Chapter twenty-five
"Decoding Discoveries"
Jimin POV
My back felt like it was burning. My neck was turning into rusting metal. And don't even get me started on my fucking legs.
All of this because I'm trying to squeeze my six foot-two inch frame into a loveseat and sleep.
Why? Because Yoona has been staying over here at my house, since the incident. And I put her ass in my bed.
My cell phone started to buzz around on my coffee table. I groaned, slapping it off the thing on accident. I reached down to pick it off the ground, and blinked, trying to read the screen. It was Harry. My buddy slash work partner. "Hello," I rubbed my eyes.
"Dude, where the fuck are you?"
"What are you talking about?"
"You're supposed to be at the meeting today."
"I thought it was Monday. I don't work today, it's Friday."
"No, you still have to show, dude. It's mandatory. You better get here."
"Christ. All right, I'll be there soon." I hung the phone up and attempted to stretch out, not making it very far. Fucking couch.
"Good morning sunshine."
Startled, I sat up, gasping.
Yoona sat counter-clockwise from me, in the first of my two leather recliners. Wearing one of my t-shirts she apparently stole, and rainbow pajama pants. Her hair looked like a haystack.
"Dammit," I cursed, shaking my head, "don't freak me out until I at least smoke a cigarette. My body can't take it."
"Sorry," she giggled lightly.
"What the fuck are you doing up? It's like... seven-something."
"I was going to ask you if you'd come sleep with me."
"Why not?" she hissed, her happy face gone. "Jimin, we shared a room in the cabin, most days."
"That's different," I scratched my head and sat up, tripping over a pillow that had been knocked off my couch.
"How is it different?"
"This is my fucking house." And because the temptation would be too much.
"My point exactly. You should be sleeping in your bed..." her voice trailed off, as her eyes skimmed down my body.
"What?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.
Her lips formed into a sinful grin, and her teeth dragged along her bottom lip.
"Spit it out, woman."
She cleared her throat, nodding toward me.
I looked down, and noticed I was sporting massive wood through my black pajamas. Shit. I threw a pillow at her, messing up her haystack more. "Shut the fuck up."
"Aww Jimin, I knew that I was hot in the morning, but really, you shouldn't have..."
"Eat a dick!."
She giggled, following me into the kitchen, "Well, I wouldn't have to search very far to find one standing at attention."
"Eat two dicks then."
"I guess I'd have to use you... and my vibrator."
I about dropped the glass pitcher of milk, as I turned, standing inside the open fridge.
She perched herself up on one of my barstools, running one of her manicured fingers along my blue countertop, smirking devilishly.
"You have your vibrator here at my house?"
She nodded, "Duh. I've been here two weeks."
I took a step forward, "Have you been using it in my bed?"
She bit her lip, suddenly looking away.
"Okay," she said, covering her face, "maybe once-twice. Twice."
I scoffed, mentally cursing myself for asking a question that tested my patience even more, "You've got to be kidding me."
"I'm sorry!" she blushed. "But... I mean, I've been here hanging out with you, and you won't even barely hug me for some reason now, and... I mean, I was lonely, and you've been running so many errands and don't have time for your best friend, and I'm all alone in this house and missing that guy/girl interaction... don't hate me. I'm single."
I started my coffee pot and returned the milk to the fridge, before facing her again, "Okay, so here's the deal... I can handle you putting fucking scented candles all over my house, like you've done. I can handle Vogue on the back of my toilet - though I'd like to pretend you never, fucking ever, have to take a crap. I can handle Mint Leaf Tea being in my fridge, though I fucking hate the shit, and I can handle you being terrified of my Cady... But... I can not, and I do mean not, handle you being naked in my bed getting off."
"Why not? It's normal for people to do it."
I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the tempting flashes of her and that toy in my head. "For my sanity, please... use the shower."
"I'm not disgusting. I've washed the sheets since then."
"That's not what I'm talking about."
"I'm sure you do it."
"Of course, it's my bed. But still not what I am talking about."
I licked my lips, leaning my elbows on the counter across from her. Because I can't stand the idea of loving you and not being able to do anything about it... so I definitely won't be able to handle you fucking naked having orgasms without me in my bedroom. "Because... uh... just please."
She chewed the inside of her cheek, and then nodded, "Fine. Will you come sleep beside me then?"
"Can't. I have to go to a meeting."
"You're not supposed to work until Monday."
"Mandatory meeting."
"Ugh," she pouted, frowning. "Jimin."
"What? It's not my fucking choice." And because sleeping beside you would be too hard now.
"But... you're never here. Between hanging out with all your guy friends, to cell phone meetings... you have no time for me."
I walked around, messing up the top of her hair with my hand, "I'm not doing it on purpose. I have to go take a shower."
She started to say something, but quickly shut her mouth, and nodded, frowning, "Okay."
I licked my lips and passed by her, before I picked her up and threw her in that shower with me.
It sucks being in love with your best friend.
Especially one that looks that beautiful and is oblivious to your feelings.
Taehyung POV
I dragged my feet in the kitchen lazily, to find Luna in my t-shirt and boxers, and Jennie in one of Yoongi's clothes, and white pajama bottoms.
They were bouncing around, clinking dishes and cooking something that smelled like heaven.
"Mornin'," I grumbled, sliding my hand around the curve of Luna's ass.
She turned her head sideways to see me.
I pressed myself into the back of her body, and kissed her shoulder.
She grinned, "Good morning sexy."
I smirked, turning my face to the right, and rubbing my nose along her neck, "What are you doing in here?"
"Making you sunny-side eggs, sausage, and toast. There is a fresh pot of coffee brewing, and Jennie made some orange juice."
"Thank you girls," I whispered, kissing her skin. "Did you sleep well?"
She shrugged, biting her lip as she adjusted the heat on the stove, "Not really... I'm nervous."
I stuck my hands inside my over-sized shirt, ran them along her silky breasts, and down toward her stomach, "Don't be nervous. You should be excited."
"But... this makes it real. Today, I mean."
I placed my bottom lip on her lobe, rubbing along it, "I know."
"And... that scares the living daylights out of me."
"Taehyung, you're like totally feeling her up in front of me here."
"Does it turn you on Jennie?"
"Yeah... a little," she admitted, pouring herself a cup of coffee.
I grinned, continuing my feel as I kept my right hand on her stomach and put my left one back over Luna's aware breast, "Don't be scared, love. I guarantee you that... when you see it, you're going to be overwhelmed, feeling every other emotion available... but not scared." I kneaded her breasts, and they were definitely rounder than before... a true first sign of show symptoms, "you smell so good right now."
"Taehyung, I can't cook when you're doing that," she blushed.
I did it more, "I'm sorry. You're so beautiful."
"Okay... I'm going to go wake up Yoongi and leave you two alone to her... cooking." Jennie tossed the oven mitt on the counter, and walked out.
I twirled Luna's body around, and lifted her on the counter beside the stove, giving her a kiss.
"Mmm," she smiled against my lips, "you smell like Colgate."
"Thanks," I said, sucking in her bottom lip.
The heels of her feet found my ass, and she pushed me into her. Her fingers found my hair, and she tugged lightly, pulling her mouth from me, "You are too hard to resist... we better stop."
"Why?" I asked, licking her neck.
"Because... can we have sex if I have a doctor's appointment?"
I groaned, pulling away and pouting, "Fuck. No. She'll probably want to do a pap today."
"Wow," she said, throwing her arms around my neck, "it's been two days now... Has Taehyung Kim ever gone that long without sex?"
"I can always do it in the butt," I smiled, raising my left eyebrow suggestively.
"Over my dead body."
I chuckled as she pushed me away and hopped off the counter, resuming her cooking, "What happened to that 'oh, Taehyung, I want you to do everything with me' that you were saying a couple weeks back?"
"You were drunk."
"So you didn't mean it?"
She smiled toward the pan, refusing to look at me, "We're not going to do that."
Arrogantly, I leaned in, pressing my lips delicately against her ear, "You don't know what you're missing..."
"Yes I do," she said, turning her face so I couldn't do that anymore, "rectal pain. I won't be missing that."
"Trust me," I said, rubbing the small of her back, "by the time we got into it, you wouldn't be moaning about any pain."
"Like hell I wouldn't."
"I promise."
"Taehyung," she said, smiling as she turned to face me, "the day you let me stick a shampoo bottle there on you, is when I'll let you do it. Okay?"
I peeled a banana, and hopped on the counter, keeping my cocky expression, "How about you let me do it when we get married?"
"What if I get you really dru-... Shit. I can't get you drunk. Uh..."
She giggled, "No."
"Luna, I swear, we can work on it, and take our time and... I mean, come on. You'll really like it."
"Taehyung Kim, are you begging?"
"Yes," I frowned, giving her puppy eyes.
She stood between my legs and rose on her tiptoes, pressing her lips to my cheek, "The answer is still no."
Then she stole a bite of my banana.
"I really dislike you sometimes," I replied, pouting like a two-year old.
"Ohhh, wah," she said. "Go get a shower. You're starting to smell."
I lifted my arm, smelling my skin, "I do not. I take two showers a day."
She giggled, flipping my egg over, "I know, but you're too sexy, and if you stay in this kitchen, we may not be having a doctor's appointment today."
I hopped off the counter, smacking her ass and handing her the rest of my banana, "Eat this. You need the protein... and the gag-reflux practice."
She turned, swatting my chest, "Go away!"
"I'm going!"
"Bite me!"
She ran after me, chasing me around the living room, "Oh, don't tempt me, asshole!"
I laughed, holding my hands up, "Okay, okay, I take it back!"
She threw her hands on her hips, as I stayed on the opposite side of the couch.
"Taehyung, I will burn your food."
"I'm sorry."
"Say it like you mean it."
I eyed her down, but couldn't hide my smile, "I'm sorry, my loving, beautiful, sweet, glowing-because-she's-pregnant, fiancée."
She smirked, "I forgive you."
Then she twirled and walked back in the kitchen, "I always win. You'd better get used to it."
"Yeah, yeah," I said, flicking on the television. "Whatever."
"What was that?"
"Nothing honey," I smirked, sitting on the couch, "I love you."
"Mmhmm. That's what I thought. Keep it up mister, and you'll find a surprise in your toast."
I bit my lip and turned to see her. She was so cute. "Luna, I really do love you."
She stopped cooking, and looked over at me, tilting her head, "I love you back, silly."
Yoongi POV
"UNF!" was the sound I made, as Jennie jumped on top of me.
"Wake up!"
"Oh, dear God, Jennie," I lifted her tiny body up, setting her beside me, "you about knocked the wind out of me."
"Ugh," she scowled with a frown, "...What are you saying, that I'm fat? Bec-"
"No, but... knee to windpipe... you know... it happens." I rubbed my chest.
"I'm sorry," she whispered.
I rolled over, pulling her into me to hug her tightly, "I'm okay."
She stroked through my hair, forcing a smile, "Luna and I made you guys breakfast."
"You did? What did you make?"
"Eggs, toast, sausage..."
"Mmmm, sounds delicious."
"Good," she sighed, burying her face into the pillow.
"Why are you up this early?"
"Luna has a doctor's appointment this morning, and I said I'd help her make breakfast because she was so nervous... and I woke you up, because you normally go running about this time, right?"
I smirked, "You remembered."
"Yep. I'm the best girlfriend ever."
"Best girlfriend ever would have run a shower for me too... but you can get a close second."
She popped me on the top of my head with her hand, "Jerk."
I laughed, tickling her, "Sometimes, I am."
"Stop it!" she thrashed around.
I did it more.
"Yoongi! Stop! I can't... stop!"
I buried my face in her neck, and rolled over, pinning her down with my body, "You smell like eggs."
"I helped cook eggs."
"That's why you smell like 'em then."
"Great inspection work, darling."
I kissed her head and lifted her up, "Get off so I can go brush my teeth."
"Yeah you need to."
"Shut up!" I laughed, running into the bathroom.
"It's ready!" Luna shouted from the kitchen.
After freshening up, I walked into the bedroom, throwing the covers off of Alice's head, "Come and eat with me."
"I already ate."
"You did?"
"Alright," I said, throwing the covers back over her, "After I eat, I'm going for a run."
"'K," she rolled over on her side, facing away from me, "I'll be in bed."
"Going back to sleep?"
"Fine, lazy. I was going to see if you wanted to run with me."
"Jennie does not run unless Jennie is being chased."
I chuckled, "Tell Jennie I said sweet dreams."
"K, love you."
I smiled, knowing that we were able to finally say that now, "Love you back."
Jungkook POV
"Dad!" I shouted, slamming my hand on the desk. Silence.
"Dad!" More silence.
I threw the stapler and papers down, shuffled out of the seat, and cursed under my breath. Swinging open the door, I ran down the metal steps, three flights, until I reached the first bar. My father was having a meeting with his staff - all hundred and fifty of them. A few of the girls waved at me and winked, while the guys just gave me a nod. I liked everyone that worked here. They were all cool cats.
I walked around quietly, and stood behind Heather. She wore a fitting white shirt, and faded jeans, and pointed boots. She turned and gave me a grin, before focusing her attention back up front.
"That goes for you too, Heather," Dad said. "Jungkook, back up."
"I'm just standing here."
"Come over and stand by me, we don't want any more interruptions. These people are here early today, and would like to go home and catch up on their sleep, and you're being a nuisance."
I furrowed my brows. I hated it when my dad undermined me. I wanted to flip him off, but knew that wouldn't be in my favor, so instead, I smirked and walked to stand by his side.
He went on his spew about how good the servers were and how we're incorporating paid body shots on the bar this week, so on so forth...
When the fucking thing was finally over, I pulled him to the side, "Please do not treat me like a child. I didn't storm down here, I came quiet and-"
"And you stood behind your ex-girlfriend and became a distraction."
I sighed, shaking my head, "Whatever. I only came down here because I cannot find the bar receipts for March. Where did you move them?"
"They're on my desk."
"No, they're not on your desk. I was at your desk."
"Then you must have knocked them off or something."
"Why would I do that? I'm telling you, they're not there."
"Look, Jungkook, if you can't do your job, then-"
"Dad, shut the fuck up. I'm doing my damn job; I've been here since five-thirty this morning. Earlier than you. I've done this damn job and done it better than you, for as long as I started. You can't keep undermining me if you're going to be passing all of this shit on to me in a few months."
"Now wait a s-"
"Just... calm down, put your fucking defense shield away, and listen to me. I checked the entire damn office. The receipts are missing."
He glared at me, sticking his hands in his pocket, "Okay, I'm calm. And for now, I'm still your boss. So... find them."
I scoffed, shaking my head, "Oh, I see. So my job is to do my job, and yours as well?"
"Yeah. That sounds about right."
"Real cool, dad," I patted him on his arm sarcastically, "I don't mind. I'll be happy to pick up your slack."
"You've got a smart mouth son. I'd put it in check if I were you."
"Trust me, you haven't heard my smart mouth yet."
He started to say something else, but I didn't care to hear it. I turned on my heels, trudging over to my ex, "What's up?"
She turned around, smiling, "Hey, how's it going?"
"Not too bad. So you're working back here?"
"Yeah, I didn't tell you that?"
"So what does your mother think about this?"
Heather smiled, shrugging her shoulders, "She... doesn't know. Neither does my dad."
"Heather," I shook my head, "I swear, if they come storming in here again, I'm not to blame this time. I'm serious."
"Of course not," she laughed. "Don't worry about it."
I grinned, and took a moment to look her over... the girl was always beautiful, and a part of me, when I wasn't being a selfish dick, thought she could be something really special for me... but now, it seemed like she got even prettier. Go figure.
"So," she said, sipping on her sprite as she looked through her receipts from last night's crowd, "I feel really bad for going over there that day... with the funeral and all."
"Heather, that was two weeks ago. Don't worry about it."
"I know, but still... I mean, I shouldn't have gone. That was a hard day for your friends and her family, and I just show up, having no business being there. It was wrong. I just didn't have anywhere else to go and I locked myself out and you know how my dad gets and then we ran into each other the other day and... I just..." She bit her lip, sighing down to her tablet of paper.
I took a step closer, leaning my head down, "What?"
She shook her head, "It's nothing."
"I disagree."
Inhaling through her nose, she turned to face me, "Have you eaten yet?"
I shook my head, staring into her big eyes.
"Wanna go eat?"
I nodded, continuing to stare.
"Do you need to go tell your dad?"
I shook my head again.
"Okay... I'll drive."
I gave her another nod.
She playfully slapped my chest and grabbed her stuff, "Come on, you little mute."
When we climbed into her Honda Civic, she blasted the air and turned down the radio. It was quiet, but a comfortable silence, on the way to the restaurant. As we moved into the Bob Evans' parking lot, she pulled her wallet out of her purse and threw it behind the seat. I quickly placed my hand on her forearm, "What are you doing with that?"
"We're... gonna go eat, right?"
"I know, but I'll buy."
"Jungkook, you don't have to buy my food. I'm a grown woman. In fact, I asked you, so... shouldn't I buy?"
I shook my head, "No woman has ever bought me food."
She glared at me, rounding her shoulders, "This isn't the caveman years. And we're two friends, having breakfast. So shut your mouth and let me buy you some damn pancakes."
I squinted my eyes at her, "...Okay, fine."
After we were seated in a nice corner and our drinks were ordered, she sat back, smiling at me.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" I grinned, leaning back to mirror her posture.
"Nothing... just memories."
I nodded, "We've had quite a lot of them."
"I know..." she exhaled, stirring her coffee, "I miss you sometimes... when I don't think about you being that stubborn, egotistical, foolish prick."
I smirked, tossing her two creamers, "I miss you too... when you're not being a self-righteous, holier-than-thou, bashful, uncouth bitch."
She threw her empty creamer cup at me, splashing droplets of residue on my arm, "I guess we're even then."
"...I guess we are."
Our food arrived - she got pancakes, eggs, bacon, and I got biscuits and gravy and sausage - and we were silent while we dug in.
We got half way through before she spoke again, "So tell me about the vacation. What did you do?"
"Oh, it was a blast," I said, swallowing down my mouthful and drinking some orange juice. "Played all sorts of games with 'em, like Truth Or Dare and Texas Hold 'Em, went to a strip club, I actually stripped on a pole - not in the club, but... yeah - threw this huge New Year's bash, mud football, pool, went to Chuck E. Cheese... the list goes on and on..."
"Sounds entertaining," she giggled, "I bet you miss it."
"I do," I nodded. "Guess what."
"Taehyung's going to be a father."
"Shut the fuck up!"
"Mmmhmm," I chuckled, taking another sip, "he's also engaged to be married."
"TO YERI?!" she asked, dropping her silverware on her plate. "IS HE MAD?!"
I shook my head, almost choking on my food, "No!" I covered my mouth, swallowing down hard, "To his ex-now-found again woman... Luna."
"As in..."
I nodded.
"Ohhhh. Wow... so he found the infamous Luna again?"
"Yep. And he fucking planted himself on her."
"Taehyung Kim settling down... wow... I never saw that one coming." she sighed.
"Who the fuck did? It's a catastrophe."
"Jungkook!" she laughed.
"I'm serious! He's like... the whippest I'd ever seen anyone whipped before. I mean... it's disgusting. All he does is love on her and grope her and talk about his future now... What happened to living in the moment? What happened to being young and crazy and all that shit, you know? He's twenty-three this year... Wayyyy to young to be fucking having a baby and getting married."
"True love changes that sometimes," she offered as she took a bite of her toast. "Changes your perspective on things."
"I think it's more to it than that though. I think he's scared, and because he's scared, I think he's rushing into this shit with both eyes closed and his hands tied behind his back."
"Did he mean to get her pregnant?"
"He says no. I don't know."
"You don't believe him?" she asked, holding out her fork to me.
I grinned, taking a bite of her food. Wonderful. "There's no reason to not believe him or take his word," I chewed. "But... I wonder if he's putting on a happy-go-lucky brave face because he feels he has to... Like he has to be all happy and sunshine, so she doesn't freak out. Because that's Luna's nature these days... He has to be the lover and the fucking daddy with her."
Heather shrugged, "Maybe you don't know her like you think you do? Girls are funny that way."
"She seriously is head over heels for that fucker though. She looks up at him all googly-eyed, bases her entire life's happiness on him... it's sickening. I love her and love him and they're my buds, and I'd never say this shit to their faces because it isn't right... but between you and me... it's disturbing. If they broke up, they'd never survive it this time."
"If they're that consumed with each other, then I'd say... you don't have to worry about them breaking up."
She finished off her orange juice and sat back, patting her stomach, "Speaking of... breaking up... what exactly happened with you and the blonde girl?"
I relaxed into the booth, wiping off my mouth with the napkin, "She wasn't what I thought she was."
"How's that?"
"Full of lies and drama... I thought she was going to be that cool cat, you know? Someone I could really hang with... the girl was fine, and that was a plus. But... underneath, she was constantly pushing away from me, and then throwing herself at me when we were drunk... and then... all this crap, and she lied about having sex with Taehyung for some fucking reason I still, to this day, do not understand, and..." I shook my head, shuddering, "too much, I guess."
"Have you talked to her lately?"
I shook my head, "Not really since the day after I fucked her. I talked to her a few times at the funeral, but nothing major. She hasn't called since, and I haven't bothered with her ass."
"Jungkook," she scoffed, "you're such a dick."
"She's being a dick to me! She talks about me playing with her emotions; she does the same shit to me. Yoona is exhausting."
She shook her head, running her fingers through her hair, "You really are an ass. I want you to know this."
"I know," I exhaled. "Oh well."
We stayed silent.
After she signed the check, she pursed her lips and looked up at me through her lashes, "So... what do we do now?"
"Wanna fuck?"
She giggled, looking away, "No."
"Why not?" I leaned forward, giving her my best smirk, "I know you want to."
She leaned forward, a few inches from my face as we centered over the table, "Because we're broken up and you're still an ass."
"An ass that you still care for."
"Regardless," she stood up, pulling out her keys, "I don't want to have sex with you when you're my ex."
"Yes you do," I said, following her out of the restaurant.
She hopped in the car and I quickly followed, stretching out in the passenger seat. Then I turned to her, fucking her with my eyes. Damn, she was beautiful.
"Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook," she started her car, sighing heavily, "you haven't changed at all."
"I've changed plenty."
She shook her head, pulling out of the space, "Not enough."
Luna POV
Taehyung held my hand as we walked into the hospital. My stomach picked the most perfect time to begin its erratic dance. I was so scared of today... of knowing more baby things... of meeting Taehyung's boss... of her finding out about me... of seeing all the females he works with... the list goes on and on.
Taehyung greeted everyone that passed us by, and all the guys gave friendly nods, the girl gave pleasant smiles. We rode up the glass elevator, all the way to the Maternity Floor. Then we strolled over to the front desk, to find a young brunette, and young blonde sitting behind that, both with headsets attached to their ears. The brunette was off her call first, and tucked her hair behind her ears, smiling up at him, "Hey, Dr. Kim!" He goes by Doctor, already?
"Hey Bree, how are you today?"
"I'm doing well, thank you. Are you working today?"
"That's good. I'm not necessarily; I'm here with Luna. She has an appointment at eight-thirty."
She typed in a few things on the computer, and I bit my lip, leaning my face into his arm.
He kept his right hand trapped between mine, and kissed the top of my head.
"Good morning, Taehyung," the other girl said as she disconnected her call. So she doesn't call him Doctor?
"Hello, Aimee. How are you?"
"I'm great. You look nice today. Is that a new shirt?"
"It is," Taehyung said, looking down to the dark jacket, long sleeved, grey cashmere shirt over his white shirt, and dark blue jeans, "it was a gift."
"How cool," she said, smiling up at him through her long lashes.
Bree cleared her throat, "Doctor Kim? Doctor Sherber says she'll be here in less than five minutes. Luna, I have a few papers for you to fill out..."
She passed the thick stack on top of a clipboard over to me, and I sighed... That's more than a few papers.
"Love, how about you take a seat there, and I'll be right back. I'm going to go talk with Doctor Allenstein really quick."
"Okay," I whispered. I took a seat in the corner, trying to stop my hand from trembling enough to write my damn information on the paper. As I was filling out all the blanks, I looked over to watch Taehyung shaking hands with a few of the guy doctors... all who were cute. They patted him on the back and he laughed, shaking his head.
As time went by, more and more people greeted him. I noticed, from time to time, that the blonde girl behind the reception desk would glance over at me. She was cute, probably eighteen or nineteen or something. Long, blonde hair that curled toward the bottom... piercing green-blue-grayish eyes... firm accented cheek bones with a tent of pink blush over her smooth, ivory skin... Minimal make up, pink lips... Very pretty. She didn't have a harsh look about her, really sweet eyes... but it still made me nervous. I wasn't sure why.
As Taehyung walked back to me, I noticed her say something to him, and he stopped walking. He laughed, throwing his head back, before leaning on the counter to talk to them. It was very clear that both girls were flirting with him... but it didn't bother me. I couldn't blame them. I had a crush on him too, still.
After the paperwork was filled out, I cleared my throat and got up, walking over to where he, the two girls, and a few other nurses were talking.
"All finished?" the brunette asked.
I smiled, handing it over to her. Taehyung quickly pushed his elbows off the counter, and threw his arm over my shoulders, "Guys, this is Luna."
The tall guy with the dimples got to me first, shaking my hand, "Hey Luna, I'm Andrew. Oncology."
"Hi Andrew, nice to meet you."
The shorter, black guy with the broad shoulders got to me next, "How you doin', I'm Jonen. I'm in the clinic today."
"How do you do?"
"What's up Luna?" The third guy with the freckles and red hair patted me on the back, "I'm Scotty, and you're pretty."
"Isn't she beautiful?" Taehyung gloated, pulling me into him. "So gorgeous."
I blushed, biting the inside of my lip.
"And you tamed the beast?" Jonen said, grinning up to Taehyung.
"She did."
"Wow, who knew that was possible."
"Hey, hey," Taehyung grinned arrogantly, pushing him back, "don't get started on all that."
The three guys smiled and looked at each other, having some sort of inside-joke moment. Then the burst out laughing again, looking back to Taehyung.
Andrew cleared his throat, "154, eh, Taehyung? Bright and sunny?"
"Shut your mouth," Taehyung laughed. "I'm not on the clock; I will beat your ass."
I shook my head, as a beautiful, strawberry blonde haired woman walked over to us, with a perfect smile, "You must be Luna."
I reached out, shaking her hand, "I am."
"Hello, I'm Doctor Aubrey Sherber," she said, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Pleasure is mine, Doctor Sherber."
"How about we go to my office, and you can tell me more about yourself?"
Taehyung never let go of my hand, from the moment we walked into her office, even while we were sitting. Her office was decked out in brown and earth tones, reference books all the way up to the ceiling in long shelves. She had a large oak desk, with a phone, fax, huge flat calendar, and a flat screen monitor on it. We discussed how we found out we were expecting. She asked me about my current symptoms - headaches, a little nausea, minor fatigue, occasional heartburn and indigestion, and the constant urge to pee all the time - and explained to me briefly about how she started working here, what drives her to be a doctor, and what her goals are.
She was very sweet and professional. I liked her a lot.
"And Taehyung," she said, turning to face him next, "how are you feeling about this?"
"I'm excited," he grinned, brushing his thumb over the back of my hand.
"I can tell. Are you experiencing any symptoms?"
He shook his head, still smiling, "Nah. Possibly fatigue, but it's normal for me. I just want to take care of her."
She nodded, typing something into her computer, "Well, Luna... what we're going to do today is check your weight and height, run a few tests, such as anemia and HCG levels, standard STD, then we'll do a pap for abnormal cells, and go from there... We'll also be able to provide you with your official due date, and go over how your baby is doing this moment... Sound good?"
I nodded, smiling nervously at her.
"Great," she said. "Let's get started!"
She re-introduced to me Aimee, who was also a nurse, apparently.
Aimee led me into the examination room, "Okay, can I get you to remove your shoes and step on the scale for me?"
I smiled and did as she said, stepping up.
She ran the slider over, and then the other one, "How much did you weigh before you found out you were expecting?"
"Uh... around a hundred and fifteen pounds, I think..."
"Mmm, 'k," she replied, smiling up at me, "we're showing one hundred and seventeen pounds this morning... But your weight could just be fluctuating, doesn't necessarily have to do with the pregnancy."
I nodded, stepping down.
"Oops, sorry, can you step back up? We need to do your height."
I quickly hopped back on. Five foot-three. Still.
After that, she checked my temperature and blood pressure, asked me if I had any allergies, what my current symptoms were, if I had eaten anything (for blood work later), so on, so forth... As she was talking, I kept trying to figure out how I knew her... Aimee... Aimee... I know that name from somewhere... I couldn't place it, no matter how hard I tried. She placed the backless white gown on the bed beside me, and told me it'd be a few moments. I quickly changed and sat my clothes on the chair.
Taehyung knocked on the door before coming in, then walked over, rubbing my back, "How are you feeling?"
I shrugged, "Not sure yet."
"Still seems unreal?"
Taehyung grinned.
Doctor Sherber knocked before entering, and then greeted me again. "Okay Luna. If you don't mind, I'm going to listen to your heartbeat and your lungs..."
I nodded, as she pressed the stethoscope on my chest. She asked me to breathe deep each time, then moved to my back, and did the same thing. After that, she checked my eyes, my ears, my throat, then looked at the veins in my arms and legs.
"Alright, Luna, now I'm going to feel along your abdomen, would that be all right?"
"Yes ma'am."
She turned to face Taehyung, "And do you want privacy, or-"
"He can stay. I don't mind," I smiled at her.
"Very well."
I lay back, and she parted the opening of the gown around my stomach, pressing along my abdomen. She was doing the exact same thing did the day I told him I thought I was pregnant.
"Mmhmm," she nodded, pushing in slightly, "mmhmm. Very well."
I turned my face to my right, and Taehyung was now sitting in the chair, with my clothes in his lap. He smiled at me. I returned it.
"And, we're thinking you're about eight weeks now, correct?"
"Yes ma'am."
She felt around my breasts, checking to see how swollen they were, and for any abnormalcies. After confirming there was none, she said, "Okay. Luna if you don't mind, I'm going to do a quick pelvic exam and a pap screen. Do you still feel comfortable with Mr. Kim being present?"
"Of course," I said. "He does this for a living, anyway."
She grinned at me then wrote a few things down, "Very true. I may even quiz him; see if he's up to par this morning."
I giggled, giving her permission. I was curious, myself. Plus it'd give me some relief from the attention being put all on me.
She had me slide down on the table and put my feet in the stupid cold stirrup things I hate. This was the absolute worse part of being a woman, I swore it. She placed a thin sheet over my legs, and I closed my eyes, mentally imagining myself in Jamaica. I felt her adjusting things, such as lighting and utensils, "Okay, Doctor Kim, pop quiz. What do we do first?"
"Assessment of external genetalia," he answered, too quickly. Good thing he was closer to the door, or he'd see the whole show for himself.
"Very good," she replied, doing as he said.
I kept my eyes closed, focusing on the sounds of my heartbeat that echoed through my ears. I didn't want her feeling my 'external genetalia', and most definitely didn't want her feeling anything 'internally'.
"What's next?" she asked, though she was already doing it behind the sheet. Thank God.
"Speculum with assessment of vaginal and cervix, then a bimanual examination with one finger, with the other hand on the surrounding areas above the abdomen."
When she pushed above my ovaries at the same time, I winced. I could hear Taehyung bounce up, and it startled me, and I snapped my eyes open.
"Calm down, Tae-Doctor Kim, excuse me, she's only sensitive. Natural for eight weeks."
"Sorry," he said, sitting back down, "I don't like to see her in pain."
Doctor Sherber chuckled, "We're going to have to establish moments when you'll be able to wear your 'supporting partner' hat, and when you're going to wear your 'Doctor Kim' hat soon, so you won't spend the next eight months in an extreme state of panic."
Taehyung smirked, and gave us a gentle nod. I shut my eyes, wincing as she hit another spot.
"Sensitive here, too?"
"Have your purchased her prena-"
"Yes," Taehyung answered.
"That's good." Doctor Sherber finished the embarrassing part of the examination, took my feet out of the stirrups, and kept me covered. Then she moved the tray, removed her gloves, and washed her hands. She came back to my side, "Luna, if you don't mind, I'm going to press on your stomach some more?"
I nodded, feeling really nervous, "Everything okay?"
"Perfectly fine," she smiled, pushing and dragging her index and middle finger across my lower abdomen, "tell me when you feel pressure."
Once she landed over my right ovary, I winced and told her.
She moved a little lower, "Here?"
"Yes but not as much."
"Her right ovary?" Taehyung asked, standing up behind her. "Possible breakthrough bleeding?"
"Possibly," she said, smiling down at me, "that's normal, of course."
I exhaled, looking over at Taehyung. He brushed the hair out of my face, "Luna, do you mind if I feel it?"
"No, go ahead," I smiled, fighting back the urge to reach up and stroke his cheek.
Doctor Sherber agreed to let him only after I did, and he walked to the other side of the table, feeling around my stomach, where she showed him to. When he got to my right ovary, I winced again. "Hmm," he said, pursing his lips as he dragged them lower. "Here too, baby?"
"Not really..."
Taehyung exhaled, thinking something to himself, and smiled. "Good."
"Are you cramping at all, Luna?" she asked, taking over as Taehyung leaned against the wall.
"Sometimes, but not like I normally do when I have periods."
"Okay, no problem, no problem," she replied reassuringly. She stopped when she was satisfied, then sent me down to the lab, to do blood work, HCG levels, anemia check, and blood sugar levels.
Forty minutes later, we were back in her office, "Okay, we only have a few things left. Which are...?"
Taehyung smiled, massaging my knee, "Discovering the due date, first trimester ultrasound, and final questions."
I loved listening to him at work. He seemed so dedicated.
"And what kind of ultrasound will we be performing today?"
He bit his lip, thinking, "I'm thinking a transvaginal exam?"
"Very good. Why are we not doing a transabdomial exam during the first trimester?"
"Sensitivity and... unclear visibility."
"Excellent," she smiled at him, then at me, "see Luna? This can come in your favor. You've got the perfect type of partner for a pregnancy."
I smiled over to him lovingly, "Thank you. He's been wonderful."
He grinned back at me.
"And Doctor Kim, I'm presuming that you've already pre-calculated the due date in your head."
Taehyung grinned, "I have, but I'm not saying unless I've guessed it right."
She tossed a small tablet of sticky notes on his lap with a pen, "Write it down, let's see if you're right."
Taehyung did as she instructed, then peeled off the paper, tossing the tablet back on the desk.
She asked us a few more personal questions (I was used to them by now), and typed in as she went.
Then presto, she had our answer, "Okay, guys! It's looking as if you're going to be official parents on... September 16th!"
I bit my lip, blushing, as he smirked and showed me the paper. He got it right.
"Congratulations!" she said, standing up, "Let's go see if we can get the little one on camera, shall we? A nice little Polaroid for the new mommy and daddy?"
I was off the chair before he was. I was suddenly very excited. Hearing the date - our first official date for our life we're building together - was all the motivation I needed. Taehyung laughed, walking behind me as she led us into the next room. I had to change into another gown, but I didn't even care about being naked now, or the stupid cold stirrups... I didn't even care too much about the stupid wand I was about to be assaulted with.
All I wanted to see was the proof.
She explained that the results vary, since at eight weeks and three days along, he or she is about the size of a large raspberry, or half an inch. Its tiny heart (about the size of a poppy seed!) is growing more each day, and the kidneys are poised and starting waste management. She explained that things such as the liver and lungs are forming. She also explained that the buds of its arms and legs are separating into segments, and our little raspberry was forming nose, lips, eyelids, tongue, etc... Not to mention the baby's heart could rate around 150 beats per minute, which is double the time of ours!
Everything she was saying was going right through me... none of this seemed real. As she inserted the wand, Taehyung grabbed my hand, grinning as he leaned toward me and the monitor to my right. She pushed further, explaining what she was looking for... and then she got to my middle. She grinned, turning toward us as we looked, "Okay Luna, what we're looking at here is your uterus... This large black area here, which looks like a giant peanut, is your amniotic sac... and this little gray smudge here is your baby..."
My lips parted, and my breathing fell short... the smudge would figure to somewhat of a outline of a fetus type thing, then back to a blob, then fetus, then blob...
Taehyung smiled wider, squeezing my hand tighter.
"...We're going to zoom in here... and I'm only showing one baby... no twins..."
I turned to Taehyung. None of this seemed... I was stunned. I can't think of any other word to describe my feelings.
"See, the baby is nice and comfortable, floating around in there... that's the reason you're feeling so lousy."
I giggled, biting my lip.
"And right here," she said, pointing to the flicker on the screen, "...that is your baby's heartbeat..."
"That?" I asked, leaning toward it. It was a black then white dot thing that changed every second or so.
"Yes ma'am... isn't it beautiful?"
I nodded, turning my head to look at it, while Taehyung kissed the top of my head. "Can we listen to the heartbeat?" he asked, before kissing my head again.
"Of course," she said, as a little wave bar crossed the top of the screen. "We should be able to pick it up; you're past seven weeks..."
She keyed in a few things, and using the dobbler and holding the wand in place, "Are you ready, Luna?"
I took a deep breath and held Taehyung's hand, nodding. She turned it up, and... I froze. It was beating so fast! It made my heart speed up, just listening to it! Like a tiny bass drum, in, out, in, out... over and over again. THUD, thud, THUD, thud, THUD, thud, THUD, thud... It got louder as we listened to it, and she moved closer. The both of them stayed silent, so I could absorb it. I slowed my breathing, zoning out on the sound... I felt trickles of tears stream down my face, but I couldn't move.
I was overwhelmed.
I ran my hand over my chest, ignoring the tightening in my throat.
"Wow," Taehyung whispered his entire face the happiest as I had ever seen before. "It's different when it's your own inside there... "
"It is," she smiled.
"What do you think, angel?"
I bit my lip, holding my hand over my stomach, and looking down to it, "You're really real in there, aren't you?"
Taehyung smiled, kissing my cheek. Then he moved his lips to my ear and whispered, "That's us in there, baby. You and me... isn't it amazing?"
I nodded, wiping the back of my hand on my face. "I didn't think it was real..."
Doctor Sherber grinned and said she'd make us a tape and some pictures, and be right back.
Once she left, Taehyung hugged me and I cried. My emotions took a hold of me and I lost it... but it wasn't upset tears, it was tears of joy... All of this... me and him... reuniting and our love for each other surpassing all this heartache and pain... and through that, we've created our own little miracle... Hearing this baby - our baby - was the first testimony that we were going to make it. It was the proof I longed for, for so long... This was better than a wedding or writing our names together... this was life. Taehyung and I, we created life... Both of our hearts just made one more...
"I'm so happy," I whispered, hugging him tightly. "I'm so, so, so happy."
He chuckled into my neck, squeezing me more, "I am too. Congratulations, baby."
"That's us, isn't it? I mean, it is... but wow, it really is..."
He smiled against my cheek, nodding. He was so proud.
When we returned to her office, she gave me her card and set up my next appointment. Then she gave me some advice, "Take your prenatal vitamins with food, it'll help keep your stomach coated. Cravings will be strong for a while longer, so indulge, and eat well. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Allow yourself to be lazy, it's good for you. Baby yourself even, and let him baby you too. There's no shame in it. Okay? Avoid stress as much as possible."
I nodded, smiling up at her, "Thank you so much for this."
"You're very welcome; do you have any questions for me? Any fears?"
"Just dying while in labor," I grinned, "I've been having dreams that I'm getting torn apart by the baby and lose all my blood and guts and stuff."
"I told her those were normal," Taehyung said.
"Very normal," she confirmed, "and listening to soothing music will distract your mind before you rest. If you have an IPod, take it to bed with you. No hard music, no heavy rock... And don't you worry your pretty little head about any of those dreams. They're only that; not reality. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am."
We shook hands and she congratulated us, before patting Taehyung on the back, "And I expect to see you early Monday morning. Six-thirty okay?"
"I'll be here. Thank you Doctor Sherber."
"Anytime. I'll see you soon, Luna. Call if you need anything."
"Thanks again."
The car ride home was long, as my mind was drifting around. I was so happy, but still overwhelmed.
When we got back up to Taehyung's place, I picked up Spendor and lay on the couch, kicking off my shoes. Taehyung threw a small cover over us, brushing my hair out of my eyes, "You are so beautiful... especially today... I love you very much, Luna."
I smiled, blinking slowly, "I love you too."
Taehyung kissed the side of my cheek and placed his hand on my stomach. I put my hand over his and smiled up at him. Spendor licked the top of my hand.
"Are you tired?"
"Yes," I nodded, nuzzling into the pillow. "Exhausted."
"I figured. You're going to be really tired for the next few weeks... Anything you're feeling, just keep me informed, okay? Promise?"
"I promise."
He handed me the remote, "I don't think Jennie is here... I'm going to do a load of laundry. Spendor will nap with you, I'm sure. I'll try to keep it down."
"Yeah," he turned around, facing me again.
"I couldn't have picked a better person to share my life with... I just... wanted you to know that."
He smiled contently, "It's only the beginning love... and I agree though... about you."
"Thank you," I shut my eyes. "Stop licking me, Spendor."
Spendor whimpered, resting his head by my breast.
"Good puppy," I pat his head. "Let's sleep now."
Jimin POV
"Yo, man, I can't believe you got a fucking bonus," Colton spat, as we walked out of the office. "You ain't even been back to work yet!"
I smirked, rubbing my chin, "My commission last month outbeats yours for the past six. Besides, you should know better than that, Colt. Josh loves me."
"Yeah, cuz you suck his dick on the weekends."
"Shut the fuck up," I slugged his shoulder, before we headed down the steps.
"So, where you headin' off to?" he asked, while we strode through the reception court.
"Home, probably. I haven't been sleeping too good. Unless the dealership calls to tell me that my new baby is ready."
"Yoona still at your house?"
"Dude," he shook his head, "you truthfully need to smash that and move on."
"Fuck you, it's not like that."
"What the fuck is it like then? You've been pining over your best friend for, what, three or four years now, on and off? Dude, it's exactly like that."
"You don't know anything about it, and I have not been pining over it. I've dated plenty of people in the past years."
"Yeah when you're not pining."
"Again, I'm not pining, you immature dick."
"Okay, okay, you're not pining. So you wouldn't be upset with me when I tell you that that girl has sucked so much dick, I'm surprised she doesn't have lock-jaw."
"Colton, don't make me fuck you up."
"She's a-"
"Don't say it," I warned, stopping and glaring at him.
He held his hand up in surrender, "Okay, I'm not going to say it. But you know what I'm thinking."
I stepped closer, "And you don't know her, or me for that matter, if you think I'm going to let you talk shit about her. You're my bud and all but I will not hesitate to break your fucking nose."
"Okay, okay," he said, running after me as I turned and sped up my pace, "let me ask you this. You're twenty-one, Jimin. She's, what, like, twenty-four or twenty-five? She doesn't want some immature, fresh out of college, arrogant boy. She wants a lawyer. A surgeon. A fucking... a fucking space inventor!"
I scoffed, shaking my head, "I make more money than all of them."
"Yeah but they have more security."
"Fuck you Colton!" I said, my blood pressure rising as I stopped in the staircase. "I own a house that yours could fit inside of. I eat, sleep, dream this fucking job. I'm the top-dog in a business that, in Seattle alone, employees five hundred, not counting the execs. And do you know how long I've worked here? Seven months if you don't count that year internship while I was in school. SEVEN MONTHS. And I've never called out of work, even if I'm fucking sicker than a dog. Exception being Ron's funeral and my vacation, which took my friends three months to beg me to take off."
"Yeah, but y-"
I pushed him back, getting in his face, "The thing about this is, it isn't about me. You're not concerned for me. You're not trying to be the 'friend'. You're still upset for the fact that you went after her and she turned you down. ALL EIGHT TIMES."
"Dude, I wasn't going to pursue it hard when I knew you wanted a piece!" he insisted. "If I really, really wanted to hit it, I'd done hit it. But you're my boy and I love you and I know you're feelings and-"
"Screw off, Colton." I turned, walking away.
"J," he laughed, running after me still. "You know what you need?"
"What?" I hissed.
"To hump something. Just go out, find some random girl, fuck her senseless, and then go home to your best friend or dream girl or whatever she is to you, and bake cookies and cupcakes."
I ignored him the rest of the way to my bike.
"Hello?" Yoona asked, her voice groggy.
"What are you doing, sleeping?"
"Well wake up, I'm on my way home."
"No, I don't wanna."
"Yes you do."
"No I don't."
"Ohhhh, yes you do."
"Jimin, don't mess with me, I'm frustrated as it is."
"Why are you frustrated? You have a vibrator in my house." Couldn't help it.
She sighed, "It's not working."
"You broke it?" I laughed. "Did the batteries run dead?"
"No. It's just... not working for me."
I grinned, shaking my head from the images in my mind, "Well ...what if I told you that I've got something for you that could make your panties wet without even touching you?"
"Aww, Jimin, could you be more romantic?"
"Nothin' about romance blondie," I smirked, "this is all about vibrations and sleek metal."
I heard her gasp and drop the phone.
"W-what, hello, are you there?"
"Yes," I mused.
"AHHHHHHHH! JIMIN! Oh my God! Oh my God, Oh my God, OH MY FUCKING GOD! NO WAY!"
Laughing, I pulled the phone away so her screeching wouldn't blow my ear drum.
"I hear you, stop screaming!" I chuckled.
"Where are you?!"
"About to pull in. Get downstairs."
"I'm coming now!" Click.
I tossed my phone and pulled my sunglasses down, turning onto my long, curvy drive. Last summer, when she and I were fixing my bike up, I told her my dream would be to own a new Pontiac, custom, platinum Spyker C8 Aileron, complete with crisp orange racing seats, pedals, and interior, chrome dash, switch finishes, Audi V8, easy downshift, no driver's aids, no traction control, no anti-skid measures, low ABS which only acts in an extreme panic situation, snake-eye headlights, and lambo scissor-doors. Only sixty were made in the USA.
Yoona came plowing out of my front door, in striped tiny pajama shorts, pink flip-flops, a white tank top and no bra. She was combing through her long, wavy hair with her fingers, and her grin was huge. "AHH!" she screamed, galloping down my steps, and halting right before she touched my car. "Oh my..." she inhaled, "oh holy shit!" She shut her eyes, touching my front door with her index finger, "...pure... orgasm."
"I told ya," I grinned, opening my doors.
Her big eyes grew a foot in diameter as they rose to the sky, "This... is... HEAVEN. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of clouds, rainbows and sunshine, wrapped up in a beautiful piece of machinery..."
I stepped out, and we walked around it. My buddy Seth pulled in after with my bike, and parked it next to my garage, before strolling over to us. All of us stood there, admiring it. "I can't believe you actually..." Yoona started to say, still breathless, as she squatted and ran her hand around my custom rims.
"I got my bonus today."
She jumped in my arms and held her legs out, hugging me tight around the neck. I laughed, shaking her around.
"Oh, Jimin, I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks," I said, placing her back to Earth.
"Can we go for a spin?"
"Of course, hop in. Seth, you wanna come?"
"Yeah!" he said, climbing in the back. I revved the engine and it roared heavily, sending vibrations through our seats. Yoona gasped again, clutching her chest. "Mmmm," she hummed, face pure bliss. "This is better than sex." I did it again, enjoying her face to the extreme. "Guys, we need to take a picture of Jimin's moment," Seth said, pulling out his cell phone. "Squeeze in, you two."
Yoona reached over and threw her right arm around my neck, and we twisted around, allowing him to snap it.
"Do a funnier one now!"
Yoona laughed and stuck her tongue toward my ear, and I showed him my tongue piercing and curled my fingers in front of her nipple, pretending I was squeezing it. He snapped another picture. "Come on," I said, turning the bad boy around and flooring it out of my drive. Yoona screamed and Seth flew to the back, grasping to buckle his seatbelt. We floored it down the back roads until we finally hit the highway, and I quickly switched to the fast lane, heading straight for the interstate, toward Seattle.
"HOW FAST DOES THIS GO?!" Yoona shouted, before I rolled up the windows.
"'Bout 190, I think," I said, grinning as we soared down the on ramp. "Zero to a hundred in 4.5 seconds."
"This baby turns like no other," Yoona chimed as I passed about twenty cars. "I love it."
"How fast you goin'?" Seth asked, sticking his face between us.
"About a buck," I said, watching the needle go past the hundred mark. I turned on the surround system, enjoying the bass on our backs. We spent the next thirty minutes showing off and flying around in my baby. Then we went through downtown Seattle. I kept getting so many looks and waves... from both guys and girls. I felt like the coolest guy on the planet, I ain't gonna lie. I don't thrive too much on showy, flashy stuff, but this... this was my exception. I watched as three girls in tight jeans and tank tops walked in front of us at the cross-walk and stopped, checking it out. I grinned, revving it for them.
Yoona turned and glared at me, before shaking her head, "Great. Now you're going to get more girls on you."
"That's the entire point," I said, licking my lips and smirking.
Yoona reached over and ripped my sunglasses off my head, and put them on her face. Two stoplights later, more girl attention. She got more upset, turning down the radio. "We need some happier music, not some flashy, flashy, guy needs pussy music."
"He doesn't need mood music to get ass," Seth chimed, patting my shoulder.
Yoona glared at the next girl who waved at me, and then blasted my radio, giggling up a storm. She started singing along and clapping her hands. She reached over, squeezing my cheeks on my face.
I looked at her, trying not to smile. She was damn cute though, swinging her arms around, the air on her face, splashing her blonde locks everywhere... This was the first time I really saw her laughing and cutting loose, since Ron's funeral.
There was no way I could take this moment away from her, no matter what. Even though Seth was hiding his face and ducking down in the back seat.
She was too fucking adorable, shaking her head and laughing out loud. So, I cleared my throat, and turned the music up louder, causing her to laugh more as we stopped at every single freakin' red light in town. She moved her shoulders seductively, clapping her hands and acting like she was playing the saxophone with the person on the radio.
I started singing along with her, though not as enthusiastically.
Now I had all of them singing along with me, even Seth. Yoona had her fake microphone out, and Seth and I reached over, singing in it with her.
We were all in hysteric laughter by the time the song ended. She reached into her purse and stuck in Secondhand Serenade, our closet favorite singer. We never told anyone else we listened to it.
I took a shortcut to my house. When we pulled into the drive, Yoona lifted her seat to let Seth out since he had to be home before his mom found out he was skipping work today. After he left, we leaned back in the seats, admiring all of my hard work and money saved.
"Jimin," Yoona whispered, running her hands along the passenger door, "I'm so happy for you... for getting this. It was your dream."
"Yeah," I grinned. "I guess I can cross this one off my list."
She giggled, "Your list is about all wiped out now, isn't it?"
I took a nice breath and pursed my lips, before turning my head in the seat and looking at her. She had her left cheek on the seat, smiling over at me... and she looked like an angel. Blonde hair surrounding her face... no make-up... a few dots of freckles on the tip of her nose... perfect arch in her top lip... she was so perfect... and completely out of my league.
"All but one," I whispered voice extra raspy.
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, looking directly at me. I danced my tongue on my lip, watching her chew on hers. She looked like she was thinking just as much as I was... but not knowing what was on her mind drove me crazy, so I tried not to pay attention to it. She licked her lips and blinked slowly, smiling at me gently.
I smiled back, completely lost in the moment and the soothing song. Should I tell her? Man, I really wanted to tell her... just reach out and kiss those lips... I wanted to hold her in my arms. Tell her how beautiful she was, even when she was a pain in the ass. How funny she was, even when she couldn't tell a joke to save her life. How caring she was, when she wasn't focused on just herself...
How she counter-acted herself, because her imperfections were perfect.
I wanted to tell her she was nothing short of everything to me.
Her phone started to vibrate beside my gear shift, and she shut her eyes, exhaling. I pulled my top lip in, unable to remove my eyes from her. It vibrated more. Just tell her. Fuck the phone, and fuck everything else... fucking tell her, you pussy. What can it hurt?
She dropped her head, the left side of her hair covering her face, and picked it up. I shut my eyes and turned to face forward, blocking out whatever she was saying. I was too late... Always too late, because I am a big chicken-shit. When she was done, she dropped the phone and covered her face, growling in her hands. I turned to face her again, turning down the radio, "what is it?"
"That was the bank. I'm behind on my car payment."
"How far behind?"
She sighed, slapping her hands on her legs, "Two months." She scoffed, shaking her head, "I don't even have a job."
"What happened to-"
"I quit."
"Oh," I frowned.
She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration, and opened the door. I quickly turned the car off and climbed out, jogging up the steps after her. "Yoona."
"Yeah," she asked, swinging the door open and not stopping.
"Don't worry about your car, I can help."
"I wouldn't be able to pay you back," she replied, turning to her right from the foyer and running up the steps to the kitchen.
"I never asked you to pay me back."
"It's too much."
"Don't worry about it."
I grabbed her elbow, swinging her to me, "Hey."
"What?" she asked, shamefully looking to the ground.
"I'll help you. I'll take care of your car payments until you get back on your feet."
"You can't," she shook her head, "that plus my insurance, it's too much money. I'll just let it get repo'd."
"No you won't, you love that car."
"So?" she scoffed. "I can't take care of it, obviously."
"You've had a lot going on."
"Doesn't excuse my carelessness."
"Didn't say it did. But I am saying that I'll help."
"Jimin, two months behind plus my insurance... that's like... eleven hundred plus another seven something. Forget it."
"I got it."
"Don't you know better than to argue with me? If I say I got it, I fucking got it."
She glared at me, eyeing me down. I glared back.
She crossed her arms. I crossed mine.
"We can play this cat and mouse game all day long," I said. "Not going to change anything."
"Yeah," she hissed. "It's not, because you're not helping."
"Stop being a... you." I stated, trying not to insult.
"You stop being a you!"
"I will if you will."
"Fine!" she slammed her hands on the counter, forfeiting the argument. "I'm hungry."
I chuckled, scratching my head, "Yeah, I need to go grocery shopping again. I hate doing it."
"I can go for you," she said, suddenly happy again. "Can I drive your car?"
I looked down to her inspecting her eagerness. "I suppose."
"YES!" she screeched, throwing her arms around my neck. I tried to ignore the way her braless, firm breasts pressed up against me, and the way her creamy thighs brushed around mine. I tried to ignore the way her thumb danced along the back of my hairline, and how her breath was on the side of my neck... I really did. But I failed. And I had to sit her down before I devoured her on this countertop.
Clearing my throat, I gave us a good amount of space and tossed my keys to her, "My credit card is on the desk. Buy whatever you think we need, but no more fucking scented candles. You've got my entire house smelling like potpourri."
"Okay," she said. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower."
I shut my eyes, trying not to mentally visualize, "Okay."
"Do you, uh, need to take a shower?"
I shook my head, keeping my eyes closed. She was silent for a moment. I opened my eyes, to see her staring at me, biting her lip. "What?"
"Nothing," she answered quickly, shuffling out of the kitchen. "Take a nap Jimin. You didn't get much sleep last night!"
"Will do, blondie." I sat on the couch and flopped to the side, willing my boner to go away. Fucking Yoona and her mental images were going to kill my will-power.
Taehyung POV
"Taehyung? What do you think?"
I turned to see Luna's mother, holding up light blue onesies.
"This could be for a girl, or a boy. It's unisex."
I nodded, motioning for her to get them. Since Luna was taking a much-needed nap, and I had to go into town and get some toilet paper and dog food, I decided to surprise her, and enlighten her mom, by getting a few things for our baby as well. Bad mistake.
"Do you know if Luna is going to breastfeed?"
I raised my eyebrow and grinned, looking at her dumbfounded, "We hadn't talked about it much."
"Hmm," she said, throwing the breast pump in her cart anyway, "you never know. Just in case."
Needless to say, her mom has taken my 'few things for the baby' into a giant shopping extravaganza.
I'm standing here, in the middle of Baby Chic, trying to keep my sanity.
I love kids. I do. I love babies and am pretty excited about being a father... and knowing that my profession will bring new life every day really makes me smile... but, being here at two something in the afternoon, on a fucking Friday, when a bunch of three year olds are screaming at their moms and throwing tantrums in the middle of aisles, before their poor, annoyed, pissed-off father's take them out of the store... it gave me a headache.
Her mom wasn't helping my situation by asking me questions every two seconds. Not to mention her studying every single label of everything she looked at, and comparing notes.
However, she was actually talking and looking forward to this, so I wasn't going to spoil it for her... but internally, I wanted to choke myself.
I'd much rather be doing this with Luna. I could be enjoying this with my fiancée.
"Are you guys going house browsing today?"
"I plan on it," I replied, shrugging, "if she's feeling up to it... and if we get back in time." Hint, hint.
"How big of a house are you wanting?"
"A big one," I simply replied. "Lots of rooms. My mom is giving us a huge discount to help decorate it, so that's a plus."
"That's good. I don't want Luna on her feet more than she has to be. I've done and argued with her about working while pregnant. She's clumsy as it is."
"So have I, but she loves her job."
"She needs to be around for the baby. A bonding between mother and child is extremely important."
I sighed, "I know this."
"And I hope you're going to make an honest woman out of her by marrying her sooner than later... plus she'll feel insecure in a white dress and weight gain."
I rubbed her back, fighting the urge not to push her away, "As soon as possible"
"Good. I think that's best."
"I agree," I exhaled. "Come on, we should be going."
"Oh, do you see these baby bottles?" she ran forward, while I kept myself from smacking my head on the wall.
We'd been here for three hours. In this store. Walking in circles. Again, with Luna, it'd be fun... this wasn't.
I took a glance at her cart...
Baby onesies. Baby booties and socks. Baby mittens. Baby bathtub, and another insert for our regular tub. Baby shampoo and body wash. Baby lotion. Hooded baby towels. Baby washcloths. Baby nail clippers. Nasal aspirator. Digital forehead thermometer. Infant acetaminophen drops. Infant-safe sunscreen.
Breastfeeding support pillow. Breast pump. Nursing bra. Breast pads. Lanolin cream. Breastmilk freezer storage containers. Bottles and nipples. Dishwasher basket for bottles. Bottle brush. Bottle drying rack. Bottle and pacifier sterilizer. Baby pacifiers. Baby formula...
Disposable diapers. A few cloth diapers. Baby wipes. Diaper Rash Cream. Diaper pail. Baby powder. Baby monitor. Laundry bag.
I stopped her as she picked up a toy bin, "Uh... I think I'd like to wait and get the bigger things with Luna."
"She'll probably be working."
"I'll wait," I insisted, ripping it from her fingers while trying to keep my smile, "I'd really like to wait for her."
She looked up at me, and frowned.
Fuck my life.
"I see... Okay..." she nodded, looking toward the cart glumly.
I bit my lip and exhaled, putting the toy bin on top of the full cart, "Fine, you can purchase the bin... but that's it. I'm drawing a line."
She clapped her hands and the smile returned on her face, "And what a bold line it is, Taehyung. Come on, let's go."
I praised the Lord and sang Hallelujah! in my head when she actually made it to the check-out.
I didn't bother to look at the price, she wouldn't let me pay for it anyway, and if I saw how high it was, I'd freak and she knew it... so, I didn't look.
Driving back, my phone started to ring. It was Luna.
"Hey babe," I said, pulling onto Parkway.
"Where are you?" she asked, her voice cracking.
"I'm on my way back. Your mom is with me."
"Oh great," she replied, voice sarcastic. "She had you driving her around town, didn't she? I bet you want to strangle yourself. She can be overbearing... especially since... I'm sorry Taehyung."
I grinned toward the stop light and turned to face her, "Luna says hello."
"Tell her I say hello back and I'll see her in a moment."
"Your mom says hi back."
"Mmhmm. How close are you?"
"Few minutes, depending on traffic."
"Wanna do me a favor?" she asked, her voice suddenly sing-song.
I smirked, "What do you want?"
"Perhaps an... Elliano's fruit smoothie with whip cream?"
I grinned happily, "First craving?"
"Mmhmm," she inhaled, "I can smell it almost... Mmm..."
"What kind?"
"Uh... Banana, Strawberry, and Lemon?"
"I'll get it for you baby."
"Thank you. I love you."
"Love you too."
"K, don't forget my extra whip cream!"
"I won't. Bye."
A minute after I pulled away from the drive-up at Elianno's with Luna's drink in my hand, my phone rang again.
"Yes, love?"
"Was wondering if you could do one more thing for me, pretty please?"
I snickered, watching traffic go by, "Since I'm out, I suppose."
"Ohhh, I hate KFC. It's utterly disgusting."
"Somewhere good with chicken?"
"Fast food?"
"Uh... I'll figure it out."
"K, I love you."
"You're gonna owe me for this," I hinted to her, hoping she'd catch on to my drift.
"Mmhmm, I know," she answered cutely. "Get here soon."
I hung up and tried to wipe my shit-eating grin off my face, since Luna's mom was looking at me speculatively. "What?"
"What's that all about? You're the supporting partner. You should be happy to run and get things for her."
I grinned, trailing my top teeth along my bottom lip and praying Luna will actually give into the sexual favor I've been begging for the past few days, "Ohhhh, trust me. You have no idea how... happy I am to be doing this."
"Mmhmm. Without blackmailing her and bribery?"
"Mind your business, lady," I teased her, turning up the radio.
She ignored the music, "So, have you thought of baby names? What do you want the sex to be?"
"I want a boy, she wants a girl."
"Are you guys going to find out before the delivery?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "We'll see."
"I think you should. That way we can set up the nursery and surprise her with it."
I shook my head quickly, "The nursery is mine and my mom's. I already promised her. She wanted us to have a joint project, and Luna said it'd be great for us, so... yeah. Sorry."
"Well... what can I do for your new house when you get it?"
"Anything you want. Just not the nursery... or our bedroom. Or master bath. Or kitchen, that's all Luna's. Or living room... Or... garden. She wants that too."
"Hmm," she crossed her arms. "I see."
"You have your suite to do, remember? I'm sure you'll be occupied with that."
Though Luna's mom hasn't decided whether or not she's going to live with us for the first few months after the baby arrives, we've decided to find a house with a suite in it, for her. Just in case.
"True," she agreed.
By the time we got inside my house, I was never more thankful.
Luna rushed into my arms, knocking down a few bags and almost making me drop her drink. She peppered my face with kisses, before jumping and wrapping her legs around me. I snickered into her lips, before kissing her back.
Cora and Spendor were barking up a storm, jumping up and down on my legs in excitement. Everyone here loves me.
"Mmm," I said, between kisses. "I should be gone more often if I'm going to get a welcome-back greeting like this."
Our bellhop Tommy, and Luna's mom quickly shuffled past us with the rest of Baby's things, ignoring us all together.
I placed the cup on the table and sat us down on the couch, rubbing her thighs with my palms, "You smell so good today." I leaned in, rubbing my nose on her pulse. "...very sweet."
She shuddered, tugging on the tips of my hair, "I missed you so much. You were gone, like, four hours."
"Tell your mother," I said under my breath, before kissing her.
While I was kissing her neck, she held the back of my head and pushed my face into her, leaned over, and grabbed her smoothie. She didn't want me to stop.
I snickered into her skin, before sucking it between my lips. She pushed forward on me, accidently grinding and stirring me up a bit. I had to grip her and hold her in place, before I got too excited in front of her mom.
That would be bad.
"Okay," She exhaled from the kitchen, "I'm going to put all this stuff... somewhere."
Luna motioned for her to 'go away' with her hand, holding my face to her neck still with the other hand.
I gently bit down and released, enjoying my teeth marks and saliva on her neck.
She slurped on her drink, before giving me a sip of it, "You're so sweet for getting this for me," she said. "I've wanted it since I woke up."
"I don't mind," I said soothingly. "Anything for you."
She gave me a big kiss, full of humming and inhaling through her nose.
The thing was, yeah, I love sex and it's important to me, but I didn't have to have it... but every time I see her... every time I'm near her... especially now... it's like she absorbs it through her pores and it's around me twenty-four-seven when I'm with her. Floating in the air and begging me to accomplish it.
No matter how hard I try to be a gentleman, it's constantly in the back of my mind.
I growled into her lips, forcing a giggle out of her.
"God," I exhaled, pulling back to look into her eyes, "why did your mom pick today of all days to come over?"
"She misses me and we have to be supportive," Luna frowned.
She quickly picked her sadness back up when I gave her a crooked grin.
I didn't want her to think too much about his death.
I wanted her to smile.
I needed her to smile and be happy.
She pulled my bottom lip between her teeth and released it seductively, "Until she's gone... wanna go house shopping?"
I chuckled, "You can't do what you did and ask me to go house shopping."
"Please?" she asked, blinking her lashes.
I shook my head, smiling, and kissed the tip of her nose, "All right. Because you're using the 'P' word against me."
She kissed my forehead and climbed off of me, before bending down and playing with Spendor and Cora.
I tossed them both rawhide bones I got at the store, then pulled her into my arms, for one more kiss.
"Can my mom come?" she asked, giving me apologetic eyes.
I groaned a little, unable to help it. "Sure, why not."
"Thanks Taehyung. I'll make it up to you."
"So you've got two things to make up to me now. I like it."
"I knew you would," she winked at me, before grabbing her food and running to tell her mom.
I'm such a chump. An in-love, no limits chump.
Jennie POV
I was having a bad day.
A really, really... bad day.
And I wasn't sure why.
I woke up fine, until I saw Taehyung groping Luna. For some reason, it pissed me off, and I was already sour from waking up.
I tried to ignore it and jump on Yoongi, but then he had to act distant in a way and say certain things, and maybe I took it the wrong way, I don't know.
Regardless, sleeping all day wasn't helping me.
I was still pissed off.
I slapped my pillows around when Taehyung walked into my room, without knocking.
"Hey Jennie?"
"What?" I growled.
"Whoa... okay, uh, Luna and I-" He stopped talking when I rolled over, growling and throwing the covers over my head. "What's your deal?"
"Go away; I don't care to know what you and Luna are doing."
"Did... something happen?"
"Yeah. God decided to give me a shitty day."
"Why are you having a shitty day?" he asked, and I could feel him sit on my bed beside me.
"Because," I answered, rubbing my face.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Wanna not talk about it?"
"Jennie," he exhaled, pulling my covers back off of me.
"Taehyung, stop!"
"Come on, what's wrong with you? This isn't like you. You don't have bad days."
"Oh, what," I hissed, sitting up and glaring at him, "now I'm not even allowed to have a bad day? I have to be all smiles and your freakin' sunshine all the time?"
He lifted his left eyebrow, not moving or speaking.
I laid back down in a huff, looking up at the ceiling.
"Where's Yoongi? Did you two get into a f-"
"Go away Taehyung."
"Give me a reason why."
"Because you have another girl in there to spend every waking moment with and don't need your other friends anymore."
"Uhhh, I was talking about your bad day, and I spend time with you too. And Luna is your friend, too Jennie. Come on."
"Just go away, you don't get it."
"What don't I get?"
"Go away," I rolled away from him.
"What don't I get, Jennie? Tell me."
"GO... AWAY."
He scoffed, "No."
"Get out of my room, Taehyung," I gritted through my teeth.
"No. Talk to me."
"I don't want to talk," I shut my eyes, willing the world to blow up.
"Jennie..." he leaned over, resting his chin on my shoulder to look down at me, "...I love you. You're my best friend. You're having a bad day, and... I want to help."
"Please," I whispered, begging, "just... go. I want to be alone."
"I'm not sure if-"
"Taehyung," I exhaled. "I'm fine. Go. Spend time with your fiancée and mother-in-law."
He reached over and pulled my back against his chest, hugging me to him. Then he whispered in my ear, "Please don't start slipping Jennie... Regardless of what you're thinking, you're still one of the very few people I absolutely have to have in my life to keep myself going... Please listen to what I'm saying... don't start shutting people out."
I sniffled, fighting back tears, "I'm fine. I promise. Don't worry about it."
"Please hear me," he whispered. "Don't do it Jennie."
"Go, Taehyung. I won't."
"Promise me."
I shut my eyes, and shook my head.
"Promise me Jennie. If you say you won't, I'll believe you... if you give me your word."
I pulled my sleeves to my pj's over my hands and wiped my tears away, "Yeah. Yeah... you have my word."
"Okay," he nodded, kissing my cheek. "I'll be back. I have my cell. I love you."
"You too. See ya."
"Cheer up, sweetheart," he said, covering me back up.
I listened to my door click, and as they were leaving, I heard Luna laughing.
I hated days like these.
Days that made no sense and sparked irritating thoughts I couldn't escape from.
Yoona POV
Jungkook texted me a few times, asking me 'what's up?' each and every single time he did. I found it slightly annoying lately. When I got back with the groceries, I noticed Jimin was still napping on the couch. I chewed my lip, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as soon as I saw him.
I've been staying at Jimin's house for two weeks now. My feelings did nothing but grow, and I still couldn't get a grip on my emotions. I'd spent the past couple hours sorting through them at the grocery store... but I couldn't. This whole... situation... really bothered me. Because, when I wasn't around Jimin, suddenly, I was itching to be. When I didn't hear his voice, I wanted to. When I couldn't see him, I was begging for the time to pass by... especially when he was away, like during his meeting today, or out with his guy friends.
And he was my friend, you know? That person who's seen me as sick as a dog, with snot dried on my nose, and messy hair, and morning breath, and all that other crap. So how did that become this, and why couldn't I shake away these feelings?! Of course, I couldn't tell him any of this. He'd think I was crazy! He's a single, young, hot guy who likes to tell it like it is and doesn't care how he comes off to others, and I'm practically... nothing. Older. Dumber. No. I'm so not in his league.
I sat the bags on the counter and tossed his keys. Then I strolled into the living room, smiling and blushing like an idiot. Again, a response I couldn't help. But he was so cute, trying to fit his tiny body on that stupid couch. Why on earth he wouldn't just sleep in his bed, I couldn't figure out.
I picked up the pillows off the floor and tossed them on the chair. I bit my lip, and walked closer to him. He looked so cozy... his left arm over his eyes, his right hand on his stomach, his fingers dipping into his jeans... Left leg over the arm of the couch, while his right was on the floor...
Holding my breath, I took a chance and laid down over him, and absorbed his warmth. He smelled so good, and I had longed for the comfort of a male - him, more-less. I nuzzled against his chest, and shut my eyes.
I'm not sure how long we laid there. I didn't care. And that thought terrified me.
I felt myself drifting away, and he suddenly jumped. His hands found my arms and he sat us up, looking like he'd seen a ghost.
"What?" I asked, my heart pounding through my chest. "Are you okay?"
"What are you doing?" he asked, exasperated.
"Uh... I got back with the groceries and I saw you were napping and-"
"I meant on me."
I bit my lip, shrugging, "You looked... warm?"
Jimin groaned and moved me off his legs, before turning and climbing off the couch.
"What's the matter?" I frowned, despite myself. "We used to sleep on the couch and stuff all the time."
"Again, it's my house and this is different."
"We used to cuddle on this couch!"
"It's different," he growled, heading into the kitchen.
I nodded, biting my lip. This is why I shouldn't tell him. He didn't see me like I saw him.
Jimin stayed in the garage while I cooked. I didn't go in there because he had Cady, his white wolf, with him.
Most of the unique stuff in this house, he's made himself. The coffee table, the dining room and living room chairs, the barstools, end tables, cabinet finishes on the fridge to match the kitchen, the foyer doors, the banisters and railings, Cady's 'wolf' house, which was quite similar to the outside of this one, but smaller, bookshelves... the list went on and on. He's a handyman in his spare time. Currently working on some patio chairs.
I put on some Ray Lamontage, lit some candles around the house, and dimmed the lights, because there were too many of them on. I tried to ignore the fact that it looked romantic. Opening the garage door, I shouted, "Fifteen more minutes, and it'll be already."
"Sounds and smells good!" he shouted as he clanked stuff around. I couldn't see him.
I grinned and shut the door before heading to his room. I wanted to pick out something cute to change into. While I was digging through my bag of clothes, my phone rang. It was Jungkook. Again. I bit my lip, answering it, "Hello?"
"Finally, she picks up."
"Sorry, been busy," I lied, tossing my curling iron on the bed.
"I'll bet, what are you doing tonight?"
"Not sure, why?"
"Thought you might wanna come out to my dad's club..."
"Uhhh... is anyone else coming?"
"I haven't asked yet. Why?"
"Because I don't want to go unless everyone else goes."
"Why, need someone to hold your hand and make your decisions for ya?"
I smirked, shaking my head, "Yep Jungkook, that's exactly it. You got me."
"I'm serious. You have hardly talked to me since we... yeah... and... I don't get it, exactly. What have I done wrong?"
Sighing heavily in annoyance, I rolled my eyes, "Maybe... having sex with you put things into perspective for me?"
"What, do you regret it or somethin'? Because... you know, I happen to remember quite a few moments when-"
"Jungkook. Don't go there."
"Come on, I'm trying to get you to laugh."
"It's not working."
He sighed, and it got silent.
"Stop wasting my minutes. Talk if you're gonna talk."
"So does that mean you're not coming out?"
"Not by myself. Why don't you ask that blonde girl you've been hanging with?"
"She's already here."
"See? You won't be going home alone tonight. No worries."
"That wasn't my concern."
"Of course not. I've gotta go. I'm cooking dinner for Jimin and I."
Jungkook scoffed, "I see. You two are quite domestic these days, aren't ya? If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you two were fuck bu-"
"Okay, I got to go. Talk to you later." I hung up, despite him asking me to hold on in the receiver. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him.
Resting my hands on my hips, I stared down at my cute dress choices. I twirled my hair around my finger, bouncing around... should I? Would he notice? What if I just went in there naked? That'd make this shit so much easier. I bit my lip, and decided to take a chance. I threw on my strapless, cream summer dress. The top was a crepe material, ending just below my bust, and trailing into loose waves, which ended a few inches above my knee. I strapped on some short gold heels, added some eyeliner, blush, and mascara, and ran my fingers through my hair, creating gentle beach-like waves. Satisfied with my appearance, I misted some Victoria's Secret, Dream Angels Desire perfume on my pulse points, and took a breath for luck. Then I headed to the kitchen to finish dinner.
I barely had the wine poured as he walked in. My jaw hit the ground... normally, I tried to keep myself together and blow stuff off, but damn... There is nothing sexier than a man wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans, with grease smudges around his hands, a few swipes below his facial hair, and on his clothes.
I struggled for air as he wiped his feet and galloped up the steps to the kitchen. "Is it ready?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Okay, let me just wash up, and I'll be right back. Smells good."
Don't... don't wash up... let me help you if you do... "Okay," I whispered, still nodding.
I slouched down in the chair at the dining room table and dropped my chin in my hand, staring at my baked pork chops, tossed salad, and baked potatoes. He hadn't even noticed what I was wearing. I mean, I wanted to be nonchalant about it... but I still wanted him to notice.
A few minutes later, he was back, with grease smudges gone, and a fresh black shirt. He kept his jeans on, and was now barefoot. "Whooo, it smells good in here."
"Thank you," I said, watching him sit down.
He looked me over quickly, and cleared his throat, "You didn't have to... go all out."
"Oh no," I insisted, shaking my head, "I didn't."
"Oh... okay," he looked around the glowing candles, dim lighting, wine glasses, as he absorbed the soft music in the background. A grin started to form on his lips, "Are you... sure you didn't?"
"Just trying to save energy by not keeping the lights and television on," I lied, smiling over at him.
He smirked and nodded, placing some food on my plate for me, "That dress new?"
"Uh... I've had it for a while, just never worn it."
"So it's new."
"I guess."
"How's your chair making thing going?" I asked, trying to seductively bring my fork to my lips.
His eyes briefly trailed to my tongue rubbing the prongs, and then snapped back to me, "Fine."
"If you ever... need any help... I'm pretty hands on."
He chuckled below his breath and sipped his wine, "I'll remember that."
"Please do."
He looked up at me through his lashes while he cut through his food. I kept my chin on my hand, trying my hardest to not look obvious, but still be seductive.
"Are you okay?"
"Mmhmm," I replied, batting my lashes slowly.
"Do you need me to help you cut your f-"
"No. I'm fine. Thank you."
"Not trust your own cookin'?" he teased, taking a bite.
I shrugged my shoulders. I like to watch you eat, I thought.
"Mmm," he hummed in approval, before swallowing. "Wonderful, Yoona."
"I'm glad you like it."
"Oh, I love everything you cook, but this... this is fantastic. Best yet."
I grinned and stood up, walking slowly around the table toward him. "Jimin," I cooed, running my hands up his back, toward his neck, "I feel bad that you're sleeping on the couch... plus you had to get up early, been running errands, and then working in the garage... you're probably really... tense." I massaged his shoulders, biting my lip to stop smiling.
I felt him tense a little, proving my point. "You don't... have to do that, I'm fine."
"I insist," I whispered in his ear, tempted to kiss on his neck. He allowed me to do it for a few moments, then appeared to be uncomfortable suddenly, so I stopped and sat back down in my seat.
My eyes found his, and he seemed... distracted. Just tell him, Yoona. Tell him how you feel, get it out in the open. The worse that can happen is he stops being your best friend and never talks to you again... not that bad, right? I scoffed.
He sipped half of his wine down, watching me slowly chew.
I swallowed, feeling my heart stop. His eyes were so pretty...
I shook my head and got him laughing, telling him about my embarrassing moments. Anything to get him to laugh. Then I spit out, "I think I like you as more than a friend. In fact, I think I love you. Like, love you, love you. Oh, and can you pass the pepper?"
He dropped his fork, and looked directly at me, lips parted slightly.
I nodded my head toward the table, "Can you, uh... pass... the pepper?"
He shook his head, stunned.
I bit my lip and mentally imagined me sticking my heel in my mouth. "Never mind, I'll get it," I said, reaching over.
His hand caught mine a few inches above the shaker. Our eyes connected, and I held my breath, while he exhaled his.
"I'm sorry," I said suddenly. "I shouldn't have said anything. Can you forget about it?"
He shook his head, still baffled.
Now I felt like a complete fool. I tried to pull my wrist from his hands, but had no luck. "Jimin," I whispered, closing my eyes. "...I'm sorry."
"...How long have you felt this way?" God he has such a sexy, scratchy voice.
I shrugged, looking to my lap, "A while now I guess... But I really realized it about three weeks ago. Please don't hate me."
He still had my wrist in his hand, but rubbed his face with his right.
"I'm sorry," I said, finally able to pull my wrist away. I got out of the chair and twisted around, trying not to look at his face, "I'll just go get my things, and I'll go home. I'm really sorry."
I headed up the steps, and heard him moving. I sped up, just wanting to get out of there.
The faster, the better.
I shoved all my things in my bag, not caring what got wrinkled. I ran into his master bathroom, collecting my curling iron and make-up, then went back to grab my shoes.
When I had everything together, I twisted around, to find him standing in the doorway. The side of his head was pressed against the frame, his hands in his pockets, his legs crossed.
I bit my lip, walking toward him, "Excuse me."
He held out his arm, blocking my way.
"Jimin," I said, exasperated, "please let me go."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I've embarrassed myself enough for one day, ruined our friendship, and would like to just go home."
"What if I told you I feel the same way about you?"
"You don't," I chuckled, defeated.
"How do you know?" he asked, looking at me annoyed. Great, I was already pissing him off.
"Because... I'm me."
I sighed, "Because I'm me and you're you and we're friends and I'm stupid."
He scoffed, chuckling under his breath.
"Please Jimin. Just let me go."
He shook his head.
"PLEASE," I begged, still not looking at his eyes.
He dropped his arm, looking toward me with a frown.
"Thank you," I whispered, closing my eyes.
I walked past him, but his hand caught my arm, and he yanked me back into his bedroom. My things were dropped and crashed onto the floor when he pushed me into the side of his dresser, and kissed me, hard. I gasped, my heart racing out of my body. His hands held my body against him completely, and there was no room for us to move. My fingers found his hair, crushing his face to mine.
I didn't care if he was kissing me to make me feel better about being a complete idiot. I just wanted him to keep pretending... keep pretending you want me. His tongue slid between my lips, and I pulled it all the way in, throwing my arms completely around his neck and yanking him down to my height. This felt too right... too crazy because it felt so right. Don't you dare stop. Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop...
His lips were incredible against mine... so full and soft... I hummed in appreciation of all things Jimin Park.
Eventually, he pulled away, looking at me with sparkles in his eyes. I grinned up at him, running my fingers through his hair.
"I love you in the same way," he said, jerking me hard to him, and pulling me into a strong hug. He rested his cheek on the side of my head, stroking my hair with his hand.
I pushed my face into his shoulder, holding on and hugging him tight, as I whispered, "...You do?"
I felt his hands run up and down my ribs, and he squeezed me tighter, "Yes... I've wanted you for so fucking long now... years even."
I blinked, shocked, "Y-you have?"
"Yes," he chuckled, exhaling. "I was too chicken shit to say anything about it. I thought I was going to lose you in my life."
I shook my head, fighting back tears.
He was holding on so tight...
I've never, ever had anyone just... hug me.
Really hold me...
"I didn't want to lose you either," I gasped, unable to fight back tears anymore. They streamed down my face, soaking his shirt. "I thought you'd think I was stupid."
"I thought you'd think I was too young," he confessed. "But I'm not. I'm a man, and all I want to do is provide for you, and show you what you mean to me…"
I gripped the back of his shoulders, begging for him to never let me go. I didn't care if this was all a dream and I was going to wake up and be alone... I just wanted this moment. I just wanted to feel this complete for once.
I shut my eyes, sniffling. "I've only felt this whole with you, Jimin... I'm realizing that now... maybe I've known it all along..."
He squeezed me tight, shaking his head as he pushed his face into my shoulder, "I only want to make you feel that way."
He pulled away, clasping my face in his hands. I shivered as his thumbs wiped away my tears and running mascara.
He took a deep breath, his eyes focusing on mine, "I want to be yours, Yoona."
I giggled, wiping my nose with the back of my hand, "Is this really happening? You and me? Us?"
He grinned that award-winning smile at me, "If you let it, it is."
I nodded my head quickly, throwing my arms back around his neck for another hug, "I'm letting it. I'm so letting it."
Then, because he's typical Jimin, he said,"And you're not going to change your mind tomorrow, or in five minutes, are you? Because I don't think my heart could take if if y-"
"No," I shook my head, enjoying this hug. "I'm not. I promise I won't." I was so not going to change my mind. No, no, no, no.
Yoongi POV
I had a long ass day.
I yawned, using the key Jennie gave me to unlock the door to their apartment.
The dogs didn't wake up when I entered... Cora on the floor beside the couch... Spendor Jameson in the recliner.
"Jennie," I called out, strolling through the kitchen.
No answer.
"Sweetheart? You here?"
I strolled through the condo, checking a few other rooms... still no Jennie.
I swung open her bedroom door, but she wasn't there either.
But her purse was on her nightstand, and she never, ever leaves without that thing.
"Jennie?" I called again, entering the room.
The condo was hauntingly quiet, and I shuddered as goosebumps crossed my arms.
It was too quiet...
Too quiet for her.
And she wasn't sleeping, so where was she?
"Sweetheart? Are you here?" I asked again, checking her bathroom.
She wasn't there.
I pursed my lips, suddenly feeling really nervous.
Spendor woke up and groggily hopped off the chair, following me around as I inspected the place more thoroughly.
"Where is she?" I asked him, reaching down to pat his head. "Where's your... aunt?"
He yawned and lay on the floor, ignoring my question.
"I hear ya buddy, I'm tired too." I entered the hall, toward Taehyung's bedroom.
I wasn't sure why she'd be there, but I figured I may as well check.
"Baby? Hey, Jennie, you in here?"
I knocked and opened the door, preparing to see Luna.
The room was empty.
I started to shut the door, and then noticed a light coming from beneath the crack of his bathroom.
I strolled over there and knocked on the door, "Hello?"
I heard a gasp and something fall into the something, like a sink.
"Yeah babe. I'm here. Sorry I'm late... What are you doing in Taehyung's bathroom?"
"Uh... my toilet wasn't acting right, it's having trouble f-flushing, so... I'll be right out."
"Are you okay?"
"Mmhmm," she insisted too quickly. "I'll be right out."
"Can I come in?"
"No! I'm still... using the bathroom."
"Okay," I said, sitting on the bed.
A few minutes later, I heard the toilet flush, and she opened the door.
She looked rough, I wasn't going to lie. Oversized pajamas, hanging past her feet and hands... dark circles beneath her eyes... Way worse than this morning when I left.
"Whoa," I stood up, walking over to her, "are you sick?"
She scoffed and shook her head, not letting me hug her all the way.
"Are you sure? You look... a bit sickly."
"I'm fine," she insisted overbearingly. "Let's go watch some television."
"Okay, well I have to piss real quickly before we do."
"You can use my bathroom, come on."
"But I thought you said your toilet wasn't working right?"
She bit her lip, looking down at the carpet in Taehyung's bedroom, "Yeah, I did... Okay, well, hurry up. I'll get the television going."
I kissed her forehead and swatted her butt playfully, before entering the bathroom and shutting the door.
Taehyung's bathroom was fucking huge.
Go figure.
I took a piss, looking around for anything metal that could have been the sound I heard... what would be metal and make that noise, but not too heavy?
I waited to flush and headed toward the sink. There was nothing in it.
Was I imagining it?
No... no, it was something... but what?
I exhaled and opened his medicine cabinet.
Damn, he has a lot of prescriptions.
I tried not to be nosy and read the labels, passing through Band-Aids and white tape.
I started to shut the door, but something caught my eye, and I stopped, opening it back up again.
Pulling the quizzical item out, I inspected the edges...
No fucking way.
It had red on it... red... like...
I dropped the item in the sink, and it made the same clunking noise that I heard from the other side of the door, only this time, echoing louder.
I held my breath, rubbing my face.
Don't start assuming shit... don't start assuming shit...
I growled into my hands, walking around in a circle.
When that didn't work, I tried to control my breathing.
When that didn't work, I-
"Yoongi?" Jennie asked, knocking on the door. "Are you all right?"
"Uh, yeah, be right out," I said, reaching over and flushing the toilet with my trembling hand.
I tried to regain my senses, but it didn't work.
I was too pissed off. And scared shitless.
I held my breath and swung open the door, looking down to my wide-eyed girlfriend.
"Are... you okay?"
I shook my head, swallowing deep.
"Is something the m-"
I raised the object up, and her eyes bounced to it, and her lips parted.
I waited.
She looked from that slowly, up to me, "What's the matter?"
"What the fuck is this?"
She shrugged, shaking off her expression and putting a mask over it, "It's Taehyung's, how should I know?"
"I think you do."
She crossed her arms over her chest, taking a few steps back, "What are you saying, Yoongi?"
"Why is there blood on it, Jennie?"
"He does shave with it, Yoongi..."
"FRESH BLOOD, Jennie," I hissed through my teeth, stepping closer to her.
She backed away, until her calves hit the bed.
She looked scared of me.
She needed to be.
Because I was on fire.
"Is this from you? Is this what I think this is?" I spat at her.
She shook her head quickly, "It's Taehyung's. I just used the bathroom."
"Don't you lie to me, Jennie."
"I-I'm not."
"So you weren't using this to f-"
"No, Yoongi, I wasn't. Don't be dumb."
"Then don't play dumb. Show me your arms."
"Show 'em Jennie, don't fucking play with me."
"Why are you acting all crazy? Why can't you just trust me?!"
"Because I love you and I am concerned for you!"
She started to curse at me and storm away, but I tossed the straight-edge razor on the floor and grabbed her.
"QUIT IT!" she shouted, but because she was fighting and forcing so hard, I had no choice but to hold her down on the bed.
Eventually, I got a hold of her sleeves, and yanked it down. Just as I suspected. I sat up, my mouth hanging open. Two fresh cuts, not strong enough to do damage, but enough to inflict pain were visible on her arms. I glanced up, to see her angered eyes filled with tears, "Jennie... why would you do this?"
She pushed me away and slid toward Taehyung's headboard, messing up his covers, "Because you said I was fat."
"WHAT? I never said that!"
"Yes you did! This morning!"
"Jennie I never s-"
"'Oh dear God Jennie, you about knocked the wind out of me'," she quoted harshly. "You're a fat cow."
"I didn't say that like that! I never said that second part at all! But you hit my diaphragm this morning; it had nothing to do with your weight! You're a freakin' twig!"
"Just leave it alone, I'm fine, okay? I didn't even cut deep. Barely scrapes, okay? Drop it!"
Suddenly, flashes started hitting my head...
Jennie plucking the buns of her food... Jennie suggesting shopping when the girls were eating... Jennie not eating today... or barely eating any time... or lying and saying she ate earlier... Jennie always having energy, by far more energy than anyone else - but where was she getting it? Pills? - Jennie always wearing thick bracelets or things to cover her arms...
All at once, everything hit me...
She had weight issues... and when she felt insulted, she harms herself... it's an intermittent problem... not something that happens daily, or even regularly...
Did anyone else know about this?
I reached over to turn her arm to inspect for past scars, but she jerked it away and held it to her chest.
"Get out, Yoongi."
I shook my head, reaching toward her.
"Jennie..." I whispered. "I love you... let me help you. You don't understand, I-"
"I don't need help. Just get out."
I tried to stroke her cheek, but she swatted my hand away, and scurried off Taehyung's bed.
"Let yourself out."
"I'm not leaving you alone. Trust me, I know what you're g-"
"I don't want you here."
"I don't care if you want me here because I'm not leaving you alone right now. We need to talk about this."
"Yoongi," she scoffed, shaking her head. "I don't want to talk with you about this. I don't want to see you right now. I don't want you to look at me, all speculative and whatever else... you don't know any part about this... so just GET OUT."
I stood up, walking toward her, "Please."
"Don't please me right now. Just go."
I nodded, taking a deep breath.
She opened the door for me, and motioned with her hand for me to exit, "I guess this means you take back the 'i love you' right?"
I shook my head, "I do love you and I don't want to leave you."
"It's okay. Everyone leaves, Yoongi. That's how it is with me. No one sticks it out."
"I'm not everyone."
"Yeah, you're not... but you will be."
"No I won't."
"Then I'm making you," she said, before pushing me out and slamming the door in my face.
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