๐. 'Til A Tear Becomes a Rose
๐๐๐๐๐๐ woke up to the loud ringing of her phone alarm. Reaching over, she turned over on her side, grabbed her phone and snoozed the alarm. Five more minutes won't hurt, the brunette thought to herself, as she placed her phone on the pillow next to her, and continued with her snooze, which was soon interrupted by a loud knock at the door.
"Stella! Time to get up!" Nathan shouted on the other side of the door
"Fine." Stella groaned as she threw the covers off herself. There goes my extra five minutes of sleep.
After putting her hair in a ponytail and dressing for the day, Stella walked out the door and into the kitchen, where Janette was making breakfast.
"Good morning sweetheart." Janette smiled as she put a slice of toast on her granddaughter's plate
"Morning grandma, morning Aug." Stella smiled as she embraced her grandmother, then kissed her brother's temple.
"Hey sis." August said, as he sipped his orange juice.
"Here's your breakfast, you'll need energy for your long classes." Janette said as she placed a plate of food in front of Stella
"Oh, luckily they're not that long. I only have a couple." Stella said, then turned to her brother. "Do I need to pick you up after karate?"
"If you don't mind. I think dad's working late." August said
"I'll be there at 5 to get you, maybe a little after, depending on what time class lets out." Stella said
"No worries." August said
"Morning everyone." Nathan said as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
"Hey dad." Stella said
"You want some breakfast?" Janette asked as she turned in her chair to face her son.
"Thanks ma, but I've got to get an early start. Someone vandalized LaRusso auto's billboard." Nathan said
"What do you mean they vandalized it?" Janette asked as she sipped her coffee
"Well, ma, they drew a large red dick on it." Nathan said
Stella nearly choked on her juice, while August's eyes widened. He had been crushing on Daniel's daughter, Samantha, and Stella knew that.
"You both okay?" Nathan asked
Stella recovered, as Janette patted her back, while August shook his head in disbelief. "Fine." the siblings said
"Alright, well, I'll see you guys later." Nathan said as he embraced his children and his mother
"Bye." Stella said. "So, have you talked to Samantha?"
"Nah. Besides, she went out with Kyler." August said
"Who?" Janette asked. "Who's the girl?"
"Daniel LaRusso's daughter." Stella smiled.
"She's perfect you guys." August said, and Stella and Janette shared a look, one that he clearly caught. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." Stella said, then looked at the watch on her wrist. "Well, I guess I better head out too. Love you both. Have a good day at school."
"Love you too."
"So how was the big date with Dylan?" Stella asked as she, Lori, and Kara walked towards the UCLA entrance, and placed their sunglasses on their heads
"It went great. We spent the night at his place, which has a tempur-pedic mattress, which is also great for my back after all the years of rodeoing." Kara said as they walked inside and up to the coffee bar
"Oh, those are so nice." Lori sighed in delight. "I'm saving up to buy one."
"Hey girls!" Amy, the sweet barista said. "The usual?"
"Yes please." The girls said
"So how are things with your Romeo?" Lori said as she grabbed a packet of sugar for her coffee.
Stella playfully rolled her eyes then said, "How many times do I have to tell you two, he's not my Romeo. Anyway, after he met up with his son at North Hills, he called me to meet him at Sal's where he told me about his life." the brunette said, as Amy gave the three best friends their coffees and they gave her cash for the coffees as well as cash for the tip.
"Oh yeah? How did that go?" Kara said as she stirred creamer into her coffee
"Well, his son doesn't want to see him. He really messed up a lot of things in his life, but he really is trying to redeem himself." Stella said
Lori and Kara smirked at one another, then at their best friend. "Okay, what's the smirking for?" the brunette asked
"Nothing, just that you're hot for your brother's sensei. Admit it." Lori said
"Fine. I'm hot for my brother's sensei. It's not fair. He's 50 something, still so fit and tan, blonde and hotter than hell." Stella said. "He's hotter than most guys my age."
"So what if he's 50 something? Live a little. Something tells me this guy will treat you right, or at least, he'll try." Lori said
"I'm with Lori on this. I say go for it. This is once in a lifetime thing Stell." Kara said
After a while, Stella looked at the watch on her wrist, and saw the time. "Well, I guess we better get to class." she said as she stood up and threw her coffee cup in the trash
After bidding her best friends goodbye, Stella walked to her first class, which was Human Anatomy and Physiology. Upon walking into the classroom, a group of girls, whom she knew as The Rich Clique from Bel Air, were giggling and whispering about her.
After the death of Ava, Stella was snubbed, due to the fact that she no longer has a mother. It's something that truly hurt her, but she never let it show. But there was something about these girls, which just struck a different cord, and struck a nerve, and it would change everything.
"Oh, look." Mallory, the bleached blonde said. "It's the girl who doesn't have her mother, because she's dead."
"Oh my God, Mal, that's terrible." Hadley, the redhead said. "But it's so sad. Did you know she used to rodeo before mommy dearest died?"
"I heard she gave up rodeoing after mommy died." Jennifer, another redhead laughed. "How pathetic."
"So Stella, if you have something utterly amazing to tell your mom, do you just go to the cemetery?" Mallory taunted, while her friends laughed
As the class went on, Stella was mocked by the girls. She felt her heart drop to her stomach, and her beautiful blue eyes sting with tears. Those brats had no idea what truly happened to her mother, let alone how wonderful her mother truly was, and it's a shame they want to mock her, let alone become nurses.
She's tired of being bullied and treated like she has leprosy because she no longer has her beloved mother. Girls are mean. No matter what age they are. Once class was dismissed, Stella gathered up her books, and walked down the hall.
As she walked down the hall, the rich girls whispered about her behind their hands. Feeling her broken and shattered heart sink, she walked out of the building, inhaling the fresh crisp air, allowing her silent tears to fall. How could someone be that cruel? Grabbing they keys from her bag, she unlocked her car, and got in, then grabbed her phone, sending a text to Kara and Lori.
Charlie's Angels ๐
Picking up little bro from
karate. I'll see you both later. Love y'all
Kara ๐
Ok. I was gonna ask if you wanted
to go get drinks with us after class, so I'm
assuming a rain check on your end Stell? Love you too hon
Just for now. But keep that invite open.
Lori ๐
Hey, Carter said he saw you walking down the hall
and you looked upset. What happened? You okay? Love you too bestie
Just have a lot on my mind.
I'll call you both later and explain.
After locking her phone, Stella put the car in drive, and drove towards the Reseda strip mall. As she was driving, she turned on the radio, and Keith Whitley and Lorrie Morgan's Til' A Tear Becomes a Rose began to play. It was one of Ava's favorites, so sometimes instead of a rock ballad, she would sing the song to Stella.
โ Winter 1996; Austin, TX
Little Stella crawled out of bed, her stuffed horse in her arms as she walked towards Ava and Nathan's bedroom. Carefully opening the door, she walked to her mother's side of the bed.
"Mommy." Stella said
Ava stirred awake then held Stella's small hand in her own. "What is it sweet pea?"
"I had a bad dream. Will you come lay by me please?" Stella said as she wiped her tears with her free hand and kept her teddy bear clutched in her arm
"Oh, of course. Come on my darling." Ava said as she gently moved Nathan's arm from around her waist, and took her daughter's small hand in her own, and led her to the bedroom.
In Stella's bedroom, where photos of family and friends adorned the wall, Ava down and placed the covers over her daughter, while Stella hugged the stuffed horse.
"There you go, my baby blue." Ava smiled as she ran her fingers through her daughter's brunette hair. "Are you warm and comfy?"
Stella smiled and nodded as she took her mother's hand in her own. "Can you sing to me mommy? The song you and daddy dance to? I promise I'll go right to sleep."
"All right." Ava smiled as she placed a kiss on her daughter's temple. Taking her daughter in her arms, she ran her fingers through her hair as she began to sing, Keith Whitley and Lorrie Morgan's Til a Tear Becomes A Rose.
"Darling I can see the clouds around you, and in your heart I know, a sorrow grows. But if you weep I'll be right here to hold you, til each tear you cry becomes a rose. Til each tear you cry, becomes a rose." Ava sang as she held her daughter close to her
Stella softly yawned as she began to close her beautiful violet blues. Once she was asleep, Ava kissed her forehead and carefully got out of the bed.
"Goodnight night, my precious. I love you." Ava smiled as she covered her daughter up and placed the stuffed horse next to her. "The angels are watching over you."
Stella wiped her tears as she turned off the ignition then checked her eye makeup. After grabbing her phone, she got out, locked her car, but found women getting out of her car, and walking up to the dojo. "What the hell?" she muttered to herself
"What does a cobra do?" Johnny asked as he had August in an armlock
"Slither!" August said as he got out of Johnny's armlock
Johnny quickly activated the punching machine, which shot a ball straight at August's ear. "Hey! That was totally unfair!" August said in pain
"You want a fair fight? Dream on. Your enemies won't play by the rules." Johnny said
"Yeah, but my ear." August whined, standing up from the floor.
"What if that baseball was your enemy's friend coming at you from behind? You have to be prepared for anything." Johnny said, then looked at August's ear, ignoring the redness. "Your ear looks fine. Come on, don't be such a baby."
The shop bell rang, announcing the arrival of several women, carrying mats in their hands, walking in to the dojo, followed by Stella.
"Ah, shit." Johnny said
"What's going on?" August said as Stella stood beside him, and the two looked around confused
"Uh, I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours, just until we get more students." Johnny said.
"What's the second rule of the fist?" Johnny asked August. After the women left, the two began training, while Stella sat on a bench in the corner
"Strike hard." August said as he did a round kick
"That's right." Johnny said. "There's only one reason to hit someone, to inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving it your all." he said when the little shop bell on the top of the dojo door announced someone's arrival. "What the hell?"
"No yoga 'til five. No matter how bad you need it." Johnny said
"Um, I'm actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said there was supposed to be a session today." Aisha said.
"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny said. Stella looked at Johnny with her brow raised.
Aisha gave him a look of confusion. "Why not?"
"Yeah, Johnny. Why not?" Stella said. This statement truly pissed her off.
"Same reason there aren't women in the army. Doesn't make any sense." Johnny said
Stella rolled her eyes and scoffed. After today, she was fed up. "Alright blondie, let's go have a little chat."
Johnny, August, and Stella walked into the office and the beautiful brunette slammed the door, and she folded her arms over her chest, while Johnny sat on the desk, which Stella couldn't deny was hot.
"Sensei, if I were you, I would watch what I said, because she's pissed." August said
"Don't give me that sexist bullshit." Johnny said. "I'm just saying women aren't meant to fight. They have tiny hollow bones."
Stella scoffed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What part of what you just said wasn't sexist? Tiny hollow bones? Are you fucking kidding me? I can't tell you how many times I've kicked a cowboy's ass."
"She's not lying." August said. "Besides aren't you desperate for new students?"
"Yes, but this isn't a knitting class. This is a dojo." Johnny said and Stella rolled her eyes in annoyance
"I swear to God, one more sexist comment and I will slap the ever loving shit out of you." Stella spat.
"But sensei, the kids at school make fun of herโ" August said
"That's what happens when you eat an entire box of twinkies every day." Johnny said
Stella rolled her eyes in annoyance and scoffed. "Are you done? Just because a person is overweight doesn't mean they eat a box of twinkies everyday. There's other underlying causes, so shut the fuck up."
"You know, I find it attractive when you tell me to shut the fuck up." Johnny flirted
"Both of you shut up! Her dad is Isaiah Robinson, Hall of Fame Lineman for the chargers." August said
"So you're saying it's genetic? Her love of twinkies comes from her dad?" Johnny questioned sarcastically
"No! I'm saying her family is loaded, and she's a paying costumer. You need the money, don't you?" August said
Johnny nodded his head and he, Stella, and August walked into the dojo. "Ok, take off your shoes and hop on the mat. After further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you wanna be in Cobra kai, you can't act like a girl." Johnny said
"What do you mean? How do girls act?" Aisha asked
"Yeah? How do they act?" Stella questioned, with a brow raised as she stood beside the teen girl
"Don't give me that. You know, all emotional, loud, complain-y. Never letting you finish a sentence." Johnny said and Stella rolled her eyes
"I know a few guys.." Aisha started
"QUIET!" Johnny shouted, making Stella and Aisha jump slightly. "My student tells me you've been harassed at school."
"Yeah. Mostly online. I get mean texts and e-mails sent to me. Makes me not wanna go." Aisha said
"And who sent you these messages?" Johnny asked
"Well, they're mostly anonymous. These kids create fake accounts, and they tell me things like I'm ugly and that I should kill myself." Aisha said.
Stella could have sworn she saw sympathy in Johnny's crystal blues. I'm disbelief, the blonde said, "Oh my God. What a bunch of pussies! Back in my day, if you wanted to tease someone, you did it to their face. There was honor, respect. These geeks hiding behind their computers, what a bunch of spineless losers. You're not afraid of these losers, are you?" he said
Aisha shook her head. "No."
"You gonna take shit from these losers?" Johnny asked again
"No." Aisha replied sternly
"Good, because when I'm done with you, you're gonna be sending a message back. Only it's not gonna be with your keyboard. It's gonna be with your fists." Johnny said as he put his hands in a fist motion making the kids smile at him. "Alright, let's see what you've got Ms. Robinson."
"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow." Johnny said, and both teens did as they were told. "Mr. Walker, show her everything you've learned."
"Wait, wait. I don't think this is right, sensei." August said as he looked at Johnny
"You don't think what's right?" Johnny asked confused.
"She's a girl. I'm not gonna..." August said as he looked at Johnny
"And? I thought you said women were equal to men." Johnny said
"I did say that. I didn't mean like that. I meant.." August stuttered
"Then show her women are equal, and give her everything you've got." Johnny said
"Wait. I just wanna remind everyone this is my first day." Aisha said looking at Johnny and August
"Your enemies don't care what day it is. They prey on weakness. If you wanna beat them, you gotta conquer your fears and jump face first into the fire." Johnny said sternly. "Are you ready Ms. Robinson?"
"I guess." Aisha said
"Are you ready Mr. Walker?" Johnny asked August.
"Uh..." August stuttered.
"Fight!" Johnny shouted. "Don't just stand there. Fight!"
"I'm sorry." August said
Stella watched the two spar, then she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. Sitting on the bench in the back corner, she saw it was a text from her best friends.
Charlie's Angels ๐ & Carter ๐๐ปโโ๏ธ
Carter ๐๐ปโโ๏ธ
So, you going to tell us what happened today?
What are you talking about? ๐คท๐ผโโ๏ธ
Kara ๐
Nice one Stell. You were upset.
You usually greet us, and you never, and I
mean NEVER turn down drinks. What happened?
Lori ๐
Sorry, we can't wait for your call.
We want to know what happened and
we want to know now.
Remember those girls from
Bel Air I was telling y'all about?
Kara ๐
Everyone around campus knows them.
What did they do?
Lori ๐
Are they the spineless saps
in your A&P class?
Carter ๐๐ปโโ๏ธ
Spineless saps? Really babe?
Yes. Anyway, I get to class,
set my things down, and all of a sudden,
I hear them whispering about me.
They've been snubbing me for so long,
and it's all because mom died.
It's something that truly hurts.
I can't talk to dad about it,
because he is consumed with grief of his own.
Kara ๐
What the actual fuck?
I had no idea none of this was going on.
I'm so sorry hon. You need to talk to your dad, or talk to someone.
That's just it. I've tried. He doesn't want to listen. Anyway, little bro is done with karate. I'll call y'all later. Love you.
Lori ๐
Let me catch those bitches out on the
street. I'll show them how we handle things in Texas. Love you too hon.
Stella sat out in the courtyard of the Reseda apartment complex, looking up at the night sky, attempting her best to forget the events of today. As much as she tried, she just couldn't. She just missed Ava so much, and the cruel words of those mean girls just resonated in her head. On the drive back, she heard Til a Tear Becomes a Rose on the radio, almost, her mother's way of telling her, to keep going even though she's gone.Hearing a car pull up, she turned her head, and placed her hand on the back of the chair to find Johnny getting out of his red Pontiac Firebird.
"Hey." Stella smiled softly
"Hey." Johnny smiled softly. "What are you doing out this late, especially in Reseda."
"Could ask you the same thing, Lawrence." Stella said as she stood up from the chair and folded her arms over her chest
"Ah, just had to go pick up a beer. Thought you would be studying." Johnny said.
"There's only so much studying one can do, before they feel like they're going to go completely insane." Stella chuckled.
She wasn't herself. That fire in her that burned so bright, the fire he admired about her, was gone. Something happened to his Stella. "Hey, you good?" Johnny said
"No, not even close, but I'll be alright." Stella said as she wiped a tear, that she didn't even realized had esacaped
"You wanna come in?" Johnny asked.
"Oh, I don't want to intrude." Stella said.
"Come on in." Johnny said.
Stella softly smiled as she walked towards the apartment, and looked back towards hers, only to see her grandmother, smiling in approval. After Johnny unlocked his apartment, Stella walked inside, and took note of how different it was from her's, but hey, as long as he had a roof over his head, and he was comfortable at night, that's all that truly mattered.
"Can I get you anything?" Johnny asked.
"Whatever you have is fine." Stella smiled as she sat down on the couch and smiled at a picture of a middle aged blonde woman on the wall, whom she assumed was Johnny's mother.
"My mom." Johnny said, as he gave Stella a beer and sat down beside her. "She died just before Robby was born."
"I'm so sorry." Stella said. "You must have loved her very much."
"I did. She was all I had." Johnny said. "She was trying to give me a better life when she married a rich prick, who was abusive to not only me, but her as well."
"I'm so sorry. No one deserves that." Stella said.ย
"Yeah, well, enough about me. You're not yourself. What's going on?" Johnny asked
"There's this group of girls in my Anatomy and Physiology class, The Rich Clique from Bel Air. Anyway, since I moved here, it's like they've had it out for my friends and I, because we used to rodeo, and especially me, since my mom died. I feel like an outsider on campus, as I'm snubbed because I no longer have a mom." Stella said
"Have you talked to your dad about it?" Johnny asked
"I've tried, but he's so consumed by his own grief, that he doesn't want to listen to what August, nor I have to say." Stella said as she wiped her tears that fell
"Another thing, I'm not sure how to tell August, but, my friends Kara and Lori found an apartment in their apartment complex next to campus for rent. I'm thinking about taking the offer." Stella said.
"I think you should." Johnny said.
"I just don't want to hurt my brother is all." Stella said
Johnny pulled Stella in for an embrace, and she welcomed it. It felt nice. Warm and welcoming. His arms were strong, and like she was always meant to be there. After pulling away, their noses brushed against one another's and their lips were just mere inches apart. He leaned forward and so did she, until their lips were met in a gentle kiss, which sent sparks throughout their bodies.ย
Resting her forehead against his, and placing her gentle hand on his cheek, Stella said, "Thank you for listening."
"I'm always here for you, Stella." Johnny said as he kept his hand on her's.
"We probably shouldn't tell August about this. I don't want to complicate things." Stella said.
"I don't want to either, but I like you." Johnny said.ย "I hope you get that apartment."
"I like you too." Stella smiled. "And thanks. You'll have to come by and see it."
"Is that an invitation princess?" Johnny asked
"Must you cheapen the moment?" Stella laughed making Johnny laugh as well.
"Hey, it's pretty late, you wanna crash here?" Johnny offered
Stella was flattered, and taken aback. "Oh, that's sweet, but I'll be fine. It's just a hop, skip and a jaunt back to our apartment."
"What?" Johnny asked rather confused
"Right, I forgot, you don't know the southern lingo. It means, it's not that far. I'll be alright." Stella said
"Nah, anything could happen." Johnny said.
"Well, if you really insist on having me here." Stella smiled.
After embracing each other, and Stella kissing his cheek, she settled into his bedroom, and after looking at the picture of her mother, which she kept as a screensaver on her phone, she fell into a deep asleep.
Johnny, however, laid in the livingroom thinking about the beautiful brunette in his bedroom. He had fallen for Stella in just the short time he had known her.
When he kissed her lips, he felt something he had never felt before; not even with Ali. He didn't want to complicate things with his best student, but he didn't want to lose the best thing that's happened to him in a long time. He made that mistake once, and he wasn't going to make it again.
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