Eleven hesitated a fraction of a second, he hoped he could convince them. "To defeat an archdemon, we're going to need an archangel."
Castiel shook his head. "Impossible. In case you haven't noticed, Gabriel is dead. As is Raphael. And Michael is trapped in the cage of Lucifer. There are no archangels left." (A/N: Spoiler alert, hehe)
Eleven raised his index finger. "Trapped, indeed. Not dead."
Sam's face dropped, he couldn't be serious, right?
"We're going to have to make a little detour before we set course to London."
Sam's face paled, he was serious.
"A little detour?!" Dean repeated furiously. "We can't just go to Hell and free Michael from the cage!"
Jamie was startled by his outburst. The Doctor wanted them to go to Hell?! Literally?! She did not sign up for this! Well, actually, she didn't sign anything. She had kept her mouth shut while the Doctor and the Hunters had been talking nonsense about archdemons and angels, but going to Hell? That was just too much. "Whoa, easy there, Doctor," Jamie started. "I'm afraid I have to agree with, er..." She actually had no idea what their names were.
"Dean," he answered her unspoken question between gritted teeth.
"I'll have to agree with Dean here," Jamie continued and Eleven spun back around to face her. He seemed to be confused by her protest. But then, Eleven was almost always confused.
"What, why?" Eleven asked with a rising voice. This plan was going to work, it had to work! But not if everyone disagreed with him, he needed Jamie by his side. And now he was looking around, he noticed some more doubtful faces. Rory and Amy... But, didn't they trust him? He was the Doctor after all. He had safed their world before, he could do it again. He was sure of it. But he had to have their help.
"We can't just walk into Hell!" Jamie argued. "We will have to die! I don't want to die, Doctor."
Eleven chuckled, if that was the only thing she was worried about, then there was nothing to fear.
"Why are you laughing?!" Jamie questioned him, she didn't see the fun part in that.
"Oh, my dear Jamie, we do not have to die. There are several ways to go to Hell."
Rory raised his eyebrows. "Well, that's comforting."
"Ask Sam and Dean," Eleven said which made them all look at the Winchester brothers. "They've been there before without dying. So, there's nothing to worry about, Jamie."
"That depends on your definition of worrying. I'm not going to Hell to free some angel." Jamie was determined and looked at Rory for some back-up, but till her surprise, he seemed to hesitate about agreeing with her. Eleven was quite serious about this... It was unlike him, and scared the crap out of Rory, to be honest, but maybe there was more to it? Something the Doctor wasn't telling them...
Eleven had had enough, why couldn't they understand this had to be done?! They had to free Michael. He threw his hands in the air. "Why can't you all see?! We have to do this!" he shouted which was freaking out the three companions. They had never seen him so desperate and angry at the same time.
"If we don't free Michael --," Eleven paused for a moment, to create some tension. But his companions had to understand what was at stake here. "There won't be an United Kingdom to return to!"
His words echoed through the card chamber of the bunker, and everyone was dead silent.
Amy's face paled and Jamie reached for Rory's hand.
"W-what?" Amy uttered, she would have said more but the words were stuck in her throat. England could not just suddenly stop to exist, right? It was still there in the future. The Doctor had showed her... But no, wait... He never did. Amy had seen New New -- et cetera -- York, but never had she seen a futuristic London. She had never questioned it, she had never mind. After all, there was so much to be seen and a future London hadn't really been at the top on her list. Who cares about Earth when there are so many planets to discover?
"London. England. Everything will come to an end if we do not stop this demon from destroying everything we love." Eleven was almost sure there were with him now, although he rather not had to had tell them this.
Jamie had the feeling she was going to throw up and Rory slightly squeezed her hand when he felt her tense up by the fear running through her veins.
Eleven clapped his hands, trying to lighten the mood. "Well then, that's settled. Who else is with us?" He turned back around to the Hunters, but they weren't exactly happy about it.
Dean set his jaw and grumbled something beneath his breath -- and Eleven should be happy he wasn't able to understand it, because it hadn't exactly been nice --, he pointed at Eleven, grumbled something more and strode out of the chamber.
Eleven drew an apologetic expression and looked at Sam for an explanation, or at least to tell him he would come to his senses soon again, but Sam was following his brother with his eyes and wasn't paying attention at the alien. Sam was about to follow Dean, but Serena was faster. She placed a hand at his shoulder and pleaded him with her eyes to stay here.
"I'll go after him. You stay here, talk to Eleven and try to find out more," Serena said to him in a soft voice and Sam nodded.
Serena knew why Dean was angry and upset, he didn't want to put his brother in harm's way. He couldn't let his little brother come near by Lucifer, it always ended bad.
Serena leaned against the doorpost of Dean's chamber and knocked against the dark wooden door. Dean was sitting at the edge of his bed and looked up from his folded hands.
"You okay?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer.
Dean slightly raised a corner of his mouth. "Yeah. I'm fine." He shifted his gaze back at his intertwined fingers, studying it as if there was something wrong with them.
Serena pushed herself off of the doorpost and walked towards him. He was lying and they both knew it. She crouched down in front of him, balancing at the ball of her feet. She tried to catch his eye but when he continued to avoid her look, Serena took his hands between her own which made Dean look at her. She slightly tilted her head and with that small movement, Dean knew she was not buying it for one second.
"It's just," he started with a sigh, defeated. "Every time something involves angels and demons, Sam and I are caught right in the middle of it. I'm sick and tired of it. We always pay the price and each time we lose a piece of ourselves. I - I just don't want that to happen any more. I'm done with trying to safe the world, while we lose ourselves. It's not worth it, Serena." His green eyes swam with sadness, he really was tired of it all.
This time, it was Serena's turn to study their intertwined hands. She understood him, she had, by far, not made the amount of sacrifices as Dean had, but she understood why he was done with it. The Winchesters had sacrificed more than anyone ever could have expected from them, their family had been torn apart for hundreds of times and not ever did they complain. Not ever had they said 'no' to something or someone who needed their help. Dean had no more energy left, that much was clear, but Serena had this feeling, they couldn't accomplish this without Dean, nor Sam. Even though she had never met the Doctor -- or should she say 'Doctors'? -- before, she still trusted them. If Eleven said they had to safe Michael from Lucifer's cage to safe a whole country, then that's what she was going to try and do.
Serena knew Dean was waiting for her answer, for her to protest at his words; to tell him everything was going to be all right, but she did not knew what she would had to say to make him change his mind. This was not her decision to make for him, because, once again, someone was asking the Winchesters to execute a plan of which they didn't know if it was going to end well. Once again, Dean had to make a hard choice and this time he had chosen 'no'. And it was his right to do so.
She raised her head and met his beautiful green eyes, softly smiling at him. "I know, Dean. I know," she said and after a small squeeze in his hands, Serena got back on her feet.
"I'm sorry you always have to make the hard choices," she apologised, and she meant it with all her heart. She knew this wasn't easy for Dean, it was not in his nature to not go and help those in need.
"Where are you going?" Dean asked her when he realised she was leaving again.
Serena threw a look back over her shoulder and smirked. "To help those Doctors. I can't let all of the United Kingdom disappear because of some wicked demon."
"It's nothing compared to the apocalypse," she quickly continued when saw a guilty look grow on his face. "You owe nothing to them," she assured him. The last thing she wanted was to make him feel guilty.
She had almost reached the hallway when she noticed Dean had caught up with her and was now standing behind her.
"Fine. One last time," he said.
Serena turned back around, slightly looking up to look him in the eyes. "You're sure?"
Dean shrugged. "It's not like Sammy was going to sit this one out, and I can't let him do this without me, now can I?"
Serena shook her head in disbelief, but still smiled. "One last time," she repeated his words, as if it was a promise.
"Thank you."
"For what?" she questioned him, curiously.
"For understanding, even though I'm still going now."
"You're very welcome," and before Serena knew it, she was hugged tightly. For a moment, she tensed, not being used at being hugged. Mostly because it felt strange and awkward to her, but this time it was different. She relaxed and answered his embrace, realising she felt safe in his arms. . .
A/N: Whew! That was me, trying to write some fluff... You have no idea how hard that is to me, but well, I guess it turned out all right? I dunno.
Anywho, long chapter! Usually, I write them about 1,000 words, this one is 1,750. I'm very proud, hehe. I know it's nothing compared to some chapters here on Wattpad, but still; I ish very proud.
I try -- note, try! -- to write more fluff in the chapters before I start killing them all off :) Wait... Did I say that aloud? Just kidding, I meant: before the heartbeat-rising adventure starts! ^-^ Stupid autocorrect, hehe. (On the laptop, sure Rianne. . . In which world is your head today?)
All right, I'll quit rambling. Adieu, mes amis! Read ya next chapter!
I love these crossovers!
Also, I realised (just before I hit publish) that the story line doesn't really make sense anymore since Legend Two started at July 31 and the chapters are still stuck at July 29, haha... But I had this idea that after every ten chapters I introduce a new legend, so that's why; in case you were wondering.
The timeline is a bit wibbly-wobbly, if you know what I mean.
Right, yes... I was going to quit rambling...
Bye. . .
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