Chapter ten:
Jimin POV
The cabin was a fucking mad-house.
More and more friends showed up, including two of our oldest married-couple friends: Hyuna and Edawn, and Jessi and Mike.
People were running around all day, screaming their heads off at each other when something didn't go their way.
Opinions flying everywhere, people scrambling over each other to get everything done.
So I did what every good, strong man would do... I stayed upstairs, and I hid.
I couldn't help but notice certain people were avoiding each other, and others were walking on pins and needles.
Luna wouldn't go near Taehyung, or vice versa. Which didn't bother me one bit.
But then Taehyung and Jennie seemed to be getting into it, and Yoongi seemed to be avoiding anyone with tits.
Jungkook and Yoona seemed to be in an off-mood too, and that surprised me. But I guess I'm the culprit in that drama.
Yoona and I have been friends for a long time, and sure, we've hooked up...
But I am not interested in that girl like that, so for him to barge into the bedroom I was assigned to - that she just so happens to sleep in - around three o'clock this morning just... bemused me. I had no idea what was going on, but he looked so frustrated. I was lying on my side of the bed like a good guy, fantasizing about the supermodel-sisters, while she was in the shower.
She came out in a towel when he walked in, and the next thing I know, that grin that was on his face was replaced with something darker, as he eyed me down.
And okay, sure, I may have been pitching a tent and standing beside her, but that was because I was about to go take care of my business in the officially un-occupied bathroom, and he happened to not knock before storming in. I was trying to move her out of the way from the door frame, and I guess when her new boyfriend comes in the bedroom to find my hands on her shoulders, her soaking wet in a scanty towel, and me pitching a woody...
Yeah, that was a bad idea.
Now she's mad at me because he's upset with her.
So that is why I am sitting here on the corner of my bathroom sink, watching Luna fussing over her hair.
She came in here, instead of using her own.
She said Yoongi was in the shower, and wanted to give him time to himself.
I picked up a weird looking brush, that looked like a porcupine that had been wrapped up like a taco, and studied it like he would a quiz. "What the fuck is this used for?"
She huffed for the fifteenth time this hour, "It prevents static from getting in your hair, and it's used for teasing, curls, or volume."
I arched my brow and licked my lips, "Teasing?"
"Yeah... like...-" She glared at me and slapped my shoulder, "Not like that, you dirt-bag!"
I grinned at her, causing her to smile back, "Sorry, you opened that trap."
She slammed her hands on the bathroom sink, "God why isn't my hair cooperating with me?!"
"Ee-heasyyyy there, killer. Just go get one of the other women to do it for you, before you break the granite counter finish."
"I can't," she sneered at me.
This puzzled me. "Why not? Aren't girls supposed to be like, attached to the hip, in the bathrooms or some shit?"
"Well, if I call Yoona in here, she'll want to strangle you until your head swells up. If I call Yeri in here, I'll want to drown her nasty-ass face in the toilet. If I call Yuri in here, then it will ruin her three-years-in-the-making make out session with Mark, and then she'll want to drown me in the toilet..."
"What about Jennie?" I suggested. "Isn't that like... her calling in life, or some shit?"
She glowered at me, before frowning, looking down, and shaking her head. "No. I'm sure she's... busy."
"Please. You'd probably make her whole year if you asked her."
"I said no, Jimin. Drop it."
I raised my hands up in surrender mode. "It's dropped."
God, what is it with women and these fucking holidays anyway?
Most of them had someone who was equally interested in them, as they were to that person...
So what is the point of spending three hours getting all fancied up, if you're guaranteed a lay, or a at least a good kiss by the end of the night?
Made no God-damned sense to me.
I pursed my lips, watching her grow more and more angry.
"Luna. I love you, but you're going to go bald if you keep tugging on that shit."
"Well... guh!" she growled.
I snickered, but stopped as soon as she gave me her evil eye.
"Jimin, why don't you go play with your penis or something?"
"Because this is too good to miss. And I've already done that twice today...and quite a few times last night, so if I do it again, it'll grow sensitive, and then it'll really suck when my pants rub along it all night."
"Waaayyyy too much information."
"You asked."
"I'll remember to not do it again."
I gave her a few minutes to wind down before I spoke again.
"So... what kind of dress did Jennie purchase for you this year?"
She sighed, "A beautiful black one."
"And... that's a bad thing?"
"No, I love the dress, I just don't know how she'll feel about me wearing it, now that I mes-..." She cut herself off, shaking her head.
I thought about it for a minute. "Are you and Jennie at ends this moment?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "She's Taehyung's best friend, so she's just... got some beef with me, I guess."
"But... like three days ago, weren't you all laughing and grocery shopping and wrecking Jeeps together?"
"Yeah... that was then."
"So what did you do?" I pressed.
She exhaled. "She just doesn't want me to get close to Taehyung again."
"That's because Jennie is smart, and I agree with her."
She glared at me, throwing her hands on her robed hips. "Jimin, why do you care? It's not like you and I are married, or together, or any of that shit."
Ouch. "God Luna, what's gotten into you? Are you PMSing?"
"Do not change the subject. Answer my question," she sneered at me.
"Because he broke your heart too many times, and he deserves to get his balls cut off, probed with toothpicks, and placed in a clear jar on top of a mantle for everyone to gawk at?"
She backed away from the counter, her glare growing more intense. "Okay Jimin. I love you, but I am going to be honest here."
"Bring it on."
"You and I fucked up just as bad as he did, when Taehyung and I were together. You knew I had a boyfriend. You knew how much I cared for him. And we messed up, twice."
"Yeah well... I thought you deserved better."
"What? You?"
"Yeah," I scoffed at her. "Anyone but him."
"You were jealous, Jimin."
"Jealous?!" I yelled at her.
"Yes! Jealous!"
"What the fuck would I have to be jealous over?"
She took a deep breath before leveling out her voice. "Taehyung came to town when I was fifteen. You and I had known each other for years. You didn't like it when my interest went elsewhere, and I stopped spending time with you like we used to. You wanted to be that guy for me. And... I tried to even out my time between the both of you, but... I couldn't do it, and it pissed you off."
"I just wanted you to wake up Luna. See the guy for who he truly was."
"Jimin, you never even took the time to learn who Taehyung was yourself! How could you possibly know?"
"I just had a feeling! A gut-instinct. And look what he did, Luna. He did cheat on you, remember?"
"Of course I remember! But that doesn't excuse the fact that I cheated on him with you, twice. The first time, he blew off. Because we had started dating right around that time. But the second time, he caught it, after you forced me against you and rammed your tongue down my throat! You two ended up in jail, after you broke everything in the damn house! How could I forget?!"
"Luna," I groaned, tossing the porcupine brush in the empty sink, "come on! You wanted me to kiss you!"
"I what?!"
"You did! You didn't push away that night!"
"Jimin, I locked up and froze stiff, so you'd catch a hint when I wasn't moving my lips along with yours."
"Please Luna. You could have kneed me in the fucking groin, yanked my hair out in patches, bit my tongue off... but you didn't. Because a part of you wanted it."
She glared at me. "That kiss was the first substantial point of my relationship with Taehyung failing."
I shook my head, trying not to take her shit personally.
We've been friends for too long to let old doors open up again.
"Yeah, well," I replied after a few minutes. "If you two were meant to work out, you would have."
After a few minutes of her not responding, I raised my head to find her eyes.
And they had tears in them. Not overflowing yet, but close.
She closed her eyes to push them back, and sighed heavily. "Yeah well... I guess I really fucked everything up between us."
"We're fine, Luna. I know you're just venting."
"I'm not talking about us, Jimin. I'm talking about... me and Taehyung."
I glared at her. I couldn't believe she was fucking doing this shit to herself again.
"Luna... you've got to be fucking kidding me."
She shook her head quickly, as her body began to tremble in her frustration.
"If you love me Jimin... If you're truly the friend that I think you are... then you're going to have to accept all of me. The wounds, the scars, the imperfections... and the regrets. ...And losing Taehyung is my biggest regret."
I took a deep breath, not saying anything.
I felt so puzzled, I wasn't sure what to say.
No, I didn't look at her like that, and I haven't for a very long time.
We were just friends.
I'm looking after her, just like her dad asked me to do.
But Taehyung cheated on her... He and Yeri got way more into it than she and I ever did.
I didn't fucking get it.
But I wasn't going to fucking ask.
Because I wanted to be that friend to her... Okay, well maybe not, because I didn't know if I could ever accept these things she was asking me to do.
But I didn't want to lose her friendship.
...I just wanted to kill him for putting these damn thoughts back into her head.
Yoongi POV
After my shower, I stood next to my bed, staring at the outfit laid out for me on the covers.
I could hear Luna and Jimin arguing earlier, down the hall in his bedroom, but I couldn't make out their words.
And I didn't dare go in there and break that up.
Last time, it didn't go too well, for any of us.
I focused my attention back to the wardrobe.
Dark, denim, designer jeans. Matching coat. Blue, gray, and white striped sweater. White, collared undershirt.
Just my style.
I shook my head and smiled.
How in the hell does Jennie know all of this shit about everyone?
There was a light knock on the door before it opened, and I turned to see Jennie slipping in.
She was wearing white draw-string pants, a pink tank top, and her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail.
"Well, speaking of the devil," I teased, with a welcoming smile.
"Ask, and I shall appear," she joked with a similar grin.
We stared at each other for a few minutes.
Then I watched her eyes slowly trail down.
Did she just check me out?
I grinned and cleared my throat, enjoying watching her eyes snap back up to mine.
My smile grew, as I waited.
"Oh!" she said, shaking her head as she bounced closer toward me. She was so cute. "Sorry, distracted. I, um, was wondering if the outfit was okay?"
I beamed, looking back toward the bed, "Yeah. I love it, how did you get my style down?"
"I sort of like to study people... I am a fashion major, after all," she replied proudly. "I was going to put you dressier, but then I thought... You wouldn't be as comfortable. So I decided to go with sophisticated but classy, and comfort-chic."
"Well, thank you. I love it."
"Good. I can't wait to see it on you."
I glanced back over to her.
She bit her lip and shook her head, looking down toward the carpet
Was she blushing?
"Jennie?" I asked, trying to figure out what was up.
"You weren't supposed to hear that..." she replied softly. "Okay... um... I'm just going to go."
I chuckled, "Okay, if you must... But again, thank you sweetie."
Her beautiful eyes met mine, and they were gentle as she smiled at me.
I suddenly felt warm.
Then something dawned on me, that I had been thinking about all night and this morning.
"Hey Jennie?"
"I'm really looking forward to our dance tonight."
She beamed, and rose to her tiptoes by the door. "So am I."
Once again, we couldn't stop smiling.
She dropped back to the flats of her feet, and twisted around. "I'll see you in an hour?"
"Yes. Until then."
"Until then," she replied as she shut the door.
It closed with a soft click.
I stared at the clothes, and noticed my heart rate was pounding double time.
I rubbed my face and ran my fingers through my wet hair.
I've spent the past few days, going back and forth with different decisions in my mind.
Decisions about life, love, and... two girls.
I never expected to be thrown off my course like this.
I wasn't sure what to think, or to do.
I loved Luna, and felt happy when I realized she had moved on from Taehyung...
But sometimes, I wonder if I'm lying to myself.
But if I'm not and she really is picking me, then I should feel angry with myself for doubting her.
...But if she isn't...
God, what is wrong with me?
I sat on the bed, staring at the clothes.
When I thought of Luna and my situation, I frowned.
She's been acting so off lately.
And I can't help but still feel insecure.
Especially over the past few days... I've felt something unknown in my chest.
Something has been wrong, I can tell.
I just didn't know what it was.
Hey Jennie, I'm really looking forward to our dance.
So am I.
I shook my head, shaking off the butterfly feeling in my stomach.
I needed to talk to Luna.
Yoona POV
I stood in Jungkook's bathroom, curling my hair with a thick iron.
I was going for straight but volumed, with a little bit of curl.
He strolled in with a towel around his waist, and I dropped my smile and eyed the mirror in front of me.
"Aww, come on, you can't still be pissed at me."
I didn't say anything, as my heart beat sped up.
Why did he have this effect on me? I'm supposed to be pissed here!
"I said I was sorry, like, fifteen times this morning, not to mention the thousand and one times last night."
"You're still a jerk," I hissed at him.
"Yoona, come on."
"You come on, Jungkook!" I glared at him through the reflection. "I can't believe you."
"I said I was sorry."
"Sorry doesn't always cut it!"
He scoffed and threw his towel down as he climbed in the shower.
I snapped my eyes away, before I saw his naked tush. That wouldn't help my anger-streak I had going.
As he was washing, he cleared his throat. "I just really like you... what did you really expect me to do? Stroll in there and high give the guy with the boner that was touching your hip?"
"It was Jimin, Jungkook. Not Don-Wan."
"Exactly! And you've hooked up with Jimin, and share a bed with him some nights. What do you think I'd do?"
"Well, I didn't expect you to go all Rambo on him."
"I didn't! All I did was go in there, and pull you out of the room."
"Yeah! Like Tarzan. All he who is man."
"You're being dramatic."
"You're being a dick."
He laughed, and I could see him throwing his head back through the steamy door. "We're already fighting."
"Well, that's because you're a man."
He chuckled again as he bent his head forward, rinsing off his hair.
I scoffed, directing my attention back to my hair.
He climbed out after a few minutes, and again, I avoided his reflection until a towel was around his waist.
He walked beside me, and stared at his own reflection in the mirror.
And he was smiling.
Like a fool.
My nerves began to boil over as I tried to keep a straight face.
You're angry, you're angry, you're angry...
"So... does this little fight mean I won't get a New Year's kiss now?"
I held it together and glared at him. "No you'll get one."
He beamed and licked his lips, "Yeah?"
"Sure. Just don't yell at me with I bite your fucking tongue off."
He let out a bellowed laugh and reached across me to grab his toothbrush, "God you're hilarious."
I eyed the back of his head down while he brushed his perfect, white teeth.
He rinsed out his mouth and filled up a cup of mouthwash.
I felt myself becoming annoyed as he gargled for an eternity.
He was making the most obnoxious faces.
Trying to throw me off my path.
And it was working, damn him!
No it's not!
I growled, dropping the curling iron.
"I hate you right now," I hissed under my breath.
He spit and wiped his mouth off with the back of his hand. "No you don't."
"Yes. I do."
He yanked me to him, almost knocking the towel from my body. "Well, then, let's fix it."
I stiffened into a board as he twisted around and carried me into his bedroom.
Then my heart started pounding.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
We've never done anything other than kissing.
We're taking it slow.
And now here he is, laying me on his mattress, with both of us in nothing but towels.
He buried his face into the crook of my neck, licking forcefully. Long, strong licks.
Oh my God... Oh my God... Lord give me strength here.
His heart was pounding against my chest, and I could feel my body start trembling.
I closed my eyes, swallowing hard as I tried to balance my breathing.
"Just relax, baby," he whispered before bringing his warm lips up to mine.
They were gentle and soft, and I felt my lips part within seconds, allowing him access inside.
His hips buried into my center as our kiss became more intense.
I felt my hands trail up his naked, damp back, and into his soft, wet, curly black hair.
Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. Make an earthquake happen. Get us to stop!
He sucked on my bottom lip gently, making a moan escape from my throat.
I felt his right hand slide up my left thigh, moving my towel up with it.
I dragged my right leg up along the side of his hip, up and down.
Did I want to hitch it around?
If so... then that'd mean... we'd be touching.
Down there.
Oh fuck.
He fisted a handful of my hair before tucking his warm hand under my neck, to lift my head up to him.
Our kiss was beyond controlled at this moment, and my body was heavily reacting to him.
And by the feel of it, he was just as responsive.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head as he pushed on me.
All we had to do was hike up the towels... just about three inches or so.
Then we could be together. All the way, together.
Body, heart, and soul.
I began to whimper with each tease and flick of his tongue, and each push and pull of his body.
I dug my manicured nails into his shoulders, fighting with myself in my head.
I was so ready for this.
But was he?
His hands slid between our bodies, as he unlocked the corner fold at the top of my towel.
Yes. He was.
I felt myself shiver as he pulled the towel from between us, and felt naked and revealed until he laid his warm, bare chest along my warm, bared chest.
I wrapped my legs around him, pushing his towel down with the heels of my feet.
Then the door swung open.
Our heads snapped over to see Luna in a robe, with her mouth hanging wide open, probably mirroring our expressions.
She covered her eyes quickly, stumbling backward and hitting the edge of the door on her back, causing her to wince.
"Oh my God, oh my God, ouch, oh my God Yoona, I'm so sorry, I had no idea-"
Jungkook covered me up quickly as we climbed to a sitting position.
"Um, no, it's okay sis." I took a deep breath, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed.
Maybe this was a sign that we needed to stop.
I should be grateful to her... right?
"You can uncover your eyes Luna," Jungkook chuckled as he stood up and strolled into the bathroom, where he closed the door behind him.
Luna dropped her arms, her face bright red. "I am so sorry Yoona."
I shook my head and waved my hands at her. "No, it's okay," I whispered, "I'm not upset. I'm glad you did. What's up?"
She let out a gust of air, still feeling embarrassed. "I just cock-blocked Jungkook, after he was so nice to me last night."
"Huh?" I asked, shaking my head as I waved my face with my hand.
"Nothing. Um... I can't fix my hair. I need your help. Jimin told me you stayed in here with Kook last night."
"Yeah, I did. Okay, let me just... find my robe, and I'll be in there."
"Thanks, Yoona. And I'm sorry, I, you know, interrupted."
I smiled at her, "No worries."
After she closed the door, I fell backward onto Jungkook's bed.
It was meant to be, it was meant to be... You can have him later.
I growled, pulling myself up and grabbing my robe.
Besides, you were supposed to be angry at him, remember?
I hated being right all the damn time.
Jennie POV
I rushed into Taehyung's bedroom, throwing myself on the bed beside Lisa.
She was all ready in her dress she picked.
Gucci. Silver. Cleavage-bearing. Short.
She had her makeup all over his bed, and she glared at me as she put her mascara wand in the tube, "You're lucky I didn't have that up to my eye yet, cousin."
I snickered at her. "I've got great news!"
"Oooh, you're forgiven. Spill!"
I blushed. "I saw Yoongi in a low-waisted towel!"
"Mmm, yummy!"
"Oh my God, Lisa, it was so low... I saw the full happy trail, and almost a peak of the... large package."
"Oooh, was it nice?"
"So damn nice. And the towel was so snug, I could see the full curvature of his ass... Oh my God, it was like rock-hard, perfect... Ugh. I need a cold shower now."
She giggled with me, as Taehyung strolled out in a pair of black boxers.
He looked a little tired, but not too much. Sexy, as always. His hair was messy, so that meant he hadn't taken a shower yet.
"What the hell are you two gossip-queens talking about now?"
"I saw Yoongi half-naked!"
"Did you suck him off?"
I frowned, "No."
"Well, then you are of no use to me," he winked.
He chuckled and walked over to his dresser, where he picked up his wallet. "Why the hell aren't you dressed yet, Jennie? Aren't you always the first one dressed?"
"Normally, but I don't want Yoongi to see me in my dress until we get downstairs... I want him to be surprised."
"And... would it be too much trouble if I use your bathroom and take a bath? I need to... relieve some tension."
He glared at me, but couldn't help but lick his lips and put on that crooked grin.
He was such the typical man. "Jennie, are you asking my permission to masturbate in my tub?"
I bit my lip, "Yes."
"Why don't you just go to your room with a vibrator?" he replied, still wearing that shit-eating grin.
"Because I forgot to pack the damn thing."
He snickered, "Oh. Well... I mean... I guess, just as long as you, you know, clean up after yourself."
"It's not like I'm a guy, Taehyung. I don't shoot off anywhere."
He laughed, shaking his head. "I get it, I get it."
I hopped off the bed, causing Lisa to growl again as she almost poked herself in the eye with the eye-shadow brush.
I ran over to him and hugged him, enjoying his smell and warmth. God, I wonder what Yoongi smells like when he's half naked.
He hugged me back, before pushing me toward the shower. "You better hurry it up, especially if it takes you a long time to... you know."
"And don't forget to lock the door behind you."
I snickered and locked his bathroom door, before running over to the towel rack. I pulled one out and ran over to the bathtub, plugging the drain and filling it up.
I stripped off my pants and tank top, glad I wasn't wearing anything else. I never do.
Much more comfortable without panties or bras when you sleep.
Then I realized I forgot something.
"Shit," I cursed as I tiptoed back to the door.
I opened it slowly, and shoved my head in the door. "Hey, Taehyung?"
"No, I'm not lending you a hand."
I laughed, feeling my cheeks get warm, "No, I didn't mean that. Can you grab my I-pod off of the nightstand?"
He beamed at me, still being the pervert. "What, do you need mood music?"
"Yes, there's a song that reminds me of Yoongi on it."
"Oh dear God."
He picked it up and Lisa pinched his ass as he bent over. He pushed her a bit as he turned and tossed it at me.
"Ooh, you're lucky I caught that or you would have had a full frontal," I teased with him.
"Stop joking Jennie. Naked women willing to masturbate, and women in tight-ass cleavage-bearing dresses that are lying on my bed aren't helping my vulnerable condition at this moment."
I bit my lip and closed the door behind me, smiling as I heard Lisa squeal and burst into laughing.
He was tickling her or something.
That's what she gets, for teasing him all morning.
And I have to say, I'm proud of him. She's sexy, beautiful, and willing.
Lisa was so hot, I'm surprised anyone could resist her.
And he turns her down, even though he's heartbroken, because he loves Luna.
I rolled my eyes and climbed into the deep bathtub.
The water felt hot and immediately began to soothe my sore muscles. I had done a lot of stretching and lifting, trying to get everything perfect for the party.
And it was, as always.
After washing myself good, I stuck in the ear-buds to my Ipod, and scrolled to the song.
I swayed my knees to the music slowly, as the rift came on and the lyrics blared.
I bit my lip as the first verse came on, running my hands along my body under the water.
Immediately I was thinking of Yoongi.
That beautiful grin, the full bottom lip. The beautiful arch of his top lip... How warm his lips must taste.
I massaged my breasts, closing my eyes.
His sparkling, glistening, diamond baby eyes...
I ran my hands over my legs, imagining his hands.
His warm, large hands... soft as butter, I'm sure...
His height... I felt so protected being wrapped around him during our dance.
And his beautiful smell, Cool Water by Davidoff... I knew that cologne anywhere... it was one of my favorites.
I opened my eyes and hummed as I felt my fingers slide between my legs.
They fluttered shut again as I imagined he was touching me, caressing me slowly.
His warm hands, his long, soft fingers...
I had such a good imagination... It felt like he was really in there with me.
I felt myself get more and more into it, imagining how he would tease me, or touch me... or taste me.
"Oh God," I whispered, allowing myself to get more carried away.
He was all over, all around.
Warm, his scent surrounding me as his body overtook mine.
Gentle, but firm.
He'd like to tease, I could tell by his different grins... and I would struggle as I tried to handle it.
I bet his kiss alone could make me orgasm.
I bit my lip, trailing a finger around my body, teasing how he would.
"Mmm, Yoongi," I moaned silently.
I had the song on repeat, so I tried to make sure I wasn't yelling since the headphones were in.
But as his lips would take over mine and his tongue dipped into my mouth... It was really hard.
I'd run my hands along his firm, chiseled chest, dragging my fingernails around his neck.
I felt his hot breath on my face as his hands explored my body. He felt wonderful... amazing...
I bit my lip, as my imagination drowned me.
"Mmm, don't stop," I whispered, feeling my body begin to shake.
His perfect lips sliding down my waist now, along my stomach, and he'd grin at me before covering me with his mouth in the most perfect way.
I rolled my eyes into the back of my head, feeling overwhelmed by the sensations.
God he felt so wonderful.
He knew all the right techniques to do with his tongue, and his lips...
"Yoongi, oh God," I cried out.
I felt him enter me slowly, as my body adjusted around him.
He was long and perfect, and it hurt in all the right ways...
"Ungh, don't stop Yoongi."
He gripped my ass in his hands and lifted my hips slightly, so he could have a better angle.
"Yes, right there," I whispered through my shaky voice.
He deepened our sensual kiss, sucking my tongue into his mouth, kissing me with the strength of his repetitive thrusts.
Then he pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine, locking those delicious baby eyes to mine.
"Oh God Yoongi."
And he smiled.
I bit my lip hard.
And then he whispered "I love you," as he pushed deeper inside me.
"Ungh, Yoongi..."
And then he buried himself into me, over and over again. Hitting that perfect spot.
"Oh God!" I cried out, and I heard a door swing open, snapping me right out of my daydream.
And then my worst nightmare came true.
Yoongi was standing there, fully dressed and looking sexy, in that outfit I picked out for him.
And I was naked, in the bathtub, with my hands between my legs and on my breasts.
I yanked the headphones out and curled into a ball quickly, grabbing the towel behind my head and throwing it over my body, in the water.
He was frozen, his hand still on the doorknob.
I forgot to lock the other door!
Two doors Jennie! Two doors Jennie! Oh my God!
We were both so flustered, we didn't know what to do as we gaped at each other.
He cleared his throat, turning his head away as he closed his eyes, "I'm so s-sorry, Jennie, I-"
"Uh," I cut him off, feeling my face hot as my body trembled, since I was so close to my release, "it's, uh, ...um..."
"No, I'm sorry, really, I just... uhhh...heard my name coming from here, and I thought you were... doing something else..."
I buried my face in my hands, feeling like the world just ended.
Oh my fucking God. He heard me.
And he saw me. With my legs spread wide and my fingers on my body.
He knew I was thinking about him!
"I'm just going to... uh... lock this behind me," he whispered as he left and shut the door.
"Oh my God!" I whispered, too embarrassed to comprehend the full effect of how bad this turned out.
I heard his best friend Mark burst out laughing in his bedroom.
Oh my God, did he tell him?!
I slid under the water, wishing I had the nerve to drown myself.
Taehyung POV
I don't know how the fuck this happened.
One minute I was cursing Jennie under my breath to hurry up so I could get in the shower.
And now I was on my back in my bedroom, on the carpet, while two supermodel sisters were attacking me.
It all started when Lisa, for the eighteenth time this morning, pinched my ass.
So I began to tickle her, because she's extremely sensitive.
And she didn't like it, so she begged for help.
And Rose was her keep-sake.
And after five minutes, I was being pounced on and taken over.
Rose bit my arm while Lisa was trying to twist my nipples, and I was just trying to get away from the she-devils.
I laughed and scooted myself backward, causing rug burn to take its effect on my back.
Hoseok came running in and burst out laughing, calling my cousin Namjoon in after him.
Namjoon ran in, pretending to be Superman, and scooped Lisa up, twisting around and giving her a body slam onto the bed.
"My panties!" she shouted, trying to pull down her dress.
Namjoon just chuckled, pointing out that she shouldn't wear such a short dress if she didn't want anyone to see her ass.
And then Hoseok strolled over, lifting Rose upside down, to where she wrapped her legs around his neck.
Thank God she chose to where a black dress that wrapped tight around her legs. He'd have a full view otherwise.
I covered my eyes as he bounced up and down, knowing what was coming next.
Then Jennie swung open the bathroom door, causing us all to freeze.
So there we were, me on the carpet with my boxers low and rug-burn on me, Namjoon and Lisa on the bed in a doggy-style position, and Hoseok and Rose in some weird sixty-nine formation.
And Jennie looked beat-red and angry-embarrassed, with my robe wrapped tightly around her body.
She didn't say anything, just stormed over to me, and jerked me up off the ground. "We need to talk."
Then she shoved me inside my closet, and shut the door behind her, causing our friends to snicker.
"Jennie, what are yo-"
She covered my mouth as she pulled the string attached to the light above us. "He saw me!"
My heart was pounding, she made me so nervous. I jerked her hand off of my mouth, trying to breathe. "Who saw you, doing what?"
"Yoongi! He walked in and he caught me."
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh at her.
"I forgot about the other door, I was in such a hurry to feel relief. And I'm sitting there, listening to sexy music and pleasuring myself, and he barged in on me! He said he heard me! And then he saw me, with my hands... you know... and my face... you know!"
Oh shit! I covered my mouth, laughing silently behind my hand.
She smacked my chest hard, "It's not funny, you dick! Now this whole plan I had in store for us won't work! I'm not going to be able to face him!"
It took a few minutes before I could stop laughing.
Then I cleared my throat and dropped my hand. "What were you saying, when he... saw you?"
"Oh Yoongi!"
That did it!
I burst into laughing again, falling back against my clothes.
This is why I loved my friends.
Because here I was, having the shittiest fucking, heartbreaking moment ever, and they still seemed to know what to do to make me laugh.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just... Oh dear God, that is some funny shit!"
"Okay, okay," I held up my hands, gripping her arms. "It's okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."
"What am I going to do?!"
I let out another snicker, before shaking my head, "Um... Okay..."
I took a deep breath, steadying myself as I studied her heartbroken, embarrassed eyes. "What you need to do is... shake it off. Stick your breasts out, hold your chin up high, pretend it doesn't bother you one bit. Now, he knows you like him, so that's out of the way. So when you two are dancing... just eat your previous actions and bury it, and smile at him and bat your eyelashes. Flirt! Prove to him that you don't care that he caught you... That you still want him... He won't be able to resist."
"But I do care! I had my fingers insert-"
I covered her mouth, "I get it. And I know you care, but just pretend you don't... Trust me, Jennie. He'll be so overwhelmed, and will feel so... what's the word I'm looking for... honored, I guess... that you were thinking of him that way, and he will be very surprised that you're handling it so well. Be the firecracker we all know Jennie can be."
She pouted, curling out her lip in frustration. "This is so humiliating."
"It could be worse," I shrugged.
"How's that?"
"Well... you could have been spread out on the bathroom floor with toys and his clothes and -"
Now it was her turn to cover my mouth, "I get it."
She buried her face into my chest, whimpering. "I really wanted to seduce him."
"Well... this is definitely one way of doing it."
"Shut it."
After calming Jennie down and convincing her that it wasn't the end of the world, I decided it was time for me to get ready.
Namjoon forced me to take a shot with him beforehand. Fucking Everclear.
Then I climbed in the shower, around eight thirty.
This year, Jennie selected for me an Armani charcoal suit that had a hint of plaid in it, and a blue sweater over a white open-collared shirt.
I was a little iffy about the selection, until I put it on. I left the button of the jacket open, and studied myself in the mirror.
It amazed me how she knew it'd look right on me.
I smirked, brushing my teeth as Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook barged into my bathroom.
Jungkook had on black slacks, with a collared grey shirt, a tan tie, with a cream sweater over it and matching cream shoes.
Hoseok chose to go more rebellious, wearing dark jeans with a brown belt, a grey, button-down t-shirt, with a charcoal vest.
Namjoon was wearing grey slacks, a lighter grey sweatshirt over a collared shirt.
They were all holding different types of beer bottles, and Namjoon handed me a Coors Light bottle.
I spit and rinsed out my mouth, before giving them a grin. "Thank fucking God I wasn't naked."
"Oh I'd give anything to see that peach-fuzzed ass." Hoseok joked.
"Yeah he wants to lick it," Jungkook replied, before he got slugged by both Hoseok and Namjoon.
There was a slight knock on the opposite door, and my stomach dropped.
Then it cracked open, and Luna's friend Yuri dipped inside.
I exhaled, glad it wasn't her.
Yuri looked pretty, with wavy long hair.
She had smoky eyes, and wore a tight black dress, that had a checkered pattern on it and a bow below the breasts.
She was a very pretty girl. And her smile was very warm.
"Um, sorry, Taehyung, I just..." she ran over to me, motioning for me to spin around.
My friends all got quiet as they checked out her tan legs.
I furrowed my brows but complied, twirling slowly as I looked down at my outfit, wondering if I got toothpaste on it.
"You look good," she replied.
"No problem."
Then she waved to the guys and left the room.
I looked over at my guys.
"What the hell was that about?" Namjoon asked with a laugh.
"I have no fucking idea."
They laughed as I took a swig of my beer. It didn't taste so good after Crest toothpaste and mouthwash.
"Taehyung, who are you making out with tonight?"
I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Dude. It's New Years. Everyone has a plan."
"Not sure, don't care. I just want to have a good time," I lied, thinking of something I couldn't have.
Forget about it, dude.
I watched in the reflection, as Jungkook glared at Namjoon.
He wasn't buying my bullshit, and I knew it. Oh well.
I started blow-drying my hair, running my fingers through it as I pulled it up.
They all joked around and stayed in the bathroom while I got ready.
I didn't mind.
It felt good to be with my buddies again.
Took my mind off of things - sort of.
Luna POV
Yuri snuck back into the bedroom, to find me almost hyperventilating.
I popped up off the mattress, dragging my fuzzy robe with me. "How did he look? Did he look good?"
She ran over to me, grabbing my hands as she took a deep breath, forcing me to do the same.
"H-How did he look?" I repeated nervously.
"Okay," she exhaled, "Truth?"
"Okay... he looked... amazing. God-like. I'm not even kidding. He has on this sexy charcoal ensemble, baby blue sweater... Preppy but classic."
I lost my breath, my hands trembling in hers, "A-and the hair?"
"I don't know yet," she frowned. "It was still wet."
"Shit." I frowned with her as I continued to shake like a washing machine.
"Okay..." I said. "W-What about the smell? What did he smell like?"
"Like soap," she giggled. "But I did see some Calvin Klein, 'Man' on the sink beside him."
My heart fell down into my stomach as I froze.
"What? What?! Is that bad?"
I shook my head, "It's my favorite smell on him."
"And that's... a ... what exactly?"
I took a deep breath, "It's an... I don't know."
She giggled.
"It's so not funny."
"It's a tad bit funny."
I nodded, biting my lip as I looked at my black dress laid out for me.
Jennie did a perfect job picking it out.
It was strapless and silk. It was snug around the breasts and waist, and flowed down past my hips, to a few inches above my knees. There was a large, elegant black bow covering some of the ruffles in the dress.
It was exquisite.
I felt like a princess just staring at it, so I couldn't imagine how I'd feel when I actually put it on.
"Did you tell Yoongi you wanted to talk to him?"
I nodded, swallowing hard as I looked back to her. "Yeah, I told him that after the party, we needed to talk."
She frowned. "Are you scared?"
"Are you going to... tell him everything?"
I nodded.
"I think that's the best, Luna."
"Yeah," I exhaled, looking back to my dress. "I think it's for the best too. I know what I want. He needs to know, too."
"Yeah..." she thought for a moment as she studied my Armani dress and Jimmy Choo's black heels. "So, um, does Taehyung have a favorite scent on you?"
I frowned, "He used to love 'Diamonds Intense' by Emporio Armani, but I've refused to wear it since... you know."
"I don't have that," she replied softly, "Ooh! But I do have some Jennifer Lopez, 'Deseo'. It's delicious! I think he'll love it!"
I smiled at her, "Sounds good."
She nodded and turned to walk toward the door to go get it out of her bag.
"Hey, Yuri?" I asked, watching her swivel around.
I smiled, "I know it's probably a hopeless cause for me to go chasing after my ex... but thanks for, you know, supporting me in my decision. I know you like Mark, and Mark is Yoongi's best friend... so I'm really happy to know that you're a true friend, and you're putting all of that aside for me. I couldn't have made it without you."
She curled out her lip and ran over to me, and we hugged.
"You're my twin," she replied with a giggle, "of course I'm gonna be there for you, silly."
I nodded, "and you're mine."
After she left, it got really quiet in the room.
I studied my hair, which Yoona fixed for me.
She wrapped it in huge rollers, then took them out, then made me flip over to where she could brush them all out and tease the crap out of them.
A bottle of hair spray and a few tears from the tangles later, my hair looked hot and blown out.
I felt my entire body begin to shake as I thought about what was about to come for me.
The confrontation with Yoongi. The possible confrontation with Taehyung.
Both of them being upset with me.
My two favorite men in this entire planet.
How did I get so lucky once, and how have I become so stupid now?
I sighed, sitting down in front of my mirror to do my makeup.
I listened as the people downstairs laughed and yelled around. The music started bumping, as it was after nine now.
I tucked the hair behind my ear, focusing on my eye-shadow.
I wanted this to be perfect.
Even if I cried it all off by the end of the night.
Yoona strolled in, wearing her white dress. It was sparkly and sequined up at the top, and then sheered and flowed out into delicate folds below the diaphragm. It was really short, and fit her body perfectly. Her hair had soft curls, and she pulled her bangs sideways. My sister, the supermodel.
"Yoona," I growled at her, "why do you have to come in here looking that beautiful? You're throwing my mind off balance."
"Aww sissy," she replied as she squatted to her knees beside me, "you look beautiful too. But what are you doing to your eyes?"
I frowned, "Does it look that bad?"
"No... if you plan to look like a skunk."
"Uh! Then fix it for me!"
She giggled, "Come here."
I turned toward her, thankful she came in. The last thing I wanted to do was look like a skunk.
While she was working on me, I felt a twinge of guilt swim over me.
It was getting closer to reveal time.
Revealing all out outfits... revealing the truth... revealing the vulnerability.
"H-Hey Yoona," I frowned at her, thankful my eyes were closed.
"I'm... going to break up with Yoongi, I think."
Her hands dropped to her lap, "Ugh, Luna! Why?!"
I opened my eyes, cringing at her tone. "It's not working out."
"What are you talking about Luna? It's working out beautifully!"
I shook my head and pursed my lips together, "It's really not."
"Why Luna? Tell me, why isn't it?"
"I just... I love him so much, but the feelings aren't there like I thought it'd be."
She relaxed her posture, and smiled, "Aww, Luna. It's not going to be perfect right off of the bat; it's going to take time! You guys are just getting started!"
"I just..." I frowned, looking down to my lap, "...I don't know. I think that maybe it won't ever be right."
"It won't be if you don't let it. Here, close your eyes."
I complied, still frowning. "Yoona, I'm telling you this as my sister. I'm not asking for advice. I'll do what I feel is right, I just... want you to know where I stand, beforehand. That way you're prepared for the blowout."
"Luna, I love you, without equivocations, but I just... wish you'd give this time. Think on it before you go making any rash decisions."
"You're gonna break his heart, Luna. On New Year's Eve! Would you really want that on your conscious?"
"No... But I just..." my voice trailed off, as the fear settled over me again.
For Cheese and Rice, Luna. If you can't tell your sister, how are you going to tell Yoongi? Or Taehyung?!
"I just..." I tried again, my voice growing weaker. "About Taehyung, I-"
I shook my head. It'll only make it worse. "Never mind."
"Just relax sweetie. Stop shaking, and let your sister fix you up."
This was going to be so fucking hard.
But I deserved it to be difficult.
I deserved to be tortured, after all the torture I've put these men through.
But if I were being honest, it was all a bit overbearing.
...I just wished God would cut me some slack sometimes.
Everyone makes mistakes, don't they?
And there you go.
Chapter 11 will be intense and I'll update very soon, so stay tuned!
Love you reader xo.
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