My Brother's Keeper
Lola dramatically collapses onto the ground in the middle of the woods, "No it's okay, you keep doing your thing." She closes her eyes, taking deep breaths, "I'm just- I'm just gonna lay here for a sec."
Lola slightly opens one of her eyes as Stefan stands over her blocking the sun, "You've done one push up."
Lola glares up at her brother, "One too many. When you called wanting to hang out I didn't think it would have been this."
"You always said you were stronger than me." Stefan reaches out his arm, pulling Lola up to stand, "Well now you're not. You should at least try and build up your strength now you're human."
"You're a dick." Lola remarks, she glares at Stefan as he puts boxing gloves on her hands, "Just because you're channelling your anger towards Elena through working out doesn't mean I should join in."
Stefan smirks, "Oh yeah? Says the girl who needs to let go of her anger towards Klaus." Stefan turns and grabs boxing pads, he looks back over to Lola who continues to glare at him, "Come on, you're my sister. I know you. I know when you're angry." He claps his hands in the boxing pads together and holds them out, "You wanna talk about it?"
Lola shrugs, "What's there to talk about?" She punches one of the boxing pads, "Okay fine, I get why he's angry. So what, I had second thoughts." She punches again, harder, "But he's making a big deal of half a conversation he heard." Lola punches again and again, "Then put his bloody wrist in my face practically demanding I drink it but I said no." And again, "Now he's pushing me away even more." Lola punches once more before stepping back and taking a deep breath.
Stefan shrugs, "A bit like you did when you thought he died but then came back?"
"Who's side are you on?" Lola snaps, she rips the boxing gloves off, "I'm finished now, I'm laying back on the floor."
Stefan rolls his eyes as he watches his sister collapse back onto the floor, "You can't avoid him forever when you live in the same house."
"Sure I can. I avoided you for a month in 1862."
Stefan scoffs, "Yeah only because I caught you sneaking out at night with George Lockwood after you told Damon there was nothing going on between you both."
"Because there wasn't anything going on!" Lola looks up at Stefan who has an amused look on his face, "I hate you. Do more push ups and shut up while I close my eyes for a second."
Stefan's phone begins to ring as he starts doing push ups again, resting his hands against two wooden logs. Lola zones out not listening to the conversation until she flinches hearing Caroline shouting down the phone,
"What do you mean you're not coming? I don't need to remind you that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks. Besides, you're a founding family member, by definition you have to be here."
Stefan continues doing push ups, growing agitated at the mention of socialisation, "Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere."
"Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?"
Lola silently laughs as she continues to lay on the ground, she looks over to Stefan who starts doing push ups even faster, "Oh, I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore." Stefan stops doing push ups and lies down on the ground beside Lola.
"Well, you can't. As your sober sponsor, I am not going to let that happen. Try and sublimate."
Stefan stares up at the sky in silence for a moment, "She said she has feelings for Damon."
"What?! She can't have feelings for Damon! He's...Damon. And you' And I'm – revolted. You know, I'm gonna talk to her. I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain."
Stefan sighs heavily as he sits up straight, "Yeah, well I don't know what good that'll do. Elena's right, being a vampire really has changed her."
"All the more reason you need to cure her. And remember, there is sublimating and then there is insanity." Caroline pauses on the other end for a moment, "Is Lola with you by any chance? She was supposed to be here half an hour ago."
"Uh-" Stefan looks over to his sister confused as she quickly comes to her feet, bringing her index finger up to her lips, shaking her head profusely. Stefan looks at her with a smug grin, "Oh wait, yeah, here she is. Say hi, Lo."
Lola drops her arms to her sides, looking at Stefan unamused, "I hate you."
"Lola Salvatore!" Caroline shouts down the phone, "Get your butt over here now and help!"
"I don't remember ever saying I would help out." Lola begins to pace with her hands on her hips.
"Yes you did, you said so the other night after Adrianna left."
"Ha!" Lola shouts as she stops pacing and points towards the phone Stefan is still holding, looking smug "I didn't even see you that night."
Stefan clears his throat, looking up at Lola as his brows knit together, "Uh, Lo, how do you think you got home that night?"
Lola laughs, "Well you, obviously."
Stefan purses his lips, shaking his head, "Guess again."
"Wait." Lola's jaw slacks, "Caroline? You took me home?"
Lola cringes to herself as she starts to remember parts of that night, she runs hair hands through her hair, "It was you holding my hair back, wasn't it?"
"Yes it was me! And you said that you would help out today because of your history with the Miss Mystic Falls pageant!"
Lola scoffs as she starts to circle around Stefan who is still sitting on the ground, "Oh so you took advantage of me."
"I never took-"
"You took advantage of a newly turned human who has zero alcohol tolerance and who was in a vulnerable state!"
"Just get your ass over here."
Lola stands glancing between a smug looking Stefan and the phone in his hand with Caroline on the other end. She presses her lips together forming a fine tight line, standing in silence for a moment before giving in, "Fine!"
Stefan hangs up the phone and looks up at his sister failing to keep a straight face, he tries to stand up but Lola kicks him in the shin. He falls back down to the floor when the laughter escapes, Lola throws a bottle of water at him, "I still hate you."
Stefan continues to laugh as he watches his sister storm off into the woods, heading back to her car. He comes to a stand, wiping the dirt off himself, "Love you too!"
Lola takes her time driving over to the Lockwood's, mentally kicking herself for offering Caroline help. On a good day, she probably would help her out but with everything else going on especially with Klaus this is her idea of hell. When she pulls up she heads straight into the gardens where she can see Caroline at a distance talking to Elena, whatever they are talking about seems heated the fact Caroline is flapping her arms around.
Lola turns away to try and make a break for it before Caroline sees her, but it was too late as she can hear Caroline shouting after her, "Finally!"
Lola sighs defeated as she turns around, "I hate you."
"No you don't." Caroline links Lola's arm and guides her further into the gardens, "Come and help me set up."
"I'm not even coming to this stupid thing tomorrow, why do I need to help out?"
"You have to go! Like I said to Stefan, you're part of the founding families, you have to be there!" Caroline stops walking and turns to face Lola, flashing her puppy dog eyes, "You can help me talk to Elena too."
Lola pulls a face of disgust, "Why would I help with Elena?"
"Please?" Caroline begs, "You need to tell her how wrong it is for her to be with Damon and not Stefan."
Lola tilts her head as she narrows her eyes to Caroline, "You do realise they are both my brothers, right?" Lola looks over Caroline's shoulder to see Elena standing in the distance, Elena looks over to Lola briefly before quickly avoiding eye contact. A hint of a smirk appears on Lola's face, "Actually you know what? I will talk to her."
Caroline frowns noticing the up to no good smirk on Lola's face, "I don't like that look on your face."
Lola shrugs as she steps away from Caroline, "I don't have any look." Lola plasters a large grin on her face as walks over to the table where Elena is standing polishing the silverware, "Hi, Elena."
Elena looks over to Lola awkwardly, she flashes a smile as she pulls some of her hair behind her ear, "Lola, how are you?"
Lola dramatically sighs as she leans her elbow against the table, "Oh you know, human...and a witch." She picks up a fork from the table and twists it around in her hand as she laughs, "Weird, huh?" She gasps as she looks at the next table that has flowers on it, "I love doing flower arrangements!" She grabs Elena's hand, "Come on, Elena, you can help me out."
Lola drags Elena over to the next table, Caroline follows them cautiously. They all begin to make their own flower arrangements, Elena keeps glancing up at Lola who still continues to have a huge grin on her face making Elena shift uncomfortably.
Caroline glances between the pair unable to read what's going to happen next, she clears her throat, trying to clear the tension, "So, tomorrow should be fun."
"This takes me back, Elena." Lola says as she gestures between them both, "Back when we would get along for more than five minutes. Can you remember the morning before the sixties decade dance? We got along then." Lola puts down the flowers, slowly stepping closer to Elena who nods awkwardly, "That was also when you told me you love Stefan and only Stefan."
Elena's eyes widen, "Lola-"
"And you also said you'd never hurt him." Lola grabs the fork from her back pocket that she was holding earlier, she presses the fork against Elena's throat, "It's funny how the tables turn, isn't it?"
Caroline stands between the pair, lightly pushing them apart, "Okay, Lola, you need to calm down."
Lola scoffs as she drops the fork onto the table, "Relax, I'm not going to do anything. I just wanted to see if I could still freak her out. Guess I can."
Lola walks away smiling to herself, feeling proud that even though she may be human now she can still scare Elena.
Her smile soon fades when she notices Klaus walking towards her with a proud smirk on his face, "So this is where you go when you're avoiding me? Threatening the doppelgänger with silverware."
Lola shrugs, avoiding eye contact with him, "Who said I'm avoiding you? I think you'd find it was the other way round."
Klaus puts his arms around his back as he steps closer to Lola, "Well perhaps we should settle this like the mature couple we can be once in a while."
Lola clears her throat as she looks away from Klaus, trying to hide the sudden heat risen to her cheeks, "Fine."
"How about tomorrow at this event?"
A look of confusion crossed Lola's face as she looked over to Klaus, "Why not when we get home? We live in the same house."
"I figured you'd need a date for tomorrow's shindig."
"What makes you think I'm going?"
Caroline rushes past holding a clipboard, giving a stern look towards Lola, "She is going."
Lola's glare follows Caroline who now stands next to Elena who continues to look uncomfortable towards Lola as though she wants to say something but is too scared to.
Lola turns her attention back to Klaus who looks down at the ground as he shrugs, "So you do need a date."
Klaus looks back up at Lola with the look she is too familiar with, the glisten in his eyes that show nothing but love towards her. His puppy dog eyes she would always call it. Their eyes meet making every nerve in Lola's body want to move closer towards him but she fights it.
Lola looks away momentarily, biting the inside of her cheek to try and conceal her smile before looking back over to Klaus, "Okay fine! You can be my date for tomorrow." She turns her head slightly so Caroline can hear, "At an event I don't even want to be part of by the way!" Lola turns to face Klaus who isn't even bothering to hide his infectious grin, she steps backwards pointing towards him, "I already have a dress, so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage, you understand?"
Klaus nods as his smile widens, "I already can't wait, love."
Lola turns to walk away, smiling at herself as she does not knowing Klaus is still watching her in awe.
Elena jumps slightly when Lola slams her hand onto the table Elena is standing by, "Okay, out with it."
Elena avoids eye contact, "What do you mean?"
"You're being even more weird than usual and won't stop looking at me like that. You're creeping me out and I know it's not just because of your continuing drama with my brothers. Spit it out."
Elena starts to fidget with a loose flower before taking a deep breath, "You know when I had the Hunter's Curse?" Lola raises a brow, gesturing for her to continue, "I kept having hallucinations...of you."
Lola's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "You were having hallucinations of me?" Elena nods nervously, Lola hums to herself as she purses her lips, "Like in a kinky way?"
Caroline slams her hands onto the table, looking over to Lola unimpressed, "Seriously?!"
Lola smiles, in a mocking way as she shrugs, "What?! She's already on her second Salvatore she might want to have her way with a third as well." She gestures over to Elena, tilting her head, "No offence."
Caroline scoffs at Lola's comment, Lola looks over to her with her eyebrows draw up in the inner corners, "Can I go now?"
Caroline sighs, giving up trying to get Lola to help, "Fine." Lola starts to walk away straight away but comes to a halt when Caroline shouts after her, "But you better be here tomorrow!"
Lola turns around, flashing a sarcastic grin, "Remind me to not be in this town when there is another event coming up you're in charge of."
Lola wakes the next morning feeling defeated straight away. When Klaus said he wanted to talk at the pageant instead of at home, Lola didn't realise that meant he wasn't going to come home at all. She stayed up for as long as she possibly could, waiting for him to arrive home but he never did. Lola waited until 4am before admitting defeat and falling asleep, now she wakes with dark circles under her eyes. One of the many cons of being a human, sleep is vital.
Lola walks into the bathroom and turns the shower on and starts to get ready for Miss Mystic Falls today, she opens up a pink box, yet another present Adrianna left for her, this one including all sorts of pamper items. Including sheet masks, gel eye patches and hydrating eye cream which are all essential to make Lola look more alive than she feels.
She styles her hair in loose curls and slips into the black dress Adrianna gave her and accessorises with silver jewellery and silver and black heels. She takes a deep breath as she walks down the stairs, mentally preparing herself for whatever is going to happen at today's event.
Lola walks through the busy crowds at Miss Mystic Falls, trying to hide the look of disgust on her face, her idea of hell is being here.
"You're actually here!" A bubbly Caroline shouts over to Lola, "You look amazing."
Caroline pulls Lola in a hug, Lola laughs slightly as she pulls away, "Like I even had a choice. Are my brothers here?"
Caroline rolls her eyes, "Stefan is nowhere to be seen."
"You're kidding, right?" Lola looks at Caroline annoyed when Caroline shakes her head, making Lola scoff, "So I was forced to come here yet he can go and have a day off? Where's Damon?"
Caroline's jaw tightens, the sudden mention of Damon infuriating her straight away, "Don't know, don't care."
Lola's shoulders slump down as she has a downcast expression, "What did he do?"
"Oh nothing, apart from oh I don't know having Elena run after him like she's his little lap dog." Caroline looks over Lola's shoulder with a grimace expression, "Seriously?! There's empty glasses everywhere!" She looks back over to Lola and smiles weakly, "I'm going to go deal with it. I'll speak to you later."
Lola watches a stressed Caroline rush over to bust tables then her attention goes over to Carol Lockwood on stage, "Welcome to this season's Miss Mystic Falls. We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making."
Lola spots Damon standing further in the crowd, he's glaring at a dark haired man who scurries away. Lola stands beside her brother, looking towards the stage, "What are you up to, brother?"
Damon fixates his stare onto the stage also, a hint of a smirk appearing on his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about, sister."
Lola raises a brow over to Damon, "Mhm, tell your face that. So, who was the guy you were talking to?"
"That was professor Shane."
"Huh, so he's the guy who's got everyone rushing around like a bunch of headless chickens."
Damon takes two glasses of champagne from a waiter's tray and hands one over to Lola, "That's him."
Lola takes the glass from Damon, she looks over her shoulder to see Elena standing in the distance, "Care to tell me what's going on between you and Elena?"
Damon shrugs as he takes a sip of the champagne, "What makes you think there is something going on?"
Lola nods in Elena's direction, "Beside the fact she's looking over here right now with pick me girl eyes?" Damon glances over to Elena and briefly locks eye contact with her before looking back over to Lola who sighs, "I know her and Stef broke up. Can you please just think about what you're doing first? I'm not saying this as the bad guy, D, I'm saying this as your sister who loves and cares about you. At least just consider Stefan's feelings."
Damon kisses Lola on the cheek, "I'll speak to you later, Lo."
Lola watches Damon walk further into the crowd with a somber look on her face, she knew this was going to happen. She knew it was going to get to this point between her brothers and Elena.
Her mind forgets all of that when she feels a familiar presence stand beside her, she looks over to see Klaus standing beside her, "Do you think this town will ever be able to host an event without something happening?"
"Honestly?" Lola laughs in a half-suppressed manner, "No."
They both hold each other's gaze, both wanting to say something but neither of them knowing how to even start moving past the tension that has been building up between them for days.
Their attention is then pulled towards Caroline who walks onto the stage, "Hi, everyone, I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning Miss Mystic Falls, it is my honour to introduce this year's Miss Mystic Court." The crowd echoes applause as the music starts to play and the all the contestants wait at the top of the stairs, "We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark."
Each contestant descends down the stairs one by one with the classic pick me smile to be greeted by their escorts. Lola watches on as she remembers her Miss Mystic Falls experience, remembering loathing the entire day. The only positive to that day was she had Katherine to experience it with her, both helping each other on what gown to wear and getting ready together for it.
"You look beautiful, love."
Klaus' smooth voice makes Lola jump out of the memory, the warmth of his breath leaving goosebumps along the nape of Lola's neck. She looks over at him with a hint of a smile, "Thank you."
"And finally, we have a last minute entry, April Young accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert." Caroline announces.
They look over to see April descending down the steps, anxiously looking around for Jeremy who is nowhere to be seen. Applause surrounds everyone when Matt walks up to where the escorts are, holding his arm out for April.
Lola watches as the contestants begin to dance the traditional Miss Mystic Falls dance, "I know you said you wanted to talk while we were here but I didn't think that meant you weren't going to come home last night." She glances over to Klaus, "Where were you?"
Klaus lowers his head, shifting in his spot, "I think we should discuss this some place else."
Lola's jaw slacks as her eyebrows draw together, "You're the one who said you wanted to talk here." She slams her empty glass onto the table beside them and throws her hands up, "Why are we even here then?"
"Fine, friend-tervention!" The volume of Caroline's voice gets Lola's attention, she looks over to see a heated conversation happening between Elena and Caroline. She glances back over to Klaus who continues to look at Lola with a pained gaze. Not wanting Caroline to regret her anger, Lola walks over to her and Elena as Caroline continues her rant, "I think your so-called "feelings" for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment and I don't like it. And the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf."
Lola cautiously steps next to Caroline, looking around to see guests beginning to stare, "Easy, Caroline, you're making a scene."
Elena scoffs, looking at Caroline with a bewildered expression, "Wow, Caroline, thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier."
Elena storms off, leaving Lola standing beside a speechless Caroline. Caroline frowns as she watches Elena walk away, "How did I become the bad guy?"
Lola stands in front of Caroline and sighs, "You're not the bad guy, Caroline. You're trying to be there for your friend. Just go and have a drink, I'll find Damon and speak to him."
Caroline sighs and nods, "Okay. Thanks, Lola."
Inside the house, Professor Shane is alone in a room when Damon walks in. Shane laughs in Damon's direction, "Oh, you again. I must be the least intimidating mass-murderer ever."
"Well, you still never gave me a name. And it's kind of urgent."
"Listen, there is no other name. Look, at any given moment there are five Hunters in existence, all right. Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is. It means finding more than one in a lifetime is next to impossible." Shane walks past Damon and starts to leave the room but Damon vamp speeds in front of him, blocking his path. Shane scoffs, "Subtle."
Damon shrugs with a shit-eating grin on his face, "Like you didn't already know."
Shane tilts his head, "Well..."
"Damon?" Both of their attentions go to Lola who walks into the room glancing at the pair looking confused, "What's going on?"
Shane's mouth gapes open, eyes widening at Lola's presence, "Lola Salvatore?" He walks closer to her, grabbing her hand and begins to shake it, "I can't actually believe I'm in the same room as you, this is amazing. I have so many questions to ask you."
Lola's face turns in disgust as she glares at Shane, "Let go of my hand."
Shane laughs nervously as he removes his hand, shooting them both up, "Sorry, it's just, wow. It's such an honour to finally meet you. You and Klaus Mikaelson were like the original Bonnie and Clyde before Bonnie and Clyde even existed."
Lola shrugs, "Who's to say we're still not like that?" Shane looks at her stunned making her laugh but her laughter doesn't die down until Damon takes her arm, pulling her back slightly.
Lola clears her throat as Shane continues to look at Lola stunned, "I've heard so many stories about you, I'm so fascinated."
Lola leans closer to Damon, "What is happening right now?"
"Is it really true?" Shane steps closer to them, "You're a born again witch?"
Damon stands in between Lola and Shane as he glares at Shane, "My sister isn't answering any of your questions." He turns his face slightly to look back at Lola, "I'll see you back outside."
With a nod, Lola heads back outside. She descends down the steps as 'Amy Winehouse - Back to Black' begins to play. Lola is greeted by Klaus waiting at the bottom of the stairs holding his hand out with a smirk on his face, "Dance with me?"
Lola hesitates for a moment, staring at Klaus' hand then moving her gaze up to lock eyes with Klaus, the glimmer in his eyes that always pulls Lola back in. She ignores the butterflies swarming around in her stomach as she takes hold of his hand without saying a word. Neither of them break eye contact as Klaus steps backwards onto the dance floor guiding Lola onto it. He gently twirls Lola around before pulling her back in, both feeling heat as he places his free hand onto Lola's waist.
Neither of them moving for a moment, both being too busy looking into each other's eyes as all their dances in the past rush back to them. Lola swallows harshly, attempting to get rid of the dryness that has suddenly formed in her throat as the pair begin to dance along to the music, they move in sync with each other without even trying.
Lola looks around, trying to avoid eye contact with Klaus who's stare hasn't left Lola since they began to dance. When Lola looks at Klaus, a hint of colour rushes to her cheeks, which she tries to hide at she raises her eyebrow, "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"
Klaus quirks his lips up ever so slightly, "Just memories."
Lola avoids Klaus' gaze once more, looking into the distance as she clears her throat, "We're fighting remember."
Klaus leans in closer to Lola, tilting his head towards the side of hers, "Perhaps I don't want to anymore."
"Well that's good considering this all started from you only hearing half a conversation."
Klaus pulls away with an amused grin, he looks down at Lola's hand against his own, "You're still wearing your daylight ring."
Lola shrugs slightly, "You grow attached to things when you've held onto them for over a century."
"And what about your attachments to people?" Klaus questions, he smirks as Lola avoids his question. He twirls her once more, bringing her back towards him with Lola's back against his chest. Electricity runs through them both as he places his hand against her waist yet again and sway to the music. His lips brushing against her ear, "You can ignore the question verbally but I can hear your heart beat, love." Lola closes her eyes, trying to control her breathing but immediately failing to do so. Klaus twirls Lola around again, bringing her back so they are now chest to chest, their faces only inches apart, "It's racing which answers my question just as much as words."
"I've just met Professor Shane." Lola avoids Klaus' previous question, "You know, he just compared us both to Bonnie and Clyde."
Klaus chuckles softly, "Well I hope you took offence to that."
"Should I have took offence?"
Klaus raises a brow in amusement, "Bonnie and Clyde were like child's play compared to us, especially if you compare them to us at the start of the 1900s. We made a good team."
Solemnness over comes Lola, eyes starting to fill with sadness, "What about now?" They both stop dancing but remain holding onto each other. A quiet gasp falls from Klaus' lips, his eyes widening at Lola's somber expression, "Do we still make a good team now?"
Klaus freezes in his spot, mouth agape slightly twitching wanting to respond but unable to fathom the right words. Lola breaks away from his hold, glancing down at the floor as she clears her throat and blinks away the tears threatening to escape, "Right."
Lola walks away from the dance floor leaving Klaus, she stops and turns around but Klaus is no longer there. She sighs as she continues to walk away, grabbing a bottle of champagne that was in an ice bucket on a nearby table. Lola walks over the wooden bridge and sits on a bench overlooking the pond on the Lockwood's estate. Feeling just as defeated as she did this morning, Lola takes a large swig of the champagne then arches her neck looking up at the sky wondering what the hell just happened.
"What happened?" Damon's voice makes Lola flinch slightly as she looks up at him. He sits beside her on the bench taking the bottle of champagne also having a drink, "Last time I looked you were dancing with Klaus and now you're sat with a bottle of champagne throwing a pity party for one."
Lola looks towards the pond, eyes feeling heavy, "See that's the thing. I don't understand what's happening. Why it's- why it's all falling apart and why...I can't fix it."
Damon passes the bottle over to Lola again, "Last time I checked, my sister wasn't one to give up especially when it came to those she loves."
Lola takes a sip of the champagne and scoffs, "I don't even know what I am supposed to say to him."
"Yes you do. You're just scared to say how you really feel. But as soon as it's just the two of you without this crowd or anyone else around, you'll just say it."
Lola looks over to her older brother with a dumbfounded expression, "Are you just being nice because then you think I won't say anything about whatever you've got going on with Elena?"
"What? No." Damon wraps his arm around Lola, "I'm saying it because you're my sister and I love you. Granted I'm not Klaus' biggest fan but anyone would be an idiot to not see what you both have is real."
"Did you honestly just say that?" Lola can't help but laugh at the sudden change in Damon's demeanour towards her relationship with Klaus, "Can I get that in writing at least?"
"I never wanted to admit that but when you were, you know." Damon begins, not being able to say his sister died, "No one knew what was going to happen, he knew you were going to come back and he was going to wait for as long as it took. I never thought it was possible for him to care for someone so much."
"I lied when we were younger!" Lola blurts out with her eyes tightly shut. She slowly opens her eyes to see Damon frowning with a confused look on his face. She stands up from the bench, standing in front of him, "I did sneak out and see George Lockwood." Damon's mouth is agape making Lola start to pace around nervously, "Well you're just being so nice which isn't like you lately, I mean no offence, but it's true. Then I was talking about this with Stefan yesterday and-" She looks back down at her brother who is trying not to laugh making Lola laugh, "and I am rambling, I-"
Damon stands up, putting both of his hands against Lola's arms, "I'm your big brother, you really think I didn't know? Of course I knew."
Lola jaw slacks, her eyebrows raise in shock, "Stef ratted me out, didn't he?"
Damon can't help but laugh, "It was so obvious, Lo!"
"Yeah I guess it was, we didn't really keep it hush hush." Lola pulls Damon in a hug, "You're a dick sometimes but I love you."
"Love you too, Lo." He pulls away from the hug, "What are you still doing here? Go and fight your corner."
Lola storms into the mansion to find Klaus leaning against the fireplace in the study, a drink in his hand and his back to the door. Lola steps further into the study, "What the hell was that today?"
"All day you've been giving me whiplash. One minute you're Nik, my Nik, the guy who tells me he loves me every chance he can get. The guy who I watch relax when he talks for hours about art, the guy who I fell in love with. But then it's like three steps backwards and the stone cold exterior comes back and you push me away!"
Lola snaps, a spiteful laugh is heard from Klaus who continues to have his back to Lola, he shakes his head. Lola fists clench together, trying to calm herself down, "Why are you being like this? Stop shutting me out! I don't know what you're so upset about because you won't talk to me! Okay if you're scared then fine, that's fine. But I'm scared too, Klaus! We can't sort this out if you won't talk to me!"
Klaus turns around, eyes filling with a mixture of anger and pain as he steps closer to Lola, "You want to know what I'm scared of? I'm scared of everything!" He throws the glass he was holding, smashing it to pieces against the hardwood floors as his voice rises, "I'm scared to move, I'm scared to breathe, I'm scared to touch you! I can't lose you, Lola. I'm going to lose you at some point and I won't survive it. And that's your fault."
Lola watches as Klaus, stunned, as he turns his back on her again, "My fault?"
"Yes, your fault!" Klaus shouts, turning around to face Lola again pointing in her direction, his eyes becoming glossy, "You made me love you, you made me let you in and now that means nothing because we don't have forever anymore!"
Lola grits her teeth, afraid to blink, not wanting the tears to fall, "I may not be able to be your forever anymore but you'd still be mine. Or at least I thought you would have been."
Lola storms out of the mansion to be greeted once more by the darkness of the night's sky. She looks up towards the starry sky as thunder rumbles and rain begins to fall. She rushes towards her car, climbing into the drivers seat. She rests her head against the headrest, taking deep breaths as the tears begin to fall.
Her shoulders rising and falling raggedy before she starts the ignition and drives away at speed from the mansion. The rain begins to fall heavier as she dials Stefan's number which he soon answers, "Hey, you okay?"
Lola's voice breaks slightly as she speaks up, "Hey, Stef."
Stefan noticing the change in Lola's voice straight away, "Lola? Why are you crying?"
She clears her throat and wipes away the fallen tears, "It's fine, uh, are you at home?"
"I'm at Caroline's. It's not a good idea to be at the house at the minute."
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Elena's staying there."
"What?!" Lola exclaims, being distracted for less then a second which is when she looks back towards the road to see a deer standing in the middle of the road. Lola drops her phone and swerves the car, the tyres screeching.
Stefan hearing everything happen including Lola screaming he begins to panic, "Lola? Can you hear me? Lo, are you okay?!"
Lola slowly looks up to see the car and herself are unharmed, slightly off the road. Lola grabs her phone from the passenger seat, bringing it back to her ear, "Yeah." Lola breathes out still in shock, "Yeah, I'm okay."
"What happened?"
"It was nothing. Uh, why is Elena staying at the house?"
"Well now Jeremy is a hunter, all he can think about is killing vampires. Why don't you come to Caroline's?"
Lola sits up straight in her seat and starts the car again, "No, it's okay. I'll just speak to you tomorrow."
After hanging up the phone, she throws her phone onto the passenger seat and turns the car around and drives straight back to the mansion. It's like the near death experience was the eye opener that Lola needed to tell her she isn't going to give up easily.
As Lola walks back into the mansion, hair now slightly damp from the heavy rain fall she sees Klaus pacing around the foyer. They lock eyes as Lola steps further into the foyer, leaving the front door wide open, "I almost crashed when I left here. I almost crashed into a freaking deer and I'm not sorry about that. I'm not sorry that I almost died yet again. You're mad at me, you're mad that I went after Connor and I expect you'd want an apology from me about that but tough shit, Klaus. You're not getting an apology."
Lola ignores the feeling of her heart beating so harshly it's as though it's going to beat straight out of her chest as she steps closer to Klaus, tears pricked her warm eyes, "I am not sorry for that and I never will be sorry for it. Because of that I was finally able to be what I was suppose to be, I am finally my true self again and you can't expect me to apologise for that! I almost died tonight and all I could think about was I don't want our last conversation to be an argument. We don't know what my future holds, we don't know whether I could become a vampire again or even if I'd want to be one again."
Klaus shakes his head as she storms past Lola, heading straight outside, "I'm not listening to this."
"Yes you are." Lola shouts as she follows him outside, she stays standing on the porch as Klaus descends down the steps, "Nik, don't you dare walk away from me!" Klaus stops in his step, allowing the rain to fall on him as Lola slowly descends down the steps closer to him, "I love you and I always will love you, nothing is ever going to change my feelings towards you. Not even the fact that I'm now a human while you're still a hybrid."
Lola's shoulders broaden as Klaus turns to face her, stray tears falling down his face. She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes momentarily before locking eyes with him again, "I have a time limit on myself now so you can either be there with me during it all and love me even when I'm all old and grey and have disgusting liver spots all over me or I will drive away again but it will be the last time and we are done for good."
Klaus closes the gap between them both, "Are you finished?"
"No!" Lola snaps. Klaus gestures for her to continue but Lola looks away awkwardly, "...yes."
"Good." Klaus' hands suddenly grasp the sides of Lola's face, his fingers moulding through her honey coloured hair as his lips collided with hers. Her hands holding onto Klaus' forearms, in fear if she lets go she'll melt away as the butterflies feel like a monsoon inside of her body. Neither of them caring about the rain hitting against them both.
They pull away from the kiss breathless, Klaus rests his forehead against Lola's not yet opening his eyes, a shaky breath falls from his lips, "I love you." He pulls away slightly, his hands still on either side of Lola's face, "No more running, okay? Ever. Nobody walks out, no matter what happens."
Lola nods, she pulls Klaus closer to her silencing him with a soft peck, "No more running."
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