"I saw that Dean"
"Saw what?"
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Dean huffs out a bored sigh as he drums a beat with his left hand on the steering wheel. He checks his watch and rolls his eyes, noting that it's been around 10 minutes since Juliet and Sam went off to question a witness.
Hearing a small groan from the backseat of the Impala, the hunter turns in his seat and a soft smile tugs at his lips as he watches his daughter's green eyes flutter open, waking up.
"Well hey there, sleepy head. Did you have a nice nap?"
Harlow yawns as she sits up and scans her surroundings, confused at where she is, having just woken up. Her green eyes meet Dean's and it takes her a second to register her father's question but once she does, she nods her head.
Dean smiles. "That's good, bub." The smile on his face starts to strain as his thoughts go back to just the night before when he was woken up by Harlow whimpering in her sleep, having a nightmare about being pulled in the depths of the lake. He had to make her a warm glass of milk just to get her to settle again. His heart breaks just thinking about what his baby daughter went through.
Harlow's small voice brings him out of his thoughts. "Where's Mommy and Unca Sammy?"
Dean leans forward and brushes some of Harlow's hair from her eyes. "They'll be back soon, they're just talking to someone right now."
Harlow furrows her small eyebrows but is satisfied with her father's answer. She watches as Dean takes another quick glance at his watch before biting his lip.
"Tell ya what, smalls. How about you come sit up front with me and come and keep your old dad company?"
Harlow smiles as Dean leans forward once again and unbuckles her booster seat. Juliet and he had agreed to change Harlow from a car seat to a booster seat as she's getting older and can no longer fit in her old one. He lifts her up and over the front bench seat and puts her down next to him.
The two chat happily with each other, Dean glad he's able to distract her even if it is just a little.
After talking for ten minutes at least, Dean looks up and notices Juliet and Sam approaching the Impala. He smiles as they rest against his car window and peer through it.
Dean raises an eyebrow. "Well? What did he say?" Juliet leans in and kisses him before telling him what Max had told them while getting into the car. Juliet makes sure to put Harlow in the back before giving Dean the go ahead to drive off to their next destination.
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Dean pulls the Impala up in front of a house. Harlow pouts at the sight of another unfamiliar house, turning to Juliet. "Anothwer wouse?" Juliet smiles and leans forward to tickle Harlow's sides. "Yeah, I know bub, but this is our last one, right Dean?" The oldest Winchester brother hums in agreement. Juliet frowns, knowing he's preoccupied with something else. Sam looks out of the car window and stares at the house. "So here we are," -he looks down at the piece of paper in his hand, with all the passengers' names on the crashed plane, scribbled on it with their seat numbers jotted down next to them- ",George Phelps, seat 20C."
The four step out of the Impala and that's when Dean, with a shake of his head, decides to voice what's on his mind. "Man, I don't care how strong you are-" Juliet rolls her eyes as she grabs Harlow's hand. "-even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight."
Juliet shakes her head. "Not if you're human, dear. Maybe this George guy was something else." Sam nods his head in agreement. "Yeah, like some sort of creature, maybe in human form." Juliet raises an eyebrow with a deadpan look on her face as she jabs her thumb in the direction of the house. "Does that look like a creature's lair to you, Sammy?"
The tallest Winchester brother turns and looks at the ordinary house, a defeated sigh leaving his lips as the four start making their way toward the front door.
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The Winchester brothers and Juliet, with Harlow on her lap, sit on the couch across from Mrs. Phelps. The hunters examine the framed photo of George Phelps that Ms. Phelps had handed to Sam.
The said Winchester brother looks up, his eyes showing sympathy. "This was your late husband?"
Mrs. Phelps gives a sad smile and nods. "Yes, that was my George."
Dean furrows his eyebrows. "And you said he was"
Mrs. Phelps confirms with a nod. "Mm-hm, he was headed to a convention in Denver. Do you know that he was petrified to fly? For him to go like that.."
Hearing the widowed lady trail off causes Juliet to smile sadly at the woman and she decides to try and distract the lady, knowing that the poor woman's mind must be thinking back to the day he died.
"How long were you married?"
Mrs. Phelps looks up at the sound of Juliet's voice and smiles. "Thirteen years." Juliet takes a breath knowing that now she's going to have to ask the lady what she has dubbed 'The weird questions' but she also knows that she needs to ask them to get some leads, no matter how awkward she feels asking them. She clears her throat. "Mrs. Phelps, in all that time, did you ever notice anything...strange about him, anything out of ordinary, maybe?"
Mrs. Phelps furrows her eyebrows as she racks her head with an answer to that unusual question. "Well...uh, he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean."
Juliet raises an eyebrow as Sam and Dean give each other a perplexed look.
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The three hunters say their goodbyes to Mrs. Phelps and exit the front door, Juliet holding Harlows hand as they walk back to the car.
"Mommy, why were you askwing the lady weird westions?"
Juliet laughs as she scoops up her daughter and tickles her sides causing the little girl to laugh with glee, "Because that's what Mommy's job is, to ask people weird questions so then me, your Dad and Uncle can have some idea on what we're going up against." Harlow hums before nodding her head, understading only some of the words her Mom has said. Juliet puts Harlow down and keeps a watchful eye on her as she runs the rest of the short way back to the impala.
Dean grabs Juliets hand after she sets Harlow on the ground. The brunette looks up at her green eyed boyfriend with a smile on her face at the affection. "And even though you hate it, you still do it." Juliet rolls her eyes at Deans words, "Yeah...well I don't see you jumping in to save me." Dean laughs and kisses her on the cheek. "It's cute seein' you try and word how to ask them." Juliet scoffs and lightly punches Dean on the shoulder, the smile still on her face. She looks over to Sam and sees that he's off in his own little world, she's about to check if he's okay but Sam speaks up instead, "I mean it goes without saying. It just doesn't make any sense."
Juliet nods her head in agreement, now knowing that the case is what's playing on his mind. "I agree with you, Sammy. It doesn't make any sense and we still have bupkis." Dean scoffs a laugh. "A middle-aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified." The older Winchester brother starts to swing his and Juliet's interlocked hands up and down in thought. Juliet looks at him and to their now swinging hands in concern.
Dean voices his thoughts, "You know what we need to do is get inside that NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage." Sam stops and turns to his brother and best friend, nodding his head, "Okay. But if we're gonna go down that route, we'd better look the part."
Juliet smirks, instantly knowing what Sam means. "Oh, this is gonna be funny." Dean looks at her confused but she only smiles innocently, knowing that Dean is gonna hate wearing a suit.
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Dean, Juliet, Sam and Harlow exit the Mort's for style clothes store. The two Winchester brothers are both wearing crisp black suits while Juliet wears a navy blue dress suit. The three now look the part to be Agents and although Harlow won't be joining them in going under cover (She will be staying in the car) she still wanted to have a 'fancy outfit' as the little girl calls it, so Dean and Juliet had gotten her a little navy blue dress, she wanted to match her Mom in color.
Juliet giggles as she sees how umcomfortable Dean's face is, knowing that he hates wearing suits. "Man, I look like the Blues Brothers." Juliet laughs as she stands next to Sam and looks over to her boyfriend as the younger Winchester brother shakes his head.
"No, you don't. You look more like a...seventh-grader at his first dance."
Juliet laughs and pats Sam on the arm "Oh, I don't know Sam. I would say more an eighth-grader." The two bestfriends burst out in laughter and Dean gives them a deadpan look while pointing at the two. "That's not funny. You're not funny." Juliet makes a gesture with her middle finger, "I'm funnier than you." Dean goes to reply but the suit distracts and annoys him. "I hate this thing."
Sam rolls his eyes at his brother, "Hey. You want into that warehouse or not?"
Juliet walks up to Dean and straightens his collar. The brunette stands on the tips of her toes and leans in close so that the tips of their noses brush against each other. She then moves her painted red lips so they brush against his ear as she whispers, "I happen to think you look sexy and maybe, if you play your cards right, you could wear that suit later in bed, if y'know what I mean." Juliet kisses his ear and backs away to raise a suggestive eyebrow at Dean and bites her lip as she sees his adams apple bob up and down as he swallows. He looks down at his suit. "Actually, You know what? I don't mind it."
Juliet smirks and sends him a wink with a blow of a kiss. The brunette then saunters away with a sway in her hips.
Dean sighs as he swoons for her and her only, he shakes his head to get out of his daydream and follows after her. The four get into the Impala, Sam in shotgun. Dean starts her up and they head off to the warehouse. Juliet, silently hoping that nothing will go wrong and their cover works without a hitch. They won't be there for long, 5 minutes at most. They'll be in and out.
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The three hunters enter the warehouse and show their fake badges to the security guard, who doesn't bat an eye as he lets them inside with a a nod of his head. Juliet whistles as they walk alongside the plane. "Wow, she's pretty banged up." Sam and Dean nod their heads in agreement.
Dean pulls something out of his pocket, a device. Juliet watches as Dean puts a pair of earbuds in his ears. Sam turns and looks at the device in his brothers hand and raises an eyebrow at what looks like a damaged walkman. Dean looks up at the sound of Sams voice. "What is that?" The older Winchester brother looks down at the piece of kit in his hand. "It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies."
Sam scoffs and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I know what an EMF is, but why does that one look like a busted-up walkman?"
"'Cause it's homemade."
Sam rolls his eyes at Deans grin and nods his head, "Yeah, I can see that."
The smile on Deans face instantly drops which makes Juliet laugh. The brunette walks over to him and pats him on the cheek. "Don't worry, sweetie. I love it." and just like that, the smile is back on Deans face like it never left. The eldest Winchester goes back to scanning and runs the EMF meter over a piece of the plan wreckage, he raises an eyebrow as there's an audible spike in his ears from the EMF. Juliet follows him and crouches down and tilts her head at seeing some sort of yellow dust sitting on top of the wreckage. The huntress narrows her eyes as Dean collects some of the yellow dust on the tips of his fingers and rolls it around. "What is this stuff?" Juliet shrugs her shoulders, she feels like it's on the tip of her tongue, like a vague memory of her and John having a conversation about this stuff but for the life of her, she just can't remember.
The brunette shakes her head, "There's only one way to find out." She looks to Sam who nods his head and walks over to the two. Dean and Juliet move aside and let Sam scrape some of the dust into a bag. Juliet watches as Dean slowly wipes the yellow dust that was on his fingers, onto Sams suit jacket causing the man to look at his brother suspiciously but Dean just smiles.
Juliet clears her throat and rolls her eyes good naturedly, "I saw that Dean." The said man looks up at her, his eyes looking like a deers who's been caught in the headlights but the man reposes his expression and switches it to an innocent one instead.
"Saw what?"
The brunette goes to say something but her hearing picks up something else. Juliet turns to the Winchester brother and makes a motion with her hand for the two to be quiet. "You hear that?" The two boys stay quiet and strain their ears to listen, both of their eyes widen once they hear that two real agents have entered the building to check out the wreckage just like them.
"Homeland security? What, one team of you guys isn't enough?"
There's a pause between the security guard and the actual homeland security officers. One of the agents speaks up, "What are you talking about?" The security guard looks at the two other agents like they have grown another head. "three of your buddies went inside not five minutes ago."
There's another pause as the first agent looks to the second.
The two agents and several security guards bust into the warehouse with their guns drawn but when they look into the warehouse, no one is there. The two agents look at each other and then around in confusion.
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The three hunters peer around the corner and walk out casually. Just when Juliet thinks they've gotten away with it, an alarm blares. The three hunters look at one another before making a bolt for the gated exit. Sam climbs over the gate first followed by Juliet, Dean then takes his suit jacket off and throws it over the gated exit and Juliet catches it as she watches him carefully climb over the bath wire on top of the gate.
Once he's over, he grabs his suit Jacket from the huntress and looks down at it in his hand, "Well, these monkey suits do come in handy."
Sam gives him a look saying 'I told you so'. The three make a break for it to the impala, not wanting to hang around the area where they could still get caught.
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The three hunters and the little Winchester drive back to Jerry's workplace and meet him in his office. Sam pulls out the yellow substance and hands it over to Jerry who puts the yellow dust under a microscope and whatever he sees, the hunters can see as what's under the microscope is shown on a screen.
"Huh? This stuff is covered in sulfur."
Juliet furrows her eyebrows after sharing a look with both Sam and Dean. "You're sure?" Jerry takes a step back from the microscope and makes a gesture for Juliet to check the substance. "Take a look yourself."
Juliet goes to take a look but a loud banging sound makes her jump back in surprise and she's not the only one. Harlow jumps and clutches Dean's right hand tighter, not liking the loud noices. Dean and Juliet share a look as Dean threads his fingers through his daughters hair, knowing that it's the only thing that can calm her down.
"You effin' piece of crap."
Juliet raises an eyebrow while Harlow buries her face in her fathers leather jacket. Jerry, looking pissed off, gives the Winchester family a small smile. "If you guys will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire." Dean nods his head, also looking pissed off and Juliet has the feeling that if Jerry doesn't have a go at the man, Dean will for scaring their daughter.
Juliet smiles at Jerry as he leaves the room. The brunette smiles as she hears Jerry go all 'boss mode' on the worker. "Hey. Einstein." There's a pause. "Yeah, you. What the heck you doing? Put the wrench down-"
The huntress shakes her head and gets back to work. Juliet leans down and looks through the scope and after a few seconds of looking at it, she raises back up to her full height with one of her eyebrows raised. Once again, the word is on the tip of her tongue but she just can't place her finger on it.
Dean seeing her reaction, decides to take a look himself, followed by Sam. Dean hums as he looks up to Juliet and then to Sam -who's just had a look at the sulfur himself- "You know, there's not too many things that leave behind a sulfric residue."
Just like that, something clicks in Juliet's brain that causes her to gasp. The two brothers turn to the brunette in alarm and are confused when they see that she has a smile on her face. The oldest Winchester brother raises an eyebrow at his girlfriend. "Anything you wanna share with the class, doll?"
Juliet, with a smile beaming on her face, points at the two. "Think about it! Dean's right, not many things leave behind sulfur except..."
Sam's eyes widen, now knowing where Juliet's thoughts have gone. "You think it's demonic possession." Juliet snaps her fingers triumphantly and nods her head with excitement. "Bingo." Dean hums, once again, in thought. "It would explain how a mortal man would have the strength to open up an emergency hatch."
Sam agrees, mulling over Juliet's idea in his mind. "If the guy was possessed, it's possible."
Dean shakes his head in disbelief. "This goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean, it's one thing to possess a person, but to use them to take down an entire airplane?" Sam hums in agreement and turns to both Dean and Juliet. "You ever heard of something like this before?" Dean and Juliet exchange a glance, having a silent conversation with their eyes before turning back to Sam and shaking their heads. "Never."
Harlow, who's standing near the microscope, pulls on the sleeve of Dean's leather jacket. The older Winchester brother looks down at his daughter. "Yeah, bub?" Harlow smiles and points to the scope of the scientific device. "I wanna see it." Dean looks to Juliet and the mother of the little girl nods her head. "She can see it, she won't know what it is, but she can see it." With that, Dean lifts Harlow up so she can see into the microscope. The little girl gasps with delight. "What is it, Daddy?"
Dean sets Harlow back onto her feet and looks at her. "Well, sweetheart, it's a dust that only a certain something that goes bump in the night can leave behind." Harlow hums in thought. "Are you wonna stawp it? befowe is can huwt anywing else?" Dean, Juliet and Sam share a smile before the former of the three crouches down and holds both of his daughter's hands. "Yeah, honey. That's the plan."
Harlow smiles at Dean. "You'we my swuperhero."
And just like that, Dean's heart melts with hearing those three words from his pride and joy.
Authors Note
Well would you look at that, I've updated!
I am sorry for the long wait for an update, my laptop broke but I ended up buying one sooner than I thought and here we are, an update posted earlier than I'd thought it would be.
I also apologize for this chapter being short, the next one should be the last part for this episode, so it should be longer and I say it should be the last part because I know what I'm like, but I do want to try and stick to the episodes being three parts long as I plan on writing up to season five in this book.
What did you think of Dean and Harlows little moment in the car, I hope it was sweet for you guys. I feel like there could have been more moments between Dean, Juliet and Harlow but we'll see what the next chapter brings ;)
And I loved the part when they go and get suits, that's one of my favorite scenes in season one as I love Deans reaction to wearing a suit, hopefully I did the scene justice and I hope the scene came out okay with me adding Juliet into the mix.
I hope you all are okay and haven't been missing this book too much. Like I said, I have a new laptop now so updates should be out more frequently for this book, depending on how long it takes me to write the episode, fingers crossed though.
As always, please don't forget to vote and comment as I've missed reading your comments and replying to them, y'all are so lovely with the support and everything, it really warms my heart.
See you all the next chapter ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
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