The Descent
I wake up to the sound of the front door opening and closing. I flutter my eyes open and using my vamp hearing to hear it's Elena coming in, I can hear her walking past my bedroom and going into Stefan's.
I'm obviously happy to see my baby bro in love and all that jazz but I don't want to hear it. I get out of bed and make my way over to my bathroom. I turn on the shower, while it's warming up I put some music on. It's literally impossible for me to have a shower without having some music on.
After my shower, I get out and wrap a towel round me. I walk over to the sink and start brushing my teeth, while still brushing my teeth I walk back into my bedroom and pick out what to wear. I decide to wear a white top, blue jeans and some brown heels. I walk back into the bathroom to change. I dry my hair and leave it hanging in it's natural wave.
Once I'm all ready I put on some jewellery and make my way back into my bedroom. I look up and see Damon standing by my window looking out in a day dream.
"Why don't my brothers ever knock? You know, you could have walked in on me indecent." I say sarcastically.
Damon turns around and looks at me, he looks distressed.
I frown at his facial expression, "What's up?"
Damon sighs and starts to walk towards me, "It's Rose. The bite never healed."
"I thought you said it disappeared like normal wounds do?" I ask confused.
"It did, at first. But last night, it's spread. It's halfway across her shoulder, she's been getting hot and cold flushes all night and this morning. It's like she has the flu. Blood seems to help though." Damon says, he looks worried. It's obvious he cares for Rose, but it's not like he would ever admit it.
"Where is she?" I ask.
"She's downstairs, in the library."
"Okay, come on." I say as I start to walk out my bedroom.
We go down to the basement and grab Rose a blood bag. I grab one for myself too and pour it into a glass.
We walk into the library and see Rose sat by the fire, shivering. Her skin is paler than usual, she has dark circles under her eyes and specs of sweat are all over her face.
"Hey." I say softly as I walk up to her, "You okay?"
Rose doesn't look up, she continues to stare into the fireplace, "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old."
"Well, if you were a bottle of wine..." Damon says as he walks over with a blood bag.
Rose laughs softly, "So I can die. I've lived long enough."
I sit beside Rose and smirk at her, "You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery."
Damon pours some blood into a glass, "Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite."
Rose laughs, "Just a little, fatal to a vampire werewolf bite."
"Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source." Damon says, he holds out the glass of blood to Rose, "Drink up."
I smile at Rose, "Blood heals."
Rose drinks the blood and nods lightly, "Yeah, it does feel like it's working."
"Let's have a look, come on. Let me see." Damon says.
I stand up from where I'm sitting to let Damon sit and take a look at the bite. My mouth opens slightly in shock at the sight of the bite mark, it's spread across Rose's back. It looks like a burn, it's all blistered, bloody and looks like a huge infection.
"How is it?" Rose asks us both.
Damon and I both give each other a worried look. I look back over to Rose and smile, "It's not bad."
Damon nods, "Definitely...better."
I can feel Elena's presence in the room, I look over to the door, "Right, Elena?"
Elena looks shocked at Rose's wound, Rose turns to look over to Elena.
Elena smiles sympathetically, "Um, Lola's right, it's not bad."
"Where's Stefan?" Damon asks Elena.
"He left. I need one of you to talk to him. He's convinced that he has to find Isobel but I think that's gonna upset Elijah." Elena says walking fully into the room.
"No, can do. I'm with Stefan on this one." Damon says as he pours more blood into a glass for Rose.
Elena glares at Damon and then looks over to me.
I raise my hands up, "Yeah I agree with Stefan also, sorry."
"But if you could play nurse for a little while..." Damon says as he walks towards Elena.
Rose shakes her head and smiles, "It's not necessary."
"It is necessary. Elena is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist." Damon says as he walks out of the room.
Elena looks over to Rose & I and then follows Damon out of the room.
I turn to face Rose again and smile, "Keep drinking."
I walk out of the room in the same direction as Damon and Elena.
"Damon. Is she gonna die?" Elena asks Damon quietly as I approach them both.
Damon nods slightly, "Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse."
"Like poison?" Elena asks confused.
Damon scoffs, "I don't know, Elena. I'm not an expert in the field."
"I'm sorry." Elena says softly.
"Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies the better. It's gloomy as hell in here." Damon says in a sarcastic tone and then walks out of the house.
Elena looks over to me defeated. I roll my eyes and sigh, "I'll talk to him. Stay with Rose."
Elena nods and walks back into the room where Rose is and, I grab my brown jacket and I follow Damon outside.
I vamp speed out of the house to see Damon standing outside.
"Was there any need in that?" I ask flinging my arms up in the air.
Damon has his back to me, "Don't start on me, Lola."
"No, I will start on you, Damon." I say, I can feel my anger building up as I walk over to him.
Damon turns to face me and glares at me but doesn't say anything.
"There was no need for all of that back in there!" I raise my voice at him pointing back towards the house.
Damon laughs, "Since when do you care whether I hurt Elena's feelings or not?"
I take a few steps to get closer to Damon, "You and I both know I'm not talking about Elena."
Damon shrugs his shoulders, "This situation just needs to end, I'm sick of having a dark cloud over everything at the minute."
I roll my eyes, "The situation has a name. Rose. This is Rose we're talking about."
Damon scoffs, "And?"
My god I cannot believe him right now.
I cover my face with my hands and sigh. I look back over to Damon, "You can stop with this whole pretending to have no humanity bullshit."
Damon storms over to me and glares, "It's not bullshit. I. Do. Not. Care."
I push Damon away from me and laugh, "You can't lie to me Damon! I know you care! Everyone knows you care! Stop pretending to be someone you're not! I've seen you with no humanity, and this isn't it!"
Damon shrugs his shoulders and raises his voice, "What do you want me to say Lola? You want me to say I care? You want me to say that I feel guilty? Because I do!"
I look over to Damon confused and frown.
"This happened because of me! Jules was after me last night, not Rose!" Damon says looking at the ground.
I look over to Damon sympathetically, "Damon you can't blame yourself for this."
Damon was just about to reply but was interrupted by my phone going off, it's Ric.
I sigh and then answer the phone, "What is it Ric?"
"I've tried to call Damon, are you with him?"
I glance over to Damon, "Yeah, why?"
"The wolf is at the Grill again."
"We're on our way." I hang up and look over to Damon, "Come on." I walk over to my car and Damon gets into the passenger seat.
We arrive at the Grill, we walk in and spot Jules, we start to walk towards us but Stefan stops us in our path.
"What are you doing here?" I ask Stefan confused.
"I'm waiting for the both of you. Listen, there's a lot of people here." Stefan says glancing around the Grill.
Damon rolls his eyes, "Oh, damn. There goes my plan to rip her spleen through her back."
Damon starts to walk away but Stefan grabs his arm, Damon turns around looking pissed."Hey, listen, I know you're upset about Rose." Stefan says.
Damon scoffs, "Why does everyone think that I'm upset about Rose? I'm fine. I don't know if you know this but sometimes, vampires die. I'm gonna have a friendly chat with lady wolf, brother. Ease up."
Damon walks towards Jules' table and takes a seat next to her.
I turn to face Stefan, he's just about to say something to me but his phone rings, he looks down at it then back up at me.
I smile and gesture for him to go, "Go, I've got it covered."
Stefan nods and walks out to answer his phone call. I turn to face Damon and Jules and listen to their conversation.
Jules sighs, "Well, if it isn't the one I meant to kill...I'll have to get that right next time." She says without even looking up to face Damon.
"You won't live to see another full moon unless...unless you tell me how to cure a wolf bite...and then I won't kill you." Damon says as he glares at the wolf.
Jules looks over to Damon, "Promise?"
Damon nods, "Yes."
Jules looks down at the table, she grabs her purse and puts some money on the table.
Jules looks back up to Damon and smiles, "Bite me."
Jules gets up from her seat and tries to walk away but I stop her grabbing her arm and smirk, "Mm, that sounds like a good offer."
Damon stands next to me also blocking Jules from leaving.
Jules laughs, "I'm not afraid of you."
I scoff, "Then you are very, very stupid."
Jules glares at me and then looks over to Damon, "How's your friend? Rose, is that her name? Have the chills started? The unbearable pain?"
Damon grabs Jules' other arm, "If there's a cure, tell me or start watching your back."
Jules tilts her head while glancing between Damon & I, "Did I mention the dementia? It'll eat away at her brain. Soon she'll be rabid. You want a cure? I'll tell you the only cure that exists: take a stake and drive it through her heart."
Jules starts to walk away, I start to go after her but Damon grabs onto my arm and stops me.
I turn to look down at his hand on my arm and then back up at him, "What are you doing?"
Damon removes his hand from my arm, "Let's just go see how Rose is doing."
I nod and we leave the grill and head back to the boarding house.
We get back to the house and notice the door is wide open. We stand in the living room looking round not saying a word, trying to listen out for anything. I see Elena walking down the hallway holding a stake and looking out of the front door.
I quietly creep up behind her and blow against the back of her head. She jumps and turns around to look at me terrified and holding the stake in a defensive position.
I smirk and then look down with a raised eyebrow at the stake that is inches from my chest, "Are you okay?"
Damon walks over to us, "Where's Rose?"
Elena gives both of us a worried look, "I don't know."
Damon scoffs, "What do you mean you don't know?!"
"She-She thought I was Katherine. She tried to attack me so I locked myself in Stefan's room." Elena says still shaken up by everything that's happened.
I sigh, "We need to find her before she attacks anyone."
Damon's phone starts to go off, he answers it and it's Sheriff Forbes. She explains there's been a vampire attack at the high school. We all get in Damon's car and head over to the school.
We arrive at the school, Damon goes off to speak to Liz and I stay by the car with Elena while she tries to call Stefan.
"Hey, Stefan, it's me. I don't know where you are but please call me. It's important." Elena says leaving Stefan a message.
Elena turns to look at me, "Do you know where Stefan is?"
I shake my head, "I've got no idea."
Damon approaches us both, Elena asks Damon the same question, "Hey. Have you heard from him? Do you know what he's up to?"
"My baby brother is not exactly my priority right now. Take this." Damon says as he hands Elena a stake.
Damon gestures for Elena to follow, "Come on, let's go."
We all walk off to find Rose, we walk further down the car park and see Rose attacking a girl.
"Rose, stop!" I shout over to her, she looks over to me as she drops the girl, covered in blood, she runs over to attack me but Damon grabs the stake from Elena and pushes me out of the way and pins Rose down to the ground.
"Rose, Rose! It's me, it's Damon. It's Damon." Damon says trying to calm Rose down as she is struggling in his hold.
Rose stares up at Damon and her vampire features vanish, she remembers where she is. She looks over to the boy and girl she just attacked and starts to cry.
"Did I do this? I never meant to hurt anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone." Rose cries out."I know, I know." Damon says softly.
Rose looks over to Elena & I still hysterical, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Come on, let's get you home." Damon says.
Rose starts to become even more hysterical, "No, I don't have a home, I haven't had a home in so long. Oh make it stop, please make it stop! I hate it, make it stop!"
I'm trying my hardest to keep myself together watching everything unfold. Watching Rose like this is honestly breaking my heart, my eyes start to fill with tears, I look over to Damon who still has Rose pinned down, I can tell he's unsure what to do.
"Damon." I say softly with tears running down my face.
Damon looks up and me and nods, he looks back down at Rose, "Come on." He picks Rose up and carries her to the car.
Elena looks just as traumatised as I am, she walks over to where Damon was and grabs the stake. I put my arm on her back and gesture her to follow me to the car.
Back at the house, Rose is lying in Damon's bed sleeping. Her skin is soaking with sweat and a horrible grey colour. I'm sat on the edge of the bed while Damon is standing over watching Rose sleep. Her eyes flutter open and looks around.
I smile over to her, "Hey."
Rose glances over to me, "I'm sorry." She whispers.
"You went on a murderous rampage. It happens." Damon says smirking down at Rose.
Elena walks into the room, I turn to face her and slightly smile.
"I'm sorry, Elena. I don't like taking human life, I never have." Rose says ashamed.
Damon looks over to Elena annoyed, "You shouldn't be here."
I look over to Damon and frown, "Hey, easy." I whisper.
Elena doesn't say anything, she slowly steps into the room."It's the worst part about it: the hunt, the need to kill, the thirst, the pleasure it brings you afterwards. I wasn't meant to be evil. It hurts." Rose says looking over at Elena.
"Stop talking about it." Damon snaps at Rose and starts to slowly walk away from the bed.
Rose and I both roll our eyes at the same time as Elena walks closer towards the bed.
"Damon's a lot like me. He wants to care but when he does he runs away from it. I'm sorry for what I've done today." Rose says with her croaky voice.
Elena nods her head, "I know." She whispers.
Rose starts to tear up, "And you need to fight. I know that you're scared but you have to do it anyway."
Rose starts to have a coughing fit, I stand up to aid her but Elena walks closer and puts her arm underneath Rose's neck. Rose stops coughing and sighs in relief feeling Elena's touch.
"Why are you so nice to me?" Rose says with her eyes closed.
Elena smiles, "Us humans."
Rose smiles slightly, "You can never forget it, what it's like to be human. It haunts me. It's the only thing that's kept me going. It doesn't hurt as much anymore."
Rose starts to become uncomfortable again and starts to scream out in pain.
I look over to Damon worried, "What do we do?"
"Go." Damon says as he walks past me and sits on the bed and places Rose's head onto his lap.
"Damon..." Elena says worried.
Damon looks over to us, "Just go. I got this."
"Oh god! Make it stop, make it stop! I can't take it anymore, make it stop!" Rose cries out in pain.
I nod, I gesture to Elena to follow me to leave. We both head downstairs, I walk into the living room and pour myself a large glass of bourbon and down the whole thing.
"Are you okay?" Elena asks me softly as I have my back to her.
I run my hand through my hair and sigh, still with my back to Elena, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Look, I know you hate me, but-" Elena says but I interrupt her.
I scoff and turn to face Elena, "I don't hate you." I look away and shrug my shoulders, "I don't particularly like you, but..."
I walk over to the couch and take a seat, I look over to Elena, "It's hard. Watching history repeat itself."
Elena frowns at me and walks over to take a seat besides me, "I'm not like Katherine."
I shake my head and look at Elena, "You're more alike than you choose to admit. You must see the way Damon looks at you."
Elena looks over to me confused, "He can't feel anything, he has his humanity off."
I laugh, "No he doesn't. Elena, you haven't seen my brother with no humanity, when he has it off he is nothing like he is right now."
"Then why does he act as though he doesn't care?"
I shrug my shoulders, "It's just the way we are. Not so much Stefan, but it's what Damon and I are like. We are more similar than we care to admit. Our father hated both of us more than he hated Stefan. After all the beatings you just got used to not showing emotion anymore."
Elena sighs and looks at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry."
I look over to her, "Elena, I'm 167 years old. In that time I've learnt to hide my emotions, so has Damon. We have been through so much over the years and showing your emotion gets you hurt, so we pretty much mastered the whole no emotion thing without actually turning it off. Well, I have more than Damon."
"Have you ever turned it off?" Elena asks.
I look over to her shocked and shake my head, "No. Never. I've seen what it's done to people, I would never do that, no matter how hurt I was."
"I want us to get along, you got along with Katherine didn't you?" Elena says hopeful.
I look over to her, "Just because I was friends with Katherine doesn't mean I condoned what she did to my brothers, Elena. She pitted them against each other, they both forgot they even had a sister because of the stupid love triangle."
Elena sighs, "I love Stefan and only Stefan."
I smile over to her, "Let's hope it stays that way. You should go home, get some rest."
Elena nods and walks out the room. I walk back upstairs to check on Rose and Damon.
When I walk into the room, my heart stopped looking at the scene in front of me. Damon was crying as he held Rose who has a stake through her heart. Damon jumps slightly as he looks over to me hurt so much hurt in his eyes.
I don't say anything, I just walk over to him and pull him into a hug as we both cry. After a few seconds, Damon pulls out of the hug, he wipes away the tears and sniffs, he goes to pick up Rose and says he will deal with the body.
I go into my room and just collapse onto the bed, I am physically drained from the past few days.
Damon comes back from showing the sheriff Rose's corpse and also burying her. He walks in to see Elena sat in the living room.
"You were supposed to leave." Damon says clearly annoyed.
"I did but then I came back to make sure that you're okay." Elena says as she gives Damon a glass of bourbon.
Damon shrugs his shoulders, "I appreciate the gesture. I'm just glad it's over."
Elena looks over at Damon, "You know I don't believe that."
Damon scoffs, "Go home, Elena. Get some rest. It's a whole new day tomorrow."
"Damon, I'm your friend."
"I'm well aware of that." Damon snaps back.
"And a friend usually knows when their friend is hurting." Elena says.
"What do you want to hear? That I cared about Rose? That I'm upset? Well I didn't and I'm not." Damon says, he starts to walk out of the room.
Elena shakes her head, "There you go, pretending to turn it off, pretending not to feel. Damon, you're so close, don't give up. I spoke to Lola, I know about you and her pretending to have the switch off when in fact you don't."
Damon turns to look at Elena, "I feel Elena, okay? And it sucks! What sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me. Jules was coming after me."
Elena sighs, "You feel guilty."
Damon steps closer to Elena, "That would be human of me, wouldn't it Elena? And I'm not human. You want to talk about giving up? That's all you've done is give up! Go home. It's been enough doom, gloom and personal growth for one night."
Elena sighs, she grabs her bag, "Okay, I will."
She looks over to Damon and pulls him in a long hug. She pulls away and looks back at him, "Good night Damon."
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