Chapter 22
Chapter twenty-two || 스물두 장
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Monday morning I was lying in bed, knowing that my alarm was going to go off any second, I'd had a crappy nights sleep and was not looking forward to another week at school. I silenced my alarm and dragged myself wearily out of bed.
Taehyung was nowhere to be seen so I went through to the bathroom and turned the shower on, I cleaned my teeth and heard him in the bedroom. I went to say hello and he smiled.
"My dad picked up your mail," he said handing it to me, there were a few bits of junk mail, a couple of bills and a big envelope.
I opened up the big envelope and quickly scanned the front page. My eyes went wide before they filled with tears and I gaped at Taehyung who was looking really rather concerned.
"What is it Princess?" He asked, looking from the letter to my face rapidly and I could tell he wanted to grab it and see for himself, but was holding back.
"I…it's…I…" I stuttered incoherently, handing it to him so he could read it, seeing as I seemed temporarily incapable of words.
"You got in!" He cheered, picking me up and swinging me around in his arms. He settled me back to my feet and kissed me enthusiastically.
"I'm so fucking proud of you Princess," he beamed at me and a few tears leaked down my face at the look of love and adoration on his face.
I had been accepted into Seoul University, and providing I kept up my grades, there was nothing stopping Taehyung and I moving to Seoul next August.
Taehyung seemed just as excited by that prospect as I was. I knew he was looking forward to working with Yoongi and taking on a bigger role in the family business.
Jungkook and Jennie were already talking about moving there as well when they moved out. They were planning to hold off until Jungkook turned twenty three, and they were still discussing what kind of legitimate business Jungkook should go into.
"Don't cry," he said softly, wiping my cheeks with his thumbs and frowning at me.
"Happy tears Taehyung," I assured him and he rolled his eyes.
We sat on the bed and went through all the paperwork. I was all for accepting my place and sending the forms back right now, but Taehyung thought I should hold off, just until I got my other letters back, he said I should keep my options open, because I might decide that I wanted to go somewhere else. But I knew I wasn't changing my mind. I was set on Seoul with Taehyung.
"Are your parents going to mind?" I asked him.
"No," he shrugged easily.
"They might think it's too soon for us, or that we're too young to move in together."
"Uh, you know we live together already Princess yeah?" He looked at me oddly.
"Yeah, but this is different, it'll be us, on our own."
"I know. I can't wait," he smiled and wiggled his eyebrows and I shook my head at him. "We should go to Seoul, check out where the campus is and look around to see what areas we could look at for apartments if you decide on Seoul for certain."
"Yeah, I need to do some shopping actually," I agreed, not only could I still not get into my favourite jeans, but now my boobs had decided to have a last minute growth spurt. Something Taehyung had pointed out to me rather happily which had subsequently earned him a three day ban from seeing them.
JaeIn was no help, she was still feeding the family huge delicious meals, she kept giving me knowing looks and piling my plates with a wink, it was like she knew I couldn't resist anything that she put on my plate, and it was true, as soon as it was in front of me, I was wolfing dinners down like I hadn't eaten in days, I could almost give Jungkook a run for his money. Something he had pointed out to me laughing which had subsequently earned him a kick on the shin and the finger.
"We can go next weekend," Taehyung said decisively and I agreed. Despite having been a couple of times, neither trip had been all that successful, and I hadn't really seen much of the city, so it would be good to go and scope out the campus and the surrounding area.
Taehyung left me to it and I showered and dressed before making my way downstairs sluggishly.
JaeIn smiled as I walked into the kitchen, she handed me a drink and I was fairly sure she was about to start cooking something to tempt me.
"JaeIn, I can have cereal, really, I'm not that hungry," I told her as she began rummaging around in the fridge.
"Nonsense, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you need to keep your strength up," she winked at me again.
"Uh, okay," I said, not quite sure where this sudden obsession with feeding me was coming from.
"Y/n, you know I love you yes?" She turned to face me fully and I nodded. "Good," she left it at that and I wandered into the living room to find everyone else.
Jennie and Rose were looking at a magazine together, Mr. Kim was talking with Jimin and Taehyung and Jungkook were having a heated argument about something private. I couldn't quite hear what they were whispering about, but Taehyung's nostrils were flared and Jungkook was smiling like a buffoon.
I sighed as they argued back and forth, getting louder and louder, I had a throbbing headache and despite being exhausted, I hadn't been able to sleep all that well.
Taehyung whipped out his gun and pointed it at Kook.
"Say it again motherfucker and it'll be the last thing you ever do," Taehyung warned him.
"Yeah?" Jungkook grinned at him unfazed. "Hit a nerve there did I TaeTae?"
"For the love of God. Enough! Jungkook stop winding him up, you're just asking for him to kick your ass, Taehyung put the fucking gun down, you are not allowed to shoot people in the house, the pair of you can take that shit outside," I yelled and everybody froze.
With the exception of Taehyung and Jennie, I don't think the others had ever heard me curse, and they certainly hadn't ever seen me lose my temper.
Jungkook sat down slowly and Taehyung put his gun away. Both of them staring at me in awe.
"Finally, she's a proper fucking Kim," Rose smiled.
And because my moods were all over the place, and I was so overwhelmed at being accepted by this family that I loved, I burst into tears.
Taehyung rushed to my side. "Princess? What's wrong?" he asked frantically.
"Nothing," I assured him. I wiped at my eyes and everyone else made a good attempt at acting normally and pretending there wasn't a nutcase in the room, all except Mr. Kim who was looking at me curiously.
Taehyung pulled me out of the room and into the kitchen, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing really," I sniffed. "I'm just happy"
"You're crying because you're happy?" he didn't sound convinced.
"Uh huh," I nodded sniffing.
"You really need to stop doing that Princess," he said sincerely, "It confuses the fuck out of me."
I snorted, "I love you Taehyung."
"It's understandable for y/n to be a little emotional, don't you think," JaeIn said. I'd forgotten she was in the room. She put a plate of pancakes down and Taehyung took one and shoved it in his mouth, and his mother swatted at him. "They are for y/n," she warned him sternly.
"What the fuck! You told me there was only cereal," Taehyung asked her looking outraged and I giggled.
"y/n needs looking after. With all the…uh…changes going on," JaeIn told him and he and I both frowned but she turned away from us.
"I think she knows," I whispered to Taehyung.
"I think you're right, she's got fucking spidey senses or something."
"Should we just tell her?"
"Let's go to Seoul like we planned next weekend, figure out some details and tell them after that, it won't be a problem Princess, I promise." He smiled and kissed me, stealing another pancake off my plate and shoving it in his mouth as soon as he broke the kiss. I swatted at him and he smiled his special smile.
"I love you," he said with his mouth full and left the room, I turned to my breakfast and caught JaeIn watching me. I smiled at her and then ate my breakfast like I hadn't eaten for days.
I was having a nap after school a few days later when Taehyung shook me awake rather urgently.
"What," I groaned, annoyed that he'd woken me up.
"I'm going to Seoul," He stated.
"What now?"
"When will you be back?"
"Uh, I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?" I got up and glared at him. I was in another fine mood, I was temperamental at best these days.
"Uh, well, um, shit Princess. It depends on how long it takes."
"How long what takes?"
"The, uh, thing that we have to do," he rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced, because he damn well knew that wasn't going to be a good enough answer.
"What thing?" I asked advancing on him and narrowing my eyes.
"Uh, the thing…thing," he said stepping back.
"Oh, that thing, yeah I get it now, that's totally fine then," I scowled at him.
"Are you kidding me with that crap Taehyung?" I raised an eyebrow at him.
I took a step towards him and he backed up against the wall, he had nowhere left to go. I'm not sure at what stage of our relationship Taehyung had become scared of me, I mean, he was bigger than me, stronger than me, Christ, the boy probably had a gun tucked in the back of his trousers, but he was eyeing me like I was an animal about to pounce on some poor unsuspecting creature.
"Why are you going to Seoul?" I asked slowly.
"Fuck, I don't have time to explain properly, but we've located Kai, we're going to take him down, but we have to go now, if he suspects for even a second that we've found him, he'll be gone. It has to be us, we can't trust anyone else with this."
"Well you can't go," I told him simply.
"You heard me. It sounds dangerous, you can't go."
He whipped me around so fast I felt dizzy and before I knew it I was trapped against the door and he was pinning me against it with his body.
"I'm going to Seoul Princess," he told me heatedly. "I'm gonna finish this once and for all."
"But nothing. Kai needs to be gone. I want you to be safe Princess, and there is no way some other fucker is taking him down. I'm doing that shit myself," he kissed me, a hard quick kiss and then went to the gun storage locker in his closet.
I felt the tears come as I watched him pull out several guns, chucking them and then some clothes haphazardly into a bag. I knew he had to work, I knew that they'd been trying to locate Kai for months, and I knew that I couldn't stand in Taehyung's way, and I wanted Kai gone, I wanted him to pay for what had happened to my dad.
But I couldn't bear the thought of something happening to Taehyung, I'd already lost my father the thought of losing him too was almost too much for me.
"Ah fuck, please don't cry."
"But what if…."
"No what if's. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be back in a few days."
"You promise? I need you to promise Taehyung,"
"I promise Princess." He nodded.
He kissed me again and ran down the stairs, I watched out of the window as Jennie yelled at Jungkook that if he got shot again she would kick his motherfucking ass. And then Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin jumped into a car that sped off down the drive.
I sat in Taehyung's room for a while, trying not to think about all the awful things that might happen to any of the boys, when that got too difficult I went downstairs and sat with JaeIn. She pulled me into her side and stroked my hair, neither of us said much, both of our minds seemed to be elsewhere and I knew she was just as worried, if not more so, than I was.
Jennie took me to school the following day and I was so grateful that it was Friday. Clearly the plan to go to Seoul for the weekend with Taehyung had been thwarted, he'd called me before school and told me that he'd be out of contact for a while, I tried to rein in my annoyance and sound like a supportive, loving girlfriend, but I'm not sure how successful I was, given that when I hung up, Jennie asked what the fuck had crawled up my ass and died, earning her a scowl. I would have kicked her but I'm fairly sure that she, unlike Jungkook, would have kicked me back.
Saturday morning Jennie stormed into my room at what seemed like an ungodly hour until she pointed out it was after ten.
"We're going to the mall, girls day, lunch, shopping, maybe a movie. I'm fed up of your moping around because V's not here, I mean it's been less than two days y/n, get a fucking life, and whatever has been wrong with you the last few weeks, because Jesus Christ you've been a moody fuck, it stops now."
I gaped at her.
"I mean, I'm all for watching V get his ass handed to him, it amuses me no end, but recently you've taken it to a whole new level and that boy doesn't know if he's coming or going with you, he's walking round on eggshells because you turn on him at the drop of a fucking hat, you've even got me feeling sorry for the motherfucker."
"I'm sorry," I burst into tears. "I don't know what's wrong with me."
"You don't have to apologise to me," she shrugged. "I can be a moody bitch with the best of them."
I snorted, Jennie was harsh, but she didn't say anything that wasn't true.
"And all the crying, yeah that shit gets old too," she smirked
I giggled, because my emotions were still all over the place and I knew that Jennie was trying to help in her own way.
I showered and met the others downstairs, JaeIn drove us and I noticed that Sam and Embry were behind us.
We had lunch then spent the afternoon shopping, I got some new jeans and a couple of other bits before reluctantly being pulled by JaeIn into the lingerie department. She told me with a wink that it might be time to buy some new underwear. I blushed a ridiculous shade of red and mumbled that I could do with a couple of new bras.
"You know you can always talk to me y/n. About anything," JaeIn said sincerely.
"Thank you," I told her genuinely and she looked at me expectantly for a few moments. "Uh…I will." I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say. I wasn't going to tell her about Seoul without Taehyung present.
"Whenever you're ready," JaeIn nodded in understanding and thankfully left me to it. I don't know how she knew we were keeping something from her, just like I didn't know how she knew I needed new underwear, it must just be a mom thing.
I knew she and Mr. Kim supported Taehyung and I being together, I didn't really think they'd have a problem with us moving to Seoul, but she loved her children, so I don't know how she was going to feel about Taehyung moving out of the family home.
We skipped the movie because I was nearly passed out with tiredness and I slept all the way back to the house, and after dinner I crawled into bed and fell almost straight to sleep.
"Y/n!" Jennie stormed into my room at what I knew was an ungodly hour, which was confirmed when I looked at the clock to see it was a little before six am.
"Is this going to become a habit?" I asked her sleepily, because I couldn't see Taehyung being pleased if she planned to burst into our bedroom every morning.
She shot me a look that clearly said 'shut up' and reached for the remote control to turn the TV on.
She turned it to the news channel and the screen lit up to show a building engulfed in flames, flashing blue and red lights all around and the fire department was trying to put the fire out.
"Jennie?" I asked confused.
"Shh, just listen," she hissed, staring intently at the screen.
I paid attention to the woman on the TV, she was talking rather excitedly about the events happening behind her. "Prominent business man Kai Jong-In was pulled out of the burning building just minutes ago, it is believed he is in critical condition. His brother and business partner, is believed to be amongst the dead. At this stage the authorities aren't giving out any details of what they think might have happened here tonight, but we have ten confirmed dead and the body count is still rising."
I stared at Jennie aghast for a moment before my senses kicked in and I grabbed for my phone. I was halfway through dialling when Jennie realised what I was doing and grabbed the phone off of me.
"What are you doing?" I yelled at her. "I know they did this Jennie, I have to see if he's alright."
"He'll contact you when he can," she told me sternly.
"y/n, phone records, it's all traceable, you can't be ringing him the second this shit hits the news. It needs to look like they were here all the time."
"You think the Organised Crime division won't be all over this? They'll be combing through everything looking for one small clue that any of the Kims were there. If we haven't heard anything it means they're all fine. Someone would have called if they weren't. But the police will be sniffing round and it has to appear that they never left Busan."
I stared at her, I hadn't ever really thought about everything the Kim's did to keep themselves out of trouble, things I wouldn't even think would be important were. I still had a lot to learn before I truly understood what being part of this family entailed.
"So now we just wait?" I asked as I watched the same broadcast being repeated.
"Uh huh," she nodded and we both sat in silence watching the scenes in front of us, I think I dozed on and off, at some stage JaeIn bought us some breakfast. Eventually a final body count of sixteen was confirmed as the fire department managed to put the fire out. It was being reported that Kai was in intensive care where he was expected to remain for several days.
Jennie eventually turned the TV off and left me alone, I tried to concentrate on some homework but I couldn't focus on anything and found myself just staring at my phone. I was almost willing it to ring. I wanted to believe Jennie when she assured me that we would have heard if anything had happened to Taehyung, but I wouldn't really believe it until I heard his voice.
Around midday, the boy himself strolled into the bedroom, like he's simply been out for lunch as opposed to being gone for three days and involved in some very dangerous activities.
"Taehyung!" I cried jumping up.
"Fuck, I missed you Princess," he rushed to me and pulled me straight into his arms. I smiled, I knew I was crying, but I was just so pleased to see him.
"Taehyung!" I wasn't capable of saying much else. So I just held him to me as close as possible.
"You saw the news, I take it," he asked me after a while.
"Yeah, I… you could have been really hurt!" I smacked him. "And you didn't think to call!" I glared at him.
"I'm sorry Princess, we had a few things to clear up and some work to do on the way back here."
"Next time I'll call. I promise," he smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back, because he was home, he was safe, they all were.
"So what happened?"
"Uh, we found out where Kai was, scoped it out, went in, shot the place up and then burned it to the fucking ground. Pretty much took out everyone high up in their family. Except Kai, I cannot believe that fucker got out," his nostrils flared.
"According to the news he's in pretty bad shape."
"Yeah, he's not dead, but he sure as shit won't be bothering us for a while, the whole Jong-in organisation is gonna have to regroup. With Kai out of action, his brother would normally have been the one to step up, so now, with no clear leader, there willl be a power struggle, we'll see who comes out on top, but they'll be in no position to challenge Jin. He showed them all whose boss."
"So it's over?" I asked hopefully.
"It'll never be over Princess," he sighed, "It's the nature of the business that we are in, there's always an element of danger, but mostly it's fairly controlled. We won't have to worry for a little while. I would imagine Kai will leave the country once he's able, he'll recuperate somewhere we can't get to him. With any luck, he won't come back at all and if he does, he won't be half as powerful as he is now."
I nodded. Kai wasn't dead, but he would be gone for a while, finally we could relax a little, I knew we wouldn't ever be able to live totally free from drama, but I felt a hundred times lighter than I had in months, knowing that for now, Kai couldn't harm us.
I spent the rest of the day with Taehyung, I was reluctant to let him out of my sight. He was very intrigued by the bag of bras he found in our bedroom and was trying to persuade me to model them for him.
"Please Princess. I just wanna see," he whined and I giggled. He seemed happier and I'm sure my better mood had something to do with it.
He pulled me onto the bed and used his powers of persuasion to get me out of my new jeans, he was just pushing up my sweater to get a peek of my new improved bigger boobs when there was a knock at the door.
"I swear to god, every single motherfucker in this house has some kind of radar, cock-blocking fucking family of fuckers," Taehyung muttered before yelling. "What the fuck do you want?" at the door.
"Um, Taehyung, Y/n, can we talk to you?" Mr. Kim asked pleasantly.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Sure dad, one sec."
"I'll meet you in my office," Mr. Kim called through the door.
"What do you think he wants to talk to us about?" I asked Taehyung as I pulled on my jeans.
"You going to college I suppose," he shrugged. "I can't think of anything else it might be, and we kinda figured my mom already knew, so they probably want to find out what our plans are."
"And you're sure they'll be ok with it,"
"I'm positive Princess," he smiled and took my hand and we went down to Mr. Kim's office. I sat down next to Taehyung. Mr. Kim was sat in his seat behind the desk and JaeIn was perched on the edge, smiling at both of us.
"I believe you have something to tell us," Mr. Kim started, looking at us both patiently.
I looked at Taehyung nervously.
"It's okay Taehyung," JaeIn gave us a reassuring nod. "We're your parents. We can tell when something is on your mind. We were hoping that you'd come to us."
"Uh, okay, well, we've been talking and the Princess is probably going to go to college in Seoul, and I'm gonna go with her," Taehyung shifted and ran a hand through his hair.
"You're moving to Seoul!" JaeIn cried.
"Um, nothing is certain, we haven't made any definite plans, but it's the best college that is closest to home. It's only a few hours away, we'll stay at the hotel for a bit while we look for a place, and I can work with Yoongi."
JaeIn looked horrified and Mr. Kim just looked confused.
"You're still planning to attend college in the fall?" He asked me.
I nodded. "Uh, yeah," I answered uncertainly, wondering why he would think I wasn't. They had always known I wanted to go to college.
"I have the money from my dad, so I can cover tuition and Taehyung will be working, so we can probably get a nice apartment or something, I think we'll be okay," I said but he was still looking concerned. "We can come back all the time, weekends and holidays," I tried to reassure him.
"I just….," Mr. Kim shook his head. "Do you really think that's best given the circumstances?"
"How are you going to manage juggling the baby, with you in class, and Taehyung working?" JaeIn asked.
"Well, it won't be too different from what we do now, and….., hang on…., what baby?" She did say baby, didn't she?
"Your baby," Mr. Kim stated like it was obvious.
I looked at Taehyung who was looking at me equally as puzzled.
"Um, we don't have a baby," Taehyung said slowly, looking at his parents as if they'd lost their minds.
"We know that Taehyung," his father rolled his eyes. "Are you being purposefully obtuse?"
"No!" Taehyung cried exasperated. "I just don't understand what the fuck you're going on about."
"y/n didn't tell you she's pregnant?" JaeIn asked.
"What!" I screeched.
"What did you think we called you in here to talk about?" she asked.
"Seoul," Taehyung gasped. "You're pregnant Princess?"
"No! I'm not. I don't know what they're talking about," I assured him.
"y/n, I'm a mother, my husband is a doctor. You couldn't really keep it from us, we're not angry, you're both so young, and it won't be easy but we'll support you."
"Are you crazy! I'm not…., I can't…., You're wrong."
"Is your menstrual cycle regular?" Mr. Kim asked.
"What the fuck dad?" Taehyung yelled. "What is this?"
"y/n?" Mr. Kim prompted.
"Uh, well it's been a bit all over the place recently, what with the stress and stuff," I admitted blushing. "But I'm on the pill, I can't be….," No, I'm not even going to say it.
"It still happens."
"Oh y/n, sweetheart. I'm so sorry, we thought you knew," JaeIn came around the desk and pulled me into her arms. "The sickness, the mood swings and tiredness, the bigger bra? Didn't you even consider it?"
"No!" I cried. "Why are you saying that, you're wrong," She had to be wrong. There was no way; I shook my head against her. This couldn't be happening.
"Princess?" I broke out of JaeIn's arms and turned to Taehyung who was watching me carefully. "Uh…is it…could you…um…its possible right?"
"I don't know," I said to him truthfully. I mean, when they laid out the evidence, they made a pretty compelling case, but I took my pill, religiously, every morning, without fail, and yeah, I had been tired and emotional, but my dad had just died, so that was to be expected and I hadn't been sick for a little while. I needed a bigger bra but surely that was just hormones, I was a teenage girl.
Mr. Kim went to his cupboard and took out a box placing it on his desk.
"You should take the test, that way you'll know for sure," he said.
"We'll leave you two alone for a moment," JaeIn smiled and she and Mr. Kim left the room.
I snatched the box off the desk and eyed it hatefully.
"It'll be okay Princess. Whatever happens, it'll be ok," Taehyung said and I snorted, wondering how any of this was 'okay'. Taking a pregnancy test was not on my 'to do' list for senior year. In fact it wasn't on my 'to do' list for several years, like at least ten, and Taehyung's assurances that it would be okay weren't helping.
I went into the bathroom off of Mr. Kim's office and took the test out of the box, it was fairly self-explanatory, and I did as the instructions said. Then I went back into the office and sat down next to Taehyung, putting the stick on Mr. Kim's desk while I waited what seemed to be the longest three minutes of my life.
After a few minutes and when it was clear I wasn't going to, Taehyung picked it up, his eyebrows rose and he handed it to me.
There were no blue lines, no pink dots, no plus or minus signs to confuse us. No, Mr. Kim had the good ones, digital and no doubt expensive. I stared at the stick in my hand in horror. It just said 'pregnant' clear as day.
"What are we gonna do?" I cried.
"That's easy Princess, we'll get married and live happily ever after," he shrugged.
I gaped at him for at least a minute, astonished by his blasé attitude to this life changing news.
"What…" I didn't even have the words to ask him if he was out of his freaking mind.
"You don't wanna marry me?" He asked, looking hurt.
"I…I…" What! Was he serious? "I can't even think about that right now. Jesus Taehyung. This is massive. This changes everything. All our plans, Seoul, college, Christ, I'm in high school," I looked at him aghast. I'd had my life mapped out for so long, it was difficult for me to accept that things had changed so completely. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"
"What are you saying?" He looked shocked and I frowned. I don't know why he was so surprised, I mean, we'd never even discussed kids.
"I don't know Taehyung, I guess I had assumed that someday I would probably have children, but not now. I always wanted a career, a life, before I had a baby."
"You don't want this?"
"No!" Did he think I had done this on purpose? "I never wanted this."
"Never?" He choked. "Uh, fuck! Wow, um…so you don't want to…."
"Look Taehyung, I'm sorry, I just…., I can't do this right now," I interrupted him. It was all too much for me to get my head around just yet. I was having a baby.
There was a person inside me. We were going to be parents! I don't know how he could be so calm about the whole situation. Did he not see how huge this was? I needed time for it to sink in before we started discussing the logistics of it.
He nodded, his eyes looked a little glassy. "Okay," He whispered, his voice breaking. "Whatever you want Princess. I have to, um…, I need to….," he shook his head, stood up abruptly and walked out.
I stared after him slightly baffled at his reaction, one minute he's talking happily ever after and the next he looked like he was going to cry.
I don't know how long I sat there before Mr. Kim and JaeIn walked back into the room. JaeIn hugged me; she looked upset too.
"I'm so sorry," I told her. She looked so disappointed and I felt terrible. God, I'd moved into her house, they'd welcomed me into their family, JaeIn had treated me like a daughter and how do I thank her? I get pregnant with her eighteen year old son's baby. I had no family that I could rely on, so it would fall to them completely to help support a baby and me.
"It's your body sweetheart," She told me. "Mr. Kim can make the arrangements."
"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.
"Taehyung told us that you don't want to…., continue with the pregnancy," Mr. Kim said tactfully.
What the Hell! Why would he tell them that? Is that what he wanted? He'd seemed perfectly okay with the situation. I thought back over our conversation and gasped in understanding. It suddenly made sense, him being so upset and leaving. He thought that's what I was saying. Christ, what a mess.
I had never even considered not having the baby, planned or not, there was no other option in my mind and clearly Taehyung was on the same page. We'd just got our wires crossed.
"Where is he?" I asked urgently. I needed to fix this.
"He's upstairs with Jungkook and Jennie, he just needs a bit of time," JaeIn said kindly.
"No, he's got it all wrong," I stood up and she looked startled. "He misunderstood. I never meant…." I couldn't even say the words. "We're having this baby," I told her firmly and I saw the surprise in her eyes, but I also saw the happiness. Here I was thinking me being pregnant was ruining all their lives and really they're all upset because they think I don't want the baby.
I stormed out of the room and up to our bedroom flinging the door open. Taehyung was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands, Jennie was next to him, rubbing his back and Jungkook was standing awkwardly watching them.
They all turned when I burst through the door. Taehyung's eyes were red rimmed and he looked utterly devastated. Jennie glared at me and Jungkook gave me an understanding smile, albeit a small one.
"Taehyung…" I started.
"What the fuck do you want?" Jennie asked hatefully.
"Don't talk to her like that Jennie," Taehyung said, even though he was upset, he still jumped to my defence, and I felt even more terrible.
"Fine, I won't," Jennie stood up. "You know how many times I've seen him fucking cry y/n?" she hissed scathingly as she reached me. "Never! I've seen him shot, I've seen him hurt, I saw him when he killed jungkook's dad, when he was so distraught you'd have thought the fucking world was coming to an end. But this…, this is the first time I've ever seen a single tear fall. I hope you're happy."
She breezed past me and out of the room.
Jungkook patted Taehyung on the back, before coming at me. I tensed, but he swept me into his arms and hugged me tightly, he said nothing as he followed Jennie out of the room.
"Taehyung…." I started again.
"It's okay Princess, ignore Jennie, she's just …., Jennie," He shook his head looking down at the floor.
I walked into the room and sat down beside him. "I never saw myself as the girl who got pregnant in high school and stayed in Busan for the rest of her life. Before I met you, all I ever thought about was getting out of here, going to college and really living."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me Princess. It's your choice, I know you never wanted to stay in Busan, we can still go to Seoul, or wherever you want. I just want you to be happy," He said.
"No, you don't understand, that's what I meant when I said I'd never wanted this, I meant it had never been part of my plan, but now it's happened, God Taehyung, it's a huge shock, but I never even thought that we wouldn't have the baby."
He looked up at me and I didn't miss the hopeful look in his eyes before he frowned. "But you said you couldn't do it right now."
I shook my head; we really needed to work on our communication skills if we were going to have a baby. "I meant I needed a bit of time to think before we launched into a conversation about what we were going to do and stuff."
"So you do…., want to…, have it," he asked hesitantly.
"More than I ever thought possible," I answered honestly. This had never been my intention, and it would take some time to get used to, but none of that changed the fact that I wanted this baby.
"I love you Princess," he let out a shaky laugh. "I'm sorry for, uh, over-reacting," he sniffed and looked embarrassed.
"You know it takes a real man to cry," I told him as I wiped the few tears from his cheeks.
"You don't have to make shit up Princess," he scoffed.
I laughed. I couldn't help it.
"I love you Taehyung, so much," I told him. "And if we have a son, are you going to tell him he can't cry?" I arched my eyebrow.
His eyes widened at my question, like the reality of us having a child had finally hit him.
"Holy shit Princess, we're gonna have a fucking baby!" He swept me into his arms and hugged me tightly.
"We're gonna have a baby," it was strange to admit it out loud but I couldn't help smiling, Taehyung looked so happy. "You best start watching your language."
"It's a Kim," he shrugged, "It's first word will probably be fuck." He laughed, leaning in to kiss me and I rolled my eyes, although I was more than a little concerned that that might actually be true.
And there ya go, y/n is pregnant and Taehyung is gonna be the daddy that he was always meant to be.
Sorry it took me a while to write this.
Let me know what u think of this. xx
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