𝟏𝟓. You Look So Good In Love
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 parked her impala in front of the Reseda strip mall and placed her sunglasses on top of her head. Walking into the dojo, she saw it was full of kids, possibly new recruits.
"What do you think?" Hawk said. "Shithead one, and shithead two?"
"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat." Aisha said making Hawk laugh
"Well, I'm Chris." Chris said.
"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk said.
"Guys, look, they're just messing with you." August said, and Stella folded her arms over her chest.
"Besides, everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag." August said
"Dibs on assface." one of the boys said
"Hey, knock it off." Stella said to her brother and his friends.
"Hey, chill, Stella." Hawk said
"You wanna say that to a southern woman, mohawk?" Stella spat, and Hawk was silent. "Didn't think so. Cut the shit. All of you. It's not funny."
Before anything else could be said, the front door opened, making the shop bell announce someone's arrival. Stella, August, Hawk, and Aisha, looked towards the door, and it was Kreese.
"Who's that?" Hawk asked
"I don't know." August said
Stella remembered him from the night of the tournament. August and Stella both approached him with caution, as August respectfully spoke. "Can I help you sir?" He asked
Stella stood protectively next to her brother, and Kreese took notice. "No. But maybe I can help you." Kreese said
"Oh, well, if you're looking for sensei Lawrence he should be in—" Stella started as she stood in front of August, but was cut off by Johnny
"Hey." Johnny said as he walked out of the office, and both him and Stella smiled at one another, then he shot a glare at Kreese.
"Uh, sensei..." August started
Kreese walked towards Johnny, and Stella led August away. "Stella, who is that guy?" August asked
"No idea." Stella said. It wasn't her place to tell her brother who this man was.
"What the hell is wrong with you? I said tomorrow." Johnny said
"Oh. Tomorrow, today... who can keep track, huh?" Kreese said
"Stella, I need to talk to you." Johnny said
Johnny and Stella walked into the office and the brunette closed the door. He sat on the desk while she stood by the filing cabinet. "What's going on?" Stella asked.
"He's just here to observe." Johnny said.
"Johnny, look, I know I wasn't even walking the planet back then, but just... don't let what happened back then, happen to you again, okay? Promise?" Stella said
"Yeah, I promise." Johnny said. "What are you doing later?"
"Well, after I leave here, I'm having lunch with my dad." Stella said. "Why? What were you thinking?"
"We never got to have our first date." Johnny said. "So, thought I would take you out."
"Yeah, that sounds nice." Stella smiled. "I'll see you later. Be careful."
"You know, it's hot when you worry about me." Johnny flirted.
Stella rolled her eyes and chuckled. "So, we're back to flirting? Seriously though. Watch your back and I'll see you later. Call me."
After Stella left, Johnny walked out of the office and class began, with the students standing in their respective spots. Johnny stood, while Kreese observed.
"Class, we have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here." Johnny said, then turned to August. "Mr. Walker, warm them up."
"Yes, sensei." August said, then stepped forward, and turned to face the class. "Fighting positions! Front kick, yuh! Forward strike, yuh! Side dab, yuh!"
The students did the side dab, which took both Johnny and Kreese by surprise. The blonde was embarrassed more than anything which turned into annoyance. "What the hell was that?" Johnny asked
"We were just messing around. We have eleven and a half months until the next all valley." August said
"Yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass." Hawk retorted, sounding cocky, and the others agreed chucking to themselves
"Oh, yeah, really, huh? So you know everything. There's nothing left to learn, huh?" Johnny asked. As Aisha laughed about something, he stepped closer to her. "What's so funny Ms. Robinson?"
"I'm sorry, Sensei. You just wouldn't understand." Aisha said
"Try me." Johnny said
"It's a snake-do." Aisha said
"What's a snake-do?" Johnny asked
The students started imitating a hissing snake sound and doing it with their hands. Johnny and Kreese were unamused, and Johnny was pissed about what just happened.
"QUIET!" Johnny shouted, and the class went silent. "5 am. Tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You don't show, and you're off the team. Class dismissed."
Stella and Nathan sat in the booth of Art's Deli, as Joni Mitchell's This Flight Tonight played on the juke box. "So, how are clinicals going?" Nathan asked as he took a bite of his sandwhich. "I know you mentioned starting clinicals at the San Bernardino Hospice Center."
"Good. I have a patient who absolutely loves to press the call light. He doesn't even need anything half the time." Stella laughed
"Why does he press the call light all the time then?" Nathan laughed as he sipped his soda.
"He said he wanted to see how long it would take for the nurses to get down there." Stella laughed. "What about you? How's work going?"
"I mean, it's not the Texas Rangers Department, but it's fine." Nathan said. "So I got a call this morning."
"Oh, from who?" Stella said as she sipped her soda
"Grandma Abilene and aunt Kellie." Nathan said. "They we're checking on you and August. I know they still blame me for what happened to your mother."
"Daddy, it wasn't anyone's fault. It was a freak accident, that shouldn't have happened, but it did." Stella said
"I know, but you were right, I prioritized work a lot. It's just, growing up, I saw how hard my own father worked, worked his fingers to the bone. I told myself, I would work hard to, no matter the cost, but I didn't realize it was pushing you away, and for that, I'm truly sorry." Nathan said
"Daddy, it's okay. I forgive you. You know that. I shouldn't have lashed out either, it's just, I miss mom so much, that sometimes, I can just turn and I can almost see her." Stella said
"I know the feeling." Nathan said
"You know, everyone always asks me what kind of nurse I want to be, well, mom loved kids, and she enjoyed the pediatric nursing. That's what I want to do." Stella said
"I know your mom would be proud of you. Especially knowing you want to follow in her footsteps." Nathan said. "So how are things going with you and Johnny?"
"Good, we're still taking it slow and also, we're having dinner tonight." Stella smiled
"Well, I meant what I said the other night, he might know karate, but I know how to use a gun." Nathan said
Stella rolled her eyes playfully. "Daddy, you know I can take care of—"
"I know, but you're still my little girl and you always will be." Nathan smiled
"I know." Stella smiled.
That night, Stella stood in her bedroom and searched her closet for an outfit to wear on her date with Johnny. She came across a baby blue dress, that Ava loved to wear for lunch dates with friends and family.
— Spring 2001; Austin, TX
"Ava, are you ready?" Nathan asked as he buttoned the last button on his shirt and George Strait's You Look So Good in Love played on a low volume
"Almost." Ava said as she applied her favorite almay lipstick. "Alright. I'm ready now."
"You look beautiful as always." Nathan smiled as he embraced the beautiful blonde. "My baby blue."
"Please tell me that's not a reference to George Strait's Baby Blue?" Ava laughed as she applied her dainty pearl earrings
"Maybe." Nathan smiled as he wrapped his arms around Ava's waist. "Felt appropriate as George Strait is playing on the radio
"Oh my sweet Nathan, always reciting lyrics from country songs, even though I'm a rocker." Ava laughed as she turned around in her husband's embrace
"Even though we have different music taste, we go together." Nathan smiled.
"Like the picture needs the frame we go together." Ava laughed as she rested her head against Nathan's.
"Wow, you reciting George and Tammy? Didn't think I would see that." Nathan teased.
"You know I love George and Tammy. Now we better go, before we're late." Ava said
"Who said I wanted to?" Nathan said
What the couple didn't realize, little Stella sat in the corner of the hall, watching her parents, a warm smile on face. She wanted the same romance for herself that her parents had, and little did she know, she would find it, even if it was with a man twice her age.
Stella stood in front of her bathroom mirror, taking in her appearance and smoothing out any wrinkles she may have had in her baby blue dress. As she added dainty pearl earrings which once belonged to her mother, and sprayed perfume on her body, a loud knock was heard at the door.
"Coming!" Stella said as she grabbed her purse and walked down the hall. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her keys, opened the door to reveal Johnny, who was dressed casual, but not too casual, and she closed the door behind her. "Hi." she smiled radiantly
"Hey." Johnny smiled. "You—you're beautiful."
"Thanks." Stella smiled. "And did I made Johnny Lawrence stutter?"
"No you did not, princess." Johnny said as he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Whatever." Stella teased as she playfully shoved him.
"Getting handsy are we?" Johnny teased as he held his car keys in his hand
"Shut up." Stella laughed
The two walked out of the apartment complex, and Stella turned to find Johnny's Dodge Challenger with a Cobra Kai branding. "Um, what the hell?" Stella laughed
"What? It's badass." Johnny said, then opened the passenger door for Stella. "After you."
"Well, aren't you a gentleman?" Stella smiled as she sat down and put on her seatbelt.
After Johnny got into the passenger seat, he put a cassette into the newly installed tape deck. "Y'know, I promised you I would show you my mixtapes sometime, well, here's one of them. It's pretty bad ass." the blonde said as he pulled out of the parking space and drove down the road
"I'll be the judge of that." Stella laughed as she turned up the radio as Foreigner's Hot Blooded played. "Alright, sensei. Not bad."
"Y'know, I love how you call me sensei." Johnny said as he made a right turn
Stella rolled her eyes playfully. "Don't get any ideas. You're not getting in my pants, Lawrence."
"I know. I wasn't even going there." Johnny laughed.
"Yeah, sure you weren't." Stella laughed
Johnny pulled into the parking lot of Sal's and put the challenger in park. "You sure this is ok?" the blonde said as he turned off the ignition
"Of course." Stella smiled as she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out. "Besides, I've grown to love their burgers."
The pair walked in and sat down at the table. After the waitress took their order, Johnny admired Stella, who took notice, and couldn't help but fight the fire in her cheeks.
"What are you staring at?" Stella said as she sipped her soda
"I've told you, you're beautiful." Johnny said. "And I meant that."
"Well, you're not so bad looking yourself, Lawrence." Stella smiled
Johnny raised a brow. "So you're saying I'm hot?"
"So you're saying I'm hot?" Johnny said with a raised brow
Stella rolled her eyes as she playfully threw her straw wrapper at him. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying."
"Thank you, so are you." Johnny laughed and she did as well. "So, how did the lunch with your dad go?"
The waitress placed their food down in front of them, and then refilled their drinks, then walked away. After taking a sip of her soda, Stella spoke. "It was actually really nice. When we lived in Austin, he used to take me to lunch all the time."
"Well, I'm glad you and your dad worked things out." Johnny said as he bit into his burger
"Yeah, me too." Stella smiled as she dipped her fries in ketchup
After dinner, the two walked out of Sal's and to the parking lot, hand in hand. "I had a nice time. It's safe to say, I don't want the night to end." Stella smiled
"Who says it has to? Besides there's something I want to show you." Johnny said
"Alright, sure." Stella smiled. "And for this thing you are going to show me, should I be nervous?"
"Nah, not at all." Johnny said, as he opened the door to the challenger for her.
Johnny got into the driver's seat, and drove over towards Encino. After driving for a while, he finally drove up to a secluded outlook near Encino and parked.
"Wow, this is beautiful." Stella smiled as the two got out and walked towards the outlook, then sat down. "You can see everything from up here."
"I used to come up here all the time in high school. After karate practice, when my step dad was being an asshole, which was all the time, but it was my sacred place. I never brought anyone else up here." Johnny said
"I can see why you love this place so much. It's peaceful." Stella smiled.
"Y'know, I haven't been able to let my guard down around anyone before. It's nice to be able to do that." Johnny smiled. "I'm not one to say cheesy shit, but you make me feel like I'm home. Like everything will be okay. That's something I've been searching for, for a long time."
Taking his hand in her's, Stella gently spoke. "Johnny, it's not cheesy at all. I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. The way you look at me, wow. No one has ever looked at me that way before." she smiled as she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He looked at her as if she were the only girl in the world. No one has ever looked at her that way before.
Stella gently wrapped her arms his neck and leaned in, placing a soft kiss against his lips. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist, and returned the kiss.
Gently resting her forehead against his, Stella gently spoke. "It's okay to let your guard down around me."
"I know, princess." Johnny said as he caressed her cheekbone with his thumb.
After the date, Johnny took Stella home, and walked her to the door, and laced his hand in her's. "Well, thank you for tonight, Johnny." the beautiful brunette smiled
"You're welcome princess." Johnny smiled. "You coming to valley fest tomorrow?"
"Of course. I'll be there with the girls and Carter." Stella smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Wrapping his arms around her slender waist, Johnny spoke. "Good."
"I'll see you tomorrow, Johnny." Stella smiled
"See you tomorrow." Johnny smiled. "Goodnight princess."
"Goodnight, Johnny."
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