'He killed one.'
A few boys gasped and I was too shocked to say something. Thomas killed a griever? How?
'Gathering, now!' Gally shouted.
Things are changing.' Gally started once we all arrived in the Gathering room. 'There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby. Now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself, to go into the maze.' Gally glared at Thomas 'He clearly broke our rules.' Gally added.
'Yeah, but he did save Alby's life.' I said a little annoyed by Gally.
'Did he?' Gally looked at the other Gladers. 'For three years we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them.' Gally pointed at Thomas. 'Who knows what that could mean for us?'
'What do you suggest we do?' Newt leaned against the wall.
'He has to be punished.' Gally said and I heard some people mumbeling.
'Minho.' Newt looked at him. 'You were there with him, what do you think?' Newt said and I have to say, he looked really hot. Not the time, Raven. Not the time.
I think...' Minho started. 'In all the time we've been here, no one has ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb Shank stayed behind and helped Alby.' Minho looked at Thomas. 'Look, I don't know if he is brave or stupid,' Minho paused. 'but whatever it is we need more of it. I say we make him a runner.'
I heard people mumbling things again and Thomas looked up surprised.
'If you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine!' Gally shouted. 'But if I know one thing about the maze is that you do not-.' Gally got interrupted by the Box alarm.
'What?' I heard confused whispers as I followed Minho outside.
'I know that sound.' Thomas said as we walked to the Box.
'It's the Box.' Chucks said. 'It's coming up.'
'It isn't supposed to.' Minho ran to the Box as Gally and Newt opened it.
Newt jumped in. 'What do you see, Newt?' Someone asked.
'It's a girl.' Newt said confused.
A girl?
I heard a few people whisper some things.
'I think she's dead.' Newt looked up at me.
Great. Finally another girl and then she's dead.
'What's in her hand?' Someone asked. Newt grabbed the note in her hand and read it out loud.
'She's the last one.. ever.' Newt said confused. 'What the hell does that mean?' He shaked his head.
Suddenly the girl gasped and I took a step back. 'Thomas.' She looked around until her eyes met Thomas's, then her eyes closed again. Everyone looked at Thomas now.
'You still think I'm overreacting?' Gally asked.
Me, Newt, Minho and Thomas entered the hospital room. As I walked in I heard some screams coming from Alby. 'Come on, love.' Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Alby.
We were standing in front of the girl's bed.
'Jeff, what happened? Why won't she wake up?' Newt asked.
'Man, I got my job the same way you did.' Jeff obviously didn't know why the girl didn't wake up.
Thomas was staring at the girl and didn't say a thing.
'You recognize her?' Newt has also noticed it.
'No, not really.' Thomas said quietly.
'Because she seemed to recognize you.' Newt added.
'What about the note?' Thomas asked.
'We'll worry about the note later.'
'I think we should worry about it now.' I said. 'If the We Box doesn't come back up how are we gonna last without food?' I looked at Newt.
'We just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows.' Newt said.
'Yeah.' Thomas mumbled and turned around.
'Where are you going?' Newt asked confused.
'Back into the maze.'
Newt looked at Minho. Minho shrugged and ran after Thomas.
I was about to walk after them, but Newt grabbed my arm.
'What are you doing?' I asked a little annoyed.
'You're not going back in there.'
'But I'm a runner!'
'I won't let you go in there, not now.' Newt gave me a serious look.
'Fine.' I sighed. 'I'll get a shower then.' I said to Newt.
'Okay, me too.' Newt said, making me surprised.
'There's only one shower.' I said.
'Nope. The shower in the bathroom is only for us, the keepers and Alby. The other boys have a few showers close to the Deadheads.'
'Really?' I asked surprised. 'Can I see them?'
'Sure.' I followed Newt into the forest and after walking for a few minutes we arrived at a long wooden hut.
'Here it is.' Newt opened the door and we walked in.
'I'll get a shower here then.' I said.
Before Newt could reply anything I took off my shirt. Newt looked at me shocked and his mouth almost fell open. I saw his eyes slowly going down to my sports bra, looking at my chest.
'My eyes are here.' I smirked.
'Y-yeah.' Newt's face turned red. I got my shoes and pants off and turned one of the showers on. When I turned around again Newt had pulled his shirt off. This time it was me who was surprised. My eyes went down to his chest.
I got shaked out of my thoughts when Newt put out his shoes. I got closer to him and felt my cheeks heat up.
Newt grabbed my waist and leaned in. I got closer to his face and kissed him. I laid my hand on his warm back. After a few seconds I pulled back and opened my eyes, that I had closed.
I smirked and walked to the shower that I had turned on. Before Newt did anything else I closed the shower curtain, leaving him.
'Hey.' I walked out of the shower with my lingeries on. My hair was dripping wet.
Newt has already put on his pants. His hair was all out of place and also still wet.
'Hey, love.' He got closer to me. 'Enjoyed the shower?'
'Yeah.' I nodded. Newt's hands were on my hips what gave me a weird, but good feeling. Newt leaned in and kissed my again. One of my hands went in his hair and the other one on his wet back. I closed my eyes as I was still kissing him.
Suddenly I heard a quiet gasp. I pulled away from Newt and looked at the door. Chuck was standing there. His eyes and mouth were wide open.
Chuck coughed and quickly closed his mouth. 'Minho said that the girl is awake.' Chuck blushed.
'Okay, we'll be there in a minute. Thanks Chuck.' I replied. 'Oh, and don't say anything about this to Minho, okay?' I quickly asked.
Chuck just nodded and quickly sprinted away.
I looked at Newt and chuckled.
'And what were you guys doing?' Minho asked when me and Newt walked towards him. 'You didn't get her pregnant, did you, Newt?'
'No, you slinthead.' I rolled my eyes.
Chuck's face was red and he was looking at me and then at Newt.
'You got something to say, Chuck?' Minho looked at him suspiciously.
'N-no, I.. uhm.' Chuck looked at me and I shook my head.
'Come on, Chuck. Don't listen to Raven, just tell me what's going on.' Minho smirked.
I shook my head at Chuck again, but he leaned in and whispered some things in Minho's ear. I saw Minho's eyes brighten and he smirked again.
'Well, well.' He looked at Newt.
'Let's just go check on the girl. Where is she?' I asked.
'Right there.' Chuck pointed at the wooden tower.
'Girls are awesome.' Chuck said while we jogged towards it.
'I know, Chuck.' I laughed.
'Hey! If you throw one more of those things- ow!' Gally got hit by something. I looked up and saw all sorts of objects coming from the top of the tower.
'Take cover y'all, take cover!' Lots of boys were standing in front of the tower trying not to get hit. Some of them were hiding under wooden stuff.
'I don't think she likes us very much.' Newt covered his head with his hand.
'I'll go to her.' I said. 'Hey! Can I come up?' I shouted at the girl. I saw some green eyes and dark hair leaning over the tower. She nodded and stopped throwing things. I walked to the stairs of the tower and quickly went up.
'Hey.' I said once I got on top of the tower. I took a better look at the girl. She had the same hair color as me, green eyes and a few freckles.
'I know this is all really strange, and I'm sure you can't even remember you're own name but-.'
'Teresa.' She said.
'My name, it's Teresa.'
'Well, alright Teresa. Welcome to the Glade.' I didn't really know what to say to her.
'What is this?' She looked at the Glade confused.
'It's were we live. Once a month a new Greenie comes up in the box, like you.' But you didn't get on the right time. 'You'll get used to all of this. Alby will give you a tour and explain everything later.'
'Okay.' She nodded and gave me a small, but unsure smile.
'I'll make sure you get your own room, or maybe sleep in mine.' I said.
'Should we get down? They don't bite, though some of them are a little annoying.' I chuckled and let the girl, Teresa, go down again.
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