Chapter two:
"Traffic Jam"
Taehyung POV
"Dude, how do you know that Luna is the one you want to spend the rest of your life with? How can you decide that being in high school?"
"I don't know!" I exclaimed as we browsed through the lighted window frames, "I can just feel it, you know? I know that sounds so cheesy and typical, but it's the truth. Luna makes me feel different. She looks up at me the same way that I look down to her... our expressions match, you know? Like we're thinking the same things at the same time..." I paused for a second, replaying some moments in my head, smiling to myself.
"Dude," Jungkook said, trying to ruin my mood, "that's just weird. It's not cheesy or typical, it's suicide. You're going to waste your life if you tell her how you feel. We don't say those three words when we're young, it fucks everything up! You know, it'll be sad, because you're going to end up in a shack somewhere in fucking Timbuktu with fifteen kids asking yourself where your life went..."
"You know," I continued, trying to ignore him, "Luna's never been afraid to be herself around me. She's funny, she's lighthearted, and she's incredibly beautiful, almost too beautiful that it makes my chest swell... She's clumsy, which I adore... When she gets sick, she allows me to take care of her. If she needs help with her homework, she asks me. If she's having a problem, no matter what it may entail, she comes to me. And do you know why?" I stopped, raising my eyebrows in his direction.
Jungkook stood there like a deer in headlights, his hands out in the air. "Why," he asked sarcastically, "she wants to continue dating you so she can become more popular here?"
I smirked, shaking my head, "no you fucking idiot. Because she loves me man, I can feel it... We've been together going on two years now, and I know we haven't disclosed our feelings yet, being that we've taken it slow and safe... " I stopped in front of the one I liked the best; one that I felt fit her personality. I bent down to examine the silver and blue colors, the intricacy of it all. "... But sometimes," I continued, my voice a faint whisper, "...it just comes to you. Like it's destined."
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! Beep Beep!
I groaned loudly, my head banging like a drum as the events from last night found their way back into my memory, along with that dream of my past. My stomach was making a slight churning sound, and my chest felt like it was on fire from the alcohol intake. My hand bounced around the nightstand, and once I retrieved the annoying alarm, I grabbed it and yanked the cord out of the wall. "No," I panted into the pillow as I threw the covers over my head, "I really don't feel like dealing with this shit for three fucking weeks..."
"Oh, no worries, it won't be th-"
Ahh!" I screamed, falling off the edge of my bed. I struggled to grab the sheets, and popped my head up the side. "Jennie!" I shouted breathlessly, my heartbeats matching the strums in my head, "what the hell are you doing in my bed?!"
She giggled, stretching out in her baby blue pajama set, "you asked me, remember Taehyung?"
I crawled back into the bed moaning, throwing a pillow over my head to block out any chance of light. "No. I do not."
She yawned and threw my covers back over her body, nestling into her warm spot, "you passed out as soon as we got out of the club. I had to drive that freakin' machine of a car you call yours home, while you laid passed out in Yeri's lap in that tight-ass backseat. We had to carry you inside the apartment building, Jungkook and I, while Yeri was freakin' screaming at us, asking us why in the hell we let you drink so much, and what you were doing with Luna."
I let out a wail, tiny flashbacks of my dream sneaking into my head, but I shook them away.
"So," she continued, closing her eyes, "we finally got your heavy ass up to the door, when you woke up. I asked Yeri to get into your pockets and grab the key so we could unlock the door, and you completely freaked out on her... 'Get away from me bitch!'" she began to mock me, "'you started this whole fucking mess, don't touch my pocket! Don't touch me; your hands go nowhere near my pocket anymore!'" she giggled, before returning to her voice. "It was quite funny. Yeri was almost in tears. So we finally got you inside and threw you in this bed, and you yelled for Jungkook to kick her out of the house again - like you did last week when you got smashed, may I remind you- ...And then Jungkook and I were trying to get your shoes off, and you started begging me to stay in here with you. You said you didn't feel good and that you didn't want to be alone..."
She rolled over to wipe a free piece of my hair from my forehead.
I smiled at her sourly, before rubbing my face in the covers. "So," I mumbled, not lifting my face, "explain to me why I am naked then? I didn't..." my voice trailed off, as my stomach began to do flips. Oh God.
"No," she giggled, "you didn't try anything too dramatic with me this time. You were just really hot and clammy; I think you had about twenty shots or something last night. I checked your temperature, it was over one hundred.
So I ended up having to drag you in the shower to get you to cool off. Yes, there were some slight groping, but you weren't calling me by my name, so I didn't take it to heart. Then it was just too hard to get you dressed again... hence the no clothing option."
I inhaled deep in humiliation. "...I groped you?"
She laughed again, stretching her tiny body out, "yeah. It was kind of nice."
"Oh my God, Jennie, I am so sorry."
"Like I said, you didn't call me Jennie last night, so I couldn't really enjoy it..."
I thought for a few seconds, my fingers scratching my head as I ignored my rapid heartbeat and my intestines squeezing together. "Dare I ask whose name I spoke?"
She scoffed, looking at me with a tight expression. Take a guess, she thought.
"Oh. Never mind, I don't think I care to know..."
And with that thought, I wrapped the sheet around me and ran for the bathroom, my stomach unable to handle another moment.
Fucking alcohol.
Jennie POV
Aww, poor Taehyung. Hearing him get sick in there is not a pleasant way to wake up.
I crawled off of the bed and knocked on the door, holding my breath. "Taehyung?" I asked hesitantly. "Are you all right? Can I get you anything?"
Jungkook burst through Taehyung's bedroom, dressed in a Patriots jersey with a football in his hand, and threw himself sideways onto the bed. "I know what you can give him."
I cocked my head in his direction, eyeing him down. "And what is that, might I ask?"
He smirked, curling his fingers into a fist and bringing it to and from his mouth, his tongue poking on the inside of his cheek.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Very funny."
He took a glance around the bedroom, his eyes fixating on the sheets that were messed up. "Did you sleep in here with him again?"
I crossed my arms in front of my chest and bounced back in his direction, with a smile on my face. "Yes, Kookie, I did. He asked me to. Is that all right?"
"I don't know, Jennie boo, did you get any?"
I picked up one of the pillows and threw it at him, hitting him on his left ear. "Get out of here! Sicko!"
He laughed and climbed off of the bed. "Fine, fine. Just wanted to say to hurry your asses up. We leave in twenty, Kim!"
"Shut up!" Taehyung groaned from the bathroom.
"See what happens when you force him to get high and drink large quantities of alcohol?" I sneered at him, pushing him out the doorframe.
"No, no!" he shouted back at me, forcing his feet to stick so I ran into him when he stopped moving, "I didn't do that to him. Genius over there got wasted thanks to his hooker ex-girlfriend pestering him with all that crap she did last night. Like she had any right! She's such a hypocrite!"
"Shut up!" Taehyung echoed again, as the toilet flushed. "God, Jungkook, I don't need this shit right now."
Jungkook smirked, playing with a tendril of my black hair, "what do you put in this to make it stick out like this? Taehyung's happy juice?"
I punched him in his stomach, and pushed him back so I could walk down the hall. "I don't know why he puts up with you."
"Yes you do. Everyone loves me."
"No, everyone pities you, kook."
He smirked, following me in the kitchen, "guess what? Yeri's on her way over."
I tilted my head, giving him an annoyed expression. "Why can't she just stay home and make us all happy?"
"Correction," he said before taking a swig out of the milk jug, "if Yeri stays home, she makes you happy. Hmm, I wonder why. But if she comes, then Taehyung gets even with Luna, which is what she deserves."
"You don't even know how Luna is anymore, Jungkook. She's grown up by now, I'm sure."
"No, she's most likely still the same pitiful little shy girl, who falls on her face every five seconds, looks up to Taehyung like he's some angelic creature, and talks while she looks at her feet. Not to mention... yeah. I'm not going to go there..."
I furrowed my brows at him, "she didn't seem to be any of those things last night."
"Yeah well..." he shrugged, walking around the counter and flopping down on the couch, "I'm sure she wants to prove to Taehyung how bad she doesn't need him."
I sat down next to him, flipping on the television. "I can't believe we're all going to their father's joint cabin this weekend up in Windsor for Christmas Break. I realize that it's the only time the cabin is open to them, since they occupy it most of the time... And that we do it every year, but not at the same time. I mean... Taehyung and Luna are so stubborn..." I sighed, shaking my head. "They're going to kill each other."
"I know," he smirked, throwing the football in the air, "it's going to be great! Drama fucking central! And me sitting back, watching it all. This is four years in the making, baby!"
I twisted my body in his direction, confusion on my face, "Kook, do you get some type of cheap thrill out of watching people drown in misery?"
He cocked his head, making a tsk sound, "only when they bring it on themselves. I stay drama free, baby. It's the best way to be."
"You're an idiot."
"You're a moron."
"Shut up!" I threw my pillow at him.
He threw it back at me. "Well you are!"
Luna POV
"Oh my God," I groaned, my body feeling like rusting metal. I opened my eyes, looking at the television sideways. Why am I in the living room?
I whined to myself, closing my eyes and putting my hand to my heated forehead. I felt the couch moving underneath me, and popped my eyes open, my heart pounding in my chest. I shot up, finding Yoongi with his hands up in the air, like he was on COPS.
"Yoongi!" I shouted, clutching my chest, "wh-how did you...Um..." I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy from getting up too fast.
I heard him chuckle as his hands dropped to his lap, "you asked me to stay here with you, and fell asleep on my lap. I didn't want to wake you."
I slowly opened my eyes again, wincing as they adjusted to the light from outside. "What time is it?"
"It's around noon."
I groaned, falling backward against the cushions. "I cannot believe I'm going to have to face that jerk for three whole weeks in my father's cabin."
"No, it's our dad's and his dad's cabin, remember? Joint ownership?" Yoona piped in, sitting in the recliner across from me with a bowl of cereal in her hands. "And since our parents are going to Europe this month for Christmas, it was the only time available. I didn't know Taehyung had all ready scheduled it with his dad, and he tried to apologize to Dad, but of course, he said it was fine. That we were all adults and could handle this situation. So you're going to have to just ignore him, Luna."
I inhaled, covering my face, "I don't want to ignore him. I don't want him there at all!"
"Aww, poor baby."
I rolled my eyes at her, letting out a slight growl of frustration.
"Don't worry," Yoongi answered, pulling me over to his side to throw his arm over my shoulders, "he won't get to you. I won't let him."
I smiled into his chest, absorbing his warmth, "thanks."
"Anytime," he replied, kissing me on the top of my head.
"Go get ready Luna!" Yoona shouted at me, flipping through the channels as she hung her leg over the arm of the chair. "Everyone is going to be here in a few minutes. We're driving up there together."
Letting out another noise of frustration, I pouted and climbed off of the couch, stubbing my toe on the edge of the coffee table.
I heard Yoongi and Yoona laughing at me under their breath.
"It's not funny," I grumbled, hopping toward the hall. "I'm creating voo-doo dolls with your names on them. Both of you."
"Oh, you love us!" Yoona shouted at me, throwing a pillow from the couch at my butt as I walked into my bedroom.
"Only when it's cold enough outside," I replied, "that's the only time I love animals."
"Ha ha, very funny!"
Jungkook POV
Taehyung is an idiot. I don't know how else to explain it. The dude is my buddy, and I love him to death, but sometimes he just doesn't think. I used to find it humorous and entertaining when he'd do certain things, but lately, not as much. I'm getting blamed for it, and whether people like to admit it or not, I'm not normally the source of the problem. Okay, sure, I instigate things. Once in awhile. Who doesn't? Everyone enjoys some drama around them, I think it's healthy. But I would never suggest something that could emotionally or physically hurt someone, especially someone that is my friend...
Four years ago, Taehyung hit a massive low. I've never seen anyone spiral down the way that he had, so quickly. He was pretty bad. Doing stuff I wouldn't even do, and that's saying something. His immune system crashed, he ended up in the hospital at one point. He still has trouble sleeping, and he hates to sleep by himself.
So now, when people ask me why I encourage him to do stuff with me, the way I see it is... why not do things with someone you trust, and stuff that's a lot safer than what he was doing when he was broken? All I do is smoke and drink. It's a hell of a lot safer than what he had done.
Of course, I'd never say any of this shit out loud. I'm not that stupid. I don't let anyone see me vulnerable, besides Taehyung, and that in itself is rare. I don't like to feel exposed.
So here I am, throwing on my mask for the day, leaning against the wall of our apartment building and waiting for them to get their stinkin' butts out here. Jennie came out first, dragging a hotel cart with four suitcases and a trunk, not to mention a purse that looked like a diaper bag, and a clutch.
"Jennie," I smirked, chuckling despite her struggles to get the cart off the curb, "you do realize that there will be a washing machine at the cabin, right? I mean, you don't have to bring your entire wardrobe."
"Oh please," she scoffed, pushing the cart over to me, "this is barely skimming my first dresser. If I were to bring my full wardrobe, you'd need more than a few vehicles, at least."
I shook my head, soaking in her luggage collection, "did you think about mine and Taehyung's luggage?"
"Yes," she replied, dancing around me like her happy-go-lucky self, "but you've already got your two bags and all your sports stuff in, and Taehyung can just... deal."
"Jennie, if you can get any sweeter, they're going to have to name a chocolate bar after you."
She patted me on the head, "I know. I can't wait for the proceeds on it!"
I chuckled, shoving her back in a teasing manner, "you're so weird."
Taehyung came strolling out in a gray hoodie and dark denim jeans, his hair flipped back, and donning sunglasses. His mouth was set in an expression that showed he still wasn't feeling well. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Someone's got to tease him, right?
"What the hell ran you over?" I pointed at him, poking fun.
He shook his head slowly, his lips parted like he was going to smart off, but he chose not to.
"Wise decision," I copped at him, yanking his bag from his hand. "You look like ass."
He punched me in my shoulder hard, and I fell back a few steps. "Okay okay, truce."
"Then shut up."
I heard tires squealing toward us. There's only one female in the entire planet that drives like she has no sense. I smirked at Taehyung, but he just gave me a look that said shut up, don't start. So I didn't.
Yeri strolled out of her white Jetta, wearing tight jeans that were so tight it should be illegal, a tight white t-shirt, pink flip-flops and a matching purse. Her blonde hair was curled and over her shoulders. I couldn't help but laugh at her, "Yeri, you do realize we're going to a cabin in for winter break, not Tahiti, right?"
"Yes," she sneered as she walked over to Taehyung, "can't a girl still look good?"
"Oh sure," I replied, ripping her bag from her fingers, "but if you're trying to, I suggest you get some sleep. Your face looks like something that fell from Taehyung's butt crack this morning."
"Jungkook!" Jennie shouted, throwing her clutch at me, as she tried not to laugh. "Stop!"
I shrugged, taking in the view of the back of my jeep. There was no way in hell this was all fitting in here, even if we had the girls on our laps. I looked over to tell Taehyung, but he currently had his arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry," he grumbled into her shirt, "I didn't mean to yell last night."
"Oh no worries," she replied, trying to sound cute while patting his head like a dog, "I'm not angry with you. I know you were just drunk."
"Dude!" I cut in, causing him to lift his head and wince at my shouting, "we're not going to be able to fit all this crap in here. Remember, it's a nineteen hour road trip from Seattle to Windsor, without stopping, and we've got to carpool with Luna and all her friends. We're only taking two cars."
Taehyung shrugged, swallowing down some Tylenol that Jennie handed him, without anything to drink, "I don't care. We'll just kick some of Luna's friends out on the middle of the highway. Like that douche she was with last night. Problem solved."
I busted out laughing, shaking my head. "Yeah because that will go over so well."
"Would for me."
"Tae, come on," Yeri cut in, rubbing his back, "we'll just ignore her."
He smirked, shaking his head in thought, "...Right. Have you met my ex? She's not so easy to ignore, trust me."
"Or...," she continued, rising on her feet to kiss his cheek, "I can just keep you occupied so you won't have to even be around her."
"Okay!" Jennie shouted, pulling Taehyung away from her grasp, "time to go."
"I'm just gonna take my car," he said, stopping in front of my Jeep, "there's no way we're all going to be getting along if we're crammed so tight we can't breathe for twenty hours."
"Whatever, let's go!"
Jennie climbed in my car with me, and we watched as Yeri slipped her hand in Taehyung's back pocket, having him practically tug her to his car. We shared an annoyed glance, rolling our eyes. It's kind of fun how Jennie and I can bicker at each other, yet be so alike. We have a brother-sister, cat-dog relationship.
But I'd still give anything to see her naked, so I'm quite thankful we're not really siblings... but doggy-style might just work for me.
Yoona POV
"Can it get any colder out here?" I pouted, shivering in my jacket on the curb of our house. "Where are they?"
"Yoona," Luna moaned, covering her head with her fingers, "relax."
Though she was severely hung over, I couldn't help but smile at her. She was standing on the street by the curb, in front of Yoongi with her back against his chest, and he was on the curb with his arms around her waist and his chin to the top of her head.
They will really make a cute couple, if one of them actually bites the freaking bullet and does something about it. They've been friends for three years now. They go out all the time. They have sleepovers!
Just one kiss, that's all it would take to seal the deal. It's time my sister moves on for once, instead of having random little dates and flings. She needs something more concrete. She needs a horse to straddle. Time to get back on it. Straddle time! I know you both want to, so just do it!
"Yoona!" Luna chuckled, breaking me out of my thought, "you look so funny. What are you thinking about?"
"Uhh," I stammered, shifting my feet and pulling my sunglasses from my hair, "cowboys."
"What about cowboys?" Yoongi piped in with his adorable southern drawl.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I winked at him, teasing.
We heard the sound of a loud motor, and before I had time to turn around, Jimin was pulling up on his Suzuki GSXR 1000 Phantom. Now I have to admit, Jimin come a long way. He used to be so tiny and baby-face boyish. Now, two years after graduating high school, he's really matured into a... sexy guy. But he's such a little player. He grew his hair, the ends of it messy. He doesn't work out like an addicted dweeb on steroids, but he's in really good shape. He loves to run. He had gained a lot of muscle, and has broad shoulders. Not to mention a full bottom lip that you can't help but fantasize about in the shower.
Not that I'd ever tell him that.
"My gosh," I stated, putting my hands on my hips, "Jimin, do you think you'll ever be able to make it before fashionably late hits?"
"Better late than never," he replied, winking at me. He threw his leather jacket and helmet into his bag, walking his bike up to the inside of our garage.
"Just make yourself a home," I snapped at him, trying to sound annoyed.
"I am."
Hip hop music came blasting around the corner, and the Jeep barreled to a stop three inches from my legs, causing me to fall back into the grass. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I shouted, picking myself back up.
The guy climbed out of the Jeep and jogged over to me, helping me stand. I hit him hard in his chest, knocking him back into the front hood. "Are you out of your mind?" I shouted. "You could have killed me!"
"I'm s-sorry," he stammered, chuckling as I continued to push him. "I am! Stop!"
I threw my hands on my hips, eyeing him down. "What on earth possessed you to do that?" I sneered at him.
He froze, staring at me for a few seconds. "Uhh..."
"Oh forget it!" I spat at him, twisting around so my hair smacked his face as I walked over to Luna. "Someone who can't even answer only proves they have no common sense, and that only proves that they shouldn't be driving."
He chuckled, walking around to me. "You're feisty, aren't you?"
"Yes," I replied to him. "Now get away from me before you get me dirty again."
He picked up my suitcase, throwing it over his shoulder like it weighed nothing, though I packed it so full I had to have my sister help me drag it out of our house. "Oh, I think you were dirty enough before I ever got to you," he smirked at me.
I rolled my eyes.
I glanced back over at the bulky, muscular guy with the backward baseball cap and smirk on his face. He's cute, I thought. Let's call him Muscles. I can't remember his name right now, but I knew he's Taehyung's friend. I never paid that much attention to him in the past when we were in high school. He hardly showed up at school for me to ever have the chance to know him back then. I remember him being really smart in school, because he graduated early with honors... But the fact that he still acts like he has no common sense because he thinks it's funny... that's annoying.
Taehyung slowly climbed out of his car, adjusting his sunglasses and looking around at all of us with an almost mournful expression. I could tell he wasn't feeling good, and for a brief second, I pitied him. Then I snapped out of it, thinking about all the crap he pulled in the past, and shot him a pointed glance. Dick.
He smirked at me, as if he could read my mind. Then his hoochie-mama wannabe-girlfriend climbed out of his passenger seat looking more like a Malibu Barbie on crack than an actual girl. I have no idea why on earth he would choose her over my sister, and what possesses him to keep her around, besides the obvious booty that he's getting, baffles me to no end.
If he would have stayed with Luna and not screwed it all up in a mere moment of weakness, things would be so much easier on all of us.
Speaking of my sister, she was eyeing down his whorebag slut with a fire of a thousand suns. I could practically see the steam coming from her ears, and her hands were trembling as she balled them in fists at her sides. Yoongi wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her back into his chest as he rocked her from side to side. "Don't worry about it," he whispered in her ear, "I've got you."
She nodded, swallowing hard and continuing to glare at Yeri.
"Okay!" the muscular guy shouted as Jimin threw his arm around my shoulder, talking on his cell phone. He sent chills through my body as he licked his lips, but I looked away. It's Jimin for crying out loud!
Mr. Muscles continued. "We've got three cars. Two out of the three can fit only two people in it, so it looks like the majority will be in the Jeep. Yoona, you and Jennie and whoever can ride with me, we'll fill Yoongi's car up with your guy's luggage, and we'll go from there figuring everything else out."
"I'll be right back," Luna whispered, inhaling deep. "You guys figure it out. I don't care. I, um... I forgot something." She turned and jogged up the sidewalk and into the house.
Jimin piped up, "too bad he's such a jerk; he's got a really nice car."
"FUCK YOU." Taehyung spat back at him.
"Oh you'd probably like that, dipshit." Jimin replied, flipping him off.
"I know your mother would."
"Go to hell."
"Well I want to ride in the Jeep!" Yeri shouted, jumping toward it. "Taehyung, you should let someone else drive your car. The Jeep will be funner!"
"Oh my God!" Taehyung shouted, looking up at the grey clouds. "Come on, let's just get this going. We've got to drive all day!"
Everyone started talking at the exact same time, and we weren't listening to anything anyone was trying to say because we all were fighting over who sat where. This argument continued for about seven minutes straight, people just shouting over each other.
Muscles sighed, shaking his head, "okay, listen up! Everyone line down the curb. You, you, and you, -" he pointed to me, Jennie, and Yeri, "you're with me. No questions asked, I don't want to hear it. Yoongi you've got your car, Jimin can ride with you. Taehyung you've got your little tiny excuse of a vehicle. Let's go."
We all piled up into the cars, squeezing tight and pushing each other.
Muscles threw more luggages around us in the Jeep, dropping one on my toe.
"Watch it!" I shouted at him, lifting my foot in the air. "Are you handicapped or something?"
"Or something," Jennie replied with a giggle.
He hopped over the door by pulling himself up with the bars, and climbed in, starting his car.
"I don't see why Taehyung won't just leave his car and squeeze in with us," Yeri said. "I mean, there's room here."
I looked around, not finding room to even breathe, "yeah. No."
Right as he started to back up, it dawned on me that we were forgetting something. "Wait!" I shouted, standing up in the back seat to where my hands fell on his shoulders. Before I could get her name out, Luna came running out of the house, holding her sunglasses and a notepad.
"Oh Christ," muscles remarked, throwing his hands in the air.
Yoongi and Jimin were talking in Yoongi's car. The car is hot! It's lowered with rims, red with a black hood and top, and it looks like it's moving when it isn't. I loved it when he let me work on it with him this summer.
They were looking in mine and Jennie's general direction. Then they climbed out once Luna stood in front of his hood. "What, did you forget about me?" she teased, hands on hips.
"I'm sorry sweetheart," Yoongi replied, running over, "we didn't forget, we were just distracted."
"Mmhmm," she turned around, looking at the seating arrangements. "Well, this is odd."
Taehyung climbed up in his seat, standing in the convertible. "What are we doing?"
"Uh, this isn't going to work," Luna said, looking at Yoongi with wide eyes.
"No, it's fine. Jimin can ride with Taehyung."
"Over my fucking dead body!" Jimin shouted too harsh, causing us to wince.
"I'm with him," Taehyung replied, tapping his hands on the front window.
"Well then... You can ride with Jimin in my truck; I'll let you drive it. And... I'll uh... ride with Taehyung."
"Yeah, I still don't think so," Taehyung chuckled. "No offense."
"None taken."
"Well how about Yeri ride with Taehyung, and Jimin can ride in here with us?" Jennie suggested.
"No!" Yeri whined. "I can't sit in that car for twenty-one hours, I'll cramp up. It's too small. There's not enough room. Besides, the Jeep has actual breathing areas."
Taehyung scoffed, shaking his head, "can we just move it? Jennie, come sit with me, Luna ride with Jungkook."
"She can't!" Muscles, or Jungkook, I suppose, protested. "She's got the map and she's my guide. And I'm leading. And I don't trust anyone else to but her. Remember what happened when you and I tried to get to Vegas? It didn't work out too well."
Taehyung smirked, shaking his head.
"What about Yoona?" Jimin suggested.
I glared at him. "I don't think so. I'll kill the motherfu-"
"Alright!" Luna shouted, cutting me off and shocking everyone as she threw her hands in the air and stormed over to Taehyung's car. "I'll freakin' ride with him. Geesh."
Taehyung glared at her as she opened his passenger door, but didn't say anything.
"Uh, no, I don't like this idea," Yeri said, trying to stand up but not making it too well with the luggage surrounding her. "Uh, Taehyung!?"
"Nope," Jungkook snarked, laughing as he blasted his stereo, "you've all ready said your piece, woman. You wanted the Jeep, you've got it."
"It's fine," Taehyung replied, continuing to glare at Luna, "we'll deal with it."
"Yeah," she said, climbing in and slamming his door hard, throwing her cheek on into her fingers as she slouched down, "whatever."
I gave her a look, asking her with my eyes if she was okay with this. Because if she wasn't, I'd easily hop out of here and go slug him for her. I made sure to send her that entire message.
She sighed, giving me a short nod with an expression that read, it's fine.
I just shook my head at her. This should be interesting.
Taehyung POV
As Luna climbed in my car, she slammed my door. That was mistake one.
My car is not hers. She shouldn't treat it like it is.
I glowered at her, not bothering to start the car back up, although everyone else was pulling out and driving down the road.
She slowly brought her face over to my direction, raising her eyebrows, "what?"
"You slammed my door."
I furrowed my brows, sending her an angry message with my eyes.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't hurt it, Taehyung."
I still didn't answer, just continued to look at her. I could practically feel the heat surrounding my forehead.
"Fine! I'm sorry. Happy now?"
I started the car, continuing to show her with my expression that I wasn't happy at all about this arrangement. I didn't want her to be around me, especially this soon in the trip.
"Feet off the dash please," I said icily.
She rolled her eyes, plopping her feet on the ground. After a few more seconds of us sitting still, she snapped her neck in my direction. "Would you go?!" she shouted, throwing her hands toward the road in a move gesture.
I smirked, shaking my head, "not yet."
"Why not?"
"Because, I am waiting on you to hit me again. I can tell you've got more of it with my name on it..."
She eyed me down, not liking my comment. If her eyes shot bullets, I thought to myself, I'd be dead.
"I mean," I continued with a shrug, keeping my casual unaffected gaze, "if you're going to do it, I would rather you do it before we take off down the road..."
She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "don't tempt me."
I smirked, hitting the gas and swinging the car back, her little body flying forward toward the dash. "Taehyung!" she shouted, pushing herself back in the seat.
"Seatbelts." I said coolly, putting my Carrera in first gear and slamming the gas, not paying any attention to the middle finger she just gave me as she struggled to buckle in.
"Would you slow down?!" she shouted as I sped toward the red light.
"I cannot. I have to catch up... If it weren't for your childish actions, we wouldn't have had to be held behind."
"Trust me, Taehyung," she scoffed, shaking her head, "you don't want to get me going this early into the trip. I've got a lot of shit to deal out with your name on it."
"I have a surround sound stereo. I can block you out."
She twisted her body in my direction, trying to ignore the fact that I slammed on the breaks inches before I ran the light. "Do you really want us to get moving on this foot? Or can we just start over, be adults, and try to get through this?"
"Start over?" I hissed at her, hitting the gas as soon as it switched back to green. "Start over?" I repeated, lowering my sunglasses so she could see my eyes as I narrowed my voice deeper. I forced her gaze to mine, and she parted her lips as she glared at my mouth. "I asked you to start over. Four years ago. Do you remember?"
"Yeah," she replied, situating back to look at the road, her eyes squinting into a tight line. "I remember. It was twenty-four hours after I found you with your tongue rammed down that bitch's throat."
"Come on!" I shouted, jerking the car over to the on ramp by the interstate, and speeding toward Jungkook's Jeep. "We were in high school! I got confused, what did you expect? It happens."
"I expected," she hissed, trying to get a hold of her hair as it flew in the sharp wind, "that you would be faithful to me. That was the plan, remember?"
"Sure I remember. But I don't see how you could be faithful to me when you had Jimin staying over at your house every night! Did you really expect me to believe that you two were just pals? That he was only a mere sleeping buddy?! I know better! I saw it! I'm not that fucking blind!"
"Yes!" she shouted back at me. "I do! Because I was faithful, Taehyung! I can't control other people, but I lo-" she cut herself off as I snapped my head in her direction. She threw her hands in the air in forfeit. "...never mind. Forget it."
As we were driving next to the Jeep in the fast lane, I caught a glance at Yeri giving Luna her worst expression possible. Luna tried to ignore it, covering her face with her right hand as we passed them, and cut in front of them in their lane. Then I saw Yoongi behind Jungkook, shaking his head in the driver seat. He was pissed that I was driving like this with Luna in the car, I could tell.
Well, I thought to myself, finding his facial expression amusing, might as well give him something to complain about.
I smirked and hit the brakes, jerking my car back into the fast lane so they could pass by us in the slow lane. They were all shocked, as Luna clutched her chest. I waited until they passed us, and then pulled back behind Yoongi's car in their lane again, smiling to him in his rearview mirror.
"What are you doing?" she shouted, hitting me in my arm. "Why on earth would you hit your breaks like that on the interstate?! What if there were cars there in the fast lane?!"
I chuckled. "Your boyfriend was getting upset that I was ahead of them, so I figured I'd sweep back here and make him happy."
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Fine," I glared at her, pulling my sunglasses back up, "then your screwbuddy was upset that I was ah-"
"Just shut up, Taehyung," she exhaled.
Though I found it was so easy to piss her off, especially when I was right, I took the hint, trying to drop my smug expression.
I liked her better when she was quiet too, I thought to myself.
The first hour of the drive went by excruciatingly slow.
Both of us were on edge, unable to relax with the glares coming from Yeri and Yoongi as the cars rotated around in order. Neither Luna nor I spoke, and we didn't bother looking at each other when we could help it. I could feel that annoying electric current bouncing between us, and by the way she was adjusting her body around every two seconds, I could tell she felt it too.
After we stopped to use the restroom and grab a snack in Yakima, around three hours into the drive, she grumbled as she put her seatbelt on. "I miss the Volvo," she stated, throwing her jacket over her chest like a cover.
"It's in the shop," I replied shortly, pulling back onto the highway.
I glanced over at her, surprised we didn't have to yell at each other to have a conversation. It threw me off. I didn't like it. I wasn't used to it.
"Uh, because I blew the transmission in it."
She smirked, leaning the seat back so she could close her eyes, "how did you do that?"
I shrugged, still feeling uncomfortably dumbfounded by us talking, "by...driving it?"
She opened her right eye and glared at me, before throwing her right arm over her face. "Smartass."
Well, so much for the conversation. Though it did snap me back into focus. I almost felt better with the animosity. I was used to that.
It was going on nine pm. Seven hours into the drive.
We made it through Oregon and Idaho, and were about an hour inside Utah when the night sky became pitch black and hung over us heavily, as the cold passed us over. I pulled over on the highway, telling Luna to text them and tell them that we'd catch up and to keep going.
She nodded, watching me as I ran around and loaded the convertible top back up. The wind picked up heavily and fought against my grasps, but after a few struggles, I got it locked back into place. Then I ran around and hopped in, blasting the heat on.
"Are you okay?" she asked as I put the car back in first, watching the traffic in my mirrors as I began to speed up.
"Fantastic," I replied, putting the pedal to the metal and jerking the car back into the lanes, weaving through to pass a Volkswagen beetle, a mini van, two semis, and a truck.
After a few minutes of silence, she began to relax more, accepting that she was stuck with me for at least eleven more hours, with how fucking slow these guys kept up. She started to put her foot back on my dash, but stopped as soon as it touched it, and huffed, placing it back on the ground. I perched my lips, not saying anything.
"Sorry," she grumbled, fidgeting in the seat. "'It's just hard when there's no room to put the seat back because of the luggage."
"Yeah," I whispered, passing another semi as I saw Yoongi's taillights come into view, "sorry about that. I don't normally have people in this car with me."
"What about Yeri? I figured she'd be all into the flashy stuff," she snarkly replied.
I took a deep breath before switching back into the right lane, looking over my shoulder at her, "she doesn't like this car either."
I peered over at her again, unable to read her expression. "What?" I replied, giving her my crooked smile before I realized it. "What are you thinking?"
She shrugged, her lips forming tight as she pulled her sunglasses from her face, blinking into the dark. "Nothing."
"Just say it."
Her wide, hazel-chestnut eyes found mine and stopped my breath. I shook my head, focusing my attention back to the road before she caused me to wreck. Don't do it, Taehyung. Don't let her get to you.
"Well," she began slowly, shrugging, "she just... seems to be like one of those girls who are into... money. You seem to fit her profile."
I thought about her words for a second, trying to not allow them to get me angry. "You were with me."
She furrowed her brows, giving me a confused expression.
"What I mean is," I explained, "you were with me once. Were you in it for the money too?"
She cocked her head in my direction, and then shook it fast, as she leaned back in my seat. "No. You know that. Besides, my stepdad is a professional baseball player for the Colorado Rockies. If I was all about the money, I would have dipped into his piggybank long before I ever got with you."
"Hmm," I thought, raising my eyebrow. "So who are you to question whether or not she is in it for the money? It's not like you know her anymore."
"I'm sure she's the same as in high school," she stated. "But, if you really must know... Prada, Gucci, and Brazillion-Icceton."
She giggled, "her bag is Prada, her sunglasses were Gucci, and her jeans were Brazillion-Icceton. She's about the nametag. It's written on her face."
"Since when did you get so interested into labels?"
She sighed. "Have you met my sister, Yoona? Comes with the territory."
"I see."
We glanced at each other, and for a brief second, I thought she was going to smile at me. Instead, she rolled her eyes, and slouched in the seat. "Just keep your eyes on the road. It's really dark out."
I shook my head, suddenly re-annoyed with her. Ten more hours.
Luna POV
When I woke up, I noticed that I was still in his car. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep.
I squinted my eyes, trying to focus on the green lights of the dash. It was three in the morning.
"Jesus," I croaked out, clearing my throat. My body felt like rusting metal as I pulled it forward, to a normal sitting position. Taehyung was leaning over toward his door, with his elbow against the window and his head against his hands. He was tugging at his hair, and had an expression on his face showing he was in deep thought.
I glanced around, noticing that all the cars were still around us, and that everyone was fine. Jungkook had the cover over his Jeep so I could barely see through the windows, but it looked like Yoona was sleeping in the passenger seat. I wondered when her and Jennie switched places. Glancing behind me to the slow lane, I noticed Yoongi and Jimin talking, and could hear rock music blaring from his radio, which I'm sure came from Jimin's collection. Yoongi enjoyed all music, but his favorite was R&B. He seemed to be doing okay too.
When I looked to my lap, I noticed Taehyung's black leather jacket had been covering me up. I bit my lip, frustrated with myself. I didn't want any favors from him.
"You were cold," Taehyung replied, not even removing his eyes from the road. "I put the heater on high, but you were still trembling, so I covered you with the jacket to help circulate your body heat easier."
"Thanks," I whispered, rubbing my face.
His reply was hasty. "Don't mention it."
This is why I don't need any favors from him, I thought, he's so cocky.
"Are we going to stop soon?" I asked, trying to avert his attention from being such a ... guy.
I sighed, "I'm hungry."
He thought for a few minutes, and then pulled out his blackberry. I watched as he pressed two buttons, in speed dial, and then held it to his ear. "Hey, babe. How's it going?"
I couldn't help but scowl. He called her babe. Ew.
"Right... Mmhmm..." he pulled into the fast lane, appearing like he wasn't even paying attention to what she was saying. "Sure. That's good... Yeah... Hey, can you do me a favor? Tell Jungkook that Luna and I are going to get off here at this exit and swing into the drive thru. Tell him I have plenty of gas to make it to Layton, or possibly Evanston even, and we'll catch up. Yes, I will." He sighed, pulling the phone away from his face for a second, "Yeri, come on. Let's not do this here, please? Good. Okay. Thanks."
He smirked and shook his head as he pulled off to the exit.
"Aren't the rest of you guys hungry?" I asked, crinkling my forehead in my single-minded misunderstanding.
"Nah, they ate about an hour ago. I decided to put it off until you woke up, because I knew that you would be hungry. I know how your appetite works."
"So," he peeled onto the highway, speeding to sixty before hitting the red light. He looked at me, the gold flecks shining in his sea green eyes, "what are you in the mood for?"
My breath hitched and I pulled my face away from his focus. "Mmm... Um...Burger King. Or KFC? No, no! Burger King. I'm sure."
He chuckled softly, "all right."
As we were waiting in line to place our order at the intercom, I felt my back pocket vibrating. I shot up, yanking it out. Yoongi. Crap. I forgot to tell him we were pulling off.
I flipped it open, but it wasn't Yoongi's voice on his phone. It was Jimin's. "Luna, what the hell are you doing? Where is he taking you?"
"Relax Jimin," I replied, slouching back in his seat, "I'm fine. I'm hungry, so Taehyung pulled over for me."
"I don't like that idea. We're going to get off this next exit and wait for you."
"It's fine, Jimin. Really. Tell Yoongi that I'm all right... and by the way, why are you on his phone? Where's yours?"
"I have Adam on my phone, with Sam on hold... Huh? Oh. Okay. Wait, here, Yoongi wants to talk with you."
There was a brief moment of silence as Taehyung pulled up to the intercom, the menu glancing down at us.
"Hey, Luna," Yoongi's smooth voice said, relaxing me almost instantly. It always happened when Yoongi was around, or when his voice came to my ear.
I glanced over at Taehyung, who had his eyebrows raised with an I'm waiting... expression.
I raised my index finger at him. "Hey Yoongi. I just wanted to let you know that I was fine and to not worry."
"Are you sure? Is he treating you okay?"
"Yes, everything's fine. We'll be back on the interstate in just a few minutes."
"Okay. I sort of miss you, Luna," he teased, knowing it'd make me smile.
I glanced over at Taehyung, who was ignoring the woman's voice repeating her opening sentence so he'd place his order. I gave him the pointed index finger again, an apologetic expression in my features. "I miss you too, Yoongi. Trust me."
Taehyung rolled his eyes, and rested his head against the seat, exhaling heavily.
"I hope so," Yoongi replied. "Be safe."
"I will. Bye."
I closed the phone, looking at the menu. "Umm... I want the ...um... chicken fries, with extra bar-"
He cut me off. "Chicken fry combo, extra barbeque sauce, small sized, with a root beer to drink," he ordered into the intercom with a roll of his eyes.
"Would you like that upgraded to a larger size?"
I sat up to answer him, but he all ready knew. "No thank you. And she also wants an Oreo pie, with extra napkins please. And I will have...-"
It was time to get even. "A number four please," I said, cockily as I stared at him. "He wants everything on it, except for onions, with large fries, and a regular sized Coke. And extra ketchup packets."
"Will that be all?"
He looked at me in shock, raised eyebrows, waiting for me to answer for him again.
"Yes," I replied, sitting back in my seat satisfied, "that's it."
His mouth stayed ajar as he pulled up behind the van next to the window. I watched as his broad jaw tightened along with his fingers on the steering wheel. I could tell he was uncomfortable with me remembering stuff about him. Taehyung never liked the tables being turned on him.
"Oh relax," I smirked, turning on his radio to some hip hop music to wake me up, "it's only a food order." I couldn't help but feel the electricity between us increasing, but I just looked out the window, shaking it off. You like Yoongi. He's a good guy.
"...Right." he replied after another minute of silence.
It was now going on six in the morning. We've stopped multiple times throughout the past few hours, for gas of course, and coffee, but also being that all of us girls seem to have shy and awkward bladders. It was quite funny to see Yeri still wearing only a tank top and jeans, trembling. I told Taehyung to give her his jacket if he wasn't going to wear it, but he shrugged it off, saying that she had plenty packed with her, and that I might need it if I get cold again.
Though I know it was wrong, and though I still can't stand him for what he's done, it still made me feel better that he chose me over her. For once. God, he's a jerk, I growled to myself as I climbed out of the bathroom, to find him leaned against the car, his back on the passenger door with her arms around his waist, her chest pressed up against him.
He had his eyes closed and his fingers locked around her, and she was talking to him about how cool she thought Jungkook's jeep was, and how she liked Jennie's hair cut, and how Yoona lightly snored when she slept... He seemed to be blocking her out, but the way his fingers were dipped into the curve at the bottom of the shirt, I felt my stomach twist so bad that I wanted to run back into the bathroom and throw up.
"Hey you," Jimin whispered, causing me to jump as he threw his arm around my waist. "You cool?"
"Yeah," I replied as he led me toward Yoongi's car. I couldn't stop looking at Yeri, trying to figure out what he saw in her, besides blonde hair, perfect boobs, a tight ass, spunky personality, and no brain.
"Yoongi wants to give you a hug before we get back on the road."
I noticed Taehyung's eyes open as Jimin said Yoongi's name, and smiled inside. I ran over to Yoongi, throwing my arms around his neck and burying my face into his warm shoulder.
"Oh, there you are," he said, holding me up from the ground. "Mmm, that feels nice. Are you doing all right?"
I nodded, gripping him tighter. I wanted him to make me forget about Taehyung; make me forget about why I needed him so badly at one point.
I could need Yoongi now. I was okay with that, I just needed to convince all of me.
"Are you sure?" he asked, pulling my face back so I could look at him. I soaked in his sultry eyes, the arch on his top lip, and I felt my heart do a pitter patter dance as he hummed lightly to me. See, I thought to myself, smiling up at him, you do like him. Give him a chance, Luna.
"Let's go!" Jungkook shouted, scooping Jennie up and throwing her over his right shoulder. "Time to move!"
Everyone groaned and started walking back toward the vehicles. We've been on the road since a little after noon yesterday, and we've stopped so many times, it seems as if this trip is never going to end.
Yoona climbed back in the passenger seat, whining that she has a headache and couldn't sleep sitting up like that. I couldn't make out what Jungkook said to her, but after a few seconds, she slowly nodded, and the next thing I knew, she was leaning over with her head in his lap. I watched his hand stroke her right arm as he backed up toward Asshole Kim. Taehyung let go of Yeri and lifted her up into the jeep, causing me to feel more jealous, damn it, though I knew I shouldn't, since I am standing here wrapped up in a good guy's arms. Securely.
But watching how easy it was for him to hold onto her and lift her up, and the way she giggled when he did it, and then leaned out the door to kiss him... I closed my eyes, pushing my face into Yoongi's face. It was too much to watch.
He kissed me on my head, hugging me tight, until I almost forgot where I was. I wanted so bad to curl up against him and sleep all this misery off. The sooner we could get to the cabin, the quicker I could go into a different room, and not have to face them.
Taehyung smacked her on her right hip and blew a kiss to Jennie, which she blew back to him. Then he jogged over to his car, and looked up at me, suddenly impatient. Go figure.
"I guess that's my cue," I said, pulling away from Yoongi's grip.
"You know, we could make Jimin ride with Taehyung. I'm sure they'd get over it eventually."
"No," I replied, kissing his cheek, "they won't. They've been at each other's throats for almost six years now. Even before Taehyung and I got together. It's never going to get better."
"Yeah, but doesn't it have to get worse before it can get any better?" Yoongi countered, rubbing my back as he led me toward Taehyung's car. "If you let them scrap it out, maybe they can put it all behind them?"
"They'd kill each other first. Trust me. It almost happened once back in school."
"Why's that?"
I bit my lip, shaking my head before the tears could build up. "Long story."
He opened the door for me and watched Taehyung as he climbed in his seat with a smirk on his face. He shook his head, regaining his focus on me. "You sure you don't want to switch with Jimin? You and I could have fun..."
"I'll be fine. Thanks."
"Anytime. Call me if you get lonely."
I smiled, running my fingers through his brown hair. "I will. Go on, be safe!" I pushed him toward Jimin. He just laughed and waved to me, before running back to his car.
When I climbed in Taehyung's car, I noticed that his mood was back to pissy. He glared at me and shook his head in his own thought, revving his car up loud as people began to leave the parking lot.
Before I could open my mouth to ask him what his problem was, he peeled out of the parking lot so fast that it snapped my neck back against his seat. I trembled under his reaction, but kept my lips sealed. There was no way I was going to bring anything up while he drove like this.
As he was passing Jungkook at seventy and cutting him off on the entrance ramp, making his way to over a hundred miles per hour, his phone rang. He sighed, flipping it open. "What do you want, dick?"
I heard Jimin yelling at him through the phone, threatening him, but couldn't make out the words between the car exhaust noise and how fast Jimin was ranting. Taehyung's lips formed into a cocky grin, and he bounced his tongue along his bottom lip while he looked in his rearview mirror.
"Oh, I'd love to see you try it," he replied too cool for his own good. He laughed as he continued to cuss at him. "Oh yeah?" he mused, pushing his car further, "well how about you get your slow ass up here and come do it then? Yeah, that's what I thought, you fucking bitch." Then he hung the phone up, shaking his head, apparently still amused.
"You know," I said, crossing my arms over my chest, "you're going to have to stop this car eventually. I realize it may been ten times the speed of any car around us, but sooner or later, you're going to have to stop and I'm not going to be able to keep him from pummeling you into dirt."
He laughed, throwing his head back into the head rest.
If he wasn't such an arrogant jerk, I would think he was sexy and adorable right now... Like I used to... With his hair showing its natural highlights in the rays of the sun, his bottom lip slightly wet from his tongue, his perfect teeth glistening, and the dark eyes cascading behind his designer sunglasses... not to mention how he handled his car like it was sex on wheels... It would be so easy to be dazzled to the point of no return.
But I refused to look at him like this anymore. Now he's just... him.
And he made me irritated.
"Do you really think that mother fucker could take me? Get real, Luna."
"I am getting real, Taehyung . Keep pissing him off and see what happens!"
He looked over at me, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes and licking his lips. "Mmm, I can't wait," he replied, his voice velvety smooth.
I just rolled my eyes at him, looking toward the sun rising to my right. There wasn't even a point to talking to him anymore. So I didn't.
Jimin POV
"I'm gonna kill that fucker!" I shouted, throwing my phone against Yoongi's dashboard involuntarily.
He chuckled, shaking his head, "don't worry about it, Jimin."
"How are you so cool about this?" I sneered, glaring at him. "He's a jerk. He doesn't deserve to be in her presence, not even for a second!"
"I'm not saying he does," Yoongi responded smoothly, his satoori accent filling the truck, "all I'm saying is to not worry about it. He thinks he has it all under control, that he's too smooth for anyone. He has no idea about the real world."
I looked at him, slightly annoyed by how grounded he was, "be honest, Yoongi. Man to man. You're in love with Luna, right?"
He inhaled, his eyes growing tight as he thought for a few seconds. Then he nodded, not saying anything.
"Okay. Now, how do you feel about Taehyung, the only love of her life, remind you, being in that car with her, showing off for her, working his magic on her, giving her that crooked fucking smile she used to gush over?"
He swallowed, shrugging hard, "Luna's a grown woman. She'll do what's best for her. And I'll be here if she chooses the wrong path."
"You'd really let her go that easy?"
He glanced over at me in his peripheral vision, then back toward Jungkook's license plate. "No."
"That's what I thought. Dude, seriously. Kim is bad news. Everyone knows it."
"He's got a girlfriend," Yoongi replied, switching to the fast lane.
"No," I intercepted icily, "he's got a fuck buddy. There is a difference."
"Well, rumor has it that he has quite a few of them," Yoongi shrugged, "so I don't see a point in getting too worked up over him. Luna and I have had many, many conversations about all the bad stuff he did and how bad he broke her heart. I don't see her running back to him."
"Well, I hope you're right."
"Let me ask you something, Jimin..." he said, his voice more relaxed with the tempo change. "Why do you care?"
I shrugged, slouching down in the seat, "Luna's one of my oldest friends. Her biological father and my dad were best friends, and they asked me to watch over her always, no matter how bad things got. So that's what I do."
"Were you ever interested in her as more than that?"
"Nah, not really. Once, when we were all in school, I guess. But that didn't go too smooth."
"What happened?"
I glanced over at him, suddenly feeling uneasy and agitated, "Taehyung happened."
"Ahh. That explains it."
"No, it's not like that, he didn't steal her away from me or anything," I said, my hands in the air, "he just... They were together, I told Luna how I felt, Taehyung walked in at the wrong moment, and our enemy lines grew thicker."
"Wow, so you made her cheat on him?"
I smirked, "Taehyung was screwing Yeri by that point, I'm sure. And it was a simple kiss, no big deal."
Yoongi chuckled, "I bet Taehyung felt it was a big deal, huh?"
"Oh you have no idea!" I laughed, turning up his radio, "we got into it so bad; we ended up behind bars until his father came and bailed us both out. We weren't even of age at that point. It was great, they had to give us our own little cells because we kept trying to duke it out."
"Ha ha, I bet!" he giggled, shaking his head. "Did it ever happen again?"
"Me kissing her?"
"Not 'til after they broke up. We were both pretty lonely on a few occasions, and we were going to hook up once, but we realized before we got past second base that it just wasn't... meant to be. No physical connection, you know? I mean, we were attracted to each other, but... yeah. This is good, because now I can watch over her and not want to, you know, be with her. Not like that. She's like my little sister."
"That's cool."
"Yeah... but I'd never tell this to Taehyung. I'd rather make him think I want her, so it'd give him a reason to come after me, and give me an excuse to punch him square in the face."
He seemed amused by this, which made him have cool points, in my book. He's already listening to my music, confessing that he enjoys some of my rock bands, and even has a few grunge t-shirts. In fact, he looks like a rock star with his black t-shirt, jeans, and dark hair. Plus, he wants to protect my girl, which is awesome. He's a cool dude.
He's got my vote with her.
"So..." he said after about fifteen minutes of listening to my music, "who do you like then?"
I shrugged, fiddling with my phone, "I don't know. I find myself attracted to Yoona every now and then, not that I'd ever tell her though. Other than that, I spend time casually dating, hooking up. I'm not really in the mood for anything specific. I like to dabble."
"What's your type?"
"Blondes, these days. Like Yoona."
"What about Yeri?" I glared at him, but he had a grin on his face. "Be honest, Jimin. The girl's pretty decent."
"Yeah, I'd hit it. But I'd have to go before Taehyung. I definitely wouldn't be up in it after him."
Yoongi laughed, bellowing out, "I'm sure he's not that bad!"
"I heard he banged three different girls in one night at a college party. One of his friends told me. They went there together."
"Okay," Yoongi second guessed himself, "maybe he is."
"He's an ass," I shrugged. "Let's hope Luna doesn't fall for it."
"Trust me. I am."
"And just," I pondered, trying to figure out how to phrase it, "don't be such a goodie. Luna is going to need someone who's willing to get down and dirty if he has to. She likes the strong, independent, cocky type. She wants someone who will stand by her, keep her safe."
"Don't worry about me," Yoongi mused, "I'm nice, because women deserve to be treated with a certain amount of respect at all times. But that doesn't mean I won't fight for what I want."
"I'm counting on it," I replied. And boy was I ever.
The last thing I wanted to do was have to pick her up off the ground again, her body pale and exhausted, sick and soaking wet while curled up into a tight ball. I'll never forget the loud gasps for air she took, and the way she begged for me to help her. I took her to the hospital that night, because she thought she was having a heart attack. They said it was just a severe panic attack. That night wasn't fun. And it scares me to this day, which is why I don't want him to ever have that chance again.
Taehyung POV
Almost ten. Which means we're almost here. Which means no more cramped car, no more awkward glances between the ex and I. No more texts from Yeri asking me if Luna has tried anything yet. No more dirty looks for Yoongi and Jimin as I pass them, or Yoona flipping me off. We've all ready made it through Cheyenne and into Colorado without killing each other... my glass was half full with thoughts that Luna and I could actually make it through this road trip and be alive in the end of it.
I glanced over to my right, noticing that she was writing something in her notepad. I gave in, knowing I probably shouldn't. "What are you doing over there?"
Her eyes grew wide as she lifted her face up to me, covering the paper into her jacket. "Nothing."
I sighed, rolling my head back around toward the road, "it's just a question. We've only got about thirty-five miles to go from here, once we get through Giddings. I'm just trying to lighten the situation up."
She glared at me before continuing her writing, a little more sneaky, might I add. "You're trying to start an actual conversation with me now that we're almost there?"
She shook her head, "I'm writing my thoughts down on paper, that way I can release some tension without stabbing you with this pen."
I laughed, unable to stop myself, "Luna, you don't hate me that much, and you know it."
"Don't tell me what I know, Taehyung. I know that you're an ass. I know that you've treated me like crap, and I know what you did. That's enough for me to make a final decision about you and stick with it."
I raised my right eyebrow, thinking out loud, "okay, I'm an asshole and you caught me doing something foolish four years ago... You've made up your decision to hate me and say you're sticking with it... yet, here you are, in the front seat of my car with me."
"Yeah because no one else wanted to ride with you. Not even your girlfriend."
"Well that's because Yeri prefers the backseat."
She cocked her head and glared at me, and I felt a tiny bit of guilt for heading the conversation in that direction. That was wrong, Taehyung.
She scoffed, shaking her head as she began to write harder, the pen almost poking holes through the paper.
"I'm sorry, Luna," I caved in, shaking my head, "that was wrong to say."
"Like I give a crap, Taehyung. Everyone knows she likes the back seat. Isn't that where you two ended up after graduation?"
I gawked at her, surprised she was still pissed after I apologized, which I never really do, "Luna, I'm not the dickhead that you make me out to be. It wasn't like that with Yeri and I back then, and you know it."
"No," she slammed the notepad on her lap, twisting to stare at me, "I know that she's a whore. I know that she fucked you. I know that you obvious liked it, because you're still with her. Oh, yeah, and I know she tried to be my friend while she tried to screw you behind my back."
I inhaled deep, trying to relax my tense muscles, "you don't know... anything."
"Fine. Tell me what I need to know, Taehyung. Tell me what I did that was so wrong that you made the decision you did? Tell me what was so God awful about me that you turned your back on everything we worked two years for, on a small case of insecurity on your part? Was I not pretty enough? Was I too dumb? Too clumsy? Too brunette?! WHAT IS IT?!"
I shook my head, gripping the steering wheel so tight I thought I could somehow snap it off. "Luna, it was one time. It meant nothing. We didn't even get that f-"
I glared at her in shock, my mouth hanging open. She looked so angry, so upset; it almost broke me to look at her.
"Luna," I whispered, my throat hurting, "...you didn't do anything. I was just... young. And scared of feeling..." my voice cut off as I tried to figure out the right words. "...uh... how we did. We became so involved, so overwhelmed... so consumed and wrapped up in each other, and it was really hard for us to handle those types of emotions at eighteen."
"Yeah," she smirked, calming down and looking away from me, "well you certainly proved to me that you weren't ready for that type of commitment after all."
I swallowed the sandpaper feeling down, squinting through my dark sunglasses, toward the blurry road at this forsaken noon hour. "I don't know what I can do or say to tr-"
"Don't bother. It doesn't matter. I don't care about what you did anymore."
"...Then why are you still so upset?"
She swallowed hard, crossing her arms over her chest, "...because I'm trying to stop worrying about you. I'm moving on. With Yoongi. Now."
I nodded, fighting back my instinct to yell to her that he's all wrong with her. "I think it's best you do," I said, "since that's what you want."
"I know I don't want to be hurt by a man the way you did to me."
"Yep. You should definitely go with him."
I was beyond mentally exhausted and emotionally drained by the time that we pulled up; I couldn't even enjoy the view of the cabin. Everyone left their luggage in the vehicles and took off running around the winding sidewalk, over the tiny lake, along the stone path, through the trees, and up to the front door.
Yoongi threw his arm around Luna's waist as she fumbled clumsily to open the door, her hands trembling in excitement. I remained calm in the back of the group, cocking my head to the right just so I could hold it up. Yeri was pushing on Jungkook's shoulders, trying to peak around him. She didn't seem to notice I was even behind her.
As the door creaked open, a sudden flashback sneaked into my mind.
FLASH! Luna giggling as she unlocked the door, yanking me inside by my tuxedo jacket.
FLASH! "This is so incredible!" she squealed as I led her out to the pool, taking in the rose petals I scattered around for her.
FLASH! Luna running to jump in my arms, her face blending perfectly into my neck. "Thank you so much, Taehyung! I couldn't ask for a better birthday gift than this!"
FLASH! Me popping her up in my arms, causing her to giggle. "So, you're not too upset with me about doing something for your birthday?" I asked as I moved a few pieces of hair from her eyes, drowning in the smile of hers I loved so much.
FLASH! "Not at all. You're the best present I could ever ask for." FLASH!
"Hey Taehyung?" Jennie said, snapping me back into the present. "Are you coming?"
I swallowed, shaking my head and nodding to her. She reached out her tiny hand and I took it, thankful that she could somehow read my mind that I needed the comfort. She wrapped her free arm around me, keeping my right hand in hers. We followed behind the rest of the group, up the tiny set of stairs, through the kitchen, and into the main living area. It seemed bigger, with A-arched windows, the golden chandelier echoing around the log wood ceiling, the stone fireplace accenting the red upholstery.
Jungkook ran for the pool table, laying over it with his arms stretched out, "ahh, sweet!"
Yoona smacked him on his back, giggling, "you're so stupid. We've got three of them total.
"What?!" he shouted, looking like a child on his birthday. "That's great!"
We continued our tour through the winding hall and into the small den, which matched the living area perfectly. Luna jumped on his back, giggling, asking her to take him up the brass staircase, so we can go see the pool. He obliged, running in a zigzag motion to make her laugh harder and hold him tight. I scowled at them, shaking my head. Jennie tugged on my arm, patting me on the back. We walked past the theatre, and the game room, and Yoona ran for the doors with Jimin, swinging them wide open.
There, stood the eighteen feet deep pool, surrounded with high curved windows up past the second story, with the loft hanging above us on the right. Lounge chairs were set up along one wall, three palm trees which I helped plant with my dad and their dad in front of them, and the lights surrounding the entire area like a concert hall. Luna giggled again, dropping back down to her feet and tugging Yoongi down the length of the pool, opening the door to the secret grotto.
Yeri ran up to my free side on my left, snaking her arm around me as we walked through the green-lit stoned room, with the hot tub centered in the middle of the sectioned pools, bubbling for satisfaction. This was definitely the most romantic spot, and I knew there would be a lot of sexing going on in this room.
"Wow," Yeri whispered, tugging me tighter and away from Jennie, "this is so beautiful!"
I smiled, trying to ignore the thoughts of Luna handing me the stones to help my father mold them into the walls, giggling and pouring us lemonade. Quit it, fucker! I shouted to myself in my mind.
"Time for bedrooms!" Yoona shouted, pulling Jimin with her.
"Why are you tugging on me?" he chuckled, tickling her and making her laugh.
"Because you're my new roomie, partner."
"Why's that?"
"Because Luna's go-"
Luna cut her off, wrapping her tiny arms around Yoongi's back and pushing her face against his spine as he walked in front of her, "because Yoongi and I are sharing a room this vacation." Yes, I noticed the evil glance she shot at me while making this remark. I just shrugged my shoulders, thinking that she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Like I give a shit.
"Guess that means you're with me!" I said, picking Yeri up bridal style and carrying her past the second story, up to the third.
"Goodie," she whispered, her fingers in the back of my hair.
Everyone started pairing off into rooms. Jennie walked into the room with double beds, with Jungkook reluctantly following behind her with his head down. Yoona and Jimin took the room down the hall, with the stone fireplace and wood framing. "That's the Champaign room," Luna pointed toward the king size bed in the open room, "no one has sex in there."
Then it was just Yeri, Luna, Yoongi, and I walking to the end of the back hall. Luna and I reached for the door handle of the first bedroom at the same time, but snapped back before the current could pass through us with the slightest touch.
"What are you doing?" Luna asked, eyebrows raised, "this is mine and Yoongi's room."
"No it isn't," I cocked back to her. "This is the first master, with the best view."
"Yeah. And it's mine."
"Say's who?"
"I do!" she sneered, hands on her hips.
I shook my head before retreating, grabbing Yeri's hand and pulling her toward master bedroom number two. "That's fine," I replied, smiling at Yeri then glaring over at Luna, "we don't plan to be doing much else in the bedroom anyway. You guys will need the extra activities, I'm sure."
"Don't forget we share a bathroom," Luna replied, pretending to ignore my comment I directed toward her, "so we'll have to create a schedule to work around that."
"Whatever." I replied, closing the door with Yeri inside. Right as I turned to ask Yeri what I thought, I heard Luna scream and laugh as the door slammed, shouting. "Yoongi! Wait a second, I didn't even -" her voice cut off as she laughed louder, and I heard them falling on top of the mattress. "Oh my God!" she chuckled, screaming and giggling louder.
I looked at Yeri and took a deep breath, trying to ignore Luna's attempts to get my attention. "This is going to be fun," I said, unsure as I stared into Yeri's eyes.
"I know," she replied as she walked over, wrapping her arms around my waist. "What do you say we christen the bed first?"
I heard Luna laughing louder, with the mattress making squeaking noises as someone was jumping on them, pretending obviously to make sex noises.
"Sure..." I said softly with a shrug, though I didn't really want to.
I tried to ignore Luna laughing, begging for Yoongi. "Get down here!" she shouted through her giggles. "Uh! Yoongi! Don't stop!" she burst into more laughter, trying to piss me off worse with her antics. I heard him laughing as the bed stopped bouncing; doing what I assumed would be hugging her, or worse.
I shook my head, trying to focus on Yeri. "...Why not, right?"
Oh man... This is goona be awkward for them, but more drama and longer chapters with multiple POVs and drama are coming soon.
Please vote and tell me what you think so far x
Ill update soon xo
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