๐๐. Strawberry Wine
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐, ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ gently blew through Montana's hair as she walked up the steps to the Merchantile where she was meeting Jack for lunch. Upon entering the merchantile's restaurant, the smell of pastries and casseroles hit her nostrils while she scanned the room for Jack.
She found him in the back, nervously checking the table, making sure everything was right: the China, the silverware, the water glasses. The blonde couldn't help but chuckle.
"Hi, Montana." Ree smiled as she embraced the blonde
"Afternoon Ree." Montana smiled as she embraced the auburn haired woman.
"Someone is in the back waiting for you." Ree smiled. "He's been making sure everything was just right, the China, the silverware, and even the water glasses. He even wanted to know what your favorite appetizer was."
Montana blushed as she clutched the strap of her pink purse. "That's so sweet." she smiled.
"Well, you don't want to keep him waiting." Ree smiled. "I'll get those mozzarella sticks started for you."
"Thanks Ree." Montana smiled then walked to the table. "Hi. I couldn't decide what to wear. I hope you weren't waiting too long."
Jack looked up and smiled brightly at the blonde, and stood up. "Not at all." he said as he walked over and pulled her chair out for her.
"Thank you." Montana smiled
"Ree mentioned you like the mozzarella sticks with the ranch." Jack said
"It's my go to with the orange vanilla coke." Montana smiled as she sat down in her seat, and Jack returned to his seat.
"Hey Montana. The usual?" Laynie, the waitress and Montana's friend as well as Maverick's girlfriend asked as she walked up to the table with an orange vanilla coke and mozzarella sticks
"Hey Laynie!" Montana smiled. "Yes please, and before I forget, Laynie, this is Jack, and Jack this is Laynie."
"Nice meeting you." Laynie smiled
"You as well." Jack smiled.
"I already know what Montana wants, so, what would you like?" Laynie asked as she held her pen and pad in her hand
"Whatever she's having will be fine." Jack said
"All right." Laynie said. "Grilled chicken club with fries. You've got it." she smiled as she embraced Montana then walked away
"You certainly have a lot of friends around here." Jack said
"Well, I mean I grew up here, and everyone knows me because my grandfather was a legendary Texas Ranger. Plus, my father and brother own the karate dojo here." Montana said as she sipped her orange vanilla coke
"Your brother said something about your dad being a karate champion in high school?" Jack said as he sipped his coke
"Yeah, dad never lost a single tournament up until his junior year." Montana said as she dipped her mozzarella stick in ranch
"What happened his senior year?" Jack questioned
"Well, aunt Samantha's dad, Daniel won the tournament their senior year. It was the main cause of a rivalry and a whole karate war through out their senior year." Montana said. "It's a long story that has to be told over several bottles of wine."
"I'd love to hear it sometime." Jack said
"I just passed the bar, and when I return home, I'll join my father's practice." Jack said as Laynie took their plates.
Montana sipped her orange vanilla coke as she looked intrigued. "Does he practice criminal law?"
Jack shook his head as he sipped his coke and left money on the table for the meal and the tip. "No,ย handles mostly contracts, wills, trusts, that sort of thing. My father represents some of the wealthiest people in New York."
"So you'll only be helping the wealthy?" Montana questioned
"Well, that's who our clients are." Jack said
"Oh Jack, you realize they don't have to be." Montana said. She truly was like Ava and Laura. "You could help the less fortunate, they need someone like you to represent them."
"We work with people who pay our fees." Jack said
Montana raised an eyebrow. "So that's all you care about? Money?"
"No, that's not what I meant." Jack said
"Seems to me you don't have a true passion for the law, Mr. Lockhart." Montana said as she reached over to the chair next to her to get her pink purse.
"Well, since we're on a last name basis, Ms. Lawrence, the definition of law is reason free from passion." Jack said, and Montana chuckled. "Do you have time to take a walk?"
Montana looked towards the stairs that led towards the boarding house. "I should be getting to Mrs. Stafford-Smythe."
"A short one." Jack said
Montana nodded and softly smiled as she stood up, and the two exited the Merchantile, walking down the streets of Austin. "Do you really want to be a lawyer, or was it simply expected of you?" the blonde asked as her delicate hand clutched her strap of her pink purse
"It was always understood that I would follow in my father's footsteps, yes." Jack said
"What does your mother think? Doesn't her opinion matter?" Montana asked as she looked up at him
"Well, her opinion would matter a great deal if she were still alive. She died when I was 8." Jack said
Montana stopped walking, and he did as well, turning to face him, she spoke. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Jack."
"You know, for the longest time after she died, I used to play this little game every time I left the house. I'd pretend that when I came home she'd be there, hiding somewhere waiting for me to find her. Of course, the only thing I ever found was the latest nanny my father had hired. He gave me every material advantage I could ever hope for. The only thing I ever wanted was for my mother to be there when I came home. You're privileged to have both your parents." Jack said
"Yeah, I love them both dearly. Jack, I know I could never understand the pain you feel, but I can only empathize with you." Montana said as she gently took his hand in her own.
Jack smiled as he held her hand. He liked it. It was almost like it was made for him to hold. "I envy the relationship you have with your family."
Montana looked up at him and gave him a quizzical look. "Why?"
"You really love each other. I haven't felt that since my mother died. That sense of security, knowing that someone will always be there for you, like you'll never be completely on your own again." Jack said
"Well, around us, you never have to feel that way. Especially my aunt Kellie and my uncle Aaron. You see, they could never have children of their own, so they welcome anyone with open arms. We all do." the blonde smiled. The two continued walking, hand in hand, a comfortable silence between both.
In the boarding house, Dr. Jackson and Stella were examining Mrs. Stafford-Smythe's left arm, as she raised it on her own. "You see?" the older woman smiled
Stella smiled as she held Mrs. Stafford-Smythe's other hand. "That's wonderful, Mrs. Stafford-Smythe."
"My, my, my. You have made remarkable progress, Mrs. Stafford-Smythe. I must say I am very impressed. To be truthful, I wasn't sure you'd regain use of your arm." Dr. Jackson said
"Nor did I think so, but Montana was stubborn
about my therapy. She listened to me grouse and complain, but she never gave up on me. She's a remarkable young woman." Mrs. Stafford-Smythe said, then turned to Stella. "I know you and your husband are very proud of her, Stella."
Stella gave Mrs. Stafford-Smythe a watery smile. "We're very proud of her, we had no doubt in our minds that she would help you regain use of your arm."
"Well, I know you must be anxious to get back to Boston, and I think you can start planning to go home now." Dr. Jackson said
"Oh, thank you, doctor, and you too, Stella." Mrs. Stafford-Smythe smiled
Johnny sat in the office of the dojo as he heard the little shop bell announce someone's arrival. Looking up and through the glass, he smiled fondly when he saw it was Stella.
"Hey princess." Johnny smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to work at the clinic?"
"We finished early." Stella smiled as she wrapped her arms around her husband. "Remember that patient of Montana's? Mrs. Stafford-Smythe?"
"Yeah, the one she's been helping regain the use of her left arm." Johnny said as the couple walked into the office, and he sat in the chair, and pulled her into his lap.
"Well, Dr. Jackson and I followed up with her today, and she has fully regained the use of her arm. She spoke highly of our daughter, John." Stella smiled.
"It doesn't surprise me." Johnny said. "Montana's just like her mother. She's a natural born caretaker, with a heart of gold."
"Thank you honey." Stella smiled. "You know you're not so bad yourself, sensei."
"Thanks princess, but that look of the devil in her eyes she gets sometimes, that's all me." Johnny said. "The rest is all you."
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As Tammy Wynette's Help Me Make It Through The Night played on low, Montana took the pink gingham satin ribbon from her beautiful, silky blonde hair as she sat down at her vanity and placed the ribbon next to her cottage. Taking her hair brush in her hand, she gently began to brush her hair, when a knock was heard at the door.
"Come in." Montana said
The door opened to Stella, a warm smile on her face, and Montana turned around in her vanity chair to face her. Stella closed the door and walked over to the vanity, and gently took the hair brush from her daughter's hands.
Stella smiled as she began to brush her daughter's long, beautiful, silky, blonde hair. "You were quiet at dinner. Are you alright sweet pea?"
Montana nodded and smiled softly. "Yes mama, I'm fine. It just seems when I wasn't looking my life just got really complicated." she said as she set the brush down on the bed
"This wouldn't have anything to do with Jack would it?" Stella questioned as she took on a seat on the bed
Montana moved to sit next to her mother. "Mama, I have never felt this way about anybody before."
Stella wrapped her arms around her daughter, and held her close to her. "I'm going to tell you something that your grandma Ava told me. Always remember it's not the feelings of your heart that it should be based upon, but, rather the thoughts of your heart, that you need to hear."
Montana sat up and gave her mother a quizzical look. "What do you mean mama?"
"That inner voice that tells you, this man will care for you no matter what, that he will still want to kiss you when you're old and gray, tend to you when you're sick, honor you." Stella said
"If the thoughts of my heart say yes he is the one?" Montana asked
"Then you should trust your instincts and pledge your heart to him, because a man like that is as rare as a diamond in the rough." Stella said
"Like daddy." Montana smiled
Stella smiled fondly as she thought of her husband. Yes when they first met, she loathed the ground Johnny walked on, but over time, it was hard for the two of them to be away from one another. "Yes, just like your father." she said
Stella stood up and kissed her daughter's forehead. "It's late sweetheart, you need your rest, and you have to tend to Mrs. Stafford-Smythe in the morning."
"Alright mom, I love you." Montana smiled as she embraced her mother
"I love you too, sweetheart." Stella smiled. "Goodnight."
"Night, mama."
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