"Just because both are idols don't waste your life like that.."
"Stop your work once you get married Byeol. It will be the best to take care of the house.."
"How did you guys even meet?"
"Are you sure of this decision?"
"Just don't end up getting divorced and all.."
"I don't know your parents are okay with this.."
"We are really happy for you both!"
"Namjoon and what was you name..yes Byeol we need kids soon!"
So yeah, these were just very few among the whole conversation exchange.
Every single time a person left Namjoon kept apologizing and asked you to just go and with the flow.
Of course, I was fuming soo badly when I heard some of the comments. But since they were his relatives I kept calm listening to the crap which as being said.
We are in 21st century and how are they even speaking like this..that too directly in front of my face..wow!
Well anyway, there is nothing I can do. Hate comments and criticism are something which we've got used to.
Just in time, We noticed a guy, who came next, to talk to us. well, not to mention he was completely covered but I'm sure he would like fine as hell.
(A/n: Imagine him wearing a sunglass too, if you feel like so!)
Wait why is he soo familiar?
While I was crushing my brain over this man, I found Joonie to be completely casual and more welcoming with a slight smirk on his face. A mischievous one actually and it was clear that, that man wan in a hurry.
"I have nothing big to say. Just always be considerate of your surrounding when you guys are doing stuffs and most importantly use protection as I always say. "
Always say? H e was literally rapping whatever he was saying, like real quick..his voice really low and wait is i-
Sweet bun? Only one person calls me that way!!
aaand, he ran away from us, after talking to mom and dad, even before I could react to him and he left the place at once.
Am I hallucinating?
Actually, more than listening to all the people speaking as they wish to you and Namjoon, your brain started thinking about how it would actually be if you really got married to Namjoon.
Of course, due to your past, the belief on marriage or maybe even love was lost in you and for sure you never thought about literally marrying someone at any point.
But now..things might be different for you.
"Aww..future Mr. And Mrs. Kim."
Those words hit you soo hard till the level that it made your heart flutter and Namjoon being himself, knew how well your face got brighter as soon as he heard those words and both him and you were a blushing mess and mainly when the topic kids came in too.
A lot of them had even git you some gifts which you really received as the good homely girl you were.
Homely girl? Nah!
"So, Namjoon..finally taking some responsibilities at home is it?" A couple who were smirking for some reason spoke looking at you and Namjoon.
"Oh yes, Uncle. I always have been taking up my duty, with almost sincerity. Maybe it's you who failed to see it." Hearing the way Namjoon replied, you instantly knew that they weren't on good terms and that uncle was simply questioning him to provoke him.
"Yeah, whatever...SO Byeol I heard that you don't have parents..in that case, how can we even know that you were brought up in a good manner and will be a good match for Namjoon?" He asked you, making you feel bad as you stood there without being able to speak back immediately at the moment.
"Uh, that's where you are making a mistake Ye Jun ah.." dad came into the scene and held both your and Namjoon's hands.
"You see the person right in front of you..also who is Namjoon's father also which is me, is Byeol's father and you see the lady serving drinks there with a lot happiness? Your cousin..who is also Namjoon's mother, my wife is Byeol's mother." Dad said making tears form in your eyes the next second.
You found your happiness at the peak. Not even for once you imagined Namjoon's dad to say something like this.
But what Namjoon did next was the only thing that you might remember for the rest of your life.
"I'll answer your question right now uncle." He said and took your hands, pulling you towards the dining table and climbed on it making you do the same.
You stood there in confusion till the moment he opened his mouth.
"Hello everyone! I would like to get everyone's attention here. Thank you all soo much for coming. It really very much means a lot to me and to Byeol. So coming straight to the point I would like to make few things clear." He started as you became a bit nervous, thinking of what he was about to utter.
"First of all, yes I am very busy with my work till the level that I don't get to come home often..but that doesn't mean I don't care about my parents. Next, my age is 26, and I belive that I know what I do, and clearly understand how an idol life works and that does not mean I'm ruining my life. And the woman standing right beside me is my everything. If I have feelings or if I wanna marry her or if I want to have kids with her, it is Because I want to. Most importantly, I should be the one who is lucky to have someone like her. The exact way I imagined my girl to be. She is no way less when compared to anyone. She will not have kids if she doesn't want to and she will definitely work her ass off till the level she wants to just like me. I, Kim Namjoon will always be there for her, no matter what. Thank you." And that's it.
Every single word Namjoon said strikes your heart sharply. Almost everyone in the living room started clapping as Nmajoon now turned to you and hugged you tight kissing your forehead.
And this was just one more reason out of the uncountable reasons why you love him.
'I love you Kim Namjoon' you said to yourself smiling at the man, who was standing with pride in front of you.
It had been a long day, and for some reason, it was clear that the guests were not in a position to leave the place.
All this was just soo sudden to you and Namjoon exactly knew how overwhelming it would have been for you.
He himself hadn't seen many of them in a long time and he was sure that it would been pressuring for you considering the words which flew from their mouth and he thought of doing something.
He saw you drinking some water when you felt someone hold your waist from behind.
"Do you wanna run away? No people...no talking.. just us........Mrs. Kim?" You were sure that your heart made a Summersalt hearing that and sneaking out seemed to be the best thing that you wanted at the moment.
"Yes please...
Mr. Kim.."
If only you knew..how well this 'sneaking out' was gonna be an amazing one.
And if you all are wondering..yes, Pun intended.
Hello everyone!!
How are you ppl doing?
But, this Jeon Jungkook!! Blooonndddeeeeee.
He is ejsbrkshejdndjdj.🍑
Okay fine.
I'll stop 🥸
Do click on the small star on the left corner. There. Yes, right there.
Thaaankuuu 💜
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