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Happy reading <3
Chapter twenty-eight
"Entering Eternity"
Part 2
Luna POV
Suddenly, things started happening really fast.
After we finished primping and prepping me, people started vanishing and entering.
A sea of "oh you look so pretty!" and "we're about ready to start" and "Luna are you ready?" clouded over my head in repeat by different voices, as things were being grabbed, and a drape covered me, so no one aside from my wedding party were able to see me in my dress.
"Mom did you grab my bag with my second dress i-"
"Yes honey, I have it. We have everything."
"The flowers, the bouq-"
"Everything, Luna. We have it all under control. Let's just get you married before you turn me into a nervous wreck."
As we walked down the hallway from my room, I caught brief glimses of people taking their seats in the distance, out the far window.
Taehyung & I chose an outside ceremony, full of earth colors - yellows, greens, cream colors. We wanted it to be peaceful. Serene.
Dark green bushes trailing on the right side, leading up the step-up gazebo. Greenish dendrobium flowers graced around the top of the gazebo, along with a select few white hydrangeia and mini-calla lille bouquets.
90 white chairs in even rows of five across, and nine rows back sat in place, lined up on either side of my marble brick pathway, which would be my isle. The last row of chairs had yellow drapery on the backs of them. Every other isle, there were bouquets of mini calla lilies and hydrangeia's tied to chairs.
Four high white dendrobium orchid trees, placed two in the front, near the gazebo, and two in the back, behind the chairs. Each chair had a starfish shell on it, and beneath that was our wedding planner notes, with a history of mine and Taehyung's relationship.
There were three horizontal marble-brick pathways leading up the gazebo. One on the right, one down the middle, and one on the left. All of them led around the back of the chairs, meeting in a large circle. The chairs sat spread between them, with my isle pathway in the middle. Taehyung's mum and Jennie decorated the main isle with petals of white, cream, and yellow roses, as well as more hydrangeia and calla lilies. My bouquet was also made of cream mini calla-lilies, fastened by a white cloth, with a silver ring jewel in the front.
Because it was warm outside, Taehyung's mum had waiters serve our guests cherry-dipped lemon Italian ice on the rocks, inside of long vase-glasses. When rays from the sunlight hit the glasses a certain way, the colors inside seemed to sparkle and sizzle in multi-tones.
I held my breath as we traveled down the stair-case. Our photographer team was running with us, one following me, one with him all day.
I kept trying to convince myself I wasn't going to fall on top of her, because that'd be really bad. I listened to the echoes of multiple sets of heels clicking and clanking around the walls, and tried to focus on my breathing, instead of the many voices surrounding me, asking people questions about routines and songs and stuff. All this anticipation didn't do well for me.
All I wanted to do was get there. To see him. To stand by him.
Entering the lobby, I couldn't see anything but the draped covers in front of me and the exquisite golden ceilings above my head. A few people rushed to my side, event coordinators, wedding planner staff, more photographers. Continuing our movements, we followed through the tall French doors, and behind the trees of the pathway, hidden from everyone else...
My heart, which was still until that moment, started beating more powerful than a bass drum, and faster than wings of a bumblebee.
It felt like there was a fire under my toes, and I wanted to run. I squeezed Yuri and Yoona's hands, while Jennie trailed behind us, holding my train. I could hear in the distance, my mom and Taehyung's mom talking about a few minor second details.
Things started to blur around me, and I quickly shut my eyes, gathering the courage to keep moving.
"Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop," Yuri whispered, as we skidded to a halt at the end of the trees. I was surrounded, and hands started touching me, adjusting my hair, making sure no make up was running, that the dress was in place, that I had my bouquet.
My hands started trembling as they gave it to me, and I felt myself hyperventilating.
"I'm g-getting married," I whispered to Yuri.
"I know!"
"But... I'm getting married."
"Yes you are."
"No, no, you don't understand, I, Luna, am getting married... r-right now..."
"She's falling apart," I heard Jennie say to my right, and suddenly, my mom and Taehyung's mom were in front of me.
"Luna?" Taehyung's mom said, holding her hands out to me, "breathe honey."
"I can do that," I exhaled, looking to the ground.
"This is what you want," my mom said, in a half-question, making sure, since this was the very last moment to bail out.
"Yes, more than anything," I studied the sidewalk, tapping my toe against it.
Quick flashes of my dad and step dad popped in my head but I had to dismiss them in order to get through this. I imagined them up in Heaven, arms crossed, narrowed eyes, staring down at Taehyung, taking dibs on who got to strike him down with lightning first if he hurt me.
I giggled to myself, waving off my friends who looked up at me like I was crazy, "inside joke."
"Mmhmm," Yoona said, raising her eyebrow.
"Oh hush. I'm ready."
I bent down, and gave Alyssa a big hug, "are you ready, sweetie?"
She nodded, clutching her ivory basket to her chest, "Mm'most."
"What's wrong?" I brushed through her hair.
"Tan I wedded him too?"
Okay, now I knew what Taehyung meant by a three year old girl turning him into mush.
"Awe, sweetie," I said, giving her a hug, "I think it's illegal for him to marry two girls at once, unless he lives in parts of Utah or is into a certain religion or something I am not aware of."
She frowned, looking toward her basket, "He will foget about me den."
"Nooo, he loves you very much, and I promise you he won't."
"Pinky," she said, holding her finger up.
I curled mine around it and kissed her head, "okay are we ready now?"
"And you know not to throw the flowers at anyone's face unless they try to trip you."
"Dot it."
"Okay," I exhaled, curling my arm around my mom's.
My mom kissed the side of my cheek, then looked to our wedding planner, "We're ready."
Taehyung POV
I blew out a gust of wind, listening to the ocean on my right, and the melodies from the soft music playing in the distance. Looking out at all of our combined friends and loved ones, a sense of calm washed over me. Normally, during moments this important, I tend to over-analyze and worry, because I want everything to be perfect.
But today, however, I was extremely relaxed. Everything felt as if it fell into it's belonging place naturally, and for that, I was thankful to the keeper of the stars. I didn't panic while I took my spot at the end of the isle, in front of the gazebo. I didn't break momentum when I noticed tears in my fathers eyes, as he, Jimin, and and Yoongi finished seating our guests. I didn't falter when I saw the tops of the French doors opening, knowing that Luna was somewhere tucked behind the drapery and trees.
Only one thing kept me still. And that was the reassurance that this day was seven years in the making, if not almost twenty-five years.
Not only does Luna belong to me, heart and soul, but I belong to her in equal assesions. She and I were meant for each other, and I couldn't be more happy than I was at this moment.
It felt good, to shake our pastor, Joe's hand, and then turn toward our guests, fold my hands in front of me, notice my three best friends to my right, and proudly wait to receive what I had battled to earn. It felt incredible knowing that even the wrong roads that Luna and I chose to take led us to the same destination in the end.
This moment, waiting to see her... Luna has given me truth. She was like fresh air. Standing here, waiting for her, I felt serenity.
We didn't have to fight for each other anymore. We didn't have to fight to make each other see, or to listen, or to come back.
All we had to do was wait for the final pieces and dust particles to set in place.
And they would.
And for that, I would happily stand here for as long as I needed to.
Luna and I chose to do a semi-traditional, mostly unique wedding ceremony. Sure, we wanted to use the same openings and same final vows. But we had also written our own. On top of that, we selected a contemporary song for Luna to walk down the isle to, and mixed a few things around in the middle. We selected segments from classic poetry. Segments from Shakespeare.
We wanted this ceremony to distinguish that she looked at me differently, as did I to her, from the rest of the world. I don't see anyone else but her now.
A picture of her dad in his army uniform sat to the right of the chairs, by the white dendrobium orchid tree, and a picture of Ron in his baseball uniform was placed on the left side of the chairs, next to a mirroring tree. I knew Luna would want them there as well, and hoped she'd like my second surprise.
I could tell from the way the sun was lowering behind me, on my right, that it was any minute before I saw Luna in that dress. It felt like the insides of my legs were Jello-like, but my hands remained untrembling. My mom took her seat in the front row, thanks to my dad escorting her, and she gave me a sweet smile and a short nod.
Now it was time.
The song that we had selected for the arrivals was the acoustic, semi-upbeat melodies of Trading Yesterday, with 'Beautiful'. I selected it because nothing else could describe Luna, and no one else deserved the title of 'beautiful' more than she did in my eyes.
I licked my lips and exhaled, rounding my shoulders. I heard Jungkook, my best man, and me two groomsmen, Hoseok and Namjoon, round their shoulders and re-situate their bodies.
Wind blew tenderly on our backs, and over the guests in delicate waves. The gentle guitar strums surrounded us, the first verse crashed over us. I exhaled in I smiled as Yoona was the first to walk down the long marble isle, in her copperish, strapless dress. Her blonde hair placed gently behind her shoulders, I noticed her wink at Jimin as she passed him, and then focus her narrowed eyes at me. It was her last time she could threaten me bodily harm if I hurt her sister.
I grinned at her and gave her a slight nod, I won't hurt her, Yoona.
After she walked down the flowered marble sidewalk, she turned to my right, and took her spot on the bottom stair case, and the second verse started to on.
Next, was my best friend Jennie, in the same dress as Yoona, with her hair in wide curls and side-swept bangs. Her pace was a bit faster than Yoona's. She smiled up at me, a little misty-eyed, as she came closer. I gave her a reassuring grin, letting her know that I was okay, and that everything was cool. (We had an inside joke that if anything felt off, this would be the part where she faked a broken leg or passed out). She giggled a little but straightened up just as quickly, and I pursed my lips, so I wouldn't start laughing. Leave it to her to get me going.
She gave me one last smile as she passed me, and then took her spot in front of Yoona, on the second to last step.
The chorus came on next, as did Yuri, Luna's maid of honor and best friend. In her strapless, two-toned dress, she steadied her tiny bouquet of carnations in front of her, smiling warmly as she came closer to me. I took the moment to steady my breathing, knowing Luna was getting closer to me. Yuri smiled graciously at Mark as she passed, and from the look of her face, I could tell that she was one of those girls wishing it were her and him next to take on a day like today, and by the look of his face, I could tell he was no where close to being ready for that, though he seemed to care for her.
I chuckled under my breath. It amazed me how different some men and women looked at things.
She took her place on the third step, closest to my right.
After her, was the little girl that would have the ability to steal my heart if Luna hadn't done it. In her long gown, that seemed to gather a few of the flowers on the sidewalk since it was about an inch too long, Alyssa threw the petals of calla-lilies, carnations, and roses high in the sky. A few times, her walk went a little to the right or the left, because she was paying more attention to where they fell than the path in front of her. She giggled as she passed Mark in the isle and shyly waved to him. He waved back, smiling. I'm sure he was just happy she acknowledged him being there, instead of charing off for her mother.
The song broke into an acoustic bridge. She arrived to the end of the isle, and her mom held out her hands for her. Alyssa slipped her shoulders beneath her mom's hands, and turned my way, looking up at me with a wide smile. I gave her a wink, and she giggled, clutching on her mom's hand, careful not to drop her basket with her other hand.
All of family and friends rose to their feet.
On perfect timing with the lyrics, where the last verse came on, I looked up, to find Luna standing in the middle of the circle filled with petals, where all of the marbled brick sidewalks met. Her mother to her right, clutching her free hand. Her hair down, with long, round, bouncy curls in multi-directions, a few bangs swept b out of her face and teased at her crown.
Her dress was nothing I had expected her to wear. It fit her perfect body - every inch of her body - in the most delicious way. Snug. Strapless. Ivory and lace. Tender pink bow below her breasts. Bouquet of cream colored, mini-calla lilies in front of her stomach. She was everything I'd imagined and much more. She was Heavenly.
She was the most purest, honest, beautiful creature I'd ever set eyes on. I knew right then and there that I did not deserve her, nor would I ever. Who on this Earth would be able to deserve something as delicately precious as this angel in front of me?
I almost couldn't take in the dress, as my eyes barely left her face. My heart, however, seemed to somehow beat both faster and slower simultaneously.
I didn't bother trying to figure out how to breathe as I watched her come slowly toward me. I knew it was hopeless.
My lips parted, my eyes glistened in amazement... I was stunned in the most perfect way. Locked in a time where nothing else mattered and it all faded away... All but her and myself, and this isle of petals between us, getting shorter every second.
I struggled to keep my balance, and as soon as she really came to focus, when the sun's rays met the ocean behind me, a breathtaking smile stretched along her face, mirroring my own. I could read her eyes like the back of my hand. She was relieved, as was I. Relieved that we could see each other. Relieved to be standing here. Relieved that nothing was fighting to come between us this time.
The music came to a tender end, and she beamed up at me with pride, holding her mother's hand. Her eyes, like mine and the majority of the people here today, were misty and beautiful. Tender. Sure. I could see her starting to bounce in place, and chuckled slightly.
I knew she was trying to stand still, and that all she wanted to do was to leap in my arms.
That's all I wanted too.
Luna POV
This is it.
This is it, this is it, this is it...
My hands were shaking.
Oh hell, all of my limbs were shaking. I was a trembling, jittery, excited, anxious mess.
After the song ended, the rest of the ceremony was surrounded with wymsical piano melodies of one of Taehyung's favorite composers, Yiruma.
I clutched my mom's hands, looking up at Taehyung's beautiful face. Never in my entire life had I seem someone look more heavenly than he did right this second. Black satin tuxedo, white collared button undershirt, black bow-tie beneath his chin. His hair fixed my most favorite way, well kept, but messy at the same time. His dazzling eyes focused entirely on me. And those full lips of his, parted as he breathed...
It seemed to take forever to get to the end of the isle, but now that I was here, I was a hundred percent ready to jump in his arms and give myself away to him.
Pastor Joe cleared his throat, and smiled from Taehyung, down to me, "Welcome, family, friends and loved ones. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Luna and Taehyung. You have come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union, and to allow Luna and Taehyung to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them. So welcome to one and all, who have traveled from near and far. Luna and Taehyung thank you for your presence here today, and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support, for their decision to be married."
He looked past Taehyung's beautiful form, down toward my mom and I, "Who supports this woman in her marriage to this man?"
My mother, half choked up, in a voice that was barely a whisper, sniffled and replied, "Her fathers and I do."
I shut my eyes, not knowing she was going to say that. I clutched her hand for a moment, willing in my mind to somehow tell her without words that I was okay and that I was happy, just in case she had any last doubts. To tell her that all though she was giving me away, she didn't have to fully let me go. I'd always be her daughter, thick and thin.
I listened as people shuffled, and opened my eyes, to find Taehyung, one foot down on the step beneath him, gentle left hand extended out to me.
Suddenly, all my anxiety went away, as my mom placed my hand into his.
And then, as soon as we touched, and the people behind us sat, and I joined the steps he balanced himself on... I was home.
A wave of emotions hit over me, and I couldn't help the tears forming in my eyes as I gazed across from me to this admirable man. Joy. Love. Happiness. Hope. Fullfilment. Completion.
The both of us blew out a gust of wind as his warm, large hands carefully held my clammy, tiny ones, and we smiled across to each other.
"Luna and Taehyung have asked for me to say a few untraditional readings, which I have joyfully accepted in doing so. The first one I'd like to mention is a tiny segment from Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. It reads, 'Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: Oh, no! It is an ever-fixed mark. That looks on tempests and is never shaken; it is the star to every wandering bark, whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks within his bending sickle's compass come; love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, ...I never writ, nor no man ever loved.'"
Taehyung's thumb brushed along the top of my hand, and I squeezed him tight. Neither of us broke the gaze to look at our guests, or toward our pastor.
Joe continued, "Marriage is perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure of human relationships. No ceremony can create your marriage; only you can do that – through love and patience; through dedication and perseverance; through talking and listening, helping and supporting and believing in each other; through tenderness and laughter; through learning to forgive, learning to appreciate your differences, and by learning to make the important things matter, and to let go of the rest. What this ceremony can do is to witness and affirm the choice you make to stand together as partners. Do you agree?"
"Yes," we answered at the same time.
Taehyung POV
Joe smiled at us, resting a hand on each of our shoulders, "An excerpt from "The Prophet" by Kahil Gibran reads, 'Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; and to bleed willingly and joyfully. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving; to rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; to return home at eventide with gratitude; and then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips.' When I listen to the two of you speak, and witness how the two of you look at each other, I have the uttermost fate that God has seen fit to put the two of you in each other's paths. I can see how your souls mirror each other, proving the definition of a soulmate."
"Taehyung, will you take Luna, to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love her, and care for her, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, for all of the days that you shall live?"
I beamed to her, "I will." God, will I.
He smiled toward me, "Then Taehyung, please repeat after me."
After he spoke, I directed my attention back to Luna, "I Taehyung, take you, Luna, to be my wife, my constant friend and partner, and my love. I will work to create a bond of honesty, respect, and trust; one that withstands the tides of time and change, and grows along with us. I vow to honor and respect you for all that you are and will become, taking pride in who we are, both separately and together. I promise to challenge you, and to accept challenges from you. I will join with you in an ongoing struggle to create a world we want to live in, where love and friendship will be recognized and celebrated in all of our many forms. Our home will be a sanctuary and a respite for us and for those whom we cherish. Above all, I will give you my love freely and unconditionally. I promise to cherish you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity."
Luna POV
Pastor Joe turned to me, with warm eyes and a tender smile, "Luna, will you take Taehyung, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love him, and care for him, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, for all the days that you shall live?"
"I will." Absolutely!
Taehyung grinned, while I repeated the same vows.
"I Luna, take you, Taehyung, to be my husband, my constant friend and partner, and my love. I will work to create a bond of honesty, respect, and trust; one that withstands the tides of time and change, and grows along with us. I vow to honor and respect you for all that you are and will become, taking pride in who we are, both separately and together. I promise to challenge you, and to accept challenges from you. I will join with you in an ongoing struggle to create a world we want to live in, where love and friendship will be recognized and celebrated in all of our many forms. Our home will be a sanctuary and a respite for us and for those whom we cherish. Above all, I will give you my love freely and unconditionally. I promise to cherish you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity."
All eternity... that was my favorite part.
Joe grinned, "May I have the rings please?"
I giggled, watching Taehyung's mom walk the dogs down the isle; one in a doggy tuxedo t-shirt, and the other wearing a doggy dress. Around their silver collars were our rings, in which Jungkook pulled from one, and Yuri pulled from the other.
Taehyung grinned at me as he palmed my ring, and instantly, I knew something was up, by the smile he gave.
I tilted my head at him, trying to solve the mystery before it was his time to speak.
"Taehyung, please place the ring on the tip of Luna's finger, and repeat after me..."
I gasped as soon as my eyes fell on it, and my hand flew to my mouth.
It wasn't my ring. Not the one that he proposed to me with. Instead, was something equally amazing, but more magnificent, in it's own right. A solitaire square diamond, beautiful flawless finish... it was overwhelmingly perfect. I didn't even have time to comprehend it, as I became swept up in his words.
"Luna, let this ring be a symbol of my faithfulness to you Because it is symmetrical, it signifies the honesty of true love, which has no ending, and no beginning. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that I give you all that I am and ever hope to be. I choose you to be my wife on this day, and forevermore."
I watched in amazement as he slid it on my finger, along with a thin, platinum band, tucked gently beneath the same stone.
"Luna, please place the ring on the tip of Taehyung's finger, and repeat after me..."
With trembling hands, Yuri passed to me Taehyung's ring. His mom helped me pick out the dealer, but the ring was all my selection. Thick, flawless platinum, 18ct, with the middle indented in a thin circle, signifying my everlasting love for him.
Taehyung smiled as I put it on his finger.
"Taehyung, let this ring be a symbol of my faithfulness to you Because it is symmetrical, it signifies the honesty of true love, which has no ending, and no beginning. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that I give you all that I am and ever hope to be. I choose you to be my husband on this day, and forevermore."
After the rings, Taehyung and I quickly filled a crystal vase of colored sand from the beach beside us, two hands pouring into one vase, signifying our unity.
"Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, as we have witnessed today, Luna and Taehyung have chosen their paths to connect in eternity, from this day forth. I pray that you will give them strength when they need it, and understanding where they lack. May you look down upon them and guide them through the light, all the way until the end of all time. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. For if one shall lie down, the other shall rest beside, for together they will keep warm."
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres... Love never fails. And though these three remain: faith, hope and love, know the greatest of these... is love."
I smiled as we opened our eyes, and fell into the timeless feel of that moment.
Then Joe quoted our final reading, "From 'Two Fragments' by Sappho. 'Love holds me captive again, and I tremble with bittersweet longing... As a gale on the mountainside bends the oak tree... I am rocked by my love."
Taehyung beamed down to me, and I shuddered slightly. I didn't know he was going to have Pastor Joe quote that. It was one of my favorite sayings.
Pastor Joe turned to Taehyung, "Hey Taehyung, are you ready to be married?"
He laughed, his smile contagious that it filled the faces of everyone around him, "Yes, Sir, I've been ready."
Joe laughed, patting him on the shoulder. I was thankful he could be our Pastor, since he's been Taehyung and his family's since before he was born.
"By the power vested in me, with God as our Holy witness, I now pronounce you husband and wife. ...Taehyung, you may kiss your beautiful bride."
I couldn't help but blush and giggle and bounce as his hands found my waist. It felt as if the marble steps beneath us had vanished, and I started to cradle his face, but realized that wouldn't be enough, so I threw my arms around his neck, and slid into him. I felt the warmth from his palms as he pressed into the small of my back, and trembled as soon as I heard him laugh softly, right before our lips touched. His top lip slid between, and his full bottom lip met beneath mine, and then everything went really hazy. With the way his soft mouth formed against mine, brushing along my lips, savoring every inch, a brief touch of the tip of his tongue against mine... this was the best feeling I had ever had. Our first kiss that signified our forever.
I could hear everyone clapping around us, but all I felt was air. That was when I realized he had twisted us around and dipped me. I giggled, brushing my fingers through as he stood us both up right, and it took everything I had not to jump into his arms and hug him.
Pastor Joe laughed as we continued to rub each other's face, not removing from each other's grasp, "I present to you, with great honor, Mr. and Mrs. Taehyung Kim."
Everyone rose to their feet and started cheering and clapping amidst wiping tears from their faces. I hadn't even realized that I, too, had tears streaming from my eyes. I felt so elated, like nothing in this entire world come harm us. I held onto Taehyung with everything I had, as we walked down the marble brick isle full of petals, hand in hand, heart to heart... I was his wife.
As soon as we got back to the end of the isle, where the circle met, I jumped into his arms and hugged him. Alyssa walked the dogs down the isle, giggling and bouncing with her flower basket. Jungkook and Yuri connected arms next, followed by Hoseok and Jennie, and Namjoon and Yoona.
We had to wait for everyone to get inside of our reception tent before we could enter, for Taehyung's parents wanted to announce us formally again.
Taehyung and I selected the 'Dream Room' to hold our reception. With it's elegant charm, deco and crown-molded ceilings, and golden chandeliers, it suited Taehyung's sophistication. With it's secluded area from the rest of the Ritz-Carlton, and it's romantic lighting, it suited my vulnerability. And, with the charming walls, which turned in color from blue to purple as the night progressed, and crystal fixtures, it was a combination of both our tastes.
The rectangle table for our wedding party was placed at the end of the dance floor, and circled tables with white table cloths were to the left and right of the dance floor, facing us. There were huge vases of yellow, white, and cream roses on each table, crystal glasses, candlelight, and silver place settings.
More crystals hanging with notes our guests have left for us, gift cards and whatnot. We registered at quite a few places so families with different financial backgrounds wouldn't have to struggle if they felt the need to purchase us a gift; most registries were more toward the baby and the house we were aiming to purchase together.
Each table had a name so we could have all of friends and family sitting next to each other where they'd like. Each guest received a pink box, with jewelry donated to us, thanks to Taehyung's mom's friend Jaque Loed, who was a dealer overseas.
Our five-layer cake sat in front of our table, with blinking glimmer lights around it. I thought it'd be neat to have each layer with a different flavor, so there was red velvet on the bottom, followed by German chocolate, then vanilla, then chocolate, then cherry-sprinkle, then cheesecake on the very top. It was covered in a light, aqua-blue icing. On top that, were hand-crafted white icings, in shapes of stylish daisies, lotus, white lilies, roses, and sea shells.
As you entered the reception hall, to the right was a huge picture of Taehyung and I taken in the cabin.
Yoona had taken it, and we weren't even aware she had a camera at the time, or was even around us. I'm still to this day not sure how she even took it. It was the day we escaped, and went out in town, to go bowling and to the mall and out to eat and what not. Him in his jacket, looking down to me, and me smiling in thought, in my jacket. But you could tell by the way he was looking down to me and the way I was drifting off... it was kind of sweet, seeing a candid moment like that. All of the signs were right in front of us.
The picture was framed in glass, and had two pens connecting, where all of our guests could write messages to us, and we could hang it in our house.
Everyone was all ready inside and in their spots, with cocktails and beverages served.
Taehyung held my hand and beamed as we entered the reception hall by announcement, to the rising stance of our friends and family's clapping.
Instantly we were pulled apart, being directed into the arms of our mothers, then my sister and his dad, then passed from aunt, uncle, grandparent, friend, friend, friend, on and on and on.
The both of us had college friends show, as well as a few coworkers. He had Scotty, Andrew, and Jonen, not to mention Aimee, who showed up with what I was assuming to be her fiance or boyfriend or whatever... I couldn't fathom the thoughts of how awkward it'd be if he knew about her and Taehyung's past... And I had Yuri, of course, and Ryan, my partner show. He didn't come with a date.
Taehyung found me before we headed toward them. His three co-workers gave him hand shakes and passed me around for a hug, before Taehyung pulled me to his side, holding me tight. He kissed the side of my head as his friends continued their congratulations and their teasing, which I couldn't help but laugh at. Some of them were pretty funny, if I did say so myself.
After that, we headed toward Aimee, in her green, strapless dress, with her blond hair flowing, and big eyes... For a very split second, I was irritated with her beauty, but then I quickly realized what today meant, and all of that bitterness left just as quickly as it came.
She gave Taehyung a hug while her date tucked his hands in his pockets and gave me a nod of congrats. "Taehyung, I'm so happy for you," she said, rubbing his back.
I beamed as Taehyung pulled me in front of him and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on the top of my head, "Aimee, you remember my beautiful wife, Luna, right?"
"Of course," she smiled, holding out her hand, "you make a beautiful bride, Luna. Congratulations."
I shook her hand and leaned into Taehyung, "thank you very much."
"Taehyung, this is Dale, my boyfriend," she said, turning and gently pulling the cute guy toward Taehyung. "Dale, this is Taehyung, or Doctor Kim, my, uh, mentor."
Taehyung laughed under his breath, and they shook hands. I steadied myself, preparing for a fight. Luckily, her boyfriend seemed utterly clueless of his and her past, as I kind-of wish I still was... that was, until Ryan came up and pulled me out of Taehyung's arms, and into a hug.
"Hey Ryan," I giggled, "thank you for coming."
"You make a stunning bride," he said, then teasingly mumbled to where only I could hear, "shame I didn't ask to you first."
Taehyung reached out and grabbed my hand and I jumped a bit, before leaning completely into him, "Thanks Ryan, I'm very happy."
Ryan shook Taehyung's hand, and for a moment, I was taken back about how they were sort of alike, though Taehyung's engaging beauty had everything over Ryan's 'sexy, bad boy' image. They were both tall, disheveled hair, mysterious eyes, full lips... It was easy to realize why I chose Yoongi over Ryan before. Ryan had too much similarities and I couldn't be reminded of them at that time.
After everyone greeted us, we sat down, and it was time for the speeches once the servers had everyone's meals in place.
Jungkook was up first, and I was laughing before he even started speaking. We all knew how he was.
Taehyung leaned toward my chair, his hand on the back of my neck beneath my hair. I leaned toward him as well, absorbing his warmth in the air-conditioned room.
Jungkook rose to his feet, plinking his fork on the very expensive crystal glasses Taehyung's grandfather purchased specifically for our wedding party. I think the entire room cringed when he did it, afraid it'd break. He adjusted his scarf and grinned, taking in the entire, full compacity of the room, "Hey everyone, how are we all doing tonight?"
Everyone, of course, cheered and replied.
"In case by chance you've been living under a rock and don't know who I am, my name is Jungkook Jeon. I have to tell you, I've been waiting for this day for a long time... Not only because I get to steal Kim's thunder for a while and have all of your attention, but because Taehyung specifically said that I am the best man..." He turned to Taehyung and beamed at him, "It's about time you recognized, asshole."
Taehyung laughed, shaking his head.
"I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight and supporting the two of them. I must admit, some of you even clean up nice... Mr. Kim, I noticed you're not wearing the penny loafer's you've donned all week, so props to you. Now, Mrs. Kim, Taehyung's mother, pulled me not-so-graciously to the side before this and threatened my life if I didn't thank all of you for the gifts purchased to Luna and Taehyung, on behalf of them... my one condition was that I get to keep the most expensive gift of the night. I'm serious, that's the only way I'd do it. I don't care if it's a blender, I get the most expensive. I see you, Aunt Suzy. We all know how you like to give people blenders!"
He laughed, shaking his head, "Hey, this is a great party we've got going here. I bet all of you are just as surprised as I am to find just how many of our friends and family are willing to travel out of state just to get free food and endless open-bar. I know, it stunned me too. I mean, of course, I was going to come. I saw the signs for free beer three hours away. I was on a roll! But... uh..." He chuckled while people whistled to him, "You know, Taehyung once revealed to me that his second-grade nickname was carebear, because he had such a, quote, 'caring heart'..."
Taehyung hid his face in my shoulder, embarrassed, shaking his head.
"I think they all called it brown-nosing, but that's just me. Anyhoo, I always secretly wondered if the nickname meant he had gay notions - especially if you look at the way he dresses and how he's into expensive things... So Luna, I have to say thank you for setting me straight in that, because I was honestly a little worried! I must admit, Taehyung did have a few loves before you Luna. There was Valerie, his first dog, and Monica, his forth grade teacher, who he said he had a crush on... Not to mention whiskey, cognac, cigarettes, and his hidden porn stash.. Pssstttt... Luna, check in his closet for a box marked 'High School stuff'.. You'll find it..."
I had never seen Taehyung's face so red in my entire life, as everyone, including myself couldn't help but laugh.
"Hey, everyone, doesn't Luna look sensational tonight? Absolutely stunning. Taehyung, you just look stunned - or is it stoned - because sometimes, it's really hard to tell. No, I'm just kidding, I'm kidding! But, in all things serious, Dale Carnegie once said, 'Don't ask a man what's important to him. Watch how he spends his time.' And, I have watched Taehyung spend his time, and I can see what's important to him... and that is you, Luna. You have made him so happy... given him a new focus... a new appreciation for love and life. You know, everything will work out as long as Taehyung remembers to remind her of those three little, special words filled with meaning. Come on guys, what are they?"
"I love you," the crowd shouted.
"No, idiots. It's, 'you're right, Luna'," he chuckled. "I'm serious, from what I've heard, it saves marriages. Now, I want everyone, or at least of those who still can, to stand up. Here's to the two of you. May you have all that you desire... and Luna, if he gets out of line, I've got a book full of things you can use against him for blackmail. Cheers! To Luna and Carebear!"
"To Luna and Carebear!" Everyone shouted with a laugh, as we took a sip.
I cradled Taehyung's face in mine, and kissed his cheek, "I like your nickname," I whispered. "It's cute."
He blushed, shutting his eyes, "so embarrassing."
After Jungkook, it was my maid of honor, Yuri's turn. She bit her lip, a little nervous. She wasn't one for big speeches.
"Good evening. For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Yuri, and I am the very proud best friend of our beautiful bride, Luna. While I am not as comical as Jungkook may be, I can admit to being a hopeless romantic. When I look at th bride and groom, I feel a whirlwind of emotions. Luna and Taehyung are a very rare match, and because of this, any emotions they feel, we feel it too... Their passion for each other, the smiles on their face when they look into each other's eye's... they reflect that love... It's quite magical, when you think about it."
She smiled, turning toward him and I, "I never knew Taehyung before he and Luna got back together, so I can't give you any horror stories on him, but I can say that he's perfect for Luna. He's carefree, he's charming, intelligent beyond his years, and has a great sense of humor... Not to mention, a romantic. After the dinner rehearsal last night, I pulled him to the side and asked him to give me a few things about Luna that he loved the most... and he said that it was the little things that make her so special... like the colors of her many blushes, or the different speeds that her eyelashes flutter, or the way her heart dances whenever he's holding her in his arms a certain way... Not to mention her several smiles - I think he said eleven, to be exact - that he seems to have memorized."
"To this day, Luna is the only person who can make me cry for laughing so hard. Luna and I have a lot of fun together. She's always there for me when things get tough, and we have an understanding that goes beyond words. We don't judge, and we don't have to explain ourselves... So when Taehyung came back into Luna's life, Luna didn't have to really say much to make it clear that Taehyung was THE ONE. All of the signs were in place... in special looks, or the way her face lit up whenever he was around... I have a lot of embarrassing and funny stories I could tell you about her, but since this is her special day, I'll leave it alone for now."
"But there is a few secrets that I have heard about marriage, that I thought I'd share with you. If you're clever, you'll always have the last word, but if you're very clever, you won't ever use it. When you're wrong, admit it, and when you're right, stay quiet. Separately you two are remarkable people, but together, you are complete. I read somewhere that love is like a roller coaster. As you two sit side by side, remember to scream at the peaks, hold hands through the dips, laugh through the loops, and enjoy every single twist and turn. For the ride is much better when you share it together. Please raise your glasses for Bella and Edward. We're here because we knew that you two would be here one day... and you two are here because you knew it as well. We love you. Cheers."
I stood from my seat and hugged her, whispering, "I love you, thank you so much for that."
"I love you too."
After that, Taehyung's dad stood to his feet, and stuck his hands in his pockets, "Your mothers and I also wanted to give a toast, if you don't mind...?"
Taehyung stood beside me now at the end of the table and pulled me into his arms, giving his father a gentle nod.
"Well," he began, "I'm going to keep it short and sweet. My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years, your love for each other will deepen and grow constantly, and never diminish with time. Years from now, I hope that you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you loved each other the least... So you'll see how far you two have come. I wish the very best. My love for the both of you."
"Thank you," we said, raising our glass to him.
Next, was my mom, in all her tearful beauty. She cleared her throat, smiling over from me, to Taehyung, "Today has been overwhelming for me, as you can imagine... I'm not going to say a lot, because I'm not sure how well I'll hold up if I do, but I will say that the only thing your dad and Ron would have wanted was for Luna to be loved unconditionally, and to always be protected. I know without a doubt in my mind, that Taehyung will come through with these requests. You can tell by the way he looks at my daughter... I trust that this relationship will last. I love you both."
I wanted to give her a hug, but feared she'd break down and never let me go, so I just blew her a kiss, which she blew one back.
Next, was Taehyung's mother. She brushed her hands down her skirt, smiling over at us, "My babies... Look at you. So stunning, what an incredible couple... I only bring advice to you, which was passed to my husband and I many years ago. Take each day, and cherish your time together. Make it count. Love one another and stand together, no matter what circumstances you are trapped under. Put your love and your family first, and your job and hobbies second... May your love be like the wind... Strong enough to move the clouds, but soft enough to never hurt. So, here's my wish to you... I want you two to love, to laugh, to cry tears of joy, and find that happily ever after that you deserve. Cheers."
"Cheers," I looked up to Taehyung and his hand found my chin, and he gave me a tender kiss.
After that, Taehyung's grandfather took control, telling everyone to eat and whatnot. He placed three huge bowls on our wedding party table, and stuck a wad of cash in each one, and directed the rest of our friends toward the bowls, if they felt the need to donate.
We didn't get interrupted during the food portion. Everyone talked amongst themselves and around their area, while Taehyung and I kissed a lot and fed each other our portions. I didn't drink wine, but didn't mind as he did. I stuck to sparkling cider.
It was the time where we were also given our marriage certificate, signed by Pastor Joe. Pictures snapped while we signed them, and it felt both amazing and weird, to write 'Luna Kim'. But it looked beautiful on print, I must say.
While we ate, he tenderly rubbed along my stomach and reminded me every two seconds how stunning he thought I was, or how thankful he was that we were married, or how he couldn't wait now that we get to spend the rest of our lives together.
After dinner was dessert, and we got to cut the cake. I tried my hardest to narrow my eyes and Taehyung and plead with my lashes for him not to smash it into my face... but as soon as I saw the look in his eyes, I knew it was hopeless. The next thing I knew, the top layer of our cake - the cheesecake part - was all over my face, clumped in his hair, smeared down his jaw, along my collar bone, and hanging from his right shoulder of his tux. I had cake up my nose, cake in a part of my ear. During our battle, I almost knocked over the entire table and the cake, because my heels slipped on the food that hit the ground. Our friends and families were probably close to peeing their pants, watching us two stubborn people battle it out with the top layer of our cake. I never saw so many flashbulbs go off from their cameras.
Jennie and Yoona quickly drug me to the bathroom to clean it all off of me and re-fix my makeup and hair quickly. By the time I got back, Taehyung looked like he hadn't had cake dripping from his chin at all. He was perfect, all over again.
God, was he sexy.
Taehyung POV
Luna came back to me, looking as exquisite as ever.
The room dimmed into a golden shimmer toward the cleaned dance floor, and I held my hand to her, which she gladly accepted.
More consuming emotions swarmed between us as I took her in my arms in the middle of the dance floor. It was a tough decision, but I was glad with the song we picked.
It represented every part of our relationship. Where we are now. Where we've been. How we lost each other, and went to other people, only to find we weren't happy without the other person. How we fought and won each other back. How we've accepted each other with all of our faults. How we look at each other now. And, most important, what we'd do for each other.
Keeping her as close as possible, I place my palms to the small of her back and pressed her into me. Her face found my chest and she breathed me in, her hands sliding slowly up my arms, and around my neck. I felt her trembling in my hands, and knew she was trying to keep herself from crying.
Look into my eyes... you will find... what you mean to me. Search your heart. Search your soul... and when you find me there, you'll search no more.
"It's okay," I whispered delicately in her ear. "It's okay to cry."
"I know," she said, pulling her face back. Her eyes were glistened with beautiful crystal tears, and her chin quivered as she clutched me in her hands, "I'm just crying because I'm happy... Overwhelmed."
"I know the feeling," I said, placing my lips to her forehead. I ignored all flashes around us, everything but the lyrics and her. "Can you believe we made it?"
She sniffled, pulling my neck down toward her. I rested my forehead to hers as we swayed beneath the golden lights.
I brushed my fingertips along her chin and raised her up, pressing my lips to hers tenderly. I felt her face damp from her tears, and swiped them away with my fingers while I continued to kiss her.
She stood on her tiptoes, and hugged me for a moment, caught up in the moment. I lifted her gently off the floor, and placed her feet on top of mine, so we could dance and hug at the same time.
Luna buried her face into the crook of my neck, sniffling, batting her wet lashes on my skin. I could feel how tight she was gripping my jacket, my shoulders. My hands roamed around her back, and since she was on my toes, I found it easier to push my own face into her shoulder. I too, became trapped within the feelings of the moment, and had to pull myself together a little. I'm sure she could feel it in the way that I held her to me, I was just thankful for this day...
She pulled back a bit, her hands finding my hair. I smiled to her and tilted my head, lost in the depths of her beauty. It took me two seconds to lean in and kiss her. I didn't care who was around us, it did not stop me from showing her how I felt in that kiss... Brush of my lips, taste of my tongue, whatever it took.
Luna sighed as we broke for air, but then pulled me back to her, savoring this moment as we kissed again.
As the song came to a close, we didn't stop kissing. Once the DJ, my college buddy Ben, figured out that we weren't going to stop, he quickly changed it to another song and invited the rest of our friends to come out and dance, this time to an older, fast one.
I lifted Luna in my arms, pushing her into me as her head lifted above mine, and we continued kissing. Everyone around us was moving fast and laughing, while we remained in our own, private, safe bubble of romance. It was nice, having the difference.
Eventually, we had to break, and toward the end of the song, they announced it was time for me to dance with my mom. I felt nervous leaving Luna and doing this, since she didn't have a dad to dance to at the same time. But she told me it was fine, and insisted I do it, and said she was going to dance with her mom the next song.
My mom met me in the middle of the dance floor, and placed her right hadn't into my left and her other on my shoulder. I smiled down to her.
"Taehyung," she began, smiling up at me, "you look so handsome. I'm so proud of you."
"Oh yeah?" I beamed, as we glided around the dance floor.
"Of course," she replied. "You went out and did what was intended for you to do. You'll be twenty-six this year, in december. You have a medical career you're aiming for... You have your own place, and are about to buy a house. You have your own car... pay your own bills. You're getting ready to inherit that hospital here in a couple of years... You're about to be a daddy to a beautiful baby boy or girl... But most of all, because you knew you were going to marry Luna. You told me that when you were fifteen, and again when you were eighteen. And even though I fought against it stubbornly back then... I knew it was going to happen. I could see it in your eyes, that raw passion you held for her. I knew that someday, maybe not at eighteen, but someday, you two would cross paths again... As your mother, I wanted to protect you from getting hurt, just as I promised you I would. But when it boils down to it, I just want you to be happy... and you are... as I said, I'm proud of you. Do you know why they call it a 'pursuit of happiness'?"
I shrugged my shoulders, spinning us around slowly.
"Because most people never find it. They just search for it. But the two of you, you seem to have it. That's incredible to witness."
I kissed the side of her head and gave her a hug, "I just want to thank you for being there for me. Not just as my mama, but as one of my best friends too. Even when dad or anyone else is being a dick, you're at least there for me. I owe you a lot."
"Oh honey," she said, brushing my hair, "I love you so much. And so does your father, don't think any different for a second. He just has a hard time handling things when it comes to you... You're all we've got, you know? You're it for us now, and he just wants you to have the best of everything you can grasp. He wants good things for you."
"I know," I exhaled. "I just want him to understand that I'm doing the right thing... With Luna, getting married, having this baby, and just living my life. I know I'm doing the right thing, I feel it."
"Well then you must go with it, no matter what is placed in your path, honey. It'll all work out. It all ready is. Now we just gotta get that baby here."
I pulled back a little so I could look into her eyes, "how are you feeling about the baby, mama? Seriously... since, you know, with my sister's pas-"
"That's my water and bridge mixture, honey. Not yours and Luna's. This baby is a miracle from God... you'll never find anything more amazing then the moment you become a parent. Of course, you'll still hopefully look at Luna the way that you do now... but your heart, it will grow, and learn to love a child just as much..."
"I all ready love our baby," I whispered with a smile. "It's crazy... but every time I see her, I think about the baby, and what she's doing while she carries it inside of her... It's like, this light I saw behind her grew even brighter... She has so much beauty, and our child is going to be just like her, I think. I hope and pray for it. I'm always touching and rubbing her stomach... trying to even out my love all ready, so she knows she's not forgotten, but the baby knows that I'm there as well..."
"That's all you can do honey. Just love them both. They'll return it. I promise."
After our dance, I sat between her and my dad, and watched as Lune danced with her mom.
It was intense to watch the emotions across their faces as they danced. They didn't speak much, both too caught up in their loss. But they'd look at each other and smile through their tears, and I felt proud of her mom for her strength as she held Luna in her arms. Just six or so weeks ago, she was a crumbled mess on the floor... but now she stood tall, and radiant, just as her daughter did... until the second verse.
As the second verse of the song came on, I noticed them stop dancing, both overwhelmed. Luna's hands were trembling as she wiped tears, and her mom covered her face with both her hands. I started to stand, but my dad got to them before I did.
Luna POV
"I'm sorry," my mom sobbed, her hands trembling over her face. "I'm so sorry sweetie."
"It's okay," I sniffled, throat tightening, "we don't have to finish."
As we started to walk off, a hand found my arm, and we stopped. I turned, finding Mr. Kim, face calm.
"H-Hey..." I said, trying to see what he was doing.
"It's okay," Mr. Kim said, rubbing her back, "if you don't mind... I'll finish the dance for you, if you can't. After all, she is my daughter as well."
"Yes, yes, please," she said, giving him a hug, "plus I knew my dad and Ron would love that... especially with you being Ron's best friend and all."
I don't know why, but dancing with Mr. Kim poured more tears from me than it did with my mom... Maybe because he was a dad. Maybe because he was Taehyung's dad. Maybe because he knew me back when my mom was with my dad, or became Ron's best friend after Taehyung and I got together. Maybe because he just claimed me as his daughter now...
I sobbed, sucking in air as he spun me around.
"Luna, how are you holding up?" he whispered, brushing my hair off my shoulder.
I shrugged, unable to speak.
He squeezed me tight, hugging as we danced, "I understand how hard this must be for you... I'm proud of you for coming out here."
"I-I wanted to," I said through a stutter, "it was my idea... but it's hard. I miss my dad. And Ron."
"I know sweetie, but I know that they just wanted you to be happy, and protected... And I know we all had our problems toward the end there, but that's because we love the two of you so much. You're their only child, and Taehyung is mine. We weren't seeing how our families were going to be bonded for life, we were only seeing the hardships that the two of you went through... and it wasn't fair to you guys. And I'm sorry for that."
I shook my head, wiping my face, "you don't have to apologize about that again. We forgive you guys. We know how it looked, how it surprised you guys. But it's in the past."
"For the record," he said gently, pulling back so he could look down to me, "Ron and I used to go fishing on Saturday's, when we both had time to do it, and we'd talk about things... about our families and whatnot. And he said to me that he would put a hundred bucks on the table that you and Taehyung were going to get married. Of course, I disagreed, thinking the two of you were too young, because I was shallow at the time... but he was honest, despite his worries that Taehyung would hurt you again. And he was right. He had that instinct."
I shivered, pushing my face against his arm so I would stop crying, "I wish I was dancing with him."
"I know you do sweetheart... I hope I'm a good third-best."
"The best third-best ever," I lightly giggled.
"I'm proud of you. I know they are too."
"Thank you," I said, as the song came to an end. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek, "for accepting me, as well. In Taehyung's life."
"I'd only accept you now that I've seen his happiness."
"That means a lot."
More dances occurred after that.
Taehyung danced with my mom, and I danced with his mom.
We had our wedding party dances, then we had two dollar dances, one slow, and one fast.
They were fun because we were getting paid to dance with our friends and family, and kind of scandalous, when we got paired up with Ryan and Aimee at the same time. Taehyung looked over at me and we both hesitated for a moment, then we started laughing. What were the odds.
Ryan was a blast as The Dream played in the background. "Wanna give them a show?" he asked, nudging his head toward Aimee.
"No," I elbowed his ribs, narrowing my eyes at him, "you weren't even supposed to know about that. I don't know why I even told you."
"Because I'm your partner and friend, and we work long hours, and shit comes out," he said, spinning me around so he could press himself into me a bit.
I blushed, shaking my head, "you're nuts, do you know that?"
"It's okay to be a bit nuts," at times.
"Yeah, yeah, just keep your hands where my husband can see them."
"I can't make no promises," he teased, playing with my hair as he danced behind me.
I caught Aimee and Taehyung. Taehyung was respectful, one hand on her back, the other hanging to his side. He'd insisted several times that she had no feelings for him, and maybe I was just being silly because I hated anyone who had any type of relationship with him other than myself, but she just gave me a bad vibe.
Sure, she was always sweet during my doctor's appointments, and never called or texted him unless it was to bring him into work... but... Maybe I was just being stupid.
"So what did he ever see in her?" Ryan whispered into my right ear. "She's kind of young and child-looking. Chubby cheeks."
"She does not have chu-" I giggled, but he cut me off.
"Please, Luna. She looks twelve. You... on the other hand, you ahve all the right equipment. But her... nothing. She looks like a vacuum, the way her mouth opens. You could fit a hose in there... which is probably why he liked hooking up with her."
"Ugh, that's disgusting, shut up," I said, turning around and pushing him back a bit.
"My bad, my bad," he laughed, stepping toward me, "I'm sorry."
"You're not forgiven," I teased. "Now unless you want to hand over more money, your song is over."
"Awe come on, I don't get an encore? I flew all the way out here."
"Gotta pay for it."
"I'll pay all night, but I don't think-"
"Hey, Danvers," Taehyung said, cutting us off and slipping between us.
I noticed the grins on both of their faces, but the way they messaged each other with their eyes. Competition.
And for shits and giggles, Taehyung made his point crystal clear when he slid his hand down my body and cupped a hand full of my ass, and said, "I got it from here. Thanks for keeping my wife occupied for me."
"Anytime," Ryan said, winking at me, before Taehyung spun me around and away from him.
I shook my head, wrapping my arms around his neck, "you're so obvious."
"Can't help it," he kissed my cheek. "There isn't a thing he can do now. You're mine."
He growled in my ear playfully, sending shivers down my spine.
"That I am," I said, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
After a while, we did the garter removal and bouquet toss.
Taehyung and I decided to just make it as anyone who wasn't married had to get up, instead of anyone without a date.
And I couldn't believe how excited people got over these things! Scrambling over people, just to get closer.
I was blushing up a storm as they pulled out the chair for me to sit in.
All of his college friends, his groomsmen, his work buddies were front row center, along with his sexy but still sity-nine year old grandfather Victor, shouting, "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!"
"Be nice," I shouted over the music as he walked around me.
All he did was show me a full mouth of perfect white teeth and give me a wink.
Oh God.
Then his friend, our DJ Ben, told Taehyung he was going to have to work for my garter, by dancing for it.
Of course, that made all of his guy friends jump up and down in anticipation, cheering and shouting and encouraging him to "Get nasty with her!" which put the fear of Christ in me.
Them encouraging him was never a good thing when it came to my virtue, I'm sure.
I knew he was going to show off and make me blush as hard as he possibly could.
Holding my breath, I watched as he spun away from me and threw his hands in the air, getting our crowded room to cheer even more than they all ready were. All of his friends joined in, jumping and chanting, looking sexy in their tux' as they swung their arms and fists around, cheering him on and whistling.
"Work for it Taehyung," Ben reminded him. "Go get 'em tiger. Bust a move."
Taehyung laughed and headed my way.
He straddled over my left leg as the verse passed and the chorus came on, and keeping his eyes on me, started to unbutton his jacket. I laughed, trying not to cover my face, as he shrugged the coat off and started spinning it around his head as he pushed his hips toward me with the beat.
Then he jumped back and spun around, so he could booty dance against me. Somehow he managed to climb on my lap, in a reverse cow-girl position, and lower to put his hands on the ground, and practically hump my lap.
His friends, some of them were falling on the ground in laughter as he got back up and then dropped his ass to the ground and brought it back up in front of my face. Then he knocked off the suspenders and let them hang, spun around, and started to straddle my lap again, this time, both legs. I thought the girls were going nuts, as they screamed while he gyrated above me. I couldn't help it. I covered my face. I couldn't stop blushing.
"Work it more Taehyung!" Ben shouted, turning the music up as the bridge finished. "Make Luna want to give it to you... all... night... long!"
The music slowed and Taehyung did more funny booty dances, rocking his hips above me. The song quickly changed to the seductive, raspyness that is 'Bad To The Bone' by 'George Thorogood'.
Then his friends called him over, and he motioned to me with his finger 'one sec' as he ran over there. I watched as they all whispered in his ear, and the evil grin that smeared across his face as he licked his lips.
I shut my eyes, praying he didn't do something too obnoxious in front of our mom's. Being pregnant, they obviously knew we were having sex and all. I mean, I told my mom I wasn't a virgin since college, and anyone who knows how sexy Taehyung is can tell he isn't... BUT I'd rather not have sexual feelings from whatever he was about to do to me, in front of all of them... That would be bad... and awkward.
Taehyung walked around me slowly, eating up all of the attention and cheers he was getting as he taunted me with suspending this embarrassment.
Then, he headed back to his friends, and all of them pushed him onto the ground. I covered my mouth, trying ot figure out what happened, and then shivered as I watched him use his feet to slide himself toward me, on his back across the floor. Again, his friends were on the ground with laughter. I'm sure my face couldn't get any redder as he slid his head and most of his upper body beneath my tight dress. Don't ask me how, only he can do things like that.
I covered my face, feeling his teeth gently nip up my left leg, past my knee, past my inner thigh... going... going... he used his nose, grazing along the garter, then licked beneath it, before pulling up with his teeth. He twisted his body around to where he was facing me and slowly pulled himself back down... He finally came out of my dress, garter between his teeth. He winked as he pulled it out from his mouth and spun it around his finger. Then, somehow managing to avoid all of his jumping friends, he shot it over their heads, and straight to Ryan in the back of the room.
I shook my head at him, unable to stop smiling. I knew he did that on purpose. More points to make clear to him and all.
Ben let me off easier, not making me work for anything, as he put on 'Ladies Night' by Kool & The Gang. All of my girlfriends from school and work, as well as Yoona, Jennie, and Yuri came forth, shaking their hips and clapping their hands above their heads.
I gave them a little show, swaying my hips as I waited for the go. Then, on the count of three, I tossed it above my head. By the time I twisted around, I saw the majority of the girls on the floor, laughing. The bouquet was torn a lot, and Yoona ended up with the stem and one flower, while Jennie ended up with most of the petals.
Taehyung POV
Two hours into the ceremony, I finally got to dance with Alyssa, because I promised her I would. She changed from her dress, to tie-dye jeans, and a blue flower tanktop. She was too cute.
She reached out to me from Mark's knee, and I pulled her into my arms, walking us out to the center of everyone else who was dancing.
"Otay," she said, tugging me down to her by my hand, "wisten and do what it stas to do, 'k?"
"Okay," I laughed, and she walked to the right first, then to the left, then kicked twice in front of her and twice behind her, then spun in a circle, facing another direction. As was all of my friends. So I twisted beside her and started to move with her... four steps to the right... four steps to the left... two kicks to the front... two kicks behind me... then spin in a half circle to face the next direction.
It was pretty fun, once I got the hang of it. She held my hand, giggling as everyone started to cheer her on. Some of my guy friends put little spins to the dance, dropping lower to the ground, or doing moves and thrusts and stuff, while the women started to shake their hips more seductively as the song went on.
Alyssa though, she just bounced around and made sure she stayed focused. I noticed she was like Luna in a way... if she tried to do two things at once, like talk and move at the same time, she'd fall or become distracted.
It made me laugh.
I noticed Luna wasn't around during that song, and started to look over the crowd for her... as the song came to an end, I heard my friends behind me hissing and cursing. I spun around, to find my wife, wearing a dress that should be highly illegal in most states. But fuck me if she didn't look amazing in it...
A strapless, satin, midnight blue dress, which fit every single curve and detail of her body like it was painted on, flowing to a few inches above her knees. She wore blue heels to match, making her still way the fuck shorter than me, but taller than usual.
I literally felt like I should fall to my knees and crawl to her... she looked that damn sexy.
She really was pulling out the nail of my reserve board. She was lucky I maintained myself in front of everyone and didn't attack her and strip all of my clothes off. Because I really wanted to. Very fucking badly.
"Jeeeeesus," I said, pulling her into my arms, "did you paint that on?"
"Do you hate it?" she asked, eyes full of sudden worry.
"Noooo, I most definitely do not hate it," I said, narrowing my eyes at my co-workers who were gawking her backside and whistling, "But I may end up in a brawl by the end of the night."
She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my face toward her as she looked up at me through those damn long lashes of hers, "I just thought... it'd be easier to take off than a wedding dress."
I smirked, licking my lips, "woman, as beautiful as you are, it'll take me about .0.2 seconds to rip anything off of you."
"Who says I'm going to let you rip it?" she teased.
I cocked my head back and studied her expression, challenging her, "who says you won't?"
"Uh... me?"
I shook my head, "baby, be honest... you know that nothing gets between me and your panties, when it comes down to it."
She bit her lip, pulling her eyes from mine, "I'm not going there."
"It's wise that you don't," I said, covering her ass with my palms and staring Jungkook down like he was a terrorist. The ass is mine.
We danced to more songs, upbeat, where she made certain to stick her ass on my dick at any moment possible, thento another song where all of my friends and I surrounded my bride and shook our hips against her and put our booties all over her. She was giggling, covering her face and swatting away everyone's hands but me when they touched her.
After that another song came on, where it was the girls turn to dance around me... and damn, did they do a good job. Of course, I focused mainly on my wife, who dropped her ass the ground and rubbed it up my leg as she rose to her feet. I felt hands all over me, but could only focus on her, as she bent over and pressed in to me. I don't think I breathed for the entire song. We ended that one with a kiss, and all the girls walked away, fed up with our make-out session. Like we cared.
Jennie interrupted us and pulled me to the side, to let me know that Plan Seduce Luna was in plan, "You've got about twelve minutes before you two have got to go, according to your grandpa. Everything's set up."
"Awesome," I kissed her head, "thanks, you're the best."
"Remember that when I do something evil," she teased as she walked away.
I pulled Luna to the middle of the floor and hopped up on the stage, grabbing the mic from Ben's hand. As soon as everyone quit down, I smiled toward Luna, and trying not to laugh when my friends shouted things such as 'take it off!' and 'look at you, you sexy beast!'
"Luna and I want to take this final opportunity thank you all again for your support toward us on this special day. It means a lot that you all have taken time out of your lives to spend with us. A special thank you to my grandfather, and to my mom and dad, as well as Luna's mom, for none of this would have been possible without their love, as well as their piggy banks. ...There's two more songs left that I'd love to dance with my wife to. The last one is one we picked out together, but the one before it is a surprise... I dedicate this to you baby. I love you."
She bit her lip, watching me hop off the stage and head toward her.
We swayed to a steady rhythm, swept up in each other and the music, the soft lighting and the 'awe's' of our friends.
I bent my knees a little, so I could be more toward her height, and brushed the strands of her hair from her face while we danced.
Luna threw her arms around me, sniffling into my collar bone as she pushed her face into me.
Ben cleared his throat and smiled at us, while I put Luna back to her feet.
"Ladies and gentleman, thank you all for coming. Luna and Taehyung's last dance will be taken outside, as Taehyung has two more surprises for his bride."
Everyone started to gather their things, and Luna just looked up at me like I was crazy.
"How many more surprises are there? My gosh... the ring... the songs... all of th-"
"Two more, at least," I shrugged nonchalantly. "Come on, don't you know me by now."
She shook her head, grinning, "you never cease to amaze me."
"That's why you love me," I said, pulling her outside. It was a bit chilly, so I managed to find my tux jacket before hand, and throw it over her shoulders. I caught glimpses of my grandfather and Jennie holding Luna's bags, and gave them a wink.
Once we were outside of the Ritz-Carlton, I pulled Luna to the front, past the elongated pool, and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.
"Remember a long time ago, when we were eighteen, and you and I talked about how all of the cheesy stuff - which we've all ready done, by the way - wouldn't be in any wedding of ours, just as long as the whole world knew we loved each other, because that would be all that matters?"
"...Yes..." she smiled, leaning her head back against my shoulder.
"Well... this is my way of letting the world, or at least everyone in the surrounding area... know that you and I are married."
"What are y-" Her voice was cut off, as gigantic streams of gold shot up through the clouds, exploding into balls of extravagant fireworks, in shades of gold, red, and purple shimmer.
Luna gasped, covering her mouth as everyone cheered and watched the firework show. "Oh my gosh, Taehyung," she said, unable to finish her sentence. Then she shouted, "This is crazy! How do you remember all of these things from back when? Why do you love me so much?!"
I beamed, kissing her cheek as I squeezed her close, "Because you're you."
"Taehyung," she twisted around, watching the firework reflection in my eyes, "Thank you... for tonight. For sharing your life with me."
"Thank you for letting me."
She hummed, and since she had my jacket through her arms and no one could see her ass, I lifted her up in my arms, encouraging her to wrap her legs and arms around me, which she did.
She buried her face into my neck, and we said absolutely nothing while the song played and the fireworks continued.
I rubbed her back soothingly, to the beating of my heart in my chest against hers.
I caught glimpses of Jungkook dancing with Heather, Yoongi and Jennie, Jimin and Yoona, my mom and Dad, her mom and my grandfather, and Yuri, Alyssa, and Mark, as well as everyone else, and smiled into Luna's shoulder, happy that we weren't the only one in love during this moment.
Luna pulled away a little and cradled my face in her hands, looking down to me as I held her in the air, "this is the best night of my life."
I grinned, shaking my head, "mine too."
The rest of the song was spent by us hugging. Not kissing, for that was something obvious, but truly just holding each other and squeezing tight.
So keep breathing, cause I'm not leaving you anymore... Believe it, hold on to me, and never let me go... Keep breathing... hold on to me and never let me go.
We were really running out of time, so we said our goodbye's to everyone and was on our way to the limo. The car ride took sixteen minutes.
Of course, Luna thought that we were going to a different hotel here in San Fran area. I'm sure she imagined that, since the wedding cost a lot of money (even though we didn't pay for hardly ANY of it), plus with everything else we were about to pay for at the start of our lives, that it'd just be easier this way. She honestly had no idea what was up my sleeve for three weeks now.
So when I led her through the airport, she was pretty much questioning and pulling on me every two seconds. All I kept saying is, "Just trust me, just trust me. I love you, please trust me."
We quickly went through all of the bag checks and security, and she blushed as she walked through the machines in her tiny dress. After that I led her to an area where no one else was, and we were ushered outside a tiny pathway, to a private jet - owned by my grandfather.
Again, she was puzzled and astonished, unable to form sentences. We bordered the plane and sat side by side, and all she di was look at me and say, "What's going on?"
"You haven't figured it out yet?"
"We have a fifteen hour flight ahead of us."
"A-Are you kidding me? Where on earth are we going?!"
"It's a surprise."
"No, no, tell me now. Fifteen hours? Taehyung, what is going on?"
I chuckled, lifting her hand and kissing the inside of her wrist, on her pressure point, "Somewhere below Asia."
"Huh?" she asked, and I chuckled at her expression. "As in, Asia, the Continent?"
"Below there?"
I turned and grinned at her, "I'm taking you to our own little paradise for the next week. So, please... relax, give me a long kiss, and enjoy the ride... wifey."
I couldn't help it.
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