Chapter 30
Chapter thirty || 서른 장
30| Love You Forevermore🥀
By the time we arrived home, Taehyung's jovial mood had disappeared. He was livid that the police had got their hands on a security tape from Yoongi's hotel; it was the one place outside of our home that we were supposed to be completely safe. And he was more than a little upset that anyone had seen us in the elevator together. He was muttering under his breath about Eunwoo and the police department being a bunch of perverts as he pulled up in front of the house.
"You ok Princess?" He asked kissing me briefly on the lips after helping me out of the car.
"Yeah, I just want this over with," I told him.
"Soon, I promise." He kissed me again, before taking my hand and going inside.
"Hey! Bonnie and Clyde are home," Jungkook laughed as we entered the living room to find everyone there.
"Jimin get on the computer and into the police files on Kai's case, I want to know exactly what information they have." Taehyung ignored Jungkook's comment and got right down to business.
"What happened?" Jennie asked, as Taehyung pulled out his phone and made a call.
I explained what the police had shown us to the others, half listening to Taehyung as he demanded Yoongi have everyone who had access to his security tapes in the basement by morning.
"I don't give a flying fuck how difficult that will be to organize, make it fucking happen," Taehyung angrily slammed his phone on the table and reached for his laptop.
I watched him nervously. He was tapping away at the computer furiously. He was stunning in his intensity, and I knew that things were about to get rough.
Taehyung's patience had finally worn thin with the police interference in our lives and one way or another it had to be resolved.
"Don't look so worried there Little y/n." Jungkook fell down into the sofa next to me. "V will sort this shit out," he said confidently.
"How?" I asked, I couldn't see any way out of it. I had shot Kai and eventually evidence would come to light to prove it.
"Who the fuck knows," Jungkook shrugged smiling, "But he's one smart, crafty motherfucker, and he won't let anything happen to you."
I nodded, I knew if it came down to it Taehyung would admit the charges rather than see me sent to jail.
I was terrified that I would lose him, I didn't want him locked away for something he hadn't done, I didn't want the boys to grow up without a father or a mother. They needed us and we needed each other, so somehow we had to figure out a way for both of us to be cleared of the crime so we could get on with our lives.
"There's nothing new." Jimin came back into the room looking confused.
"Anything about a time of death?" Taehyung frowned.
"The autopsy says approximately three weeks before the body was found."
"Motherfuckers. See what I mean Princess, they'll do anything to try and trip you up," Taehyung told me and I was shocked by the underhand tactics they had employed to try and trick me.
It made me even more determined to work out who was behind all of this. Someone had to be involved with the police, but I couldn't see how.
Jimin was diligent to the point of obsession about checking backgrounds and histories for anyone that worked with the family.
My mind was furiously going over details. I thought back to everyone I had met or come across in the past year desperately trying to think of anyone who would want to hurt us like this.
Over and over my mind kept coming back to Joy. The sheer hatred she'd displayed for Taehyung and I from our very first meeting back in the summer when she was training, the knowledge she seemed to have of the Kims and her remarkably quick transfer into Detective Park team.
In fact, the more I thought about it, hadn't Eunwoo said it was her who had told him where I'd be that fateful day Lia managed to take me and the boys. I hadn't ever put it together before, but now I was convinced that she was somehow involved. No one except Taehyung, Sam and Embry, knew I was going to stop at the children's clothing store that day and yet Joy had told Eunwoo, which meant Sam or Lia had to have contacted her.
"It's Joy!" I blurted out, shocking myself and the others.
"What makes you think that?" Taehyung asked and I hurriedly explained my reasoning as he stared at me in shock.
"Why the fuck didn't you mention it was Joy who told Eunwoo where you'd be that day!" Taehyung demanded, jumping up, small nostril flare, set jaw. Not full on V but getting there.
I stood up to face him, hands on hips, just as cross.
"Well, I'm terribly sorry it slipped my mind Taehyung! As you can imagine it was quite a stressful day, what with me and the boys being kidnapped and having to freaking shoot someone!" I almost yelled at him.
"Shit, I'm sorry Princess." Taehyung's face softened and Jimin and Jungkook snickered as he reached for me and mumbled apologies, but I saw his point, maybe if I'd remembered sooner some of this could have been avoided.
"You two can fuck off." Taehyung gave Jungkook and Jimin the finger. "You heard her, go get on the computer and find something that connects Joy to one of our employees or Kai's organization. I'll be down soon." Taehyung took my hand and led me towards the stairs as Jimin and Jungkook headed down to the basement. It didn't look like any of the boys were going to sleep tonight.
"I know he's your friend, or was, but do you think Eunwoo could be involved in any of this?" Taehyung asked me when we got to our room.
I wanted to say no, but the last few times I'd seen him he'd been nothing like the Eunwoo I used to know, and while I didn't want to believe he'd put me or my children in danger or be involved in this at all, he was so determined to get Taehyung that I couldn't rule him out.
"I don't know."
"Okay, I'll look into it," Taehyung nodded looking thoughtful. "If I find out he..."
"Yeah I know, you'll kill him." I rolled my eyes.
"Princess..." he sighed.
"Taehyung, it's fine, if it turns out he was part of this then do what you have to do," I told him and he looked stunned, but nothing was more important to me than Taehyung, TaeHyun and TaeJung. I had killed to protect them once and I'd do it again in a second. I knew Taehyung felt the same way and if Eunwoo had endangered our boys or been involved with Kai then as far as I was concerned he deserved anything he got.
"I need to work, I want everything in place before the morning," Taehyung told me pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately, "We'll continue this later," he smirked and I smiled as he left the room. I knew there was no way I'd be awake when he came to bed.
I was vaguely aware of Taehyung climbing in beside me at some stage of the night. He apologized as he kissed my cheek, but I didn't fully wake until the following morning only to find Taehyung gone already.
I made my way downstairs and found Rose and Jennie amusing the boys in the living room as they sat in their bouncers. Their little faces lit up when they saw me and I couldn't help smiling as I headed over to play. No matter what was going on in our lives, the stress, angst and worry melted away when my boys grinned their gummy smiles at me. It made me even more determined to help Taehyung find a way out of this so we could concentrate on our babies.
"V's down in the basement," Jennie told me after I'd eaten some cereal and got the boys dressed.
I nodded in understanding; I had assumed he was and I didn't expect to see much of him until he got to the bottom of this.
"He said to go down there when you're ready," she added.
"Really?" I said surprised. Apart from the one meeting I'd barged into uninvited, I'd never been to another and Taehyung had never suggested I join him at one. I wondered what had bought this on, but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to help him, or to try and find out who was working with the organized crime division. So I checked with Jennie to make sure she didn't mind watching the boys for the morning and headed downstairs.
I wasn't sure who was going to be down there, although I knew Yoongi was bringing anyone who had access to the security tapes. I was embarrassed that many of these people might have seen it, but Taehyung was outright livid that a private moment between the two of us had been viewed by the staff at the hotel, Eunwoo and god knows who else. God help the person who handed it over to the police.
I knocked quietly before opening the door and found Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin sitting on one side of the table, Yoongi was at the head and twenty or so men and women sat on the other side of the table.
"Princess!" Taehyung got up and smiled pulling the chair out next to him for me to sit on. I made my way over and he kissed my cheek before I sat down.
"We know who it is," Taehyung whispered as he pulled me closer to him.
"Who?" I asked quietly.
"Young girl in the red top," he told me as my eyes scanned the people opposite, landing on a girl around the same age as me. She was staring at the table not making eye contact with anybody. "Her name's Mina."
"So why have you still got everyone else here?"
"Because they all could do with a reminder of what happens to traitors. It won't do them any harm to see who's in charge."
"Are you gonna kill her?" I wasn't sure how I felt about it.
"Once we get some information out of her. There's no other way Princess, she knows too much."
I nodded, he was right, she had betrayed the family and she had to die, unpleasant as it was my family came first.
Yoongi cleared his throat and stood. "You all know why you're here. Someone in this room has betrayed my family, someone who I employed at my hotel has turned traitor, and that behavior will not be tolerated," he told his employees.
"Taehyung," Yoongi nodded at him and Taehyung stood.
Everyone's attention snapped to him and I watched as he transformed in front of me, his jaw tight, eyes black and his body stiff, his face was cold and devoid of any kindness, so far from the boy I knew most of the time.
Despite his frightening demeanor, I couldn't help thinking about how hot looked as he began to pace the room.
"You," he suddenly whipped his gun out and aimed it at someone. "Name?"
"Jane," she whispered her voice wobbling and her lip trembling.
"Would you like to tell me something Jane?"
She shook her head quickly, her whole body was visibly shaking and I was confused as to why Taehyung was picking on her when he knew who the traitor was.
"Jungkook, take Jane into the next room, see if she'll be a bit more forthcoming." Taehyung directed and Jungkook got up as Jane started crying, shaking her head furiously and saying no over and over.
"You crazy son of a bitch," a rather brave but foolish man yelled at Taehyung. "You're scaring the shit out of her."
He had barely finished his sentence when he slumped to his side and off of his chair, courtesy of Taehyung's bullet in his brain. Eyes widened and several people gasped as Taehyung redirected his gun at another member of Yoongi's staff.
"Anyone else have a problem with me that they'd like to share with the group?" He asked the room at large.
There was a collective mumble of "no sir" from the table as everyone shifted uncomfortably and tried to look as innocent as possible.
Jungkook sat back down and Jane let out a sigh of relief.
"Does anyone have anything to say? Perhaps if the guilty party came forward we could end this meeting and no one else has to die." He stared at them all individually, his gaze finally resting on Mina, as he raised his eyebrows at her.
I saw the moment she realized Taehyung already knew it was her, her whole body deflated and her face fell, she looked terrified.
"I'm sorry," she cried. "I never meant for any of this to happen," she pleaded as Taehyung aimed his gun at her.
"Stand up," Taehyung directed her, his voice cold.
Mina stood on shaky legs as Taehyung walked towards her, he stood behind her and grabbed the back of her hair, pulling her head back and pointed his gun at her temple.
"You disgust me, you nasty, scheming little bitch. You've betrayed us for months, you put my family in danger. My wife, my sons, and for what?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Mina began to cry and Taehyung released her.
"I suggest you stop crying and start talking." Taehyung told her with no emotion as he put his gun away. "Jungkook."
Jungkook came and took Mina from the room, she didn't object, seemingly resigned to her fate. Yoongi got up and dismissed the rest of his staff, who were all looking slightly traumatized.
"Jimin, get Rose down here," Taehyung told him.
"Can we ever have a meeting that doesn't involve you shooting someone Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.
"Oh uh, yeah sorry about that, he pissed me off." Taehyung explained.
"It's alright." Yoongi patted him on the back, "I never liked that fucker anyway."
"You ok Princess?" Taehyung asked once we were alone.
I nodded, I was surprisingly ok given what I'd just witnessed. A year ago I would have been horrified but now I understood what being a Kim was all about.
Taehyung smiled and pulled me into his arms leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back passionately, watching Taehyung being commanding and with a gun always got me hot and bothered and he knew it. He lifted me up onto the table, his hands wandering as I pulled him closer to me.
I'd just begun to loosen his belt when he stopped me.
"Princess we can't do this here."
"Why not?" I pouted,
"You wanna fuck with a dead body in the room?"
"Ew, no!" I grimaced, pushing him away as I remembered we weren't entirely alone.
Taehyung laughed, "Another time maybe? Because I would love to fuck you down here." He raised his eyebrows at me and I shook my head at him smiling as I jumped off the table.
"What did you want Rose for?" I asked him as we made our way upstairs.
"She can be very persuasive," Taehyung told me, "Tiny but terrifying. Mina will be singing like a fucking canary in no time."
We spent the afternoon playing with the boys. Taehyung popped downstairs every now and then, but he assured me Jimin, Rose and Jungkook had it handled and a few hours later the three of them came upstairs to fill us in.
"Mina was initially approached by Sam," Jimin started. "He introduced her to Joy, that was our missing link; Sam and Joy were apparently grew up in the same neighborhood."
"So what was in it for Mina?" Taehyung asked, looking disgusted.
"Her boyfriend was incarcerated for some minor drug charge six months ago and Joy promised to make it go away if Mina gave her anything on you and the rest of the family while you were at the hotel."
"Son of a bitch, what the fuck is up with Joy? How did she become involved with Kai?"
"Well, that was a deal she struck on her own, it was her that introduced Sam to Kai, they were concocting a plan to bring us down. Sam phoned Mina that morning you were in Seoul and she then phoned Joy. Sam couldn't risk calling Joy direct while out with Y/n, because he knew we might be watching his calls, but a call to the hotel wouldn't have caused any suspicion. That's why it never raised any red flags with me. It was just two employees talking to each other. I'm sorry V, I shouldn't have missed this." Jimin looked embarrassed and Rose went to him and seemed to communicate something.
"She's right," Taehyung said to him, "It's not your fault Jimin, we all missed it. Did Mina give Joy anything else?"
"Dates we had been at the hotel, nothing major other than the tape from the elevator, but according to Mina, Joy was on her way to meet Kai the day he was killed. Her plan was to catch you in the act, but obviously you and Y/n screwed that up for her. I think the crazy bitch thought she could catch you killing Kai, and get rid of both of you at once, making her a hero."
"Well that might work in our favor." Taehyung nodded looking thoughtful, I could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
"V," Jimin motioned Taehyung over and they had a hushed conversation that Jimin clearly didn't want me to hear. Taehyung nodded as he glanced at me and I made a mental note to ask him what that was about later.
As Taehyung made some more calls, and had several discussions with Jimin privately, I got fed up with him talking business without me, so I took the twins upstairs with JaeIn to bathe them.
I was just settling them down for the night when Taehyung came into the bedroom. He helped me put the boys to bed before we both climbed into our own.
"This should be over soon," Taehyung said taking me into his arms.
"Yeah? What are you going to do?"
"We're gonna frame Joy for Kai's murder. Not only will that get her locked up, it will also get Detective Park off our fucking backs, and with any luck demoted back to traffic duty," Taehyung smirked.
He pulled me up his body so he could kiss me, and I let him. The details could wait, I trusted Taehyung and if he thought he could pull it off, then I had no doubt he would.
He kissed me leisurely, his hand wandering under my tank top and finding my nipple. I smiled against his mouth as his other hand went to my ass and he ground himself into me, I loved horny Taehyung.
His hand slipped under my pyjama bottoms and he began to drag them down, still kissing me. I helped him out, wiggling so he could get them off quicker.
I broke our kiss and sat up to straddle him. I looked down at him, wondering how I got so lucky and marveling at just how beautiful he was.
He gripped my hips and pushed me against him making me moan loudly.
"Shh, Princess, I really don't want the little dudes to wake up and ruin our fun," he sat up chuckling, taking my face in his hands and kissing me.
I pulled at his t-shirt, and he leant back slightly to allow me to get it over his head. He rolled us over so I was beneath him, and pulled down my panties before removing his boxers. He settled on top of me, but didn't move.
"I love you Princess, so fucking much," he said looking at me with so much love and adoration it took my breath away. He pushed into me slowly, taking his time, and we moved together, kissing, touching, loving each other in the most intimate of ways. Taehyung brought me to the edge gently, I fell apart with a small sigh, and he followed soon after, collapsing beside me and pulling me into his arms.
"What was Jimin saying to you earlier?" I asked as we lay together catching our breath.
Taehyung sighed and hugged me closer to him, and I knew I wasn't going to like what he had to say.
"It looks like Eunwoo is involved, Mina knows him and has met him several times with Joy. Their plan was for you to go with him that day and for Sam and Lia to take out Embry and pretend they had you so that I went to Kai and either got myself killed or got caught killing Kai."
"Are you sure?" I was horrified. Eunwoo was not the man I thought he was, and the fact he and Joy had plotted the death or demise of my husband left me reeling. I was furious, and Eunwoo needed pay.
"You're gonna kill him right?"
"Of course Princess, and I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it."
I nodded, strangely at peace with what had to happen and we drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
The next morning we packed up so we could head to Seoul, apparently Taehyung had Mina call Joy and arrange a meeting and we were due to meet her that evening. JaeIn was watching the boys, but Mr. Kim was coming with us. He said he had some business to attend to, but we all knew JaeIn had insisted on him accompanying us.
Taehyung was rushing around, making phone calls and trying to organize everyone, so I left him to it and packed our things before playing with the boys for a while.
The family began gathering in the living room, looking ready to go and Taehyung appeared shortly afterwards.
"Ready?" He asked. "Where's Jennie?"
"I'm not coming," Jennie came through from the kitchen, looking rough and still in her pyjamas, I'd never seen her looking anything less than perfect.
"Are you sick?" I asked as she flopped down on the couch next to me and curled into herself.
"Sort of," she nodded.
"Stay the fuck away from the boys if you're sick, I don't want them catching whatever the fuck you've got!"
"Taehyung!" I gasped astonished by his lack of sympathy when Jennie clearly felt terrible.
"It's fine, I'm not contagious," Jennie told him waving an arm.
"Then what's wrong?"
"I'm pregnant," Jennie looked at me and beamed.
"Really!" I squealed reaching over to hug her. "Oh my goodness, that's wonderful news." I was so excited for her and Jungkook.
"Yep my boys work just fine," Jungkook grinned, "Took us awhile but we had a shitload of fun trying."
"Gross," Taehyung grimaced. "Congratulations."
"Yeah, well done man." Jimin patted Jungkook on the back.
"Well I'd love to stay and celebrate, but we've got to get going, places to go, people to kill." Taehyung picked up our bag and I got up giving Jennie one more hug and telling her we'd talk properly when we got back. I kissed both my boys and headed to the car, hopeful that by the time we returned from Seoul, this whole nasty mess would be behind us.
Mr. Kim drove with Rose and Jimin, so we had the pleasure of Jungkook's company on the long drive to Seoul. After spending the first hour of the journey moaning about having to sit in the back, or arguing with Taehyung about whose children would be better, they eventually got down to business and discussed their plan.
I listened intently, as they talked about the evidence they could fake to frame Joy. Mr. Kim would then take it explain that Joy was a crooked cop who had been trying to frame Taehyung all along. It all sounded a bit far-fetched to me, but they were confident they could pull it off.
"So what about Eunwoo?" I asked at one point; I knew Taehyung would want that handled as soon as possible.
"After we meet Joy, I'll drop you back at the hotel and kook and I will go to his house and, uh, take care of him." Taehyung looked at me warily, I knew he thought I was going to change my mind about Eunwoo, but I was long over that.
"Poor old Boots won't know what's hit him," Jungkook grinned.
"Can I just ask you one thing?" I asked them.
"What?" Taehyung said cagily.
"Just make it quick, don't make him suffer."
"Oh man, you ruin all my fun Little y/n," Jungkook moaned. "I was looking forward to playing with him for a while."
"I promise Princess," Taehyung assured me. "One bullet, he won't see it coming and he won't suffer."
"Thank you," I told him, taking his hand and we drove that way until we reached the hotel.
"You don't have to come tonight if you don't want to," Taehyung told me as we got settled in our room. We were due to meet Joy at nine so we had a few hours to spare.
"Oh, I'm coming Taehyung! I can't wait to wipe that fucking look of her face. That bitch has had it coming for months."
"Fuck Princess you know what it does to me when you curse." He was beside me in a second and I squealed as he lifted me up and ran into the bedroom.
I giggled as he fought to get out of his clothes as quickly as possible before starting on mine.
He wasted no time, and was inside me immediately, I gasped as he moved, loving his urgency and passion.
I cried out when he reached between us and sent me flying over the edge in no time at all. He hitched my leg around his hip and moved impossibly quicker, before stilling and moaning as he came.
I lay panting on the bed while Taehyung jumped up, he kissed me once and went through to the bathroom, before coming back to get his clothes.
"So by tomorrow, this should all be over and we can live peaceful lives back in Busan?" I asked as I got redressed.
"As peaceful as life gets for the Kim's." Taehyung nodded pulling his jeans on. "I can't promise this will be the last time shit hits the fan, but we shouldn't have trouble like this for a good long time."
Taehyung had to pop out to meet Yoongi, so I entertained myself in the suite for a short while before Taehyung came back with dinner which we ate in comfortable silence before going down to meet Jimin, Rose and Jungkook in the lobby just before nine.
We drove to an old power plant down by the docks. At some point, Rose and Jimin veered off in their car, and it was Taehyung, Jungkook and I that pulled up behind an abandoned building.
"Where is she?" I whispered.
"She should be in there," Taehyung whispered back pointing to a large storage container.
"Why are we whispering?" Jungkook said at his normal volume making me jump.
"I don't know! It just seemed appropriate," I hissed at him.
"Ok!" He theatrically whispered, patting my head and laughing at me.
"Alright, Kook you're gonna take the Princess and follow me in." Taehyung checked his guns and then handed me one.
"Just in case Princess. It doesn't hurt to be prepared."
I looked it over and put it in my coat pocket nodding.
"Jimin?" Taehyung was on his phone. "Are we all clear?...Really?...Just them?...Well I guess that saves us some time. Is Rose in position?...Okay. I'm going in." He hung up and turned to me.
"Eunwoo's in there with Joy," he said. "If you want to stay in the car, or I'll take you back to the hotel, I know you won't want to see..." he trailed off.
"I'm going with you Taehyung." I told him firmly, he was my husband, I was a Kim and now wasn't the time to shy away from any aspect of that. I might not be keen to watch Eunwoo die, but I wasn't going to hide in the car like a frightened little girl. I had accepted his fate and I wanted to be a part of this, I wanted Taehyung to realize I was with him a hundred percent, that we would face anything that life threw at us together.
"Sure?" Taehyung checked.
"Positive!" I nodded and got out of the car.
Taehyung and Jungkook followed my lead and Jungkook stood by me as Taehyung strode purposefully towards the storage container.
"Surprise!" He yelled as he kicked the door open forcefully. He had his gun drawn and he stood in the doorway smiling.
"What the hell are you doing here, where's Mina?" I heard Joy shout as Jungkook and I walked in behind Taehyung. The storage container was surprisingly nice on the inside, there was a table and a few chairs.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Taehyung told Joy as she reached for her gun. "I can shoot you both before either of you can draw a weapon, not everything you've heard about me is false," Taehyung announced cockily. "Jungkook."
"Y/n! What the hell are you doing here?" Eunwoo looked horrified that I was there.
I ignored him as Jungkook made his way over to Joy and patted her down taking her gun and handing it to Taehyung. He did the same to Eunwoo before coming and standing beside me.
"What do you want?" Joy sneered, apparently she wasn't going to back down even though we had her cornered.
"Sit." Taehyung pointed his gun at two chairs and Eunwoo sat down immediately, Joy however hesitated. "Are you deaf or just stupid?" Taehyung asked his patience wearing thin. "I said fucking sit, take a leaf out of your pussy boyfriends book and start fucking cooperating."
Joy reluctantly sat down and Taehyung scraped a chair along the floor before sitting down opposite them.
"So, here's how this is gonna work," Taehyung said calmly. "Right now, my dad is on his way to see Commissioner Choi; he has a file full of evidence that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that it was in fact you that killed Kai. Phone calls, emails, even some CCTV footage of you heading into Kai's apartment the day he was shot." Taehyung shook his head in false disappointment.
"You son of a bitch, you won't get away with that, everyone in the department knows you did it, they'll never believe it."
"The funny thing is," Taehyung leaned closer to Joy. "You're wrong, I didn't kill Kai. And if you hadn't been so determined to pin it on me perhaps we wouldn't be in this situation."
Joy looked confused, she looked at Taehyung and I think she could see he was telling the truth.
"Don't listen to him he's lying," Eunwoo pitched in.
"Actually he's not." I stepped forward. "I told you before. Taehyung did not do this."
"Then who did?" Joy was having trouble wrapping her head around this new information.
"I did."
"What!" Eunwoo looked at me aghast. "No. Y/n, you don't have to cover for him, we can still get him for this."
"Sorry, who said anything about you getting out of here alive?" Taehyung asked sarcastically.
"!" Eunwoo spluttered. "y/n please. Why are you going along with this?"
"I told you, she's part of that family, the little Princess is just as criminal as her no good husband," Joy spat, looking disgusted.
I surprised myself by laughing out loud and everyone turned to look at me.
"Princess?" Taehyung looked at me quizzically.
"It's her!" I laughed. "She's so fucking self-righteous, like Eunwoo and her haven't been conspiring to frame you for murder, like they didn't orchestrate the whole damn thing!" I walked closer to Eunwoo and Joy. I was livid that these people had come after us like that.
I felt rage like I never had before as I slapped Joy hard across the face, and Jungkook almost choked in surprise.
"That's for my boys. You don't mess with my kids," I told her while Eunwoo looked at me like I'd grown a second head. I went to slap her again but Taehyung stopped me.
He put his arms around me from behind and pulled me away, "Calm down Princess," he whispered in my ear as I relaxed into his hold.
"I'm ok," I told him and he released his hold on me and I stayed by Jungkook's side.
"Now, let's get this show on the road." Taehyung reached into his pocket and pulled out some gloves.
"What's he doing?" I asked Jungkook quietly as Taehyung put the latex gloves on.
"He's about to put his plan into motion, this is the icing on the cake." Jungkook smiled before shifting uncomfortably, "actually Little y/n you might want to stand behind me."
"What? Why?" I was confused when Taehyung produced a ziplock bag with a gun in it. He opened it carefully and took the gun out, looking at it for a moment while Joy and Eunwoo watched him carefully.
I hadn't even had a chance to register what was about to happen before Eunwoo was slumped on the floor. Taehyung had shot him without warning. Joy screamed, and I turned away, I know I'd wanted to be here and I knew that Eunwoo was going to die, but to see him shot in cold blood like that was a little shocking.
Taehyung placed the gun carefully on the table and took off his gloves, stuffing them back into his pockets.
"Good to see you Joy." Taehyung nodded at her where she sat still in shock. He turned and began to leave, he reached for me.
"You ok Princess? I'm sorry you had to see that."
I nodded, I knew if he could have avoided it, Taehyung wouldn't have let me see him kill Eunwoo, and I was grateful that he hadn't seen it coming.
"You hate me?"
"Never," I smiled leaning in to him.
"Just hold on one second." Joy had regained her senses and was holding the gun Taehyung had left on the table.
"You won't get away with this." She pointed the gun at Taehyung and fired. I instinctively ducked as Joy pulled the trigger again, before staring at the gun quizzically.
"It is really disappointing that so many of this city's police force are dumb as fuck," Taehyung said conversationally as he strode over to Joy. "Do you think I'm so fucking stupid that I'd leave a loaded gun in here for you? I'm a lot of things, but an idiot isn't one."
"Then why..." Joy shook her head not understanding.
Taehyung leaned really close to her, "Not only is that the gun that shot Eunwoo, it's also the gun the that shot Kai, it's been chemically cleaned, so now the only fingerprints on it will yours. I believe that's game over Officer Joy." Taehyung smiled and walked away from a stunned Joy.
"We gotta go," Jungkook said hurriedly, as Rose appeared.
"You gonna be alright Rose?" Taehyung asked her and she raised an eyebrow at him, clearly telling him he was asking a stupid question. "See you back at the hotel." Taehyung laughed.
We headed back to the car and hadn't been driving for more than a minute when we passed several police cars racing towards the power plant.
I looked at Taehyung for explanation.
"We left Rose there, she'll ensure Joy will still be there when the police arrive. She's the only one that could get out of there undetected, she'll be back to Jimin in no time," he explained.
"Are you sure the police are going to believe it was Joy who shot Kai and Eunwoo."
"The evidence Jimin got a hold of to prove Joy was communicating with Kai, plus the footage of her going into his apartment that day and now the gun, there's no way she can talk herself out of it."
I nodded, I knew I wouldn't fully relax until Joy was charged with the crime and we had it on good authority that she'd be put away, but I trusted Taehyung was right and this whole sorry mess was finally over.
We arrived back at the hotel and went straight to the lounge, Yoongi had some champagne delivered to our table before coming over to join us. Rose and Jimin arrived not long after and an hour later Mr. Kim walked in, and I was surprised to see the commissioner with him.
"Taehyung!" he greeted him. "It seems Officer Joy had it in for you. Detective Park has checked her files and computer, and she had amassed quite a collection of details about you; photos, videos, it's all very disturbing that someone like her has been on my force. I can assure you she will be punished to the full extent of the law."
Taehyung nodded.
"I've just had confirmation that Joy was picked up by Seoul PD an hour ago, we believe she was the one that killed Mr. Kai in order to try and frame you and now it appears she shot her boyfriend, who we think had gone to confront her. Not to worry, she is now in custody, and the crime lab is going over the scene, we expect to have all the details by morning."
"Thank you," Mr. Kim said shaking his hand.
"I guess I better get down to the station and sort out this mess, the press is going to be all over this," he sighed and bid us farewell.
"I can't believe it's all over," I told Taehyung once we were back in our suite.
"Feels good," Taehyung agreed. "You sure you're ok with what happened tonight," he asked me cautiously.
I didn't answer him verbally; instead I pushed up on tip toes and put my arms around his neck pulling him to me so I could kiss him.
"I love you," I told him as I pulled away.
"I love you Princess," he told me, before taking me into the bedroom and proving it.
The journey back to Busan and the next few days felt celebratory. Everyone was in high spirits, which only improved when the news reported that Joy had been charged with double homicide, and remanded in custody until trial. According to Jimin the case against her was airtight and despite her protests of innocence, and her 'wild' story of how Taehyung Kim had set her up, everyone believed she was not only guilty but also delusional.
Eunwoo was being buried the following week, I wasn't attending, I had grieved for my old friend, for the boy I once knew, but I didn't grieve over his death; I knew Taehyung and I would never have had a moments peace if Eunwoo had remained on the force.
Taehyung and I spent our days with the twins and our nights intertwined in bed. Eventually he would have to go back to work, but for now we just enjoyed some normality with our family.
Changes were coming; Jungkook and Jennie were moving to Seoul, Jungkook was going to open a nightclub and Jennie was going to raise her baby. She was due in February, and I was over the moon that TaeHyun and TaeJung were going to have a cousin. I would miss them around the house but knew we'd still see a lot of them.
On the day of Joy's trial verdict, the whole family gathered at home. Jungkook bought a huge and rather grumpy Jennie from Seoul while Jin had flown in and come with Yoongi.
As it was reported that Joy had been given life with no parole we all cheered, champagne was opened, and finally, finally it was over.
Taehyung picked up TaeHyun and pulled me into his arms to kiss me. TaeJung started moaning from where he sat on the floor, upset at being left out so I scooped him up. Taehyung put his arm around me as we celebrated with our family.
I couldn't help thinking about how my life had changed since I met Taehyung. I had been dull and lifeless. I hadn't known who I was, but now I'd found my place, I'd discovered myself and as I settled the boys into bed that night, I felt more relaxed and content than I ever had. I was looking forward to anything the future had in store for us, good or bad I knew that Taehyung and I would get through it together.
So there you have it, I can't believe it's all over. I hope you enjoyed and I thank you for reading.
The epilogue will be posted, and it's a return to the fun, foul-mouthed Kims, no stress or worries just a whole heap of happy and a glimpse into the future.
I'm kind of amazed that this story is over, I'm both happy and sad, I'm gonna miss V and the Princess, but their story was over. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it. xx
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