The next day, Jonny and I are sitting in a booth table across from each other with plates of grilled cheese sandwiches and our glasses of orange juice.
"Why would Christine Avery sent you a gift box with a Scary Bunny Mask inside of it?" Jonny asked me, taking a bite out of his grilled cheese sandwich.
"It's clearly obvious. Christine Avery wants me to join her Scary Bunny Gang." I said to Jonny.
"But why?" Jonny asked.
"So, we can reconcile our friendship." I replied to Jonny. "Christine is saying that she and I can best friends again."
"But first, we need to figure out how to defeat Cody Asher and to cease his magick." Jonny said.
"We can use his magick against him somehow." I suggested to him.
"But how?" Jonny asked.
"Maybe, I can be helpful, Violet." A familiar voice said.
"No way." I said, turning around sideways in the booth table and looks Angie Saunders. "Angie?"
Angie Saunders smiles at me. "Hi, Violet."
I slides out of the booth table and slowly walks up to Angie. She and I hugs each other, happily. We gently pulls away from the hug and we looks at Jonny, one-arm hugging each other.
"Hi, Jonny." Angie greeted him.
"It's good to see you again, Angie." Jonny said.
Jonny and Angie shares a hug with each other.
Me and The Benton Gang, along with my best friend, Angie Saunders, has reconvened with each other.
"Well, well, well, Violetquinn's Little Mini-Me." Cherry said with her hands on her hips.
Angie chuckles softly to herself. "Hi to you too, Cherry."
"Angie? You said that you can be helpful. How so?" Jonny asked.
"I have a super ability of Photokinesis." Angie tells us, and creates an energy orb in the palm of her hand.
"Whoa. That's pretty cool." Eric said, astonished.
"I can transfer a small amount of my Photokinesis to someone so, you can guys can defeat Cody Asher." Angie said.
"I'll do it." I said.
Angie smiles at me, knowingly. "I knew you were gonna."
Angie and I exchange smiles at each other.
"So, where does the duel with Cody Asher takes place?" Angie asked us.
"It can take place here this evening outside of the lounge center." I suggested.
"Okay." Angie said. "Violet, you and I are gonna hold hands so, I can transfer my Photokinesis to you."
"Alright." I said.
[Song: Lights - Ellie Goulding]
Angie and I gently holds each other's hands, facing each other.
"Close your eyes and focus on your loved ones." Angie said, and closes her eyes.
I close my eyes and focuses.
Glimpses of Me and the Benton Gang enjoying each other's company, exchanging small smiles at each other.
Another glimpses of Me, Boni and our parents at Jen's Diner in a booth table eating our plates of food.
And another glimpse of Jonny and Me gently hugging each other.
Suddenly, my hands starts to glow, illuminating the lounge center itself.
Afterwards, my hands stops glowing. Angie and I slowly opens our eyes and gently pulls our hands away from each other's.
[Song ends]
"Did it work?" Sonya asked.
Angie and I exchange looks at each other. And I look my hands, creating an purple energy orb in the palm of my hand.
"Sure did." Angie said.
Angie and I exchange small smiles at each other.
Afterwards, I'm sitting on the U shaped sofa, creating another purple energy orb in my hand.
"Pretty cool, isn't it?" Angie asked me.
"Yeah." I replied and ceases my Photokinesis and looks at Angie. "How did you get your super ability of Photokinesis, Angie?"
"I was reconnecting two wires on TV and gotten electric shocked." Angie told me.
I become worried. "Gosh."
"Yeah, I know." Angie said. "But I'm fine."
I look at her hair bang and small smiles. "I love your hair bang hairstyle."
"Thanks." Angie said.
"I'm sorry to cut short this little best friend catch-up, but we have Cody Asher to handle." Cherry said.
"Cherry's right." I said.
"I'm sorry, what, Violetquinn?" Cherry said with a small smile.
I small smile at Cherry. "You're right, Cherrypoo."
That evening, Outside of the Lounge Center, Angie inside with the Benton Gang. I'm outside awaiting for Cody Asher.
Cody Asher slowly walks up to me. "Hello, Violet." And looks at the Benton Gang and Angie at the window and looks at me again. "I see you've brought your best friends to enjoy our little duel."
"Like I told you, we were gonna stop you." I said to him.
Cody Asher sly smirks to himself, creates Electrokinesis from both his hands and thrust it at me as I use my Photokinesis.
Cody Asher slowly walks up to me, increasing his Electrokinesis. I grunt softly as I stumbles onto the ground.
"Come on, Violet, you can do this." Jonny said to himself.
Cody increases his Electrokinesis again, bringing me to my knees, and slowly walks up to me.
"I can sense you faltering, Violet." Cody Asher taunted me. "You will never defeat me. I will destroy everyone that you hold dearest to your heart."
Glimpses of my best friends, my family and Jonny in my mind as I gather strength, increasing my Photokinesis as I slowly gets back up to my feet.
"You're wrong, Cody." I tell him, and proceeds to increase my Photokinesis and slowly pushes him away. "I have something that you don't; a family, best friends and someone to come home to."
I proceed to increase my Photokinesis as I slowly pushes Cody Asher away from me, and I brings him down to his knees.
"There are always a wicked monster lurking around in this small town Arrington. And my best friends and I always finds a way to defeat them." I tell him and uses his Electrokinesis against him, causing him to scream in agony pain.
And then, I cease my Photokinesis as Cody Asher falls sideways on the ground, grunting softly to himself with his wounds.
Panting to myself, I slowly falls onto the ground. The Benton Gang and Angie walks out of the lounge center and walks up to me.
"Violet?" Jonny said, crouching down to me, and gently wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"I'm okay." I reassured Jonny with a few bruises on my face. And looks at Cody. "It's over, Cody. You're over."
Cody Asher grunts softly to himself as he slowly sits up straight in a seated position, chuckling menacing to himself and looks up at me. "You think you and your best friends, won, Violet? There's always another monster awaiting to come out of the shadows of darkness." He grunts softly to himself upon slowly getting back up to his feet. "Just ask your old best friend, Christine Avery."
Angie and I exchange looks at each other and, together, she and I uses our combined Photokinesis to open an portal, which makes Cody Asher flies backwards into it. And the portal closes itself.
The Benton Gang, Angie, and I exchange looks at each other.
"Is it over? Please say so?" Cherry asked.
"Yeah, it's over." I said.
The Benton Gang, Angie, and I exchange small smiles at each other. Angie and I hugs each other.
That night, The Benton Gang, Angie, and I are sitting around on the U shaped sofa. And I also gave back my small amount of Photokinesis to Angie as well.
"So, Cody Asher's gone?" Boni asked.
"Yeah, he's gone. He's an a prison world, but not with Eleanor Reese though. He's in his own prison world." I said.
"Oh, wow. It's like a weight has been lifted or something." Eric said.
"Yeah, it has." Monica said.
"I gotta go you guys." Angie said, getting up to her feet.
"It was good seeing you again, Ang." I said to her.
"You guys too, Vinny." Angie said.
And Angie and I hugs each other.
"Take care of yourself, Angie." I said to her and we gently pulls away from the hug. "I'm on speed dial if you need anything."
"I know." Angie said, and looks at the Benton Gang. "Bye, guys."
"Bye, Angie." The Benton Gang said in unison.
Angie and I exchange small smiles at each other. And she slowly walks away.
Jonny gets up and slowly walks up beside me. "You're gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said.
"Your little Mini-Me's all grown up, Violetquinn." Cherry said.
Cherry and I exchange small smiles at each other.
Later on that night, In the visiting room, I'm sitting at a telephone booth. Christine Avery slowly walks up to the telephone booth, wearing a pair of gray scrubs, and sits down across from me.
Christine and I both gets our telephones.
"Have you gotten my gift box? The one I left for you?" Christine asked me on the telephone.
"Yeah, I did." I replied to her on the telephone. "I'm not gonna join your Scary Bunny Maniac Gang, Christine."
"I know you won't." Christine Avery said to me with a straight face. "You're too much of a genuinely sincere person."
"I just came to say "goodbye" to you, Christine." I said to her.
"We're not over, Violet." Christine Avery said to me. "And I also told my Scary Bunny Gang to contain themselves until I'm out of here at his asylum."
"You're not getting out of here at this asylum, Christine." I said to her.
Christine Avery sly grins. "Goodbye, Sweetums." she hangs up her telephone and gets up, walking away.
I hangs up my telephone and gets up and walks away.
Later on that same night, In a dim-lit suite room, Jonny and I are laying in bed, shirtless, wearing his boxer briefs and my undies, underneath the turquoise bedcover. He has a blue Cobra on his upper arm and a diamond shaped tattoo on his right side chest.
He's laying behind me, gently cuddling me. And I'm laying in front of him.
"It was good seeing Angie again." I said to Jonny.
"Yeah, I know." I said to him.
"I already know your answer to my question, but how did you defeat Cody Asher?" Jonny asked me.
I gently flips over sideways and looks at Jonny. "I focused on you, my parents and Boni, the guys and Angie."
Jonny sits up straight with the bedcover covering the lower half of his body. "I'm jealous of you, Vinny." He said with a small smile.
"What?" I said, upon sitting up straight, with the bedcover covering my torso and lower half of my body. "Why would you say that?"
"You're you, Violet. You've always been the genuinely sincerely person. And sometimes, you sugarcoat things, but it's how you are. You're also stubborn, silly, and I love how big your heart is. It's why I love you, Violet." Jonny said to me with a small smile.
I small smile at him. "I love you too, Jonny."
Jonny and I exchange small smiles at each other and we passionately kiss. He gently lays me down on the bed, sideways, and we share a passionate kiss.
I gently cups his face with my hands and he gently wraps his arms around my torso with the fluffy turquoise bedcover covering the lower half our bodies.
In the living room, I'm sitting on the three seat sofa.
With a match, I ignite the Scary Bunny Mask that Christine Avery had given me and I threw away the gift box.
My phone buzzes in my plaid coat pocket. I pull my phone out and looks at it.
Confused, I gets up and looks under the sofa seat. A videocassette is there.
I gently takes it and inserts it into the VCR. And presses the 'Play' button on the remote.
Christine Avery is on the TV screen. "Hi, Violet. You're probably pondering why I left you a videocassette. It's simple; when I get released from the Arrington Asylum, I'm coming back."
As I'm looking at Christine Avery's videocassette, a Scary Bunny Mask Henchmen is in the kitchen and slowly walks out of the back door, closing the door.
I turn around upon hearing the back door close. And I averts my gaze back at the videocassette with Christine Avery on the TV screen.
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Hope you like the chapter finale of VIOLET BOOK 007!
And thanks you for reading!! ❤️
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