๊งโขโนูญ๐๐๐ ๐ฟ๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐ต๐๐๐ : ๐ธ๐ธูญโนโข๊ง
Ms Shim stood with a few teachers that will be going with the leaders to the camp. In her hand was a neon blue clipboard as she pick of the names of the groups to fill the two closed roofed double deck busses.
The instrumental , Vocal, Dance and Art Clubs were placed in the first bus, the Sport Club only had the presidents of all sport codes that Hamlin offered, Drama, Culinary and Fashion club were in the second bus.
You sighed deeply were you stood next to Eunwoo. You wished that you could've been in the other bus, away from Yeonjun and Yeji. Your nerves were thinly strung as you felt his eyes constantly of you, but you are trying hard not to look at him. The Oracle was at work and tried any means to get you to be near him, one look , one touch it was all needed to half-bond.
You cannot afford to let him know you are his destined soulmate, the whole school is waiting for Yejis' birthday to see if the couple are destined for each other. Yeji thought because they already like each other which was a sure sign for her that Yeonjun will be hers.
Chaeyoung nudge your shoulder," Come Miss Shim gestured for us to board the bus. Gosh, I'm tired. I'm going to use this three hours to sleep. Mr Hak said we will eat at a fast food buffet restaurant in and 1h30 time, so when we get to the camp resort,we can go to our club cabins."She trailed off, pulling you to the luxury bus.
"Let's sit on the top floor, "Dahyun state softly. She doesnt want to be at the bottom with the TXT group and their girlfriends.
You just shrugged and follow your team into the bus. The atmosphere was exiting.
Yeji was still greeting her family, until Yeonjun took her hand and let her inside.
You sat at the window and Dahyun next to you and in front of you was Chaeyoung at the window and Seulgi in the airle seat. The four of you occupied the middle sections. Eunwoo and his friend sat a little further to the front.
Your heart sank when you heard the cheery laughter of Yeji and Lia followed by Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun and Soobins alleged girlfriend, Eunbin. His friends, Woojin and San were extra loud,coming in bickering and bantering.
San was pulling some girls hair while moving to the back seats. Girls were just squealing annoyed at his antics. They all have decided to sat also on the top level. When they were walking passed the airle, the pull was so apparent when Yeonjun passed, he winced when a sudden pain striked his upper arm, you just looked out of the window very much aware of the pull.
Without his knowledge you only felt a little sting, but no pain because your Aunt had foresight when she doctored your soulmark with the dragon fruit portion. You practically felt zero pain or discomfort.
Yeji looked concerned when she slide into her seat by the window. Three rows across from you right at the very back seats. Yeonjun was rubbing his arm.
"Are you okay, Yeon...you look as if in pain," she looked up at his tall frame where he was still standing, rubbing his arm.
He just shook his head, looking around the bus as if he was looking at his friends, but he was trying to locate Luna and when he saw her three rows at the other side, his suspicions deepen, but Luna seem oblivious to his discomfort or the painful pull.
"Erm...I'm okay Yeji. Do you want me to put your little case in the compartment?" He quickly asked, a little distracted.
'No, it's okay...I have nice candy and dried fruit inside. I don't know when we will stop at a gas station or Cafe." She smiled, pulling him down next to her. She had a tan fluffy blanket on her lap when the air becomes cooler.
The bus ride was filled with banter, teasing, and laughter.
You also brought your small pillow and thick fleece blanket, covering yourself while you stared out the window.
Dahyuns' eyes were occasionally staring at Soobin and his girlfriend, Eunbin who sat a few seats to the front of you. She was cutely feeding him fruit pieces. He looked so happy and relaxed in Eunbins' presence.
Dahyuns ' demeanour looked suddenly dejected as you hear her deeply sighed. You followed her gaze and your heart ache for her.
You turned to her and pressed her hand and whisper," Don't worry Eunbin might not be he soulmate in the future."
Dahyun turn to you, her eyes moist," What is wrong with me Luna? I'm so fixated on a boy that practically ignores my existence. He never acknowledged me and I know he finds me exhausting, but I can't help how I feel about him...I like him so much , Luna."her eyes looked very moist.
You inhaled deeply," He doesn't looked like a rude guy. Maybe just give him some space. Just don't approached him please," you say, because you started to realised that Soobin might be the reason why she cried in your vision. Dahyun is such a cheery and optimistic girl and you don't like to see her so melancholic and downcast.
You took out a candy bar out of your cute Mexican sling bag and hand it to her.
" Here, eat it and stop looking at him. Try playing your favourite candy crush game on your phone. What level are you on now?" You tried to slyly distract her from her sadness.
Dahyun eyes lit up," Level 985...do you want to see how I play. I can show you and then you can download it." She says hopefully.
You chuckled softly, "Okay...the road is long. Let's play---"You took out your phone and the two of you sat closer together to play your games. Chaeyoung was sleeping while Seulgi was standing around talking to other classmates.
The road trip from Seoul to Dolsan Island was scenic, and the students' excitement was palpable. The children took selfies, and the vocal group started to sang lively songs.
Even if Yeonjun sitting with Yeji, his gaze often and discreetly drifted to you. You could feel the crackling energy between the two of you but avoided eye contact, ignoring his group's presence.
When you stopped at a gas station, everyone sighed in deep relief, they would like to stretched their legs , use the restroom and buy extra snacks from the convenience store at the station.
Chaeyoung was suddenly awake and she lift herself up and looked at you and Dahyun that were totally engaged in your addicting game.
"Guys do you want to go out for a bit? The air feels a little cooler outside," she asked , pulling her ponytail neatly.
You looked up and than outside where some of the kids were already outside with few teachers. You looked at your phone, it was it was 18h30. You've been on the road for an hour and a half.
"Er I'm good. You guys can go stretched your legs" you didn't looked up again because you on level 20. The game was too engaging. Dahyun just smirk and pulled Chaeyoung out.
Yeji and her girlfriends were all out of the bus to go and stock up on snacks for the camp. You already have enough snacks that you grandma got you.
Yeonjun was standing at the back with San and Woobin chatting about skateboarding. Yeonjun regretfully told them he forgot to bring his board after he heard the resort had good slopes to skate.
You were just waving at your friends who were chatting with some guys on the way to the store.Teachers made sure they were safe as they returned from the store.
Dahyun and Chaeyoung returned with bags of sodas and more snacks. They were each carrying plastic bags of goodies. You just grin.
Eunwoo, always the charming guy, came and placed a big potato chips, chocolate milk and various chocolates bars on your lap, making you smile as you thank him.
"Ah, Eunwoo you shouldn't have" you smile up to him as he just smirk and cheekily winked at you , than turn and walk to his seat. Dahyun and Chaeyoung just chuckled at your flustered face, cause everyone thinks you and the senior are an item.
Chaeyoung laugh softly ,"Eunwoo likes you a lot Luna. You should date him for real. He is sooo boyfriend material" she softly gushed.
You just snort," Not with a strict grandmother like mine. She wants me to wait and only date my soulmate." You softly say, your eyes darting to where Yeonjun and Woojin laughing out loud, hanging out of the window calling Taehyun and Soobin to hurry up.
Then suddenly a cute sophomore in your grade below you rush up to you. He is also a trainee at Source Music agency and since a week ago he was uncharacteristically so in love with you, when you accidentally bumped into him in the hallways.
Minsung admired you openly to the chagrin of your friends. They were teasing you mercilessly.
He had a beautiful wide smile as he hand you the biggest lollipop, "Hi Luna...this lollipop is only for you because you are the sweetest and prettiest girl I've ever met and I want you to have this---" his eyes looked hopeful.
You smiled shyly when the kids around you ooohed loudly, " Thank you Minsung." You give him a thankful nod amid the amusement if your friends. The way he was always declaring his admiration, made your group tease you mercilessly.
He waved and went downstairs.
Yeonjun watched the whole scene with curiosity, his eyes were narrowing at Minsung's boldness. He couldn't understand why this youngster admiration for you, irked him so much.
The sudden discomfort of boys approaching you didn't sit right with him, but he quickly placed a mask of nonchalance on his face for the benefit of Yeji who were discreetly watching his demeanour when the young guy approached the senior girl, Luna.
The bus was again on its way and the sky turned velvety black as the kids on the bus started to settle.There were just quiet chatters here and there.
Dahyun was sitting with closer eyes and you were just watching the dark scenery. Your eyes where watching Yeji and Yeonjuns reflection in the window.
Yeji and Yeonjun sat snuggled in a corner seat sharing discreet kisses. Yejis arms were around his neck pulling him down towards her face and they were kissing each other lovingly.
Their friends were hollering and laughing at the couple. Yeonjun and Yeji just chuckled and cover their faces with her blanket and where you sat your heart was shattered. To see your soulmate so happy and inlove with his girlfriend broke you and you were adamant to get the portion in him no matter how but you have to soulblind him so that you can live your life away from these overwhelming feelings that is out to consume you.
You leaned your head on your window, your face hidden under the blanket, with your eyes filled with tears. How would you survive the camp with Yeonjun and Yeji so close?
As evening fell, the luxury bus's interior lights cast a soft glow. The atmosphere was cozy but charged with unspoken emotions. You were overwhelmed by your feelings, trying to focus on the passing scenery, praying wordlessly for the strength to endure the days ahead.
It was almost 20h00 when the bus stopped at a cute restaurant in Dolsan. You were all hungry and couldn't wait to get some food in.
The boys were first out from the bus. You discreetly wiped your eyes and face with wet wipe, brush your ponytail and follow your friends off the bus.
Dahyun wanted Chaeyoung to take her a cute photo.
You just snorted at her happy face. You hope she will enjoy the weekend camp and stop simping after Soobin who seemed enthralled by Eunbin.
Eunwoo smile as he came to you, take your hand in his and walk to the entrance following the rest of the excited students inside the restaurant. Yeonjun and Yeji were following behind, Yeonjuns' eyes were fixed on your entertwined hands. The school already booked for the 100 students. The establishment will have a big sale.
There were a grand buffet with all sorts of burgers, pizzas, ramen noodles, fried chicken and assorted ice cream and hot desserts on buffet tables.
The students made sure they sat with their teammates. Yeji and her friends sat with Yeonjun; they were the dance club. Although both of them also belong to the culinary club.
You and the instrumental group fortunately sat far away from the dance club near the buffet. You help yourself with a piece of pepperoni and olive pizza , chocolate milk and a small bowl of vanilla and strawberry ice cream for dessert. You don't feel that hungry. Dahyun and Chaeyoung both had hearty burgers, huge sodas and waffles top with fresh fruit and lots of whipped cream.
The atmosphere in the restaurant was warm and lively as numerous waiters attended to the needs of the students. There were six teachers that sat at their table.
At 21h00 you were on your way to the resort. In a few minutes you were all so relieved when you entered the huge ornate gates of the Camp resort.
It was already dark when you drove through the huge gates after security checks had been done. The luxury camp in the deeply settled forest portrayed a quietness.
The dense plants had pathways which were lighted and covered with gentle solar energy-powered lamps that cast yellowish hue on the gravel paths. Every cabin was made of precious dark timber with big transparent glass windows to blend in well with nature.
The cabins themselves were works of art in design and each had private balconies overlooking a calm lake. With soft ambient lights shining from inside, they appeared warm and welcoming.
You were very tired and some of your classmates were yawning.
Ms Shim and Mr Hak, (his wife the dance teacher Ms Hak was at home with their kids). He called all the club leaders to gather around them while the luggage were sorted out.
Eunwoo got the keys to your cabin house. San is the leader of the dance club. TxT, San and Woojin shares a cabin also near the lake and waterfall. Yeji and her friends will have a cabin with the culinary club overlooking the beautiful gardens. Your cabin was a little up the hill side overlooking the lake and dense forest. Chaeyoung and Dahyun were jumping up and down with excitement when Eunwoo gave them the schedule for the weekend.
Four huge cabins overlook the lake, some cabins overlooked a mountain and others the resort gardens and the swimming pools. Each cabin has it's own splash pool and surrounded by wooden rails and decking.
Your group was driven by a game cart to your cabin. All your luggage were neatly pack at the back. Excitement is palpable in the atmosphere. Your cabin had three rooms a TV lounge and small kitchenette. Each room has it' s bathroom.
When you enter with Eunwoo you were astounded by the luxury of the cabin. You even have your own fireplace, wood was already provided. Eunwoo said he will make a fire for you when it's a little cooler.
You and Dahyun choose the room at the far back, Seulgi and Chaeyoung will be together and Eunwoo will have the main bedroom to himself near the tv lounge. He will be like your protector.
Dahyun was super hyped up when she twirl around in your room, admiring the beautiful room. You decided to take a quick shower and just slipped in your double bed, your have placed you duvet cover and pillow on the bed, you feel light and at home...ready to enjoy the most restful sleep.
But that evening at midnight ... a strange vision made you sat up in fright...shivers run-up your spine as if someone had walked over a grave...
A/n: Luna arrived at the camp.
Thank you to all the faithful readers, voters and commenters for your support.
Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. I will love to meet new readers or the shadow readers. โฃ๏ธ
1. Do you think Luna will be able to pull the mission of?
2. Do you think Yeonjun will be able to stay away from Luna at the camp?
3. Must Dahyun give up on Soobin or must she kept on hoping to catch his attention?
4. Will the Oracle pull the soulmates together at the camp?
5. Do you think Yeji will confront Luna?
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