๐๐. The Grand Tour
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ peaked through the curtains of Ava's childhood bedroom. Getting out of bed, Stella wrapped a robe around her body, walked to the record player, then looked through her mother's old records. One that caught her eye, was Marie Osmond. Taking the record out of the sleeve, she put it on the turntable, and Meet Me in Montana began to play.
As she walked to the closet, she found all of Ava's clothes from her teenage years, which still hung neatly on the rack. As she chose a mint green dress, a soft knock was heard at the door. "Come in." the brunette softly spoke
"Morning sweetheart." Abilene said as she walked in and closed the door behind her. "How did you sleep?"
"Fine. Thanks." Stella smiled as she changed into her mother's mint green dress
"You know, I keep telling myself I need to change the color, and take down the David Cassidy posters, but this was your mother's sacred place." Abilene said
"She'd be happy you left it the way it was." Stella said as she put a white headband in her hair.
"What are and August planning to do today?" Abilene asked
"Going back to the ranch." Stella said as she opened her toiletry bag and sprayed her perfume on her pulse points. "It's going to help us find some peace."
"You want us to come with you?" Abilene asked
"Thanks grams, but this is something we need to do on our own." Stella smiled.
"Hey sis, you ready to go?" August said as he stood in the door way
"Yeah, let me grab my purse and keys, and I'll meet you downstairs." Stella said and August nodded then walked downstairs.
Stella heaved a sigh. "Grams, I know you and aunt Kellie have your issues with my dad, but y'all need to get them worked out, because whether y'all like it or not, my mom loved him, and he loved her."
"We don't have an issue with your father, Stella. We just would have chose someone better for her." Abilene said
Stella rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but that wasn't up to y'all, now was it?"
"Where's this coming from Stella Blue?" Abilene said
"After she died, you wanted nothing to do with us until you found out we were coming back to Texas. Grandma Janette was the only one there for us. After mom died, everything turned to shit!" Stella cried
"You think you're the only one who lost someone? Stella, I lost my daughter, not only when she died, but when she married your father. He wasn't right for her! He was in a profession that could get him killed." Abilene cried
"So was the bull rider that she dated before dad! What was his name, Cody? Last time I checked, my dad is still alive and well. You were just so pissed off that my mom didn't marry who you picked out for her. True, he didn't have a lot, but at least he was good to her, and didn't treat her like shit." Stella said as she wiped her tears of frustration.
"You're right. I've made mistakes. Terrible mistakes. After your grandfather died, your mother and your aunt were all I had left. I didn't want to lose them. I did everything I could to keep them close. In the process, I lost them. Your aunt Kellie came back to me with your uncle Aaron, but your mother never did. I blamed your father for taking her away, but it was my own wrongdoings. I'm so sorry Stella. Could you ever forgive me?" Abilene said as she wiped tears from her blue eyes
"My mother stood for family above everything, and I do as well." Stella said as she wiped her tears. "Of course I forgive you grandma." she said as she embraced her grandmother
"I'm so sorry I failed you and your brother." Abilene said as she embraced her granddaughter.
"I know grams." Stella said. "Listen, I gotta get going, but you can make it up to us by making your famous peach cobbler."
"Whatever you want honey." Abilene smiled as the two walked down the stairs.
"Everything good?" August said as he locked his phone after replying to a text from Sam
"Everything's fine hon." Stella smiled. "You ready to go?"
"As ready as I'll ever be." August said
"Hey, you two be careful." Aaron said. "You want me to come with you?"
"No, uncle Aaron." Stella smiled
"We'll be alright." August said
"Well, be careful, and see you soon." Abilene said
"We will." Stella smiled. "Bye grams."
George Strait's Where the Sidewalk Ends blared through the speakers as Johnny and Robby walked through the doors of the bar. As they walked around, they saw men playing pool, and flirting witu women who stood around the tables.
"Howdy men." the bartender said. "Welcome to Rowdy's. Can get ya a drink on special for 10."
"Were looking for a woman." Johnny said
"Aren't we all?" The bartender said as he put up a glass
"Abilene Tate." Johnny said. "You know her? I know her daughter was a barrel racer in these parts."
"Listen, city slickers, you don't belong in these parts. So either order a drink, or get the hell out of my bar." the bartender said
"Look, there's no need to be rudeโ" Robby said
"The kid's right Russell." a cowboy said as he approached the bar. "That's not very neighborly of us. Give them two beers on me." he said as he gave them money, then turned to Johnny and Robby. "Joe Frost. Abilene's my cousin. I can actually take you there."
"That would be great." Johnny said. "We're actually looking for Stella and August, it's our understanding that they went back to her ranch?"
"Yes. I live on the Walker's old ranch. Kind of homestead place, especially after they moved to California. Nathan's my best friend. Haven't seen that old ranger since he moved to the big city and forgot all about us." Joe said as Russell gave them their beers
"By the way, who's that playing over the speakers?" Robby asked
"I'm guessing you boys have never heard of George Strait or George Jones?" Joe asked as the bartender gave them their beers. Johnny and Robby shook their heads No. "Hey, Russell, don't rock that ol' juke box. Play some George Jones. Show these city folk what they've been missing."
Stella pulled into the drive way of their childhood home, and noticed one thing: Joe kept it exactly the same. Putting the truck in park, the two took a deep breath, got out, and walked up to the front, where they found their hand prints on the front steps. Upon walking inside, they were hit with a wave of nostalgia.
"Nothing's changed." August tearfully said.
"Yeah." Stella said with a watery smile
Step right up, come on in
If you'd like to take the grand tour of a lonely house, that once was home sweet home.
Upstairs, August went into his old bedroom, while Stella walked in hers. Upon walking in her's, she noticed some things were different, the bed had been moved over by the window and was no longer on the wall by the door, but everything else was still the same.
I have nothing here to sell you
Just some things that I will tell you
Some things I know will chill you to the bone
Walking over to the closet, she peaked inside, and found a box with her old barbie dolls. Upon opening the box, she found her favorite: Clara from Barbie in the Nutcracker
โ October 2001; Austin, TX
Stella sat in her bedroom playing with her Barbie dolls as Elton John's Goodbye Yellowbrick Road played. As she continued playing with her Barbies, Ava, who, along with Nathan, just got back from Cheyenne for the rodeo, walked in with a pink gift bag in her hand.
"Hi baby blue." Ava smiled
"Mom!" Stella smiled as she set her barbie doll down and ran to her mother and jumped in her arms
"Hello my precious." Ava smiled, as she sat down on the bed, and held her daughter close. "I heard from grandma Janette that you ran your barrels perfectly."
"Yeah, I wanna be just like you." Stella smiled as she wrapped her arms around her mother's neck. "Who wouldn't want to be like you mama?"
"Oh thank you my darling angel." Ava smiled, then gave the pink gift bag to Stella. "Well, I got something for you."
While sitting in her mother's lap, Stella opened the gift bag, and pulled out the Barbie in the Nutcracker doll. "Mom, this is the one I wanted! Thank you so much!" the little brunette girl smiled as she embraced her mother
"You're welcome sweetheart." Ava smiled. "I love you my darling."
"I love you more mama."
End of Flashback
But now she's gone forever
And this old house will never be the same, with out the love that we once knew
Stella was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Glancing up, she saw it was August, who sat down next to her with memorabilia of his own. "I don't think I ever saw you play with that one." August said, referring to the Clara doll
"No. I couldn't. Mom bought it for me in Cheyenne. That was her last rodeo while she was pregnant with you." Stella said
"You about ready to go?" August said
"Yeah." Stella said as she grabbed her trunk of Barbie dolls. "But I have to see something first." Stella walked down the hall, and opened the door to Ava and Nathan's old bedroom, which hasn't been occupied since the Walkers moved. On Nathan's side, a photo of Ava adored the bedside table.
See her picture on the table,
Don't it look like she'd be able just to touch me and say good morning dear
There's her rings, all her things, and her clothes are in the closet,
Like she left them when she tore my world apart
Walking out of the bedroom, the siblings walked across the hall, to a spare room, which was the nursery for both of them
"C'mon sis, let's go." August said as he wrapped his arm around his sister and led her away
Back at Abilene's ranch, Aaron was putting the tools away as he had repaired a hole in the barbwire fence, as Stella parked the truck. As the two got out, he walked out of the garage to greet them.
"Hey, how did it go?" Aaron asked
"Fine, I got some of my old Barbie dolls, and other things." Stella smiled
"And I got some other memorabilia I kept over the years." August said
"Did going back make y'all feel better?" Aaron asked
"A little bit." Stella said.
"Honey, y'all don't have to let her go right away, it's only been a year. Besides, there's no time line on grief." Aaron said. "I have an idea."
"What is it?" August asked
"Go put your things away, and meet me at the stables in 5." Aaron said
After putting their childhood memorabilia in the house, Stella and August walked to the stables to meet Aaron, who insisted on riding horses. Stella rode her favorite horse, Strawberry Wine, while August rode his, named Drifter.
"You know, after my father died, your aunt Kellie used to take me horse back riding. It helped me find my inner peace." Aaron said
"How do you do that, let go of someone?" Stella asked
"When someone we love passes on, our love doesn't die when they do, that stays in our hearts forever, but we do have to say goodbye to the life we shared with them, for a chance at happiness. Your mom is at peace you guys." Aaron said, as their horses stopped walking. "She would want y'all to be happy. Y'all are happy right?"
Stella and August looked at their uncle and nodded. "Go on with a new life. It's alright. I promise." Aaron reassured.
"Thank you uncle Aaron." Stella smiled
Aaron nodded and smiled. "I'm gonna go back to the house. Y'all wanna stay out here for a while?" he asked and Stella and August nodded. "All right."
After Aaron left on his horse, Stella and August continued riding their horses around the pasture, taking in the heartland around them. "This is just like old times." August said
"Yeah." Stella smiled as they came up on a hill, which was nothing but beautiful prairie land. "This is where we can say goodbye, if you want to."
"I'm ready if you are." August said
Taking her brother's hand in her own, Stella spoke. "Mom, you will always be a big part of our lives. On the parenting scale of 1 to 10, you were a 12. But we are finally ready to find our peace, as we know you're at peace."
With a watery smile, August added, "You were the most beautiful woman in any room, and I'm not just saying that because you were our mom. I'm saying it 'cause it's true."
"I promise you this mama, we will keep your memory alive. I love you, more than any daughter has ever loved her mother." Stella said, with a watery smile
"I love you too, mom." August smiled. "Goodbye."
"Goodbye, mama." Stella said with a watery smile
As Abilene took the peach cobbler out of the oven, Kellie set the table, and Aaron washed his hands, he looked out the window and saw Johnny's 93 dodge caravan pulling into the driveway.
"You expecting company?" Aaron asked as he dried his hands on a dish towel
"No." Abilene said as she walked to the door and opened it before Johnny and Robby could ring the doorbell. "Can I help you gentlemen?"
"Hi we're looking for Stella and August Walker. I'm Johnny Lawrence and this is my son, Robby." Johnny said
"Oh, August did mention a Sensei Lawrence. If that's you then please come inside." Abilene said
"Thank you." Robby said. "You have a lovely home."
"Thank you." Abilene said. "Johnny, Robby, this is my daughter Kellie, and her husband Aaron."
"Hi, it's a pleasure meeting you both." Aaron said
"Hello Johnny and Robby, nice meeting you." Kellie said. "Welcome to Austin."
"Well, Stella and August went out riding. They should be back soon." Abilene said. "But until then, I made a peach cobbler, y'all want some?"
"That would be great." Johnny said
"Thank you." Robby said with a kind smile
Meanwhile, Stella and August hung their saddles and reins up on the wall of the stables, feeling a big weight being lifted off their shoulders. While saying goodbye to their mother was hard, they knew that they had to.
"Are you gonna be okay?" Stella said as she brushed her horse
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna be just fine." August said. "Is it bad that I don't want to go back just yet?"
"No. It's not bad at all." Stella said. "I know that Cobra Kai has probably taken over the valley, but I'm sure Mr. LaRusso will figure it out. He always does."
"Oh yeah, speaking of, Sam said that Chozen, some karate guy that Mr. LaRusso knew back in the 80's is helping him take down Cobra Kai." August said as they walked out of the stables
Before Stella could respond, she saw Nathan getting out of the truck. "Daddy?" she said
"Kids." Nathan said as he ran to his children, but they met him half way. "Thank God y'all are all right." he said as Janette, whom Nathan had picked up at the Dallas Love Field airport got out of the truckย
Nathan held his children tightly in his arms, and looked up at the sky, closed his eyes, and murmured a thank you. Stella and August on the other hand, felt comfort in their father's arms, letting their tears fall, as there were so many pent up emotions from the day: visiting their childhood home, saying goodbye to their mother, and getting back on a horse since their mother died.
"It's going to be all right kids." Nathan said. "It's gonna be all right. Daddy's here."
Hearing the door open, their eyes averted to the front porch to see their grandmother, aunt and uncle, as well as Johnny and Robby. Robby, for the first time had an empathetic expression on his face.
Step right up, come on in
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