꧁•⊹٭𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢:𝟷𝟽٭⊹•꧂
My heart is trapped in a maze of memories.
Save me, please.
When Luna unexpectedly woke up half an hour later, the whole household was beyond relieved. She was still a little disorientated and a slight fear entered her eyes when she noticed a strange woman in her room.
The room smelled weird and a big frown was between her eyes.
Her aunt Ines and Maria immediately embraced her and wanted to know if she was hungry.
"No. Pero me gustaría beber algo de agua. Me siento tan caliente en todo mi cuerpo. ¿He dormido tanto?Er.. No. But I would like some water to drink. I feel so hot all over my body. Did... Did I sleep so long? " You asked but your eyes were still on the imposing woman who looked calculating at you. It unnerves you so much that the glass of water almost spills as you notice the strange penetrating gaze on you.
Your eyes looked back at your aunt and gestured to the woman in the doorway.
"Oh, Luna. Conozca a nuestro Shaman residente. Señora Ana. Ella es la que llamamos para revivirte de nuevo. Dios, estamos tan felices. ¿Estás bien? Ni siquiera pude llamar a tu familia en Seúl. Estarán muy preocupados por lo que le pasó en su cumpleaños. Estoy tan feliz de que estés bien.Oh, Luna. Meet our resident Shaman. Senora Ana. She is the one we called to revive you again. Gosh, we are so happy you ok.? I couldn't even call your family in Seoul. They will be very much worried about what happened to you on your birthday. I'm so happy you ok. ' your aunt smiles widely, rubbing your back.
You nod and greet the woman who cracks a slight smile, 'Estoy encantado de conocer a una de las primeras chicas que el oráculo tuvo dificultades para abandonar. Tienes una aura muy poderosa a tu alrededor, querida. Su tía me informó de la maldición, las visiones y los terrores nocturnos recurrentes. Vamos a combatir esta maldición y vivirás una vida normal..." I'm delighted to meet one of the first girls whom the oracle had trouble leaving. You have a very powerful aura around you dear. Your aunt informed me about the curse, the visions, and the recurring night terrors. We will combat this curse and you will live a normal life---" she remarked, looking friendly at your astounded face.
You turned to your aunt and she smiled widely as Maria only nodded with a relieved expression.
""Así que todo está bien con la reliquia. La maldición se levantará ahora, " So everything is okay with the relic. The curse will be lifted now, " your eyes gleam with excitement. An odd flash of emotion passed your Aunt's face, but you were oblivious to it. All you know is that you and your family will be safe.
Your aunt Ines smiles softly, ""Sí. El señor Sanchez nos dijo que Gonzalez donó la reliquia de vuelta al museo. Pero sabemos que gracias a vuestro poder el oráculo todavía os dará esos terribles sueños y visitas ancestrales de vez en cuando. Pero ya no tendrás que preocuparte...Yes. Senior Sanchez told us that Gonzalez donated the relic back to the museum. But we know because of your power the Oracle will still give you that terrifying dreams and ancestral visits now and then. But you won't have to worry anymore---"
Your eyes widen surprised," Así que la maldición no molestará a mi generación. Sami y Papa estarán seguros, así como mis primos y tías. Oh Dios mío. ¿Eres real? La maldición acaba de salir así---"So, the curse will not trouble my generation. Sami and Papa will be safe as well as my cousins and aunties. Oh my goodness. Are you for real? The curse just left like that---"
It's still unbelievable. So, the only thing the oracle wanted was the restoration of the relic to its rightful place.
You could just shake your head in disbelief. You felt a big weight left your shoulders and the most beautiful smile grazed your lips. You jumped up and hugged your Aunt and Maria as well as the scary-looking lady, who gently hugged you back.
Unbeknownst to you, her somber gaze met your aunt's wary eyes discreetly over your head. A secret conversation was going on between them, but your happiness was so contagious that Maria was clapping her hands exuberantly.
""Gracias... Muchas gracias, Señora. Ana-"Thank you... Thank you so much, Senora. Ana-" you whisper against her chest.
You will be so filled with joy if the visions leave for good. You can't wait to be a normal teenager. Maybe when you can soul-blind Yeonjun for a year, or more your joy will be complete. You won't worry about soulmate problems and you can secretly love him from afar. Yeonjun can carry on with his fabulous life and the system can freely let you meet him whenever you feel it's time for him to 'see' you. But you are not so sure if you would want him to 'see' you.
You would like to go to University, get a good job, and maybe when you are over 25 years old you can think about dating. The prospect of that ideal dream makes you smile.
She just looked down at you with a soft look in her eyes, ""Estoy honrado de ayudar a su familia Luna. Esta maldición fue atormentadora. Pero ahora tienes que prepararte para conocer a tu alma gemela. El oráculo seguirá queriendo reclamarte por sí mismo. La poción estará ahí para 'alma-ciego' a él. No tengas miedo de que salga bien. "I'm honored to help your family Luna. This curse was torturous. But now you must get ready to meet your soulmate. The oracle will still want to claim you for himself. The potion will be there to ' soul-blind' him. Don't fear it will work out. "
You turned to look at your aunt, whose eyes were watery. She made the Shaman pledge never to tell anyone about the Oracle's agreement. A cruel exchange: life for life. Aunt Ines pressed her lips together. She will not allow Luna to make such a decision. But what worries her is if the visions reappear.
But Luna already knows that the Oracle will take its time leaving her. She will continue to see visions until she makes a decision or someone else does.
You and Maria went down the stairs to eat, while your Aunt stayed behind to assist in cleaning up the room. Senora Ana inhaled deeply as she peered with apprehension into Aunt Ines's cautious eyes.
" Señora Ines, no podemos mantenerlo oculto por mucho tiempo. Luna seguirá teniendo visiones horribles. Si alguna vez se encuentra con su alma gemela. Será un infierno viviente para ellos. No supongo que una Luna como una niña rechace el amor apasionado y seleccione el regalo del Shaman para su generación, como lo hizo una de su Generación. Todos deseaban amar y ser amados a cambio".Senora Ines, we can't keep it hidden for long. Luna will continue to have gory visions. If she ever meets her soulmate. It will be a living hell for them. I don't suppose a child-like Luna will reject passionate love and select the Shaman's gift for her generation, just as one in your generation did. They all desired to love and be loved in return." Senora Ana appeared somber.
"Mi sobrina sufrió tanto, señora Ana."My grand niece suffered so much Senora Ana," Aunt Ines murmured,"Quiero que se sienta cómoda un poco más. Lo que ella no sabe no la va a matar. Ella es consciente de que el oráculo seguirá dando sus visiones por el momento. Como resultado, ella es consciente de los sueños y las imágenes aterradoras que están por ocurrir". I want her to be comfortable for a little bit longer. What she doesn't know isn't going to kill her. She is aware that the Oracle will continue to give her visions for the time being. As an outcome, she is cognizant of the dreams and the terrifying images that are about to occur."Aunt Ines seems resolved not to expose the demands to Luna.
Senora Ana shook her head, "Senora Ines... Luna debe ser informada. Ser advertido es estar armado. El oráculo enviará a su alma gemela a ella... poniéndolo en peligro para que puedan unirse. Ella no podrá decir no a salvarlo. Y luego hay el sistema de alma compañera, que hará que Luna sea tan seductora para él que no podrá resistirla. Ella debe tomar una decisión pronto... un sacrificio de sangre es inevitable, Señora Ines."Senora Ines...Luna must be informed. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. The Oracle will send her soulmate to her...putting him in danger so that they can bond. She will not be able to say no to saving him. And then there's the soulmate system, which will make Luna so enticing to him that he won't be able to resist her. She must make a decision soon...a blood sacrifice is unavoidable, Senora Ines." The Shaman mumbles in a fearful tone.
Aunt Ines exasperatedly throws her round arms in the air, saying, "- Señora Ana, por favor, ilumíname. Tía Ines exasperada lanza sus brazos redondos en el aire, "¿Cómo puede Luna elegir a alguien para morir para que la familia pueda ser libre? Ella se sacrificará en el altar. Ella sacrificará su vida para ver a su familia y el resto de la familia de Jose morir frente a sus ojos. Su familia es muy importante para ella, su padre, que está casado hasta la línea de sangre, estará a salvo, pero su hermano, Sami, no lo será. ¿Qué pasa con mi hijo, Diego, con su hija y su prima Jesenia, mi hija con su tía Mariana, y sus gemelos Petro y Emilio, y su otra tía, mi niña Liliana y su pequeña hija Lucia? ¿Cómo podría ponerlos en peligro?" Senora Ana...please enlighten me. "
Aunt Ines exasperatedly throws her round arms in the air, "How can Luna choose someone to die so that the family can be free? She will sacrifice herself at the altar. She will sacrifice her life to witness her family and the rest of Jose's family die in front of her eyes. Her family is very important to her, her father, who is married into the bloodline, will be safe, but her brother, Sami, will not be. What about my son, Diego, and his daughter and her blood-cousin Yesenia, my daughter and her aunt Mariana, and her twins Petro and Emilio, and her other aunt, my daughter Liliana, and her small daughter Lucia? How could she possibly put them in danger?" Aunt Ines looked horrified.
"Todo lo que necesitamos ahora es que Luna disfrute de su juventud. All we need right now is for Luna to enjoy her youth," she exclaimed, inhaling deeply. ""Y hacerlo es retrasar lo inevitable: Soul cega a su alma compañera durante un período de tiempo hasta que sea lo suficientemente madura como para tomar la decisión, pero Luna está emocionalmente y mentalmente agotada en este momento. ¡Necesita un descanso! And to do so is to delay the inevitable-Soul blinds her soulmate for a season until she is mature enough to make the decision, but Luna is emotionally and mentally exhausted right now. She needs a break!"
""Entiendo tus sentimientos, Señora Ines." I understand your sentiments, Senora Ines," Senora Ana said, "Sólo póngase la poción en ella y en él si se encuentra con él. Pero tenga en cuenta que no debe hacer ningún contacto ocular durante al menos una semana después de tomar la poción".Just get the potion in her and him if she meets him. But keep in mind that she must not make any eye contact for at least a week after taking the potion". Senora Ana warned in a severe tone.
Aunt Ines inhaled sharply.,"Al menos no encontró a su alma gemela. Pero todos sabemos que será forzado a aparecer por la maldad del Oracle y el sistema Soulmate. At least she didn't find her soulmate. But we all know he'll be forced to show up by the Oracle's malice and the Soulmate system".
They just looked into each other with mutual understanding.
Meanwhile, Maria lays a plate of Chili beans in front of you, but you are not hungry; however, your aunt begs you to eat, and Maria already help packed all of your luggage for your return trip home.
Your Appa was overjoyed that you'd be home to celebrate your birthday with your family, they'll be awake even after midnight.
You and the family drove to the airport to catch a early 8pm flight back. Aunt Ines was very fortunate to get an emergency booking to Seoul.
Your uncle and cousin also escort you and Aunt Ines back to the airport. Aunt Ines will visit you for a month to make sure you are safe from the Oracle's curse. You wonder why Aunt Ines looked so saddened when she looked at you when she thought you didn't notice.
On board the flight you just smile up to her, "Tía Ines, no te preocupes que todo va a estar bien. Tengo la parte y entiendo que algunas visiones todavía pueden ocurrir. Pero ahora estamos a salvo. Gracias tía. Te amo tanto. "Aunt Ines, don't worry everything will be ok. I have the portion and I understand that some visions might still occur. But we are safe now. Thank you, Aunty. I love you so much. "You press her wrinkled hand that was resting next to you on the armrest.
Aunt Ines chuckled softly, "No te preocupes, chica, creo que estoy un poco estresada por este asunto que me ha ocupado desde la muerte de tu abuela. " Don't worry my girl, I think I'm just a little stressed out about this issue that had me busy since your grandmother's death. " Her eyes seem far away.
"¿Te gustan mis gramos, tía Ines?"You love my grams, Aunt Ines? "you smile warmly.
She nod, "Sí, estábamos muy cerca, Ella amaba a su alma gemela tanto y fue tan trágico cuando él murió tan temprano y tuvo que criar a su hija todo por sí misma, sólo me alegro de que no estuviera por ahí para ver a su madre sufrir bajo el yugo. Me falta ella todos los días. Su vida con todas esas terribles visiones era demasiado para soportar. "Yes we were very close, She loved her soulmate so much and it was so tragic when he died so early and she had to raise her daughter all by herself, I'm just glad she wasn't around to see your mom suffer under the yoke. I miss her every day. Her life with all those terrible visions was too much to bear. " she softly stated but then her eyes lit up like sparkles, " Ahora todo lo que necesitamos cuidar es el compañero de alma que está destinado a conocer. Afortunadamente la porción está preparada"Now all we need to look out for is the soulmate that you are destined to meet. Luckily the portion is prepared"
You inhaled deeply as you entwined your fingers, you have to come clean but you don't know how to start the topic. You don't want your family to know so soon.
But your Aunt sacrificed so much for you and this family and it was just right for her to know.
"La tía Ines--Aunt Ines---" you hesitantly call her name. She sat with her eyes closed.
Your aunt's eyes flutter open as a soft smile grazes her face.
""¿Sí... bebé?"Yes...baby? " Her full attention is drawn to you.
""Se trata de la cuestión del compañero de alma..."It's about the soul mate issue---" you inhaled deeply.
Her eyebrows raised as her attention was drawn to your nervous eyes, she was waiting for you to expand.
You bit your lips, with apprehension,"Algo extraño ocurrió cuando me trasladaron a mi nueva escuela...Creo que podría haber conocido a mi alma compañera ya---" Something strange happened when I got transferred to my new school...I think I might have met my soulmate already---" You were not prepared for the utter shock that flashed over your aunt's face.
Her eyes were wide.
""Oh Dios mío, h... ¿cómo ocurrió? ¡Tenemos que ir a trabajar!...dime cómo te conociste?Oh, my gosh baby, h...how did it occur? We need to get to work!...tell me how you met?"
She was visibly excited, but you still feel apprehensive as you recall your experiences... the first day you met Yeonjun in a vision... Your encounters and his puzzled behavior in starting to have a strong pull on you.
"¡Oh mío! El pobre va a tener los mismos síntomas que tu abuela... Debe estar tan confundido...Tienes que encontrar una manera de conseguir la porción dentro de él. Él necesitaba ser alma-ciego ASAP. El sistema y Oracle seguirán compitiendo. ¡Oh, Luna! La elección que hagas será crucial para la supervivencia de ambos." Oh my! The poor boy is going to have the same symptoms as your grandmom... He must be so confused---You need to find a way to get the portion inside him. He needed to be soul-blinded ASAP. The system and Oracle will still compete. Oh, Luna! The choice you made will be crucial for both your survival." She looked hyped up.
""La tía Ines... es un nuevo ídolo. Nosotros... ya nos hemos besado y yo... ya lo quiero, tía. ¿Cómo voy a elegir? Tengo tanto miedo de que el oráculo exija algo. ¿No crees que la decisión del oráculo es demasiado conveniente? ¿No hay una trampa para nosotros, tía?Aunt Ines... He is a new idol. We...we already kissed and I...love him already Aunty. How am I going to choose? I'm so scared that the Oracle will demand something. Don't you think the decision of the Oracle is too convenient? Isn't there a trap for us Aunty. " you asked with your eyes filled with tears.
How will you give your soulmate up?
Her hand pressed your hands, her eyes just as teary as yours, "Oh Luna---si él está contigo en la misma escuela, las probabilidades son muy altas de que te separes. Sus señales de alma reaccionarán en su proximidad. Esto va a ser tan complicado. En ninguna circunstancia podéis hacer contacto visual entre vosotros" Oh Luna---if he is with you at the same school, the chances are very high that you will half-bond. Your soulmarks will react in your proximity. This is going to be so tricky. You can under no circumstances make eye contact with each other" She inhaled deeply as if her mind was now in overdrive.
"Luna bebé. Tenemos la porción lista. Dices que vas a ir a un campo de liderazgo" Luna baby. We have the portion ready. You say you'll be going to a leadership camp" she asked, in a deep thoughtful mode.
You nod.
""Es increíble, ahora necesitamos planear cómo conseguir la porción en él. El oráculo se asegurará de que se choquen entre sí e incluso le dará visiones más horribles de él, que usted no puede ignorar. Todavía quiere que elijas para que pueda irse o permanecer en tu vida. El sistema te obligará a vincularte... "Awesome, now we need to plan how to get the portion in him. The Oracle will make sure you bump into each other and even give you more horrid visions of him, that you cannot ignore. It still wants you to choose so that it can leave or stay in your life. The system will force you to bond... "Her whole demeanor was suddenly energized.
Your told your aunt about the vision you got in Mexico about him getting hurt at the music show.
Luckily your aunt booked business class tickets for you and the seats behind you are empty. The attendants brought your breakfast and you enjoyed it quietly.
You feel so grateful and somewhat safe that you will have your aunt with you for the whole month. She understood the whole situation.
"No molestes a Luna. Cualquiera que sea la decisión del oráculo, la porción frustrará su búsqueda para obligarle a elegir demasiado pronto. Si podemos simplemente "cegar" a él por al menos un año o hasta que alcances los 18 años. Él estará a salvo por un tiempo hasta que estemos seguros de cuáles son los deseos del oráculo" Don't fret Luna. Whatever the oracle decides the portion will thwart its quest to force you to choose too soon. If we can just 'blind' him at least for a year or until you reach 18 years. He will be safe for a while until we are sure what the Oracle's wishes are"
Aunt Ines sighed deeply knowing that the Oracle already made its' demands.
Luna will be devastated if she is aware of the Oracle's cruel bargain to leave their family once and for all.
So their only option right now is to prevent Luna from bonding with her soulmate.
A/n What will the decisions be?
Thank you so much to all the loyal MOA fans I hope you love the Paranormal TXT fanfic.
Thank you for every vote and comment and even those who added the book to their readers.
Shout out to all of you.
1. Must Luna be informed about the Oracles' demand?
2. Will the potion work on the soulmates?
3. Any ideas on how Luna can hide from Yeonjun?
4. Will Yeonjun be able to stay away after he drinks the potion?
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