๊งโขโนูญ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐นูญโนโข๊ง
Tell me now
A name that hovers in my mouth
Trigger warning: Flashing image.
The orchestral ensemble had the entire music room buzzing with enthusiasm. Luna had to perform a violin piece on one of the several violins in the music room. Luna's abilities as a guitarist and keyboardist astounded her friends.
Mr Baek grinned broadly, clearly charmed with Luna.
"Now, please allow our new pupil to play a piece by Tchaikovsky and then transition into Swan Lake. Our recruiters were completely blown away with your audition piece." He gushed at the attractive girl, whose cheeks were flushed from her class's admiration . Everybody was enthusiastically clapping.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun were yelling at a group of boys who were too ecstatic.
You sat there nervously while your classmates encouraged you to be brave. Mr Baek has requested that his best pianist accompany you.
You took a deep breath and accepted the violin from your teacher, Dahyun, who was cross-legged in the front row and gave you a thumbs up.
Mr Baek beams from ear to ear, ecstatic to have such a gifted violinist in his class. Her abilities were admirable.
"Are you ready, Eunwoo? Please, give Luna a copy of the music sheet..." He gives one of the students a signal. Eunwoo, a handsome guy, was in Y3 but now assists Mr Baek for additional credit, mainly by playing the piano at recitals and concerts. He places the sheet on the music stand and looks at the shy girl. She nodded and seized her violin bow with shaky hands, waiting for Eunwoo.
It seemed like you were the cursed swan struggling to raise you to the air. When you first started playing. Every note you played held your heart. After being enthralled in a mystical universe, only a burst of applause brought you back to reality. When you get a standing ovation, it makes you blush brilliantly. Chaeyoung and Dahyun were screaming. You've just taken a step forward and bowed. You had Eunwoo enthralled. Thankfully, the lunch bell rings. As the group got set to leave, you exhaled a sigh of relief. Several of the ecstatic students approached you to congratulate you. The extraordinary level of attention bothered you, and it even moved your teacher.
You heard your name called while standing outside the classroom with your arms linked with your friends.
"Luna!!!..." shouted Eunwoo as he approached you and your snickering friends. You stared at your senior in the eyes and lifted your brows.
"Great skills you showed there, Luna... let's sometimes rehearse together," he said with a small smile.
You flushed and bowed your head. "OK, that's OK. Thank you very much, senior."
He strolled away with three boys toward the cafeteria, grinning and waving short goodbyes.
Dahyun teased you with a faked, sultry voice, "Oh, my my... someone's got an admirer...oooh..." let's rehearse sometimes." You shove her away with your shoulder, and Chaeyoung and you both laughed as you walked to the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was located near the soccer grounds. Many girls sat on the grass slopes watching the boys play soccer, while others practised netball or rested and lounged in the landscaped gardens.
You'd like to do that, preferably with one of your favourite South Korean young-adult novelists. Lyla Lee's "I'll Be the One" is everything about love and soulmate relationships that appeal to you. When you went to the most incredible library you'd ever seen in the world, the Coex Library in Gangnam, your grandmother got you several books.
Students flocked to the cafeteria to obtain some of the best meals on the menu. You don't even want to eat anything. You couldn't put your finger on it, but there was a peculiar vibe around you. With the two vivid visions that left you reeling and a developing migraine, the whole day you had been stressed.
When Dahyun dragged you to a table near the huge glass doors with a full view of the soccer field, you didn't notice.
"Let's sit here..." The cafeteria was full due to the Kimchi and the daily soup.
The lines were endless, and you could immediately feel your pulse racing when you noticed some prying eyes around your table. Word of your newness, transferred status, or musical talent may have already made its way around the grapevine. You took a deep breath in. You sighed profoundly and felt your body shudder with fear. Two of your new classmates invited themselves to your table the day before. You and Dahyun bow slightly in greeting and Chaeyoung nods.
"Can we sit with you, please, girls? Today, every table is packed." Seulgi plopped down next to an empty chair with her school bag. Dahyuns' bag and yours share a chair.
Chaeyoung queried her tablemates, "What is on the menu today?"
Ga Eun has a bright face, reddish hair, acne-prone complexion, but lovely eyes."Today's menu consists of soup, Kimchi, rice, and vegetables. I'm curious if there's any banana milk available today. "She asked for no one in particular.
"Everything OK, Seulgi...you look a little pale?" Chaeyoung inquired, a little concerned at Seulgi's wince. Seulgi was visibly sweating and appeared to be in excruciating pain. You all turned to Seulgi.
When Seulgi shook her head, a pained expression on her face said, "Er...my stomach has been cramping severely...since a few minutes ago?" you all frowned at her pale, sweating face.
"Is it your period...you haven't eaten anything?" her friend inquired as she rubbed her shoulders.
"Oh no! Oh, my goodness!!!" she exclaimed, horrified. Suddenly, she fell from her chair with a thud; she was bent over in pain on the floor, and you all looked frightened. The girls in the area jumped up from their seats at nearby tables. Chaeyoung sprung to her feet and looked around as a group of boys rushed to your table. Dahyun blushed bright red when she saw her crush running to your table.
"What happened?" Soobin inquires, looking at Dahyun as he gently bends down to study Seulgi's neck folds. She was groaning. He is the class monitor of the Grade 11 group.
"She complained of a stomach ache and just collapsed," you all said, concerned.
He nodded and swiftly grabbed Seulgi, carrying her to the nurses' office. Four additional students gripped their tummies and bolted from the cafeteria. Teachers rushed in to help some students who had begun to puke.
It was like the start of a zombie apocalypse.
"Oh, my goodness!!!" Dahyun yelled.
You were sitting there, transfixed in your seat, knowing that you had just witnessed the results of the contamination that you had saved the boy from an hour or so ago. In shock, blood drained from your face.
When there was an announcement, teachers and class monitors attempted to keep the students peaceful and settled. Everyone became abnormally quiet when the students heard the school director's voice.
".... keep your calm. A small outbreak of water contamination occurred. Please do not use the water filter station in hallway six near the restrooms. The hotwater filter has been removed, and the area has been closed off for further investigation...if you feel queasy or have severe cramps, go to the school sick bays immediately. So far, seven students have been affected..." his voice trailed off, telling the students to notify the teachers in their immediate vicinity. It was a relief to the cafeteria employees that it wasn't food poisoning.
"Oh, wow," Dahyun replies, her eyes widening as she looks at you. "Didn't you drink some of the hotwater...? Oh, my goodness!!! Yeonjun sipped some of the water ", and she looked around frantically, trying to find the popular group's seats. He sat with the Grade 12s at a particular side.
As he sat and listened to the headmaster, Yeonjun sat with a calculating expression. His eyes scanned the area until he found your table. He was looking for the girl that saved him from being sick.
" Er...I'm OK." Luna stuttered nervously, "He drank some from the other filter..."
"Oh my gosh! LUNA, YOU ARE SO LUCKY," Ga Eun remarked. She leapt to her feet, grabbed her and Seulgi's backpacks, and dashed out of the cafeteria to see how her friend was doing.
As you began to sense eyes on you, you bit your lower lip. You noticed the boy you had rescued earlier from this disaster staring at you with deep furrowed brows when you looked up, and your eyes locked across the room. Your heart was racing as you frantically looked at Dahyun, still distressed. When you saw Yeonjun conversing with his friends and stood up, you murmured, "Oh my!" He was staring at the table where you were sitting.
You won't allow him to approach you in front of the whole school, raising the interest of sleeping dogs.
You quickly snatched up your bag and turned to face your friend.
"Dahyun... I need to use the restroom. I'll meet you in class. I'm not hungry at all!!!" You jumped up without waiting for a response and dashed to the glass doors leading to the field.
You raced a few metres to a pillar where you could catch your breath. You don't want him to confront you. You spotted Yeonjun a few steps away when you raised your eyes, looking around for you.
When his eyes met yours, you froze for a split second.
"Noooooo!!!" You whimper and turn away, racing towards the classes. You could hear only the sound of running footsteps from behind you. Because you haven't exercised, your chest is burning!! And you have no sense of the layout of this enormous school. You were drawn to a stairway leading to a corridor close to the dance studios. You're sprinting in that direction. There could be a hiding spot.
You look around but don't see anyone, so you sigh in relief as you lean against a wall in an empty corridor. You closed your eyes and felt a burning sensation in your chess subside.
When you detected a figure standing before you, trying to catch their breath, you gasped in surprise. Your eyes widen in shock. Where did he come from? You fail to sense or hear him. Yeonjun's eyes were narrowed as he gazed at you. Your eyes sought a way out, but he saw your movement and immediately entrapped you between his arms near the wall. You took a deep breath. You'd never been in a predicament before, especially with a boy so close to you. It makes you feel anxious and afraid.
" Don't even bother running. There are a lot of hidden areas in this building." You inhaled deeply since his face was so near to yours. You couldn't think of anything to say. His eyes unnerved you greatly. You feel how your throat becomes dry.
"How did you find out about the contaminated hot water?" he asked, his gaze fixed on your worried expression.
"I had no idea it was bad until I took a sip and realized it didn't taste fresh. I spit it out because there was a metallic aftertaste. And when I saw you reaching for the filter, I acted immediately." you invented a lie hastily. With a calculating glance, he looks at you.
"Oh really now, nearly fourteen students are in the sick bay waiting to be treated; those who had a severe reaction were transferred to a local hospital by paramedics." He sighs as though he doesn't believe a word you say.
You take a few deep breaths and glance at the tall boy, afraid you've caught his attention. "Look, I'm sorry...I didn't know. We were fortunate not to have taken a sip from that water. We might have been among the unfortunate students...so let us be grateful." Your darting gaze is looking for a way out.
As he tilts his head in concentration, Yeonjun furrows his brows. "OK, let's see...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but please explain how you learned of a possible stair collision. You protected me from a potentially disastrous situation..."
He gazed intently into your blinking eyes, which had become apprehensive. "I...er...just had a gut feeling...so I simply said something about it. I'm not sure... OK!" You yelled at him in hushed tones. The aura around you began to shift. It was a subtle presence that made you feel extremely uncomfortable and anxious. With this beautiful boy, something was off. You couldn't look him in the eyes because you feared he'd catch on to your lies.
"Oh...you just had a gut feeling... with the water?" Yeonjun smirks. 'Do you know who I am?'
"Yes!!!" you say, furrowing your brow and shaking your head. "...And, no, I...I don't know who you are. I'm a new student." her accent stood out. She doesn't know TXT...
He snorts a little and says, "Oh really..."
"Yes, really!" you exclaim, irritated. This school's idols aren't well-known to you. For years, you were utterly clueless about everything about kpop except the language. You've been taking Korean classes since you were five years old. That is the extent of your Korean knowledge.
He was looking at your flustered expression. This girl has a strange vibe about her that piques his curiosity. He is aware that she knows something, but how?
"What is your name?" he inquired quietly, your eyes widening. You can't lie because he can find out later and embarrass you, or at this school, you don't want many people to pay more attention to you. Some of the students don't seem to be too kind.
You sigh, deflated, and try to tell him, "Er, I'm--," and you look dejected, but you hear shrieks and gasps. The sound immediately catches your and Yeonjuns'attention. Two girls stood there with their hands over their mouths, wide eyes and shocked looks, giggling and fangirling as they went in the opposite direction.
Your heart sank as you realized that you and Yeonjun had just been thrown into a challenging situation. He stood closely, almost touching you, with his arms around you against the wall and his face tilted toward you. From that perspective, it didn't appear innocent. They thought you and their "idol" Yeonjun were about to kiss. Your face flushed as you watched Yeonjun close his eyes for a split second, allowing his arms to fall by his sides; then he wiped his face and groaned audibly.
"Just fantastic!!! I was just seen with you by two of the school's walking newspapers-- "When he gets to class, he knows the word will spread like wildfire. Students can act as their paparazzi. He looks at your flushed cheeks. He could lose the girl of his dreams due to this incident if rumours are circulating. She wouldn't be interested in dating him now.
"If someone came up to you and asked about the incident, you just denied it... Nothing happened... right?" He gave you a death stare.
You sighed profoundly and silently nodded. Amazing! You groan inwardly. The whole school community will instantly draw everyone's focus to you. As the girl who had a moment with a rising star! Yeonjun wasn't impressed.
"Don't worry...nothing happened!" you say softly while biting your cheek. "--everyone will know... I'm not your type," you looked at him intently, making him nervous. You patted his chest, causing him to take a deep breath. "--I won't say anything since I'm keeping my mouth shut. No need to be concerned."
Yeonjun noticed how you froze suddenly, and your eyes changed colour, but this could be due to the sun's rays reflecting off your glasses. You shook your head and focused on his bemused expression, still staring at you. That's just perfect! A vision that came at an inconvenient time.
You blinked rapidly, turned your attention to the escape route, and hurriedly desired to run away from him! However, his hand instantly grabs your arm to prevent you from fleeing. It was almost as if his contact energized you. Your eyes widen when you look at Yeonjun, who is staring at your quick movement. You uttered in a strangled voice, staring at this beautiful boy with a pained expression.
" --she is going to say yes!!!" By dashing to the stairs, you were able to avoid his gaze. Your stomach dropped with fear.
"Who are you!!?". He yelled after you, but you ignored him and dashed down the stairs, your pulse racing.
You were out of breath when you dashed into the nearest senior-only restrooms. You flung open a stall door and sat on the closed toilet seat. Fortunately, the restroom was vacant.
Why FATE? Why? You groan deflatedly, your hands covering your heated face as you try not to cry uncontrollably. Why couldn't you keep your mouth shut about this latest prophecy? You could've kept it to yourself as most of your other visions, but you had no choice but to tell this boy. Why? Everybody in Hamlin will know that a new weirdo has joined their midst. And maybe you'll opt for homeschooling. You must attend an art school to study music at the most significant ART institutions.
Recalling the vision makes you wince...
โถ*เณโงห. โ โท The boy's trembling hands were cupping the side of her face, his fingers entangled in her blondish hair...a slight smile adorned the corners of her mouth and...the word "yes" slipped from her lips...twice...bright smiles...as they leaned in---"โถ*เณโงห. โ โท ห-
Gosh! Finally, Yeonjun will be able to date the girl of his dreams!
--However, why do you feel your heart has been ripped from its cage...
โถ*เณโงห. โ โท ห-
A/n: I hope you enjoy this new update. Things are starting to pick up. When Yeonjun is involved, Luna is incapable of controlling the oracle. Kindly vote or comment.
A shout out to @CoolJAROCKS @ThaiSenpai
Question 1: Do you believe Luna can now hide from Yeonjun?
Question 2: Why do you suppose Luna cannot hide the "oracle" in his presence?
Question 3: Is this the start of their "developing awareness?
Question 4: Will Yeonjun be able to repress whatever he feels in the presence of Luna?
Just a peek at a typical Hamlin environment ( uniforms)
Introduced by Sammy ( Luna Brother)๐คฃ
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