Chapter sixteen:
"Combusted Aggression"
Taehyung POV
"What the f-"
I woke up as I was falling off the bed, startled beyond repair from the noise of a horrendous girl group singing, followed by Luna's voice going with the lyrics right behind them.
"Son of a bitch!" I shouted as I hit the carpet. The alarm clock landed on top of me, followed by a half-empty glass of water, which was now fully empty since whatever remained on the glass was now on my face and gray t-shirt, not to mention the base of the glass hitting my forehead.
I groaned, rolling over on my side as the annoying first verse of DMX "Party Up" played.
What a fantastic way to start my morning.
What the fuck was it with the women in this house startling me half to death in my semi-sleep stature? Can't they find someone else to torture?
I threw the glass away from me and sat up, wiping the water off my face.
The disastrous noise continued from the direction of the bathroom, followed by the distinct noise of water splashing along the shower walls.
I rubbed my forehead, feeling a bump beginning to grow on it.
"Mother fuck me," I cursed as I climbed to my feet, tripping over the alarm clock cord as I went, and yanking it out of the wall with my foot. Then I kicked it along to the closet door, breaking a few of the flapped pieces on the left side. Continuing my rant, I picked up the pillows and covers that tumbled out of the bed with me, and slammed them back on Luna's mattress.
I hated waking up like this.
It couldn't be a good sign for the day.
Growling loudly, I dragged myself toward the bathroom, not bothering to knock when I entered. There was enough steam strolling through the crack beneath the door to know that I wouldn't be able to see anything even if I wanted to.
Luna giggled as she continued her singing.
Again, I growled as I wiped the steam from the mirror, so I could inspect the growing knot. It was there, not too big but definitely defiant enough and red. I noticed from the reflection in the mirror that Luna was singing into the spray of the hand-held shower head. While she was singing, she splashed water along the door, and I could see her.
I mean... see her...
Shaking her slim hips, the water soaking on her face, her long hair slapping across her skin from left to right, beautiful curvaceous breasts bouncing to the beat...
I gasped when I realized this, locking up over the sink. Then I twisted around, curling my fingers under the edge of the sink as I watched Luna's naked and wet form drop it to the ground seductively, then twirl back around as she rose to her feet.
As she was dancing, her hands were flinging the shower head around, causing water to splash up over the glass door, hitting all over the wall and bathroom floor. She was making a mess everywhere, but as she spun in a provocative circle, I didn't give two shits about the mess.
I felt myself edging closer toward the door, as I was panting and heaving, but I couldn't find the will to stop. Her hair had wet curls from the shower and steam, and was literally sticking along her cheek and neck and shoulder... It was mesmerizing.
I cleared my throat, watching her sway as the song changed. And once it did, I think I grew rock solid, as hard as I had ever been. I literally stood there, mouth hanging wide open like a fucking dog, I'm sure drool was coming out of my mouth and everything...
Luna's breasts were bouncing around to the beat, and then she just broke lose... Dancing like she owned the world.
Whoever said girls cannot dance - especially ones who have coordination problems as it is - were clearly mistaken. This girl could move.
Luna kept swaying and splashing the water around and over the door as she bent over and jiggled her ass around, before dropping it down to the ground. As I watched, I realized something... whatever lap dance she gave me last night was clearly a mere warm up. This woman had been holding out on me. She didn't do half these moves last night...
I felt like a mesmerized virgin. And the hypocrisy in that was, though I felt like a virgin... I wanted to fuck her senseless.
This was the beginning of the end on my last string of withdrawals and self-control from her. There was nothing left now.
I rubbed my face, before my eyes zoned in on her soaking wet nipples and beautiful curves. I don't think I was even breathing anymore.
Once that song was over and it switched a classic song I actually liked, I snapped out of my fantasy moment and realized I was now soaking wet from the spray.
My gray t-shirt and black pajama pants were sticking to me in all the wrong ways.
And then Luna turned around right as the first verse came on, and saw me.
"AHH!" she screamed, dropping the shower rod and falling back into the wall.
I quickly turned around to make my escape, not thinking as I did it.
While I tried to move, my feet decided they didn't want to work with the flood on the floor, and I slipped and slid - my legs doing scissor-motions I didn't even know I could do - before I flew up in the air and landed on my back on the ground with an UNF! coming out of my throat. I gasped for air from the wind that had just been knocked out of me.
I heard the shower glass door open and Luna scrambling around for a towel, before running over to me and kneeling down next to my head.
"TAEHYUNG! Are you okay? Oh my gosh, you're bleeding!"
I nodded, feeling my face turn a nice shade of red from the lack of oxygen thanks to my fall. She swept my head in her lap and pulled her fingers back, and they were slightly covered in blood.
"Oh my God, Taehyung, you cracked your head open or something! What were you doing in here?!"
"No, no," I slurred out as she began to double in bodies before my eyes, and everything went blurry, "I'm fine, I'm fine."
"You're not fine! Oh wow, do I move you? I don't know if I should help you up, I don't kn-"
"I'm fine," I said again as I slowly sat up, feeling my head pounding like a drum and my spine throbbing. Not to mention I was now completely soaked, front and back.
"You woke me up," I panted, rubbing my head, "with your fucking music and I hit my head, and I was trying to come in here and check it out."
"By looking at me in the shower, you freak?!"
"No, by finding the mirror, and then after that, I saw you in the shower. And I'm not a freak."
"No, you're a Peeping Tom," she hissed as she helped me stand to my feet.
I swayed in a circle, feeling my face grow fuzzy and warm, and as we collapsed to each other - me for balance and her to hold me up - I grabbed hold of her towel, and both it and I fell back to the floor.
Luna was now naked again.
I chuckled painfully as she cringed, before jerking the towel from my fingers and wrapping it around her for the second time. "This is not funny; you could have broken your neck!"
I lay on my stomach in the puddle, not caring anymore, "Well I didn't."
She knelt beside me again, running her fingers through the back of my hair.
"Mm, that feels good."
"It's not meant to, I'm just trying to figure out where you hit your head."
"Which time?"
"There were multiple times?"
"Yes, the time your fucking glass hit my head when I fell out of bed, and the time I crashed to the floor. Which time are you referring to?"
"Taehyung, my God."
I stayed quiet as she checked it out. She confirmed it was just a scratch, and a possible knot. But I had a fucking headache from hell - I'm sure Yoona sent it to me with her mind voodoo since she was indeed the queen of Hell - and it was killing me.
After fifteen minutes or so, when she was done with her inspection and her scolding, and by the time the Tylenol began to sink in, I was feeling better.
Luna helped me to the bedroom and laid me back down, and came back in a few moments later, in her normal clothes.
"If you came in here naked," I teased as I ran my fingers through my hair, "it would have made me feel better."
"I think you saw enough of me naked for one day."
"No... I think I need another shot," I said as I leaned over the side of the bed and pulled her into my arms, before flipping her on her back, over me and onto the mattress.
I growled as I nuzzled her neck, and she began to squeal beneath me. "Stop it! You shouldn't be playing right now, you may have a concussion!"
"It's your fault. I think you need to make it up to me."
"I most certainly will not!"
I rolled completely on her, pinning her arms above her head, "Then I will just steal it from you."
She eyed me down, and I watched as she tried to refrain herself from allowing her lips to pull up and smile at me.
"Don't smile," I teased her, "it'll give you away."
And of course, she did, like a fool. Grinning from ear to ear.
She arched her back, trying to somehow bump me off of her - or hump me. "Stop it!"
"Stop what?!"
"Doing what you're doing!"
"Oh you know you love it," I said, biting her left shoulder.
"Taehyung! I'm going to beat you senseless in a minute!"
"Mmm," I said in her ear with a low and hasty voice, "I love it when you talk dirty to me."
"Quit it!" she shouted as I began to suck on her neck.
"Taehyung Kim," she said breathlessly, pushing her pelvis up against me to bump me off again, "I swear on my life, I will turn you black and blue!"
"Mm, do it baby," I teased breathlessly, before sucking in her left earlobe, "do it."
"Stop it!"
"Come on, do it, Luna... I want you to. Beat me, beautiful."
"Urgh! You're making me frustrated!"
"Yeah?" I grinned into her ear, "You're making me horny."
"Taehyung, I can't handle this," she panted as her nails dug into the backs of my hands while I held her arms down.
"Handle what?"
"This!" she panted, "You better stop!"
"Maybe I don't want to," I whispered as I licked down and along her neck, toward the other side. "Maybe I want to continue."
"Oh God," she moaned as I bit her neck.
Immediately, she stopped fighting against me, but her hands kept trying to break free.
I pushed into her, encouraging her to wrap her legs around my waist, and she did instantly, like I knew she would.
"Ugh, Taehyung, please don't quit this time."
I grinned before I tossed her left hand with the other one into my left hand, and allowed my free hand to trail along between her breasts.
I pulled her shirt up, kissing every inch of skin that I revealed. "Does that feel good?"
"Yes," she replied breathlessly.
I let go of her hands and pulled her body up with mine, jerking her shirt off and tossing it far from the bed.
Then the phone rang.
It was my father's ringtone, and he'd only call if it were important.
I dropped onto the bed, rolling over onto my back and flipping my phone over while Luna straddled me.
"Son, how are you doing?"
"Fine," I replied as I watched Luna push up my shirt and kiss along my abdomen. "H-how are you?"
"I'm doing well, Taehyung, thank you."
I swallowed, watching her delicate fingers begin to pull on my drawstring to my pj's.
"Lift up," she commanded lightly with a grin.
I shook my head, swallowing hard.
"No," I hissed silently.
"Did you hear what I said?"
I shook my head, covering my face with my hands while I felt Luna try and tug my pants down, "I'm sorry dad, no, I didn't. What was that?"
"I asked if this was a bad time."
Luna reached behind her and unclasped her bra, allowing it to fall onto my stomach.
She grinned and lay on top of me, sucking along my neck.
I groaned as quietly as possible, feeling her hot breath wash over me.
"What, Dad?" I asked breathlessly as she sucked on my earlobe.
"Taehyung, I'm worried. What are you doing over there?"
Luna moved to my face now. She began kissing me, drawing my bottom lip between her teeth, and I struggled to pull away from her.
"Taehyung Kim?"
I closed my eyes and pulled my face away, panting as I watched her move lower, "Dad, I'm sorry, now's not the best time. Is there someth - Ugh!"
Luna giggled as she drew my right nipple beneath her wet tongue.
I closed my eyes, forcing myself to focus, "W-Was there anything important you needed to talk to me about?"
Luna licked along my stomach, down the length of my treasure trail.
Then she scraped her nails lightly down my ribs, humming as she blew hot breath where she previously licked.
I stifled back another moan.
"Taehyung, are you with Yeri right now?"
I froze, blinking a few times.
Luna noticed, lifting her head.
"Are you and Yeri... you know... busy?"
Growling internally, I gently pushed Luna off of me and sat up.
"If you're with your girly-girl, Taehyung, I can call back later. Just tell Yeri I said hello. And you need to bring her over for dinner soon."
I scoffed, shaking my head as I stood up, ignoring Luna's concerns for what made me stop her.
As I entered the bathroom alone, I muttered into the phone, "No, I wasn't with Yeri, but thanks for killing my buzz."
Then I hung up on him as nausea took over.
Jennie POV
I cringed, hiding behind the couch in the den.
Yoona's voice came barreling down the steps, and I covered my mouth to keep from giggling.
"Yoona, I know you're in here. I can smell your Very Irrésistible Givenchy perfume all around here!"
I ducked lower, biting my lip and holding my breath.
I could hear magazines and pillows getting thrown around as she shuffled through the room in her heels.
"Jennie! Just give me my handbag and I won't have to hurt you!"
I clutched the black D&G purse to my chest, allowing the gold buckle to embrace along my shirt. It was so beautiful, I wanted to marry it.
"If you don't give it to me, I'm going to call for Yoongi and tell him about every time in high school when you were sick, when you ripped your pants, when you tried to seduce a teacher, about your perio-"
"OKAY!" I shouted, jumping up from behind the couch. "Okay... Okay... I'm sorry."
She held out her left hand, palm up, "Give it."
"Just let me borrow it for a few days, I swear I will return it."
"Give it to me."
"Please?!" I begged, hugging the poor, defenseless purse with all my might while I bounced up and down, "Please? I mean, it was just lying there, and there wasn't anything inside of it... You weren't using it!"
"That purse was pretty expensive! I spent a month's worth of my savings on it!"
"I swear I won't get it dirty."
Yoona glared at me, hands on hips, "Borrow something else, just not that."
"Yoona, I swear..." I pouted, curling out my bottom lip, "if I get it dirty or hurt it in any way, you can hang me."
Yoongi strolled into the den wearing a brown sweater over a pink collared shirt, and dark denim jeans. He grinned at the two of us and shook his head, "You two are at it again?"
"I just wanted to borrow her Dolce & Gabanna bag!" I declared.
"Why?" he shrugged as he stood between us, "It doesn't even match your red outfit... and why are you wearing a dress?"
"It's a mini," I declared, "and because it looks good on me. We're having a party, remember? I want to look sexy."
"You always look sexy," he insisted as he wrapped his arm around me, "but you don't have to wear a mini to look good. Besides, if we're having a party here at the cabin, then you won't need the bag, because you won't be leaving..."
"But I'm going into town and I thought it'd look sexy to match with my D&G shades."
Yoongi chuckled and looked over at Yoona, "How much did you pay for the bag?"
"That one?" She pointed.
"Six hundred and ninety-seven dollars."
Yoongi's mouth dropped open, "For a little purse thingy?"
"Yes," Yoona hissed at him, "why?"
He smirked and walked out of the room.
Yoona and I looked at each other in silence, confusion written on both of our faces.
About a minute later, he came back, wallet in hand.
He pulled out a wad of cash, and held it in front of Yoona, "Here is seven hundred and fifty."
"What?!" We both shrieked at the same time.
"What? Is it not enough? Do you want eight?"
"No Yoongi," I insisted, suddenly feeling really bad. I walked over to him, grabbing him by the arm, "It's not necessary. I don't need it."
"No, no, you want it. Yoongi, will you sell it to me?"
Yoona's mouth continued to hang open.
"Yoongi, really," I continued, trying to pull him away, "I don't need it. I'm being ridiculous."
"Yoona, will you sell it to me?" Yoongi repeated in his satoori accent that does me in.
She nodded, allowing him to place the cash in her palm.
Yoongi smiled and turned to me, "There babe. It's yours now. Problem solved. No more girls bickering. Back to silence in the cabin."
With that, he kissed the side of my head and patted Yoona's back, before walking into the kitchen.
The both of us girls continued to stand there in silence, me with the purse, her with the cash.
After a few minutes of staggering awkwardness, we went our separate ways. I tried a million and one times to make Yoongi get his money back. I tried explaining how stupid I was to have borrowed it from Yoona without asking, and how materialistic things weren't necessary. I tried explaining how, in a country that is on the brig of a second Great Depression, paying almost eight hundred dollars for a used purse was just ridiculous.
"Besides," I continued to argue, "you shouldn't be spending your money on me."
"Jennie," he said in a calming voice, with a side-grin that made me... react instantly, "get your sexy ass with that red mini dress over here."
I bit my lip as I walked over to the bar stool he was currently occupied at, and beamed like an idiot as he pulled me between his legs.
"You are the most beautiful woman on this entire planet," he whispered huskily into my ear, as the tips of his fingertips dug into the small of my back, "and you deserve the finer things in life..." he brushed his nose into my hair, "...and if I want to spend my money on you, I will. There's no sense in arguing with me in that fact..."
Yoongi began to apply kisses below my ear, down my jaw line, and onto the side of my neck, "Besides... you can make it up to me, if you feel it is necessary... but only if."
I shivered as I gripped his biceps tighter, "How am I going to do that?"
I felt him smile against my throat as he pulled away and looked me directly into my eyes.
Immediately, I felt my face grow hot.
His grin widened.
"Yoongi," I whispered as I covered my mouth, "you can't be serious."
"Oh I am dead serious," he smiled.
"Oh my gosh," I covered my face, shaking my head.
"You don't have to," he insisted, "...but I think you should... You'll like it, I promise."
My blush continued, "Oh my God."
He cupped my face into his large hands, and kissed me delicately. His warm lips brushed along mine, and he tilted my face gently in the opposite direction.
I relaxed and parted my lips to him, allowing his tongue access, which he sought for instantly.
He slid into my mouth in easy motions, until our lips were battling for domination and we were breathless against each other's faces.
Then he slowly pulled away, and I shivered again as I watched him lick my taste from his bottom lip.
"...I honestly think you should let me..." he said as he ran his fingers through my dark hair, "...because one, you taste amazing... " his finger tapped my lips, "here."
He grinned, "...and two..." his thumbs brushed my cheek bones, "I couldn't imagine how sweet you'd taste..." his eyes trailed down my dress and rested below my belly button, "...there..."
I closed my eyes, continuing to chew on the inside of my bottom lip.
"...and three..." Yoongi pulled me to him as his hands cupped my ass, and he placed his lips that held that sexy drawl between them right next to my ear, and whispered, "I wanna hear you moan soooooo loud... I want to hear my name bounce from your lips in a redundant manner..."
I shivered as he squeezed me tighter into his palms.
"...and I want to feel you tug onto my hair... sort of like you're doing now..."
I moved my cheek along his and closed my eyes, twisting his dark locks around my index finger.
"...and I want, and I mean... I really want... to do it until you have nothing left, until your body is completely spent and unmovable... and then I want to give you a lasting impression that will make you want to beg for it on a regular basis..."
I felt a moan escape from my lips as I pushed the side of my face deeper against his.
I should have expected Yoongi to have a naughty side to him. I should have expected that that sweet innocent smile was just a reel... I should have known I was the bait that just got caught by his sexy ass...
But still, here I was, standing between his legs, at the mercy of his soul, allowing his fingers to tease and dip into the backside of my dress, shivering and licking my lips as I replayed every teasing word he said on repeat...
And though I was overwhelmed and blushing to the max... I was intrigued as well.
"Okay," I whispered as I kept my eyes closed, "I'll... let you."
I nodded, swallowing hard, and feeling baffled and teeny again, "Yeah, I mean, if you really want to. I-It's up to you, I mean, you don't have to, and I won't be upset if you decide you wouldn't want to... It-It wouldn't be-"
"Whoa, whoa, Jennie," he chuckled as he pulled back to look at me again, "shhhh my angel. I want to. Trust me."
I kept my mouth open for a few seconds, not knowing what to say now that I was actually looking at him and could see his reactions. "Oh. Um, okay."
"Okay," he grinned.
"Okay," I repeated, trying to catch my breath.
"Do you want me to try it now?"
I giggled, red blush back on my face, "Uh, how about after the party tonight? That way I'd have some drinks, and I'd be more relaxed... Not so nervous."
"Whatever you prefer."
I nodded, feeling my chest still heavy and my inability to breathe. I smiled like an idiot and twisted to walk away, but he quickly grabbed a hold of my hips and pulled me back into him, my back against his chest now.
"Oh Jennie?"
He grinned as he placed a delicate kiss against my shoulder and lingered there while he massaged my hips - or a sensitive pressure point on my hips I wasn't aware of, that made me start to come undone that very second.
Immediately, I both tensed and relaxed against him, feeling the sudden foreign emotions in my body while his fingers worked that spot.
"Mmmm," he said in that husky voice again, as he pulled his face from my shoulder, "God, I cannot wait."
I barged into the bathroom, not caring to find Taehyung wrapping a towel around his wet, fresh, naked frame, "I am in trouble."
"Because you don't know how to knock?"
"No," I covered my face as I shook my head and plopped down on the toilet seat, "because I just said Yoongi could..."
There was silence in the bathroom.
I spread my index and middle finger out, so I could peak between my fingers that covered my face. Taehyung stood, towel around waist, looking like the typical, dumbfounded male. I dropped my hands, slumping into my lap.
"Could...?" he motioned for me to continue.
"Could..." I exhaled and ducked my head down, feeling like a teeny again, "go down on me."
Taehyung chuckled and shook his head, "Oh."
"That's all you're going to say?!" I asked, standing back on my feet as my heart began to bounce out of my chest.
"What do you want me to say?" he chuckled in his back-to-being-arrogant-and-suave attitude.
I knew it wouldn't be long before he went back to his arrogance.
"I want you to say..." I thought about it for a second, "I-I don't know what I want you to say. You're the best friend. Soothe me!"
He snickered, his cockiness growing larger, "Jennie, just relax and let him do it."
"I'm so fucking scared, Taehyung. It's a big deal!"
"Why is it a big deal?"
"Because I've never let anyone do that before. It's awkward!"
He laughed, rubbing his eight-pack glorified abs.
"Don't laugh at me! This is serious."
"Okay, okay," he said, rubbing his face before dropping his arms and looking at me, "tell me why you're scared, and I'll try to alleviate some fears."
"I'm scared because..." I held my breath and shrugged, "because... it's A VAGINA!"
"Come on, Taehyung," I blushed, burying my face back into my hands, "think about it. Someone being down there... Like really down there... Ew."
He sighed and sat on the sink, making sure his towel wasn't revealing anything, "It's not that bad, Jennie. You're being paranoid."
"You're the one who picked the medical field in vaginas, not me," I pouted. "I'm just the innocent girl about to be corrupted into damnation."
"If you don't want to do it, don't do it. He wouldn't force you."
"Argh," I growled, "I sort of... I mean, I'm curious about it... All the other girls say it's nice and act like it's the best thing ever... But... I'm so scared."
"Let me guess," he exhaled, still grinning cockily, "you're scared... because you're worried about its appearance, if you're normal-looking down there... You're worried about smell and taste and all that, right?"
He said it like he was talking about different types of movies or vacation spots. Easy as pie.
I however, was hiding my face and begging to crawl into a hole.
"Am I right?"
"Yes," I replied meekly.
"That's what I thought."
After a few seconds, I let my hands drop again, and exhaled, "So what do I do?"
"If you really want him to, but you're just worried... You have a few options."
"You can either, talk to a girlfriend that's done it and they might be able to help you more-"
"You're my best friend," I cut him off.
"I'm not done yet."
"Oh. Continue."
"You can just tell him what you're worried about, because I'm more that positive that he'll tell you that you are full of shit and prove you wrong."
"Taehyung," I warned, the same tone I use when his arrogance is getting too much.
"Or," he continued with a sideways grin, "you can talk to a doctor. Maybe have them take a look, make sure everything is fine."
I thought about it for a few minutes. None of those options sounded comforting.
"Wait," I said, standing back to my feet and walking over to him, "you're a doctor!"
He furrowed his brows at me.
Then his mouth dropped, "Jennie, are you saying you want me to inspect you?"
"No!" I said, avoiding my want to cover my face again, "No, no. But I mean, are my fears typical?"
"And if I were your patient, how would you respond if I asked you these fears?"
"If you were my patient, then I'd have looked at you, so I'd be honest about whether or not you should have these allegedfears. But since you're not my patient, all I can say is... if you're worried about smells and tastes, then don't eat anything like garlic or onions and make sure you shower - which I know you hate onions and garlic and you shower fifty fucking times a day - so... I honestly think you're worried for nothing."
I took a deep breath.
"And appearance wise, everyone is different. I know you hear that a lot, but it's true. They come in all shapes and sizes, all different types... It's nothing to be paranoid about."
"What about pubic hair?"
Taehyung chuckled, "What about it?"
"Do guys... like it? Because the thought of it like... on people's faces..."
He laughed cockily, "Men's preferences vary. I personally prefer it to be clean down there, but a little bit isn't anything to worry about."
"Is Luna bare?"
"What?" He looked shocked.
"Is she?" I pressed.
He smiled that crooked smile that could turn gays straight, "She's perfect. That's what I'll say."
I groaned, "That doesn't help. Put on your doctor's cap for a moment and help me."
"Look if you want my opinion, this is what you do: Make sure you take a hot shower, that way you're not worried about any tastes or smells... which you shouldn't be anyways. I know you're healthy and you're a clean freak. However, if you want to relax, soak in a tub for a while. The hotter the water, the more your muscles will relax. Take in some soothing scents, like freesia or strawberries... Nothing to stern, like straight cinnamon or anything too floral-like, because it will only be a distraction and you'll feel overwhelmed."
"As for appearances, go ahead and make it bare like you normally do. Make yourself comfortable, that's what is most important. Obviously, it's going to be the elephant in the room when you two get in there, and you may get nervous. Disregard it and relax. Light some candles, set the music. Realize that you're allowing this man to get this intimate with you because you care for him. Because you trust him..."
I nodded, swallowing as I absorbed his words.
"Because in my personal opinion," he continued, "oral sex is more intimate than actual sex. Anyone can fuck, anyone can connect. But allowing someone to witness and share something that personal, it's empowering and should be decided with trust as the first manner, not just horniness."
"All right," I agreed.
"Also, since Yoongi is a nice guy, I'm sure he'd be willing to go slow with you. I'm sure that, if you're scared, he'll take his time. Though confidence is key, if you two have trust, then you can tell him what you're worried about. Allow him to look and see for himself. I'm sure that you're just scared at the new idea of it, than the actual idea of it..."
He smiled and rubbed my arms, "Just make sure to not get too worked up about it. Sex should be enjoyable. There's a million and one things two people can do together, and it should be an adventure. If you don't like something, don't lie about it and continue. Tell him. And let him soothe you... The rest of the pieces, they'll fall into place naturally."
I smiled at him calmly, "You're so good at this. You're going to make an awesome OB-GYN."
"Thanks hun," he beamed.
I gave him a hug, careful not to pull his towel from him as I did, and turned to walk away.
"Oh, and Jennie?"
I twisted by the door and tilted my head at him.
He grinned, "Can I say something without my doctor's hat on?"
"Of course."
"I almost did that to you... the night that you and I..." His hands motioned in a circle, to show what he wasn't saying, "Regardless, the point is... I was right there. And you have nothing to worry about. You were wonderful, okay? So have fun."
I smiled warmly at him. "I love you Taehyung. Thanks for being my best friend and for putting up with me and all my awkwardness."
"I love you too Jennie. Go enjoy yourself."
Jimin POV
I sighed, pushing Lisa's legs off of me while we sat on the couch.
"What's wrong baby?"
She sat up, curling her legs beneath her as she rested her chin on my right shoulder, "Jimin."
I refused to look at her, flipping through the channels.
"Jimin, come on. You haven't let me touch you hardly at all these past few nights."
I didn't say anything.
"What's the problem here?"
I exhaled, allowing my annoyance with her to show through.
She cleared her throat, waiting on my opinion.
"I don't know what you want from me, Lisa."
Okay, yeah, my voice may have been harsh. But my statement was the truth.
She looked confused. "What do you mean, 'what I want from you'? I just want you, I just like you."
I shook my head, scoffing.
She crossed her arms, slumping back against the couch, "This is really irritating. Why don't you just explain to me what I did that way we can fix it?"
"You almost fucked Taehyung."
"Oh my God!" she shouted, standing up to her feet and blocking my view of the football game, "Is that what you're worried about?!"
I glared at her.
"Jimin, you need to get over it."
I scoffed again, not responding to her idiotness.
"It was years ago."
"And what?"
"And that is supposed to be okay? Why didn't you tell me about him?"
"Because it was years ago, like I said! And again, we've never discussed sexual history. I don't bother asking you about all the bitches you banged before you met me."
I started to smart off to her, but bit my tongue instead.
"What the hell is it with you and Taehyung, anyways?" she continued. "I mean, he's a wonderful guy. He's caring, he's sweet and romantic... He has wonderful friends. What do you have against him? Why are you holding grudges?"
"Oh he's perfect, I forgot," I spat at her as I rose to my feet. "Who could forget, how stupid must I be?! Taehyung's wonderful, Taehyung's perfect, Taehyung's this, Taehyung's that!"
"What is your problem?"
"Do you want to know what I think?" I asked as I got up in her face.
She didn't budge. "What?"
"I think that all you women - and I do mean, all of you women - should trap yourselves in a fucking room with him, hash it out, have a fucking orgy, get it all out of your mother fucking systems, that way you bitches can realize that there's more than just one man on this entire fucking planet. That there's more than just one dick, that there's more than just one perfect smile... That there's more than one wonderful guy out there."
She glared at me, as we didn't move from our marks. "Do you want to know what I think?"
"What?" I snapped at her.
"I think that you can go fuck yourself sideways."
"Typical," I responded, throwing my hand up in the air. "That's so typical of you to say."
"No I'm serious!" she shouted. "I mean, how stupid was I? To be here and fall for someone who clearly has self-esteem issues soooo fucking badly, that he compares himself to Taehyung and gets jealous when he realizes that I messed around with him!"
"Look babe, I didn't tell you to go suck his cock. You did that all on your own."
"You're right, and I liked it!" she spat at me. "Every second of it."
"Good. Then go do it again because I'm done if you're going to act this way. I don't deserve to be treated like this. I don't need this shit."
"Treated like what? I'm the one trying to tell you to get over it, and to be with me. To be comfortable in your own skin."
"Look," I said, walking away, "you don't know anything about it, and I'm sorry if the things that bother me are getting between us, but they won't go away. It's just who I am. You're going to have to take it or leave it, Lisa, because I'm not going to change anytime soon. Taehyung and I have a lot of unresolved issues that Luna doesn't even know about it. In fact, why don't you go ask her sister about it, because she knows more than Luna knows too. I cannot stand that motherfucker, and for good reason."
Lisa followed me up the steps and toward my room, "Ask her sister? Yoona? Why would I ask her about yours and Taehyung's problems?"
"Because he fucked her," I said as I twisted around and glared at Lisa.
"Yeah. That's right. And Luna doesn't know. And I'm sure that mother-fucker isn't going to tell her. He cheated on Luna, then he bangs her sister, he almost banged his own best friend Jennie, he banged Yeri, and he almost banged you. That means over half the women in this cabin have been seduced into his charm and left heartbroken or in shambles at the end of it."
Lisa's mouth was agape as she stared at me, "I don't think..." she whispered in a daze, "...that you have your facts straight. Taehyung wouldn't have done that to Luna. I know Taehyung. I know better."
"It's true," I huffed, "because Yoona told me herself. The night that she and I almost had sex in this cabin. We were messing around every night when we first got here, and then she told me, and I quickly put an end to that shit. I'm not after Taehyung's seconds, I'm not that guy. Fuck that."
I glared at Lisa, ignoring her beautiful presence in those tight ripped blue jeans and black tank top. "I thought you were different. I thought you were special. And it wasn't just about your looks, or how you and I were intimate. I thought that you were going to be that only woman I'd let in, to know the real me. To see the side that no other woman has ever seen..."
I watched as a lonely tear streamed from her eye, but I stood my ground.
"I thought you were perfect, Lisa. And maybe that's my fault, you know? Hell, maybe I shouldn't have put you on a pedestal... but I did. After I found that out... anytime I think of kissing you, all I think about is you and him, and where his body was on you... and it's just... not the same."
Lisa nodded, swallowing hard as she looked to her feet, "You know, this really sucks," she said softly, "because with any other guy, I'd just shrug it off and move on. I don't let any man put me down or anything else... I'd tell them to go to hell. But I care for you, Jimin. I want to be with you. I felt the chemistry, the sparks between us... I know you say that you thought I was going to be the girl who you could show your secret side to and everything..."
Her voice trailed off as she looked at me. "But what you don't realize is, I already see you differently. I never looked at you like you were immature, or like you were this insecure man... I ignored other people's comments about you, and believe me, there were plenty of it... Jimin, I already saw that special, secret side of you. I see your potential, your intelligence..."
She swallowed hard as she bounced on her feet nervously. Her voice was shallow when she spoke again, "Please don't push away from me."
I looked toward the wall, afraid that she was going to see my own aching in my chest and in my eyes, "I'm sorry, Lisa."
With that, I turned and left her sobbing in the hallway. And when I got to my room, behind my locked door, I let go.
All of the heartache that I felt these past few days... all of the "there's someone better" vibes I got from women anytime they'd meet Taehyung... all the lies and devious behaviors that he used to play on women... All the times that I lost girls to him... everything I kept a burden came out.
And I broke down.
Yoona POV
I laughed as Jungkook threw me across the water, landing effortlessly into Mark's arms.
He grinned, before throwing me into Hoseok's.
Back and forth, side to side, in tiny circles... my white bikini-clad body was thrown between one sexy man's arms into another...
I was quite enjoying myself.
Jungkook laughed as I was thrown back into his arms, pulling me in for a tight embrace, "Are you having fun, my little tight-assed basketball?"
I grinned, wrapping all limbs around him, "Of course!"
He kissed my neck as the door swung open, revealing a pissed off looking Lisa. She threw her hands on her hips, glaring at me, "Can I talk to you for a second?"
Immediately, I felt my defense mechanisms kick in. She looked harsh.
"Is there something wrong, Lisa?"
"Look, Yoona, can I just talk to you?"
I held tight to Jungkook, not thinking I should get out of the pool.
"Fine," she spat, not removing her evil eyes from my face, "We'll do it here. Did you fuck Taehyung?"
"WHAT?!" Jungkook and I shouted at the same time, along with everyone else.
And I do mean everyone else: Me, Jungkook, Mark, Rose, Yuri, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jennie... basically everyone but Taehyung, Luna, and Jimin were in the pool area.
I tensed up, closing my eyes as Jungkook let go of me and I sunk into the water.
I popped back up quickly, my heart strumming like a bass drum as I avoided my boyfriend's gaze and stared at Lisa. "Who told you that?"
"Who the fuck do you think?"
I took an unsteady breath, "Jimin."
"Good guess."
"What the fuck is going on, Yoona?"
I shook my head, looking down into the water as I mumbled, "I knew this was going to catch up to me sooner or later."
"Whoa, whoa, hold the fucking horses," Jungkook said, throwing his hands in the air as he backed away from me. "Yoona?"
I winced away from him and swam toward the side of the pool.
The room got awkwardly, uncomfortably silent as I climbed out and wrapped the towel around me.
I tried to walk out, but Lisa quickly stormed in front of me, blocking my path.
"Lisa, why does it matter?" I asked under my breath. "You're not dating Taehyung, you're with Jimin."
"That's my point!" she shouted, not bothering to lower her voice in discretion. "That is my fucking point, Yoona. I am with Jimin, or I'm trying to be. I care for him, a lot. Regardless of what anyone else thinks. And then he goes and tells me about you and him, and about Taehyung-"
"Yoona?" Jungkook cut her off.
I slowly twisted around, to see Jungkook wrapping a towel around his dripping waist.
He walked over, pulling me, Lisa, and himself to the corner. "What's this about?"
"Yeah?" Lisa said. "Please tell me."
I held my breath and pursed my lips.
"Yoona, please tell me you didn't have sex with Taehyung," Jungkook said. "Please tell me that."
"Why would it matter?" I asked curtly.
"Because he's my good buddy, that's why. You don't do that to your friends."
I shook my head, staring at the concrete. "I need to go change for the party."
As I walked away, Lisa's hand cupped the crook in my arm, "Jimin found out about me and Taehyung and now he won't look at me the same way, and it hurts. And then he goes and tells me about you and Taehyung... and it all makes sense... All his insecurities, everything. Me, you, Luna, Yeri... All of us but Jennie hooked up with Jimin in some way, shape, or form, and then used Taehyung to get away from him..."
Lisa scoffed as she continued, "Well, I didn't want to get away from Jimin, but he pushed me away."
I stared at the ground, not saying anything. I also noticed Jungkook wasn't speaking either.
"Is it true?" she whispered as she stood beside me.
"Is what true?"
"Did you use you and Taehyung's history as a way to get away from Jimin?"
I sucked in my bottom lip... and then slowly nodded.
Then I walked away so I didn't have to hear Jungkook cursing up a storm.
The damage had been done.
Luna POV
Nine thirty. Everyone was downstairs. The music was blasting through the surround-sound speakers in every room of the cabin. I could hear our friends chatting and hollering as they danced.
I smiled, spinning around in my outfit again.
I chose a simple white tank top, fitting around the breasts and flowing effortlessly over the hips. The chest was held together by a gold jewel, and I matched it with simple heels, and skinny jeans. I only wore the necklace that matched Taehyung's, and my watch he bought me.
Taehyung had told me he'd meet me down stairs. Thoughts of his presence flushed over me, and I felt overwhelmed immediately. He chose to go simple as well, wearing a white, fitting, collared button down shirt, and dark denim jeans. His hair is a disarray of sex-like hair had been decorated with his reading glasses again.
I closed my eyes and shuddered, as excitement ran through my veins. I wasn't sure exactly why he pushed me away earlier, and why he had two conversations with his father - one being about four minutes long, and the other being a good two hours long... both in silence and privacy.
But I had hoped that, after tonight, we'd put the "friends" taglines away. For good.
I crossed my fingers, before ruffling them through my hair again. I chose to pin my hair back on the sides, leaving it to flow and wave around my shoulders. Simple make up with pink and bronzed colors, and two sprays of perfume later, and I was galloping down the steps.
As I entered, I immediately felt the tension in the room.
Yoona was standing in the corner with her arms crossed over her gold strapless dress.
Jungkook was clear on the other side, talking with Hoseok and Rose.
Jimin was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, around about six girls, with two beers in his hands.
Lisa was sitting on the couch in the den with a blonde, spiky haired guy, seeming just as uncomfortable and forced.
Yuri was headed toward me, while her boyfriend Mark was talking with Yoongi. The both of them were eyeing Jennie down in that strapless, red leather mini-dress that kept riding up every time she moved an inch.
Jennie waved to me before dropping it down to the ground seductively.
I waved back to her. Then I gave Yuri a hug, but there was no time for small talk.
I had one person on my mind at that moment.
And I couldn't wait to see him.
I searched through the room, rising on my tip-toes over the noisy crowd, trying to find a head of beautiful hair.
I looked and looked, and walked and perused... but Taehyung was no where in sight.
Pursing my lips and furrowing my brows, I strolled over to Yoongi and Mark. "Hey guys, have you seen Taehyung?"
They shook their heads, not removing their eyes from Jennie's dancing frame in the middle of the dance floor.
"Are you sure?"
They nodded, still gaping at her like she was prey. Typical males.
I sighed and walked toward Yoona, and she tensed up as I met her. "Hey sis."
"Hey," she said tightly, not appearing to be even breathing.
I arched my brows at her. "Are you okay?"
I nodded, not convinced. "What's going on with you and Jungkook?"
I stared at her, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. "Then why aren't you over there with him?"
"He's... busy."
"Yep. Busy."
"Hmm." This was getting me sidetracked. "Anyways, uh, have you seen Taehyung?"
"I don't necessarily keep tabs on him, Luna. He's your dude, remember?"
"Geesh, I was just asking."
She nodded, not bothering to look at me.
"Well, I can tell you're obviously pissed about something, so I'm gonna go try and find him."
"You do that."
I shrugged her attitude off, and strolled through the crowd, heading toward Jungkook and Hoseok.
"LUNA!" They shouted, as Hoseok picked me up and spun me around.
"You look hot!" Jungkook said, brushing my hair off my shoulders.
"Thank you much, so do you guys, with your matching black t-shirts and jeans. Very cool."
They laughed and I stood between them, feeling awfully short between them. "Hey, have you guys seen Taehyung anywhere?"
"He's around," Hoseok said as he rubbed my back.
"I'm going to go try and find him."
"I'm sure he'll come around," Jungkook insisted nonchalantly. "He always does. Besides, Hoseok and I are under direct orders to keep an eye out for you."
"Why?" I asked curiously.
"Just cause."
'Love, Sex, and Magic' by Ciara and Justin Timberlake came on the radio, and Hoseok pulled me out on the dance floor. "Let's dance, you sexy woman."
I giggled, allowing him to pull me into his arms.
We swayed our hips, me raising my arms in the air while he matched my rhythm. Hoseok was so attractive to me, I couldn't deny that. He wasn't too much taller than me, maybe around five seven...
Wearing a backwards cap, black shirt, dark jeans... Luscious bottom lip... entrancing eyes...
I giggled as he twisted me around, bending me over so he could push my butt against him.
Of course, we were platonic, considering he's spent every second macking on Rose since we got here, and I longed for his friend... but dancing with him... Definitely had its perks, if I were being honest.
I put my best moves against him, showing how far I could bend over and sway at the same time.
"Damn girl," he said as I rose back up, leaning my head back against his shoulder, "you're lucky you're Taehyung's."
"Technically," I teased because I could, "Taehyung and I are just friends for now."
"Please," he scoffed as he twisted me back around to face him and pressed up against me, "you two were never friends. He's head over heels for you. At least, he better be, if he knows what's good for him."
I giggled again, pretending to be clueless, "How's that?"
"Well," he said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "not to sound too perverted, but you've got me standing like a pool stick."
I beamed at him, and felt two other hands wrap around my waist. Taehyung!
Immediately, my grin became larger as I twisted around.
Then my face dropped slightly.
Not Taehyung. His cousin Namjoon.
Namjoon smiled at me, pulling me into his arms, "May I cut in?"
"Uh, sure," I said, forcing my smile back on my face to hide my disappointment.
We swayed from side to side, and I allowed him to set the pace this next song. "Hey Namjoon?"
"Have you seen Taehyung?"
"Uh, I did earlier, but... I'm not sure where he's at now."
"Is he downstairs?"
"I think so. Maybe he went to get a smoke?"
"Yeah," I replied, still feeling like something was... off. "Yeah, that must be it."
I was pulled into Jungkook's arms, before I could even get a break.
"Hey girl!"
I shook my head, as he twisted me around in circles, "My God. The three of you are really putting Taehyung's request to keep an eye on me full force. What is all of this about?"
"Nothing," he smiled at me, chewing on a tooth pick while we danced. "Just shut up and seduce me. I like it."
I giggled and caved in, dancing with him.
After six more songs and about forty minutes after I came downstairs, I snuck away with a lie that said I was going to the bathroom, and went to look for Taehyung again.
I noticed Jennie leaning against the wall beside the glass doors heading toward the patio, with Yoongi hovered over her, pinning her between his arms. She had her hands on his navy blue sweater, tugging on the hem of it while she batted her eyelashes.
I held my breath, strolling over to her as quickly as possible. I didn't want to get caught by the three watchmen. "Hey Jennie."
"Luna!" she shouted as Yoongi leaned away, so she could give me a hug.
"Hey hun. Have you seen Taehyung anywhere? I've been down here almost an hour, and I cannot find him."
"I've seen him here and there," she said with a shrug, "but not recently. He is wearing a whi-"
"I know what he's wearing," I reassured her with a smile.
"Oh. Well, no worries, hun. I'm sure he's just mingling."
"Okay. You two continue, sorry I interrupted."
"No worries," Yoongi said.
I breezed past them, running straight into Jimin, who was coming out of the bathroom and zipping up his black jeans at the same time. "Sorry," I said, taking a step back and stumbling on my heels, "didn't see you there."
He smirked sarcastically, not saying anything.
"Hey Jimin, have you seen Taehyung?"
Then he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"Not at all?"
"Nope. He's probably fucking someone somewhere. Knowing him."
"That's real mature, Jimin," I hissed at him. "Grow up."
He nodded and patted my shoulder with more sarcasm, before walking past me and hollering at his friends to get him another beer.
What was with everyone?
I exhaled, strolling down the empty hallway. He had to be here somewhere... but I'm not sure why I was heading in the wrong direction.
After a few more halls, I noticed Yoona, sitting on the side of her bed, her arms wrapped around her stomach, with a sour look on her face.
"Yoona?" I asked tentatively, before walking over to her and kneeling in front of the bed.
She looked up, as tears streamed down her face.
"Sis, what's wrong?"
She shook her head and slumped over, removing her gaze from my eyes. "I'm such an idiot."
"What's wrong?" I repeated.
"I'm so stupid."
I rubbed her bare knees, but she wouldn't let me hold her hands. "Yoona? What is it?"
"I..." she said, shaking her head, "I did something, and it caught up with me."
I waited a minute, trying to figure out what she was talking about. When I couldn't, I decided to ask instead. "What did you do?"
"I fucked up," she whispered through tears. "With Jungkook, with Jimin... With everyone."
"Did you cheat on Jungkook with Jimin?" Immediately, I felt hot. I wanted to kick Jimin in the balls.
"No," she said quickly. "No, no, nothing like that."
"Then what is it?"
She sighed, wiping her face with the back of her head. "Taehyung."
"Huh?" I asked. She wasn't making any sense.
"I made a mistake... about Tae-"
I twisted around, to find Yuri in the doorway, motioning with her hand for me to come there quickly.
"What is it, Yuri?"
"I just saw Taehyung, and he was heading toward the mini bar, with a pack of cigarettes in his hand."
"Oh, okay, I'll be there in a second."
"You'd better hurry. I think his friends are looking for you."
I nodded, motioning with my hand for her to go away, before turning my attention back to my sister. "Yoona, please tell me what is going on with you."
"I... just... Jungkook's not going to believe anything I say now. It's over."
"What is over?"
"Our relationship!"
"Why is it over?" I asked. They seemed fine to me, earlier.
"Because... I uh, did something really stupid and he found out about it, and no matter what I say, he won't believe me."
"Again, what did you do?"
"LUNAAAA." A stern, male voice echoed behind me.
I winced and turned around, to find Jungkook, Hoseok, and Namjoon in the doorway.
Jungkook looked uncomfortable, like he didn't want to be anywhere near my sister suddenly. Namjoon looked like a disappointed father who just caught me in the middle of sneaking out of my window, while Hoseok just grinned at me and sipped on his beer.
I rose to my feet, brushing my fingers through Yoona's hair. "If you need me, I'm here."
"I'm fine. Go party."
I nodded and headed toward the guys, "Sorry I removed my shackles boys. I did go pee, but then I went and tried to find Taehyung."
"What, did you expect him to be sitting on your sister's lap?" Hoseok replied jokingly. Namjoon and Jungkook suddenly glared at him, and I felt confused at why it was so death-like looking.
Was there something I wasn't getting?
They led me into the room full of people, and I took a few shots back to pack, laughing as they teased and joked with each other. I could tell they were all really close.
'Pony' by Ginuwine came on, and I let Yuri pull me in the dance floor with her, promising my guardians to be on my best behavior.
We swayed our hips to the sexy sounds, being the typical Luna-Yuri twosome... Flirtatious. Sexy. Fun. Girls.
After the first verse, I swayed around to press my butt against her, and then I stopped dancing as my heart plummeted to the ground.
Taehyung was at the bar, with a plastic cup in his hand. Looking sexy as ever. Like sex on fire, to be more specific.
But that's not what made me breathless.
What stopped my heart was the blonde girl that was in front of him, her hands behind her and on his shirt, while she swayed her ass around his crotch, working her way seductively to the floor.
He was laughing and acting like she didn't even phase him, while he talked to a few of his friends I recognized from summers in the past.
The girl was beautiful... Not slutty. But I hated her instantly.
She had bleached blonde hair, wavy and strolling down her black silk tank top. She wore skinny jeans that were rolled tight at the ends, embracing high black heels to heighten her short frame. She had the most perfect set of cheek bones and lips... and her blue eyes were the deepest, most beautiful I had ever seen on anyone.
I froze through the entire song, ignoring when another song came and went. All I could do was stare at them. His cocky little grin while he talked to his friends, seeming so cool and unphased... and her tight, little perfect body, swaying from side to side against him.
Jungkook and Namjoon strolled over to help Yuri get my attention, and I jerked the glass of alcohol from Hoseok's hand, drinking the entire thing, not caring what was in it. All I could do was stare at him. At Taehyung. At MY Taehyung.
I handed the empty glass back to Hoseok, ignoring when he said, "Uh... That was not water. That was straight Vodka on rocks. Like, six shots or some shit."
"Luna?" Jungkook asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face.
I turned and glared at him, "Who the fuck is that bitch on Taehyung?"
He took a step back from my hostile voice, and glanced over at my direction. "I... have no idea. Do you know her?"
"NO!" I said, only getting angrier, "But why is she all up on him?!"
"She's just dancing. He doesn't even look interested."
"He's not stopping her either!" Yuri said in my defense, right before I said it myself.
It was true. He wasn't stopping her.
"Are you two officially together?" Hoseok asked.
I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest, "Not yet, but soon."
"The way I see it," Namjoon shrugged nonchalantly, "you've got three options. You can grow up, walk over there, and take control of the situation. You can be typical, pick a guy and make him jealous. Or you can be mature, and ignore it and act like it doesn't bother you. Because it appears to be harmless, in my opinion."
I swallowed down Jungkook's double shot of Hot Damn. Then I strolled over there toward Taehyung and his stupid friends, not bothering to acknowledge the girl.
"Hey baby," Taehyung said with a grin.
I raised my left eyebrow, staring at the girl. She stopped dancing, suddenly looking awkward.
"Who's the hoe?" I asked, glaring from her to him.
"What?" he replied, furrowing his brows.
Again, I glared at her, answering his question with my eyes.
"Excuse me," she said sweetly, trying to keep her cool, which made me hate her more. I wanted her to be angry - it'd make hating her easier. "But who are you?"
"He," I pointed to him while I stared at her and ignored her question, "is mine."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. He didn't look taken."
"Whoa, whoa, Luna," Taehyung said, trying to side step away from her, "it's not like that."
"It's not like what?"
"It's not like that. She was just dancing. I told her I wasn't interested, didn't I?" He asked, looking toward her.
"He was sexy. I just thought I'd try my moves anyway, maybe change his mind."
I intensified my eyes. "Well, be done with it. Like I said, he's taken."
I glared at Taehyung, hands on hips. "What?"
"We haven't..." his voice trailed off as he shook his head.
"We haven't what, Taehyung? Haven't given ourselves titles? Haven't had sex yet, as an actual couple? Haven't discussed why you pushed away from me this morning, after spying on me in the shower?"
"Maybe you two have different opinions on your relationship?" The blonde girl offered.
"Who asked you?" I spat at her.
"My name. It's Sara. And I was just offering a second opinion."
"Whatever," I said, glaring back at Taehyung.
"Luna, you're being quite ridiculous," he said under his breath, pulling me toward his side, "I didn't do anything wrong."
"You didn't stop her."
"I did. She was relentless."
"You didn't seem to mind her efforts, Taehyung."
"I didn't seem to acknowledge them, either, did I, Luna?"
I stared him down. I felt both stupid, and hot still. I didn't want to see him with another girl... with anyone but me... Ever again.
"Are we there again?" He asked roughly at me. "I mean, are we back there, at your dad's house? Is that what this is about?"
"No," I spat at him. "This is about you not growing up. This is about you not wanting me."
"Luna, of course I want you."
"It doesn't seem like that. You've hardly been around me all day. You denied me, once again. Plus, I spent an hour at this party looking for you."
"What, between dancing with my buddies?" he argued.
"Yeah, between dancing with the boys that you made my guard dogs."
"It's to protect you, Luna. It's a precaution."
"From what?! From who?! From you and Sara and your sex tease she was giving you? Were you trying to keep me occupied so I wouldn't see it?"
"Luna, come on," he said, almost loosing his cool, "I didn't say that. Don't put words into my mouth."
"Then what, Taehyung? Precaution from what?"
"I'll tell you about it later, okay?" he whispered, trying to motion for me to lower my voice as well. "Look, I'm sorry about Sara, but you took it the wrong way. I never touched her, barely even acknowledged her. She doesn't matter to me, and I think you damn well know that... No offense," he said, turning to face her.
"None taken," she said, hands in the air as she remained calm. "Is she your girlfriend?"
"No," I answered, not looking at her but only at Taehyung's eyes. "He hasn't asked me yet."
"Well, your attitude isn't making it that more appealing, to say the least." His argument stung.
I took a step back, as fumes boiled over. "As someone who wants to be in a relationship, you sure don't seem to make it more appealing, either."
He scoffed, shaking his head, "Luna, I want to be with you. But you can't keep overreacting like this. It's insane."
"No, Taehyung, it's not. If you want to be with me, then you can't go and be that player that everyone expects you to be. You can't be the man's man, showing off in front of your friends, proving to them that you can have anyone you want. We all know that you can have anyone you want. But I want you to want me. I want you to love me. I want you to only be with me. And I don't want you to push away from me when I try to have sex with you!"
"Oh, Jesus Christ, Luna. If I had any idea that pushing away from you would be that big of a deal, I would have banged you until you couldn't see straight. I would have made you see fucking black and white only. But you're more important to me than just some random fuck."
"Maybe that's what I want!" I spat at him
He glared at me, looking sexy even though he had smoke practically coming from his ears. "Oh that's what you want?"
"That's what you think you want," he repeated himself.
"I know it is."
"You want to be fucked."
"You want me to fuck you."
I noticed his friends' mouths dropped, all of them. But I stood my ground.
He stood his as well. "Really?"
"Yes," I hissed at him.
"You want to be treated like a piece of ass?"
"Yes, if you're doing it, then yes. I do."
He scoffed and jerked me to him, tossing his empty glass onto the bar as he pulled me through the crowd.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he squeezed my arm tighter, my heart in my throat.
"No fucking questions. Just move."
He started to walk toward the steps, then twisted and pulled me back into the crowd, and toward the garage.
My nerves kicked in, but I held my chin up when he pulled me into the dark, cold room and slammed the door behind him.
I started to speak, but bit my tongue as he flicked the first set of lights on, barely lighting up half the garage on the opposite side of where we are.
Before I could open my mouth again, I felt him twist around and grab me, shoving me in front of him.
He grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me forward, and I realized instantly what he was doing. He was bending me over his BMW Carerra Coupe Convertible.
And he wasn't being nice about it.
Aggressively, his hand tightened around the back of my neck as he held the side of my face on the cold hood, shoving himself over and against me. Hard. Rough.
I could hear some sort of a belt buckle, and swallowed hard at the thought of what he was doing behind me. Or about to be doing.
My body ached for him, longed for him. Craved him.
"What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly, as my nerves grew stronger.
"This is what you want, right?" He shouted at me, as he bent over my stilled body. "You want me to fuck you, right?"
I closed my eyes as he pushed me harder into the hood, and I felt my pants tighten as his hand grabbed the back of them, lifting my stomach off the hood but keeping my face planted firmly. He was jerking on my pants. Trying to pull them down.
"Do it," I said thorugh shivers.
I felt his hardness all against me. But it wasn't comforting, like it normally would be. It wasn't inviting and warm and cuddenly... it was just... fierce. Raw.
I couldn't speak.
"You want me to treat you like some bitch, is that it, Luna? Because if that's what you want, I can fucking do it."
His words were venom. Straight and domineering. He both startled me and turned me on - but startled me more than the other. I'd never seen him like this... not this angry. Was he angry at me? Or did he want it, too?
This wasn't sexual necessarily... this was about to be pure, straight, fucking... - just as I asked for. Words couldn't describe the millions of thoughts that crashed over me.
I tried to push up from the hood, to see him, be strong, and encourage him on... But he shoved me harder against it, almost growling into my ear. I could feel his heart pounding into my back, vibrating my shell with its fast pace.
"You want to be treated like you're nothing, right Luna? Like some stupid worthless bitch that wants to be fucked senseless, until she can't even walk straight. Isn't that right, Luna?"
I tried to push up again, to turn and face him and say yes to his face, but there was not even a centimeter of air between me and the cold, hard hood of his car.
I felt his hands wrap around my hair, and he jerked on it, hard. I winced again, my eyes clamping shut as I continued to struggle to find my voice.
"That's what you want, right Luna? For me to treat you like this? For me to pull your fucking hair out, to hold you down like you want? To give it to you raw as fuck?... ANSWER me."
Yes. I think. "T-Taehyung," I said, trying to find my words. "Please."
"SAY IT, LUNA! Tell me again that you want me to fuck you. I dare you."
I shivered, almost winced, at the firmness of his hands as he held me down onto the car. He felt so good against me, so dominating. I trusted him with everything I had... but I was still worried. Confused. Overwhelmed.
I told myself I would never be scared of him, never have a reason to be... and I'm not scared of him, AT ALL, even during this very moment. He was doing this because I asked him to.
But I was suddenly scared of this idea. Not of being fucked by him, necessarily - the idea actually intrigued me, if I were being honest with myself - but the idea of feeling worthless and used afterward, which is what I insinuated when I started this.
I closed my eyes, feeling him pull my pants past my hips and hastily push my shirt up a bit. His hands weren't gentle at all. Neither was his touch on me. They were foreign.
"Say it," he demanded huskily. "Say you want to be fucked, Luna. I'm ready and waiting, all you have to do is just give the word."
I wanted it, but I didn't at the same time.
I wanted him, even the sexy dominating him, but did I want him this way? Forcing him to do something with me while he was this angry?
I closed my eyes, and at that moment... a million flashbacks of Taehyung came into my head.
Not specific dates, like when we first met or kissed or any of that...
Just different flashbacks of him. Only him. Of his twenty grins. Of his tears and heartache. Of his diamond green eyes, and all the sparkles in them that appear with different colors of his wardrobe. Of his different laughs, different smirks, different voices... His sexiness, his dominance...
All these things about him that were around me, that I got to witness... That was my Taehyung...
This wasn't.
And he was waiting on me to give my word. To allow him to fuck me senseless... Even if I asked for it, which I did.
Because he'd never do anything like that to me unless I wanted it. Truly wanted.
And I didn't. Not like this.
"Stop," I said as a tear slipped from my eyes. My voice grew weak instantly, and I sobbed against the hood, "please. Don't."
Instantly, I felt him jerk harshly from me, and a belt buckle again while he backed away.
I lay against the hood, tense and breathless, not fighting as the tears pooled over my face.
I laid there for what seemed like hours... laid there until I found the strength to peel my sweaty body off of the steel hood.
I struggled with my trembling hands to pull my pants back up, thankful he didn't actually do it. I knew he wouldn't though.
It wasn't right for me to ever push him that way.
Then, solemnly and ashamed, I wiped my face off and turned to face him.
He was leaning against a wooden stand filled with tools, his pants fastened back, his hands in his pocket. His face was completely blank. His body was stiff.
"I-I'm sorry," I whispered.
He didn't say anything. His face remained emotionless.
"I'm really sorry," I whispered again. "This is my fault."
"Don't do this shit to me again, Luna," he said harshly. "Don't ask me to treat you like a fucking whore."
I nodded, looking toward the concrete ground, "I won't."
"Because you're not a whore. You're not a bitch. You're not some girl who can ever be treated like she should be just fucked. Do you get that?"
"Yes," I replied meekly. "And I really am sorry."
"Stop fucking apologizing to me, Luna, and listen to what I am saying. You're worth more than that. Worth more than what that mother fucking dickhead Sean, did to you, do you understand me?"
"And to put me in that type of category... To ask me to treat you like that... it really broke my heart. Can you understand that?"
"Yes." I didn't know if he could even hear my response. I barely could hear myself.
"And don't ever, I mean ever, let any mother fucker tell you differently. Not even me. Not even when I'm pissed at you and losing my control. Okay?"
"Look at me."
Slowly, I lifted my head, my watered down eyes finding his serious ones.
"Do you hear me?"
I kept my eyes on him. "Yes." I wiped the tears from my face, fighting to keep the rest inside. "I shouldn't have ever put you in that position."
"You shouldn't have put yourself in that position. I know it was with me, but..."
His voice trailed off as he looked down to the ground, "... I cannot imagine what any other man would do if that had been them instead of me. They wouldn't have stopped, they wouldn't have even asked you to give them the word. They would have just reacted... They would have taken your bullshit, trying to be a courageous response for what it was worth, and they would have fucked you, Luna."
"I know."
"I did that to prove a point. To show you that there is a difference between a man and a woman being dominant as a couple, together; and a man treating a woman like a fucking two-bit whore. Not giving two shits about her, or her body, or her virtue, or her feelings. Only in it for him. Do you understand that?"
"Yes." I slumped forward, sniffling.
After a few moments of staggering silence, Taehyung jerked from the wood and stood in front of me, "Stop crying. It's over now."
"I'm so s-sorry," I said, and the tears came full-force, once again. I sobbed into my hands, as he wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so sorry, Taehyung."
"I-I was so wrong, so jealous. I got scared; I didn't like seeing you with that girl. She was so pretty, so blonde - she intimidated me. I wanted you to want me so bad, and I went about it the wr-wrong way, and I-I'm sorry that I forced you to have to prove a point to me. I'm sorry I took advantage of that. Of my relationship - or lack there of - with you. I'm so sorry, Taehyung."
"Stop apologizing to me baby."
"No, please. Let me apologize. I'm so sorry."
"I forgive you." His voice was calm as he held me tight.
"You pro-promise?"
"Shhh," he wiped my face, leaning back to look at me, "I promise. I forgive you."
I shook my head, cupping my hands around his wrists while he held my face, "I won't ever do that again."
"I believe you."
"Okay. Now stop crying."
I closed my eyes for a few moments, gathering myself together again. Then I looked him straight in the eyes. "I just love you so much. I don't want to lose you to anyone else again. I don't ever want to lose you."
"You'll never lose me, Luna."
"I just love you so much," I repeated again.
"I love you too."
"No," I replied, making sure he was looking at me, "listen to me now. I love you. No one else."
He tilted his head at me, "I love you too."
"No, Taehyung... you don't get it."
He chuckled gently, "What don't I get?"
I sighed, my chin quivering as I melted into his eyes, holding onto him for dear life. "I'm in love with you, Taehyung Kim."
The words, never spoken before in that manner... came from my lips so easily. Because they were true. I was in love.
With my ex-boyfriend.
It's sad that it took what he had to do to make me realize how much he meant to me. How different he was from all the rest.
My chest heaved awkwardly as I stared at him. Waited for him to respond.
He appeared to have gone into shock.
But I waited. Sat patiently on the hood of his car and waited.
I didn't even have to hear it back from him, if he wasn't ready. That's not why I did it.
I said it because he needed to know: I, Luna, was in love... For the first time in my entire life.
With him.
My ex, and now my friend... But in short: The only man that has ever held my heart.
Regardless of his stubbornness, his arrogance, his cockiness, his stupid attitude moments, Regardless of the women that tried to take my spot and everything else... It was him.
The love of my life.
I searched his eyes, his facial expressions...
And then there it was: My favorite, special, side-ways grin, while his eyes sparkled perfectly...
He blinked slowly as he bent over me, placing his forehead against mine while his eyes melted into mine.
I smiled, cupping his face in my hands as I looked back at him... and saw all the reasons why it was him. Why I chose him. Why I wanted him to be mine.
He was everything... And I mean everything.
I'd never been more certain about anything in my life.
And it didn't matter what had to happen for this realization to come to place... because it was here, and it was rock solid. There was no changing it. Ever.
All the heartache, the separation, the struggles, the love, the realizations of the strength of that love... It all led up to me and him, after all.
"Luna," he whispered delicately.
He smiled, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip, before his hands cupped the back of my neck and held my face higher to look at him more directly.
He sighed, and gave me another gentle, calm, reassuring, million-dollar smile. "I am so in love with you."
I couldn't help myself. I grinned... Full of teeth, ear to ear... no bars holding... WIDE ASS grin.
"Really?" was the only giddy response that could come out of my mouth.
"Mmmhmm," he smiled, "really."
I giggled like an idiot, throwing my arms over his shoulders and pulling him closer.
"Good," I said as I gave him a chaste kiss. "Good," - another kiss - "Good," - bigger kiss - "Really, really..." - a really, big kiss, - "...mmm... you taste... Really good."
He laughed, pulling me against him and lifting my legs so they'd wrap around his waist. I pushed him closer to me with my heels, craving all of him.
"God Luna," he said into my ear breathlessly, "I want you so much."
I felt his need, as his fingers slid up inside my shirt, his thumbs bracing circles around my tightened skin.
Lord he smelled so good. "Mmm, I want you too."
He slid his warm tongue into my mouth, and I took all of it in, pushing him harder as he pressed my back into the cold steel of the car. Jesus, he tasted so incredible.
Suddenly, I liked this car a lot more. Fuck the Volvo.
His hands grazed along my hips, my ribs, trailing upward slowly and bringing my shirt with him.
Once my shirt was off, and our tongues were intertwined again, he gripped onto my hips and jerked me hard, my ass sliding along the steel until he was pressed right up against me - jeans be damned - and giving me the friction I wanted.
I gasped into his mouth, clawing at the back of his shirt until it was up toward his neck. Our kiss broke momentarily, until the shirt could be removed.
We came back at each other full force, not bothering with small kisses.
He sucked my bottom lip between his lips and nipped slightly on it, before shoving his tongue back inside my mouth. I moaned as he explored every inch of me, tasted every spot...
His tongue worked me like a steady, well-trained job. He knew exactly how I liked to be kissed.
"Taehyung," I gasped when he let me up for air.
I pushed him forward slightly, not bothering to unlock my legs from him as I unbuckled his belt from his pants.
His hands found my hair, and brushed through it while I unzipped him.
He grinned, before pulling me into him again, and pressing hard against me, forcing me back against the hood.
I gasped and scraped my knees along his ribs forcefully, while he began to suck and nibble on the sensitive skin of my neck. "Ohhh," I hummed with a smile, stroking my fingers through his hair.
I could feel the way his tongue and his lips - not to mention the actual, physical sucking - all over my neck, in one particular spot.
He was leaving a mark on me. I could feel it.
I wanted it.
He was more than welcome to brand me as his.
I tugged on his hair, demanding him to be rougher with me. And he did, sucking rougher and biting onto my neck.
"Ungh, Taehyung," I said breathlessly, clamping my eyes shut.
He grinned against my skin, before inhaling and pulling his face back to look at me.
I took a moment to stare at his bare chest, at his rippled, tight abs and firm pecks... To admire his perfect physique.
Then I zoned in on his eyes while I unbuttoned my own jeans.
He smiled at me while he watched my fingers work quickly. I bit my lip as I attempted to tug them down, but his hands over mine stopped me.
I started to protest, but became breathless as he leaned forward, his mouth a centimeter and a half away from mine.
"Let me do it, love."
I nodded, licking my lips as he lifted me from the car. I leaned back on my palms, as my waist caught in his strong hands and my lower half went where they did - in the air.
He tugged them down and over my heels, not bothering to remove those before placing my thonged booty back onto the cold hood. Hmm, I wonder why, I thought with a grin.
I gasped as my heated body came into contact with the hood. It was freezing.
Taehyung smiled wickedly at me, staring at my red, lace, inch of fabric.
I allowed him to push me backward, his thumbs hitching on the sides of my panties and pulling them down and over my legs. Then he worked on my bra, until I was fully naked and at the mercy of him... which was where I wanted to be.
He kicked off his shoes and dropped his jeans, stepping out of them quickly. I bit my lip as I focused on the huge and evident bulge in his silk, navy blue boxers.
That was mine too.
Again, he slid me down the hood, until I was pressed up against him in the most delicious way. And I felt him this time... All of him... Hard and twitching. Craving me just as I was him.
"Feel that? Can you feel me?" he asked in my ear, and I moaned as he pushed against me, sliding his clothed form against my bare one.
"That's what you do to me. Constantly. Don't ever think that I don't want you. Don't ever say that again, Luna. Do you understand?"
I nodded breathlessly, "I do. I understand."
"Good," he growled playfully into my ear, bringing my hands up with his and holding my body up.
I pulled them away, grasping at the band of his boxers. "Can I take these off?"
"Of course," he grinned at me.
I bit my lip, my fingers dipping inside the waistband. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.
It all happened at once.
One moment, I was pulling off his boxers.
The next minute, I was yanked off the car and standing behind him, with Taehyung as my shield, while Jungkook, Namjoon, and Hoseok was barging into the garage, slamming the door behind them.
"We have been looking for you everywhere!" Jungkook shouted breathlessly, not even appearing shocked at the situation he just walked in on... or there was something more important.
"What is it?" he asked, making sure I was hidden well.
"He's here." Hoseok said.
I felt Taehyung tense up, like some sort of realization washed over him with cold water.
"Who's here?" I whispered, only to where he could hear me.
"Guys, just give us a minute. Stay outside the door, and we'll be out in a minute."
They agreed, not bothering to argue... which was odd. They always argued with him. They were perverts, on top of it. Why didn't they try to sneak a peek with me?
Taehyung twisted around, picking up my clothes, "Love, I am so sorry, please forgive me. I got caught up in something here, and I forgot about something else. Please forgive me."
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I struggled to get dressed as quickly as he was tossing my articles of clothing at me.
"I'll explain everything later," he dismissed my question, jerking his jeans back up and fastening the zipper and button, leaving the belt hang open while he worked on the buttons of his white collared shirt.
"Taehyung, please tell me what's going on."
"I promise, baby, I'll tell you everything later. But right now, I can't."
Once we were dressed, he pulled me harshly into his arms, kissing me with passion, "Please, Luna. Trust me."
"I do," I said with a nod.
Faster than lightening, we were back inside the cabin, noticing that no one seemed to be affected with whatever was bothering Taehyung and the guys. Everyone else was dancing and drinking and laughing, swaying their hips to the music.
"Namjoon, take Luna upstairs. Jennie is going to be in there with her. Guys, go find him."
Namjoon started to pull me away, but Taehyung quickly grasped my arm, jerking me back to him, "And you..." he began with a smile.
"What?" I replied, grinning.
"You better be waiting on me when I get back."
"I will."
"Mmmm," he checked me out, his eyes soaring across my frame, "mmm, mmm, mmm... Man are you going to get it when I get up there."
I giggled and bit my bottom lip, before kissing below his ear and whispering in his ears, "Maybe so, if you're lucky."
Instantly, his cockiness and suaveness took over as he caressed my ass in his hands, "Mmmm, am I going to be lucky?"
I giggled again, unable to help it. "Yes. Yes you are."
He kissed me a couple times, "I love you."
I tilted my head, brushing my fingers through his hair, "I'm in love with you."
He beamed, "You better be."
Then Taehyung kissed my forehead, "Now go. Wait for me, okay?"
And with one last kiss, I allowed Namjoon to take me to Jennie.
Taehyung POV
Once Luna's beautiful frame disappeared with the staircase, I became all about business.
And the thoughts of what that mother fucker did to her before passed over me. And I became pissed. Quickly.
Fuming, I turned to face Jungkook and Hoseok. "Where's he at?"
Hoseok tilted his head behind him, "He's at the bar, getting a drink."
"Is he alone?"
"Yes," Jungkook said.
"Did you do what I asked?"
"Yep," Hoseok said, patting my back, "we told him that he was about to meet the girl, and we're about to take him into the garage."
"Good." I said. "Get on it. I'll be there in three minutes. Make sure you, Namjoon, and Jungkook are all present."
"Done and done," they said as they scurried off.
I cracked my knuckles a few times, walking through the crowd as I shook my arms loose. I was going to make the bitch pay.
There was no doubt in my mind at that point.
My decision had been made.
I headed straight for the kitchen, not bothering with a shot glass while I downed some Patrone.
All I thought about was how that night must have gone down.
That night he chose the wrong woman to fuck with...
What he may have said to her, how he may have treated her... what he might have done to her.
I cracked my knuckles again, ignoring questions from some of the roommates as I strolled back through the crowd.
It was all or nothing.
As I breezed through the crowd - the adrenaline soaring through my every vein, making me feel like I floated toward the garage - my anger grew intensely.
For that mother fucker.
I loosened my body up more, cracking my neck from left to right. I wasn't sure if he could fight, and I didn't give a damn.
That bitch wasn't going to be able to swing one time on me.
I wouldn't let him.
And my friends wouldn't be necessary with that task. They were only there to make sure I didn't kill the fucker... Which sounded really tempting at this moment.
My body began to tremble as the adrenaline took over me completely. I was beyond pissed, imagining her struggles with him.
I took a few pacing breaths, working on my heart rate. I needed the adrenaline to stick, but I needed my facial expression to be calm.
For now.
I swung the door open, noticing the backs of my three best men facing me, and blonde hair from an unknown man peeking spiky above them.
It was him.
I locked the door behind me, shoving the key in my pocket as I paced the room toward them.
I could hear laughter as a suave voice said, "Oh yeah? So she's hot then?
"Oh yeah," Jungkook replied on point, just as directed, "She's smoking hot. She'll have you begging for mercy by the end of that."
"Nah, I think I can handle myself."
My boys scoffed and shook their head, taking swigs of their beer at different times.
Holding my breath, my hands touched on Hoseok's and Namjoon's shoulders, spreading them apart, Hoseok toward Jungkook, and Namjoon on my right.
And then I saw him.
Wearing a long sleeved, black shirt, and dark jeans. His blonde hair was short and spiky at the front. He had blue eyes - pretty little blue eyes that were about to be fucked up.
I smirked, lighting a cigarette and taking a drag, before reaching out my right hand to him, "What's up man, how's it going?"
"Fine," he grinned at me, shaking my hand firmly, "How are you?"
"I'm wonderful. Are the accommodations treating you well?"
"Indeed, thank you."
I smirked at him, taking another drag.
"So," he said suavely, licking that disgusting bottom lip of his, "can I ask, what's the girl's name? I mean, since we're all brothers and everything... Can't you all give me that?"
I huffed and grinned while my friends remained silent, with arrogant expressions plastered on each of their faces.
We all stayed mute, watching him grin and fidget while I smoked my entire cigarette.
"Anyone know her name?" he asked again.
"Luna," I said nonchalantly, lifting my eyes to zone in on his. "Her name is Luna, I believe."
"Luna..." he pondered for a moment, "Hmm. Is she hot?"
"I don't know man, you tell me," I shrugged. "I mean, after all, you dated her once or some shit... right?"
"No," he said, shrugging as his brain tried to crank it's wheels, "not that I can recall."
"Are you sure?" I asked, tiling my head as I watched his facial expressions, "because she seems pretty... hard to forget. Petite, beautiful smile, long, chestnut eyes..."
"Ohhh," he said, scratching his head, "you mean Luna Lee. That Luna, right?"
My stomach tightened as my anger washed over me again. Her name didn't need to be on his lips. Not her full name. "Yeah. That's right."
"Oh, sure, sure. Yeah I know her."
"How well do you know her?" I asked as I lit my second cigarette and took a deep drag.
"Hey man, can I get one of those from ya?"
I bit my tongue as I stared him down.
"Or... not..." he answered himself. "Well, I know her because we dated back a while. She's pretty hot, nothing to be too memorable about. Typical, brunette. Perky, but likes to whine a lot."
Again, I bit my tongue as I gritted the words through my teeth, "Is that so?"
"Yeah. I'm sort of surprised that she's my secret admirer though."
"And why's that?" Jungkook asked, carefully watching to make sure I didn't jump and rip this asshole's head straight off his body.
"I mean, you know how girls get... sometimes a man has to put a woman back into her place."
I felt my fingers tighten into white knuckles. "Let me guess. You thought you'd be the man that did that to ... Luna?"
"Yeah," he smirked. "Why not, right? She's just another bitch. But... I guess I'll give her another go, if she really wants it."
I nodded, tossing my half-smoked cigarette on the floor as my control grew thin.
"Besides," he shrugged nonchalantly as he looked to the ceiling, "...she must have liked it, if she wants seconds."
I nodded, inhaling shallow breaths as I felt myself gravitate toward him. Before I could blink, I was inches from his fucking face.
And I wanted to crack his fucking skull into the concrete.
My hand flew to his throat, and I gripped his shirt and jerked him closer to me, tightening the circle of the fabric around his neck, "Do you know who I am, mother-fucker?! Do you know who you just said that shit to?!"
He didn't answer, his face looking shocked.
"Listen here, dickwad," I spat in his face, lowering my voice to strictly harsh undertones, "I want something burned into your fucking brain real quick. The name is Kim, bitch. You're going to remember that, for when you can speak it and run to the fucking cops later."
He glared at me, trying to loosen my grip on his shirt, and failing.
"That is," I continued, breathing down his neck as I glared into his pussy-filled, terrified eyes, "if I let you speak when this is all said and done."
"Whoa man, what's your fucking problem?"
I grabbed hold of his neck and slammed him hard against the concrete wall behind him, squeezing tight enough to make my point clear that this wasn't a welcoming visit for him anymore, "You fucked with the wrong woman. That is my problem."
"Who? Luna?"
I fumed, not bothering to answer his question as I tightened my grip around his neck, ignoring his light swings to try to knock me off.
His eyes widened and his voice became shallow, "Dude, she's fucking useless. Trust me, let her go. She isn't worth going to jail over."
Before I could think about my reactions, I boiled back and punched him square in the nose, enjoying the cracking sound I created. It was only the first swing.
He bellowed over, grabbing his face while the blood streamed over his nose, "What the fuck, man?"
"Keep talking, bitch. Give me another reason."
He started to stand up, looking at my friends for help.
"They're not going to help you, Sean. They're here mainly to keep me from killing you."
"Dude, you're fucking psychotic!" he said as he wiped more blood from his gushing, broken nose. "I'm out of here."
I grabbed him by his neck as he attempted to walk by, throwing him back against the wall, "You're not going anywhere."
He attempted to swing at me, but I blocked easily and punched him in the stomach.
Again, he buckled over.
"Sean, Sean, man... You're overthrowing your arm here. You're thinking about it too much."
As I blinked, I noticed him charge for me. His left shoulder hit me square in the chest, but I didn't have enough time react, before my buddies ripped him off of me, throwing him once again, back against the wall. He wasn't able to knock the wind out of me. Hell, he barely made contact before my boys had him.
"You might as well make that spot on the wall your new home bitch," Jungkook cursed, spitting on Sean.
Again, Sean struggled but stood up. "This is insane. You're not going to get away with it."
"And you think you're going to get away with what you did?" Hoseok chuckled sarcastically. "Fucking women in the manner you did? Treating them like shit?"
"They fucking liked it," Sean argued against him.
Again, I was up in his face, grabbing him by the neck, "Is that so?"
"YES," he sneered at me, though his face was growing redder by the second.
I didn't let up my grip.
I intensified it.
I wanted to make my point clear. "By this point, Sean, the veins in your eyes will explode from the lack of oxygen. So you're probably not going to be able to speak..."
I lifted him off the ground a couple inches, watching his eyes turn more yellow and reddish.
"So when I ask you a question," I continued in my low voice, scarily, "I want you to just nod or shake your head, and I might let you live. Do you got that?"
He nodded, his legs and hands struggling against my firm body, as he gasped for air.
"Did you fuck Luna?"
He nodded, his hands tapping mine, begging me in silence to release him.
"Did you like it?"
He nodded quicker, as his face color now matched the side of a fire truck.
"Did she say no?" I gritted through my teeth, making each word their own sentence.
"Yes," he squeaked, his nails trying to peel my hand from his wind pipe, "Yes, she said no."
"No, no, Sean," I shook my head, "I told you not to speak. Just nod really easy for me. Did she say no to you?"
He nodded briefly. I knew he was about to pass out.
"Did you continue anyway?"
He nodded again, barely moving his head at all.
I could hear my friends shuffling nervously in the background.
I waited a few extra seconds, and then I turned and threw him face down into the concrete flooring of the garage.
He gasped and rolled over onto his back, curling up into a fetal position, as blood dripped from both his broken nose and his forehead now.
I kicked him hard in the stomach, before kneeling down and hitting him in the face a few more times. I was so pissed off, I didn't even feel it when my bare fist made contact with his left eye, then his right, then his mouth.
I was numb. And irate.
I felt hands on the back of my shirt, as I was being pulled off of him.
Instantly, I pulled away from Namjoon's grasp, not caring that my shirt was stretched as I walked around Sean's limp body.
"Now is the time you need to be very honest, and very clear about what you say here, Sean. Because this is a life and death situation for you. Do you got it?"
"Yes," he gasped as his hand pulled away, the blood on his fingers.
"Did you enjoy hearing her scream against you?"
He coughed a couple of times, but didn't answer.
I knelt before him again, grabbing him by his shirt and slamming him hard into the ground again, "DID YOU?!"
"I don't know man! I fucked up, okay!"
"Oh, yes you did," I replied, letting go and standing up. "So tell me... why did you continue, knowing she said no?"
"Because I fucked up, man, okay?! I did, and I'm sorry."
"But why did you fuck up, Sean?" I pressed as I paced around him. "Tell me why."
"Because... I guess no meant yes to me."
"Really?" I asked, raising my eyebrow and grinning to Hoseok.
He grinned back.
"Yeah, really," Sean replied breathlessly. "With her, no meant yes."
"Hmmm," I nodded again, this time smiling at Namjoon and Jungkook.
Then, before he could cry like the little bitch that he was, I ripped him off the floor by his shirt and slammed him on the adjourning wall, knocking the shit down from the shelves above him.
I hit him a few more times, this time not allowing him to fall between punches. I wanted to impact his entire fucking face, and his entire fucking stomach.
In fact, I wanted to fuck up his entire fucking world at this point.
He begged me to stop, whimpering like a little baby, instead of the big man personality he must have used when he attacked these women.
I threw him down on the ground again, and he tried to crawl away from me, but Jungkook picked him up and shoved him back toward me.
"Look man, I'm really sorry," he started to beg, throwing his bloody hands in the air in a surrender motion, "I didn't mean it. I-I won't do it again, I swear it."
"I'm sorry Sean," I said, shoving him backward and enjoying watching as he stumbled around, "but I'm not quite sure you mean it just yet."
"I do!" He shouted, backing himself into the far wall, hands still in the air. "I mean it!"
I grabbed his head, slamming it back against the wall, before getting up against him again and fuming over his face, "Tell me you mean it."
"I mean it!"
"Tell me you're sorry for what you did."
"I swear! I'll never do it again."
I punched him on his left side of the face, watching his opposite side smack into the wall. Again, I held him up, not giving him the privilege of falling into weakness. "I said apologize, not give me fucking swears, you little fucking bitch!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
"Not good enough," I said, grabbing his shoulders and throwing him down, making sure his face met my knee on the way to the ground. Twice.
He coiled over in pain, cursing loudly as he attempted to cradle the multiple areas I was inflicting damage upon.
My friends started to walk toward me, not trusting my self-control, but I lifted my hands, motioning for them to stop.
I picked Sean up by the back of his shirt, and threw him up against Jungkook's jeep, "So no meant yes to you with Luna, huh?!"
He whimpered and shook in my hands, not meeting my eyes, "Please just let me go."
"No really means fucking yes to you, isn't that right Sean?"
"Please, I-I am begging you."
"YES! Yes, okay! Yes, that's right. No meant yes to me."
I nodded and backed away, watching him slouch down and almost crumble. "So, should I inflict the same rules? Every time you tell me to stop, I should continue, right? I mean, fair is fair, so every time you tell me no, I should keep at it, right? SEAN!"
"I-I don't know man, okay?!" he shouted in defeat, one hand rose while the other cradled around his stomach. "Just stop. I swear I won't call the cops. I swear I'll just leave."
"Oh no, I don't give a flying fuck if you call the cops Sean," I spat at him. "I could care less. In fact, I can call them for you. And I'll tell them about how you fucked all these wo - no, no, let me rephrase that - How you raped all these women. We'll see who does more fucking time behind bars, you little bitch."
"Please," he replied shakily as I shoved my friends away, telling them to back up off me. "Please just... stop."
"What's my name, Sean?" My voice was calm. Scarily calm, even to me.
"My name. I told it to you earlier... I realize you may be been knocked out a few times here and there, but I'm wondering if you can remember it now."
I grabbed him by the shirt and pressed him back against Jungkook's jeep. "My name?"
"Uh, it's uh," he closed his swollen eyes, shaking his head profusely to remember, "It's uh..."
"Come on Sean, five seconds."
"It's uh-"
"Shit! What the fuck was it?!"
"Four, Sean, you'd better think."
"It's uh... It's uh-"
"Kim!" He shouted, cutting me off. "It's Kim!"
I nodded, pursing my lips as I walked backward, grabbing my planted prop I picked out earlier for this special occasion.
"I don't think you've learned your lesson quite yet," I said, twirling the metal baseball bat around my hand as I taunted him with the bat, and my eyes.
Before he could protest, I hit him square in the nuts, causing him to buckle over and gasp for air.
Again, my boys tried to rip the bat away from me, but I wasn't having it, and from the look in my eyes, they quickly backed up.
Sean coughed and crawled, but I grabbed the back of his shirt with one hand, lifting his weak form with one hand.
I threw him effortlessly against the wall, twisting the bat around with my left hand. "NO MEANS YES TO YOU, RIGHT, YOU PUSSY?!"
"Stop!" Jungkook shouted, but I shrugged him off.
"YES!" he whimpered through the one eye that was open still.
"Taehyung, quit it!" Namjoon protested.
I swung the bat around, giving myself some space to do some serious damage. "AND YOU FUCKED MY GIRL, ISN'T THAT RIGHT, SEAN?"
"Y-Yes, but please stop! I said I was sorry. No more, please!"
"I wanna hear you beg."
"PLEASE!" he cried as his swollen, half-lidded eye focused on the metal object twisting around my hands. "PLEASE STOP!"
"Say it again."
My anger rose, "Again."
"Taehyung! This isn't funny anymore; you're going to kill him!" Hoseok shouted.
"Say it again, you PERVERTED FUCK!"
"STOP!" he cried. "OH GOD, PLEASE STOP."
I pushed my friends away, swinging the bat close to his face, "You don't mind if I get a few practice swings, do you Sean? I mean, I'm kind of out of shape here."
"I'm not sure I'll hit where I'm aiming too," I said, looking at his bloody, torn-clothed, crumpled, pathetic excuse for a body, "and I just may end up fucking all your shit up... You know, by accident."
"And that kind of damage is permanent, after all..."
"TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook shouted.
"Taehyung, knock it off, I'm fucking serious!" Namjoon shouted over him.
"Yeah," Hoseok yelled, looking the most nervous suddenly, "you scared the shit out of him, now let's end this."
"Oh I PLAN to END THIS," I replied, glaring from them to the little bitch half-crumpled on the floor.
"Please," he whimpered again, hurdling over in pure defeat this time. "P-Please."
I was beyond control now. "Please what?"
"Please s-stop."
"Please s-stop WHAT?"
"Pl-please, I'm begging you. Please stop this... I get it, you win man. Okay."
"Didn't those women - my Luna - ask you to stop?"
"Isn't that what they said to you?!"
"Oh my G-God," he trembled.
With that, I twisted my body around, as the anger took over.
I saw Jungkook's face of horror flash, followed by Namjoon's face of shock, and Hoseok's face of disbelief, as I swung the bat in a full circle, aiming for my target's head, and only that.
"TAEHYUNG!" My three friends shouted, but all I saw at that point was black. And red.
I swung the bat as hard as I could, and listened to the sounds of shrieking and loud cries as the bat made contact with the hard surface I was truthfully aiming for.
The room grew silence as the bat's contact ricocheted around the room.
I watched in my peripheral vision, as my friends uncovered their eyes, and their mouths dropped to the fucking ground.
But my eyes were only focused on one thing. The little bitch in front of me, with his head cradled in his arms, wincing from me while he sobbed fucking loudly. He really thought I was going to hit him.
After a few seconds, they all looked at me.
I jerked the bat away from the wall that was a mere centimeter away from his temple, and thrusted it into his Adam's apple as I stalked toward him like a fucking lion.
"You," I sneered as I spit into his face, glaring and fuming into his eyes, "have been blessed by a FUCKING Angel, my friend."
He nodded, whimpering as he forced himself to look at me, counting his lucky stars, I'm sure.
But I wasn't done yet, and my words continued to spit like straight and poisonous venom, "Consider this a warning, you dickless bitch. Do this shit again, to anyone, and I will fucking END YOU. With no questions asked. You got it?"
He nodded slowly.
I threw him to the ground, kicking his limp body toward the side as I dropped the bat near his head, causing one last wince from him.
Then I turned to my friends, "Get this bitch out of here. Try not to cause a riot while you do it."
They nodded, stunned.
After a few seconds, Jungkook was the first to speak, "You alright?"
"Just do what I say, Jungkook."
I ignored the stinging in my hands and chest from the contact with Sean's body.
And I didn't look back to see them open the garage door and drag his half-lifeless frame down the drive, or put him in the cab and send him on his way - or whatever they did with him.
I didn't need to.
I got Luna's revenge for her.
And now I could know she was safe from scumbags like him. For good.
Once I was in the bathroom, I washed my hands and splashed some cool water on my face, while the rest of my friends and acquaintances continued to party - completely unaware of what took place in the garage.
Surprisingly, not one single ounce of guilt had crossed my mind since the fight.
Jungkook came and told me he could reassure me that Sean would not be talking to the cops anytime soon, which was a comfort. But if I were being completely honest, even if that bitch did run and report me, I wouldn't regret doing what I did.
Maybe it wasn't my place to go into Luna's past and start shit, but at the same time, in the long run, it wasn't just about Luna.
I took a few classes about rape and different forms of sexual assault amongst women back in college. Being an OB-GYN, rape is unfortunately something that I'd have to witness on a personal level. And some victims would be my patients.
In one of my women's studies classes, I learned that 1 in 6 women would be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Over 18 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape. In fact, every 2 minutes, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted. Over 60% of sexual assaults are not reported, and over 93% of these victims know their assailants.
Victims of rape can build the statistics having post-effects which include depression, PTSD, alcohol and drug related abuse, not to mention contemplating suicide.
And the worse part? Only 6% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.
If, by my beating his ass 'til he was black and blue and regretting life to the fullest extent, was a factual guarantee that he wouldn't go off and do that again to another woman... I'd say I did a job well done. As a grown man, I am well aware that two acts of violence doesn't equal out, and two wrongs don't make a right... but I felt that it needed to be done. There was no other way to get through to people like Sean.
And unfortunately, violence was the only way I could prove my point to him. I had to give him an eye for eye.
So no, ultimately, I do not regret my decision. I did what I felt I had to do.
"Knock Knock!"
I sighed and turned off the faucet, staring at my reflection in the mirror. "Come in."
The door creaked open, and Jungkook snaked inside, quickly closing the door behind him, "Hey, Luna is asking for you."
"All right."
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Are you?"
"Yep. You kicked his ass good. I'm proud of you."
I twisted and leaned against the sink, so I could shake his hand, "Thanks man. For having my back and for getting him home for me. You're the best."
"I do what I can," he replied smugly, before giving me a grin. "So, look man, something's been bothering me, and I didn't want to say anything about it before the fight because I didn't want to distract you... but it's sort of eating me alive."
I furrowed my brows, "Sure, what's up?"
"Uh..." he pulled off his backward baseball cap, scratching his hair, "so... like, sometime in your past... did you ever hook up with Yoona?"
"WHAT?!" I shouted, almost coughing up vomit. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"You know... like, sexually?"
"Hell no!"
He looked at me like I tried to explain to him multiple fractions.
"Where the hell did you hear that from?"
"Uh, Yoona, sort of. And Lisa. I guess Jimin told Lisa or whatever, and she confronted Yoona about it. It's a fucked up situation."
"Dude," I said, slapping his arm, "I swear on the Holy Bible, I would never touch Yoona's naked body. Not even if I wrapped my entire body with condoms and touched her with a fifty-foot, infection-proof pole. No offense or anything, but... it'd just never happen, for multiple reasons."
"But," he replied glumly, "it's just, I don't understand why she'd say that if it weren't true, you know?"
"Trust me. BELIEVE me when I tell you, it's definitely not fucking true. The only time I kissed her was during that Truth Or Dare night thing Jennie made us all do, and trust me, I think I rinsed my mouth out with half a bottle of Peroxide afterward."
"Hey!" he smirked, "She's not repulsive! And I love her man."
"Maybe not repulsive to you! But..." my voice trailed off as my body involuntarily shuddered in disgust, "...ew."
Jungkook laughed, "Well, do you think that maybe you can talk to Yoona for me, maybe find out what the hell is going on with her? Because... I just can't do it. It really upset me to think that I hooked up and fell for a girl after my buddy hooked up with her - especially if that buddy was you, you know? I wouldn't do that to you."
"Yeah, I understand. No problem, just let me do it tomorrow okay? I really want to see Luna."
"Yeah," he smiled, "sure."
He slapped me on my back as I swung open the door, to end up face to face with Yuri.
Her jaw was open as she watched me and Jungkook come out of the single bathroom together, with his hand on my back and grins on both our faces.
With ideas of what she must be thinking, I glared at her.
"Uh, whenever you're done with... whatever it is you're doing," she began, "Luna would like to see you, Taehyung. She's upstairs."
"Uh," she grabbed my arm, stopping me from going past, "...and she's alone. She asks that you be alone as well when you go up there."
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